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18470881 No.18470881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did Jesus invent compassion and charity as we know it?

>> No.18470910

buddha did

>> No.18470917

That’s not Jesus that’s green goblin

>> No.18470924

Do you know charity and compassion? How. Conduct a genealogy of your knowledge.

>> No.18470955

What are the four essential narratives of the Green Goblin's time in Iudea?

>> No.18470962

no. but by his teachings and service he put these two virtues in the center of Judaism tradition which, in the end, caused a seperation from Judaism. Christianity had oriented itself toward the hellenistic cultures of the roman empire eventually taking over through the decree of Roman emperor Theodosius I. Since the seperation from Judaism there is theological disagreement about whether Jesus could be called God or not.

>> No.18470963

The Amazing Spiderman #14
The Amazing Spiderman #17
The Amazing Spiderman #39
The Amazing Spiderman #137

>> No.18470985

Is this a sincere question, or are you just shitposting?

>> No.18470991

I've just read #137. It is as disappointingly meta as if some greek philosopher took a backyard story and enbiggened it by platonising it. I want to find the *REAL* green goblin who lays beneath and behind the text, in the concordances of common events and sayings from these four texts.

>> No.18470997
File: 66 KB, 600x876, rene-girard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18471051

where do I start with Girard?

>> No.18471450

the sermon on the mount, love thy neighbour, eye of the needle etc seem like banalities...but is that because it is so ingrained in me as someone living in a post-Jesus world?

>> No.18471466

It always existed for your family and friends, he just universalized it.

>> No.18471508

Yes. It's like watching Citizen Kane and thinking how cliched all the scenes are, without recognizing that it was the first time those scenes were ever made.
Christian morals and ethics are so enormously engrained in the western world that there is no separating from them. And as we can observe, the removal of that cornerstone has shaken the foundation terribly and possibly irreversibly.
Christ is also the first person to promote gender, racial, class, and ethnic equality, which is why it is doubly odd he is under such attack.

>> No.18471545

Christ did not even vaguely promote class or gender equality, and I dont think he said anything at all about race. People just cannot help misinterpreting his teachings as political when they are explicitly about salvation in the next life not this one.

>> No.18471590

so prior to Jesus, in every civilisation on earth, in a good samaritan situation, people would just leave needy strangers to die?

>> No.18471606

Yes, because that's the sensible thing to do. Nobody's ever lived up to the teachings of Jesus either, because it was impossible, opportunists just used his clout to rule over dumb Celts and Germans.

>> No.18471608

Friendly reminder that charity strictly means to love God with all your heart, and to love others only because you love God and because God loves all. Charity is for the sake of the one being charitable, not for the sake of the other.

>> No.18471615

Nigga, Christianity was lambasted as feminine and meek at the time by the romans and other pagans because it dared to elevate woman, children and slaves to be equal in the eyes of God, how does this not count as promoting gender and class equality?
The whole fucking debate between early Christianity and Judaism is that the christians were universalists who believed that anyone, be them jews, romans, gentiles, egyptians or whatever were capable of achieving salvation if they believe in Christ, how is this not racial equality you dumb cunt

>> No.18471633

You are incapable of any nuance and must think everything in terms of broad and meaningless categories such as "equality".

>> No.18471639

Jesus created all things. He is the Logos.

>> No.18471644

The difference is that in the story of the Good Samaritan the samaritan knew the other one was a jew, and so a rival/enemy, and despite that he still saved him while the other jews left their compatriot to die
The moral of the story is not "don't leave random people to die on the street lol", the moral is to do good and help others even if they would not do the same to you or if they were your enemies
Before Jesus something like that being the main aspect of a religion would be certainly novel

>> No.18471649

Again you simply dont understand what salvation is, it's totally orthogonal to this world, it's a different dimension. It's not about fixing things here, the equality of souls before God doesn't involve political action, it involves personal purification and repentance, which action reaches into that other dimension, the spiritual, that is its purpose. Christ never says that classes should be abolished or women should have equal authority to men

>> No.18471653

Jesus wanted you to love your enemies and forgive evil doers. He'd cheer on the Pope licking the soles of migrants, just as he'd support abolishing prisons and the police force.

>> No.18471655

You were the one who brought the term "equality" up retard

>> No.18471665

Based liar.

>> No.18471675

I hope you never discover what salvation through works is

>> No.18471685


>Christ did not even vaguely promote class or gender equality, and I dont think he said anything at all about race. People just cannot help misinterpreting his teachings as political when they are explicitly about salvation in the next life not this one.
>Christ did not even vaguely promote class or gender equality

Why would I lie if I can just scroll up a little bit and find the truth?

>> No.18471687

It's personal not political. It is utterly impossible to engage in politics in a Christian manner, politics are a game of power

>> No.18471691

M8 the post that post is replying to is the one that brought up the word equality.

>> No.18471703

I'm not the guy talking about Citizen Kane, I only entered the conversation with >>18471615 to tell how Christianity was novel pretty novel in being a "universalist" religion

>> No.18471711


>> No.18471713

No but he capitalized on it.

>> No.18471718

I agree with it being universalist and you can't be a Christian while hating other races or sexes, I just disagree that it's socialist, feminist, or antiracist in the political sense of these terms, because they involve trying to force other people to behave in various ways rather than focusing on your own behavior, politics is about gaining power while Christianity is about personal devotion to god.

>> No.18471733

Hey Frater you got any suggestions on practical hermetic literature related to undertaking the great work? Like something with a real step-by-step description of the process involved in achieving the light body or whatever they call it. Introductory texts on hermetic qabalah would be cool too if you know any.

>> No.18471755

Then we both agree
It is stupid to try to shove a 1th centruy man into any political movement of the 21th century. At best one could attempt to make a new movement explicitly to follow Christ's teachings (distributism) but even that would lean heavily on guesses and suppositions on what He would want

>> No.18471785

My personal take on Christianity is that it's just totally pessimistic about this world. I mean I dont see how you can look at what Christ preaches and how society works and come to any other conclusion than that the situation is simply unfixable. Especially since he preaches such a pacifist doctrine, he says to give away your possessions and resist not evil. Actually acting that way irl you can really only be a monk type person, how on earth can that ethic be applied to political action and its webs of power and violence? You will be ineffectual or martyred. But again I feel that's sort of the point, salvation refers to the kingdom of god not this world, you have to resist the temptations of vice and power that exist here.