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16698008 No.16698008 [Reply] [Original]

How do people on here feel about René Guénon?

>> No.16698018

He's alright but his modern-day fanboys are annoying gossipers who don't know shit.

>> No.16698022

ugly ass nigga

>> No.16698057

Interesting read, but some of the connections he makes are far too farfetched and some things he says are simply erroneous.
He can be a good introduction into Traditionlist thought and can point you to some interesting ideas and good poets and authors.
A truer understanding of “what it all means” and “what should I do” will only come through what you yourself can find through introspection.

>> No.16698061


>> No.16698253

He presents very good critiques against modernity, excellent expositor of Advaita Vedanta, reliable on initiation, symbolism and shows to us the mentality of ancient peoples.
I do think however he made some mistakes as rejecting philosophy as a whole as if it was corrupt like its modern practice since its beginning. He overlooked platonism and christianity a lot and had a distorted conception (much like common people would think) about mysticism.

some were not fanboys, but people who just wanted to turn Guénon into a meme. I believe guenonfag was genuinely trying to get people to engage with his writings and advaita vedanta some years ago (before 2019), but in the beginning of 2019 a specific schizophrenic buddhist started to spam threads about Guénon with idolatrous, propagandistic texts disguised as a genuine reader. All this to turn him into a meme and discredit, repulse people here. You see they accomplished it, people reject Guénon without ever reading anything of what he wrote.

>> No.16698274

Based.... pbuh!

>> No.16698346

Julius Evola has bigger balls

>> No.16698673

Guenon, Evola... those are mentioned all the time. Genuinely interested who else is worth reading when it comes to Traditionalism

>> No.16698683

Michelstaedter is amazing. I don't know if he could be considered a traditionalist, but he was beloved by the traditionalists.
Also people like Scruton, et al.

>> No.16698695
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>believe guenonfag was genuinely trying to get people to engage with his writings and advaita vedanta some years ago (before 2019), but in the beginning of 2019 a specific schizophrenic buddhist started to spam threads about Guénon with idolatrous, propagandistic texts disguised as a genuine reader.
hello guenonfag

>> No.16699012

??? i think only evola liked him but evola was a retard who couldnt even be grouped among people like guenon schuon coomaraswamy

>> No.16699093

Evola went beyond Guenon

>> No.16699243

>I believe guenonfag was genuinely trying to get people to engage with his writings and advaita vedanta some years ago (before 2019),
you weren't here then, the backlash against him was perfectly justified. he is the one who ruined the traditionalism general threads, which were originally started by some muslim guy. look at his behavior now and dial it up by 5, that's how he was a couple years back.

the dude is mentally ill, all he wants to do is argue with buddhists. he has admitted he is a former buddhist and he has some kind of hangup about it, and he's a typical online guru worshipper aside from that, you can find them anywhere. usually they spend all their time edit warring over their wikipedia page of choice but for some reason guenonfag found 4chan

what made him truly special was when he got backlash he tripled down and started trying to force his own memes, then force himself as a meme. he is the most shameless samefag in the history of 4chan yet always stands out like a sore thumb.

>> No.16699256
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remember when we tried to force mods to ban guenonfag by swarming the board with guenonposts? I think I was the only one to catch a ban and nothing happened to guenon until the lockdown. I think it was because he couldn't go to mcdonalds for internet spamming anymore.
Mine was the Whitehead thread, and basically all the guenonfag threads stayed up.

>> No.16699268

many of those threads were made by the buddhist retard who wanted to attack advaita and guenon. i remember someone posted a screenshot of him posting on pol a thread against buddhism and the first reply defending it. this same schizophrenic used to accuse different people in a thread to be the same person attacking buddhism. guenonfag was different from this lunatic.

>> No.16699273

see, this >>16699256 is what i'm talking about

>> No.16699293

>remember when we tried to force mods to ban guenonfag by swarming the board with guenonposts?
yeah I remember that was a lot more annoying than he ever was you retard

>> No.16699299

>a boardwide joke was worse than two yours of my spam
ok guenonfag

>> No.16699303

>he is the most shameless samefag in the history of 4chan yet always stands out like a sore thumb
Sounds just like accfag

>> No.16699306

people definitely started to funpost in response to tri-annual guenonfag spamwave #6: i was just pretending to be retarded edition, but the majority was him. i know because i had the same thought.

nice try guenonfag, i was there (it was over christmas btw) and you were posting in all the "WHY THE FUCK IS THIS RETARD SPAMMING THE BOARD" threads about how much of a based troll you are

some guy started asking you to stop and talk to him about guenon and you practically wrote a manifesto about how trolling has increased guenon's profile on /lit/

someone, at least, is very serious about the guenon spam. unless that was all part of the master plan too? there was some ESL guy who was joining in the spam but you always tolerated/exchanged memes with him, i was watching very closely to see if you would tell him to fuck off and you didn't

>> No.16699318

you guys slid half the threads on the board into the archive, it was annoying as shit

>> No.16699327
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>n-n-no it wasn't me, it was some buddhist schizo in 2019 trying to tarnish His name
did guenonfag forget that other anons have been documenting his behavior and dumping pics of it over time? This shit happened before 2019, in fact it happened at EXACTLY the same time trad threads discontinued. Historical revisionism seems to run deep in him.

>> No.16699339

he weaves a new tale every time, he should become a bard

>> No.16699341

you are literally just as if not more autistic as he is, just look at that fucking image

>> No.16699347

oh no not the meg and eceleb company threads

>> No.16699350

>wow I thought "that" guy was austistic but man oh man just look at you bro
hi guenonfag, still employing this same argument to escape embarrassment? Those pictures still make you seethe don't they?

>> No.16699364

there is a whole squadron of autists on your case guenonfag. we will never forget your crimes.

>> No.16699365

>guenonfag seething

>> No.16699369

I read a grand total of 1 of his books and skimmed a couple others.

>> No.16699379
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>> No.16699394


>> No.16699404
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Rene Guenon is the most correct, smartest and most important person of the twentieth century. There was no smarter, deeper, clearer, absolute Guenon and probably could not be. It is no coincidence that the French traditionalist René Allé in one collection dedicated to R. Guenon compared Guenon with Marx. It would seem that there are completely different, opposite figures. Guenon is a conservative hyper-traditionalist. Marx is a revolutionary innovator, a radical overthrower of traditions. But Rene Halle rightly guessed the revolutionary message of each of Guenon's statements, the extreme, cruel noncomformity of his position, which turns everything and everything upside down, the radical nature of his thought. The fact is that René Guenon is the only author, the only thinker of the twentieth century, and maybe many, many centuries before that, who not only identified and confronted with each other secondary language paradigms, but also put into question the very essence of language (and metalanguage). The language of Marxism was methodologically very interesting (especially at a certain historical stage), subtly reducing the historical existence of mankind to a clear and convincing formula for confronting labor and capital (which, in fact, was a colossal revolutionary and predictive course, because it allowed many things to be systematized and brought together into a single, more or less consistent, dynamic structure). Being a great paradigmatic success, Marxism was so popular and won the minds of the best intellectuals of the twentieth century. But R. Guenon is an even more fundamental generalization, an even more radical removal of masks, an even broader worldview contestation, putting everything into question.
- Dugin on Guenon (translated with Deepl.com)

>> No.16699432
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>some guy started asking you to stop and talk to him about guenon and you practically wrote a manifesto about how trolling has increased guenon's profile on /lit/
Yep, I remember that too. He basically admitted to the spam in that instance. Yet he STILL insists that it wasn't him.

>> No.16699455

>haha see how many people loved Guenon, people like.....Dugin......Bannon.....uhhh yea many such people
People who spam Guenon are just 2016 election tourists from r*ddit who got into traditionalism via being a Trumptard but also wanting some meaning beyond Trump's hollow capitalistic tendencies.

Guenonentity remains irrelevant outside these memes
>inb4 you post the 'guenon was a brainle-' pasta

>> No.16699584

these prove my point about these people disguising themselves as guenonfag, posting threads about guenon just to slander and discredit him, precluding people from getting into traditionalism, advaita.

no im not guenonfag, im the >>16698253 poster, guenonfag would never criticize guenon in any way. even though you people are way worse than him (and as buddhists get btfo everytime by advaitafags).

>> No.16699626

Retroactive pbuh

>> No.16699630

>no im not guenonfag
'we believe you' guenonfag

>> No.16699637

remember when you wouldn't even say "guenonfag" because it called you a fag so you had to say "the guenon poster" and it gave you away too much so you reluctantly started saying guenonfag too

>> No.16699641

kek. holy based pbuh

>> No.16699642

>no one has posted Guenonfag's magnum opus yet

"It's been 24 hours and none of you ming-mongs have replied to this. All the more embarrassing considering YoU CaN't HaVe Up WiThOuT dOwN mY dUdEz loooooollzzlz lmafaooo :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!1!111! was intended to be the epic GOTCHA retort. Writhing animals."
- Guenonfag (2019)

>> No.16699693

all me

>> No.16700795
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This one is a legitimately interesting question though, for me at least, since I prefer Plotinus to Shankara.

>> No.16700800

Not a fan of westerners who try to fashion themselves as eastern mystics.

>> No.16701775

>A truer understanding of “what it all means” and “what should I do” will only come through what you yourself can find through introspection.
Uhh..... no thanks, I'd rather just accept everything Guénon says uncritically, the man is irrefutable

>> No.16701784

holy based... I take back everything bad I ever said about Dugin

>> No.16701798
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>> No.16702864

Very interesting thinker and system but Advaita Vedanta is overrated and some of his historical takes are objectively wrong (on early Christianity, Aryan invasion etc). He also writes a bit too much, and constantly needs to repeat main points (like modernity has no genuine metaphysics).

There's nothing about Vedanta that makes Thomism deficient, contrary to what Guenon thinks.

>> No.16703304

lol I wonder how many people who visit this board gets tricked into reading this tripe.
I know I did.

>> No.16703404

His books critiquing modernity are his best. Essentially, The Reign of Quantity is his only must read.

>> No.16703417

I did a couple years ago and I found it just mildly interesting, it's not terrible nor is it earth-shattering, and despite what he says it's just another philosophy.

>> No.16703444
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based dugin

>> No.16704731


>> No.16705573

guenonfag based

>> No.16705781

evola was an incel

>> No.16705806

In spirit maybe, but he seemed to have fucked a lot until his own suicidal stupidity robbed him of feeling below waist.

>> No.16705874

>He has returned

>> No.16706145
