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18192280 No.18192280 [Reply] [Original]

Gimme your worst experiences in college and uni in the literature and philosophy departments. Other departments and worst experience stories of uni welcome as well.

>> No.18192812

i wrote a story and my partner said it was like reading a kid's writing :(

>> No.18192856

A professor gave me a bad score on a test and said it was because I "was trying too hard,". I thought that was a bit mean. He had emphasized originality in answering the questions so thats what I went for >:(

>> No.18192858
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>want to take history classes at my uni
>look up course catalog
>history of ancient Egypt, history of Safavids, history of the Dutch Republic, history of 19th century Qing Dynasty, history of modern Germany, History of the Inca, American machine politics of the gilded age, ect
>think this is really cool, will learn a lot of interesting subjects
>realize this is just an archive of all classes ever taught, not current ones
>go to current course catalog
>history of sexuality, history of african experience in america, women's history of the middle east, trans continental mentalities: a study of native discrimination, history of american LGPTQ+, slave oral history, ect.
game over

>> No.18192921

Not my story, but for whatever reason, having no real qualifications, my GF taught creative writing at a large'ish Canadian women's collage . Now, this was just before all the social justice guff really took hold so she was reasonably concerned to discover so much fetishism ,much of it sadistic fetishism , coming in particular from younger girls.

Loads of gay stuff, lots of rape, lots of imprisonment, most of it was loosely disguised slash fiction.
One that i still remember was about gay, black 17yo in NY hooking up with white men, trying to find his rapist so that he could relive his greatest ever fuck. In the end he finds the guy and has to beg him to do it again, with the story ending mid rape.

>> No.18192955

I feel the pain anon. I made the mistake of trying to study the regional history of my homeland in a western university. Atrocities committed against my people were portrayed as a "good thing" and a form of non-Western "cross-cultural interaction". Fucking insane.
It's what they are raised on, anon. "YA fiction", very often read by kids as young as ten, is generally a mix of tortureporn and actual torture porn. I spoke to a good female friend of mine and was completely stunned to discover what YA is actually like. Some of the things she described to me would probably not be out of place on the most degenerate boards of this sorry website.

>> No.18192965

ouch, I would just focus on more general history classes and reroll for the next semester

>> No.18192969

There was a certain university in my euro country which you may have heard of which made the attainment of scholarships easier if the applying student was a politically active member of various (listed) antifascist organizations through granting a significant amount of extra credit for it in the formula that decided whether they were eligible for the scholarship or not.

>> No.18192973

Its not even just western history thats being fucked up now. I'm having trouble finding mena history classes that isn't centered around women

>> No.18192974

There is this Minecraft YouTuber called dream, with a majority female fanbase. Like all good fanbases, they make a lot of fan art.

It's mostly guro torture porn.
Dream is a minor. Most of his fanbase is as well.

>> No.18192975
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Does Weimerica really?

>> No.18192988

Yep. I just want to learn about the world, I do not want to be taught about your moral sensibilities.

>> No.18192989

Ironically, I am actually doing a class on women's history in the middle east next year, lol. Seems to be a super popular field with academics fsr.

>> No.18193003

I took a creative writing class in uni years ago (laugh if you want) and can confirm the same. The class was largely female and half the shit they would write had to do with some sort of violent sex, whether it be rape or just rough sex in general.

I remember during one of our weekly fiction readings, where we would read what we wrote to the class and offer feedback, this one girl read a long waxing story about ((not her)) getting raped and it was just visceral. I almost want to praise it alone for how graphic it was. It was the nail in the coffin that finally made our professor say our stories could no longer involve any sort of sex.

Some poor dude literally withdrew from our class after hearing her story. I spoke to him later and out of curiosity and need for affirmation, asked him why he withdrew. He told me it was just uncomfortable hearing about rape and having to hear the dark fantasies of so many women, that it was giving him a very negative look on women in general.

Still feel bad for the dude. I didn't describe it well in the story but the rape stuff really unsettled him, always suspected something may have actually happened to him because of how nervous his body language was but never pried.

>> No.18193029

Sounds like you had especially bad luck. One of my friends also took a class on creative writing, but in his case the worst bit was pretentious pseudery and performative wokeness. No rape fics iirc.

>> No.18193060


My girl was an old fashioned 'women are just as good as men', 'not a sex object' feminist but that school kinda broke her. We split up some 6 years ago but she was already turning into an 'ally,' repudiating her old mentors, she ones worshiped Virginia Woolf, talking about decolonization and changing up her lexicon so that to fit into the school better. But even with all that she was still worried for girls who, no matter how nominally feminist they were, clearly had an fetishists perception of themselves.

Im sure she wouldn't agree with it now but she ones told me that modern feminism was mostly nihilism with nipple clips.

>> No.18193069

>First year of uni
>Doing all of the introduction to units
>How to reference, university level writing etc.
>Uni makes everyone take a short unit on sexual consent
>Apparently we're smart enough to do STEM degrees but not smart enough to know rape is bad
>This unit is required to graduate
I honestly felt insulted. I doubt there was anyone who completed the unit and actually learned anything. And anyone who needed to be told not to rape probably wasn't going to have a change of heart after completing the unit.

>> No.18193073

Any stem degree that isn't physics, math, or electrical engineering is no indication of your intelligence beyond the absolute bare minimum

>> No.18193079
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>every department home page has a mission statement on George Floyd
I just want to learn about topology and the history of 18th century Levant trade, please shut the fuck up

>> No.18193088

But the writing, reading, and teaching of history is necessarily political. As is all art.

>> No.18193097

>Im sure she wouldn't agree with it now but she ones told me that modern feminism was mostly nihilism with nipple clips.
LOL. Kinda based. A shame she's been assimilated into the woke hivemind, but unfortunately the "rational bourgeois feminist" to "dedicated ally" pipeline is real. University is already a very bad influence on people generally, but it seems it's especially dangerous for the intellectual and moral development of women.
Only if you are playing on easy mode and recycling feminist/postcolonial cliches. Otherwise, you at least need to be good at bullshitting in order to pass.

>> No.18193126

Also had to do this as a university employee. I tried to find ways to skip it but if you did not take it they started to reset your password every day just to harass you.

>> No.18193232

>A shame she's been assimilated into the woke hivemind
im my experience few of them actually fully believe it. Corner them in private and they'll tell you something else, but it's true that most believe enough for it to not to really matter. .

>> No.18193756

If that can lighten the mood of some, I never came accross those things in my studies when it would have been important for me to get a good grade. I studied both engineering and economics (this one in Asia) and those fields seemed completely sealed from the retardation described here. Only during an exchange semester in Japan did I take some political science / identity politics kinda class. My grades didn't matter as long as I passed as far as my home institution was concerned. I dropped bombs after bombs on the leftist smug that used those classes as echo chambers. It was glorious seeing them fulminating. Conincidently, it was at the time of Trump's election. Needless to say I had a good time.

>> No.18193767

>A shame she's been assimilated into the woke hivemind
I mean, why wouldn't you? As a woman it is easy to embrace because this mindset gives you a lot of power.

>> No.18193775

Yikes! Didn't you know that the Dutch were slave owners, sweaty? Who hurt you? Have sex chud

>> No.18193854

I was in a psychology class. The professor was some kind of ex-nun ultra liberal person, she kept encouraging us to attend "climate change events", said "immigration will save the democracy", shit like this in a psych class. The final straw was when she asked us to split into groups of five to do some kind of activity or project then rearranged them to be more diverse, i.e. putting the white girls together with niggers and me with one other white guy, a negress, and two Chinese that could barely speak English. That's when I quit community college, that was 10 years ago. Dunno what it's like now but it must be horrifying.

>> No.18193859

Get over yourself dude.

>> No.18193890

Ok sorry sir

>> No.18193992

>>Loads of gay stuff, lots of rape, lots of imprisonment, most of it was loosely disguised slash fiction.
>One that i still remember was about gay, black 17yo in NY hooking up with white men, trying to find his rapist so that he could relive his greatest ever fuck. In the end he finds the guy and has to beg him to do it again, with the story ending mid rape.
women and gays are sex maniacs, yeah and this is called atheism

>> No.18194212

I had to take American Ethnic Studies as part of GenEd my freshman year of college.
The professor just used the class to spread vitriolic anti-white propaganda. We had to take part in this online discussion board to discuss a weekly assigned propaganda reading.
The one that sticks out the most in my memory was an essay entitled “Abolish the White Race”
There were several of us in the class who would be berated by her on the discussion board for the wrong opinion.
>Your opinion is wrong because you are white
She actually said this.

>> No.18194233

criminology essay about police brutality vs australian aboriginals, used the quote 'black cunts' from the prescribed reading and the black cunt marking it had a fucking meltdown lol

>> No.18194236

i did not mean to reply to this post my bad

>> No.18194259

isnt washington where they reclassified asian students as white because they were unfucking the minority student scores?

>> No.18194290
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It's like marxists were right all along about universities being ideological state apparatuses

>> No.18194298

I remeber that shortly after the annexation of Crimea we were forced to attend to some sort of public lecture which was held at the local youth center. At the front entrence there were different propaganda posters saying stuff like "Obama and Merkel not allowed inside" which I found hilarious. The lecture itself was boring and I don't remember much of it. At the end a bold guy came up on the stage and asked everyone to stop supporting US by getting rid of products from Apple and the like. The whole audiance laughed at him.

>> No.18194314

Only marxists know how to critique other marxists and leftists. Rightoid responses are the same as libtard whining.

>> No.18194336

>At the end a bold guy came up on the stage and asked everyone to stop supporting US by getting rid of products from Apple and the like. The whole audiance laughed at him.
Ouch anon. Kinda feel bad for him even if he was a leftoid.

>> No.18194647


>> No.18194677

Art that makes its primary objective political is almost always dogshit art. Propaganda art is forgettable, shallow, and quickly becomes outdated. Just look at socialist realism and compare it with Renaissance art.

>> No.18194757

Marxist critiques are usually just whining, or trying to shoehorn in materialism when it really doesnt fit because thats the only thing they know.

>> No.18195325

Kek that's gold anon

>> No.18195364

History department, but I feel like this could have been any humanities department. We currently have an intercultural communications class, which is essentially just watching fucking ted-talks, reading sappy stories about culture shock and watching goddamn youtube videos about exotic cultures. We've learned fuck all all semester.

>> No.18195367

I dont get it. George floyd was a drug addict with a history of violence and a dozen chances to redeem himself, which he all squandered. Like yeah he didnt deserve to get killed like that, but to idolize the guy himself is ludicrous.

>> No.18195388

My self described black Marxist English prof failed me because he didn’t like the views expressed in my paper. The thing is, I didn’t really express any views. He just didn’t like that they weren’t overtly progressive and said as much. I had to take it to the department head who admitted that they received a lot of complaints about him and someone else graded my papers instead.

I also worked at a bar and restaurant on campus as a host and patrons used to make comments about the fact that I was reading when they came in not unlike that “only at Miller grove meme”. One day I had been given a Bible by a preacher on campus and I decided on a whim to read it. A lot of the people who came in did not like that...

>> No.18195396

Give zoomie link

>> No.18195405

>take history of africa class
>90% of what we read is post-structuralist theory or self agrandizing academic nonsense
>hardly cover history of africa
>talk about pan-african marxists the whole time
i want my money back and that bitch fired.

>> No.18195411

>University is already a very bad influence on people generally, but it seems it's especially dangerous for the intellectual and moral development of women.
The “college experience” is monstrous in so many ways that I could only imagine that doing away with it would improve society drastically.

>> No.18195446
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>teacher made us sing commie worker songs in class and called us "comrades"

>> No.18195470

What university and what course

>> No.18195477

i mean it was a music course, but still it was just embarrassing

>> No.18195498

>you're revisionist
>no you're revisionist
wow such critique

>> No.18195507

Based teacher, just wants to relieve the gulag days.

>> No.18195545

I always thought Dream was a fucking young adult kek

>> No.18195619

another one
>take independent study with prof
>she recomends a pop science book
>fuck off we're reading Dan Dennett and John Searle debate the philosophy of neuroscience bros
>conversations are basically nonsense
>"everyone should serve in the military"
>what does that have to do with philosophy of mind?
>gives barley any direction
>no prompts
>takes adderal to finish final paper because there was we did basically no work the whole term
>turn in 20pg thesis
>gets "B"
>only real criticism is "you should use 'he wrote' instead of 'he said' like it fucking makes enough of a difference to warrant a B

absolute waste of a professor, she needs to be fucking fired.

>> No.18195625

>our face when the revolution is maoist and we kill the professors

>> No.18195667

college is such a joke fuckin lmao. I was 100% right to grift the system so i can get by and never set foot in my classes.
I truly believe that im better than every single person that works in a university as even the ones that aren't actively promoting this poison are indirectly enabling it

>> No.18195762

Checked. What country btw?

>> No.18195817

I studied English Lit, graduated two years ago. I had a few classmates who excelled and I respected (and I'm happy to have befriended them), but most of my classmates, from my generation and the one below mine, were absolute retards. I remember one class where we were discussing our dissertation drafts, and this one girl told me that "I had to change my language because I was using words she didn't understand". When I asked her what word she had issues with, she told me it was "theodicy" (my dissertation was on King Lear, in the end I took out the word but only because I changed focus and rewrote most of the text). Sure, it's not a common word, but the thing is that she didn't even bother to look it up. She just didn't know its meaning and assumed that I was in the wrong for using words she didn't know, instead of grabing a fucking dictionary and looking it up. Mind you, she was a last-year student, almost ready for graduation, she still couldn't be bothered to look up a word and her first reaction was to call me out and demand that I use words she could understand. In hindsight, I should have told her to fuck off, but I was more diplomatic back then.

Some time later, another girl literally told me to "check my privilege" because I wrote that one critic portrayed Cordelia in the first scene "as some sort of autist who cannot adapt to the situation". Apparently it would have hurt or offended autistic people who read my dissertation. I told her that I didn't think Cordelia was autistic or something like that, but that the critic himself was portraying her as such and I was rejecting his argument. In the end, she and the rest of the class told me that I had to change the word "autist" because "the critic wasn't using it".

These were minor things, yeah, but they tickled me off the wrong way. Other than that, I had a blast in my 4 years of college, made a few good friends and learned a lot.

>> No.18195882

>"as some sort of autist who cannot adapt to the situation"
To be fair, that is a really wild phrase to use in a dissertation lol. Sounds like it belongs on 4chan.

>> No.18195931

>To be fair, that is a really wild phrase to use in a dissertation lol. Sounds like it belongs on 4chan.
Fair enough, but in my defense the rest of the text was written academically. Still, I' more willing to accept what you're saying (a problem with styly) than someone telling me to "check my privilege" or whatever. The critic's text did give off that kind of impression though, and autism/autist has a mening outside clinical practice. It's not like anyone is going to read my dissertation anyway.

>> No.18195933

What did you do with your degree? I switched from english to physics after our only non woke professor quit 2 weeks in. (caner, the poor fuck )

>> No.18195951

>slave oral history
This could be interesting imo.

>> No.18195964

>Graduate of 4chan university, /lit/ department, class of 2019.

>> No.18195977
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Are you talking about Turks?

>> No.18196015 [DELETED] 

>What did you do with your degree?
As of today, nothing much. Before graduating I worked as an English lang teacher and was already working in the translation business, did some freelance and outsourced jobs, but I've been working in an agency for a little more than two years and I'm doing alright. I did manage to land some nice gigs thanks to a professor I befriended and who helped me with my dissertation. He recommended me as a teacher for a Shakeperean monologue workshop and hired me twice to work with him, first as a research assistant and then as assistant editor for a university magazine he is chief editor of.

I'm starting a master's degree in that same university and he helped me with a recommendation letter. Too bad he was fired from my alma mater when the MeToo movement exploded kek. Guy already had a reputation of harassment and I know of at least one case where he fucked (consentually) on of my classmates. I wasn't aware of this until I had already graduated, but I can't tell my female friends that I'm still working with him lest they think I'm covering up for him or something. Our relationship is strictly professional though, and I'm thankful that he has helped me. Having said that, although we are in good terms, I'd drop him if there's the slightest chance my reputation can get spoiled.

So, yeah, my college degree hasn't landed me a related job yet, but I do want to teach Eng Lit at college level at some point. That's my dream, at least.

>> No.18196039

>What did you do with your degree?
As of today, nothing much. Before graduating I worked as an English lang teacher and was already working in the translation business, did some freelance and outsourced jobs, but I've been working in an agency for a little more than two years and I'm doing alright. I did manage to land some nice gigs thanks to a professor I befriended and who helped me with my dissertation. He recommended me as a teacher for a Shakeperean monologue workshop and hired me twice to work with him, first as a research assistant and then as assistant editor for a university magazine he is chief editor of.

I'm starting a master's degree in that same university and he helped me with a recommendation letter. Too bad he was fired from my alma mater when the MeToo movement exploded kek. Guy already had a reputation of harassment and I know of at least one case where he fucked (consensually) one of my classmates. I wasn't aware of this until I had already graduated, but I can't tell my female friends that I'm still working with him lest they think I'm covering up for him or something. Our relationship is strictly professional though, and I'm thankful that he has helped me. Having said that, although we are in good terms, I'd drop him if there's the slightest chance my reputation can get spoiled.

So, yeah, my college degree hasn't landed me a related job yet, but I do want to teach Eng Lit at college level at some point. That's my dream job, at least.

>> No.18196118

>It's not like anyone is going to read my dissertation anyway.
I know what you mean though. I don't know how I would react if someone told me to "check my privilege", lol.
Yes. The things that I have read, you can't even imagine. I can guarantee to you that even the boldest, most insanely pro-Turkish, pro-imperialist interpretation you can make utterly pales in comparison to the material I was studying.

>> No.18196145

What's so terrible about college is that it's where some of the worst of greed driven American business intersects with left liberal dogmatism. American universities are uniquely horrible cultural entities where every aspect of them seems to be detrimental to education and our bodies of knowledge. Whether it's the party clubs and semiprofessional sports teams or the blatantly ideological teaching, everything they do seems to make society as a whole worse off.

>> No.18196148


This was more than a decade ago, but for the time it was a crazy experience.

I was VP for my Philosophy and Religious Studies Department's student organization. A Christian apologetics students organization was applying to get registered with the university in order to have access to all of the resources and spaces that are available. The student organizations director reached out to us because we were the most similar in terms of topic and asked us to help them get set up.

Everyone from the president to the treasurer to the faculty advisor jumped at the opportunity to fuck over some Christians and refused to help or work with them.

I was atheist at this juncture in my life and I credit it with breaking me out of the sort of anti-theism I'd fallen into. Other people make great mirrors.

I ended up helping them anyway and got them registered. Great group of folks. During my last meeting as VP before I graduated I was confronted by the department chair who lambasted me for helping a reactionary and misogynist organization. This chair was a biblical scholar. Wild experience.

Our parting moment was like something out of a fucking movie. He yelled at me "We must be wise as serpents!" and I responded "Yet innocent as doves!"

>> No.18196200

>Our parting moment was like something out of a fucking movie. He yelled at me "We must be wise as serpents!" and I responded "Yet innocent as doves!"
Man, that's honestly pretty fucking cool

>> No.18196254
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Woman from the diversity department showed up in our MEDICAL SCHOOL to claim that there are "NO BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RACES"
>"questions on this? Yes anon?"
>But what about melanin concentration on the skin? Isn't that an obvious biological difference between races?
>"well... uh anon... that's not really correct... If you have any questions just come to my office after class and I'll explain everything to you..."

The impression I've gotten is that these people are tolerated by those in faculties of sciences because they attract grants from philanthropists, help with funding and are "decent PR among young progressive people". In exchange, they let them have their occasional hour of teaching/rambling that no one serious pays attention to. I have nothing against the woman, in my opinion she's desperately clinging on an ideological raft in a godless world, like the rest of us.

>> No.18196282

I hate commies with a passion but this is just funny desu

>> No.18196317

you spineless fucks should really start fighting this shit back. Just take a video and send it to some kiked conservative with a large following. They will eat it up and it will be all over the internet within the day. Expose those rats

>> No.18196348

>>"well... uh anon... that's not really correct... If you have any questions just come to my office after class and I'll explain everything to you..."
Let me guess anon - it's because race does not exist and is socially constructed, so melanin differences can not differentiate something that doesn't exist!

>> No.18196415

He OD’d. The forensic report showed he was so high on fentanyl he was a dead man walking. The knee didn’t kill him.

>> No.18196581


over at >>18192921 we had a similar incident; a professor got caught up in some metoo drama, and was dismissed following an investigation.
Thing is, everybody knew! well, all the male professors did. My FG was suitably outraged, in tears i remember, but among the male, and some female staff, it was common currency.

Not to make too much out of simple hypocrisy, i expected no better from these people, but the sheer calculated cynicism with which he was dispatched did stick with me.
For one, all of professors who only a week prior joked about how much pussy he was getting were now front and center leading the charge against him .
Just before his dismissal i remember seeing him quite bedraggled, he was usually quite well dressed, hurrying around campus and commenting to a young'ish black professor lady i was walking with on how it seems he's just spent another tough night working on straight A student. With her jokingly commenting on how he cant be getting way with it. Yet when the time came she was screaming about how 'as a back women' she and her like are the first victims of sexual harassment and how campus will never be same until some decision was implemented .

It was all a joke.

>> No.18196757
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Sometimes I wonder if I live in the same reality as most other people because my college experience was relatively harmless by comparison. I've taken classes on European, Iraqi, Chinese, and Latin American history and they were all pretty straight forward with no exceptional focus on women or minorities throughout. Maybe it's because the college I went to wasn't very prestigious or widely known on a national scale, so it attracted less loonies.

>> No.18196777

i had a friend over and she poured water on a story i typed, i think she was mad because i wasn't making any advances

>> No.18196797

Apparently the religious beliefs of indigenous peoples predicted quantum mechanics.

>> No.18196828
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Not phil or lit but relevant enough

>Fall of 2014
>Intro level politics/intl affairs class
>There's a discussion about Syria and their civil war, intervention, etc
>I say something to the effect that Assad is the legitimate ruler and we should lay off lest me create more chaos in the Middle East like what happened with Libya
>Everyone in the room goes silent and looks at me like I just proposed the second holocaust
>No comment, class moves on

>> No.18196906

In the case of my faculty it was widespread among male teachers, and everybody knew, but in this case female students went on strike and took hold of the installations until their demands were met. Lots of male professors were publicly called out beforehand, and were subsequently dismissed and basically blacklisted, but since most of them had jobs in other institutions it wasn't much of a problem for them. Gotta be honest here, I do side with the feminists in this case, there is a lot of rape and harassment going around and the perpetrators get away with it. These women shouldn't have to feel threatened in their school (mind you, it also happens to male students, even if in a fewer scale). I know sometimes (mostly in America tho) it seems as if things are taken out of proportion and there is some neurosis and hypocrisy going around, as in the case you're talking about, but in my context it wasn't. I mean, I'm talking about holding oneself and one's peers accountable on their shit; I'm not about lynching people, but have some responsibility and know that you can't go around fucking your students even if its consensual. That's just my opinion, I know I'm a minority on this site lol

>> No.18196952

> We wuz Kang til da yt pipo came an fuhh'd muh ass.

>> No.18196979

>Gotta be honest here, I do side with the feminists in this case
Oh sure! mind you i was never a professor there but i was still happy to see him go. He was the worst kind of pest and the school was better without him but it was the first time i was privy to the spectacle of public denunciation.

The simulated anger and the feigned indignation with which it was done felt not a little like a show trial.

>> No.18197039

If you were to remove GE and tenure, a lot of this would disappear.

>> No.18197262

If it makes you feel any better anon, it was probably a perfect reenactment of how foreign policy realists are treated by foreign policy idealists.

>> No.18197315

>Take a class on American labor history as a junior in undergrad
>It's really fucking good
>We read a new academic book on American labor history every week
>We read from a primary source book we have each week too
>Actually feel motivated to apply myself(for the first time since freshman year in high school) and get an A in the class
>Take capstone class with the same teacher (about America in the 1960s) and write about the War on Poverty
>Travel to a huge academic library for my paper and read a bunch of interesting primary sources
>Get an A
Life was good man.
>Took classes on Mao's China and Early 20th century China with same professor
>Easy classes, but really interesting regardless
>She teaches a Women in China class that I hesitate to take
>Decide to take it anyway
>It's surprisingly really good
My last two years of undergrad really made up for the first two years. Now I am in Law School on a full tuition scholarship.

>> No.18197344

sign me up

>> No.18197351

did you remind her that blacks are also objectively suspicious and not to be trusted

>> No.18197356

Anon what's the point in lying? No university in Europe or the US offers ONLY those courses

>> No.18197395

dunno if it makes you feel any better but I'm a son of two Syrians (I've been to Syria a couple of times before the war too and I feel connected to this country) and I'd agree with you. He's a ruthless dictator like most in the middle east but that's better than having Islamists dictate the country, which would be the most likely consequence if Assad gets cucked.
Geopolitics is a difficult game. There are always gonna be rulers who totally oppose your cause and your values - the best thing to do is to make deals with them that benefit both parties, including the people. Western countries have failed to deliver in that regard. Instead they try to coupe anyone who doesn't cater to their interests and propagate to the people that it's justified to do so by repeating meaningless buzzwords like "human rights", which obviously leads to this liberal ideology that I presume was the case with your peers.

>> No.18197410

Anon... OP said WORST experiences...

>> No.18197418

Yeah, but I thought this thread needed some positivity.

>> No.18197435

>you can't go around fucking your students even if its consensual
But why? If it's uni we're talking about than most of the students are old enough to decide whom to fuck or not.

>> No.18197452

>It's really fucking good
>It's surprisingly really good
Post some details instead of reddit descriptors.

>> No.18197459

Sure, but there's an unbalance of authority and power that can be exploited. I know of cases where a professor would fail a student if they refused or stopped having sex with him/her, or would place administrative/bureaucratic obstacles in their way. Plus, these are 40-50 and married men who're looking to fuck girls who could be their daughters. I just find it out of place. As you said, I'm all for consensual relations between adults, but whom does it benefit? And is there really consent if you can get into trouble for refusing?

>> No.18197488

>buzzwords like "human rights", which obviously leads to this liberal ideology that I presume was the case with your peers.
Yes. Here is how geopolitics works in the minds of Americans.
1) Identify evil countries/rulers in the world i.e. who the media tells you is evil. See: muh gassing children in the case of Assad
2) Demand the government take action to kill these people/attack these countries with no regard to consequences and with no long term plan
3) Call Americans who question this process evil/unpatriotic

>> No.18197532

Where do I find these women

>> No.18197540

I thought it was just an explosion of whacky internet porn. Terfs actually make some compelling points on how porn is perverting sexuality in women

>> No.18197544

>Sure, but there's an unbalance of authority and power that can be exploited.
While this is true it also prevents any normal romantic relations between a student and a teacher which is possible. And such abuse of power can take place in any social structure. I guess it all depends, as always, in the moral character of the persons involved. An ex-lover can cause a lot of harm regardless of social position. As for the disparity in age, I don't find it a problem. I would even dare to say that an older lover could do good for an inexperienced person. It's better to start your sexual life with a person which knows how to make you feel good than with a dork who doesn't know where to put it.

>> No.18197546

I posted details on the first set of classes, and for the second, it was a comprehensive view of the issues women have faced in China over the last few centuries. It wasn't some oppression fest, but a genuine view, with many primary sources from different eras. It was fascinating to see how issues progressed and devolved and the wide variety of political views that women's issues inspired. We watched some interesting documentaries as well. I also forgot to mention that she had talked about certain types of Chinese plays in class once and some recreations in the area. I expressed my interest to her in checking some of these plays out and my interest enthused her enough to create a sort of class wide field trip.

>> No.18197548

Wow i'm gonna go sign up for a creative writing course right now

>> No.18197573

For the first set of classes, we would have really in depth discussions on the material we have read. Usually the discussions would go on for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I have never been a part of a class that was so focused on discussions and it was really nice. We would close the 3 hour class with a brief view of some documentary or film that covered the issues we discussed that day.

>> No.18197580
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This was psych rather than lit or philosophy.

When I was still a naive youth I took a Women's Psychology course. I thought it would help me better understand the inner workings of women, which I suppose it did in a way.
Almost all the course work was based off a somewhat famous meta study by I believe Janet Shibley. She concluded that there's essentially no difference between the sexes other than throwing speed and other minute physical characteristics.
Towards the end of the semester the class was broken into groups and told to research and present a topic related to female psychology.
Most of the topics presented were just feminist topics. One was "Is Beyonce a Feminist Icon?" About half way through the presentation one of the presenters began to cry and started talking about some pervasive bullying and "mean girl" conduct that pervaded the classroom, I assume due to an audience member making a nasty face or something. This started a chain reaction till around half the room was crying (big class with many students), including the professor, who spoke to the class about this underlying negative current that had been going on all semester, and how women have to be supportive of each other, etc. I guess everyone made up because after a few more tears and eventual smiles they continued their presentation.
An expensive life lesson I suppose.

>> No.18197596

You are a force of chaos, anon.
Universities and tumblr.
That's picking up too, but atm it's just the sheer depravity of the fiction they consume afaik.

>> No.18197598

Reminds me of an anthropology course I took. The professor was an obese woman and she would just talk to the obese girls about their feelings for the entire class time.
We fell way behind on the curriculum so instead of having any meaningful tests or finals we just watched episodes of Taboo and had to answer a few questions about what we watched.

>> No.18197653
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I've heard most of anthropology courses are pozzed but I had a good one I took my last year. Focused primarily on hunter gatherer tribes and spoke of the physiological and behavioral differences between men and women. I don't mean to say that as a confirmation of reactionary thinking or something, it was just nice to have such an alternative view on the matter, including a focus on innate, natural human behaviors like monogamous marriage. Modern psych has fallen so far into the "nurture" camp it's not even funny.

>> No.18197715
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>Covid forces classes to be held digitally
>Teacher comes up with this idea to use this platform to comment on texts
>We read Hegel’s intro to phil of history
>Teacher’s lecture is about how viciously racist he apparently was
>Black classmate feeling the vibe
>Comments on an excerpt of the text supposedly proving his racism
>On the basis of ‘free discussion’ i object
>immediately get charged with defending racism
>The following lecture the student in question voices her ‘discomfort in coming to class’, not naming me but obviously implying it
>dont think anything of it, continue my work
>Next class
>Teacher starts off with a 20 min lecture on how a straight white man shouldnt explain to a black girl how racism works
>mfw did no such thing, angery but too beta to talk
>time passes
>in the school group chat i make fun of some cringe blm promo video that gets shared
>half the class jumps on me, starts accusing me of racism, finally groupthink kicks me out of the groupchat
>mfw i am now known as a white supremacist

>> No.18197736

I took a creative writing workshop, and started making friends with this dude who was miles above everyone else writing-wise. He’s definitely gonna make it.
Anyway, when he submitted his second story it was basically My Twisted World and when all the girls in the class read it they started freaking out over text about how this guy was probably gonna bring a gun to school and note they didn’t feel comfortable coming to class if he(very polite, best writer in the class, giver of excellent feedback) was going to be there. So they all band together and sign a “letter of concern” to the professor, who is forced to have “the incel talk” with the poor dude they secretly dogpiled. This guy was smart enough to know not to submit that story to a class of mixed company, but my heart really broke for the guy after that. He took it really hard.

Lucky for him, he was still the best writer in the class, so that awkward talk and the derision of his peers was the full extent of the consequences.

I stayed in contact with this girl who was in the MFA program afterwards and she took another workshop the following semester. Guess what? THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED AGAIN. Except this time, this guy was a terrible writer and the professor was a black SJW. The guy was ejected from the class and the class was relocated multiple times to prevent The guy from retaliating on the cowards.


>> No.18197744

many such cases

>> No.18197782

Battleship Potemkin and Casablanca hold up

>> No.18197783

>voicing your opinions
Thats where you fucked up

>> No.18197791

Anon, do you really understand so little about university life?

>> No.18197797

>all the girls in the class read it they started freaking out over text about how this guy was probably gonna bring a gun to school
Damn a girl ran out of class one day and 10 minutes later the cops showed up and asked to talk to me. Girl apparently called them to say I had a gun because she saw my pocket knife and thought it was a pistol magazine. Cops searched me and my backpack in front of everyone. I stopped showing up to class after that. I really hated university.

>> No.18197832

And we still get people acting like this is just some "crazy feminists" online that will go away if ignored

>> No.18197836

I am going to assume you made that up for my own sanity.
Tell me more about the 'My Twisted World' part 2. Was it more of a down on your luck piece or was it just completely resentful of women.

>> No.18197855

>>in the school group chat i make fun of some cringe blm promo video that gets shared
Don't do this. Read the room, man.

>> No.18197874

Are you American. I also think in the past 5 years there has been a drastic change. Like seriously drastic. I already feel like a boomer because I graduated before that.

>> No.18197888

This was very incoherent

>> No.18197924

I was a philosophy major at a state university and it was a very pleasant experience. one guy who talked to me sometimes was a bit schizo but all of the profs were smart and professional and most of the students were as well (or were only as obnoxious as any given undergrad should be). Not once was woke shit inappropriately brought into class and on the two or three occasions when it was part of the class material it was handled with dignity and caution.

>> No.18197965
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what type of colleges have you guys been to where you experience stuff like this? I'm studying philosophy in Frankfurt, which is obviously (in)famously left-wing in my country given the marxist school of thought, but even over here it's not nearly as bad as some of the stuff I'm reading itt. I'm a leftist too but these burger lefties seem really fucking retarded. good god
>racial segregation
holy fucking shit dude, I would've dropped out immediately.

>> No.18197974

Die Ami Unis haben gehoerig einen an der Klatsche. Das findest du in DE hoechstens in Berlin.

>> No.18198021

If you're seriously going to attend something like this you need to shut up
>you are a dumb kid and you don't know how to express yourself
>your teacher is in a position of power over you and will use that to humiliate you

I've gotten away with defending prejudice in class but it was only because the teacher was an old woman who wasn't trying to read into what i was saying.

>> No.18198042

Why would you notice the water you swim in

>> No.18198120

I want to echo this guy's sentiment, for the sake of perspective. I went to an above average private college, and while the woke stuff was there, it all seemed contained to the administration or the classes devoted to them. Of all my professors, only 3 were noticeably leftwing, and only one of them let it infect the class. The overwhelming majority were all very professional and I learned a lot. The worst story I've got from this semester would only be a professor beginning our Nietzsche unit with "racist, yes, misogynistic, yes, and probably antisemitic... but that doesn't mean his arguments aren't important or convincing," which, frankly, I thought was a bit edgy. It definitely felt tounge in cheek.

Worst experience period? I took a redtarddly easy ethics class where, after we had finished all the material and were in the final weeks, the professor ranted about how Trump is a fascist. Very much the stereotypical incident people think of as college. Sad, but far from the norm of my experience. The history department is probably the best, no topic was too edgy. In my introductory historiography course we touched on holocaust denial (albeit very briefly).

>> No.18198273

All the interesting niche courses are gone. Of course 2000 level "History of Rome" or whatever still exists, but that's not the point.

>> No.18198291

Leftism in American academia has nothing to do with Marx or economics but instead felating "victims." The ultimate sin one can commit is to disparage a recognized victim class. People argue of who's more of a victim. There are only a handful of actual Marxists still around american universities and they mostly hate this shit but are powerless to change it.

>> No.18198295 [DELETED] 

i went to a student activism thing where we were supposed to be planning protests against the iraq war coordinated across campuses, but instead some dude had everyone split into "affinity groups" almost immediatly, and since i was the only white dude in the delegation from my college i couldn't even sit with my friends and absolutely nothing got planned, also there was some bitch with an expensive video camera recording everything, looking back on it, i'd bet they were feds

>> No.18198403

t. Brainlet who flunked out in his first year

>> No.18198407

Some examples of this YA lit? For research

>> No.18198410

4) Pretend you never supported the war in the first place when the country inevitably goes to shit and denounce the other political aisle as warmongers.

>> No.18199083

Yes I am American and I graduated last week.

>> No.18199162

“Politics” involves more than a black man getting killed. Saying “everything is political” means nothing if your definition of politics is based on America and its racism only.

>> No.18199169


>> No.18199231

Had to take a black “literature” class to complete last Gen Ed requirement. every book except one was about put-upon black people in the inner-city, that was it. At the end she gave us a questionarre with the final question “How has this class helped you view race relations.”
I was so sick of the class I just wrote
“I learned that whites and blacks simply hate each other too much to move on, and we will probably always be this way.”
Gebuinely believe it too, that class really made that seem the norm.
She wasn’t happy with that answer, but all the grades were in so she couldn’t do anything.

>> No.18199583
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>religious studies department
>taking one pre-requisite class for the final thesis course in order to graduate
>it is assumed, at this point, that you are well-versed with everything academia
>had some woman (of course) rant about how the deparment itself needs us to read more about niggers' and beaners' commentaries on world religions
>told her that primary sources are much, much more important than secondary sources which, by definition, the program is already diverse enough
>bitch still clinged to 'muh minorities'
>wanted to tell her to her face that primary and secondary sources are relative to the emphasis, therefore any primary source can become secondary
>then again, I'm arguing with a woman
Worst part is that she was going to attend a seminary this Spring semester, so it surprises me how low are seminaries' standards of admission if they admit a retarded woman like her just like that.

>> No.18199588

No, I have a degree. Colleges are terrible institutions, the culture the incubate is trash, and the experience should go the way of the dinosaurs/

>> No.18199598

Don't do that ever again if you don't want to get banned from transferring your course credits in all universities in the nation.

>> No.18199609

>I've taken classes on... Iraqi, Chinese, and Latin American history
>they were all pretty straight forward with no exceptional focus on women or minorities throughout
Anon, I...

>> No.18199644
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Oh yeah, you just reminded me how much I fucking hate the Not Anymore program.
>Shitty course that is a waste of time and money has to be taken each semester
>You have to take it if you want to continue registering to any classes
>I'm about to graduate this semester, so I thought it was completely unnecesary
>Begin the semester
>Needed to get some journal articles from the library last minute
>Wanted to download a good article, but login in didn't work whatsoever
>"The fuck is going on?" I thought
>Just remembered the shitty Not Anymore shit
>Completed the shitty program
>Now I have access to the library's stuff again
This enraged me so much since I was about to miss an assignment that weighted 20% of my grade.

>> No.18199758

>Be me
>in some bullshit "study skills" class everyone has to take first year
>professor studies some type of literature, never bothered to figure out what specifically
>typical soi
>near the end of the semester, he asks if anyone has any fun activities we can do since we got through the course material
>nobody answers
>"okay, let's write them down anonymously then"
>I leave it blank since I don't care
>turn in the "anonymous" paper
>he immediately turns it around
>he's visibly offended
>walk to my car
>check email while its defrosting
>see that he submitted a "progress report" to the advising department using the university's website
>"[anon] is not meeting the in class participation standards and lack's the social skills needed to succeed in this class and others" [not an exact quote but that's the gist]
Still not sure if he didn't know this would be shared with me automatically, or if he thought this was an epic own. Funny how neoliberal professors pretend to be all inclusive but never seem to care about people with social disabilities

>> No.18199795

>Sure, it's not a common word, but the thing is that she didn't even bother to look it up. She just didn't know its meaning and assumed that I was in the wrong for using words she didn't know,
women are entitled since men compete for them in order to give them an easy life.

>> No.18199813

Lol, what uni? At my uni we learned about Greeks in a pretty objective manner, nothing portrayed as good or bad

>> No.18199848

>I'm starting a master's degree in that same university and he helped me with a recommendation letter. Too bad he was fired from my alma mater when the MeToo movement exploded kek. Guy already had a reputation of harassment and I know of at least one case where he fucked (consensually) one of my classmates. I wasn't aware of this until I had already graduated, but I can't tell my female friends that I'm still working with him lest they think I'm covering up for him or something. Our relationship is strictly professional though, and I'm thankful that he has helped me. Having said that, although we are in good terms, I'd drop him if there's the slightest chance my reputation can get spoiled.
>>over at >>18192921# we had a similar incident; a professor got caught up in some metoo drama, and was dismissed following an investigation.

good, i dont want coomers in university

>> No.18199958

>biblical scholar
At least my Biblical Studies aren't secularized.

>> No.18200041

I've considered Law School at some point in the future. I would likely be able to fund it myself since my father is interested in me going to Law School, so ignore the cost aspect: would getting a J.D. have benefit outside of practicing law?
I'm doing religious studies and the autist inside me wants to go to Law School, not to please my dad, but because Martin Luther studied Law before becoming a monk. It's retarded, but humor me. Would I gain anything beyond financial gain? I would likely do pro bono work for my religious community.

>> No.18200055

Close-minded bigot. Try something new!

>> No.18200074

Took a graduate level creative writing course and was repeatedly, passively aggressively insulted for being white by this one dude who would go on never-ending tangents about Hegel when we were supposed to be workshopping. Everyone would just get quiet and stare at the ground while the professor tried to politely deescalate and change the subject. Professor favorably referenced white genocide at one point

>> No.18200078

>>We fell way behind on the curriculum so instead of having any meaningful tests or finals we just watched episodes of Taboo and had to answer a few questions about what we watched.

>> No.18200128

>>Leftism in American academia has nothing to do with Marx or economics but instead felating "victims."
because socialism was a bridge between capitalism and communism, once communism commits suicide, socialism has no meaning and so the leftists were left with nothing to live for. they turned from shitting on the rich atheists to the new scapegoat, ie racists and sexists in atheism., since all the christians are killed. They till can't touch muslisms and even less jews, so they didnt have much choice in building a new scapegoat

>> No.18200134

>>But the writing, reading, and teaching of history is necessarily political. As is all art.
that's the atheist view, because those turds have killed the theist god to replace it with the social god. protip it's just narcissism

>> No.18200154

maybe Cahokia was a particle accelerator.

>> No.18200165

all the bureaucrats in democracy are lawyers, that means it's pretty awful studies

>> No.18200196

I had a prof, Lloyd Gerson, who openly abused students. On the first day, a mature student got up to leave while he was going off on an abusive rant. Gerson said "Oh, are we leaving?" in a mocking tone and then paused for 30 seconds, just starring at the student while he gathered his things and walked out.

The thing is, Gerson had a saving grace. His lectures were great and he was a renowned authority on the material (odds are most of you who took anything to do with Ancient Greece read translations done by him). So I actually still respected the guy a lot (and thought maybe it was ok for someone to be an asshole if they were as accomplished as he was...maybe he just really cared about the material and dealing with a mix of pretentious students and other ones who were just at university to party got under his skin).

One day he told the class to read and focus on a particular passage (it was Plato but I can't remember it) because he was going to discuss it. At the beginning of the next class, he asked an open question to the class; as usual, no one spoke up because he was one for hurling abuse if you got the answer wrong (he'd straight-up mock you). He decided to pick someone out of the class of 300 people to answer and pointed at me.

I'd actually read and reflected on the passage quite a bit. I really liked the class, even though he acted like a total asshole, and, as I said, I had a good amount of respect for him. However, I decided to just say I didn't know. As usual, he started abusing us for being spoiled kids not doing their homework--I interrupted him.

I answered the question: "Does it mean...." He paused and just stared at me. Literally a 10-second pause. He went off. "Where do you think you're going to get if you ask questions? You're in university and you're asking? You can't think for yourself?" He continued for about 20 seconds while starring at me the whole time.

The thing is, I'd actually answered the question correctly (he confirmed it and even repeated what I'd said word for word at one point). He was literally just being an asshole. I honestly thought about saying "We're reading Plato's dialogues" as a retort to his "You never get anywhere by asking questions" and regret not doing so to this day.

>> No.18200248

People pay for this shit?

>> No.18200264

>Take psychology of women class
>Expect to read about neurological differences, behavioral differences, etc
>Entire class is just discussing feminist theory
>Teacher goes on a rant about the virtues of male-exclusionary feminism
>She goes on for 20 minutes at one point about how lesbian sex is superior to heterosexual sex and that lesbians are happier and more satisfied in their relationships
>She affirms that women should be terrified of their male peers almost every lecture
Mind you, the majority of the class was 18 year old girls.

>> No.18200276

Academia is just like any other corporate workplace. Full of abusive psychos

>> No.18200284

I studied in Europe and my UNI experience was absolutely wonderful. My fiance however went to a top rate US university that in his last year went completely off the rails so that he's seen every horror story you can imagine.

> His uni was ground zero for the resent student walkout movement: students occupying an administration building until their demands on racial equity were met.
> The year he arrived they 'temporally' removed the Shakespeare class leaving only a women in Shakespeare option.
> There were further protests after some comedian was invited to speak or to do a show with the administration caving in and cancelling his invitation.
> There were mandatory equity meetings with bizarre hazing rituals where white people were 'invited' to confess to their white sins .
> petitions were circulating to remove this or that professor for this or that crime.
> there was a huge protests by the student body, and some teachers, to hire some diversity manager or equity trainer.
> The uni was regularly featured in magazines and newspapers as an example of crazy lefty politics

The worst thing was that the teachers thought they could control the students by strategically caving into what they wanted, both in order to keep their jobs, and in order to avoid fixing the very real, and expensive, problems which the university had.

To counterbalance this i did French/European literature in France and was delighted at how seriously the professors took their job. One, the most outwardly dour of them would regularly take us out into the countryside and have us read prose and poetry in the park or by candlelight in a 18th century villa.
The Dante professor would organize readings at his home with another professor reciting the text in beautiful, dignified Italian . We had guest lectures by the likes George Steiner and even the offer of study Greek and Latin in courses taught entirely in those languages. There was however a sad, melancholy note hanging over the thing, as the program was in danger and was having trouble attracting enough students to justify it's existence. I knew at least one teacher was already looking for another gig since he was convinced the axe was about to fall.

>> No.18200288

Worse, the government issues loans that mostly go defaulted and unpaid for this shit, while also cheapening the value of degrees with increasingly mediocre teaching

>> No.18200307

Which race was the prof?

>> No.18200316

>To counterbalance this i did French/European literature in France and was delighted at how seriously the professors took their job. One, the most outwardly dour of them would regularly take us out into the countryside and have us read prose and poetry in the park or by candlelight in a 18th century villa.
>The Dante professor would organize readings at his home with another professor reciting the text in beautiful, dignified Italian . We had guest lectures by the likes George Steiner and even the offer of study Greek and Latin in courses taught entirely in those languages. There was however a sad, melancholy note hanging over the thing, as the program was in danger and was having trouble attracting enough students to justify it's existence. I knew at least one teacher was already looking for another gig since he was convinced the axe was about to fall.
silence in the face of injustice is taking the side of the oppressor

>> No.18200333

I was intending to be an apologist.

>> No.18200340

Seems like a fun time tb.h.

>> No.18200366

>If you have any questions just come to my office after class and I'll explain everything to you..
Either I've been watching too much porn, or she was actually inviting you to some form of sexual intercourse.

>> No.18200389

I decided to google him. He does guest lectures for The Mises Institute and the general consensus of https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=89508 is what you'd expect (i.e. he's a brilliant scholar but a shit human being).

>> No.18200399

Because it was literally set up to be like that by the CIA to combat Marxian economics.

>> No.18200424

Those types are not so rare in academia. As long as they have a solid academic cred nobody really bothers with addressing their bullshit. You did good there.

>> No.18200541

Is this university or high school, jeez.

>> No.18200543

And yet we're left with the worst of both worlds. Fuck glowniggers.

>> No.18200560

What are you referencing? History education in general or the woke classes?

>> No.18200567
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>> No.18200645

I studied physics in Eastern Europe. Yes yes suka bljat to you too, nice to meet. The experience was wonderful: first class of our very first day, Real Analysis prof, after having waited for us to come in and quiet down, looks at us sternly and says
>Look to the person on your right and on your left. One of them will not be here next semester.
And he was absolutely right, the first few semesters has roughly 60% survivors each.

The funny incident was when one of the 2 women in our year started a little crusade against a wholly incompetent professor - he was previously assigned to the school teacher class, not the fancy pants engineers, and he wasn't up to the task. She was, therefore, absolutely right; nearly everyone hated him, but most professors seemingly had the burning desire to bury us under home assignments and humiliate us by questioning us and having us expose our ignorance of the physical and mathematical world during class, so one of them being generally incompetent wasn't as big of a deal. Yet she did get many people on board to write a letter to the board of professors to have him teach the teachers again.

Of course, he got hold of the letter, read it in class, and commented, deducing correctly that a woman was behind this, that this is why women shouldn't be in physics. Based moment^TM. Muffled-laughter broke out, and I really felt sorry for the other girl who was just quietly attending classes instead of going on a crusade, even if to change things to the better for everyone.

>> No.18200648

every fucking time

>> No.18200649

Well, we weren't allowed to wear hats. We also weren't allowed to chew gum or drink anything except for water (obviously no eating). If we were late to class, we had to sit in a specific row right beside the doorway (more than 3 mins late the door was shut and locked).

This was outlined to us during the first class.

>> No.18200705


>Be me
>Go to uni
>Get bored, decide to take phil class because why not
>Professor has decent bio on faculty page. In hindsight should've read papers she's published because then I would've dodged that shit
>Not bad at first, except on the first day she makes some cryptic comment about people reporting professors (like her) on "right-wing" blogs
>End of first day she asks for questions. I ask: "what kind of papers do we write in this class?"
>desu I was just genuinely curious, didn't know what phil papers consist of
>she just immediately gets super weird and paranoid all of a sudden and gives a non-answer... probably thought I wanted to report her to some "right-wing" blog
>At this point, in hindsight, I should've seen it. But also I didn't know how bad unis were at the time because it was pretty chill where I grew up
>Class goes on and it gets closer to election, and she starts rambling about it more and more. Some classes she would spend half the period screeching about the election
>Was a survey class, kant in curriculum. Kant is cool, but she decided to take kant out. She said it was so we could read about women's rights
>So like half the readings are about women's rights
>A couple of spinoza readings. I like spinoza and was familar with him before the class
>She was lecturing on him. The lecture was on his epistemology. She tried to explain it to the class. Nobody gets what the fuck she is talking about
>Check the text... turns out she's just making shit up entirely
>Asks for an example of third kind of knowledge. I give the exact same example he uses in the text
>She tells me it's wrong
>I tell her that's literally what the dude wrote
>She gets flustered and there's like a 10 second silence... then she comes up with some bullshit to get out of the situation and not look like she's pulling the entire lecture out of her ass
>Didn't grade 80% of the work until like the last 2 days of the semester

Moral of the story: if it seems like one of "those" classes, just gtfo while you still can. Don't think, just gtfo

>> No.18200737
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I remember one class, he harangued a student for getting an answer wrong and told her: "You're supposed to be smart to be here. You got INTO university so you must have a brain of some sort. When did you decide to stop using it?"

Also, I should point out he was yelling these things and would maintain a wide-eyed angry stare. He also knew how to use timing; he'd pause after a particularly barbed insult or at the end of his diatribe, always for a few seconds, and then either go on yelling or just slowly walk back to his pulpit and carry on with the lecture.

(pic) is him. Posted it because I just realized how much he looks like H.P. Lovecraft.

>> No.18200751
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not departmental related but when I was in University, I was part of a Socialist Youth group that recruited from the University through members in Humanities.

This was the third month of me attending a meeting

>walk in to the room and the 'general secretary' (yes they unironically use socialist party position names for their organization) walks up on the podium and claps everyone's attention
>usually this would be accompanied by updates of whatever news involving worker exploitation by the state and other related events
>general secretary brings up some shocking news of a farmer market being closed down because they could no longer compete with a supermarket chain that opened two blocks away
>in an effort to relieve these farmers, gen sec asks us for donations
>all twenty of us that attended the meeting that time chipped in twenty dollars or so
>except one who only gave five dollar
>organization treasurer collects the money and gives it to the gen secretary who then counts the money
>stops when she sees a five dollar bill
>looked at the treasurer then back at us who were all silent
>she returns all the bills back to the money box and raises the five dollar bill
>nobody answers
>party tranny snitches and points at the dude who gave the five dollars
>gen secretary walks up to him and lectures him, berates him about how privileged he is that he couldn't even spare twenty dollars to help out some farmers
>one of the organization leaders gets in between them after five minutes
>dude is ushered out the door while the gen secretary calms down
>meeting for that day goes on as usual
>never saw that dude again

>> No.18200879

That's clearly short for "Project Gutenberg". The image speaks for itself; no need to embarrass yourself by trying to make it more cringe than it already is.

>> No.18200946


>> No.18200976

>>walk in to the room and the 'general secretary' (yes they unironically use socialist party position names for their organization) walks up on the podium and claps everyone's attention
i love when they do it and at the same time they claim they have huge critical thinking about society

>> No.18201026

The parallels between what you describe there and what happens in the Chinese cultural revolution are striking.

>> No.18201311

Posting for a fiend since he isn't gonna bother posting here.

> Goes to uni decides to doing Phil with a woman called Angie Hobbs
> a bit of a pop philosopher. appears on the BBC and whatnot, but seems otherwise alright
> Can be interesting but is often very odd like she is embarrassed about doing Phil and brakes randomly into women's rights or politics for no fucking reason.
> Fine. whatever
> Then Trump and Brexit happen and she goes fucking nuts
> spends half the lesson advocating for a second referendum and sperging about fascists
> has a hate boner for nigel farage
> becomes absolutely convinced Russians are stealing the Brexit election
> there is no philosophy anymore just conspiracy nonsense
> get told to check out her twitter
> turns out she's spend the whole night twitting and then take out her frustration on us
> still gives a tough exam at the end
> makes me sad: she is not an idiot, she just really want to be an 'ally'

>> No.18201440

Bret is SO much cuter than his brother Eric.

>> No.18201532

>You're supposed to be smart to be here
this is not my experience with university at all

>> No.18201538

Digital signal processing class. In the first-class one of the professors just spent the whole time making fun of the previous year's student's exam answers, and then told us that most of us should probably leave. I failed it twice.

>> No.18201612
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My time studying at university was relatively innocent, so my experience will not at all match the levels of some of the posts here, but:
>study Egyptology at EU university
>only three people in my year, I study with two girls, our professor is also a woman
>they aren't as motivated as I am, but we leave each other alone for the most part
>at the beginning of each lecture we have to waste 10 minutes because they want to chat to the prof and among themselves about recent events in their completely irrelevant lives
>they often forget to take notes while studying, making the parts they have to translate in class a drag
>things we've gone over multiple times have to be reiterated for them
>one of them even indirectly complained to the prof about me asking too many questions, since it disturbed the course for her

>> No.18201647

Why don't you guys just learn this stuff on your own, online?

>> No.18201654

>>study Egyptology at EU university

>> No.18201666

Because the dawn of civilization interests me.

>> No.18201689

3 people in your year and you can't even manage that?

>> No.18201698

First year of college was all online and super minimal interaction, and this story is nowhere near as bad as some of the ones in here, but I got 10 points off of an essay for using male pronouns. I was writing about male writers as a male writer so I thought it just made sense. If my citations are literally all male writers and I myself am a male writer, I think it’s a little funny to pitch a fit that I refer to the writer in abstract as “he”.

>> No.18201727

Hold on, were they angry you assumed their gender or that you assumed all writers of some type were male?

>> No.18201728

Not going to lie I typically enroll in these programs to get student benefits.

>> No.18201730

The constant time wasting is one of the biggest reasons I hated all of school.

>> No.18201733

They probably wanted the men to go out of their way to cite female authors because that's one of the ways push this shit now.

>> No.18201742
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I am a STEM PhD and we are encouraged to use "she" everywhere to promote women in STEM.

>> No.18201766

Classic leftoid motte and bailey. You want us to believe that you mean that these things must be understood in their political context, and how they speak to larger human ideas. What you actually mean is that everything must be referenced to a set of modern, unquestionable dogmas, and evaluated for its compliance with their dictates, regardless of how anachronistic.

>> No.18201788

''manage'' what? The hiccups that I experienced? Yes, I ''managed'' them without problems.

>> No.18201794

>my partner
dude no

>> No.18201843

Did you go to a Williams or Amherst? Small, high quality liberal arts colleges seem to have dodged this

>> No.18201914

Despise every straight couple referring to eachother in this awful neutered way now.

>> No.18201941

more photos like this?

>> No.18202149

You know, im seeing a lot of people here complaining about the so called "politicization," of various fields. Yet they're not explaining why what preceded it was any better. Any given field of study emerges from a cultures various assumptions about how these things are best studied. Therefore, it is necessarily shaped by the fundamental worldview of that culture. You accept this by holding it up as some paradigm of intellectualism.

Yet, when confronted with the result of another worldview you go ballistic? "Crazy leftist crazy feminists," and all that. Don't you see they're simply doing their version of what has always been done? Just because you don't share their worldview doesn't mean the results of it in academia is any less valid. "Kantian Epistemology," or "Kant from a feminists perspective," are completely equally as justified because they both come from two equally existing, albeit different, worldviews.

>> No.18202194

Iraqis aren't minorities in Iraq my dude.

>> No.18202270

You're retarded, go back to your shithole

>> No.18202278

Get over it

>> No.18202336

The 20th century is not that far away anon.

>> No.18202350

>Yet, when confronted with the result of another worldview you go ballistic?
I don't think anyone goes ballistic, they just keep their mouth shut. The problem is that these worldviews are lazy and uninteresting, because they are espoused by an academic majority, and it is simply forbidden to question them. This branch of humanism has taken the place Evangelicals used to have in the US.

>> No.18202395

gay as fuck desu

>> No.18202403

>Taking humanities in college
Cringe. Meanwhile, in Aerospace Engineering, I learned how to actually make a plane and made my own model plane using my knowledge. To be honest, it was quite shit because I was lazy but it could fly. Now this summer I'm making it fly well.
You guys enjoy doing stuff with your Black Women in Gay Africa knowledge.

>> No.18202414

Extremely cringe post

>> No.18202416
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>> No.18202429
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Fuck it's true

>> No.18202431

I hope he did. I'm going to one of those soon and really don't want to deal with this.

>> No.18202445
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>stembug undergrad posting

>> No.18202448


>> No.18202452

they're not that stimulating, they're just boring, there's no fire in these people, it's just urboid sudoku

>> No.18202470
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>Gimme your worst experiences in college and uni in the literature and philosophy departments

There was a talk on weakness of will in the context of gay barebacking. I left academia shortly thereafter.

>> No.18202494

The worldviews that have prevailed are shit and you will be publicly destroyed for questioning them

>> No.18202519


Or the new stuff is just the result of letting people into academia for the sake of diversity. Tell me, who will be reading "Kant from a feminist perspective" in 50-100 years? I assure you Kant will still be read.

>> No.18202533
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>Teaching philosophy class
>"Now what does the allegory of the cave mean?"
>Student answers - and this is not hyperbole, this is direct paraphrase to the question
>"It means white people think people of color and transgender can't discern reality"
>Multiple students give answers like this, every time

Universities need to be torn down.

>> No.18202551
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>Actually everything is just subjective and it doesn't matter which worldview is prevalent (but leftoid ideas are better) and everything HAS to have a political charge to it and it DID before and if you disagree youre a big baby

Go away forever

>> No.18202554

good advice, never think the class will "pick back up" or "get better"

>> No.18202559

no fucking way >:(

>> No.18202686

How dare you support Assad! What about the heckin freedomfighterinos!? What about the gas attacks

>> No.18202704
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Not an argument
Not an argument
Meaningless conjecture
Seeeeeethe :)

>> No.18202730

>>It's just one worldview being substituted for another bro
>This worldview is shit
>>Not an argument

>> No.18202746

Black, of course. Very black, but not African.

>> No.18202770

Because wanting to transform eccentric field in existence into a vehicle for helping to achieve a broader agenda. The cynical instrumental inaction of all educational systems as a mode of social control should bother you, and if you believe otherwise, you’re not worth all the resources you use to stay alive.

>> No.18202791

It's also not to say that what preceded it was better, but what's going on right now is bad.

>> No.18202816

obv bait

>> No.18202861

This is fake and gay. I go to probably the most liberal Uni in this whole country and have not only been able to defend racism, but defend fucking slavery before my class with no repercussions because I framed it as devil advocacy. The thing is you played devils advocate and showed your hand, confirming to everyone that you wrongthink. I refuse to believe someone in uni is that incompetent.

>> No.18202877

>I've been able to argue for something when using it as a means to argue against it.
You're just a sniveling coward.

>> No.18202993

Lol, seethe harder wagecuck, I am sitting with my cush uni job while you reee on pol about joos

>> No.18203097

>History of the Inca

>> No.18203103

From an Odontologist pov

>> No.18203133

Whatever, just don't act like you actually challenged anything or that what you did is some sort of evidence that these places aren't highly ideological.

>> No.18203136

I remember my professor telling us to look at vox

>> No.18203146

Education is literally fundamentally a form of social control. Pedagogy relies on brother theories to form itself. Interpretations can only be had through the lens of a person operating with their beliefs. Claiming one is superior or inferior is just confirmation bias.

>> No.18203149

In the grand scheme of things they are pretty moderate. It's a shame that "moderate" and "centrist" have become synonymous in today's online discourse.

>> No.18203153

Reading this thread makes me happy that I dropped out and learned a trade

>> No.18203156
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I was taking classes for an IR minor in 2017-2018 and it was all that I could do to introduce some skepticism on the pro-UN/NATO circlejerk that was every single class. You don't even need to go full dictator-apologia to call into question the narratives behind regime-change ops against figures like Assad, Puttin, Hussein, Gaddafi, and others. I like to think that I was able to question the FP establishment/status-quo in class and get others to agree with me and not take the word of [random pro-democracy NGO] as gospel without coming off as a total autist.

>> No.18203186

>putting the white girls together with niggers
She truly was an ex-nun.

>> No.18203196

My state university was really gay but the community college I went to was actually really chill

>> No.18203202
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>first day of uni, politics lecturer boasts about his political compass test placing him in the very bottom left corner and makes all of us take the same test; this is a guy I'm supposed to take seriously for the rest of the year
>later in the year a student was giving a presentation about something related to the discovery of America and when he mentioned Columbus he was called racist and faced a lot of abuse (I actually stepped in to support the guy and told them to shut the fuck up - they were all women or weak men so they shut up, unsurpisingly)
>second year lecturer boasts about how easy it is to destroy conservatives in debate (she was an out and proud communist) and gives me my lowest score of my life because I dared to criticise her ideology

>> No.18203215

Yeah this one's fake

>> No.18203216

>take political compass quiz for class
>end up in top middle, right next to Hitler

>> No.18203221


>> No.18203226

He should use more 'write' than 'say'.

>> No.18203237
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Sounds like it belongs to the Master.

>> No.18203254

I'm not a minority in my own country.

>> No.18203296

We was discussing how trump had been able to acheive foreign policy goals that others presidents had not. the lecturer and 95% of the class was in total agreement that trump trade war on china had been a demonstration that america could actually use the power of the state to make political change and that the idea of a strong nation state was not dead. A few of us said that he even did a good thing by engaging in economic nationalism (even if it was mostly non-existant). Anyway we leave the class and i happen to walk down the same stairs as this blue haired girl. she's crying her eyes talking to her friend about 'how could they' 'he's a rapist' 'what will there kids say'

either that or the time a lecturer absolutelty sperged out in support of jordan peterson. was hilarious

>> No.18203365

For a moment I thought this was the pasta with the eagle and the marxist professor.

>> No.18203370
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Imagine paying for education

>> No.18203375

at my job they are giving us free english classes since most of us don't speak english well, and the teacher has always choosing racism in america as a debate topic. and as homework he had us watch a shitty ted talk which is basically propaganda, and next day he it was bizarre hearing him talking about how good the video was and how racist did we think these guys in america are

plus all the mandatory formations about diversity and inclusion, the more contact i get with the mainstream world the more weird it gets

>> No.18203444

>told them to shut the fuck up - they were all women or weak men so they shut up, unsurpisingly
Based if true

>> No.18203459

This is absolutely insane. I think my story will be very different from most of the stories of this thread
>Be me
>Study medicine in Eastern Europe
> Half of the students from India
>10% from africa
>40% from Arabian peninsula
>Introductory lecture at University
>4 month after we started studying
>It starts with some bullshit about how our parents are paying a lot of money for our education etc.
>mfw when they brought a literal Imam to convince the arabs to study well
> He talked for 45 minutes in Arabic
>More than half of the students are VERY confused
>Nobody leaves because way too akward
There was generally a lot of weird shit happening, but this was truly bizzarre. Why wouldn't they let non-muslim students leave?

>> No.18203570

You're helping them with your passivity. Stop ignoring them.

>> No.18203613

You're definitely applying critical thinking skills and I must concede some ground to you. It's funny how the other anons got flustered and replied with non sequiturs.
However, I think you may be falsely equivocating different worldviews. No one can escape their own bias, but there is a difference between basic belief in material reality and the belief in the supernatural, aka faith. To take up your example, "Kantian Epistemology", I imagine, tries to take on Kant on his own terms. This view values certain truths and methods derived from a specific culture. In that sense I think that it's much the same as "Kant from a feminists perspective". Now depending on the type of course, it might be a completely valid framework, that just applies a different lense to Kant, transparently and with good intent. I imagine few would be troubled by this. As soon as ideology (which no one is exempt from) reaches a criticial point at which it makes general, prescriptive, normative statements; as soon as it leaves objectivity behind - of which many such 'crazy leftist views' are guilty of - to argue subjective views that are validated as such, to effect change in society in an intransparent manner, to silence all opposition - THEN I am troubled. Firstly, because I subjectively dislike this development. Secondly, it clearly shows two different levels of worldviews at work. Most frames claim objectivity and truth for themselves on a fundamental level, yes, but to go further and dismiss other frames, to rally your troops for a cause, to use the object of inquiry as an instrument in your agenda is a different kind of - a baser kind of - level. 'Baser' can be read as both a value judgment, as well as an objective statement.

>> No.18203628

What's fucked up is that this school would routinely force young men out over trumped up drama. One black kid was banned from every building on campus because he made a comment in class that some women abuse Title X cases by filing superflous claims as a way of bullying people they don't like. Another guy who'd survived a mass shooting got bullied out because a girl accused him of giving her hug. Meanwhile these "protesters" would go around actively threatening, stalking, and harassing students and would be considered untouchable by the administration (which allowed them to run their own student judiciary board where they could dole out punishments as they see fit while being completely unaccountable for their actions).
Of course all the ugly niggardly trannies hurling abuse at people were private school kids paying full tuition.

Based Lloyd Gerson giving basic college kids what exactly they deserve. Its good that not every professor coddles their students. He's absolutely right to mercilessly dab on plebs, because 90% of college students just treat it like an extended day care/summer camp while bitching non-stop about every minor inconvenience.
If I ever became a professor I would be the exact same way.

It's psychotic racist abuse towards straight white men you disingenuous retard. It's the people going out of their way to target, harass, gaslight, abuse, and alienate young men for the """"crime"""" of disagreeing with them that can't handle a different worldview.

>> No.18203660

It's stuff like this that just makes you want to show up to school with an AR and put a bullett in between the eyes of every single woman and onions you come across

>> No.18203782

Actuallyhis sucks for women too because men are now afraid of being metood or divorce raped.
High IQ women are against this feminazi shit

>> No.18203806

what's the context of this video?

>> No.18203824

From the other side of the isle we had an absurdly pathetic Classics prof who would go on anti SJW lectures with fox news style right wing talking points. As someone with slightly right wing sympathies myself i found him to be both embarrassing and a lousy teacher.

Worse! all the left wing teachers were perfectly civil, even the super clockuble tranny, who ,while funny sounding,, always had time to help.

>> No.18203867

It's not about having a "lefty" prof. Honestly if any of the profs were genuinely left it would be a breath of fresh air, but most of them are this sort of guilt-based authoritarian ideology everyone here is complaining about, which isn't genuine leftism but dogmatic affirmation of a branch of status quo.

But to answer your question, it's more so professionalism than anything. These classes are expensive as fuck, and when things like >>18200705 happen it really drives the point home. If you go into one of these classes and pay the ridiculous amount of money they ask, you'd expect the classes to be about what they say they are going to be about. If the class spends most of the time on some bizarre niche but says it's about general phil or history, that's just dishonesty.

When you say >they're simply doing their version of what has always been done
it's not a matter of what worldview the professor has. It's a matter of what they say the class is about (prior to taking the class) vs what the professor actually spends the time doing.
If I took "Kantian Epistemology" (and paid whatever they ask) and got "Kant from a feminist's perspective", not only is that outright dishonesty but it reduces trust in the uni's ability to be honest. Frankly if it's ridiculous enough someone could just sue a uni for that kind of dishonesty

But a third case: if the class is either titled something that is a red flag or the professor gives red flags early only just drop it/don't take it. Simple as that

>> No.18203876
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I went to uni later in life.
I joined the Australian Army straight out of high school for adventure and to get away from Bogan shithole i grew up in. After 9 years in the army and 2 deployments to Afghanistan i decided to get educated. I wanted to be a writer and write books about my experiences in Afghan so i enroll in the creative writing/English degree.
First day we're asked to introduce ourselves
literal children get up and state their pronouns, talk about their racial identity and their "struggle"
Comes to my turn...
"yeah i'm anon, i've just finished 9 years in the Australian Army, did two deployments to Afghanistan, i want to learn to write so i can write books about my experiences in the war. I don't have any pronouns but i was a sergeant in my battalion so you can call me sarge if you want, otherwise i'm just anon."
Whole class, teacher included, looks at me like i've just admitted to raping kids.
Get a lot of bullshit from everyone about "fighting for imperialism" for the first term.
Take the matter to uni admin.
They are reluctant to do anything about it.
Get RSL (veterans organisation) involved. They threaten university with media coverage of how badly they treat veterans etc. Actually get a journalist from a right wing currant affairs show to call up the university asking questions about my case.
Uni shits it. Apologises, Forces teacher to apologise. I get no hassle from that point on.
Good grades without even trying that hard.
Sometimes being a veteran is a like a magic pass.

>> No.18203934

On the one hand, that kind of intensity and exigence is pretty based, on the other, humiliating students is one of the most counterproductive ways to teach, and it reeks of the professor just not wanting to bother engaging with students, which is pretty much the opposite of teaching.

In my stochastic calculus courses in uni I had one of the best specialist in the world as prof, he was super humble and laid back and yet extremely clear and easy to follow. He actually made stochastic calculus sound easy, which is no mean feat. I also had some prof who were also world-class and pretty demanding by never condescended to their students.

Sorry but no amount of "I'm not here to coddle you" posturing is going to convince me that a prof that behave as described >>18200737 is secretly a pedagogical genius and not just a narcissistic fuck. Chastising students for being sloppy is normal, mocking students for getting things wrong is simply retarded.

>> No.18203938

Did you end up writing anything

>> No.18203977
File: 116 KB, 1280x1290, 20170424-4O1GHDF3vyAAcQfG8B1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooo, look how edgy you are! Treating people like shit is so cool and based. Contrarian opinions mark you out as intelligent; facts don't care about feelings, right?

The sad thing is, you and I probably hold similar opinions when it comes to identity politics. However, the problem is you dilute that side of the debate with midwittery and a pathetic egoism based on a perceived contrarian edginess.

Maybe you'll grow up. Maybe you won't.

>> No.18203993

Two of my professors took advantage of me sexually

>> No.18204011

Yes, currently submitting it to various publishers hoping for a reply soon

>> No.18204027


>> No.18204042

Gerson was actually a great lecturer. But he's also an asshole with serious character flaws he's gotten away with because of intelligence and scholarly aptitude. Extreme arrogance and charisma aren't always easily distinguishable (especially when you're an 18-year-old). He's a university professor, not a rock star.

That said, someone like him can be refreshing in a modern university. There's a lot of coddling nonsense and it has lead to an atmosphere that denigrates the material of higher education. However, an asshole is an asshole. Gerson's behaviour could be rationalized in a lot of ways but, when it comes down to it, a bully is still a bully and his actions are hard to justify (especially when he failed to show any restraint regardless of circumstance and took a malicious joy in harming students via a position of authority).

>> No.18204043

why does that seem to be such a common thing? jesus christ prof life must be depressing

>> No.18204060

based doing something valuable with his time anon. very nice, hope all goes well

>> No.18204103

For some reason this strikes me as one of the worst itt. Gave me some flashbacks of a few very bad physics classes.

>> No.18204136

It's the first day of the school's great books class, where they study the classics. This group called Reedies Against Racism (which has helped implement such bold policies as racially segregated dormitories, student newspapers, and useless admin positions for parasitic brown people) decided that as a protest they would charge into the first day of class, seize the podium, and interrupt the entire lecture for the sake of feeding their egos. Not a single student involved was punished in any way for this. They've also done things like contact student's workplaces to get them fired because they made a comment and baselessly accuse people or being racists or rapists over trivial shit. They've done this for years and haven't faced a single real consequence for it because the school has subordinated all of its penal authority (ie, the right to ban or expel students) to a different board of student activists who selectively chooses who gets punished and who doesn't along ideological lines. The school doesn't even have any stated rules beyond 'act honourably' that would allow people to make appeals or challenge them for bias.

Who cares about debate? You try to debate these people in good faith and they'll go behind your back and spread rumours about you, or try to get you fired from your job, or threaten your friends in order to socially alienate you. There is no social contract anymore on American campuses, it's purely a matter of power. Antifa groups and BLM groups in Portland straight up murdered a guy last year because he was wearing a Trump hat, beat up a journalist because he reported critically on them, and have recently started setting up checkpoints where they point guns at random white suburbanites and intimidate them (https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2021/05/police-investigating-armed-confrontation-on-north-portland-street.html)- all of this has been implicitly funded and supported by sympathetic organs of power who selectively enforce rules and norms based on ideology.
The only way you can deal with this people is violence. This isn't a good faith academic debate, it's a civil war and they want you dead.

>> No.18204142

Bullshit. You sound like one of those women who's never responsible for their own actions so they just blame other people for 'taking advantage' of them.
Grow the fuck up and own your life you pathetic loser.

>> No.18204161

english professor was a filipino immigrant with an extremely thick accent

>> No.18204168

I'll admit to you guys, since you actually made an effort, that I was baiting. But since you both effort posted, ill continue playing devils advocate. Assuming the thread doesn't archive soon, ill sit down and try to offer a thorough response on behalf of the sort of people I was trying to emulate. I'm busy for now, but I'm just tagging you guys so you know that I saw your responses and will post some sort of rejoinder in a bit.

>> No.18204196

>Gerson was actually a great lecturer. But he's also an asshole with serious character flaws he's gotten away with because of intelligence and scholarly aptitude. Extreme arrogance and charisma aren't always easily distinguishable (especially when you're an 18-year-old). He's a university professor, not a rock star.
Very well put. I wish there was a simple way to curb that kind of shitty behavior without restraining competent lecturers in their liberty to teach. In the end it boils down to how willing and able the rest of the faculty is. You can't (and shouldn't be able to) fire a tenured academic for that kind of behavior, so only his colleagues can perhaps temper his excess.

>took a malicious joy in harming students via a position of authority
This one is the real issue. Some teachers are rude due to autism or a lack of self-awareness, but going out of your way to put students down is a cardinal sin as a teacher imo.

>> No.18204205

Take for example the incident I posted. Groups of young people, mostly black, wandering around with assault rifles and handguns pointing them in peoples faces and screaming at them while also vandalizing their cars. Does this get reported in the media? Outside of local media, only fox news runs a half-hearted article on it. The next day the Rolling Stones runs the following hit piece on the Portland Police: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/justice-department-portland-police-unconstitutional-force-violence-1166597/
Waxing about how evil and tone death they are against the poor innocent protestors who have been peacefully trying to protect innocent blacks who keep getting murdered for no reason at all.
What do you do in a situation like this? You can't even defend yourself or they'll come after you and ruin your life. Getting up and trying to have a reasoned debate will get you depersoned, at best, and physically assaulted or killed without repercussions at worst (which is increasingly more likely). No law and order, just pure ethnic warfare happening under the guise of a total media blackout.

>> No.18204208

You can always opt out of taking his class, pussy.

>> No.18204221

That's certainly a great way to improve his teaching style, have him lecture in front of an empty room. Thanks for your brilliant solution anon.

>> No.18204244

He's an expert in his field and he can teach however the fuck he wants. If you want to benefit from that instruction or not is entirely your choice.
In the real world people aren't going to cater to your every demand or adjust themselves just because you feel entitled to have your ass kissed more often. Part of going to university is learning to be an adult so try growing the fuck up.

>> No.18204255

>YA fiction is torture porn
What books are you reading, anon? There was never any torture porn in Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, or Abhorsen, nor is there in any John Green novels (yes I've read John Green before).

>> No.18204263

>He's an expert in his field and he can teach however the fuck he wants.
>being an expert implies being a good teacher
Ask me how I know you've never been to uni.

>If you want to benefit from that instruction or not is entirely your choice.
You keep phrasing the issue as if I were a student wondering whether to take up his courses. I'm talking from the point of view of a teacher. From what anon tells his antics only diminish the quality of his teaching, and there's no need to be an expert to realize that.

>irrelevant rant about the "real world"
Tell me when you're done with the highschool football team coach talk. Also, you completely missed the point of my post. If you'd been to uni you might have learnt how not to read your own obsessions into people's arguments.

>> No.18204286

You accuse me of being uneducated but you can't have a discussion on 4chan without building up a strawman and status posturing. We're all anonymous here here kid, so lurk more before you post. How he teaches is entirely his business and his prerogative, and he's obviously more successful than you are so drop your impotent superiority complex.

>> No.18204296

>In the real world people aren't going to cater to your every demand or adjust themselves just because you feel entitled to have your ass kissed more often
You could literally say the same about Gerson and his shitty behaviour. You're basically projecting unto this issue and larping as a tough guy who knows his way into "the real world" (whatever the fuck that is).

>> No.18204319

Thank you, I really appreciate it. Would you mind posting a response to your own bait? How would you discredit yourself?
Btw, I'd like to reiterate the point I made (and you baited with, hehe): most people live inside bubbles and it's a valid criticism of the new left (and right of course) that they do not engage with anything outside of their own bubble - at least not in good faith. So I think bait and trolling can sometimes provide good value. It's good to be aware of one's biases.

>> No.18204326

Understanding why professors are such sociopaths becomes much easier when you realize they have had captive audiences of literal high school students + 1 year, for 30+ years, who laugh at their jokes and instinctively treat them with deference.

Imagine what that does to a person's brain.

>> No.18204345

I would always argue with and contradict them. Everyone hated me

>> No.18204355

>Maybe it's because the college I went to wasn't very prestigious or widely known on a national scale, so it attracted less loonies.
I suspect that the opposite correlation holds true.

>> No.18204359

>Nobody is forcing you to take his class.
If you don't like it, don't go. It's really that simple.

>> No.18204365

comfy thread
thanks jannies for not deleting it

>> No.18204399

>You accuse me of being uneducated
I'm just pointing out the undeniable fact that you post like someone who has no idea what he's talking about. Prove me wrong, post something other than a cookie-cutter rant that is entirely unaffected by the topic of discussion.

This whole thread is about criticizing bad teaching. "He can do whatever he wants" is not addressing criticism, but evading it (and why would you evade criticism not even directed at you?).

Eh, at worst you'll find an uncharitable phrasing, but the fact that you went into a unfocused tangent at the end of your post is pretty clear.
Also you're the one who made this about personal issue ("grow the fuck up", as if I was a student complaining a bad grade and not an outside anon commenting about bad teaching habits).

> status posturing
You're the one who said
>He's an expert in his field and he can teach however the fuck he wants.
And I'm the one who said being an expert doesn't make you a flawless teacher.

>lurk more
Merely a sentence after accusing me of posturing you do a bad imitation of le 4chan oldfag. Ridicule aside, you're not even on point with your insults. I spent some years in uni, I attended lectures but at least a couple dozen different professors, and I taught about a couple hundred hours in uni. This by no means makes me an expert, but it means I have an actual experience of both teaching and studying in university. You can really see my criticism of Gerson as a kind of professional comment: the guy being a leading authority doesn't excuse being a dick to students, especially since it objectively detracts from an otherwise excellent teaching. I have seen professors as famous as he is in their own field teach fine without resorting to the same abuse, and from what anon describes that abuse seems to be completely unnecessary and removing would probably improve Gerson lectures. Ask experienced lecturers, I'm confident 90% of them would agree with me.

It has got nothing to do with "the real world" and everything to do with the reality of teaching in front of a class (in fact, in the real world being a dick for no reason tends to get you fired, Gerson only gets away with it because academia is kind of a professional bubble).

As you can see, you comment was way off point, nobody cares that you think people nowadays are totally soft and coddled. Also, good luck actually working with someone like that. I'm sure it would quickly change your opinion on what being an expert means.

>How he teaches is entirely his business and his prerogative
Again, irrelevant. How your boss manages you is entirely his prerogative but if his only interaction with you is beating you with a chair I think we'd be well-founded in saying this is not ideal. It should not be that hard to understand.

>he's obviously more successful
Who cares? And why do you react as if Gerson was a close relative of yours? Engage with the actual criticism or go browse /a/.

>> No.18204410

Be a little less specific in your posts. Someone could identify you solely on the basis of this information.

>> No.18204413

I think there have been calls over the years by other professors. I had another prof who referenced Gerson and made fun of how much of an asshole he is to his students. This prof was also great but his character was entirely different (he ran into me on campus and paid for the coffee I ordered so he could sit with me and discuss a paper I wrote). Entirely different person, equally brilliant, but actually liked teaching as much as his scholarly work (perhaps even more).

The thing with Gerson is that he takes delight in being an asshole. He's impervious to criticism about his character because he's a narcissistic dick who can always fall back on his accomplishments. He's also super intelligent and loves being combative; it's unlikely that he'd ever lose his standing or position in the university and, as such, he'll never change. (He has had to resort to lecturing for The Mises Institute instead of more reputable organizations when it comes to academia outside his specialization--so there's that I guess).

>> No.18204423

That might be a reason, but the opposite (teacher profoundly demoralized by their interactions with students) appears to be at least as common. It probably applies mostly to the very successful academics.

>> No.18204433

You sound autistic. Professors should not be having sex with their students.

>> No.18204435

Nobody here is asking whether they should go to that particular class (some of us don't even live in the same continent as this prof). It's more about how he's a good example of a certain kind of excess among the most respected academics. Which is exactly the topic at hand, if you bother to read the OP.

>> No.18204452

This. The entitlement of American college students is unreal. It is a seriously coddled generation. University professors owe you jack shit. Suck it up or leave.

>> No.18204458

I suppose there is no helping it, the only way to stop a guy like that is to go full canceling on his ass and canceling is even more cancerous than he is.
On the plus side as you say, he's a great lecturer, that's more than I can say for most of the "maliciously derisive" professors type I've met.

>> No.18204463


Actually, if you were majoring in Philosophy and specializing in the Greeks--you couldn't. There were only two sections for the year-long course and he was one of them. As they were the gateway into the upper-year classes, they'd both be full (so you have a 50/50 shot of being stuck with him).

As per your brilliant advice...most people who HAD to take his intro course avoided his other classes (even if it meant not being able to take seminars that would round out your degree).

>> No.18204475

>American college students
Are those the one who pay to attend class? If yes, then the professors actually owe you something.

Funny how when the student complains it's "nobody owes you anything, grow up", but when a professors suck at the job he's literally paid for it's "he can do whatever he wants, he has a degree".
You're free to choose whether you want to roleplay as daddy hardass or as mister "people have to face their responsibilities" itt, but try to be consistent with your choice.

Before someone makes an irrelevant personal attack, I'm neither American nor a student, you'll have to find another stereotype.

>> No.18204491

I mean, I'd still probably take his section of the course (his lectures were great). I grew up in bad neighbourhoods so I'd been subject to the abuse of people far scarier and intimidating than he could ever be.

The point is just that he's a terrible example of a human being. I learned as much about that type of person from being around him as I did about Plato from listening to his lectures.

>> No.18204495

Profs are not at the university to teach dumbshit undergrads. The university is not a business. A professor is rarely paid for teaching.
Are you Anglo? Same thing as an American.

>> No.18204497

stop spreading this misinformation; this claim is easily debunked, as he didn’t actually OD; Floyd did have fentanyl in his system, but not enough to kill him.

and before anyone tries to move goal posts by calling him a “junkie”, well boo hoo nigga, floyd didn’t deserve to be murdered.

>> No.18204500


>> No.18204511
File: 431 KB, 1800x1408, 1615684594577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original autopsy, the one before it got "corrected", disagrees entirely with your propaganda-based opinion.

Stop trying to fight cops and you'll stop getting hurt

>> No.18204512

I ALWAYS paraphrase slurs (except on 4chan, kek), never trust or expect any kind of consistency from progressives.
Same. Guess what major I'm in though. You literally can't, it could by anything.
>One day I had been given a Bible by a preacher on campus and I decided on a whim to read it.
Ironically that implies you're not a Bible thumper, who would have just said "I'll put it with the rest".

>> No.18204530

What a fag

>> No.18204533

He absolutely had enough to OD, mister deboooonker. But they claim he didn’t OD because... idk, hard to tell, something with protests and democrats and statues and white supremacy and ACAB. But let’s not start this, this is a heated subject, but please don’t spread misinformation

>> No.18204541

He doesn't suck at his job. The anon who mentioned him literally said:
> His lectures were great and he was a renowned authority on the material (odds are most of you who took anything to do with Ancient Greece read translations done by him).
If he feels like that means he can be an asshole then good for him. He's absolutely right to berate that anon for his half assed "does that mean...." as well, part of appearing educated is having conviction in what you're saying. He's giving these kids a quality education in a system that coddles and infantilizes them, and they're actually crying about it.
I went to highschool in france and my latin teacher once made a girl burst into tears and run out of the room sobbing because she came to class high. My science teacher used to hit me if I slacked off in class. It made me a stronger, more educated, more self confident person. Meanwhile these Yankees get coddled their whole lives and can't even give their opinion with phrasing it as a question or take 20 seconds of criticism without seething about it anonymously years later. You're a miserable, spoiled, insufferable generation of wimps and it's great that somebody is willing to put you in your place.
You can play semantics and lie about your nationality all you want but this sort of intellectual hazing is normal in most of the world and it's mostly to the students own benefit.

>> No.18204561

Religious studies teacher kept on saying God is a woman for the whole year. She didn’t like that kind, me being from the Catholic school on the other side of time and disagreeing was one of the many

That whole class had a ridiculous gender ratio. Me and another guy, then 12 women. Similar in the other class. Women really liked religious studies there for some reason. Or more so.

>> No.18204562

Imagine this, but the professor is derailing the class about politics, and you're still given the real test at the end, along with a list of topics to research a week before.

>> No.18204584

5. Throw a massive tantrum when a center-right isolationist gets elected and act like he's a fascist for *not* wanting to invade anywhere that's not "democratic".

>> No.18204623


>> No.18204639

Got another story I remembered from late last year.

>Zoom classes
>Building a four tower castle with a spruce roof with a tutorial on so that the class is less boring.
>Lecturer is saying how immigration has been happening in British isles for ever.
>Lists Vikings, Saxons and Normans as examples
> Rarely call lecturers out on that. Just get annoyed enough that time.
Tell him in chat that they were all invaders, Saxon invasions only preceded immigration and he’s comparing immigrants to invaders.
> “Well I er erm”
> Just says a few words saying not really and moves on

I didn’t mention how only the Saxons have had more of a DNA impression than the Britons but still, he was out of line.

One of them at my old uni also started going on about Sargon of Akkad (the YouTuber) once.

>> No.18204648


>> No.18204683

>You're free to choose whether you want to roleplay as daddy hardass or as mister "people have to face their responsibilities" itt, but try to be consistent with your choice.
How am I not consistent? The prof is a leading professor in his field, and as a responsibility for that he gets to run his class as his own personal dictatorship. You're the one acting like he should be punished over trivial bullshit or just because some undergrads don't like him.
You're either a yankee or a kike because nobody else uses such obtuse 'gotcha' responses like that.

>> No.18204685
File: 133 KB, 736x1098, TAIRXHLaIp83Mle5SFbW0W2hOXW7NPdaUdk5dUFxch8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I....

>> No.18204695

Did you get some
writing done?

>> No.18204718

Paying thousands of dollars for a teacher comes with the expectation that they do their job. The "autodidact with credentials" path is more based but it's a big mental hurdle.
To be fair, I've been to three colleges/universities and two were very good. The third was a liberal arts college, no good. I just wish I could have been there when Trump was elected, kek.

>> No.18204793

Checked and it's totally true. It happened slightly before the whole SJW thing went mainstream and, being young and naive at the time, I didn't fully understand just how different the people at uni were going to be from me. I come from a working class, overtly racist community so it was a culture shock to see people offended over something as minor as Christopher fucking Columbus.

I just felt sorry for the guy, it was obviously his first presentation and he was visibly nervous - people piling on him was probably his worst nightmare come true in that moment. He thanked me afterwards.

>> No.18205073

>voicing uncommon opinions

>> No.18205085

What? The non-fascist scholarship?

>> No.18205087

In my papers and class discussion, I always refer to 'humans' as Men, refer to any and all 'abstract people' as he.

>> No.18205101

how exactly do you paraphrase

>> No.18205179

I think hating BLM is pretty common

>> No.18205351

Write it as letter-word usually. Sometimes just say "a slur for x". Unironically look at how progressives quote slurs if they don't have an n-word pass.

>> No.18205388

>be freshman at UCLA
>biology degree
>check out courses
>there's an elective
>'sex and humans'
>first lecture
>it's a fucking pink haired tranny
>does not pass at all
>bad skin
>says something about smashing the patriarchy, conceptual penis, sex organs
>seems like it knows its stuff
>presentation shows pictures of vaginas
>tells all the girls not to worry about 'their looks down there'
>maximum cringe
>some of them look mangled as fuck
>everyone silent while this goes on
>'Could you tell which one used to be a penis?'
>goes to slide with vaginastein
>'yep, that's mine' with a fucking twinkle in its eyes
>almost throw up
>everyone is horrified
>never came back
>heard afterwards almost everyone left except for those who had to take the course, some feminist studies thing

>> No.18205406

>literature and philosophy departments
That's your problem right here.
Should have picked a real major.

>> No.18205653

It was a prerequisite for all courses in the department having anything to do with Greece. So no, it wasn't a matter of simply not taking the course for the vast majority of people there. The mature student I mentioned in the initial post did what a lot of people wanted to do and just left. Gerson took it as an opportunity to mock him as he left and then drop a couple of insults about the fact the guy was going to university as a retirement activity.

Gerson was just an asshole.

>> No.18205747
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See >>18204042

Are you 18? If not, what's your excuse for not being able to tell the difference between being tough and being a bully? Were you picked on a lot? Did you fail to process that in a positive way, so now you LARP being a no-nonsense tough guy in front of strangers on the internet?

Do you even realize you're as much a part of the problem as those that call for safe spaces and mandatory sensitivity training? People like you are their target, the trouble is sensible people get caught in the crossfire and, when they try to have a discussion, you hurl your edgy truth bombs and REEEEEEEEEEE.

>> No.18205963

What fucking uni is this

>> No.18206061

women love to pretend to be spiritual, because they get all the material stuff given to her by their parents and various BFs.