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18062553 No.18062553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does being "made in the image of God" mean?

>> No.18062585

Similar to God -- not identical, but derived from His features, be it physical (this is debatable) or by our divine nature.
God has a soul - we have a soul.
God is concious - we are concious.
God loves - we love.
But: God knows all and sees all - man knows nothing and sees nothing.

>> No.18062587

That makes me think even less of Yahweh.

>> No.18062591
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We image god to resemble human beings of course
Head, pair of arms and legs, but a giant dick

>> No.18062628

The burden of "omnipotence" is too heavy for anyone except God to carry. Lucifer tried and look how that turned out. Politheism is absurd by definition. What's wrong with having limitations? Man was more free in the Garden than now. We should think less of ourselves. It's hard to explain, but it would be like trying to describe a new color.

Dumbfuck shemale.

>> No.18062652

It just means that you are mind and he is mind. God doesn’t have sensible form ofc

>> No.18062658

>still uses the false image either made by paganizing heretics or some cheeky cunt

>> No.18062714


It’s an ancient piece that was outlawed. They went from animal worship to monotheism at a certain point and it’s even in the bible.

>> No.18062758

We have free will and dominion over the rest of creation.

>> No.18062805

There is no animal worship. Animals are considered sacred only insofar as they are expiatory, recalling the original murder which gave rise to the religion and thus community, society.
Jewish religious history is traced back to Ugaritic and Canaanite religions.
Read more, post less.

>> No.18062818

It simply means that human consciousness has the potential to realize divinity. No animal has that potential

>> No.18062834

sorry, clarification: it has the potential to realize ITSELF as divine. It is not as if God is separate from any part of the creation (if we are to assume that He is limitless/unfathomable), but through the heights of man's consciousness alone He finds expression

>> No.18062840

You are a pointer of God, you are a reference of God. If you get closer to God, you get closer to being yourself, seeing as you are made in the image of God. If you stray away from God you stray away from being what you are meant to be.

>> No.18062927

All of the traditional Jewish and Christian commentaries and interpreters believe it means we are made with a faculty for Reason. Reason is the image of God which separates us from the animals and not a bodily appearance nor emotions.

Doesn’t matter if you’re reading Augustine, at athanasius, Moses Maimonides, Irenaeus, aquinas, Bonaventure etc. it is the human reasoning capacity and intellect which is the image of God and through these we DO create entire mental worlds and through these we have utter control over our environment which no other animal can truly do.

>> No.18062934

I know of the pagan interweavings and tendencies warded off in the Bible. I'm just not sure why some pagan bumfuck's drawing and some other guy's (later) inscription saying "Yahweh and his Asherah" is to be taken as a powerful strike against Christianity, or even worthy of consideration

>> No.18062935

From what I understand, the Imago Dei (The Image of God) is not about physical resemblance, as God is a spiritual being and is infinite. Likewise, the Image of God can't be describing other characteristics like spiritual and psychological similarities, because the Angels share these similarities, yet only Humans were made in the Image of God. Rather, the Imago Dei refers to Mankind's function (purpose), and that we were created for a purpose that is similar to what God does. That purpose? To rule creation, God delegating his authority to Humans, so Humans can rule it on his behalf. The Angels are merely servants, and God created them like that, as God intends to give humans more authority than Angels in the future (Which is one of the reasons Satan rebelled). But of course, if any Human don't want to be like God and sin instead, he'll exile them, where they can live with their sin and nothing else. That is Hell, removal from the presence of God. Thankfully, we can all make the choice of not exiling ourselves when we are alive, the human life we get being the time God gives us to make up our minds about whether we want to be with him or not.

>> No.18063011

What is the relation between the Reason and the Self, our personal individual hypostasis? It is in our soul which is a rational soul, but why do annihilationists say that our soul perishes and they even try to sustain it with their reading of the OT?

>> No.18063047

Speaking of Adam and Eve, weren't they only ashamed of their bodies after they ate from the Tree? Doesn't that mean that prior to that, when they were still living in paradise, they were completely unrestrained with their bodies? In other words, they were having sex whenever they wanted to?

Why do Christians make such a big deal out of sex when Paradise was all about a man and a woman boning all day long?

>> No.18063101

They didn't bone all day long, they had important things to do, like naming Animals. Plus, it took them over 100 years to make a kid (which they had outside the Garden), meaning either they were less fertile (no) or they were not having sex that much.

>> No.18063146

They still boned no doubt. But, I guess you can consider the arrangement sort of like a marriage.

>> No.18063209

I don’t hold to annihilationism, I would go as far as to say the Psyche/soul is itself the reason/image of God as dividing these is not impossible, but I am of the belief that it is God who suffers the most when a person goes to hell, as hell is naught but his own desire unfulfilled and manifest as a darkness, hunger, burning passion and so forth. And while man may not perceive god there, absolute separation, God has not truly left or departed from them. It is God who has the most sorrow concerning hell and for this reason Christ died on the cross. For it is his greatest agony to see those he loves burning in hell, never turning his eye from them, not now and not ever.

>> No.18063244

Sex can only occur if it has unitive and reproductive purpose. In the case of Adam and Eve they would only be consuming the former since they had no child, and this would be sinning against God. Also, it is understood by some that Adam and Eve were each one both male and female, and with the fall had their nature separated becoming each either man or woman.

>> No.18063257
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It means you are God. Not that you are a god, but you are a projection of God. You don't exist in a godly form in this moment, but you are the image of God. We all are.

>> No.18063282

>Sex can only occur if it has unitive and reproductive purpose.
Nature shows us otherwise all the time. If Adam and Eve were like nature before the fall, then Adam was occasionally sticking his dong even into other animals.

>> No.18063299

Nature is fallen in its current condition. Man was not like this nature, but if anything, like the nature of creation itself, reasoned and loving, harmonic with the divine.
If you want to base your own opinions on what animals do, go for it.

>> No.18063306

I’m not annihilationist too. I think it is nonsense, but it bothers me that these people hold to this metaphysical absurdity and worse of all is basing their opinions on Scripture.

>> No.18063321

>Nature is fallen in its current condition.
Is that said in the Bible? That all animals ate from the Tree?

>> No.18063327

>It means you are God
The Jewish people*. You, as a gentile, are not. There is an ontological connection between the Jewish people, Yahweh, Judaism, the Torah, and the Temple. This is why Jews pray to Torah scrolls and to the Temple.

You, however, are not made in Yahweh's image, as you are a gentile.

>> No.18063362


>> No.18063382

My goodness. Read the Church fathers.

>> No.18063414

I'm not interested. I just never realized that all of nature was considered fallen by Christians.

>> No.18063465

So animals eating one another, natural catastrophes, corporeal plight were a reality in the literal Paradise?

>> No.18063470

It means stealing a myth from Canaanite mythology and then changing its meaning to blame humans solely for stuff they had no control over

>> No.18063513

I thought that before eating from the Tree, these acts were not viewed as heinous, or even seen as acts that were arbitrated for a purpose; it was the Tree that made them seem as such, our eyes projecting malicious intent in them being what made the fall the fall.

>> No.18063564


>> No.18063605

The new covenant is for everybody, everyone can be saved by God.

>> No.18063631

God is λογος and we share in it. We're rational creatures, we have an intellectual or spiritual nature.

>> No.18063644


>> No.18063799

Read Genesis for fuck's sake. Genesis 3:
> And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

>Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

>In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

> And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

>> No.18063851

God... Six million wasn't enough.

>> No.18063874

what's mind got to do with "image"

>> No.18063928

God doesnt have a soul, neither is he conscious in the same way we are, neither is divine love like human love
generally speaking theologians and philosophers saw the mind, being infinite and incorporeal, as being a reflection of Gods own being, the stoics and neoplatonic philosophers saw reason, being the faculty of knowing, reflects best the absolutes act of self possession, in being itself eternally and possessing (knowing) itself eternally, stoics thought this was a fragment of the logos in man, the platonics a emanation of the second hypostasis, in genesis God refers to the image as "ours", it perhaps reflects the trinity and its self knowing and self loving eternal unity, as being the union of heart, soul and spirit in man, augustine saw the image as the divine spark much like the neo platonics, what do you think op?

>> No.18063982

Extremely kikepillado

Bastille: stormed

>> No.18064001


>> No.18064026

you know what he meant, come on.
soul = substance = ousia
yes, we are not conscious of everything, god is omniscient
and yeah human love is not what god is: Triadic.

>> No.18064038

That's an artifact of the English language, it's no better than a pun for explanation.

>> No.18064092




>> No.18064097

not only of english, but all latin languages at least as far as i know, and it implies self-conversion (platonism), an understanding of the Knowing Thyself inscription.

>> No.18064171

did sound harsh didn't mean to, i should of explained divine simplicity really

>> No.18064181

Still a pun. And don't say it's valid because "the word was god" etc etc.

>> No.18064659

Ok you are retarded

>> No.18064762

Not an argument. Also, the etymology of reflection referring to thought only dates to the 1600's.

>> No.18064906

Additionally the hebrew word used in genesis for "image" is consistent with the concept of a physical or at least visual likeness between God and Man, as opposed to any kind of metaphor.

>> No.18064958
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It means to be made in concord with the divine form of Protofanes, and with the divine substance of Kalyptos.

>> No.18065129

everything that is is an objectification of G-d, he manifests himself in varying degrees of approximation, think of a stone being 6% like god while humans are 73%, humans are in the image of G-d because we are the highest/ most developed manifestation of divinity (that we know of)
thus everything is G-d, more or less
Jeshua was probably like 84%

>> No.18065310

Holy shit look at how you people insist on your own deformations. There is no supra physical understanding of image in the same way many other metaphors employ common symbols of the world to imply something beyond it, spiritual. Reflection literally means turning back, this is what I meant with self-conversion. You people are absolutely insane.

>> No.18065335



>> No.18065930

if men are made in the image of God why do blacks exist?

>> No.18066664

Very nice bait, faggot

>> No.18066771

Then what is the theology of the body all about? Didn't the Catholic Church i.e. "the intellectual Christianity" bind the physical human form to Godly nature pretty tightly?

>> No.18066816

Masterwork bait, or unironic mask-off Christkiller rhetoric?

>> No.18067314

It means suicide and gender transitions are a sin

>> No.18067363

he image of God refers to the immaterial part of humanity. It sets human beings apart from the animal world, fits them for the dominion God intended them to have over the earth (Genesis 1:28), and enables them to commune with their Maker. It is a likeness mentally, morally, and socially.

Mentally, humanity was created as a rational, volitional agent. In other words, human beings can reason and choose. This is a reflection of God’s intellect and freedom. Anytime someone invents a machine, writes a book, paints a landscape, enjoys a symphony, calculates a sum, or names a pet, he or she is proclaiming the fact that we are made in God’s image.

Morally, humanity was created in righteousness and perfect innocence, a reflection of God’s holiness. God saw all He had made (humanity included) and called it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Our conscience or “moral compass” is a vestige of that original state. Whenever someone writes a law, recoils from evil, praises good behavior, or feels guilty, he or she is confirming the fact that we are made in God’s own image.

Socially, humanity was created for fellowship. This reflects God’s triune nature and His love. In Eden, humanity’s primary relationship was with God (Genesis 3:8 implies fellowship with God), and God made the first woman because “it is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). Every time someone marries, makes a friend, hugs a child, or attends church, he or she is demonstrating the fact that we are made in the likeness of God.

Part of being made in God’s image is that Adam had the capacity to make free choices. Although they were given a righteous nature, Adam and Eve made an evil choice to rebel against their Creator. In so doing, they marred the image of God within themselves, and passed that damaged likeness on to all of their descendants (Romans 5:12). Today, we still bear the image of God (James 3:9), but we also bear the scars of sin. Mentally, morally, socially, and physically, we show the effects of sin.

>> No.18067366

situationally true, i think
>gender transitions
false, i think

but i don't know a whole lot

>> No.18067368

*The image of God

>> No.18067375

I am God and God is me

>> No.18068391

Yup, these.

>> No.18068479

In the sense of having the ability to choose.

>> No.18068628

>muh power is a burden, muh power corrupts
Boring post.

>> No.18068652

knowing /lit/ it's a traditionalist/pagan larper who literally does not know what christianity is

>> No.18068658

>God has a soul - we have a soul
Is the soul a created thing?
If so, then God was created.
If not, then man is coeternal with God

The absolute state of Christianity.

>> No.18068747

Absolutely wrong and what a cringe cope from a tranny.