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15880491 No.15880491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on National Bolshevik theory?

>> No.15880542

big reddit of the book

>> No.15880569

Unironically the Constitution of the People's Republic of China

>> No.15880570

Dugin is what I presume you're looking for but NazBol as a movement was more of a protest thing that a wide umbrella of anti-Western Ideologies in the hellscape of Yeltsin's Russia.

If you're talking about the German movement that the name was originally from, you should look into Ernst Niekisch's works but idk if they are meme tier or legitimately interesting

>> No.15880603

Also, just read the Wikipedia article on NazBol and look up the different figures mentioned based on how much they interest you.

>> No.15880668

Your instagram feed or whatever fucking digital channel allowed this meme ideology to make a comeback.

>> No.15880707

It's only a meme to Westerners who don't have any idea what it is. Within the Russian context it's actually a really interesting pseudo-political evolution of Punk culture.

>> No.15880892

This, Nazbol was mostly a protest movement in 90's Russia. Dugin is worth reading, though he throws out historical materialism. Ernst Niekisch is the real NazBol.

>> No.15880907

So? Punk culture has also been embraced by actual fascists.

>> No.15880933

Yeah, but that's nothing new, Skinhead/Skrewdriver punk was a thing in the West back in the 1990's for example. With NazBol it's more complicated you should watch the documentary I linked it's really interesting.

>> No.15880936

I might not ever get this chance on here, so I’ll say my piece now, but punk as an ethos is the most un-punk thing ever. Whether the underlying politics are Marxist, fascist, or NazBol, to attach an ideology to punk is a disservice to the form. Punk is embodied by Steve Albini, not Ian Mackaye.

>> No.15880945

Ill def watch it, but I still think punk cannot be punk when it comes attached to an ethos or ideology.

>> No.15880957

NazBol punk didn't have a rigid ideology. You should watch the documentary.

>> No.15880966

What is this hideous Frankenstein meme ideology?

>> No.15880968

Second on that documentary, very weird moment in history where Stalinists, Orthodox traditionalists, and punks were all working together.

>> No.15880974

And I will. But my point isn’t about NazBol it’s about punk.

>> No.15880982

Dugin is just Zizek for people whose mothers didn’t love them.

>> No.15880991

Don't forget about Anarcho-Totalitarianist faction

>> No.15880992

Where to start with Dugin?

>> No.15880994

I like both and I still have a very good relationship with my mother. Dugin has more answers than Zizek, Zizek is stuck with a left that no longer exists. I don't like Dugin's rejection of material analysis however.

>> No.15880996

You haven't read anything from either of them.

>> No.15881008
File: 106 KB, 880x1360, dugin-fpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Millerman was his English translator and has some good youtube videos. 4PT.su is good as well. Dugin also did a debate with Fukuyama, that's interesting. See pic related for reading, but make sure you at least have a basic understanding of Heidegger first.

>> No.15881019

The joke was that they look similar M8

>> No.15881026

Oh and that you have mommy issues

>> No.15881035

Thanks. I read various texts by Heidegger, which will serve as a transition to my second question: what's his view on poetry?

>> No.15881042

Can't say I've heard him speak/write on the topic.

>> No.15881045
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>> No.15881051

What's the fascination with this malarkey other than novelty?

>> No.15881064

Alright thanks, I'll read 4PT. Should I be aware of other writers he draws inspiration from (aside from Heidegger)?

>> No.15881107

So, it wasn't in any way based off of their writing and was just based off of the fact that they are old Slavic men with beards. Doesn't seems like much of a joke.

>> No.15881441


>> No.15881457

Primarily Schmitt

>> No.15882066
File: 125 KB, 1200x800, strasser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore modern ones, read about Ernst Niekisch. Read Moeller van den Bruck's Third Reich.

>> No.15882157

Watch Adolf Stalin’s youtube channel

>> No.15882391
File: 73 KB, 1024x733, 1467486665768-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for reminding me of that treasure of a man from the old days of /3rdpol/

>> No.15882418

nazbol is the bronycore of ideologies

>> No.15882617

>Ignore modern ones
There's no modern NazBol theory

>> No.15884730
