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15827379 No.15827379 [Reply] [Original]

Ulterior Motives Edition
How emotionally involved do you become with what you read?
archive >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
charts https://mega.nz/folder/JrhSyY6S#7qmTPol52TnmpFOdbag7RQ/folder/guIyhAzS

>> No.15827413

sanderfag a hack

>> No.15827417

Guys i don't want to disturb your general but i just finished The Never Ending War and the other scifi i've read is the Foundation Trilogy.
I'm asking for recomendations but only legit the greatest scifi not the most representative or something that i have to build my reading of scifi to "get it".
again, i'm serious, on your experience what are the top scifi books, novellas, short stories, etc.

>> No.15827446
File: 184 KB, 600x801, c4209c7109f6f6df0249f9af895c18a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good fantasy where the hero shapeshifts into other creatures?

Sort of like what happens to the protagonist in The Girl Fish fairy tale.

>> No.15827462

>4.5 million

>> No.15827473

You and me both know that popularity does not equate quality or a good product.

>> No.15827475

That isn't how it works.

>> No.15827477
File: 35 KB, 294x475, 1009259._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good entry point to 40k books?

>> No.15827481

Abnett is pretty much the only good 40k writer. Can't go wrong with any of this books.

>> No.15827483

and yet it's also extremely highly rated by /sffg/ with a few vocal detractors.

>> No.15827484

why not

>> No.15827503

/sffg/ is also a communist conservative black jew with bipolar disease and both sets of genitals with a never ending need to contradict itself and shift its interest or praise at a moments notice to something else entirely.

>> No.15827508

sure, there are thousand of finished fantasy series for me to read while i wait

>> No.15827510

Well, if you insist then.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Forever War
The Shadow of the Torturer
Starship Troopers
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.15827517

Please present an evidence based argument next time.

>> No.15827595

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>The Forever War
i've read those, they are pretty trash to be quite honest.

>> No.15827603

Refer back to

>> No.15827624

After thinking he was great as a kid. Adulthood is realizing gw hires the shittiest writers, or maybe bad writers just gravitate towards them. Even dan isn’t really that great, though he’s leagues better than the rest of their writers

>> No.15827631

Yes, the first book of Space Wolf is another good entry point

>> No.15827632

GW generally are bad with their ip in general. They have no idea how to handle warhammer beyond the pnp stuff.

>> No.15827750

>publishers purposely made Epic Fantasy bloated and boring so they'd have an excuse to jack up the prices on paperbacks since the books would be bigger with all that extra fluff and EF fans cope with this fact by deluding themselves into believing if a series is insanely long than than equals quality

>> No.15827765

isn't every epic fantasy just a trilogy these days? I feel like the really long running ones died out in the 2010s

>> No.15827771
File: 554 KB, 1000x1000, 9781250299604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds - Brandon Sanderson, Urban Science Fantasy, 2012-2018
I read the first of these three works around when it was published in 2012. This is the sort of Urban Science or Fantasy, though it's basically in a "Lite" form, that I want to read more of, but I seem to have difficulty in finding. In the preface Sanderson writes that these are probably the most personal stories he's ever published, especially the third, and I believe that. Above anything else, I found them fun and enjoyable to read, and didn't have any other considerations other than that. I don't think they have that much to say other than perhaps insight into why Sanderson does as he does and is who he is. The premise is that Leeds has almost 50 other people, called aspects, living in his head that are the externalized manifestations of his knowledge that function as advisers to him. He's only able to actively imagine a few of them at a time however. Each one has their own personality and don't always behave how he would prefer them to and the aspects are often uncomfortable with being self-aware that they are imaginary. The stories mostly function as a detective doing investigations, which seems prevalent in this subgenre.

Legion;Skin Deep;Lies of the Beholder
A camera may be able to take pictures of the past
DNA as data storage and people as biological computers

4.5 overall maybe, but I'm rounding down to 4 in this case though I usually round up. Perhaps I ought to round down more often or change those I've previously rated.

TL;DR: A fun urban science fantasy

>> No.15827921

> ASOIAF fans weep

Anyway, does anyone have fantasy mystery recommendations?

>> No.15828037

Considering Hackerson's EF series is slated to be at least 10 books and it's currently one of the most popular EF series (if not THEE most popular EF series).....

>> No.15828124

/sffg/, I'm so tired of this. I need a purpose to keep going

>> No.15828189

based elric impersonator poster

>> No.15828375
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become coomer
>write smut with above average effort
>roll in dosh

>> No.15828645

>tfw I'm addicted to intellectual/creative overstimulation and am going through fucking withdrawal

what do I do /sffg/?

>> No.15828692


>> No.15828735

There's guys who write commissioned smut fics on ao3 and QQ who make like thousands of dollars a month.

>> No.15828846

Any good Sherlock Holmesian sff?

>> No.15828878

Any examples of decently written smut? I've been thinking about trying to write smut instead of looking up porn so I can channel that energy into something moderately productive.

>> No.15828894

I am writing a fantasy book. While it is action-oriented and our heroes face a lot of danger, the tone is lighthearted and there's lots of comedy. While I personally enjoy this style, I wonder if my potential readers would be turned off.

>> No.15828900

Funbag Fantasy

>> No.15828919


Try this. It has the right amount of plot, and a cute romance (which I like in my smut). It's very D&Dish, which you might see as a pro or con.

>> No.15829096

>Sanderson writes that these are probably the most personal stories he's ever published
>Leeds has almost 50 other people, called aspects, living in his head that are the externalized manifestations of his knowledge that function as advisers to him
based schizo

>> No.15829100

asimov's robot novels

>> No.15829123

What if being nuts was a super power and you can just “smart” your way to solving crime

>> No.15829162
File: 312 KB, 994x750, IMG_20200519_032122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the fantasy-book equivalent of drinking water on a hot summer day?

>> No.15829209

drinking water on a summer day buy in a fantasy setting.

>> No.15829250

It's not cushy living, let me tell you.
t. "highly paid" erotica writer

>> No.15829301

/sffg/, any idea how to make a villain escaping in an elevator dramatic?

>> No.15829359

put explosions everywhere but he doesn't look at them cuz he's too cool

>> No.15829394
File: 16 KB, 221x246, 1570429099746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writer anon(s), What do you actually hope to achieve in asking /sffg/ questions about what would/wouldn't work in your stories?
Genuinely asking, because there exists so many other threads for writing assistance, I just don't get why you ask here.

>> No.15829481

Our works are in the scifi/fantasy genres?

>> No.15829495


I made this "SF-canon" in my younger and more autistic days:

1. Frank Herbert

2. William Gibson

3. Dan Simmons

4. Orson Scott Card
“Ender`s Game“

5. Ray Bradbury
“Fahrenheit 451”
6. Walter M. Miller
“Canticle For Leibowitz“

7. Phillip K. Dick

8. Larry Niven

9. Arthur C. Clarke

10. John Wyndham
“The Day Of The Triffids”

11. Jack Finney
“Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers”

12. Joe Haldeman
“The Forever War”

13. Ursula K. LeGuin
“Planet Of The Dispossessed”
14. H. G. Wells
“The Time Machine”

15. H. G. Wells
“The War Of The Worlds”

16. Ursula K. LeGuin
“The Left Hand Of Darkness“

17. Isaac Asimov

18. Stanislaw Lem

19. Vernor Vinge
“A Fire Upon The Deep”

20. Douglas Adams
“Hitchhiker´s Guide To The

>> No.15829512

this >>15829481, but it's not just classification. People on outer lit are physically revolted by the idea of reading for entertainment. You literally can't ask them anything about plot progression, tropes, characters, or anything else. By contrast, /sffg/ has shit tastes and autistic neckbeard hangups that force me genderswap and raceswap my characters for the purpose of questions, but at the very least I'm getting advice from people who aren't fundamentally opposed to good writing

>> No.15829530

Any good contemporary fantasy that isn't Sandershit?

>> No.15829557

Try the Shadowmarch series by Tad Williams. But keep a spreadsheet with all the different names of the various gods in the various languages. I read over those and it fucked me when it turned out to be important later on. It is pretty crazy of Williams to expect the reader to keep all those names in mind. I hope there is a glossary in the paper version of those books.

>> No.15829587
File: 27 KB, 536x489, teia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never read anything by Brent Weeks ever again. The MC abandoning the cute and loyal slave girl for a whore who slept with his grandpa is ridiculously cucked. Teia was the only good part of the story.

>> No.15829605

The first series I actually dropped because of shipping shit.

>> No.15829608

The Throne of the Crescent Moon

>> No.15829672

Any good recommendations of scifi books that feature colonies on mars or the moon? Hell, space station colonies would be neat as well. I just finished Foundation and i'm wanting to shrink down the scope of the story a tad bit.

>> No.15829709

Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy

>> No.15829750


>> No.15829759
File: 79 KB, 590x350, Wheel-of-Time-1025739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Wheel of Time series actually worth getting into or should I not bother?

>> No.15829796

If you want to be a slave to the youtubers that shill it, sure.
Or if you have free time to kill for an extensively long series, sure.

>> No.15829811

instead of reading the entire wheel of time series (which has a section specifically nicknamed "the slog" by diehard fans), instead read 50 other books. would take you about as long

>> No.15829826

Fuck, imagine having a series where people consider something "the Slog" and feel it's justified.

>inb4 but Dune
We don't talk about the hackfrauds that desecrate Papa Herbert's work.

>> No.15829946

protagonist was too much of a chad. he was like 6'6

>> No.15830071
File: 288 KB, 867x1249, Yep+female+inquisitors+are+always+_2a2d6f36d449156d9ec617a958379a55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How emotionally involved do you become with what you read?
I forget reality around me when i read, i mostly read 40k so i never expect happy endings, though i often hope the innocent girls get a chance for a normal happy life. Unfortunately it always end in blood and torture.

>> No.15830300

What are some fantasy books that will blow my mind in terms of its poetic beauty?

>> No.15830318

I can never understand how shit writers like Jordan and Sanderson can get away with writing trash that even their fanboys call a slog but still think it's good writing and keep reading it. It's like some kind of brainwashing. They're capable of acknowledging all the massive fundamental flaws but the books are still 9/10s at worst or even so masterpieces somehow. It's insane.

>> No.15830320

>poetic beauty
dunno about poetic beauty, but try reading war of the ancients. Read it 7 times, thinking about reading it again

>> No.15830321

what about Demski-bowden

>> No.15830380

It's very long and has some major lulls, but there are some interesting characters and very good setpieces. If you don't mind the commitment of such a long series then I think it's worth a read.
You will have a pretty good idea of Jordan's fetishes by the end though.

>> No.15830394

Just like the best musical pieces there has to be a build up before the crescendo.

>> No.15830400

If that's your best defense for those two, I'd think you'd only have read Jordan and Sanderson or never seen musicals outside of Highschool Musical and Grease.

>> No.15830403

It's worth reading at least once, just because it's a great yarn and it has a lot of influence. You might not like it, and that's fine, but the vast majority of the hate for it is simple contrarianism.

>> No.15830428

>read The Magicians
>drug and sex everywhere
>implication of bestiality
>horses fuck centaurs and vice-versa
I kinda like how he makes the magic system, but holy shit if the mc is not a whiny bitch

>> No.15830509

I only watched first season of tv show and that was degenerate af, I imagine the book is 10 times more degenerate, I would not expect any less from a jewish author.

>> No.15830799

That's basically most popular detective works.

>> No.15831065
File: 119 KB, 567x481, 1556227420270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly getting burnt out on 'Le serious epic fantasy' and no bullshit scifi.
I heard good things about Kings of the Wyld being *just* fun enough to fit my bill and it will probably be my read after next.

Are there any other recs that fit the bill of 'Self aware, but not quite to the point of just comedic' fantasy?
Sandershit need not apply.

>> No.15831084

Might be too comedic for you, but Discworld is always a good way to go.

>> No.15831495

Gods of Blood and Powder is fun man, although I know the books decline in quality with the third being not all that great it's still a great read.

>> No.15831570

Oops, how inattentive of me.


>> No.15831759

Honestly, most fans of both authors know how flawed their writing is unless and they aren't gushing about how these books are masterpieces. Yeah sure, there will always be vocal fanboys and vocal whingers like you.

>> No.15831817

Don't know what to tell you anon.
I know /sffg/ ain't high-literature or anything, but if the authors can't take the craft seriously outside of their own worldwank, then I'd say they deserve fair ridicule.
Emphasis on fair, there's a difference between critics, contrarians (used in the actual sense of the word, not the hijacked definition) and whingers.
Not unnecessary bashing, sure; but so far everything I've seen 'complained' about has been reasonable. Sanderson in particular could improve tremendously; he just hasn't shown desire to.

>> No.15831889

I didn't like it that much, but it had me somehow glad for the MC's whole arc. But the ending was okay enough at least.that he could get away from all of the bullshit that surrounded him.

>> No.15831950

Fairly new reader here, I picked up Way of Kings recently and find myself amazed that Sanderson can be so lazy with prose, yet still manage to keep my interest.

>> No.15832051
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, 1478151042861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't get to sleep with the grandpa, 1. She was caught in the preparation of the act. 2. Her pussy was too tight, and the grandpa wouldn't have been able to get it in.
You didn't read all the books.

Also fuck teia the murderous.

>> No.15832063

Is discussion only possible for the most popular books in their own threads and even then only sometimes?

>> No.15832099

Book of the new sun is highbrow enough for outer lit to not snob at it, so of course it will bet discussion from the pretentious cunts out there.

>> No.15832104

The worm ouroboros

>> No.15832161

Guys, almost all fantasy writers have shit prose. If you’re here for the beautiful writing (in that the writing in itself, aside from the world building and characters, is high quality), you’re in the wrong genre

>> No.15832311

>only beautiful writing is high quality writing


>> No.15832420

William Brown

>> No.15832421

Would anyone be interested in discussing in thread about a book while all using the same name or tripcode? This would allow be able to tell which ones are doing so easily and could provide an archive link to see all the discussion from previous threads easily about the book.

Or really, in general, if people used the name of the book, or the author's name being discussed as their name, could use the archive for the same and it would make discussion a lot more connected over time.

>> No.15832526

So, I have played AI Dungeon, and it got me thinking how long it will take until we get /sffg/ related books fully written by AI. Do you guys think that would be possible, and if it is, how long until they hit the shelves and what will be the overall quality of these books?

>> No.15832556

>and it got me thinking how long it will take until we get /sffg/ related books fully written by AI
already a thing since the early 2000s.

>> No.15832568

>already a thing since the early 2000s.
Any examples? Are they shit?

>> No.15832579
File: 840 KB, 1254x980, TurningYourAndroidGFintoaVegetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what an impressive take anon.
So impressive that Sanderson already said it himself.
See >>15808904
And it's still fucking embarrassing that he doesn't want to improve.
See >>15804377

You cannot lump the entirety of a genre based on your favourite author's or authors' performance.
That's not only fucking stupid, it's also unfair for the authors that you don't know or don't like, that attempt to write well.
>Tangent, because it's actually not the fault of Sanderson;
Fucking modern fantasy fans man, defending shitty writing and lack of effort from Sanderson and his clones.
I want to SEE the dress of the people not be told "Itsa maroon, and a purpool, anda gold dress, ebin rite? :DDDDDD"

I'd be down for that.
Like Conan_General or Dune_GEoD in the Name box?

Honestly, I know it's looked down upon, but the OneyPlays AI dungeon videos proves that you can get decent comedy scripts.
If you were to be %100 serious and do consistency touch ups after, it would work.
It works for smut too, but with varying effect

>> No.15832583

You lack reading comprehension

>> No.15832597

Beautiful writing in a fantasy book is a bonus. You know what is far more important in a fantasy book? Cohesive and deep world building. You can be the most poetic writer ever and it doesn’t mean shit if your world sucks.

>> No.15832611

Argh, why did I find your image so distressing.
Poor Caroline :(

>> No.15832621

And here is the thing: I am not a Sanders fan. If you don’t like Sanders because his characters are shallow, then that is a valid argument. But if you’re literally calling him shit merely because of his “workman prose” and the writing IN ITSELF then fantasy is not the right genre for you

>> No.15832649

Feeling lonely, filthy tripfag?

>> No.15832688

I have mostly read fantasy books, but I would love to read more sci-fi. Any recs? I've read the Foundation Trilogy and prequels.

>> No.15832780


See >>15829495

Read "The Flying Sorcerers" for some really funny scifi, by david Gerrold and Larry Niven

>> No.15832784

>Beautiful writing in a fantasy book is a bonus.
Sure, but one would hope that you'd at least attempt to write that evokes feeling, more so than tells you what or why you should feel something.
It's one thing to recognise something as well written, it's another to be affected by it. Being told to be affected by something is also

>You know what is far more important in a fantasy book? Cohesive and deep world building.
That is written well, Yes. But I also want to read a book that has a story, not just worldbuilding.
Flipside to that point is also "What if the worldbuilding sucks" but chances are the story is shit anyway.

>You can be the most poetic writer ever and it doesn’t mean shit if your world sucks.
Yes and no.
I feel like I am in a different place when I read something written well. Contrast with, I feel like I'm reading global traveller when I'm reading expositions of some dudes world with zero effort outside of 'This is EXACTLY' how it is, with no room for imagination.
Dune as a series is the best example in my mind that switches between the two quite clearly.
The case where it's good; Messiah; A man visits a wounded mujahid, and you feel as if you're in their house.
The case where it's bad; Children; The final room, it's just sort of whiteroom-ish for the most part (maybe because it was describe before, and he assumed you knew, but it still felt strange)

Will admit Sanderson was just an exaggerated example, and the current topic given the kickstarter.
Nothing against the man himself - relatively harmless dude that plays vidya, so whatever - just not a fan of his works or his cult.
I should stop drunk posting, realising now I'm tearing up an otherwise decent thread kek.

>> No.15832794

The Titan Wizard, Demon trilogy by John Varley is also pretty good, if you can bear reading a lot about human/centaur sex.

>> No.15832835

>Being told to be affected by something is also
Being told to be affected by something is also pretty low in terms of writing quality.

Fuck sake I hate myself.

Tried Hyperion or The Expanse novels?

>> No.15832903
File: 26 KB, 429x381, wot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wheel of Time Series Overview
This only includes those who rated, which is most.
This doesn't include those with private profiles who didn't explicitly give access.
The discrepancies are because some members didn't list various books in the series in their profile or only rated certain ones.
Seems there was a bump in ratings when Sanderson took over.
It's to be seen over time whether a rough estimate, in this case, 9/38 (23%) compares overall in terms of series completion relative to other series.

>> No.15832931

There's something to be said for the "less is more" philosophy when it comes to writing. Maybe TWOT would have been better off if it had been shortened somehow.

>> No.15832951

Is that the fabled trilogy of "absolutely fucking nothing happening"?

>> No.15832980

I don't get why people like Sanderson, I tried reading The Way of Kings but couldn't bear it after ~300 pages. The writing is just shit imo

>> No.15833008

I'll be doing series overviews now and again, but I probably won't be posting them in the thread mostly because I can't be bothered. They will be in the spreadsheet linked in the goodreads group. If other people want to bother doing so, then they are free to do so. When I eventually get the spreadsheet to a higher level of quality and clean it up I'll post it in the thread. I don't know when that will be.
The spreadsheet also includes similar for most of the books listed by members as well as various other data.
It's still only the initial version though.

>> No.15833030

I love you goodreads autist

>> No.15833122

Just copy silence of the lambs

>> No.15833143

Jesus fuck stats autist anon, did you make a color coded spreadsheet just for wot?
I think you would enjoy litrpg.

>> No.15833227

Do you do that by hand or do you have some sort of automation tools to help you out ?

>> No.15833282

You seriously overestimate the time and effort it took to do the above.

>> No.15833298
File: 27 KB, 420x420, 1479417954837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched the starship troopers movie for the first time after finishing the book. Made it halfway before I couldn't watch anymore. I thought that movie was supposed to be a classic? What the fuck bros?

>> No.15833339

The director bought the rights to the name and used it just to spite the author.

>> No.15833408
File: 35 KB, 537x331, jokes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brent weeks
Tried his edgy assassin books and its the only series I've ever dropped.

>> No.15833514

>doesn't like EDF: The Movie


>> No.15833529

Starting up codex alera 5 not too hyped about it, the vord as an enemy bores me to death

>> No.15833566

They could have been handled much better.
The last book is the weakest. 1-3 are the best in my opinion.

>> No.15833575

i dropped prism after the first couple of books, it felt like it had too many coincidences. Like the person needed to push the story forward just happens to be there too many times.

>> No.15833580

No one cares. You've been whining about dropping his books for years. You don't even read fantasy. Your accomplishments have been nothing but failed tasks throughout your life. Stfu

>> No.15833639

All true, aside from not reading fantasy. I just didn't like his books.

>> No.15833662

I like the movie, but only because I pretend it's completely sincere.

>> No.15833678

Has anyone read the Broken Earth series? Wondering if there are similar books to compare it to out there.

>> No.15833695

spreadsheets are LITERALLY magic

people here hate it because it was written by someone who doesn't look like them. i haven't read it.

>> No.15833765

I gave up pretending to care about people's awful opinions, was just hoping to draw some comparisons.

I still enjoy breaking back into Animorphs and Goosebumps on occasion.

>> No.15833796
File: 90 KB, 934x741, etc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to do a few more a bit later.
This is all for now.
That Dune drop off though.

>> No.15833814

You're missing at least 7 Dune books

>> No.15833830

I've only included the ones by Frank Herbert.

>> No.15833831

Ask me how I know you've never been published.

>> No.15833842

And yet I see tWoT on there.

Your bias is showing.

>> No.15833858

They're different situations.

>> No.15833867

Not in the slightest, but feel free to keep deluding yourself.

>> No.15834136

I'm on the verge of writing a sci-fi short story about the role of faith in society and mankind's continued survival but I'm stuck on whether to narrate it in the third person or the first person.

The reason I'm conflicted is that it's going to be one piece of a larger novel that is interrupted at key points in the narrative by ~5 chapters that work as stand-alone stories but also, on a higher level, describe the emotional and spiritual journey of the protagonist-narrator of the larger work. The novel narrated in the first person by a drug addict in a realistic present-day setting, investigating the disappearance of an old friend, and basically at each point in the story that he indulges, the interludes occur, mostly science fiction allegories. The other interludes have naturally lent themselves towards using third person, but the final and largest one would work best if it was also in first person, as the premise of the story is a world in which malfunctioning optical implants have left most of society experiencing hallucinations, and I think it'll be hard to sell the 'world' of the story to the reader, especially such intensely subjective and visual experiences, if it is narrated from a detached perspective. The characters in the interlude are visited by a being from an unspecified 'outside' civilisation (aliens/dimensional travellers) and they persuade it to act as an arbitrator of truth and then it turns into a The Man Who Fell To Earth sort of deal, and is also heavily inspired by PKD, particularly Radio Free Albemuth. Another aspect of these interludes is that they're meant to sound like the sort of stories a druggie would come up with, hence the typical motifs of madness, altered realities and whatnot. But I'm worried that if this interlude is written in the first person, it will clash with the first-person narration of the rest of the story 'proper'. Doing it first person would also allow me to structure it a bit like Radio Free Albemuth with the story split into a series of segments from different characters' points of view as the emphasis of the plot shifts to them, furthering the identity instability inherent to the premise. But I still feel like continuing in first person will muck up the flow of the larger work given that, so late in the novel, the reader will have become attuned to "I" being the words of the junkie protagonist. Changing format so late in the game feels like it'll end up sitting awkwardly in the rest of the text. Feels like a double-bind. Any advice on how to proceed?

>> No.15834268
File: 147 KB, 740x373, reckoners-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading these. What did I think about them?

>> No.15834338

First person = YA

>> No.15834342
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No, read moorcock instead

>> No.15834502

Any good fantasy books that focus on good characters with believable personalities and none of that high fantasy bullshit ?

>> No.15834531

Probably the correct viewing. Verhoeven is only pretending to pretend to be a fascist. Robocop same vibe.

>> No.15834538
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Will they ever fucking stop?

>> No.15834543

From the many books I read I haven't gotten anything like it. People said there are animes like it, but as I don't watch anime I didn't pay attention.
You can try geomancer, it had some rock stuff going on, but nothing like broken earth.

>> No.15834566


>> No.15834569

So for anyone who's tried them, if it was inevitable that the post-Frank Dunes would be written who would you want to have written them instead?

>> No.15834576


>> No.15834607

And it's not even about the old Duke. It's just a sequel to the Prelude trilogy. What a fucking shame. I would've been at least curious if it was about the old Duke.

To everyone in this thread: I want to get into the Space Odyssey saga by Arthur C. Clarke but I'm reading that apparently the dude does not give a shit about continuity. Does this make for a confusing read or it doesn't affect the slightest the quality of the four books?

>> No.15834612

Any recommendations for Nonfiction about humans? First Contact from the alien perspective or Alien/Human Diplomacy is my shit and I'm trying to find more of it. "A Fire Upon the Deep" and Eric Flint's "A Course of Empire" were some good examples I've already read.

>> No.15834613

I was told years ago to stop at Dune and what I saw makes me glad I did.

Oathbringer was shit. It made me stop reading anything Sanderson years ago(after reading everything Sanderson had published at the time except the librarian and schizo man series, it didn't help that he dropped the new mistborn/rithmatist series for that fucking sky space girl shit).

>> No.15834631

Fucking dune shits need to an hero. They try to push new anons to read all that shit.

>> No.15834666

>dude does not give a shit about continuity
Stop reading fossils who forgot that they had a series they needed to continue.

>> No.15834680

>for Nonfiction
Why you asking us? This is the fiction general. Ask outer lit.

>> No.15834703

I haven't started the series yet, that's why I'm asking. Also

>> No.15834857

Why is sffg so anti-Abercrombie?

You guys don't like the Tarantino of Fantasy?

>> No.15834883

I don't even like the Tarantino of movies, because I stopped being a sophomore almost a decade ago.

>> No.15835113

Babbys first subversion. It was ok the first time but now it’s the same thing in every book he writes.

>> No.15835139

After reading enough stories featuring golems, I'm getting tired of the fact that there aren't any other jewish mythical creatures (aside from maybe the dybbuk and lillim), or any other identity for judaism-inspired magic

>> No.15835198

Isn't that the guy who called Tolkien a fascist and meant it as an insult?

>> No.15835220

that you don't consider it an insult normally is concerning

>> No.15835249

yes, but moorcock wrote that just because he hates manlets (hobbits)

>> No.15835271
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This shit is really good. I like le Guin a lot. that's all I got

>> No.15835385
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Frank Herbert

>> No.15835484
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>over 5 million now
How, anons, how? And WHY?

>> No.15835530

The only correct answer.

>> No.15835732

brando sandersu

>> No.15835754

These look fucking sick redpill me on these: they all one series? Protag gets laid? Sick scenes? AAARGGh

>> No.15835806


>> No.15835967


I would have liked to see what she would do with some of the uncomfortable racial elements within the franchise.

>> No.15835984

How do we feel about Grimdark lads?

Are we tired of it yet, or is it a fundamental part of modern adult fantasy?

>> No.15835997

People were tired of grimdark 15 years ago. It's not even a trend anymore.

>> No.15836114
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Yes to all three
also yes, Moorcock is a weeb

>> No.15836137


>> No.15836150

I wish I hd the power to write more than 2 or 3 times week

>> No.15836333

Do you have a download link for that artbook? There's a dead torrent on TPB and the one on Libgen isn't really HQ.

>> No.15836399

>Christian equivalent of the Jews
>Unironic massive diehard following that considers themselves 'a cult'
>Touts himself as amazing for making mediocre lectures available for free - his podcast is honestly far superior, strange that not that many people reference using that.
>Writes with the required reading age of a 10 year old - easy to read with no complex thought required.
>Does everything every other author does, but posts about it on social media as if he's some gift.

No surprise that he's as popular as he is.
Just live with it, but be a peace knowing that in 10-20 years time he'll get cancel-cels mad at him, just like JKR.

>> No.15836426

nevermind, I found one already

>> No.15836462

>Christian equivalent of the Jews

The amount of mental gymnastics you people put yourselves through is always going to be baffling to me.

>> No.15836463

You don't read enough.
I learnt of golems, the wandering jew and kabbals from fantasy books.

>> No.15836472

Have you read Meyrink's Der Golem?

>> No.15836481

Leviathan shows up a lot. As does Behemoth. Not much Ziz though.

>> No.15836508

>People were tired of grimdark 15 years ago
You can't speak for yourself and think you are speaking for everyone else, faggot.

>> No.15836516

Pol should just be shot.

>> No.15836521

You're actually a fool if you don't realise the unironic heritage of Mormonism being steeped in Judaism.


>> No.15836525

So there is a beast of air, land and sea?
What about time. Any time great beasts?

>> No.15836542

All the Christian religions are from the Jewish books.
Why do you feel all of them Mormons, jewish, Islamic, your flavours of Christianity all share a lot of similar shit.

>> No.15836579

the beasts of revelation are as christian as they are jewish. I think they're also in islam too, but they got smushed together into Bahamut. Maybe Ziz is can be called jewish since I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually appear in revelations, but it's religious copypasta of the simurgh.

the point is that the golem is the only one most people know. I only know of the dybbuk because of The Golem and the Jinni, as well as dnd

not really, at least not in judaism, though the recurring myth of the skyfather and his rebel son puts God in the same spot as Chronos.

Also, to my knowledge, the only other beast of revelation is The Dragon With Seven Heads and Ten Horns, which is meant to be the devil's true form.

>> No.15836661

>dybbuk because of The Golem and the Jinni
Where was that in the book. The old witch that possessed people?

>> No.15836709

there's a brief mention where the narration said people say he was possessed by a dybbuk. It was a single line but I googled it. I think I might have also remembered the name from the Fiendish Codex dnd books, but I'm not sure

>> No.15836762
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Books with a pay off as good as Armor? Also it’s a shame we didn’t get a sequel.

>> No.15836767
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So what are some good books mainly revolving around or at least heavily featuring witches?
Not that bullshit modern fantasy "just a mage but female"-tier good witches, I'm talking OG scary fucking bitch witches whose magic tricks involve unleashing a plague on your village for fun and making a wonderful moisturizing cream out of ground infant.

>> No.15836773

What exactly was the payoff in Armor? As I remember it the main character turned into a drunk then blasted off like Team Rocket.

>> No.15836823

The main pay off was the main character deciding that there was something worth fighting for, deciding to no longer be a drunk, going full Wick on the antagonist’s gang, then blasting off like Team Rocket while climbing up said rocket to beat to death the antagonist.

>> No.15836828

Room on the Broom

>> No.15836841
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The Well at World’s End?

>> No.15837006

Pretty much anything by Piers Anthony. The first book of his Space Tyrant series is nothing but rape, rape, rape with an occasional rape mass murder strewn in. And of course the notorious child sex scene in Firefly.

>> No.15837030

Have you treid the humanx books by Alan Dean Foster? A lot of those books is written from the perspective of the giant buglike Thranx.

>> No.15837049

I started liking LeGuin a lot less when I realized what a huge moralizing SJW faggotry her short story "A Woman's Liberation" was, with black masters keeping white slaves.

>> No.15837052

>alan dean foster
I seriously hope you don't seriously consider reading this guy. Spellsinger has blatant furfag shit in it, not to mention a forced love triangle and a dragon who exclusively talks about Das Kapital.

>> No.15837090

/sffg/, I just finished my AtlA rewatch and looking back I've got to say, I'm feeling a lot more confident about my own fantasy writing now.

People hold it up as an example of a perfect ending and yet, Aang wins through an asspull and does it without getting his hands dirty through a second asspull, Sokka's sword skills are never put to use, Toph doesn't get any kind of conclusion at all, Ty Lee ends up completely abandoning her entire identity to embrace the same thing that made her childhood miserable for no good reason, throughout the entire four-episode finale not a single joke happens to be funny

It makes me realize my story doesn't need to be perfect to be loved. I just need to make sure I'm delivering it with a heavy dose of nostalgia

>> No.15837098

ADF is one of the most prolific writers in the world, do you really judge him for a series of eight fantasy books that he wrote to cash in on some trends? The guy has writtten awesome scifi books like Midworld.

>> No.15837103

>do you really judge him for

>> No.15837109

>Sokka's sword skills
You mean the skills he acquired in what seemed like three or four days of training?

>> No.15837121

harsh, I bet all his millions wont comfort him over this

>> No.15837123

>successful = good

>> No.15837156

>Overhyped american "anime" somehow not as good as normies make it out to be
Not a surprise.

They're a lost cause anon, he's fallen too deep into defending shit authors.

>> No.15837194

>You mean the skills he acquired in what seemed like three or four days of training?
yeah, those are the ones. The sword skills that served no purpose in the narrative, making the whole thing simply an excuse to give Sokka the white lotus tile, which never ended up being used anyway. Those are the ones I was talking about

The saddest part is, they could have used that episode to teach Aang metal bending instead. The episode ended with Toph getting a meteor bracelet she could bend that she ends up using once (and not in the final battle either), and they're shown to be super easy to metalbend, which LoK confirms, mentioning they're used for training.

Honestly, the whole final season was a mess of issues. Remember the part where Zuko could have prevented a genocide he knew was going to happen but didn't because he knew Aang wanted to do it? Remember the part where an entire ancient civilization managed to hide in secret for centuries in the most industrialized nation in the world without being noticed?

>> No.15837213

>>Overhyped american "anime" somehow not as good as normies make it out to be
>Not a surprise.

oh god I'm turning into one of you people

>> No.15837278

what is most male wish fulfillment fantasy book?

>> No.15837308

Barbie's Horse Adventure

>> No.15837495

with ~70 hours until the next dresden files book drops it just hit me that of all the main villains the Dresden Files could possibly be building up to: vampire gods, fairy queens, eldritch abominations and the fucking devil it's looking like the most likely candidate is a fucking Hidebehind

>> No.15838094
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When does it get good? Does it get good?

I think I'm on page 50 and so far it's just been random bullshit the reader doesn't have the adequate context to appreciate + some exposition. It's sort of like Fallen London/Sunless Sea except there isn't a game system to keep you interested between story chunks

>> No.15838137

LeGuin is nice if mentally speaking you're still around the age of 16-18. Anything older than that and you can see right through the mediocre writing

>> No.15838218

His style and dialogue are fun to read, I'll give him that, but those can only carry mediocre plot and renamed characters so far. Almost dropped him after that stupid fucking twist with Monza in BSC, but a bud convinced me to read Red Country and it was pretty comfy.

>> No.15838237

100% wrong.

>> No.15838255

You obviously have shit taste

>> No.15838597

dear anon who told me to read malice the faithful and the fallen, thanks, im halway through and i am digging it. def going to pick up the others in the series

>> No.15838650


>> No.15838736

why is /lit/ so mean? ive only been here a week or so, but you guys are like a mirror image of /v/. /tv/ is a better place to discuss books then here

>> No.15838799

Haven't read anything in like a week and haven't finished anything in a month :(

>> No.15838856

OK brainlet

>> No.15838861

you gotta be more subtle than this when you clearly don't like an author for political purposes anon

>> No.15838964

I wasn't even the guy who shitted on Le Guin for her short story "A Woman's Liberation". I think she's a shitty author for different, non-political reasons you dumbass. Mostly because (as I stated previously) her stories are for literal brainlets. Guy Gavriel's "The Lions of Al Rassan", which is a standalone novel, shits on Le Guin's entire earthsea trilogy as a whole for example.

>> No.15839356

I know there are at least some Peter Watts fans here. He was a guest on the latest Coode Street - Ten Minutes With podcast.

>> No.15839385

>Guy Gavriel is a shit author who writes historical fiction, only pretentious pseuds from outer lit who don't read fantasy like him
Fixed that 4 u, now kys you piece of shit

>> No.15839418

When the voice actor for uncle iroh died a lot of shit had to change. I remember there was a few months hiatus while they changed shit around.

>> No.15839654

Thanks anon, I'll check it out.
Should I check out The Freeze-Frame Revolution by the way? Getting tired of re-reading Rifters and Firefall.

>> No.15839722

Keep seething boy, it won't make Le Guin's shitty stories any better though

>> No.15839757

He sounds a bit angry and miserable.
I'm glad he's working on the third book for Firefall though.

>> No.15839815

Gotten further in The Darkness that Comes Before. So far I like just about everyone in House Ikurei except Xerius and his grandmother. Favourite Prince of Nothing characters?

>> No.15839873

Came close to dropping him because of "Gurkish Empire" and "Angland" desu

>> No.15839955
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Mitchell Hogan writes such a good repressed virgin lol.
Our protagonist just constantly sways from being clueless about sex and envy to being almost murderously horny for a girl who antagonises him.


>> No.15840341

So you are writing a marvel capeshit flick?

>> No.15840374

Just finished King of Thorn and gotta say I enjoyed it A LOT more than Prince of Thorns. Looking forward to reading the last part, after taking a break.
Now guys I have two books atm, which one should I read first?
The Tawny Man, or Well of Ascension?

>> No.15840965

>redeemed a slut just from his cock
Off to a good start

>> No.15841032
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Other than House of Leaves are the any books that just have an utter sense of "wrongness" about them?

>> No.15841080

Well, it would be medieval fantasy, not modern day. And it would be less lighthearted than MCU films.

>> No.15841164

Fuck E William Brown
All the self published authors I follow released at least 2 books each since Brown made that post on his blog.

>> No.15841263

Any thoughts on the Gunslinger? Should I waste my timer reading it or no?

>> No.15841373

if you like king it's worth reading if you don't I wouldn't bother

>> No.15841418

Has anyone here read Avogadro Corp?

A bit conflicted. Good premise and it wasn't bad, just felt very generic in writing style. The 'AI' should have been able to fake sound and video too. Because high level company decisions and directing of foreign policy with just email and web services was too bizarre. "Peace in the Middle East" was such a simplistic normie example too. But it was nice that the author had the tech background to describe the operations of a large American tech company the way he did, and Portland seemed pretty comfy too. This was his first book so I'm interested if he has become better, and if he has I wish he rewrote this because the premise is pretty good.

Are the sequels good? "A.I. Apocalypse" once again sounds so generic.

>> No.15841544
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I want to write a fun short story about a guy from our world who dies and gets isekai'd into a fantasy universe as a cat girl.
Where can I upload that shit and would you guys read it? It's gonna be as "serious" as this concept can get, meaning it won't be full of harem shit and whatever silly jokes, it will be a legit plot but I want to go full "fuck it" mode when it comes to the premise and setting.

>> No.15841565

Try AO3 or Royal Road

>> No.15842567

I'm still out here waiting for some sweet Ferrovax dragon action

>> No.15842583
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HOLY.... only on chapter 3 but he's already made such an immersive world with giants attacking cities (attack on titan made me cringe, but not this), as well as funny moments and possibly big potential for lore and worldbuilding. Seems like something that would at least be a trilogy, not a two novel series. Anyone else read it?

>> No.15843149

New Dresden Files Tuesday.
Harry better fuck that illusions bitch.

>> No.15843175

Laundry > Dresden

>> No.15843271

>Harry better fuck that illusions bitch.
Never going to happen. Get ready for more police girl.

I like Laundry, but why the fuck is he sidelining Bob?

>> No.15843348

he has a lot of free fiction on his site, including stories in the freeze frame universe.

>> No.15843356

>after that stupid fucking twist with Monza in BSC
bro if you read the first trilogy you had to have known that 'twist' was coming. seriously how is it even a twist.

>> No.15843383

Never Let Me Go

You can read it as a standalone horror western.

>> No.15843467

I want to start malazan how is it?

>> No.15843486

>how is it
It's absolutely horrible.

>> No.15843500

Awful. Just bloody awful.

>> No.15843566

Everyone read this here, it's great.

>> No.15843662

The first had great promise, but by the second shifted to bland SK pop culture. Not bad if that's what you want, but I was disappointed, having really bought into the tone of the first. At some later point in the series it began to feel both random and forced and I stopped reading. I think I bought book 4 the day it came out, and that may have been the one that turned me off. I did the same exact thing with Ice and Fire!

>> No.15843670


>> No.15843720

Say what you want, but GRRM proves he is the undisputed master.

>> No.15843735

are there any sci-fi novellas you guys would recommend? I can't find a specific chart for this. ty

>> No.15843801
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And here's where my luck with Russian litrpg ran out. What a mess.

>> No.15843802

Harder to look up novellas than novels or ss' but Spinrad, Zelezny and Tiptree have loads.
This is How You Lose the Time War is the best recent one, although murderbot is excellent for just being fun.

>> No.15843814

Any scifi stories set in the past? Most Scifi is set in the future (for obvious reasons) but I wonder if any authors have chosen to write "historical" scifi.

>> No.15843820

I just read champion is playing and it was fucking great.

>> No.15843849

Are there any Fantasy collections of short stories?

Seems like most of them are sci fi.

>> No.15843933

Good. I'll queue it up next for redemption.

>> No.15843948

Try perimeter defense too if you havent. It starts out a bit dry but its pretty good once it gets going.

>> No.15843983
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Is there a fantasy or scifi book on which the characters actually trust each other?
I'm tired of reading about shit that could be avoided if the fuckers just talked to one another and worked together.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I just finished The Way of Kings, but I don't think I'll continue with the sequels, I just don't have the stamina required for these long e p i c fantasy series, even though I kind of enjoyed the worldbuilding. I might give the audiobook a try, or maybe just read the plot points on wikipedia, like I did with The Wheel of Time after the first book.

>> No.15843991

I really enjoyed Perimeter Defense, and also Dark Herbalist by the same guy.

>> No.15844056

I love Earthsea and all you faggots should go kill yourselves.

>> No.15844084

no point in giving recs to a brainlet

>> No.15844109

Yes, they are called anthologies. There are many.

>> No.15844121

You gonna recommend me a good one, big boi?

>> No.15844135

No, I'm not. They aren't difficult to find and then there are also collections of fantasy authors works as well as magazines.

>> No.15844152


Feels terrible man

We're supposed to be sffg bros.

>> No.15844154
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Must you be so mean, anon?
I didn't choose nor did I ask to be a brainlet.

>> No.15844161

Needlessly rude!
>Is there a fantasy or sci-fi book on which the characters actually trust each other?
Come to think of it, not much comes to mind? Obviously there's Lord of the Rings of course. There's distrust, but each group of heroes largely trusts one another.

Think about the kind of world these books typically take place, and it makes sense distrust is often a big plot point.

>> No.15844214

Consider a different approach next time with a different attitude.

There's obvious ones with names like Year's Best Fantasy or Year's Best Dark Fantasy, 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories.

Here's one rec:
The Way of the Wizard

>> No.15844225
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Thanks for the reply, anon.
> Lord of the Rings
I read Fellowship earlier this year, for the first time in almost 10 years. I can't really say that I enjoyed it.
>Think about the kind of world these books typically take place, and it makes sense distrust is often a big plot point.
You're right, of course. I'm just tired of it.

>> No.15844247

These aren't read much and those that are read mostly aren't well rated by /sffg/. I don't know why that is.

>> No.15844430

Asoiaf book 6 and the name of the wind book 3 will come out before E William Brown releases anything.

>> No.15844465

Anyone read either of these?
>A Prince's Errand (Dan and Robert Zangari)
>Oblivion (Andy Blinston)
Just wondering about their quality

>> No.15844479

who here /mistborn/

>> No.15844534

You probably only will find that in young adult shit. Adults know not to trust 100% unless the person is magically bound to not harm you.

>> No.15844656

>Is there a fantasy or scifi book on which the characters actually trust each other?
The Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.15844719

First one looks bad from the preview I read and basically no one has read it in general from what I see.
>Yes its independently published. LOK Publishing is owned and operated by myself and my father, Dan Zangari.
Vanity Publishing at its finest.

The other also looks bad.
Lastly, don't trust me.

>> No.15844901
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Does anyone have a good resource on how to write fiction? I read, write, and try to think very critically about every decision I make - but I'm curious on the perspectives of other writers (rather than me trying to parse it from their works).

>> No.15844949

Most xianxia has that

>> No.15844965

>The Lies of Locke Lamora
You mean before the author was cucked and started to reflect his distrust in his books?

>> No.15845002

stormlight archive

>> No.15845017

What's so good about it

>> No.15845031
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>The Lies of Locke Lamora
I read that a couple of years ago, didn't find it too interesting, I remember basically nothing about it.
That sounds interesting, different from what I'm used to. Got any recommendations?
"On Writing", by Stephen King might interest you.

>> No.15845092


Not sure if this was supposed to be bait but Jemisin is simply an awful writer and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.15845101
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>> No.15845111

Unironically the sanderson lectures. I can barely tolerate his persona and I've never finished a book of his because his writing is awful, but he does have an interesting perspective on writing fiction, and I enjoyed learning more about it.


>> No.15845123
File: 118 KB, 680x1024, X6bROnKi8J7XB36oLM6tOYUgBfiozTujH2lZYNvAKLQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So for anyone who's tried them, if it was inevitable that the post-Frank Dunes would be written who would you want to have written them instead?

Cormac McCarthy for >they rode on

>> No.15845132


The Iron Dragon's Daughter

>> No.15845149
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Cheers. I'll give both a look.

>> No.15845156

World of Cultivation

>> No.15845194
File: 72 KB, 1024x481, Tremors_Tv_Images_V03-1024x481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the dude on the bottom from the first tremors movie?
I fucking loved that movie and its sequels. Even the weird one in Arfrica. Burt Gummer is one of the best characters written in any fiction ever. He is if you distilled /k/ and /diy/ into a person but but stripped all the negative bits.

Recommend me some operator as fuck books.

>> No.15845244

>Recommend me some operator as fuck books.

I don't think there are any, or could be any.

The whole point of operator-ness is to have partaken of experiences that don't translate well into linear narrative?

>> No.15845276

I mean there has to be something out there. There's a series for everything. Otherwise all i have left is playing Arma.

>> No.15845311

Anyone else have a harder time retaining stuff via audiobook than actually reading? I tried audible for the first time and I feel like I only retained major plot points.

>> No.15845312 [DELETED] 


The only thing I can think of is a non-fiction work: Never Split The Difference

It's about the invention and evolution of modern hostage negotation tactics.

>> No.15845330


The only thing I can think of is a non-fiction work: Never Split The Difference

It's about the invention and evolution of modern hostage negotiation tactics.

>> No.15845346

Yea audiobooks are for listening to and forgetting everything while at work

>> No.15845365
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Read it but not exactly what i am looking for. Heck at this point id take operating in any sort of setting. Maybe there's a book about a fucking squad of Dwarves in the middle of a war or something. Maybe a bunch of vets encountering a predator of alien or magical nature and have to deal with it or something. I am really not picky but id like it to be very operational.

>> No.15845404

>I hope there is a glossary in the paper version of those books.
There is.

>> No.15845436

Finished the first Lyonesse trilogy book after 2 weeks of reading.
Very nice so far. The epilogue was a bit jarring but again must epilogues are.
Also fuck Melancthe the stupid thot deserves death, Casmir is a bit of a dick by she and Carfilhot were the only ones who truly pissed me off in the book

>> No.15845454


I have a background in aviation so a lot of the operational stuff I am familiar with is related to air combat. You might enjoy Blesse's "No Guts, No Glory". It's not really a story... just a primer on how not to completely suck at shooting down MiG-15s over Korea seventy years ago.

>> No.15845457

Don't read xianxia, you will slog trough 500 badly written chapters with minimal progress and then wonder what is it that you are doing in your live to be wasting time like this.

>> No.15845466

Hey its better than nothing at least. I appreciate it.

>> No.15845483

Junior, you dare?

>> No.15845541

I will forget this incident in order to save you face. But do not approach to me again, as I will repay any insult a thousandfold.

>> No.15845544

>then wonder what is it that you are doing in your live to be wasting time like this.
I unironically thought exactly this as I was reading The Way Of Kings.
But, yes, I don't like the idea of reading a poorly translated book.

>> No.15845636

Hawksbill Station, a short story by Robert Silverberg, where modern day criminals are sent back to the paleozoic era where the highest lifeforms are trilobites.

And of course the "Pliocene Exiles"series by Julian May.

If you are not familiar with Iain M. Banks's "Culture" series I suggest you read Inversions. It is a kind of science fiction in an historical setting, and also a pretty cool and unique introduction to the Culture series. You cant read that book again the same way once you have read the other books and know what the Culture is.

>> No.15845661

Culture is like the communist utopia, benevolent AI dictatorship and the humans are merely pets

>> No.15845741

>benevolent AI dictatorship and the humans are merely pets
Honestly that is not communists, it's just sensible (and authoritarian).
I can't imagine a better world than one under ever increasingly smart benevolent AI (because we programmed to love as an an intrinsic part of their being or sometime similar) that makes sure we are healthy and maybe even immortal is our biology is ever able to allow us that.
The only one who would have any problem are the "i ratter rule in hell" kind of people.

>> No.15845801

guys r/fantasy is getting filtered by Thomas Covenant again

>> No.15845819

>Thomas Covenant
Never heard of it what is about and should i read it? if Reddit hates it It at least has my interest.

>> No.15845834

I tried to read it several times and I couldn’t

>> No.15845841

because it was bad, difficult or has an archaic writing style?

>> No.15845857

it's portal fantasy from the 70s where the protagonist is a self-loathing suicidal emotional wreck, he's pretty based.

>> No.15845879

Didn’t like the protag

>> No.15845911


>> No.15845934

It’s a Legitimate reason, ok?

>> No.15846133
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/sffg/, what's your opinion on "tech tree fantasy?"
(i.e. stories focused on the process of technological, scientific or magical innovation)

examples include
>The Dandelion Dynasty (The Grace of Kings/The Wall of Storms),
>Various Discworld books (Going Postal, Making Money, Moving Pictures, etc.)
>Log Horizon
>Ascendance of a Bookworm
>Dr Stone

My current book is culinary tech tree fantasy, but I'm realizing the sequels are going to require a lot of thinking if I want to stay in the subgenre

>> No.15846146

I think it’s fucking awful and I guarrenteed drop those books like a bug covered stone
Magic is magic... not just another form of super special electricity that allows a medieval society to have an industrial revolution...

>> No.15846161

I agree. The worst part is when authors think up magical systems that are similar to programming.
Magic should just be fucking magical. Whats wrong with snapping your fingers and some guy burns to death? Nothing that's what.

>> No.15846195

And they isekai a self insert middle aged programmer grunt into their fantasy world.

I’ve read at least 2 books like that.

>> No.15846206

you know, it's funny. I included magical innovation because I thought that would count, but I'm not sure I've seen an example that did that with magic.

All the ones I mentioned (at least the ones of those I've read and don't just know of by reputation) focus on characters creating non-magical inventions through non-magical means. Hell, in ascendance of a bookworm, the main character has a ridiculous amount of magical power at her disposal but doesn't even try to make use of it

>> No.15846365

entertain me, post a pic of the worst page of Fifth Season you can find

>> No.15846496

I've only read Left Hand of Darkness, its kinda dry but you can easily pretend its hard scifi if you focus on the anthropological details as opposed to the gender/cold war themes elsewhere.

>> No.15846605

New thread.

>> No.15846629

Is Robert Charles Wilson's Spin good? There is no translation to my language so I wonder is it worth a trouble and headache reading in original.

>> No.15846632
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Are there any fantasy books out there that can even capture this feel?

>> No.15846648

Why did /hfg/ die in a week?

>> No.15846655

>no thread title
Not gonna show up on my catalog, not gonna bother bumping it.

>> No.15846660

He deleted it now kek. Don't make another one retarded anon

>> No.15846662

Sorry. Redone. NEW THREAD

>> No.15846669

>that edition name
I wont bump it either.

>> No.15846670
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Too late, mister.

>> No.15846674
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Oh well. This general has been long dying anyway. Maybe it'll die altogether. A man can dream.