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17189393 No.17189393 [Reply] [Original]

Can you recommend some good books to understand what's fascism? I tried to learn from the Internet, but it seems like it has a million definitions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism

So I think I need books.

>> No.17189398
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>> No.17189402
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>> No.17189440

Just ask the nice chaps over on /pol/

>> No.17189512

Next leap - iron March compilation

>> No.17189538

Reading this right now makes me feel like fascism is more of a spiritual doctrine? It makes me think of Schmitt's concept of the political.

>> No.17189559

Basically a racist ideology where the nation’s race comes first and anybody who is not a part of that race is ostracised, beat up, has their homes and businesses burnt down, is tortured, and sometimes killed. Just read about Nazi history.

>> No.17189600

Fascism doesn't have to be related to race, dumb commie.

>> No.17189630

“Blood and soil” was the nazi’s motto. Blood meaning the race, the German race, and soil meaning the nation, the land they live on, Germany.

>> No.17189647

Thats the thing with fascism. It didn't have some kind of Marx type figure that codified what it actually is. It's not a literary movement.

>> No.17189655

are you dumb? kek. Nazi = National Socialist, not necessarily fascist.

>> No.17189658

And nazis were, as the name implies, national socialists, not literally fascists. Italian fascists didn't have a comparable racial component to their ideology.

>> No.17189670

Yes of course, the whole idea behind fascism was to be a counterpart to the false dichotomy of capitalism and communism which are both inherently materialistic and therefore anti-human.