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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 701 KB, 220x214, 524B294C-021B-4921-97B7-002225BB5F49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17745662 No.17745662 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your hecking mind

>> No.17745677

There’s never very much on my mind.

>> No.17745698

Reddit cringe

>> No.17745709

How to build a modern state...
What is wrong with Latin America?
You have the basics for state building, so how come they blunder so much?

>> No.17745721

Drugs, corruption, plentiful resources already present for a good life and little pressing issues for survival beyond personal fulfillment.

>> No.17745725

A favorite thought experiment of mine is population swaps. Imagine swapping the populations of Korea or Vietnam or Japan with that of South American countries, both post colonization. Does the outcome vary?

>> No.17745728

Stefan Molyneux already answered this

>> No.17745739

Didn't he go full /pol/ neo-nazi insanity?

>> No.17745744

i love watame

>> No.17745745

My friend showed me pictures of his kids
And all I could show him was pictures of my cribs
He said his daughter got a brand new report card
And all I got is a brand new sports car

>> No.17745749

I dunno, I just remember thinking he'd lost the plot when he did a full symbolical political analysis of a recent Angry Birds movie that came out. Funny times.

>> No.17745780

is this real? sounds fucking epic

>> No.17745787

I killed my roommate and don't know what to do with the body.

>> No.17745813

This is the only link I can find that's even associated to it. Looks like the only video that existed was on youtube which was taken down.

>> No.17745870

I think I'm going to make sweet and sour pork tonight.

>> No.17745942
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This might seem like a weird and dumb question, but I'm serious, do you guys feel rested and energetic after waking up?

>> No.17746161
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the internet is horrible but i have no friends so i'am stuck here.

>> No.17746416

I dont have any reason to live yet i'm too afraid of kill myself. It is truly the worst.

>> No.17746441

>all the generals have vtuber ops
I'm sure it's the same guy. What's your plan big guy

>> No.17746449

Never. I can’t remember the last time I felt rested and it shows in my eyes.

>> No.17746918
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You'd be wrong. People keep reporting my threads so I'm just chilling for now.

>> No.17746964

titties are awesome

>> No.17747215


>> No.17747344

I dont know what i want.

>> No.17747360
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I sincerely believe prolonged exposure to 4chan turns people into homosexuals, transsexuals, cuckhold perverts, pedophiles, 'furry' imbeciles, and various other forms of dysgenic sexual failures. Something about this transformation in turn I think compels them to undertake further proselytization of others, they begin contributing to the preponderance of their fetish or fetishes in some degenerate contest, in effect they become spammers or advertisers looking to break down and infect as many other users as possible through normalizing exposure of the abnormal. They become some demented middle ground between the likes of a door to door Evangelist and a bot or shill. More and more I worry about my being here. Not just my sexual but my political and philosophical views have been slowly deformed over my long stay. 10 years ago I would be repulsed by images and ideas I now hold a total tolerance to, yet somehow this never occurred to me as strongly as it does now. I begin to gather my very sense of sense, not just of right and wrong, has been twisted. Why do I have so many pictures of lolis on my computer.
I think I am going to leave, at least for a time.

>> No.17747379
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>> No.17747401

I relate to this

I like the anonymous aspect to this message board, and out of ignorance and laziness and haven't found a better alternative

I just want to have a place where I can discuss topics in depth with people

I want to do something with my life but I don't know how

>> No.17747445

heh, thanks. perhaps, i should continue living even if it's the hardest thing for me.

>> No.17747469

killing time in bed. might play dota soon. could do things but you know.

>> No.17747471

The obvious solution to this is to get off the internet and meet a nice woman, but you can't even do that anymore without using a dating app.
I want to leave this place too, but I have nowhere else to go. All my friends either live on the other side of the world or are too afraid to leave their houses. All the jobs I'm qualified to work at are online-only. The internet has taken over real life and there's no way to escape it, weird fetishes from anonymous sites are starting to appear in real life.

>> No.17747488

I want to read something, but I don’t know about what. I think I may want to read a book about music, but I havnt found one suited to my super autistic taste

>> No.17747499
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Yeah well we all die in the end anyway, why not just wait it out? Who knows what might happen?

>> No.17747521

That makes sense but it doesn't explain everything, since it happens outside environments where people know me too.
I think it's probably that girls are good at reading guys' intentions, and when they're receiving male attention it's usually because the guy wants to fuck or ask them out and they're not being subtle. When you have no direct romantic intent and show them attention anyway, girls warm up quickly to you I guess.
The weird part is you don't need to be self-confident. A lack of confidence can make you really endearing to girls. It kinda triggers a motherly instinct in a distant way

>> No.17747539

I made this post, and I have made a profound realization.

I realized why I enjoy threads like this, the feels threads on /fit/ and anything similar. I could just write out my thoughts in a journal, but I want feedback, and most of the time the things I discuss in here are just kind of odd thoughts, ramblings, feelings, that I don’t feel comfortable telling my friends. I don’t talk to my friends about books or music, so me coming to them and saying out of the blue I want to read a nonfiction book about music would be so strange.

But if I had a significant other, someone who I knew cared for me, and I cared as deeply for them, I’d fucking relish it and be overjoyed if I got a random text from them with a similar oddity and vagueness. Just being allowed to their inner world of thoughts no matter how strange, free from judgement. It sounds so nice, and that kind of feeling if you don’t have a significant other is replicated here due to the anonymous nature of the posting. Someone could insult you sure, but you’re just as likely to meet thoughtful consideration and understanding.

I’m so lonely, and I miss her so much. But I have to keep moving, I’ll find love again. I’ll soon no longer need this place, because I’ll have some I can tell directly I want to read a nonfiction book about music, we can go on an on about that and other random topics.

>> No.17747566

I've been here over a decade and I'm into the most vanilla shit, kys

>> No.17747569

More like I want to die general
Board is dead

>> No.17747585

Do believe that miracles can happen?

>> No.17747592
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what's wrong anon?

>> No.17747600

Hopefully these aren't related

>> No.17747604
File: 421 KB, 1280x720, 1597760784222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with lolis bro
You would be surprised at how deprived normalfags really are.

>> No.17747647
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You're not wrong.

>> No.17748155
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My little brother is really depressed
I'm scared shitless of having no response or finding him dead in his bedroom every time I knock the door. Maybe I'm just projecting but I do wonder if my older sister used to think the same of me.

>> No.17748195

how bad is it?
is it mostly physical or mental depression?

>> No.17748274


>> No.17748340

Both I guess. Sleeps all day, it's always tired and mad at people, watches some youtubers and goes back to sleep. Any discussion ends in altercation, I've given up in talking since he clearly thinks I'm weak and dumb and all my opinions are completely worthless, stuff completely unrelated to him are taken as an attack, it will go on rants about how everything is shit for hours.
I'm thinking in sending him with my parents again. I originally took him because he was always fighting with mom but now it's the same with me.
Recently got into booze too but it's broke and can't get any.
I'm overreacting? It's just teen contrarianism?
When I used to be like that I was almost always thinking of ending it, being awake felt like a blur and couldn't concentrate at all. I don't have any memories of those years but that feel.

>> No.17748360

what he usually says? who does he blame for current situation?

>> No.17748418

Is depression a real mental illness? Is that an objective fact or does the mind that is susceptible to depression just have a different view of reality? Is it really something that can be cured by pills?

>> No.17748438
File: 361 KB, 427x576, 2c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just solved the meta-problem of consciousness. not going to share the solution cause i believe i actually hit at something vital. i will give you a hint: meditate on eliminative materialism's ramifications for different disciplines

>> No.17748490

actual depression is very physical thing (mental too). different view of reality consists of not seething things what other people do. it can be treated with pills to some degree but never cured completely.

>> No.17748516

Że co że co

>> No.17748547

it's only physical as a secondary symptom that follows from the primary mental state.
>different view of reality consists of not seething things what other people do
why did you say this, you're stating the obvious? what I'm getting at is, who has the authority to say depression is wrong? Why do we treat it like an illness instead of a logical conclusion?

>> No.17748549

I will vanquish Gnosticism!

>> No.17748591

His rants are always the same, he just talks about how he doesn't know what to do, why do it and what would be the point of doing it, doesn't really blames anyone, society, our parents or me, just think we shouldn't tell him how to live since he will figure it out, but now has gone completely hiki.
Had shit grades and can't get into any good public university now, family's poor so no good private university either (not american). In one of his rants said I was mom's favorite and since I got into the best university in the country my life was set. He's jealous of me and I genuinely don't know what to do about that. Last year I tried to get him to study but he preferred to watch gaming streams, I thought he didn't care but then got completely pale once the national exam results came by and did like shit.
I can't stop being afraid since people are so impulsive. A friend of a friend almost killed himself for being a virgin and having bad grades.

>> No.17748616

did he ever go for therapy?
>A friend of a friend almost killed himself for being a virgin and having bad grades.
how is he now?

>> No.17748619

I fear I will get a super-inflated ego. I also fear being hypomanic. It could be both. I'm very loosely considering doing something to actively humble myself. There's something odd going on in my life, an undercurrent. Could very well be a BP thing. What is usually my core is shook.

>> No.17748633

> being a virgin and having bad grades.
there are worse reasons. Imagine living decades and decades as a failure virgin.

>> No.17748654

No, it’s not a real mental illness. Depression is actually normal. In fact, they used to say that people who were struck with grief or sadness chronically melancholy and it wasn’t something that was totally normal but it was just something that happens in life. Life is hard. It’s necessarily harder than it is easy. It’s necessarily sadder than it is happy. To live is to lack, to lack is to suffer, and thus, to live is to suffer. Whoever told people that the goal of their life was to be happy, lied to them plain and simple. But here’s the thing. Depression, real depression, doesn’t come from the fact that life is suffering. It comes from feeling like the suffering is not worth it or improbable in anyway. You’re not supposed to acknowledge that. You’re expected to accept the idea that actually, you’re nothing more than a bunch of cells and chemicals moving chaotically through space among other “truths of the modern world” so clearly that can’t be anything that makes the suffering worth it and thus, the suffering is bad and you have to seek happiness. You see the catch-22. This is one of the lies that the modern world is built on.

>> No.17748665

Nothing wrong with jackingit to lolis

>> No.17748677

>A friend of a friend almost killed himself for being a virgin and having bad grades.
Shit, if he was gonna kill himself over that he might as well have succeeded, he's not gonna make it life if something so banal affects him in such a way.

>> No.17748694

It's more than just lolis.

>> No.17748696

I can't stop clenching my jaw and it's driving me up the wall.
When I was a toddler, my mom used to massage my jaw so I'd stop grinding my teeth in my sleep. Kind wish she was here so she could do it now.

>> No.17748700

This is gonna sound cruel but have you tried kicking him out of the house for a while? Just one night on the street might change his attitude for the better.

>> No.17748710

Well if it's actual real life stuff then yeah that might be a problem.

>> No.17748753

I have two coupons for a book store which together are worth 50€. I already have found a manga series which I could purchase for 39€ but I don't know what to do with the remaining money. I would prefer buying a book which I can't find on sites like libgen.
I would wait till I have found the perfect book to buy but the book store is being shut down soon because of COVID-19 and asking its customers to use their coupons soon.

>> No.17748789

what's the fucking point of our conscience, of our existence? why are not people just like every other animal in the world?

>> No.17748792


>> No.17748804

Been feeling insane levels of guilt over some shit I'll 99% never get found out on unless I confessed to it, nothing illegal just morally shit, how do I get over this?

>> No.17748857

Tell us the story.

>> No.17748882

Did you cheat anon?

>> No.17748890


>> No.17748892

No, I used to post on fb fap threads years ago and the regret and guilt hit me like a fucking train over how fucking pathetic I am

>> No.17748906

What? You mean you posted pics of yourself or you just commented under a post that showed some bitch or something?
In either case, it's nothing to be so worried about, especially if you don't think that you can be caught in any way. People do this stuff daily on onlyfans or on gonewild subreddits.

>> No.17748909

I'm very tired lately, I can't concentrate on anything and I've been playing a lot of Tiberian Sun in the meantime. Today during a lecture, I almost beat Nod on Hard difficulty. Why am I doing this?

>> No.17748912

Depression is a real mental illness and it is pretty rare. What most people consider depressed now is not like the rare disease. The most recent modern form of "depression" is a socially produced disease, in part produced by drugs companies to sell stuff, but mostly produced by people like you googling if they're depressed and other memes. The drugs don't actually work. However, the placebo effect does work well enough on socially produced diseases that whatever treatment you believe in will probably work, whether that is drugs or some weird Instagram diet.
One of the things you can do which improves either depression is cardio (and especially if you have anxious symptoms). Making sure you get enough nutrients from food choices can also help. Prescription medicine really only helps in the same way smoking helps depressives: it shortens your lifespan and gives you a way to kill time in the interim.

>> No.17748926 [DELETED] 

Used to post girls I knew, as I said it's not fear of being caught or anything it was just fb photos it's just how fucking pathetic it was, I've honestly thought of cutting myself or some shit as a penance even though I'd never do that because it's just pointless.

>> No.17749079

peace settles on me
a blessing.

>> No.17749107

I didn't say permanently, I said for a while, just one day.

>> No.17749109

How did you achieve that anon?

>> No.17749130

Let the IMF give you a bunch of loans. Tends to work out well I hear.

>> No.17749160 [DELETED] 

The IMF always gets blamed for South America sucking economically, but I'd like to hear their side of the story, considering almost everything the left complains about turns out to be dishonest, now I'm curious what really happened there.

>> No.17749185

estate largely in order, I picked up my rosary

>> No.17749190

are you about to croak or something?

>> No.17749234

I went for a walk today, to see what I could see
and everyone I looked
i just saw poopoo peepee
so I went on home to my computer
sat down with a cold beer
brought up /lit/ to see my frens...
and thats how i got here.

>> No.17749277

I'm no scholar on the subject but the main issue is what's called conditionality. You have to ask yourself what sense there is loaning out capital to backwards poor countries that are deep in the shit. The answer is thee collateral they put up? Can't pay? Fail despite all this funding? Then hand over your natural resources.

The IMF is basically a shell company for the developed world to control the rest of the world. The USA also has more or less controlling authority over it because it has decisive voting power based on its strange vote allotment system that awards how many votes a country can put towards a policy based on some arcane international currency calculation.

So the IMF acts as a loan shark pushing deals onto poor countries who cannot refuse. Because money alone does not solve all problems. When things still go wrong for them, all the bad things that happen to individuals who can't pay their debts happen to nations.

This was the case with Greece about 5 years ago. They defaulted on their IMF loan, so they got downgraded, so they couldn't bail out their economy, and nobody would do business with them. So it was a race to the bottom downward spiral.

Essentially the IMF has a monopoly on the international credit market for sovereign debtors, but it is not a neutral agency. It is an ideological and political instrument by which wealthy nations poke and prod power nations into doing their will.

>> No.17749297

>power nations
poorer nations

>> No.17749340 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I said I know the leftist story about the IMF, but now I want to hear the IMF side of the story because it seems like everything the left says turns out to be dishonest if you poke around too much. Also, the Chinese are offering big infrastructure loans to a lot of places in Africa on similar terms to the IMF and yet leftist are not resentful about it. Why not?

>> No.17749466

You don't hear the IMF's side of the story because it's all a screen about "spreading prosperity and promoting financial stability" in the world, that is to say, imposing the neoliberal order on every last inch of the earth's soil. If you heard the true story it would be what I just said. They're loan sharks and pushers.

The modern left consists of two parts. They are either narcissistically self-absorbed in identity politics and more or less blind to all foreign affairs, or they are anti-Americanists who see China as a preferable alternative as the world hegemon.

The Belt and Road Initiative can be interpreted in at least two ways. They are either trying to beat the IMF at their own game and offer an alternative lending source, but essentially engaging in the same predatory practices. They are attempting to erode the IMF's influence. The logic of markets is that to do so, they must offer more attractive interest rates or other incentives. Ironically this is capitalism at work.

Or they are actively seeking the good will of those they lend to, because they need to build alliances and support as a hedge against the west. It's an arrangement of mutual benefit. Essentially they are constructing the infrastructure they will use to acquire resources from natural resource rich "developing" countries, so it is more in their interest that their client states succeed. They want exclusive or preferential trade agreements with those countries they sponsor. Unlike the IMF, they are not in it for money but for building up a pro-China power bloc and an economic order that revolves around China rather than the US.

>> No.17749476

Am I responding to a ghost lol? Every post I reply to gets deleted.

>> No.17749554

I wish I could do a study to find out just how many people got turned off of literature or art when they were young because it was presented to them as exclusively gay black feminist hyper-liberal nonsense.

>> No.17749657

I changed my mind on whether slavery is good. It's good as long as there's no slave trading against the will of the slaves; the whole Atlantic slave trade was bad. People are close-minded and think all slavery is equal. Good slavery includes: slavery as punishment for breaking laws, like what the US currently does; slavery of unjust side taken from a just war; or selling yourself or children to slavery, like voluntary slavery. That is, if the slave is treated with respect to both being slave and being human.

>> No.17749737

How do I make my default under-eating and being underweight rather than the opposite?

>> No.17749765

I think it's impossible. You can force yourself to undereat and be underweight, but making it a natural eating habit when you are the exact opposite doesn't seem possible.

>> No.17749776


>> No.17749790

I forget to eat a lot because I'm lazy. I get hungry, think about how much effort it would be to make food, and by the time I have some motivation to make food, the hunger has passed.

>> No.17749878

I agree with Thomas More and Robert Nozick. You can have a just voluntary slavery, because voluntary slaves could have a better life than non-slaves, like those poor Englishmen that More witnessed in his time. A truly free society would also give you the freedom to sell yourself into slavery, as Nozick said.

>> No.17749971

I’m also lazy but food is so easily available in the form of fast food, pre-packaged meals, quick recipes and I’m so depressed and lonely that eating is just about the only thing I look forward to each day.

>> No.17750002

Every time I find something that I think I can feel good about myself for, I notice five things that make me hate myself. You know, they say that as you get older, you get more comfortable with who you are. Well, it’s the opposite for me. As I’m staring down the last few years of my twenties, I hate myself more than ever. Each day I look in the mirror and I’m more and more disgusted with what I see. And well, I don’t know how to overcome that. A part of me wishes I had just took my life young, when I was still somewhat of a clean slate and at least closer to beautiful than I am now.

>> No.17750114

Here's a strange idea: every time you experience deja vu or synchronicity your brain state has become entangled and overlapped with a "confluence" of most probable states in the multiverse. You can either continue to "follow through" with the event, repeating the predictable, or you can consciously choose to deviate from it and branch out on a new path. Deja vu is a branching point in the nexus of fate.

>> No.17750140
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 1615423422746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found some kind of black footfag superhero on youtube

>> No.17750309

facesitting honestly

>> No.17750331

I feel like everyone hates me, honest to god

>> No.17750342

I don't hate you.

>> No.17750346

You would if you knew me.

>> No.17750353

Yes, I don't know you. Not knowing you doesn't change the fact that I don't hate you, dumbass.

>> No.17750368
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>> No.17750386
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>> No.17750407

I think women are based!

>> No.17750464

This thing is so cute, I've watched this gif hundreds of times today. Why can't it be part of an anime or some vidya, why it has to be youtube shit

>> No.17750469

My upstairs neighbors have loud sex every night and I don’t know what to do about it.

>> No.17750484

Have louder sex.

>> No.17750487

Similar predicament with my nextdoor building neighbors. It makes me so angry! They always fuck with their windows open and make these horrible porny moans and I just want to clobber them! Stupid fucking sexhavers.

>> No.17750498
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>> No.17750505


It’s more the bed squeaking on the floor. There must be some way to confront them about it.

>> No.17750512

i suggest open hostility. can you spit on them the next time you see them?

>> No.17750530

If you can't beat em, join em. Bang em

>> No.17750542

No way she is a qtpi grad student from Wisconsin. You can’t just spit on a qtpi grad student from Wisconsin. That’s assault and battery. Haha. Can’t do that it’s illegal.

>> No.17750546

i’ll spit on a bitch i’d spit right in her mouth

>> No.17750547

It's real but it's overdiagnosed, the real thing is impossible to understand unless you've experienced it. Imagine a schizophrenic person saying "I have hallucinations" and a guy responds with "Yeah I do too, I blow things out of proportion in my head all the time and lose touch with reality". The second guy isn't stupid, but he fails to grasp schizophrenia because he's trying to understand it via his own experiences. Likewise, no one who's never had depression can understand it unless they can accept a reality that exists beyond their own experiences.

Think of it this way: one symptom of depression is suicidal thoughts. What is that though, really? Most people will consider suicide at least once in their lifetime. The difference is that with depression, this happens for no reason. There's no clear impetus for suicide - you just want to do it. Most symptoms of depression follow this pattern. If a friend dies for instance, it's normal to go through grief, feel guilt, and lose interest in your hobbies. But these effects are supposed to go away after a while. If they stay, there's a good chance it's depression.

What trips most people up is the fact that many (but not all) symptoms of depression can be eased with therapy. You can talk to someone about your anxiety, guilt, suicidal thoughts, etc. and it actually helps things a lot. So then you ask, what separates a depressed person with anxiety/guilt/suicidal thoughts from a non-depressed person with those issues? That's where the line begins to blur. Some people just have anxiety or guilt issues totally separate from depression, for instance. What helps here is looking at other symptoms, such as sleep issues, brain fog, derealization, digestive problems, poor memory, anhedonia, and so on. When you've got several of these, it's depression. So you start to see why someone with all these issues gets nothing from being told to lighten up, guilt etc. are just outward signs of a deeper, complicated issue.

>> No.17750552
File: 8 KB, 278x181, fagtalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a simp and a cuck

>> No.17750585

>fast food, pre-packaged meals
I'd have to walk somewhere to buy them.
>quick recipes
I'd have to walk at least three foot to my kitchen and I'm pretty sure it would involve standing up too. Even then, eating an apple is quicker.

>> No.17750618

my gf is on her period and it stopped for half a day and then restarted and got all over her pants and sheets. gross. being a woman must be gay

>> No.17750620

>grey 2D folds, writhing

>> No.17750672

>tfw non-locally presenced in the causal

>not the ghost
1B1R requires both Kissinger’s legacy of Bi-National foundations yeeting tech & jobs to China, 5th column coordination (Parties of Davos, Di Dongsheng’s “old Wallstreet Allies”, and Israelis sucking whatever they can by hook or by crook (Unit 82 hundred, taIpiot, ect) hard/software backdooring, preferential sub-contractor bids, HUMINT infiltration & Diaspora lackeys.

>> No.17751008

Mom went to bed, I can finally watch some anime now.

>> No.17751016 [DELETED] 

fap to it

>> No.17751032

I don't know whether I should date a really cute trans woman or not

>> No.17751042

just got scammed out of a few hundred bucks not too elated at this. (:

>> No.17751062 [DELETED] 

lol what happened

>> No.17751087

I'm reading Fear and Trembling right now i just finished the Preliminary Expectoration. I'm deeply impressed with its insight and it has caused me to reflect on my experience as a Christian.

After having some very unpleasant experiences and having seen the world for the shit that it was I turned to God desperately. When I began to dive into the concepts in Christianity, one of the first things I learned from the ministry was the dichotomy of the world from the Church. Prior to my baptism I was taught how the flood was a type of baptism and how the whole world had to be flooded and lost so that something new and greater could be come unto. One of the hymns the church sings makes mention of leaving the world under the water as a reference to this. I desperately wanted to leave the world.
There was a point in scripture that caused me a lot of anguish. Towards the end of the Gospel of John, Jesus says that He has called us out of the World, but then also says here we must remain for certain period. I was dismayed because I realized that evem though I have been offered salvation I was still here trapped for a period more. I thought myself beyond the world. That because I had seen how wretched it is that I could easily leave it behind. I thought myself faithful because I could easily proclaim my confidence in the truth of scripture and promise of salvation. But then I was tried. I had bargained with myself about my vices, supposing that I could enjoy certain acts of flesh a while longer before fully committing to Christ. And when the lockdown began and the church closed, my separation from the constant reassurance led me astray as I sunk back into the world.

Kirkegaard says that infinite resignation is a prerequisite for faith. I see now that I am not faithful. I had only thought myself resigned from the world but it wasn't an authentic act. Abraham rode three days to Moriah to sacrifice his World to God. I turned back before my first day was over. I still do believe that Jesus rose from the dead, but I do not have faith. I wonder if this is the real meaning of "faith without works is worthless"
It isnt the work of charity per se, but rather the motion of resignation. Kirkegaard calls the man who says resignation is impossible a coward. I suppose a coward I am. I fear there is currently a Great Flood and that i'm being swept up in it. May God offer me the strength to finish the race.

>> No.17751128
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sodomy is a mortal sin, poopdick is gross, "neovaginas" are kronenberg body horror shit and they smell bad because they're just a sewn up flesh pocket, they're all basket cases full of weird hangups and insecurities at their best and literally fucking insane nutjobs at their worst, and everything they believe about transgenderism ensures they will live and die in abject misery because their entire self-image relies on external validation from strangers
i'm trans btw

>> No.17751135

>I dont know if I should date a man or not

>> No.17751440
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My favourite reading place melted

>> No.17751441
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I'm doing again. I'm cucking another man. This time I feel guilty. This time I believe I'm in the wrong. In the past, the men I've cucked were assholes. I know nothing about this guy; from what I've been told, there isn't anything bad about him that helps me justify my actions. I kissed her today, held my erection tight against her body, grabbed her ass. We've yet to fuck. I really want to; but something is gnawing at me. Something is eating me alive. Guilt is a "low vibration" emotion. It tears the soul down to the basest level. I've felt a malaise unlike any other. I should read a Christian writer to help me behave. I should read the Bible. I will read random decadent poets until this is all over. Then I will redeem myself. But can I deal with the stain of this black sin? Can I handle my scarlet branding? The girl seems confused too, but she squeezed me tighter when she felt my hard cock pressing against her. Life is confusing; emotions are consuming me.

>> No.17751445

i wish you'd melt you too fucking disgusting jezebelposter

>> No.17751446

If you want to feel simultaneously thrilled, excited, and nervous, go to Twitter and search for "South China Sea."

>> No.17751453
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>I'm doing again. I'm cucking another man.
>t. is cucking everything

>> No.17751467

We live in an age where woman no longer have to hide their sluttery. All woman should be unabashed sluts and openly degrade themselves. Men in turn can indulge in this too. Fuck the decency spook, it's a goddamn grotesque farce in this era. Accelerate degeneration.

>> No.17751468

That's such a cute pic, anon. Saved.

>> No.17751500

ehh wut? I don't even look at regular porn. I think isolation is what really makes people do weird and unhealthy things. I've been on here on and off for about ten years and never got into any of the degenerate boards/threads. The problem with 4chan is the same as with any super-normal stimulation over time, it changes the reward circuits in your brain. You become a novelty-seeking robot and lose something important, something human.

>> No.17751531

Nice pic.

>> No.17751539

shut the fuck up

>> No.17751556

>Why do I have so many pictures of lolis on my computer.
for most of my life i would have killed for that to have been my only sexual vice
that said, you should look into quitting porn, because it's awful for you and eventually it will progress to the point where you will long for the days when simple cute lolis scratched your itch. i can't recommend https://easypeasymethod.org/ highly enough, it has changed virtually everything i've ever known about porn. please try to get better before you get worse, because trust me, it's a long way down

>> No.17751644
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there is a certain affinity, a deep seated kinship in the core of my spirit that i feel when i'm talking to friends, family, even random strangers that i strike up a conversation with online or in the street. that feeling that you're on the same page and you ultimately want to arrive to a somewhat close end point. but i do not feel with her, my girlfriend. i do not doubt the existence nor the strength of the love between us, but i doubt it's nature. she loves me wholly, but i cannot love everything about her. her worldview makes me miserable and drives me to tears. our clashes are not minimal, but we ignore them and walk on eggshells because we hate to hurt each other.
i feel very close to her, yet we do not see eye to eye on so many things. we do not want the same things out of this life. she's fine with me, but i am not fine with her. i see her going down a very dark path. she ignores her pain and keeps sedating it with distractions, and her stubborn and prideful self stops her from listening. almost every single value that i hold dearly has been challenged by this woman. i wish she'd stop being so mocking. i wish she'd stop being so bogged down on materialist, animalistic thought. i wish she didn't have such a hard life. the curse of the spiritually bankrupt.
people look at her in contempt or ignore her at her workplace. i cannot leave her because she would be in more agonizing pain. i am so lost. what can i do when i feel more guilt, more pity, more malaise than i feel love ? how can i stop feeling ill when i remember the things she does ? i knew it was going to be very difficult, and i shouldn't have accepted. i may be miserable but so what ? me making her miserable however, that's what's the most painful.
would you sacrifice your values for the sake of someone's well being ?

>> No.17751663

how do I stop worrying about microplastics? do reverse osmosis filters work?

>> No.17751666
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>> No.17751698

I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read the following, I'll try to keep it informative yet concise. NYPB, I know, I just have no one, my cousin has recently given up on my incessant complaining and won't listen to me anymore. I abused his good will to listen and now he is setting his boundary. It's my fault, but I also can't help myself sometimes. I just fall into it.

The planets of hell have aligned. My life over the past year has left me hollow.

Background: I'm undiagnosed, but clearly not mentally stable, I believe I have some sort of narcissism or borderline. I have volatile emotional episodes where I just lose all motivations and want to kill myself, and I always described the feeling as a huge void or emptiness inside of me. During episode, everything everyone does around me triggers me and is a trigger in the sense that they are slights to me. I want people to like me but generally think I am better than everyone around me. Of course, I am deeply insecure and think I am worthless. I hate myself for being this way. I want nothing more than to be valued and respected by others.

On to my life recently. I work at my uncle's company as an accountant. He constantly leverages debt onto a risky investment opportunity that can pay out big, but may also leave us bankrupt. This results in us having to constantly borrow and pay back from contracts we have with clients. I quit grad school to work here and feel the floor falling beneath my future weekly if not daily.

My brother just called me yesterday, he has something in his brain, they think it's a brain tumor, likely benign. I feel guilty because I see the same narcissism in him sometimes and shut him out because I can't stand seeing myself in others. His awareness of his narcissism seems to be less than my awareness of mine. Now I feel guilty because I love him deeply, but I mistreated him because of my own issues. It's all good between us though.

This penultimate one is stressing me out since I only feel life fulfillment from the My girlfriend got a text from an old flame and she did not respond to him in a way that I feel was disinterested. The conversation ended with her blocking him (so she says, and which I believe), but I can't help but feel like she was interested in him. Their previous encounters are remembered favorably by her.

Lastly, I lost 150k on CCIV after making 150k on GME. Trying again for GME. But everyone around me saw me lose 150k, I feel totally humiliated.

In total: My mental health is undiagnosed bad (I kind of feel afraid of therapists), my company might go bankrupt, Brother might have cancer, lost a lot of trust in my relationship, and lost more money than I'd ever know to do with. All in all I am doing better than I thought.

Oh ya, I still live with my parents.

I won't ever commit suicide, but hooooooolllyyyyy shittttttttttttttttt dude, please for God sake get better around me.

>> No.17751703

Oh my god I am actively suicidal lol I need to get out of my environment now

>> No.17751714

The eternal dilemma of relationships; is it worth it to compromise on who you are to obtain an end to loneliness and a partner to aid and share life with? In my experience if it is a partner that does not see your ideals and views eye to eye, and especially one that is stubborn and refuses to consider different viewpoints or alternatives, than you are not in a partnership at all and the relationship is pointless. Your other part refuses to listen to you, this gap in your relationship is not lethal yet; but you HAVE to mend it sooner or later or you will simply sacrifice your happiness for the vague comfort of being a martyr for someone else's wellbeing. If she is truly a partner who loves you, she should not want you to be miserable and should take your problems seriously. Resolve your problems and trust her to understand or at least accept your concerns, or leave her. Those are your only two options. If she accepts the former; she is taking your love seriously. If she does not, she is taking your concerns and problems lightly and the love is one sided, no matter her reasons, and vice versa. You will regret not settling this in the future if you let this stew for years and sit in your melancholy.

>> No.17751757
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>> No.17751768

Personally in your situation I would consider moving out with your girlfriend if your parents are a conflict. I'm projecting really hard but I'm relatively poor and moving out of my small business owning parents house after being a NEET for years massively helped my confidence and insecurities.

Regarding your stock trades, I understand the confidence and social pressure stings more than the monetary loss in your position but in this case with your uncle's company and family situation it's probably best to have an exit plan when/if your uncle's business goes under, start leveraging your experience now and seek out different and possibly better options. This will also remove the social pressure for the most part because you will be dealing with entirely new coworkers and not working alongside family and have the added bonus of a much more secure job than your uncle's high risk lending schemes. Don't let your relative's opinions control your actions or mental state, and the first way to do that might be to start acting independently.

tl;dr avoid family, shill your experience at your uncle's business and begin an exit plan if possible. This is my armchair backseat peanut gallery life advice entirely from projecting, once you have your life totally independent your insecurity about your GF will probably subside quite a bit as well since the ball will be in your court in terms of income and job security, or even other romantic options if it came to that.

>> No.17751814

Dude I cannot thank you enough for listening to me. I feel so alone, and I have absolutely no one to talk to since my cousin got fed up with me. Thank you! So fucking much.

I was thinking that about my uncle's business, I am not a professional accountant by any means, not a CPA either. So it is a long shot on finding another job. I took this position because I was promised prospects, but you are right I can take control of this situation. My plan was to become a music producer and try to find money from streaming on spotify or whatever. But typing that out seems like a long shot. FYI my hobby is music.

What depresses me about my GF is that she pressures me to marry so we may live together (she is muslim), now I feel uncomfortable like the marriage is for the wrong reasons. I don't want to have to fight for my wife's love. I feel betrayed because this other dude garnered her interest so effortlessly. I feel like I am not enough if that is the case. Sexually, I do not last long and sometimes have issues staying hard so I am sure her opinion of our sex is less than positive. This is leading me down the thought that sex and orgasms are the only way to a woman's affection. I make her orgasm, but I just know that her other experiences are better. I am having trouble trusting any woman with my heart if this relationship does not work out. I feel weak, scared, alone, inadequate, replaceable, and small (although I am well endowed, at least that's kind of nice to have).

I agree that once I am a self-reliant and independent person, I would be much happier, but I am having trouble becoming that for myself.

>> No.17751833

I think GME is going to go up to $1000 this week.

>> No.17751871

Yeah, please understand that your situation is actually pretty good, (financially it's better than mine, being honest) but it's really easy for an underconfident mind to find reasons to fear and panic, I have had a lot of anxiety problems in the past that were hard to overcome. Don't think that you're crazy when you might have just not confronted your issues or been in an environment that you were secure enough to tackle them. Validation can be really important to one's own psyche and if you are just being compared by family members over and over again that have known you for 20+ years it can be exhausting and kill your self esteem. Look or try for something WHILE you have a job if possible and that way there's no pressure for now until you're 100% ready to bail. Don't just quit suddenly or you might get fucked by surprise

For relationships...I'm not an expert on that. I got really lucky and my first one managed to click with someone on almost a perfectly even level where we both want the same things and even think in the same way, but if I didn't have that...I don't think I could settle for less. Marriage is terrifying to me in that context, sorry but in terms of advice I'd do more harm than good there lol. I do 100% believe you should never bend to pressure to marry when you are in such a volatile environment with so many insecurities bouncing around, for a decision like that you need to be really really clear headed, so please be careful.

>> No.17751900
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I tip toe between inner romanticized novelist prose and hood nigga talk

It's not a mix of both, it gradually happens depending on the time I spend on books or socializing.

I want to express everything with proper prose but it would be autistically alienating.

>> No.17751909

Financially my situation is good. Maybe my mind is underconfident. Maybe I cannot tackle my issues because I am constantly trying to get ahead, which is manifesting narcissism? I don't know what's going on, I just know that I have no friends, and the closest person to me just got tired of me and is maintaining that boundary even after my brother gave the news. However they have been slightly there.

That is what I tell her. It sucks because we cannot see each other without her literally lying to her mother. We can't ever sleep over. We can't really do anything couples do. It's even long distance right now.

My financial situation is decent, you are right. but everything else is pretty demoralizing. I am trying to stay hard though. I just need a hug lol. A nice long cuddle with a girl (my gf or otherwise at this point).

My first girlfriend was like the relationship you had, and I broke up with her because I was young and wanted more...maybe I made a mistake.

I just want love so bad man.

>> No.17751929

I’m tired.
Days and nights of juvenile wishes for a purpose, for a mentor, for a Miyagi like figure that would guide me and help me make sense of it all. Perhaps then I would fell whole; grown and formed like a proper human being and not some faded apparition that apathetically shambles through life.
24 years of age and with each passing moment these daydreams only invite more dread.

I remeber reading the Tao Te Ching two years ago. Barely understanding most of it, but wishing to know more. Wishes moved by whimsical curiosity and feeble, fragile desires secretly sustained inside myself.
There’s a small taoist temple in my city, and I planned to go there.
Planned, but never went.
It’s founder was an asian priest, but he died years ago and who knows if he actually trained a successor.
Maybe the whole temple is just full of fools looking aimlessly for something.

>> No.17751949

Is the CIA the enemy of humanity?

>> No.17751955

Is it an insult that my circle of friends consistently believes that I am a repressed homosexual? I was having a good day until I remembered that this was a thing in my life.

>> No.17751963

Just have fun with it if it isn't true. Who cares. Fact you care might mean it's true.

>> No.17751968

Feel like I'm at the edge of an abyss. I always hate when guys complain about lost love because its usually someone I'm close to and it hurts to hear them in pain. I'm in that pain now and I'm trying so hard to hold it together for the few I still have the privilege of being around. I don't know anymore, me and her had some rough spots, I did a lot of stupid shit, but she never left through all of it. She was my best friend and it ended so abruptly, I feel like maybe she just used me the whole time but then again she was there for me when I hurt her time and time again, just not the last. Love ya, farewell sweet dreams. You're always in my heart..

>> No.17751976

So many Muslim fags on this board. I say we launch another crusade.

>> No.17751985

It might just mean you are stereotypically good looking.

>> No.17752034

I care because its so fucking frustrating. If I deny it and just explain having a fashion taste is useful, or that I can appeciate and seek to emulate the aesthetics of physical fitness, anything really, it just further strengthens the argument because I am defensive. If I say nothing it just keeps going and every 'u gey' statement is like a papercut on my brain. Ive been contending with this shit since middle school.
I mean, dress sense, and even then thats very muted, aside I look pretty average.

>> No.17752048
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>> No.17752079

Yes. You might need to do some introspection. The fact that you cannot play it off might mean some repressed homosexuality. Not certainly, but that is the case at times.

You really shouldn't care in this day and age. Just tell everyone you're gay and keep dating girls even. Idk, could be fun to play with. Would also show security in your sexuality. I think everyone sense insecurity.

>> No.17752106

I wish vtubers were more prominent in /lit/

>> No.17752112

Perhaps. Ive done plenty of introspection on the matter already and come to the conclusion that, incidentals to some aesthetic appreciations aside, I am not.
I am also somewhat neurotic, and deeply self conscious, about how I am percieved by others. It just wears on me. Thank you for the input, however.

>> No.17752154

I have a paper due tomorrow. My midterm is two papers. I finished the first paper today and it sucks. Tomorrow's paper is gonna be bad too. Academic papers feel so disingenuous. It's like a litmus test of knowing the right thing to write, regardless of how much you believe it. Every paper I read from my department (history) reads like a regurgitation. I've begun to identify "regurgitated" words and phrases. It's hip to talk about liberalism in a 19th century setting. Every professor wants me to write about the implications of modernism, but in a non-reductionist way. It's like describing a hydra by looking at one of its heads. I know that specificity is good, but it's hard to tie big themes to specific events. Any ideas on good academic writing?

>> No.17752172

Im sorry, anon, anything I have an extensive knowledge, enough to suggest and direct on, would probably get you looked at as either a paste eater or a lunatic in modern academia. You have my condolensces.

>> No.17752189

Even drinking doesnt help

>> No.17752196
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kompostomu içtim ama demin yediğim bir ekmek tostan sonra ağır geldi dayıı.
oturup iki sayfa okumaya uşeniyorum lan, bilgisayarın başında oturmaktan kıçım ağrıdı.

>> No.17752427

I was away from /lit/ for a bit, just interacting with other communities. This site is so white. I never thought about it and I'm white myself, but it feels like the aggressive dick measuring and defensiveness and general aggressivity is very white. Asians are chill/artsy and typically trying to avoid conflict. Maybe marxists have a point that whites have a colonialist mindset. Not that it's a bad thing though.

>> No.17752438


>> No.17752528

>. I've begun to identify "regurgitated" words and phrases. It's hip to talk about liberalism in a 19th century setting.
What? 19th century was full of conservatism, romanticism, eugenics, sexism, racism, etc. Since when is that hip?

>> No.17752562

I should have been more clear. Those were supposed to be two disjointed thoughts. A regurgitated word is one which is symbolic to the reader. It tells the educated reader that the writer knows the phrases which are most accurate for describing a situation or movement.
I meant to say that all I read anymore are papers on 19th century history. It's hip to write about. People like to read and write about it because there's so much conflict between people and the state. Not that this period isn't interesting. Quite the opposite really. I'm just getting filtered by too many of the primary source writers to enjoy it.

>> No.17752644

Academia is just a job. Do what you must to have a comfy job. This is not the golden age of academia where people speak their mind and make progresses. It's the age of putting your head down, doing what you're told, and waiting out for better times.

>> No.17752695

how do I get over the anxiety of skipping past a part of my story that I butchered just to keep making progress?

>> No.17752734

By going back and fixing it next week

>> No.17752743

daughter d0er

>> No.17752744

I'm going to have to rewrite multiple scenes in a row

honestly, everything I've written for the past half of my book has been garbage. The idea of a second draft is getting to be really daunting

>> No.17752772

Never going to make it.

>> No.17752948

Some men are made to rule, while the others are made to consent, to obey. Some men are made to know success, while the others have to endure failure after failure. Some men are made to shine, to witness the true manifestation of hapiness, while the others are made to close their eyes, and support the unbearable sorrows. For so long I have lied to myself, thinking that some improvement can be made, that Fate will sometime give me a smile. For so long I thought that I alone could beat the way things are, I thought that the seeking the Truth would be the best balm for my heart. But now that I see that Truth, now that I see how cruel and unfair it is, now that I see that all my struggles were unnecessary because things have to be the way they are, I became hopeless. But at least I accept my condition as a vermin now, I accept my rotten soul as it is. Nothing can be changed. In order for some to shine, others have to perish. I have to perish in this world for which I, all along, was nothing but a failure.

>> No.17752973

Jokes on you fuckers I went from normal to degeneracy to back to vanilla.

>> No.17753017


>> No.17753026


>> No.17753053

You can't build a state when you're neighboring the US. They don't want competition for regional hegemony.

>> No.17753069
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They won't punish him. A young black man was arrested and charged with my father's murder, I was there, a lot of them showed up to invade my house; they had followed me from a local bodega with their headlights off. Young black men. I thought there were 5 or so but the video shows more, they had 3 vehicles. They only popped up right after I opened the door, pap pap pap, shoes running up behind me and for a precious naïve moment I thought they were going to ask for money despite the fact it was like 1:00 AM. Then each began to point his own handgun, they forced me inside and told me to "get down like you prayin'". To kneel, they meant I should kneel and I knew this would memetically prompt them to execute me, so instead I laid down on the ground on my stomach. One took a knee to keep a gun to my head, I saw nothing but the ground after that. I was questioned as to the location of money, they only wanted money, I couldn't bring myself to say something like "in banks, you idiot". They were so young they thought there'd be some kind of like...dollar sign bag, it was as ignorant as I had been on my front steps about their intent. We couldn't understand each other. I hear an argument from another room, my dad's come into my room, assuming I was simply being loud talking into some voice channel on some game, as I usually did. I heard my father say "What are you gonna do about it?" and one of them say "I'll show you what I'm gonna do about it", and he fired, he kept going and presumably clipped out. I dunno really, I heard some shots and screamed "no, don't!" completely involuntarily, my yell scared the young man with the gun to my head and I felt it press into my head, he gasped. Presumably it kept going, they found 9 shell casings at first, one later turned out to have rolled into a hallway closet under the gap in the doorway. They all instantly started to leave, no prompt, the shooter was the last one out and I have this feeling like he went from being their leader to being lucky to get into the getaway car. He chimped, my dad provoked him and he chimped. He knew, I knew it, everyone knew it was over right then. My dad was...breathing, but shallowly, his head moved back and forth in a struggle to regain consciousness that he was destined to lose. You know, I thought he'd live? I didn't see the shot through his side that transected his diaphragm. Hell, there's been no trial yet, I'm not even supposed to talk like that. He just couldn't breathe I guess. Ambulance came and this idiot, I'll remember his face forever, comes out and bellows "should I stay with the body???". I was with a police officer on the lawn of my house, I looked at him and said "OH, THE BODY?????" and rushed him, meaning to hit him. Police officers grabbed my legs, the EMT looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Sometimes I wonder if I'm that EMT's story of the dumbest thing he's done, like some shit he'd post on Reddit.

Anyway they won't even try him, it's been 5 years.

>> No.17753092

He's an idiot.

>> No.17753113

I would like to read some good Medieval books, fiction or non fiction, does anyone have any good recommendations, crusader stuff is welcome too as long as it's from a white POV

>> No.17753209

Do you ever do something bad, realise its bad, try to feel some sort of sadness or regret over having done something bad but finding yourself completely unable to care in any sincere way?

>> No.17753220

I'm not underage no

>> No.17753231

I thought we were all underage here

>> No.17753240

Uh, no, I'm a 5436 year old demon. Or 5643 years, it's hard to keep count after a few centuries.

>> No.17753256
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>> No.17753302

I read books in hope to find that one chapter, passage or sentence which i could wield as a weapon to slay my fears and doubts.

>> No.17753314

Try slaying a pussy incel lmao

>> No.17753383

I wonder whether the people on /g/ are really that stupid and write serious answers or whether I'm just talking to bots and trolls

>> No.17753411

not interested

>> No.17753738

Pero si tiene el pelo azul, no blanco

>> No.17753851

I can't believe I'm actually going to have to wait until my parents die to kill myself. This is some bullshit.

>> No.17754026

Why wait? All the cool guys didnt wait.

>> No.17754077

I want to be a writer but I have a severe case of impostor syndrome. I always feel like I haven’t read enough books, that I don’t have any ideas, and that once I put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, that’s it, I’ll become known for writing that type of story whether I want to or not. None of this is true but it’s a huge psychological hurdle.

>> No.17754092

I’ve read manga for the first time in my life and I actually love it. This stuff is pretty great actually. I wish I read more of this when I was younger. Hell, if I were over there, I might’ve tried to become a mangaka.

>> No.17754097
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I'm thinking I might apply for a commission into one of the branches of military (Air Force or Navy). I'm in STEM, I like the idea of serving, but most importantly I can use it to get my further education paid for, I want to get a Masters in my current field and then get an English degree as well.

>> No.17754180

Been off /lit/ for a few weeks and in general I've been feeling a lot better. I come back because I'm bored and there's nothing but shitposting and ideological bickering, as usual. What is the strange magnetism of this place? Why do I feel compelled to keep doing something that I hate?

>> No.17754191

>I like the idea of serving
Lol cuck

>> No.17754196

Wow, very cool kanye

>> No.17754207

hello my name is doctor greenthum
I like to tell you jus where I'm from

>> No.17754397

ha I listened to that for the first time in decades yesterday.

>> No.17754541

You do realize that I'm not real? None of us are. The mask that I wear, the lines that I say, the acts that I play... This is not who I am when the play ends. And this is not who you are when you leave the theater.

>> No.17754597

How's middle school, bud?

>> No.17754828

Your post perfectly describes my current situation. Maybe it’s no consolation, but at least you are not alone.

>> No.17754865

All I can think about is sex and my ex girlfriend.

>> No.17755173

How's high school, pal?

>> No.17755281

Even if i know how to solve my problems, i just cant make the final leap.

>> No.17755311

>i wish she'd stop being so bogged down on materialist, animalistic thought
>blah blah spirituality
She's too good for you and you're too stupid and pompous to ever realize it

>> No.17755746

la tiene más blanca que la hideputa puta que os pario

>> No.17755785

I embrace confession. I admit when i am wrong and I admit when I have done wrong. And yet I always feel unfulfilled by the act of confession. I realize now that I confess to absolve myself of my wrong doing. But I do not repent and therefore mire in my sin. I have the self awareness enough to recognize my failure and shortcoming and all my iniquity. But I dont have the strength enough to overcome it. My confessions are unsatisfying because although they purport to admit a lie, the become themselves a lie. Confession without repentance is a lie

>> No.17755838
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>Write what's on your hecking mind
Immah nap, tell you about my dreams when I wake up.

>> No.17755987

She tells me she loves me, but she doesn't love me as much as my ex did. So I feel unloved. Feels 80 20, 80 me, 20 her. For the life of me I don't want to end it due to my own issues. I just want her to love me like she did before. Before the facade of security and masculinity I had faded for her. I feel lifeless, and hopeless, and powerless. And like I'm worthless and won't ever be able to do better for myself, I'm just transitioning between faults. I feel exactly like>>17752948

Sometimes I got it tho, and I've tasted it,, but most of the times I'm just drowning in all the times I don't.

>> No.17755997

I want to write a short story but I don’t really read short stories. Any tips? My ultimate goal is to write a novel but I’m paralyzed by not even knowing where to start.

>> No.17756181

Narrow gravel paths slithered like chicken bones through the lush green of the rolling meadows. Against the backdrop of this judiciously truncated wilderness, the sparkling, soul-coulored Rolls Royce looked like the fleshy, foul-smelling leaf of an exotic plant.

>> No.17756206
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You did it OP, I've been vtuber and watamepilled
Study Flannery O'Connor and Cortázar. For me short stories are harder to write than novels, aside from doorstoppers.

>> No.17756218

Rather than a full-fledged story, write a short on a certain situation. Even if it's something completely mundane, at least it will be a good practice.

>> No.17756265

>Social exchange theory suggests that people form and maintain relationships based on what benefits or resourcesthose relationships can bring them (Blau, 1964). Love, status, information, money, goods, and services have beenidentified as basic exchangeable resources in general social relationships (Foa & Foa, 1976), although resourcesexchanged in romantic partnerships are acknowledged to be more specific and include sex and companionship(Sedikides, Oliver, & Campbell, 1994;Sprecher, 1985). In general, social relationships are pursued when thetransaction of benefits is rewarding to both parties. When pursuing relationships, people maximize relationshipbenefits while minimizing relationship costs (Rusbult, 1980;Sprecher, 1998). Social exchange theory has been
used to predict commitment in intimate relationships. Commitment increases with increases in relationship satis-faction, which is based in part on perceived benefits of that relationship (Rusbult, 1983)

do people really not feel ridiculous when writing this?

>> No.17756304

Read some short stories, you can get through at least a couple every day

>> No.17756309

How I dont do things just for fun anymore and how I feel worthless without caffeine and ritalin. Lately I feel like a degenerate if I try to enjoy something that isnt productive

>> No.17756310

how am I supposed to study when i have depression

>> No.17756329

close ur pc and bore yourself until studying seems like fun

>> No.17756330

You don't

>> No.17756355

Empiricists, materialists, reductionists, atheists, Scientism and evopsych believers have 0 SOVL and self-awareness so of course they believe this.

>> No.17756375

I think this phrase military people use "embrace the suck" is actually a good one for powering through shitty circumstances, but I just can't get over the homoeroticism of a bunch of dudes camping out in some remote region of Afghanistan encouraging each other to embrace the suck.

>> No.17756388

if you don't want to do it, just don't lol

>> No.17756466
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>> No.17756478

Who gives a fuck or shit, I'm gonna cuck a guy this weekend. Do it or don't, it doesn't matter.

>> No.17756484

The CUM Manifesto

>> No.17756519


>> No.17756528
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I can hardly find any joy in the things I enjoy before, like music, movies, games, reading, etc. How do you deal with this kind of thing?

>> No.17756540

stop watching porn and jerking off so ur dopamine returns to normal

>> No.17756551

Get a friend to talk about it

>> No.17756574

Better a lowlife than a no-life

>> No.17756599

whatever makes you sleep better at night

>> No.17756602

Get off internet for some time, it works like a drug. Once you stop being distracted by it and feel really bored, then all the stuff you listed will become interesting again.

>> No.17756614

I sleep fine thank you. And I wouldn't lose sleep over fucking some chick in a dead loveless marriage anyway. The only people who make a big deal about cuckoldry are the ones who are worried about getting cucked

>> No.17756627

Save the excuses

>> No.17756669

Then save me the whining

>> No.17756695

one day you'll reap what you sow

>> No.17756702

>save me the whining

>> No.17756714

>one day you'll reap what you sow

>> No.17756725

>>save me the whining

>> No.17756728

Not him, but you should give yourself better standards, king. The options are not limited to low life and no life.

>> No.17756730

>one day you'll reap what you sow

>> No.17756800

why blame yourself and not the girl? its entirely her fault
Back when I was insecure and really bad with girls I used to get rejected and they went for another guy. I've promised myself to give back the same things I've received.
Everytime a girl is into me I get reminded of all the times they saw me as invisible/rejected me.
It really is a diffrent world once you're attractive to them

>> No.17756861

this guy gets it
this >>17756574 is unbelievably sad, not to mention incorrect. Few things are as hated by God as fucking someone elses wife.

>> No.17756890

now that i know the 1400 coofbux are secure, i have quite an urge to consoom. nothing major, but like i want to order like $40 worth of books and a new hat for summer, and i want to get that 3 credits for $36 on audible so i can cop some shit i've been wanting. that would easily leave me with $1000 to throw in my roth with some extra cash to spare. why shouldn't i?

>> No.17756924

Nothing wrong with spending some money thoughtfully. Go for it.

>> No.17756927

I need like a month away from everything. From the internet, from work, from family. Just me, my books, a word processor, some food and some videogames. I wish time would stand still so I could get back after this rest. Can't focus for shit.

>> No.17756926

but I love just laying in my bed and thinking about fictional worlds I will never visit and lives I will not live

>> No.17756941

I really miss Papa Franku

>> No.17756950

boy do I wish to go to the store and get some proper fucking chocolate and a jug of milk to gulp it down with, but I am already pretty fat you see, and I keep not getting that shit in order so I really should just wait it out but god damn

>> No.17756954

Yes, it would be more okay to rape the woman as it only is a crime against her but when she wants to do it it's a crime against the husband.

>> No.17756981

I am for some reason constantly aware of my penis. It's like it is starving and constantly nagging me about it being starving. It's not that I'm horny though, I haven't had a proper erection in months; it's more like my penis sorta gave up but is passive-aggressively reminding me of it. It's making me anxious.

>> No.17756983

milk will definitely make you fat. it might be healthier than soda since it's not filled with corn syrup and dyes, but it will make you gain weight just the same or maybe even worse. find a substitute. switch to protein shakes to ween yourself off of it.

>> No.17757004

it bothers me that I may have to side with the US against China. at least the US has some degree of respect for religion, and that takes precedent. i feel like we're moving into/are already in the era when a lot of people globally are gonna get lured in by ccp propaganda, and where, for instance, my typical western country will to some extent be split between these two poles

>> No.17757023

>at least the US has some degree of respect for religion, and that takes precedent
Does it? As far as I can tell, what the US does to religion is far more destructive to religion than communism ever was.

>> No.17757046

The US is probably the most religious country in the West except maybe Spain or Poland.

>> No.17757047

i don't see that anything could be less conducive of/positive toward spirituality than communism. maybe something could equal it, but I can not see that anything could be less hospitable

>> No.17757079

throw these out too for a month

>> No.17757096

not the op, but i got addicted to hades. it was a lot of fun at first, and once i made it out of elysium, i thought i would stop playing, but now i keep spending about an hour a day going after time wasting achievements. not that that's any worse than just wasting time on here, but this morning i realized i need to give it a rest.

>> No.17757110
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Why do I find it so hard to read when I'm in love? I can only think of her and sigh.

>> No.17757113

Not him but if you ask me I think browsing 4chan is a much bigger waste of time than playing videogames.

>> No.17757122
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>> No.17757126

oh I don't think an hour a day is reason to freak in any way. maybe you're having fun, you know?

>> No.17757138

I prefer underage women.

>> No.17757148

I fail to see how, thinking about it purely logically.

>> No.17757220

I need to have sex, i'm crawling over the wall in frustration

30 years without it and it's fucking killing me

>> No.17757223


>> No.17757228

hey man like

>> No.17757253
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>> No.17757280

Play Starcraft

>> No.17757309

Get a whore so you can move on.

>> No.17757337

I'm 30 next year and i've never been in love (and loved by the same person). I never had sex but i was never interested in it.

>> No.17757358

have you guys tried like... not beating ur cock 5 times a day? stop watching porn and being a coomer

>> No.17757365

I'm not a Korean bugman.

>> No.17757404

Speaking from my personal point of view, when I play videogames, I have fun sometimes, meanwhile when I'm on 4chan, at best I'm apathetic, and at worst I end up angry and/or sad.

Unfortunately, I can't help but spend all of my waking hours here.

>> No.17757412

I only cum once a day but my masturbation sessions last 3 hours.

>> No.17757424

Suicide :)

>> No.17757426

I agree.

>> No.17757451

I masturbate once every two weeks. My horniness leads me to increasingly risky behavior. I don't recommend this. I dry humped a coworker yesterday at work.

>> No.17757462

> I dry humped a coworker yesterday at work.
sounds alpha as fuck
you're existing and not living

>> No.17757508


>> No.17757520

>deeply set mental problems
>just dont beat your cock
>stop watching porn
i dont masturbate or watch porn at all

>> No.17757525

Religions on paper, sure. At the same time, look what it’s done to religion. You’ll find stark differences between Orthodoxy in Greece or Catholicism in Italy than either respectively in America, for example and they remain a minority.

Then why is Orthodoxy so strong in Russia? I think overt communism is blatantly more hostile and upfront about its hostility to religion but liberalism is far more subtle and corrosive in its hostility to religion, and I think that’s what makes it worse.

>> No.17757538

do any of you anons work? How do u spend all day on this site

>> No.17757564

Watame is very cute. Everything sucks I want to go to the moon. The thing I look forward to the most is going back to sleep because being unconscious and dreaming is much preferable to being awake. Although you never realize you’re dreaming so you can’t really enjoy it. And if the dream is really good you regret waking up

>> No.17757588

Working from home

>> No.17757595

You guys ever feel lonely? Do you feel anxious because of it? I usually don’t but sometimes I am really acutely aware of my loneliness and it’s hard to cope with. I’m 27. I’ll be 28 soon. I haven’t really met anyone in a couple years to be honest. I’m not sure I will.

>> No.17757597

im a neet

>> No.17757621

I just have a habit of checking it every couple of hours for a few minutes of time. It’s really awful.

>> No.17757630

My neighbor is a private contractor. He employed me out of pity. I phone post when we're driving or idle

>> No.17757651

No I don't work.

>> No.17757681

>You guys ever feel lonely?
t. everyone that ever lived

>> No.17757690

my mind is full of fuck

>> No.17757721

I did a little experiment where I asked people very direct and personal questions, and it turns out most people are actually very honest and willing to answer them. For example, I asked a father whether he thought his daughter was hot, and he said yes. You'd think most people would get angry or not answer at questions like these; though, some people did not respond well to my questions.

>> No.17757735

If I was the dad I'd be disgusted by your question. You asked a degenerate

>> No.17757754

I guess there's a lot of degenerates out there, because these people were admitting a lot of things like that to me, a stranger.

>> No.17757766

If it weren't for feminist ideas and concepts, the world would be just like a JAV.
And that's a bad thing.

>> No.17757778

how old are you?

>> No.17757784


>> No.17757788


>> No.17757792

Get a job you leech

>> No.17757813


>> No.17757814

What happened to you.

>> No.17757819

I also didn't just open with that question. I built up to it with saying stuff like how I wondered whether parents see the beauty standards in their own children, etc.

>> No.17757826


>> No.17757830

new thread

>> No.17757844



>> No.17757859

That one was made after retardus

>> No.17757860

Yeah. I've had a normalfag confess to me of consuming CP in his late teens like nothing.

>> No.17757879

>Making one before the bump limit

>> No.17757923

I read and play vidya. I study CS but thanks to covid I don't have to attend to lectures and just watch some a 2x speed. I have to do some projects and only really study the material about 10-15 days per semester. It was the same before covid but had to commute.

>> No.17757970

Both were before bump limit retard

>> No.17758185

28 neet

>> No.17759057

NEET, 23, no future