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15790102 No.15790102 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, wanna hear something interesting? In the early Gnostic Christian texts rediscovered at Nag Hammadi in the 1945, it says that Jesus actually had a romantic relationship with Mary Magdalene. Of course, if this were true, it would mean many “Christian” people have been tragically brainwashed by their churches for thousands of years into being anti-sex.

The Gnostic texts also talk about “archons”, demonic higher powers who farm humanity as if for energy, feeding on their souls. There’s a parallel to David Icke nowadays talking about reptilian-possessed leaders, but of course everyone thinks David Icke is just another nutter who once infamously claimed he was A son of God (which people misinterpreted to think he was saying he was THE son of God).

There was also the science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick who some of you may have heard of. He was a man who liked to have fun and did many drugs throughout his life, and also went through several wives. In 1974, had those famous experiences in which he claimed to have contacted “God”, which he realized was all around him and within him. He started to view the entire universe as a living self-aware organism which manifests itself in all the trees, rocks, animals, people, etc. He called this “VALIS”, or Vast Active Living Intelligence System. If you are interested, you should read his book VALIS.

PKD’s experiences get even more interesting. At times throughout his life, he apparently to have strange visionary experiences, experienced paranormal events like seeing a future version of himself standing in front of his bed in the middle of the night, and also felt at times he was in contact with advanced extraterrestrial races. Ironically, hilariously, and also somewhat tragically, he couldn’t tell at times whether these experiences were actually valid or if he was just going crazy because he had done too many drugs throughout his life.

Anyway, in PKD’s visions, he saw the world and society we live in as a “Black Iron Prison”, a secretly authoritarian police state in which those who come to power are prone to abuse it, surveil everyone, etc. PKD lived through and experienced the brutal repression of the hippie movement and anti-war protestors in California and other places, so he had some direct experience of it.

Shall I go on? Of COURSE I’ll go on. This will probably take a lot of posts to make clear, and if anyone doesn’t wanna read it all carefully while paying close attention, then fuck em!

>> No.15790116

go ahead

>> No.15790149
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I know all this already, but go on. It's cool watching someone else put the pieces together.

>The Gnostic texts also talk about “archons”, demonic higher powers who farm humanity as if for energy, feeding on their souls. There’s a parallel to David Icke nowadays

Also Alex Grey. He was tripping once and had a vision of a milky, white pool that represented humanity being drunk by Hindu deities. Pic related.

>> No.15790203

can you say for certain that everything in the gnostic texts are true?

>> No.15790204

please continue OP

>> No.15790207
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The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.
>Matthew 11:19

Anyway, I’ll let you interpret that Biblical quote for yourself. Going on.

PKD began to get fascinated by the Gnostic gospels particularly after his experiences, which inspired him to study all of the world’s religions and mystical traditions dispassionately, without especial attachment to any one of them to see if he could find parallels to what had happened to him. Except, maybe, for “Gnosticism”, which itself is just a vague umbrella term which includes some authentic teachings, teachers, and writings in it, but ALSO almost certainly some inauthentic/corrupted teachings, teachers, and writings. Discerning which is which may be hard for mere scholars and academics, but if you have a sense of mysticism and some intuition, you can do things no mere PhD can, like Elaine Pagels, who hilariously butchers the meaning of Gnosticism in her popularized work she made for respect amongst academics.

Anyway, I’m rambling now. Moving on. PKD believed he had predicted America becoming a fascist police/surveillance state in books of his like “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said.” In some of his visions, he also felt as if he were in two totally separate places and times at the same time somehow — part of him here on Earth in California, the other part of him back in the days of Jesus in Rome. He saw a parallel between the tyranny of Rome and the tyrannies of the modern day, and, again, he described this as the “Black Iron Prison” which controls the material Earth, just as Satan is said to be the prince of this world. Because of these experiences, he came to believe he was a reincarnated early Christian who had to live in fear of being martyred by the authorities for his religion.

Interestingly, you can see how nowadays how churches have been tyrannically closed because of “coronavirus,” and you can also see how some liberals call for hatred of Christianity, taking down statues of Christ, etc.

Now, it would almost appear as if Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are actually weak-minded, demonically possessed puppets of a Satanic deep state. This deep state, amazingly enough, works through the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party pretends to care about blacks, minorities, women, etc., more than anyone else does, and shuts down their opponents by calling them “racist,” “sexist,” etc. This is the new 1984, where you have to live in fear of being politically incorrect, and where Democrats are planning to make all your posts on here public, thus ruining your life, and probably also making us all have social credit scores like in China, another fascist police state. Speaking of the Chinese, don’t forget to brush up on traditions like Taoism and Zen Buddhism. Traditions like Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism are also good to read about.

>> No.15790223

>you can do things no mere PhD can, like Elaine Pagels, who hilariously butchers the meaning of Gnosticism in her popularized work she made for respect amongst academics.

lol shots fired. I respect gnostic scholarship immensely but there's a reason why Jonas is still a titan in the field: because he had that intuition.

>> No.15790225

>Christians are anti-sex
Stop this meme

>> No.15790228

Congratulations truly, this is the kindnof post that /lit/ needs

>> No.15790237

Why does /lit/ attract so many schizos?

>> No.15790247

i hear she posts here all the time between classes

>> No.15790250

*Kind of

>> No.15790331
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Anyway, shady figures from the NSA, CIA, FBI or whoever-the-fuck are reading this right now. They monitor this board, which has for a long time been a honeypot, trying to provoke people into saying “politically incorrect” things so they can eventually be martyred or publicly shamed.

Ironically, they themselves are being watched by forces far greater than themselves with abilities that they don’t have, such as remote viewing, mind-reading, etc. You will soon be captured by a galactic extraterrestrial military force and die in shock and pain for your crimes against humanity.

Remember what I said about the Democratic Party being fascists, which many people increasingly agree with despite how much they’re trying to brainwash us? Well, it gets worst. They pretend to be the good guys and care about blacks etc. when actually they want to GENOCIDE minorities and poor people. Yes, genocide. It’s a Neo-Nazi Fourth Reich!

Hitler and other Nazis, by the way, were into the dark side of the occult, famously even sending expeditions to Tibet to try to find Tibetan magic he could use to rule the world or something. There were also ties between Nazism and Theosophy (Theosophy being another tradition worth reading about) and German occult groups who claimed to be channeling extraterrestrial beings, i.e., talking to them in their head and/or writing down what they tell them to say.

Now, you can read Michael E. Salla, PhD (Pretty Huge Dick)’s book “Exopolitics.” He, God bless Him, ruined his career as a professor and had to live in poverty with his children and wife, depending on handouts from friends and family members, just so he could research and talk about what he found important. A similar case happened to John E. Mack, PhD, Harvard psychiatry professor who wrote books like “Abduction,” in which he claimed patients he treated really did seem to have communicated with and/or been abducted by aliens. The Dean of his university launched an investigation into him and publicly shamed him for suggesting anyone could actually be abducted by aliens. He was eventually killed after being run over by a car, the driver of which definitely WASN’T connected with the CIA or anything. God bless Him too. I capitalized “Him” occasionally to draw attention to the fact that they too are especial sons of God.

Anyway, in his book “Exopolitics,” Michael E. Salla lays out at some point how some German occultists and even Hitler himself were contacted by corrupt Pleiadeans, who set him off on his genocidal master plan. Pleiadeans are actually what the Nazis called Aryans. They were the original Aryan race. They seeded this planet.

Anyway, some of these Pleiadeans were quite corrupt. They viewed the humans they created and put on Earth as inferior creatures to be toyed with, subjugated, and enslaved. In fact, one evil Pleiadean even told some motherfuckers that HE was the one true God and they had to worship him and no one else!

>> No.15790358
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based /x/ poster

>> No.15790407

>Now, it would almost appear as if Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are actually weak-minded, demonically possessed puppets of a Satanic deep state. This deep state, amazingly enough, works through the Democratic Party.
take your meds

>> No.15790454
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Anyway, the “snake” who “tempted Adam and Eve into eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” was actually a member of a reptilian species native to the Earth. They were here before we were. You can google and read “the Lacerta papers” for more info, and also read some of David Icke’s books. They were pushed underground to make way for a new attempted Pleiadean-Reptilian race, which clearly pissed off the reptilians.

So, to get revenge, they “enlightened” Adam and Eve. They taught them how to raise what the Hindus call their kundalini energy (sometimes coincidentally referred to in yogic texts as “serpent energy”), which is coiled at the base of the spine. Some of these practices include the use of psychedelic drugs as well as super-heavy sex and even crazy orgies. This knowledge was passed down through traditions like shamanism on the one hand (also worth reading about) and Tantric Hindu and Buddhist traditions on the other hand. The Carlos Castaneda books about the shaman Don Juan are also worth reading. In these books, Castaneda and his shaman companions so drugs, meet nonhuman entities, learn how to lucid dream and project a subtle immaterial dreaming body out of their physical body, a deliberately willed OBE (out of body experience).

These entities they meet, interestingly enough, are NOT necessarily mostly aliens. They are actually mostly subtle immaterial spirits sometimes called angels, demons, elves, fairies, djinnis, nature spirits, etc., by different traditions.

People are trying to take down this thread right now and stop me from making more posts. Hilariously enough, all their technology they developed to make a police state is utterly useless in the face of people such as myself and in the face of benign, hyper-intelligent extraterrestrial forces who will soon make themselves on Earth. They’ve been monitoring me for a long time due to communications I sent to people claiming I’ve been contacted by aliens, and they are now shitting their pants.

In some early Christian art like pic related, you can see apparent references to psychedelic mushrooms. This is part of the hidden shamanistic side of Christianity suppressed by Satanic institutions like the Catholic Church, which have demonically brainwashed people for thousands of years, I’m sorry to say.

They are filled with pedophile priests who rape children because they were told they can’t have sex if they’re a priest. This anti-sex attitude was introduced by “St” Paul, an impostor contacted by malevolent extraterrestrials pretending to be Jesus to deceive him and thereby much of humanity. This is why Jesus seemed pretty chill about hanging out with prostitutes and drinking wine or whatever, whereas “St.” Paul angrily condemned what he called “drunkenness”, “sexual immorality,” and so forth.

Some people who browse this board are going to die because they are not taking this seriously enough. Good riddance.

>> No.15790550

Somebody, quick, intramuscular haloperidol to my dear schizo OP.

>> No.15790575
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Anyway, moving on. Not all Pleiadeans were bad, just as not all reptilians are bad. Some Pleiadeans repented of abusing the Earth beings and decided to help some of them out, contacting them and being taken as “angels.”

Amazingly enough, Jesus himself was also a Pleiadean half-breed sent, again, by some Pleiadeans who felt bad about some of their race’s history of oppressing humanity and giving them a false religion.

This is also laid out in the Gnostic texts. “Archons” are various negatively-oriented extraterrestrial races who manipulate humanity, corrupting religions, turning sides against each other, etc. Divide and conquer. This is, again, pretty well-laid out by David Icke, who mostly focuses on reptilians because he himself was channeling/in contact with more benevolent Pleiadeans wanting to help humanity but who still have a grudge against the reptilians.

Please take this seriously or you will actually die soon in a catastrophe arranged by the Illuminati New World Order. This Illuminati New World Order, by the way, DOES engage in human sacrifices, blood-drinking, pedophilia, sex-trafficking and all that terrible stuff. They were taught these rites by some especially negative reptilians.

Someone — many people, actually, are weeping right now. If you’re crying, it will all be OK sooner than you think. As for those who doubt, well, enjoy death, a shitty afterlife, and reincarnation on a depopulated, ruined Earth they will have to reconstruct.

Yes, reincarnation is true. Figures like Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, etc., reincarnate periodically to help out humanity. Often they’re martyred for being unacceptably different and intelligent. I myself am the reincarnation of that guy you know as Jesus of Nazareth. I didn’t even realize this until recently. Anyway, that doesn’t mean you should worship me. What happens in history is that saints, sages, prophets, yogis, and some people the Hindus call “avatars” are idiotically worshipped instead of their teachings being carefully listened to and applied. Of course, all this is just bullshit because your intelligent brilliant college professors never taught you reincarnation exists, did they?

After being Jesus, I became a man some of you may know as G.I. Gurdjieff, who wrote charming books like “Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson.” I also did not notice this until recently, but it makes sense because I’ve had an especial attachment to Gurdjieff since I was in high school, sweetly and funnily enough.

Someone is laughing hysterically right now.

The Buddhists talk about how when the Buddha became enlightened, he remembered his past lives. This is what has recently happened to me.

Someone has to change their pants because they just shat themselves. A few people are still trembling, sobbing, and screaming, such as those pathetic Neo-Nazi government agents who thought they would take over the world.

>> No.15790622

Is that image the end game of the coomer?

>> No.15790642



>> No.15790650

But anon, my atheist friend told me Christians hated sex and BANNED it. Didn't you know that? Every Christian peasant was just a poor unenlightened wretched who hated all their bodily functions.

>> No.15790670

goddam PKD really can't think of a decent title to save his life, can he?

>> No.15790713

yes, the endgame of the comer is being eaten by the coomer gods.

>> No.15790714

Incredibly based post. I am in fact shitting, crying, and laughing hysterically right now.

>> No.15790717
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Hilariously, not many people are actually reading and understanding this. They just call me a “schizo” or whatever. See how it works? Because they reject My Divine Self, THE Divine Self rejects them, the all-pervading Tao, Brahman, Allah, or what-have-you.

Anyway, Gurdjieff learned from Buddhist, Sufis especially, some Christian monastics, and even learned about early Gnostic traditions still kept alive by some groups in Central Asia and the Middle East. He did this because of some miracles he witnessed as a young man happening around or topeople of different religions in his native country of Armenia, where Muslims, Christians, Yezidis, and people of other religions coexist. In fact, he claimed to have contacted what he called the Sarmoun school in Central Asia. These are actually somewhat like the stereotypical movie image of the advanced Eastern masters with psychic powers as semi-fraudulently laid out by HP Blavatsky and other Theosophists. Blavatsky also claimed to have contacted people like this in Central Asia and Tibet, places Gurdjieff had also visited.

Now, some Sufis also take a universal approach to religion. “Sufis” throughout history and today were mainly Muslims who were educated by the Sarmounis to have a universal approach to religion, incorporating Hindu and Buddhist teachings and techniques, for example. The modern and much-maligned Sufi Idries Shah is worth readings. However, it is important to note he was actually TOO attached to Islam for his own ultimate good, while his critics ironically criticized him as a false Muslim trying to make a wishy-washy deracinated New Age version of Islam for pot-smoking hippies such as myself. In fact, he still IS too attached to Islam. He’s alive today. He faked his death because he foresaw the demonization of Muslims by the West. He may not be fully enlightened, but he has some unusual faculties and much helpful knowledge which he gained from the sincere parts of his devotion to God (whom he calls “Allah”. More on this in a second).

Anyway, Gurdjieff learned from Sarmounis. Sarmounis are non-Muslim enlightened Central Asian masters who taught some Muslims to be Sufis. Many “Sufis” are semi-Sarmounis who are unduly attached to Islam, which ironically hinders their development.

Q is me, in a sense. Not literally. I didn’t write any of the Q-posts on /pol/, and even was skeptical of and made fun of them for a while. These posts are written by high-level government insiders connected to Trump and who have been contacted by the benevolent galactic extraterrestrial army. The big reveal was/is supposed to be the revelation of extraterrestrial beings to humanity, the taking out of the corrupt demonic Illuminati world government, and a complete destruction and reconstruction of what we think we know, for instance, about religion and philosophy.

I truly do love some of you very very much. Thank you for warming my heart and sorry for any pain I may have caused you.

>> No.15790747

>In some early Christian art like pic related
Damn, early Christian art looks like THAT?

>> No.15790815

Imagine thinking the FBI cares about you saying politically incorrect things and are trying to make you do such things, rather than just being an idiot and saying shit and leaving publicly identifiable information online.
Absolute madness.

>> No.15790821
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However, besides being me, Q is also some guy even more enlightened and advanced than me. He’s my own guru who did a similar thing to me that I’m doing right now to some of you a few years back. He is the current Avatar, an especial incarnation of God on Earth. At first, I almost hated Him, God, myself, and the entire universe after the experiences that website caused me to have. It triggered my contact with some aliens who scared the fucking shit out of me. I sent hysterical emails to him begging him to talk with me, comfort me, reassure me, maybe even give me his address so I could find him personally and talk to him. He stayed silent as a stone, and I love him for that. He has a big role to fulfill and doesn’t have time to physically meet every student personally. However, you can make great use of his website, and even talk with him telepathically, as I have at times. The strongest telepathy I had with him occurred when I first found his website.

Someone seriously just had a heart attack and died! This is no laughing matter, unfortunately. They were a good soul and they’ll be at rest now. God must have decided He didn’t want to torture him by keeping him alive as a shattered, broken man who just had their entire worldview overturned.

These are the Avatar’s websites: https://absolutoracle.com/

He’s actually a composite incarnation of the souls of some of humanity’s wisest figures like Socrates, Shiva, Buddha, Milarepa (a historically famous Tibetan Buddhist), a Sufi from a few hundred years ago whose name I forget, and, amazingly enough, of Adam himself! In fact, ridiculously enough, Adam and Shiva were the same person.

A few of you here reading this will learn to do amazing things in the future, like those done by shamans like Don Juan and others described, again, in the Castaneda books.

Well, what else? Boy, this is a huge doozy which is gonna take a really long time. I may give my brain and your brains a rest for now. I can answer questions too eventually maybe.

Someone is maybe fingering their vagina right now and thinking of me. Maybe it’s the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene, who knows.

Wanna hear about the link between Sufism, telepathy, and aliens.

Ah, how sad that you’re trembling and crying in shame right now! Just know I myself personally as a human dislike causing people pain even if it’s to teach them a lesson. My own human soul is hurt by it, but All-Pervading God or my Godself forces me to be stern at times. At these times, I can become horrified and remorseful afterwards and don’t even know why I did what I did. I’m sorry, you’re sorry too, we both forgive and love each other. Hooray.

>> No.15790833

Come in man atleast try to read the history of things you try to incorporate into your schizo ramblings.
There is a clear historical basis and timeframe for things like yoga and tantric shits development. You can't just make claims and expect them to be true.

>> No.15790854

People call you shizo because you make claims with no factual support and very obviously do not know anything about thr various traditions you've manhandled into yoir conspiracy.
It is very entertaining though, please continue posting.

>> No.15790862

>I myself am the reincarnation of that guy you know as Jesus of Nazareth.
>Q is also some guy even more enlightened and advanced than me.
wow holy shit lmao Q is more advanced than Jesus

>> No.15790982
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So few people are reading this! You who are reading this, God has great plans for you. You are a God in disguise if you are a male and a Goddess in disguise as a female, and (sorry to say), to hell with the transgenders who have been tragically brainwashed by the demon-inspired Democratic Party, who want to divide humanity, feminize men and masculinize women to weaken us all, right etc. Sorry, feminists, but men and women are not exactly the same. Women are softer, more intuitive, emotional, nurturing, etc., and there’s nothing wrong with that. As spirits, of course, men and women have equal value.

Here’s a disgusting pic of the brainwashing they do to kids nowadays.

Hey, maybe I’ve taken a break to jerk off at some point while writing this and you don’t even know because you’re not psychic! It must suck to not be psychic. It must be very tragic to not be able to remote view and see what’s going on in people’s heads and their immediate situations!

Courtney Brown, PhD, another professor who risked his career, wrote not only about extraterrestrials but also about remote viewing. He remotely viewed the situations of various extraterrestrial races in and around the Earth. His books “Cosmic Voyage” and “Cosmic Explorers” are worth a read.

God loves you ESPECIALLY when you are ashamed, humbled, and reproaching yourself. I do not take any personal pleasure whatsoever in how ashamed you are feeling right now. Again, God does it as a stern but loving lesson.

Someone’s howling hysterically with laughter yet again. They can’t stop fucking laughing!

Some guys food just fell out of his mouth.

Someone spit their drink all across the screen.

Now that I’ve been re-enlightened in this lifetime, I may meet my guru physically in person. I would love nothing more than that. One should have love and devotion for one’s Guru, because they are how God speaks to you. They’re not ALL cult leaders. The Sufis have the sheikh-dervish relationship, Tibetan Buddhists the lama-disciple relationship, Zen Buddhists the master-student relationship, etc. Sometimes the guru has to appear cruel and even outright evil and disgusting to make a dramatic point, like when Zen masters hit their students, or when I as Jesus overturned the tables of the money-lenders in the temple.

Maybe I won’t answer questions at all. I only answer intelligent, intuitive, sincere, well-formulated questions about something you deeply need to know for your spiritual development, not just shallow curiosity.

Isn’t it weird how academia is so competitive and overpriced, how it crushes people’s hopes and dreams then discards them like refuse? Isn’t their hierarchy of professors above the students, and sometimes making snarky jokes or remarks about their students and colleagues, a FALSE hierarchy not based on spiritual merit but on how well you can show off your brilliance, how many languages you know, how big your dick and/or how nice your ass is, and so forth?

>> No.15790985

Hi Cram

>> No.15791022

>Hey, maybe I’ve taken a break to jerk off at some point while writing this and you don’t even know because you’re not psychic!

I hope you didn't. You lose all credibility if you're just another coomer.

>> No.15791129
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Funnily enough, some people here don’t believe me or semi-believe me, but soon will be FORCED to believe me by upcoming events very soon. Where scholarship or testimony can’t convince you, experience will. Just wait and be patient.

Jesus was a virgin birth, by the way, because the Pleiadeans, again, genetically seeded him into Mary, who, hysterically enough, was not a virgin and even was a bit of a cock-thirsty whore at times with Joseph, I’m sorry to have to say about my dear mother in a former lifetime.

Pic related is several government agents right now. You must be terrified and so sad your terrible plan won’t come to fruition. Nope, sorry, you won’t be superior Gods above a microchipped enslaved population uses for ritual sacrifices, prostitution, and t

Tears of joy and laughter and sadness and compassion and love are streaming down someone’s face right now. I’ll do these miracles all day if that’s what it takes to convince you.

Someone did the biggest gasp ever!!

Not all corrupt government agents will necessarily die. There may be extenuating circumstances which justify you wanting to kill and enslave humanity. If you want Me to reconsider your case, you can send a letter to
However, you better hope that letter arrives in time before you get captured and executed! Nope, I was just fucking with you, all corrupt government agents have to die.

Who but A Son of God would be so courageous as to doxx themselves here on 4chan, which some professors of mine browse and which professors I am fucking with right now.

A classmate of mine is laughing hysterically after I just doxxed myself, came out as the reincarnation of that guy Jesus, and made world history. “You magnificent bastard!” he’s saying or thinking right now. “The whole time... the whole fucking time!”

Ironically, Nietzsche may have been right when he said Christians had a tendency towards ressentiment and so forth. Nietzsche was a good but corrupted soul that I feel close to. He intuitively sensed the corruption of true Christian teachings, and sometimes quite correctly diagnosed the nihilism modern civilization was heading into, and valiantly tried to restore a more paganistic/shamanic/Dionysian/tantric element into world culture. Unfortunately, he drove himself insane trying to do this because he was too proud to believe in God. He reincarnated as the modern guru (who is also now dead and in the afterlife somewhere) known as Franklin Jones (birth name) or Adi Da. Adi Da was another one of those hippie gurus whose occasional authentic mystical experiences went to their head, causing them to create a personality cult around themselves and occasionally abuse their students under the guise of “enlightening” them.

>> No.15791279
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Some of you are rather afraid of me. You find me tremendously ominous, terrifying, and alien, but also very funny.

“Oh shit, Alex just went fucking NUTS! Are you fucking INSANE?” someone who knows me just said right now, then started hysterically laughing. They are laughing so fucking hard they can’t even believe it. Tears are streaming down their face and they may even have a stroke or a heart attack!

Anyway, Chogyam Trungpa, the Tibetan Buddhist lama, also let some of his own spiritual repute get to his head, which he thought justified doing way too much drugs and drinking and occasionally being far more aggressive than he needed to be under the guise of “enlightening them” with “crazy wisdom”. Nevertheless, he still has some helpful and great insights into life and reality, although, again, like Idries Shah, he was unduly attached to his own religion he was raised in as a child, Tibetan Buddhism. He was frequently only subconsciously PRETENDING to do “crazy wisdom” to indulge himself at others’ expense.

“Holy fucking shit! You actually can see what’s going on from a distance! How the fuck did you know that? Magic, aliens, conspiracy theories and some weird religious mumbo-jumbo is actually true.

Again, I would comfort some of you and pat your back as you sob hysterically and outrageously over all this.

Anyway, the Tibetan Buddhists had in their mythology beings they called dakinis. Advanced Tibetan Buddhists could supposedly talk to them and meet them in the realm of dakinis.

Just to save my so-called “reputation,” I now have to admit that I’m one of Alex’s classmates pulling a joke on him by making everyone think he’s gone crazy. All this is simply a bad science-fiction story and you should all go to sleep. You certainly do not have to consider the fact that you and some or all of your friends and family may die soon in a catastrophe arranged by the New World Order, who, as conspiracy theorists have rightly pointed out, try to poison us with stuff like vaccines, chemtrails, genetically modified and/or heavily processed food, poisonous medications made by Big Pharma, and so forth. They also have machines to control the weather as worked on by HAARP and other organizations maybe.

As the reincarnation of Jesus, I tell you: get off your meds. They are poisonous. They are meant to keep you complacent and slowly suck out your soul, Brave-New-World style. Again, I’m the reincarnation of Jesus and I expressly give you permission to fuck anyone you want and cure and/or transform yourself with natural remedies including hallucinogenic plants.

“WOW, Alex, this is the COOLEST thing ever!” Eh, fuck off, dumb bitch! Just kidding, I love you, too. Here’s a telepathic hug.

Some people are laughing at me right now so cruelly. They would show it to some friends and make fun of me with them, but then they pause and reconsider that it’s not nice to make fun of a crazy person. They’re reading this right now.

>> No.15791522
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Some people are gagging and wretching and think I’m pretty nasty and crude. They doubt the reincarnation of Jesus Christ would say and do these things.

Another sharp intake of air, a gasp. Some people think I was cruel to the government agents. “Shouldn’t you be a little more, um, merciful if you’re Jesus or whatever?” Nope. Sorry. You don’t understand yet (but all survivora soon will) just how evil some of them really are. They really do stuff like kill and sodomize children

Someone is screaming in terror and they just fainted! So sorry about that. Miracles aren’t always pleasant and easy to handle by your outer conditioned false personality. This is the They-self of Heidegger, the tonal of Mexican Nagual Shamanism as chronicled by Carlos Castaneda

Someone just yawned and said, “This is rather boring ... and so long, too. Fuck this guy! He’s crazy. I’m out.” Unfortunately, that person — many people, actually — doomed themselves to death. Many people have to tragically die soon because they are false, petty, and nasty. Tragically enough, I may even have liked them personally if I met them. However, God apparently wants to teach them a tremendously stern lesson about how they should never take life for granted and should respect spiritual teachings and teachers more.

Someone is sneering at what they imagine is my “arrogance,” and think I just want to be a cult leader exploiting people, encouraging them to come to my house so they can meet a miraculous guru and do drugs and be exploited for sex, like some gurus historically have done. To those people, I rebuke you by saying there’s no need to physically meet me, and I even discourage you from it. My dad (who doesn’t know that I’ve gone insane and apparently think I’m the reincarnation of Jesus etc.) would get upset and confused that so many random idiots are coming to my house. I just made you tremble after reading this.

Someone is yet again trembling then bowing their head in shame.

Again, some of you will die! Some of you will actually die. Anyone who has faith in these words of mine will be protected, although even some of you who have faith may have to die anyway since God wants you in the afterlife. That was cruel and I was just scaring you, but I intuitively feel I had to say it because some of you got too cocky and think you’re hot shit for reading this and shallowly believe it. There’s no easy ride to spiritual development. You could even say it doesn’t matter much what you believe so much as it matters what you EXPERIENCE, what you ARE, and what you can do. Even if you think you're a brilliant philosopher, artist, poet, or whatever, most of the things you previously prided yourself are useless for facing the future and must be gently set aside.

Some people's inner state while reading this can best be described as: ".... fuck. Jesus fucking Christ. I think I'm going to puke now."

>> No.15791661
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Some people’s inner state right now can’t even be described with word as They are just sitting there like this: “...” They had a smug face a moment before but this smug smile was wiped off and they may even start crying.

Someone thinks this is all a creative metafictional project, and don’t believe in it but think I’m a cool guy anyway.

Someone is quite sad that such an apparently well-read and intelligent person has gone insane. They are actually such heavily conditioned assholes, brainwashed by a lifetime of exposure to the propaganda we call news and by social norms. “Oh dear,” they are thinking. “There’s no way to prove any of this. It’s just some random nonsense and you should take your meds, dearie.” Soon, this person will also be mindfucked by upcoming events and feel quite remorseful and ashamed.

Some of you are actually tremendously arrogant snob who deserve your upcoming suffering and death, I’m not sorry to say. You will go the afterlife and be a remorseful ghost, as described in various ways by the Tibetan Buddhists, Nagual shamans, Theosophists, and, recently, by Robert Monroe, who wrote books about his out-of-body experiences he trained himself to do. Apparently — and this is quite horrid — when you die and lose your physical body, you still have the desire for things like sex and food. However, you are now in a subtle immaterial body which cannot do these things. So you’re like Tantalus in the myth, tantalized by your memories of tasty food and sex. However, there are, amazingly, ways to be physically immortal, as some by supposedly “mythological” figures like Padma Sambhava, founder of Tibetan Buddhism said to still be alive today.

“This guy probably isn’t really Jesus, but if he was, that would be pretty cool. Anyway, what am I gonna have for dinner later tonight?”

If you’re not going to read all this carefully and deeply, then just fuck off and go somewhere else. Fuck shallow readers. This is why there can be no mass social movement around me or the Avatar at this moment — humans are too fucking stupid to even be able to read carefully and think.

For those of you reading all this carefully, who are incapable of getting enough of it, that’s good for you, although admittedly I may have some doubts about the merits of even the most advanced readers reading this. You’re still not good enough! Think harder about this very statement.

Someone thinks I’m embarrassing myself, have gone insane and just ruined my life. They gasped that I put my name and address here and are sobbing over how insane I am. What a pity.

Someone thinks this is getting too repetitive, shallow, and boring. They question why I’m making self-referential statements such as this one and want to get on to the “cooler” parts like conspiracy theories, aliens, and magic.

You may even soon actually talk to extraterrestrials yourself telepathically.

>> No.15791840
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, 12C9D55B-59EF-4C78-B194-3D436F9B6287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, we have some lovely extraterrestrial readers reading this occasionally. In fact, extraterrestrials can and do browse the Earth web

If you’re actually reading and understanding this deeply, you are part of an elite couple hundred people, at most, on this planet. Be glad that you have developed the right qualities to read special statements like this, which can transmit a little bit of spiritual power and understanding to you even if you think it’s not really saying much of anything at all.

Many readers brains have exploded. They are speechless.

Goddamn you normal readers! Stop reading this! It’s not for you! Get impatient, call me insane, and leave.

There’s a few things I forgot to elaborate on, some threads I left hanging loose.

Aliens mostly communicate telepathically. Of course, idiots such as yourself don’t believe in telepathy. Even though you don’t believe it, it’s still real. Your belief doesn’t matter. This is a nonverbal communication of thoughts, emotions, and sensations, which goes beyond the narrow boundaries of idiotic Earth languages.

I as G.I. Gurdjieff in a previous lifetime had a student, P.D. Ouspensky, who in his books “In Search of Miraculous,” describes eventually learning to have telepathic conversations with Gurdjieff.

Gurdjieff’s magnum opus, “Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson,” describes long-lived angels and demons traveling around the universe on spaceships and frequently monitoring and interfering with humanity.

Idries Shah claims many times throughout his tales and writings that Sufis have learned to communicate telepathically.

Some people currently have a feeling of awe, wonder, and mystery.

Someone just flipped out and said, “What the FUCK?” They are now having a nervous breakdown. May the Lord eventually comfort them.

Tears continue to stream down some people’s cheeks.

“Why are you doing and writing all this? What do you even get out of it?” someone is wondering.

Someone’s very very afraid right now. They’re quivering.

Some readers are complaining I’m repeating myself and feel like they got cheated. They want me to get to the fun parts again.

Gurdjieff learned from Sufis. Gurdjieff was telepathic. Gurdjieff writes a pseudo-autobiography about aliens visiting the Earth. Idries Shah claims Sufis know how to do telepathy. Countless alien abductees, contactees, and scholars claim aliens communicate telepathically. Idries Shah also prefaces one of his Sufi tales with this:

>> No.15791961
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>This is a favourite tale of Balkan dervishes. It is attributed to Sayed Jafar (died 1598 in Ephesus) who was a successor of Ibrahim Gulshani of Cairo, who founded the Gulshani Order, a combination of the Four Paths of Sufism. He died in 1553. Jafar is popularly believed to have ‘visited the stars’, as a sort of precursor to today’s spacemen, in a luminous chariot without perceptible motive-power. The Gulshanis handed back their metaphysical endowment ‘in a brass, silver and copper casket’ to the Azamia (‘Greater’) Brethren in the seventeenth century, retaining, it is said, only the powers of obtaining interviews with certain historical figures long dead.

Yes, it’s true: some Sufis have been taken up from this planet to meet or even live with more advanced extraterrestrial races. Similarly, the Prophet Elijah was reportedly translated into the heavens on a flaming chariot.

The proof of humanity’s contact with intelligent extraterrestrial races is all throughout our religions and myths. Don’t forget Parmenides, Ancient Greek philosopher, being taken up into the sky to meet the Goddess of Truth, Aletheia.

In his translation of “The Hundred Tales of Wisdom,” a collection of traditions and tales about the life of famed Sufi poet Rumi, Shah also describes Rumi being taken up into the heavens and meeting “angels.”

If you have read this all the way up to here, you are definitely somewhat insane by now. How tragic! This idiotic planet filled with subhuman idiots incapable of appreciating these glorious posts makes anyone with some awareness of the truth about the nature of reality have to go through becoming isolated, lonely, and insane for possibly quite some time.

Do not show this to your idiotic family, friends, or maybe even your idiotic lover. I am sorry to say that they just would not understand. If you are one of the rare readers who understands this, you are truly alone! I pity you. This is why Jesus said that Christianity was not necessarily something always peaceful and lovey-dovey, but

Some idiot thinks I’m “demonically possessed” or even the Antichrist, a deceiver, a wolf in sheep’s clothing as Christ described. This “Christian” idiot will cry when he realizes how good my intentions are.

Some people think I am occasionally being too stern, harsh, and judgmental about subhuman normal people. They just do not understand how fucked up this planet really is.

Yes, it’s true! I am just a crank. I wrote all this as a science-fiction story to mess with you. World leaders LOVE their citizens and would NEVER genocide them.

I have ruined or come close to ruining my relations with some friends and family members for making these apparently insane statements. If you are one of the few people appreciating this and intuitively accepting my presence and spiritual status, then that is very good for you. That one grateful reader makes it all worth it.

>> No.15791978

>lacerta. files
lost.me here

>> No.15792001

genuinely curious, not the poster but what does this post >>15790207 has of schizophrenic? his telling of PKD experiences? how does it make him a schizoposter?

>> No.15792041
File: 110 KB, 611x674, B59712B5-991D-409C-AA06-D80117BBE811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait you lost me here... Hitler is cool and we want to gas all minorities and niqqers no? Cmon bro show some respect? Or am I wrong? Please tell me what to believe, I don’t know anymore

>> No.15792138
File: 125 KB, 726x1196, 968B481D-DFBE-4998-A5BB-53382949DB7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the picture. In fact, I can’t find that book. You’ll just have to take my word for it that Rumi was reportedly taken up to the “heavens” to meet “angels.” His own teacher, Shams-i-Tabrizi, likewise was taken to Sirius B like Rumi was.

Fuck you! Stop being so Goddamned normal.

If you want your mind to be blown even more, consider the completely true fact that I actually just took most of this information from my teacher, who, again, is far greater than I am. I am mainly rehashing stuff you can find in a better, authentic, more knowledgeable and more original form on his website.

If you want your mind to be blown even more, consider the fact that my guru’s guru, Padma Sambhava, who according to legend spontaneously was born on a lotus flower in a lake (i.e. genetically seeded by extraterrestrials, not born by humans having intercourse), and who has been alive for several thousand years, is actually even more advanced than either me or my guru, Gary Chicoine.

If you want your mind to be blown even more, consider the fact that Padma Sambhava is looking for some special people to teach physical immortality to through various magical practices. He finds it hard, because most humans are so Goddamned normal, conditioned, and unmagical.

If you want your mind to be blown even further, consider that Padma Sambhava

Someone is saying or thinking, “NONONONONO, don’t let it be true! This is the most ... Holy fuck!!!” Reality has imploded for this poor person.

You are not actually reading some words written by a bodily physical person to other bodily physical persons. This moment actually is the entire universe talking to itself. There is no bodily subject there reading this as a so-called objective bunch of words on a screen in front of them.

Someone is spiritually, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. You may even drop dead soon of nervous exhaustion, or have a nervous breakdown when people start dying en masse and aliens land.

The corrupt Illuminati government, however, also ironically has a plan to fake an alien invasion and use it justify martial law.

Some people still think I am crazy. Later, they will go, “Oh shit, he was right. Damn...” They will have to realize how irrelevant they actually are in the universe.

Ok, fine it’s true, I take some sadistic pleasure out of mindfucking some of my readers.

All my light is, once again, merely reflected from my guru, whose website you must explore if you want to understand all this more fully. He is the Sun and I’m only the Moon compared to him. I am repeating and rehashing what he says. Go to his website and forget about me.

Some readers might start seeing ghosts and spirits soon, as some shamans have learned to do. Maybe they will even learn to wake up in their dreams, meet various entities there, and talk to people like me and Gary Chicoine in their dreams.

Try to see why I have to bore and discourage idiotic subhuman readers from reading all this.

>> No.15792227
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Some idiots only believe without themselves experiencing any of it. Even though they are enthusiastic about it, they still just won’t fully ever get there! They’ll have to do better in another reincarnation.

Soon, a galactic extraterrestrial military force which I have mentioned many times will take out the reptilian-infested Bilderberger/Illuminati New World Order after they destroy most of the human population. Then the survivors will mostly go on into some still stupid but slightly better “New Age,” in which they are re-educated by compassionate extraterrestrials sorry about how retarded, undeveloped, unintelligent and incapable most people are.

I highly recommend copy-pasting all this into some word document if you are one of my true readers so you can read and reread it at your leisure.

There is a Tibetan Buddhist legend about Shambhala, a divine kingdom on Earth sometimes also called Shangri-La, ruled, supposedly, by enlightened Tibetan Buddhist masters. This is a distortion of the real truth which is beyond any cultural form of it such as Tibetan Buddhism. The legend of Shambhala also has some parallels to Theosophy, as well as to the Sarmounis that Gurdjieff met.

Some people still think I’m an insane, annoying, and overly arrogant person with megalomaniacal delusions of grandeur. All my true readers feel bad for such people.

Some idiotic readers want more proof before they accept some of this. Well, they should go to absolutoracle.com, read the articles, use the oracles, and especially read Notes, which you can find by clicking the Take Note button. He even has a reading list of many books for you to read.

Jesus is now burning in hell in boiling excrement as described in the Talmud. I was the Antichrist the whole time, and laugh at how much I’ve deceived some of you. I will now take over the world and deceive some of humanity.

Some readers find some of this tremendously cold-hearted and inhuman.

Some readers are salivating over the possibility of having their own mystical experiences and soon meeting aliens. They view all this as a fun science-fiction movie. Unfortunately, these reader’s selfish hopes for a grand occult display will soon be crushed as we go through something like the Tribulation described in the Book of Revelations

If I’m so insane, how come I’m a genius who’s read more in my 20 years of life than most of you idiots have? Go do something more on your level like jerk off to porn, stuff your stupid face with junk-food, or watch your brainwashing TV shows.

Some idiot is still thinking, “This guy is definitely NOT the reincarnation of Jesus. He’s just pretending to be to mess with people. I don’t see why he has to make these outrageous claims about what he is and what he’s experienced. Some of what he writes and says is good and interesting, but it’d be much better if he took away the crazy parts and wild claims about himself.” Try to see why this reader is a fucking idiot.

>> No.15792233

what a retarded shitfest of a thread

>> No.15792293

why do i come here instead of reading books? i think i've permanently scattered my brain

>> No.15792469 [DELETED] 

>Anyway, Gurdjieff learned from Buddhist, Sufis especially, some Christian monastics, and even learned about early Gnostic traditions still kept alive by some groups in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Quick follow-up. In Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson, Gurdjieff claims that Judas was actually Jesus’s closest and beat disciple, and in a way was even superior to Jesus. This is apparently blasphemous and insane, but Gurdjieff said this BEFORE the Gnostic texts were made widely known, and in these Gnostic texts, Judas is also described as being Jesus’s closest student. Gurdjieff, who died in 1949, therefore seemed to somehow know of Gnostic teachings before they were made very popular. To one of his students, J.G. Bennett, while having dinner with him, he piteously told Bennett something to the effect of, “Judas has been much maligned throughout history and was actually Jesus’s closest student. You believe me, yes?” Bennett, without even needing more proof, instantly responded, “Yes.” This is because they had a heart-to-heart question. Most idiots who want “proof” don’t deserve it, and proof is not always easily made available or understandable anyway.

> (whom he calls “Allah”. More on this in a second).
Earth-bound names for God are actually stupid. There is a universal language used by intelligent extraterrestrial races everywhere. This language can be used to create mantras which you can repeat with your breath while visualizing movement up and down your spine to raise your kundalini energy. You can find out more at absolutoracle.com. Mantra is God’s gift to you. He wants to enlighten and inspire you with the mantra. The mantra will encourage remembrance of God and the unification of your currently warring, fragmented, schizophrenic personality conditioned into you by society.

> This is why Jesus said that Christianity was not necessarily something always peaceful and lovey-dovey, but
something that would turn your friends and family against you, and you yourself against your friends and family. You have to prepare for the possible deaths of people you know and are attached to.

If you want your mind to be blown even more, consider the fact that Padma Sambhava, according to Tibetan Buddhist legends, went eventually to Mexico’s, where he re-educated a vampire cult of child-sacrificers who drank blood to extend their lifespan and get into altered states of consciousness, as taught to them by reptilians and done by modern Illuminati figures such as Jeffrey Epstein, etc. He taught them more compassionate and harmonious magical practices — in fact, he contacted and educated some of the Nagual Shamans described by Castaneda! In Castaneda’s books, he is described as the Death Defier, a shapeshifting bisexual immortal demigod like Padma Sambhava.

>If you want your mind to be blown even further, consider that Padma Sambhava
**is a shapeshifting immortal bisexual demigod.

>> No.15792478 [DELETED] 

15790717 #
>Anyway, Gurdjieff learned from Buddhist, Sufis especially, some Christian monastics, and even learned about early Gnostic traditions still kept alive by some groups in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Quick follow-up. In Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson, Gurdjieff claims that Judas was actually Jesus’s closest and beat disciple, and in a way was even superior to Jesus. This is apparently blasphemous and insane, but Gurdjieff said this BEFORE the Gnostic texts were made widely known, and in these Gnostic texts, Judas is also described as being Jesus’s closest student. Gurdjieff, who died in 1949, therefore seemed to somehow know of Gnostic teachings before they were made very popular. To one of his students, J.G. Bennett, while having dinner with him, he piteously told Bennett something to the effect of, “Judas has been much maligned throughout history and was actually Jesus’s closest student. You believe me, yes?” Bennett, without even needing more proof, instantly responded, “Yes.” This is because they had a heart-to-heart question. Most idiots who want “proof” don’t deserve it, and proof is not always easily made available or understandable anyway.

> (whom he calls “Allah”. More on this in a second).
Earth-bound names for God are actually stupid. There is a universal language used by intelligent extraterrestrial races everywhere. This language can be used to create mantras which you can repeat with your breath while visualizing movement up and down your spine to raise your kundalini energy. You can find out more at absolutoracle.com. Mantra is God’s gift to you. He wants to enlighten and inspire you with the mantra. The mantra will encourage remembrance of God and the unification of your currently warring, fragmented, schizophrenic personality conditioned into you by society.

> This is why Jesus said that Christianity was not necessarily something always peaceful and lovey-dovey, but
something that would turn your friends and family against you, and you yourself against your friends and family. You have to prepare for the possible deaths of people you know and are attached to.

If you want your mind to be blown even more, consider the fact that Padma Sambhava, according to Tibetan Buddhist legends, went eventually to Mexico’s, where he re-educated a vampire cult of child-sacrificers who drank blood to extend their lifespan and get into altered states of consciousness, as taught to them by reptilians and done by modern Illuminati figures such as Jeffrey Epstein, etc. He taught them more compassionate and harmonious magical practices — in fact, he contacted and educated some of the Nagual Shamans described by Castaneda! In Castaneda’s books, he is described as the Death Defier, a shapeshifting bisexual immortal demigod like Padma Sambhava.

>>15792138 (You) #
>If you want your mind to be blown even further, consider that Padma Sambhava
**is a shapeshifting immortal bisexual demigod.

>> No.15792605
File: 108 KB, 960x960, B6E3D9E8-74F1-43F6-BBCB-779AABA7BD1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, it’s simply a coincidence that Gurdjieff has ties to telepathy, Gnosticism, extraterrestrials, and that Philip K. Dick himself had mystical experiences in which he felt himself to be telepathically contacted by aliens, causing him to become fascinated by Gnosticism. Philip K. Dick was certainly not a reincarnated early Christian, and there is certainly no one here reading this who may have been some saint or sage or yogi or great philosopher in the past.

Yes, once again, let me reiterate most people are subhuman zombies. They do not even register that history has been made here. In fact, there are very few true souls on this Earth. These become great prophets, saints, sages, yogis, etc., then reincarnate as yet greater prophets, sages, saints etc. This Earth is a tremendous school painfully teaching us the development of your soul.

How sad that some idiots can’t see how sad this all is.

Have any of you ever read Kenneth Grant and Aleister Crowley? They worked with Western magical traditions and claimed to channel and come in contact with nonhuman entities. Of course, they are just some more cranks from yet another mystical tradition claiming to have contacted nonhuman entities.

Of course, all this is just a coincidence.

Some stupid person still overly attached to “Christianity” thinks aliens are demons and this is all a tremendous deception.

I have described many personal readers’ reactions, but, tragically, the most common one is bored, soulless skepticism. See again why many soulless people have to die soon.

Yes, it’s true. You yourself have a nonhuman subtle entity controlling you, making you be so Goddamned “normal”, asleep, blind, and low-energy. These are called by the Nagual shamans of the Castaneda books, “fliers.” Most people are inwardly empty biological robots who do not belong to themselves. The flier speaks for them and through them. They just go through the motions until their inevitable death. The flier enters them when they are born and feeds off their energy.

If you want to banish the flier’s hold over your mind, you will have to patiently raise your fire-of-awareness to the point of cosmic enlightenment, causing something like an exorcism to happen for you.

Some idiots are still confused about why I’m doing this. They think I must just be on drugs or something.

If YOU were the reincarnation of Jesus, what would YOU do? Fuck this crap. I can’t even find any students to teach. Hopefully I can be relocated to a more intelligent planet.

Trust the government vaccines. They want the best for you. They are not Satanic and genocidal maniacs brainwashing people as in pic related.

>> No.15792627

15790717 #
>Anyway, Gurdjieff learned from Buddhist, Sufis especially, some Christian monastics, and even learned about early Gnostic traditions still kept alive by some groups in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Quick follow-up. In Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson, Gurdjieff claims that Judas was actually Jesus’s closest and beat disciple, and in a way was even superior to Jesus. This is apparently blasphemous and insane, but Gurdjieff said this BEFORE the Gnostic texts were made widely known, and in these Gnostic texts, Judas is also described as being Jesus’s closest student. Gurdjieff, who died in 1949, therefore seemed to somehow know of Gnostic teachings before they were made very popular. To one of his students, J.G. Bennett, while having dinner with him, he piteously told Bennett something to the effect of, “Judas has been much maligned throughout history and was actually Jesus’s closest student. You believe me, yes?” Bennett, without even needing more proof, instantly responded, “Yes.” This is because they had a heart-to-heart connection. Most idiots who want “proof” don’t deserve it, and proof is not always easily made available or understandable anyway.

> (whom he calls “Allah”. More on this in a second).
Earth-bound names for God are actually stupid. There is a universal language used by intelligent extraterrestrial races everywhere. (Recall the Tower of Babel story.) This language can be used to create mantras which you can silently, inwardly repeat with your breath You can find out more at absolutoracle.com. Mantra is God’s gift to you. He wants to enlighten and inspire you with the mantra. The mantra will encourage remembrance of God and the unification of your currently warring, fragmented, schizophrenic personality conditioned into you by society.

> This is why Jesus said that Christianity was not necessarily something always peaceful and lovey-dovey, but
something that would turn your friends and family against you, and you yourself against your friends and family. You have to prepare for the possible deaths of people you know and are attached to.

If you want your mind to be blown even more, consider the fact that Padma Sambhava, according to Tibetan Buddhist legends, went eventually to Mexico, where he re-educated a vampire cult of child-sacrificers who drank blood to extend their lifespan and get into altered states of consciousness, as taught to them by reptilians and done by modern Illuminati figures such as Jeffrey Epstein, etc. He taught them more compassionate and harmonious magical practices — in fact, he contacted and educated some of the Nagual Shamans described by Castaneda! In Castaneda’s books, he is described as the Death Defier, a shapeshifting bisexual immortal demigod like Padma Sambhava.

>If you want your mind to be blown even further, consider that Padma Sambhava
**is a shapeshifting immortal bisexual demigod.

>> No.15792726
File: 71 KB, 449x377, 00A7D3D5-3D80-4CE7-8403-9429446ADD29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic of course.

>> No.15792735

>Anyway, some of these Pleiadeans were quite corrupt. They viewed the humans they created and put on Earth as inferior creatures to be toyed with, subjugated, and enslaved. In fact, one evil Pleiadean even told some motherfuckers that HE was the one true God and they had to worship him and no one else!
This is, by the way, of course described in the Gnostic books as Yaldabaoth the Demiurge, an impostor, claiming himself to be the true God. In the Gnostic books, again, Jesus is said to have descended here from a spiritual realm to banish his tyranny and point people to the light within.

>> No.15792779

Holy fuck this thread

>> No.15792938
File: 1.74 MB, 3840x2160, 763ED876-6412-428B-8535-AB3CD9F0B7F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another coincidence is the case of Whitley Strieber, one of the more infamous modern alien abductees. He was a student of the modern Gurdjieff Foundation (a tragically aberrated cult run by idiots, just like most spiritual movements become corrupted after their founder’s death). Strieber also describes experiences the aliens cause him to have such as astral projecting out of his body and, at some point, feeling as if he were in two times and places at once. In his book “Transformation,” he describes being taken to another planet and doing something like the whirling dervish dances introduced by Rumi to some of his students to inspire altered states of consciousness in them. During these dances, he feels he is simultaneously on this alien planet and — get ready — in Ancient Rome in a past life wearing a toga.

Remember Philip K. Dick feeling he was in Ancient Rome and modern California simultaneously?

Of course, it’s not like all this is some mindblowing conspiracy of God talking to and wanting to save you personally. These are just deluded ramblings of a schizophrenic. Go vote for Biden, comrade! The universe certainly is NOT a self-referencing fractal holographic loop which causes strange miracles to happen to save certain people. You certainly CANNOT miraculously transcend time and space, doing things like levitating, reading minds, remote viewing, healing others, raising the dead, etc. That would mean there is a Divine Mind transcending matter, energy, space, and time, able to manipulate these as they wish. That would mean all the “physical scientific laws” discovered by our “brilliant scientists” only apply in the cases where they apply.

Try to see why miraculous abilities don’t matter TOO much and your own enlightenment is actually more important. First focus on enlightenment instead of trying to become miraculous. Because I am enlightened, I can write all this without fearing any embarrassment or bad consequences. I see my life as an enjoyable movie, and am as if standing outside and above my physical body and earthly conditioned personality, likes, dislikes, etc. Anyway, if anyone in real life confronts me about it, I can always say it’s all just a big sci-fi joke. Go to sleep.

Perhaps the 20th-century Hindu sage Nisargadatta Maharaj’s book “I Am That” may help to enlighten you.

Perhaps a dispassionate study of all the worlds authentic mystical traditions and religions will help you.

You know, Gurdjieff made a big point of the fact that most people are conditioned automatons. He viewed them as taken over by a false, socially-conditioned “personality” which covered up their inner “essence” or true self. Castaneda describes this as the tonal and the nagual, the tonal being the self we use in everyday ordinary life and the nagual the deeper self which can cause miracles. There is also a parallel to Heidegger’s distinction between the They-self and the authentic resolute self.

>> No.15792967
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All three of them make the point that remembrance of our inevitable death is the way to move from the outer conditioned personality to your authentic self.

Gurdjieff says the Moon is like a big magnet which eats people’s souls after they die then spits them back out for further development. He says most people have very undeveloped slug-like souls, and the world’s authentic mystical traditions are there to develop our souls.

Castaneda, on the other hand, reports the Nagual shamans as teaching him of an entity they call “the Eagle,” a cast being they learned to view in their out-of-body experiences which created the people and organisms on Earth just so it could feed on their experiences and their energy after their death. He describes visions in his book “The Fire From Within” of seeing dead people’s souls as balls of energy being sucked up by a vast terrifying immaterial entity.

Robert Monroe, on the other hand, in books of his like “Ultimate Journey,” in which he talks about his more scientific approach to out-of-body experiences, independently describes a vast entity eating people’s souls after death then spitting them back out.

Of course, all this just is a coincidence. Remain calm. Everything is normal. If science or the media don’t tell you something, it’s not true.

>> No.15792998
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My guru Gary Chicoine points out Heidegger was a reincarnation of Dogen, a Zen monk from a few hundred years past who coincidentally wrote a book called The Time-Being. Of course, this has no relation whatsoever to Heidegger’s Being & Time, and it is a complete coincidence that Heidegger borrowed from Zen and Taoist traditions. It’s not like we have subconscious ties to our past lives. My guru further claims that Dogen was a reincarnation of Aristotle. The more you explore that website, the more you will see I am just rehashing him.

I think I’m done now. Again, go to absolutoracle.com if you want to learn more, but not if you’re a subhuman skeptical idiot, because he can telepathically sense idiots flooding his website and doesn’t wanna be bothered by them.

>> No.15793021


These articles are particularly worth starting with, in my opinion, by the way.

I am happy that I have some grateful students. Today was a good day. Bye.

>> No.15793063

>a cast being
**a vast being

>> No.15793135

You can also, by the way, see why Jesus seemed to be a lot more peaceful and laidback than the warlike genocidal maniac Jehovah of the Old Testament.

>> No.15793173

> This deep state, amazingly enough, works through the Democratic Party.
I’d like to clarify that they can and do work through both sides. For instance, the Satanist George Bush, who arranges for/allowed 9/11 to happen as an inside job to justify taking oil from the Middle East, was a Republican, of course.

>> No.15793290
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OP can probably get a lot out of this pic

>> No.15793350

Am I the only one who far prefers /x/ posters in /lit/ over /pol/ posters?

>> No.15793507

The two have fused together by now. Notice how OP went on extensively about the deep state, Q Anon etc. and his posts contained almost nothing of substance.

>> No.15793643

This thread gave me schizophrenia. Holy shit.

>> No.15793961

Yes, but I agree with the other anon that posters like OP blend together both camps far too much.

Also as someone interested in Gnostic ideas and philosophies, OP offends me.

>> No.15794038


>> No.15794128


>> No.15794202

>doesn't see the link between drugs and the demonic
>doesn't see the link between ayy phenomena and the demonic

what an absolute ignorant schizo. this thread is demonic

>> No.15794612

OP here the stuff about reincarnation was a bullshit joke but quotations and books are true. I’m not Jesus, just some random dude who likes fucking with people. Aliens are still real and everyone and everything is still a part of God, though.

>> No.15794615

>Aliens are still real and everyone and everything is still a part of God, though.


>> No.15794624

aliens are demon. you know nothing
>everything is still a part of God, though.
dumb pantheism

>> No.15794631

Ahh yes, I've seen that Tom Hanks movie as well.

>> No.15794633

I’m not Jesus. I’m not anyone. The only thing that demonstrably exists right now is you reading this. YOU yourself are Philip K. Dick, Jesus, Judas, or whoever. You yourself are God and all this is simply a fleeting perception in Your Ineffable Reality.

>> No.15794643

Soon I’ll post a few interesting quotes from some books backing up the claim that Sufis do telepathy and mind-reading, and aliens also supposedly do telepathy and mind-reading.

Many of you are so conditioned by social norms you’ll instantly call someone insane if he claims to be the Second Coming of Jesus. Ironically, what happened to me is what would happen to Jesus, but I’m not actually Jesus.

>> No.15794716


>> No.15794737
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This is Idries Shah’s claim in his book “Knowing How To Know” (1988, p. 25) that in properly oriented Sufi groups, telepathic communication happens (knowing what someone is thinking and being able to send/receive thoughts and emotions from them silently). Skip to the second paragraph from the bottom.

>> No.15794777
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This is some student of Shah’s writing under the obvious pseudonym HBM Dervish having his mind blown that Shah can apparently read his mind. “Journeys with a Sufi Master.” (1987, pgs. 20-21). Basically, Shah repeats what someone had been saying even though he was out of earshot at that time.

>> No.15794887

>gnosticism is best expressed through schizo druggies
No surprise there

>> No.15794928
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Those are some coincidentally odd digits. Anyway, this is Gurdjieff, Sufi and Sarmouni trained teacher, supposedly having telepathic conversations with his student Ouspensky. “In Search of the Miraculous” (1949, p. 269).

While some of you are merely wondering whether telepathy is real or not, my most advanced, intuitive anonymous readers I’ve never even personally met are having telepathic conversations with myself, another person they have never physically met, and wondering whether the telepathy is real or not or if I just mindfucked them into thinking they’re a telepathic conversation with me.

>> No.15794937

>All three of them make the point that remembrance of our inevitable death is the way to move from the outer conditioned personality to your authentic self.
When I hammer on death, even claiming people are going to die, it offends people. But you’re still going to die, so why not think about and appreciate your life a little more?

>> No.15794955

Excellent. That means you have a chance.

>> No.15795044
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13 Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to something and tell me what I am like."
2Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a just angel."
3 Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher."
4Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth is utterly unable to say what you are like."
5 Jesus said, "I am not your teacher. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring that I have tended." (Gnostic Gospel of Thomas Fragment 13)

And yes, it’s still true that aliens are real.

Suppose a “Zen master” beyond any one culture or religion knew he could enlighten and save some people he’s never met in his life while also offending, outraging, and amusing other people who simply are too conditioned and close-minded to accept the reality of enlightened “Zen masters”? Wouldn’t he just go for it? Of course, Zen Buddhism is just some bullshit Eastern tradition for hippies.

Suppose Jesus, like the Buddha, was trying to enlighten people, and so had to reformulate Jewish theology in a way which would allow for a quasi-Buddhist enlightenment to be transmitted to people with a different cultural conditioning (I.e. Jews)? Could it be Jesus was martyred for outrageously claiming that he AND everyone else were micro-forms of God (as Philip K. Dick repeatedly stresses in VALIS)?

Isn’t it weird how atoms, solar systems, and galaxies all have a similar spiral form? Maybe the entire observance universe we live in is just an atom of another universe, itself an atom of an omniverse, going on into a paradoxical infinity? And suppose every atom likewise contains a universe, and every living cell an omniverse? This apparently paradoxical infinity might, in some mindfucky way, be the result of, as it were, two “mirrors“ facing each other and making an infinite loop. These mirrors would be the two poles of existence, God and Lucifer, maybe yin and yang, etc. The universe would thus be a differentiation from the original void (zero) into two poles (positive and negative) leading to all that we see in the world, from the most heavenly to the most degraded.

Of course, philosophers, scientists, and theologians alike don’t care about such speculations. It’s not like this is the scientific/theological worldview propounded by a supposedly advanced extraterrestrial race called the Iargans who supposedly contacted a Dutch businessman, as recorded in “UFO Contact from Planet Iarga” by Wendelle C. Stevens.

And you know, in Gurdjieff’s cosmology, we are like little cells of the Earth, itself a living super-conscious organism dependent on the Sun for its existence, itself a living SUPER-super-conscious organism in the supersupersuper-conscious galaxy and so forth.

And of course, this is the same thing Philip K. Dick experienced in his VALIS visions.

Now, I’m not saying the entire universe is a living superconscious organism filled with endless intelligent races on endless planets, some of whom are “enlightened”, but...

>> No.15795226

It's the same crowd that frequents /x/?

>> No.15795320
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Many people are offended and upset because they’re uncreative and socially conditioned. They’re the same types that martyred Socrates.

Of course, Gary Chicoine is not the reincarnation of Socrates as he claims to be, and some of it didn’t rub off on me from him.

Anyway, even according to Zen teachings, reincarnation, in a sense, is a sham. You are not your past life or your future life. You are yourself right now, which is a timeless spaceless all-pervading void apparently localized in a point of time and space. Even if “Jesus” were to “reincarnate” as “someone else,” this person wouldn’t be “Jesus.” They would be themselves right then. Are you who you were yesterday?

Heraclitus said, “You cannot step in the same river twice.” This is because both you and the river have changed by then.

You know, Alexandra David Neel, another explorer/scholar/mystic type who traveled to and learned from Tibetan Buddhists, reports in “Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects” (1981) that this is somewhat like the view held by Tibetan Buddhists on reincarnation. There’s something, so to speak, like a world-mind containing the souls of everyone who ever lived. “Reincarnation” is not always a strict transfer of one soul from one body to another. Instead, it could transcend time. The present person channels, becomes similar to, a past person. In this sense, everyone could themselves become the reincarnation of Jesus if they truly tried to emulate Jesus. And so on for the Buddha, Krishna, Socrates, and so forth.

You know, Robert Anton Wilson, in his book “Cosmic Trigger I” (1977) reports experiences in which he apparently telepathically communicated with extraterrestrials from Sirius, experiences outrageous synchronicities, miracles, and apparent ESP, such as “remote viewing” or nonphysically imagining/sensing his son was in danger with the police, this being confirmed soon by a phone call. This came about from his experimentation with various occult practices and psychedelic drugs, including the teachings of Aleister Crowley, a corrupt but interesting person who indeed seemed to know how to induce some mystical experiences.

This happened in 1973/1974, at about exactly the same time PKD claimed to have had his mystical experiences. This was noted by both PKD and RAW mindfucked the hell out of both of them.

Even if it’s just demons possessing people who opened themselves to strange influences by doing drugs and messing with magic, aren’t you glad you found out reality is stranger than fiction in this way?

You know, Rick Strassman, MD, in his book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule,” reports that test subjects administered DMT without ever having heard of it or its effects before independently experience remarkably similar stuff like being shot out of their body and meeting hyper-intelligent nonhuman trickster-like entities who view the poor confused humans somewhat amusedly.

Nice digits.

>> No.15795390
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You know, John M. Allegro, another “discredited” “pseudoscientific” “crank” scholar, writes about the evidence early Christians used and depicted hallucinogenic amanita muscaria mushrooms in their art. See the last post’s image and this one.

Of course, it’s not like Siberian shamans do amanita muscaria mushrooms and also somewhat weirdly and disgustingly drunk reindeer piss to get high from it. Yes, reindeer piss. This is certainly NOT because the reindeer eat the mushrooms to get high from it, and the active chemicals like ibotenic acid and muscimol get excreted into their urine, which can be drunk and re-drunk several times after it has passed through the shaman’s own body. It’s not like the red-and-white color scheme of Santa Clause, his connection to Christmas (Jesus Christ’s supposed birthday), and his riding a chariot pulled by reindeer is some type of mindfucky reference to Amanita muscaria mushrooms hidden in a myth by some mindfucky shamans. No, no, no, this is just some crazy post on 4channel.

Castaneda also reports Nagual shamans have used hallucinogens for thousands of years to project out of their bodies and meet nonhuman entities called the “allies” by them, eventually learning how to do this without hallucinogens.

And of course, Robert Monroe also talks about learning to turn on OBEs at will by exploring the half-awake half-asleep state, just like Nagual shamans supposedly learn to lucid dream.

In the Castaneda books, Castaneda is given the advice by Don Juan to look for his hands in his dreams, thereby waking up in his dreams, learning to control his dream, and eventually to project his “dreaming body” from his physical body at will.

It’s not like we have an immaterial body we go into when we dream, is it? It’s not like this is called by Theosophists “the astral body”?

Maybe some of you should try to find your hands in your dreams and maybe meet me and/or Gary Chicoine. Of course, this would just be a crazy dream induced by auto-hypnosis, and you wouldn’t actually be communicating with us.

Remember the martyrdom of Timothy Leary?

You know, Gurdjieff points out in “In Search of the Miraculous” that hallucinogenic drugs have been used by various mystical traditions throughout the world, such as Sufis experimenting with opium and hashish, the Soma of Indian Vedic texts, and the hallucinogenic potions drunk in the Eleusinian Mysteries. He also says such hallucinogenic plants are receiving and filtering special influences from the stars. In his cosmology, again, the universe is a living organism in which the Absolute projects its influence into the entire universe, which transmits influences to its own galaxies, transmitting influences to stars which transmit influences to planets which give rise to humanoid intelligent races like us, and of course all the flora and fauna, who themselves “feed” their planets and satellites in both material and immaterial ways.

>> No.15795404
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In Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson, he conceptualizes this as “Trogoautoegocrat,” something like “self-eating autonomous system”. An ouroborus. The snake eating itself. A differentiation between positivity and negativity creating an infinite self-balancing system.

>> No.15795430 [DELETED] 

OK, I admit it. You guys caught me. I’m a little fucked in the head.

You know, Hakim Bey, modern anarchist mystic particularly influenced by Sufism and shamanism, wrote a book called the Temporary Autonomous Zone worth reading this. It’s about the creation of something like “sacred” places outside the boundaries of social norms, school, work, etc. Of course, in both this and his other book “Immediatism,” he stresses that this would, ideally, be a physical meeting between people. He even warns about the danger of becoming “cyber-zombies”, addicted to shallow Internet socializing. Anyway, that aside, this itself here is something of an autonomous zone, outside the boundaries of the narrowmindedness of religious followers and priests, academic philosophers, politicians, and, of course, your boss. What do you think?

>> No.15795445

The Gnostic texts are trash, but if you want to actually believe all that nonsense you should at least learn about the Greek words they are using.

>> No.15795489
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OK, I admit it. You guys caught me. I’m a little fucked in the head.

You know, Hakim Bey, modern anarchist mystic who was influenced by Sufism and shamanism, wrote a book called the Temporary Autonomous Zone worth reading. It’s about the creation of something like “sacred” places outside the boundaries of social norms, school, work, etc. Of course, in both this and his other book “Immediatism,” he stresses that this would, ideally, be a physical meeting between people. He even warns about the danger of becoming “cyber-zombies”, addicted to shallow Internet socializing. Anyway, that aside, this itself here is something of a temporary autonomous zone, outside the boundaries of the narrowmindedness of religious followers and priests, academic philosophers, politicians, and, of course, your boss. What do you think?

Hakim Bey also talks about something he calls “poetic terrorism.” This is the art of making life beautiful, strange, and interesting, even at the risk of offending others and appearing insane. He draws on Dada and situationism to develop this.

You know, in RAW’s aforementioned book “Cosmic Trigger I,” he coins the term “mindfuck,” which can be caused by learning lots of tremendously unusual knowledge (such of the world’s different religious and mystical traditions, or of possibly true political conspiracies, etc.) RAW claimed he was deliberately trying to mindfuck himself, drive himself insane by researching the strangest topics (including Illuminati conspiracy theories and aliens), believing in them, practicing them, etc. It’s not like mindfucking people could cause their idiotic brain to temporarily be silent and allow them to experience enlightenment and access supracognitive faculties, is it?

It’s not like Zen masters ever mindfucked their disciples until they became enlightened, is it?

It’s not like you should now be in an state of experimental uncertainty, not fully trusting me about everything but inspired to do your own research and also visit absolutoracle.com and investigate it, is it?

Some idiot is now staring into space about that comment I made about some readers telepathically talking with me. Instead of just sitting there like a tense stressed-out blank-minded idiot staring into space uncomfortably, he should just go ahead and telepathically communicate with me.


>> No.15795497

Letting you know I really enjoy this thread. Its like your Indian friend toning down his curry so a new experience becomes accessible. Still a crazy curry though. Also check these dubs.

>> No.15795505

I heard about the evil Pleiadeans, they were involved with the Vril society before World War II and told them they would take them back to their home planet.

Maria Orsitsch was the psychic medium they used to speak to them.

>> No.15795510


>> No.15795520

Yep. Nice to meet someone who knows some stuff about this. Feels lonely having so much of this weird knowledge.

Anyway, I’m going to sleep and am possibly finished now. I will never post in this board revealing my real name again, although it was fun in an idiotic way to do that. God have mercy on us all, even the crazy assholes such as myself.

>> No.15795531

Please submit an essay to lit quarterly

>> No.15795552
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Most of this is common knowledge.

>> No.15796185

OP is most likely schizophrenic. He both fits the clinical profile as well as my intuition about it (I myself fall on the schizo spectrum like so many). I know this is obvious to most, but for clarity, here are some of the signs:

1) Grandiose delusions. OP calls himself a genius, believes that he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, Godlike, likens himself as better than everyone on this planet save for a few hundred individuals etc.
2) Paranoia. OP believes the deep state is watching him, dark and hidden entities/reptiloid aliens.
3) Disorganized thought and speech. Pretty apparent. One post barely refers to the last one, there is no coherent line of thought, sentences often abruptly end or are inserted with no relation to the whole.

OP likely also experiences distortions of self-experience and hallucinations, given his reports of supernatural abilities such as telepathy or alien communication.

Also lol'd at OP saying to get off your meds because they are poisonous. This thread almost feels like someone trying to imitate a classic schizo post. Especially this >>15795552 is true. Everything OP says is pretty classic schizo /x/ drivel.

>> No.15796917

Prove I am schizophrenic for 100% sure instead of just speculating about it based on some words I wrote, words which may or may not deliberately include many outrageous statements meant to turn away idiotic closeminded readers by making them think I am merely insane, outrageous statements like this one here.

>> No.15796935

Some people here still can’t tell if I was a madman pretending to be Jesus or Jesus pretending to be a madman.

>> No.15796980

Of course, I would NEVER mean to suggest people such as Whitley Strieber, Betty Andreasson, John E. Mack’s patients, Budd Hopkins’s patients, Robert Anton Wilson, Philip K. Dick, and even some “mythological” figures like Biblical prophets have physically and/or telepathically communicated with nonhuman entities. And I would NEVER suggest that they have been secretly influencing some science fiction writers throughout the years to transmit certain alien concepts to their audience which can pass through the filters of “human rationality.”

And outrageous coincidences never happen.

OK, fine, it’s true. I’m not actually psychic all the time. A lot of those “remote views” were clearly bullshit. However, for 100% sure someone here shit their pants, had a heart attack, and died because of my words. Good riddance!

>> No.15797010

I would love to still have enough time to read threads like this

>> No.15797015

You may not have time to read threads like this, but at least you can read statements like this.

>> No.15797057

>Remember what I said about the Democratic Party being fascists, which many people increasingly agree with despite how much they’re trying to brainwash us? Well, it gets worst. They pretend to be the good guys and care about blacks etc. when actually they want to GENOCIDE minorities and poor people. Yes, genocide. It’s a Neo-Nazi Fourth Reich!
WTF. The democrats are based?

>> No.15797065

Well, they probably wanna genocide some white people too. The Deep State just wants to clear up the planet, and THEY WILL. Some people think I’m crazy when I make warnings like this but they’ll see I was right.

Psychiatry is a means of social control to repress outrageously provocative and intelligent people such as myself.

>> No.15797203
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Pay no attention to Lam here on the far left, whom Aleister Crowley, infamous magician, supposedly met. Pay no attention to books such as Whitley Strieber‘s “Communion”, the cover of which is depicted in the middle here, being a painting of an entity Strieber supposedly met. Pay no attention to Strieber’s ties to Gurdjieff, who had ties to Sufism, was supposedly telepathic, and wrote a book about extraterrestrials on spaceships mistaken by humans as “demons” and “angels”. Pay no attention to Idries Shah supposedly being telepathic, which he supposedly learned from Naqshbandi Sufis and taught to some students of his, and pay no attention to Idries Shah’s story of Sayed Jafar Gulshani being taken up to the sky in a “luminous chariot.”

Even if you’re one of those Christians convinced this is all the work of the Devil, you should still be grateful I’ve shown you this tremendously unusual information.

>> No.15797361


Go to this man’s website. He actually doesn’t want much publicity and might be pissed off about me arrogantly parading myself around here, but all this is just an advertisement for him, because I know there are intuitive and intelligent people here I’ve probably never met and never will whom I can nevertheless help out a little. His website is only for a rare few readers. All I’ve done here is a poor and embarrassing imitation of him.

>> No.15797408

>He started to view the entire universe as a living self-aware organism which manifests itself in all the trees, rocks, animals, people, etc. He called this “VALIS”, or Vast Active Living Intelligence System. If you are interested, you should read his book VALIS.
Whoa, Phil Dick invented animism in the 70s!? Please continue anon, this is changing my life.

>> No.15797513

Cosmic shamanism pervades all times and places, occasionally manifesting through people such as Philip K. Dick.

>> No.15797615
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Some of you lovely ladies here reading this may even remember that Robert Anton Wilson felt he was communicating with beings from Sirius B, as recounted in “Cosmic Trigger I”, around 1973/1974. Well, once again, in pic related, PKD also speculates his 1974 experiences came from communications from the Sirius star system. Some of you may have even heard of Robert Temple’s “The Sirius Mystery,” about how the Dogon tribe apparently knew some pretty exact scientific knowledge about the Sirius double star system (Sirius A and B) without even having access to telescopes, and claimed beings from Sirius B came and taught them about it.

Some new readers’ minds are still being blown.

Even some extraterrestrials monitoring these and other communications are occasionally having their mind blown by some of the stuff I say about non-duality, enlightenment, and shamanism. In fact, many extraterrestrials think they’re so much more advanced than humans because they have far more advanced technology, such as faster-than-light speed, and abilities like telepathy, so even this very sentence blows their mind because a mere Earthlings such as myself is pointing it out. Most Earthlings don’t have a clue about any of this.

Some stupid readers here still don’t know that the financial and political elite really do stuff like Eyes-Wide-Shut Satanic ritual orgies and sacrifices to Lucifer to get into altered states of consciousness and extend their lifespan.

>> No.15797745
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Firstly, I get it, you just found out about the exegesis and gnosticism and your mind went "ooooh what a niche facet of mysticism and whoa PKDs in here too!" But did you also know that Dick made all of his theological assumptions with very minimal biblical understanding while he was undergoing psychosis? Sure, you don't want me to pull the mental illness card, because he was a "genius". Carl Jung was also a psychotic, but he had the balls to reach that state without drug use and used his knowledge of psychiatry and psychoanalysis to willfully control his psychosis. PKD died young, depressed, and from a horrible mental breakdown. I'm not disputing that there are some strange circumstances surrounding the development of the exegesis, but the man was very mentally ill. He is not someone you should idolize. I get that conspiracies and science fiction are fun, but the waters of mysticism and drug use are very thin. Psychosis is not a fun thing and you will fuck up your mind and soul getting to theological conclusions and mental states that way. Have fun reading these things anon, but just be careful and understand the broader aspects of theology before latching on to a niche piece of it.

>> No.15797761

Pfft, ok jerkoff.

>> No.15797784

Also, you don’t have to feel bad for or worry for me. I’m a surprisingly stable person in real life who does shit like this to inform people about the existence unusual information, entities, and abilities. Even more important, anyway, than fascination with the occult, aliens, ghosts or whatever, is your own ontological investigations leading to something like an “enlightenment.” Maybe you should read Nisargadatta Maharaj’s “I Am That.”

>> No.15797798

Take your meds, schizo.
The Da Vinci Code isn't real life

>> No.15797799

I get that homie, I just don't want it to consume anyone the way that these things are want to do. And will do!

>> No.15797803

Tell me about the loosh rote, how do I escape being archon food?

>> No.15797815

lost me at the last paragraph

>> No.15797855

You should also look into Jean-Claude Juncker's (president of EU 2014-2019) familial ties to Nazi propagandists.

>> No.15797856

Thanks bro, good talking to you.

Now here’s another interesting redpill which I’m not even sure anyone is still reading carefully and digesting.

(Stole this part from Wikipedia)
According to the Vedanta doctrine of Sarira, or the "Three Bodies Doctrine", the human being is composed of three sariras, or five koshas ("bodies"):[9]
Sthula sarira, the Gross body, also called the Annamaya Kosha[9]
Suksma sarira, the Subtle body, composed of:
Pranamaya Kosha (Vital breath or Energy),
Manomaya Kosha (Mind)
Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellect)[9]
Karana sarira, the Causal body, the Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss)[9]

In Theosophy, based on Blavatsky studying Central Asian teachings, from Tibetan Buddhism to Vedanta and more, these are called the physical body, astral body, and causal body. Gurdjieff also employed this terminology.

You know what the physical body is.

You go into your astral body when you dream. This can be consciously developed through lucid dreaming and out-of-body experiences. Accounts of NDEs also reveal people going into their “astral body.” Castaneda’s books also describe this. Interestingly, dreams are the realm of death. The Nagual shamans learned to do lucid dreaming and project their astral body so that they could
likewise control their own afterlife.

You drop the physical body at death then live in your astral body for a while, as described by both Gurdjieff and Theosophists. This is either a heavenly or hellish experience depending on your “karmas.” The astral body, by the way, is the seat of emotions and desires.

Then the astral body itself even fades away and dies, moving you to your causal body. This is, according to the Hindus, also the body your consciousness resides in during deep sleep. The causal body is the seat of thoughts, thinking, of genuine philosophy. Most people’s causal bodies, of course, are rather inert and undeveloped. The causal body is what “reincarnates”. Whatever you’ve done of genuine thinking in this life follows you to your next life in which you get a new physical body and a new astral body.

Now, above even the causal body is the supracausal body. To consciously enter into this body is to enter the state of what yogis have called turiya samadhi, enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, God-consciousness, or what-you-will. Above even original thinking and philosophy done by your causal body is the state of turiya samadhi in your supracausal body, which can be reached by investigating the idea of “I Am” as suggested by Nisargadatta.

>> No.15797864

Go to absolutoracle.com.

>> No.15797985

I have some lovely readers here who may think I hate them or something. If you love me, I love you. If you cynically and casually disregard me, I cynically and casually disregard you. My true readers know why I have to act like this.

You know, authentic Zen masters were known for acting provocatively to enlighten their students. They would suddenly kick over jugs, shout, whack them with sticks, or even punch or kick them. Of course, some “Zen masters” are just idiots attached to Japanese cultural conditioning. They think drinking green tea while sitting in the lotus position will enlighten them.

You know, Idries Shah, who claims Sufism is something like the truth behind all religions, beyond even historical Islam, also repeatedly stresses that authentic Sufi teachers would act outrageously to provoke their students into higher states of consciousness. Of course, some “Sufi masters” are just petty people attached to the historical conditioning of Islam, as if wearing a turban and reading the Quran will enlighten or save them.

You know, there’s some scientific research suggesting a sudden shock can cause your brain to start producing delta waves, which are associated with ESP. Delta waves are associated with abnormal states of consciousness to be found in dreaming, deep sleep, drug trips, and/or through meditation.

You know, Frank Herbert, in his sci-do book “Dune,” imagines a “Zen-Sunni” philosophy of the future spacefaring human race.

Soon I will post a story about what Bahaudin Naqshband, Sufi master who started the Naqshbandi Sufi order a few hundred years ago, did one time as a teaching-method. Of course, Naqshband was himself in contact with Central Asian Sarmounis (sometimes also called the Khwajagan). And don’t forget that Gurdjieff learned from both the more Islamic-oriented Naqshbandis and the more trans-cultural Sarmounis. And, of course, Idries Shah was reformulating Naqshbandi teachings for the present era.

An authentic individual is beyond any one cultural trapping, although he or she can and will study all the world’s authentic religious traditions sincerely and gratefully, and even some extraterrestrial religious teachings as revealed in books like “UFO Contact from Planet Iarga.”

Some of my readers are still utterly speechless.

>> No.15798017
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Yet again, some readers STILL think I am trying to set myself up as a guru and exploit people. They’re suspicious of my motives. But why would I doxx myself on 4chan and put so much effort into these posts for selfish motives? What do I get out of this? My motives are non-dual. I want to join in non-dual empathy with a few rare lucky readers.

Start at the bottom of page 12. “Journeys with a Sufi Master” by HBM Dervish, 1987, Octagon Press.

Some poor readers here still think I’ve gone mad or am going mad, because their mommy and their daddy never taught them about any of this.

>> No.15798176
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It’s not like many alien abductees have made similar reports of being told that humanity is destroying the Earth and will soon face a vast catastrophe due to our own evil, is it?

All this is just some sci-fi story on 4channel. Whatever you do, don’t seriously consider your own inevitable death and the inevitable deaths of everyone you’ll meet, except maybe for some hypothetical legendary immortals like Padmasambhava, founder of Tibetan Buddhism (in which tradition, by the way, there are nonhuman intelligent entities the most enlightened Tibetan Buddhists can meet called the dakinis).

And hey... it’s not like the Hindus and Buddhists had legends of “nagas”, reptilian demigods who lived underground, sometimes were malevolent and sometimes benevolent, and who were said to guard treasures? It’s not like David Icke worked extensively with an African shaman named Credo Mutwa who also talked about traditions he learned of reptilian entities secretly controlling humanity. And this has no connection whatsoever to the completely fictional Lacerta papers you can Google and find online, nor to the Christian story of the snake tempting Adam and Eve in the garden, or the idea of Original Sin we’ve all possessed. And don’t even try to connect any of to this to the idea of the Mexican Nagual shamans that we’re all possessed by subtle entities they call “fliers” who drain of us our energy and use us as puppets!

>> No.15798669

this reads like an erik davis article from disinfo man I miss that shit

>> No.15798810
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Some readers are now wondering whether a single thing I said is true or whether all of it is bullshit. They should figure this out themselves by reading the books I recommend, and especially the books recommended under the “Cosmic Transmission” button at absolutoracle.com. Either that, or discount this all as the ramblings of a surprisingly well-read schizophrenic and go somewhere else.

Some readers are wondering why I suggested the American government could be run by Neo-Nazis. They never heard of Operation Paperclip, in which Nazi scientists were brought over to America after WW2 to work in NASA and the CIA (as also documented in some of Pynchon’s books like The Crying of Lot 49 and Gravity’s Rainbow). They also have not heard of Project MKUltra in which the CIA looked for methods of brainwashing people with psychedelic drugs like LSD. They also didn’t hear that research to brainwash people with psychedelics occurred earlier in the Dachau camps and possibly other other camps, in which Nazi scientists administered drugs like mescaline to patients.


Some readers also haven’t heard of the foo fighters associated with Nazi Germans. US pilots were baffled at seeing UFOs around Nazi Germany, which they called “foo fighters.”


“What the heck? Are you saying negatively oriented extraterrestrials have been behind the Nazi German and some elements of the modern US government?”

Some readers may have forgotten Snowden’s revelations about NSA spying.

Some readers may have forgotten human sacrifice rituals ancient cultures did, from the Aztec to some of the early Baal-worshippers described in the Old Testament.

Some readers still think vaccines are safe. Some readers think it’s a coincidence HIV and AIDs devastated the homosexual and African populations, two groups thought of as inferior by the Nazis.

Some readers wonder whether I just pulled the Nazi-Christian-Pleiadean connection out of my ass. They never heard of modern Pleiadean contactee Billy Meier, who lays out this Pleiadean history. Books like “UFO Contact from the Pleiades” by Wendelle C. Stevens and “And Still They Fly” by Guido Mussbrugger lay some of this out. So does David Icke in some of his books (David Icke also a man publicly discounted as insane for having mystical experiences and claiming to be channeling benevolent extraterrestrial entities).

>> No.15798833
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Some readers may now be wondering whether negative and positive extraterrestrial races have been manipulating humanity throughout its history and whether these are what have been called by people “demons” and “angels.”

Some people, skeptical of the idea that some of the financial and political elite do things like butcher children and drink their blood, may not remember figures like Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, and Harvey Weinstein exist. If YOU were rich and powerful, wouldn’t you be tempted to do cocaine and have wild orgies?

In a traditional Sufi folk tale retold by Idries Shah, a dervish (student) asks his Sheikh (master) how many students he will accept. The Sheikh tells him, “A better answer is, how many students will I have to reject to get the best few?”

If any single anonymous hypothetical thoughtful reader still hanging on here by the skin of their teeth feels like they’ve had their entire worldview overturned, this is secretly a good thing, not a diabolical mindfuck. You’re something like Columbus and his crew discovering the New World right now.

>> No.15798871

I give up, I’m done. That was fun. Some of this is a bunch of bullshit or apparently contradictory but that’s to encourage you to do your own research instead of relying on a “guru” to explain everything to you so you don’t have to do your own thinking and research. I will never talk to anyone on this board about this again and am not leaving a way to contact me.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

>> No.15799146

Also, these posts weren’t written by any single one person. They were written by several people working together. There’s thus no “personal one face” behind it all to imagine comforting you or insulting you. This was done in a dramatic fashion to remove personal subjective emotional elements from this whole situation after rousing emotions up to a high degree to point them out, which emotions can cloud your true thinking.

>> No.15799185

Look into Project Xanadu and John C. Lilly's Solid State Entity.

>> No.15799337


Hey, look, even some random people on /x/ claimed to have had prophetic dreams of the apocalypse and/or UFO landings.

>> No.15799397
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In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
Acts 2:17


>> No.15799507

Fucking YIKES
What a shitty fucking thread, I stopped reading after his 4th shitty post
>Shilling for ecumenism
>Taking Gnosticism, A fun and interesting thought experiment, way too seriously
>Mixing in your own conspiracy interpretation bullshit
>NOT naming the Kikes
>Shilling some schizo hippie as some grand figure
>Not realizing the whole hippie movement was engineered by the CIA, to co-opt the anti war movement with drugs, watered down Eastern religious concepts and degeneracy
>Not realizing psychedelics are degenerate and were initially pushed by the CIA, and now they're even pushed by the mainstream
>Not realizing all those aliens are in fact demonic entities

Well, lowIQ chan, you for one thing right. The Vatican being ruled by Satanists. I recommend you start seriously looking into Orthodox Christianity (ideally Russian). Your mind is a mess

>> No.15799515

There's a new thread like that up every other day, it isn't anything special

>> No.15799549
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To all the anons ITT who fell for this guy's retarded takes on aliens, read this book in picrel. It's done by a respected researcher.
Essentially the UFO and other "alien" phenomena have been happening since the dawn of time. They were called the fae, goblins, fairies, elves, DEMONS etc. It isn't anything new.
The interesting part is how literally EVERYONE in the mainstream is trying to convince us these faggots come from outer space. Makes me think they're planning something big.

>> No.15799605

Here is another person too impatient to go through the entire process of reading this, thus preventing themselves from seeing how these points are actually all responded to later.

>> No.15799718

What are some good texts on sufism? I'm interested.

>> No.15799804

annemarie schimmel's mystic dimensions of islam to get you excited about the beauty of mysticism, then mark sedgwick's western sufis to get you worried that the genuine beauty of (some) sufism is being used as a way of converting westerners to a foreign religion, by deluding them into thinking that any anti-modern return to faith is necessarily THE answer.

muslim immigrants take pleasure in converting whitey to their religion, it soothes their inferiority complex about the state of the muslim world. there are very dangerous sufi orders in the west, little more than new age cults that tell you to suspend critical thinking and do repetitive initiatic rituals with them until you have a psychotic break. and because muslim immigrant communities have extremely high rates of psychopathy as a result of inbreeding, they don't really care about the misery they cause.

western mysticism is better and more philosophically rigorous.

>> No.15799813

Not reading your schizo rant. Why would I read your long form low IQ basic bitch conspiracy takes when I could read some classic author.

>> No.15799835

Idries Shah

>> No.15800240

>muslim immigrants take pleasure in converting whitey to their religion, it soothes their inferiority complex about the state of the muslim world. there are very dangerous sufi orders in the west, little more than new age cults that tell you to suspend critical thinking and do repetitive initiatic rituals with them until you have a psychotic break. and because muslim immigrant communities have extremely high rates of psychopathy as a result of inbreeding, they don't really care about the misery they cause.
Yessir, these are corrupted Sufi cults. Authentic Sufi traditions have been passed down through figures, however, such as Bahaudin Naqshband, Rumi, Shams-i-Tabrizi (Rumi’s teacher), G.I. Gurdjieff (studied with Naqshbandis in the early 1900s), and Idries Shah (again, a modern proponent of the Naqshbandi tradition).

There are different schools of Sufism with various different methods and techniques. There’s the Mevlevi (started by Rumi, which uses poetry, singing, and dancing particularly — whirling dervishes as in pic related). There’s the Chishti order which particularly uses music to induce altered states of consciousness/experiences of what Gurdjieff calls the “higher emotional center” in Westernized terminology, or what the Sufis call in Arabic “qalb” or the heart. This order was started, by the way, by Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti, who that crazy guy Gary Chicoine claims to be a reincarnation of. Then there’s the Naqshbandi order started by Bahaudin Naqshband and propagated in modern days by Idries Shah and G.I. Gurdjieff, which they claim is the most balanced Sufi school, stressing exercises for the physical body, emotions, and intellect simultaneously. Shah says groups like the Mevlevi and Chishti orders started out authentically, because Sufis with genuine heightened awareness were teaching some disciples they ways they needed to be taught in accordance with their cultural conditioning, but then these temporary teaching methods were taken as the Permanent Word of God and reused for centuries, instead of flexibly adapting themselves to other societies like the Naqshbandis attempted to do by sending Shah and Gurdjieff to the West to teach and gather disciples. A special reader is reading this right now. You know, Sufis claim there’s something called “baraka” (something like a blessing) which can be transmitted from those with more of it to those with less of it. However, the junior student has to be respectful and appreciative. See how this works? Those who are skeptical won’t understand what “baraka” is and claim it’s all hypnosis or self-suggestion, whereas others WILL understand it because they’re humble and faithful. Of course, it’s not like this has any parallel to what Taoist masters have called qi or what Hindu gurus have called kundalini shakti, which can also be transmitted from guru to disciple.

>> No.15800256
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>> No.15800764

What's your take on William S. Burroughs? Is he an authentic teacher or is he corrupted? Is Hassan Sabbah (the Assassin) part of a Sufi lineage or is he something else?

>> No.15801338

I dunno. He was heavy into drugs and Western esoteric traditions like chaos magic, I remember, and experimenting with stuff like cut-up literature, cutting up and rearranging his writings to find strange synchronicities, I know, and he does have a fetish for Islam in his works. I view him as another semi-insane artist in the vein of PKD, except a lot colder and less emotional.

Yes, there’s ties between the Assassins and the Sufis. If you read books like “Among the Dervishes” by OM Burke, you find apparently that the Assassins, while appearing to be evil, also had a faction hidden within it working for good.

The Assassins, for people who don’t know, did crazy stuff like drug people with hashish until they passed out then brought them to an artificially constructed “paradise” in some garden, convinced them they had temporarily been taken to heaven and would be guaranteed heaven if they obeyed everything their masters said. Then their food was laced with hashish again until they passed out, and they were taken back to “life”. These poor brainwashed fucks were so brainwashed they would slit anyone’s throat or even throw themselves off the top of a building at command. There’s a possible parallel to modern MK-Ultra experiments I mentioned above.

>> No.15801618

What happened in this thread is that unusual phenomena and outlandish conspiracy theories were repeatedly referred to. These included strange ideas about religion, references to extrasensory perception and other supposed miraculous abilities, and, of course, references to extraterrestrials.

Some people might think this is all just about those phenomena, thus being something like a weird attempt to start a new religion. In fact, this all has more ties to cognitive science and philosophy than some of you might think.

There is a response most brains have in the face of hearing information which is outside of whatever their view of reality currently is: they instantly reject it, get confused, or laugh at it. This is something like a learning disability.

If most people have this learning disability which makes them instantly reject strange and unusual information, it would mean that most apparently successful people in academia, government, business, the military and other institutions could actually have a totally wrong view of reality.

Some of you may have noticed how many of these apparently unusual claims were later denied, overturned, or strangely supplemented. Some of you also, of course, definitely had some funny reactions to their own reactions to obviously outrageous statements being predicted. If someone says something like, “Aliens are real,” or, “I’m Jesus,” or, “I can transmit a special magical energy to you,” one can easily predict that the average reader’s or hearer’s reaction will be either to laugh or say, “What the heck?”

This wasn’t really about giving readers a new theology or cosmology or claiming I can do miracles, but simply of psychologically playing with them to possibly lead to moments of “enlightenment” for some patient, lucky readers, or what Zen Buddhists call satori. Some techniques of these were taken from various religious traditions such as Sufism and Zen, as referenced in this thread.

One learning blockage some of the aforementioned successful leaders of business, government, etc. could have is towards fathoming the consequences of running out of fossil fuels such as oil relatively soon, the environment being irreparably damaged, etc. Because these will likely lead to a radically different future for humanity, requiring a totally new worldview, creativity and lateral thinking are more important in this era of history than they ever have been, even if these are frequently not accepted by the normal institutions of modern society.

>> No.15801727

OP are your familiar with / do you have any opinions on Spirit Science(famous for its YouTube videos ) ?

>> No.15801755


>> No.15801779

No worries,

>> No.15801921

You may be interested by "A Voyage to Arcturus"

>> No.15802091
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Was planning to read it at some point, actually. That’s what Jung calls a synchronicity. And hey, just to repeat it and make sure we’re all on the same skeptical materialistic scientific wave, it’s not like sci-fi writers (some of whom occasionally semi-predicted the future) such as Jules Verne, Olaf Stapleton, Philip K. Dick, and Robert Anton Wilson were channeling something extraneous to themselves, was it?

I recommend Olaf Stapledon’s “Star Maker” (1937) back to you. This book also gets into some of the recursive cosmology I speculate about. In the book, the narrator has a spontaneous out-of-body experience causing him to travel around the galaxy and experience the tremendously long histories of various extraterrestrial races personally, slowly gathering more and more extraterrestrial companions who also learn to have OBEs, merge telepathically with him, and explore other alien civilizations. This group-entity variously experiences horror and awe as they see the flourishing and decaying of various civilizations, some more benevolently oriented and some outright evil. They wonder what the point of this vast tragicomedy is, until eventually they come to realize that the entire universe is the Creator enjoying Itself, and merging Its own creation with Itself in the form of their own tremendous journey they have all undertaken.

The Sufi poet Fariduddin Attar’s “Conference of the Birds” (1177) is also strangely similar and worth a read if anyone’s interested in all this. In this work, 30 birds go on a journey to discover the mythical Simurgh, legendary bird who represents something like Allah or cosmic enlightenment for the Sufis. They’re led by the hoopoe, who variously encourages them on the spiritual path and points out some of their own flaws and learning disabilities along the way. However, Attar eventually makes an interesting Borgesian pun/twist at the end. In Arabic, “thirty birds” is “si morgh”, sounding exactly like the Simurgh. The thirty birds realize they themselves were the Simurgh the whole time.

If Simorgh unveils its face to you, you will find
that all the birds, be they thirty or forty or more,
are but the shadows cast by that unveiling.
What shadow is ever separated from its maker?
Do you see?
The shadow and its maker are one and the same,
so get over surfaces and delve into mysteries.
-Attar of Nishapur

>> No.15802177


>> No.15802210

>Of course, if this were true, it would mean many “Christian” people have been tragically brainwashed by their churches for thousands of years into being anti-sex.
This is completely wrong. You are a blithering idiot.

>> No.15802243

Some intelligent readers may be wondering how extraterrestrials will intervene in human history or how they are doing it. Well, this thread and your own reading is actually already the start of that intervention. As is the article absolutoracle.com. As you can see, this intervention cannot yet be understood by many people even when it is put almost, as it were, right in front of their face. If someone pushes their buttons about what they think they know about politics, science, religion, and/or ancient history, they mostly discount it as the ramblings of a madman or a funny sci-fi story. Me and you are the beginning of something good, and after some of you process this tremendous amount of information fully, you too will find ways to mindfuck the people around you, and also come to be regarded as insane and possibly dangerous by friends, family members, your employer, and your coworkers. This is the burden of being a true individual, but it is worth it. There is no better way. Go all the way. Dare to be different. Risk people’s displeasure. It’s YOUR life, and this life will end, unless you’re one of those legendary immortal people who definitely don’t exist.

>> No.15802340

Even some of the government agents who monitor 4channel and other websites for certain “sensitive keywords and topics” are getting a little mindfucked by this.

>> No.15802349

Seconding Voyage to Arcturus. Lindsay saw too much.

Thanks for the Conference of the Birds. I recommend reading the Invisibles, Morrison's magnum opus. Completely soaked in a gnostic milieu.

>> No.15802356


>> No.15802433

Some Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhists lamas have a practice they call “black air”, in which they sometimes radiate a sort of menacing atmosphere to their pupils for some strange reason, but no one really cares about what Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhists do, do they?

It’s the privilege of a few rare people to be able to learn the astonishing fact that they can somehow balance the inhuman, the human, and the superhuman in their very own lives, thus becoming something like unique microcosmic reflections of the Divine.

>> No.15802480

Is this your to read pile ?

What are your thoughts on the urantia book

>> No.15802547 [DELETED] 


You were doing well until you fell into your "I am Jesus" talk and the "people laughing at me" stuff.

As a frequenter of /x/ I can say you're spitting serious game, but I could've done without all the absurdities you introduced to joke around as it obscures the knowledge you're kindly sharing.

>> No.15802565

Apparently it was channeled from ETs/angels, as you may’ve heard and which I’m repeating for other people’s sakes. It also gets into some of this recursive cosmology, and is weirdly similar to Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson in that angels/demons are depicted as beings traveling the universe in spaceships, seeding races on certain planets, and interfering in their development. The Urantia Book is also definitely worth looking into, although parts of it are rather horridly, dreadfully boring, useless, and repetitive, like the endless weird catalogues of the hierarchies of beings and strange theological excursions.

The Urantia Book discusses how Adam and Eve were seeded on the Earth by members of this cosmic hierarchy to uplift the previous primitive human races on the Earth, also gives an account of what it calls the “Lucifer rebellion,” and also of Jesus’s life, Jesus said to be some sort of incarnation of the cosmic spirit meant to uplift this troubled planet. So it ties in strange ways into all this, but definitely also is distorted in some ways. This is because it came through human channels with their own biases and idiosyncrasies, as evidenced by the weird pseudoscientific outdated scientific speculations. However, not all these speculations were wrong. Some of these speculations “coincidentally” turned out to be proven right later, suggesting, again, that humans can sometimes occasionally channel higher information despite their own personal flaws and occasional mistakes.

>> No.15802576

Fair. I started this thread out rather dreadfully, but that’s just because the part of me that likes mindfucking people took over too much. Anyway, fuck you.

>> No.15802613

All this is a new form of metafictional hypertextual roleplaying science-fiction, of course, and aliens certainly do not exist. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy quality sentences like this one, amazing sentences you can’t find anywhere else in the world.

>> No.15802620


>> No.15802681

In the Castaneda Nagual shamanism books, drastic alterations of consciousness (which can come about from sudden surprises, great emotions, a new unusual experience, and/or the usage of hallucinogenic drugs) are described as “movements of the assemblage point.” The assemblage point is said to be our normal position of consciousness which is usually kept locked in a small range due to our social conditioning and normality. It’s said to be more fluid and move about more in one’s dreams. The point of Nagual shamanism, supposedly, is to learn to move this assemblage point from its fixed normal boring position, employing strange techniques like using hallucinogenic drugs (which they call “power plants”) and lucid dreaming to do so. Of course, it’s not like a sudden Zen enlightenment could have anything to do with the movement of this hypothetical assemblage point.

>> No.15802695

Haha, I deleted my reply after reading

>Some idiot is still thinking, “This guy is definitely NOT the reincarnation of Jesus. He’s just pretending to be to mess with people. I don’t see why he has to make these outrageous claims about what he is and what he’s experienced. Some of what he writes and says is good and interesting, but it’d be much better if he took away the crazy parts and wild claims about himself.”

Anyway, you're extremely well read and I kinda respect you, however, you're an asshole so piss off.

>> No.15802760
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Well OP, in my view you aren't a complete schizophrenic. Four months ago I would have left this thread after the first post. Two months ago I would have been in absolute denial about some of the heavier things you said. Now, I think you are (mostly) speaking the Truth. Funny how a hundred plus hours of research (and lots of crying) can change a man's perspective.

What do you think of the Law of One by Ra? I would assume you've chosen a Service to Other path, as I have (or am hoping to choose) You seem much more enlightened than me. Do you have entities speaking to you through your dreams as well?

What a world we live in, eh?

>> No.15802776

Ok but I love you and died for your sins.

>> No.15802805

Yeah, Law of One also seems to be semi-valid channeled information, again distorted by the human channel but also potentially having some helpful information in it. I haven’t read it fully but I briefly glanced over some summaries of it in my research. I have a lot of well-known books in UFOlogy I still need to get to, surprisingly enough.

>> No.15802881
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Yep, ridiculously long and you'd have to read it over multiple times to fully grasp what's being said by those autistic birds. Anyways, thanks for the ramblings. Take care!

>> No.15802949

Some of you may have heard of the Swedish mystic, theologian, and scientist Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1722), an odd character who made quite a few groundbreaking scientific discoveries and had a successful career as an inventor despite also being an “insane” person who had visions and prophetic dreams, claimed to have talked to angels, and elaborated on a theology in which God populated many planets in the universe with humanoid races, not just the Earth.

Some of you may also have heard of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the surprisingly brilliant Serbian-American inventor who nevertheless also was a “kook” who even at times claimed to telepathically be in contact with various alien races.

We hear today from liberals about how certain groups are being oppressed, their voices not being heard. Now, there’s actually a tragically oppressed and disregarded minority which most “compassionate enlightened forward-thinking liberals” don’t even acknowledge. These are our poor alien abductees and contactees, who face tremendous stigmatization from their society and lack of resources to help them cope. Earthling psychiatrists aren’t trained to deal with it.

Now (and this is going to be a little tragic and disturbing), consider the case of poor Whitley Strieber, famous modern alien abductee who infamously claimed he was rectally probed by aliens in a spaceship. These beings apparently couldn’t fully understand human emotions and social norms, and felt they were justified in doing things like this for their own research purposes. Of course, Whitley Strieber, a man traumatized and brought near to the point of suicide by these experiences, was publicly humiliated for books of his like “Communion” and “Transformation,” with the idea of aliens rectal probing humans becoming a common joke in pop culture.

Let’s send a little compassion to socially isolated alien contactees and abductees. Let’s be glad figures like Strieber went through disturbing full-on physical contact with extraterrestrials so that they could tell us about the experiences in books without us ourselves having to be directly traumatized by such experiences.

>> No.15803041

You know, there’s one reader who I think is better than most of you assholes, and he’s the one who’s wept and suffered over some of what he’s read here, simply from reading it, without even requiring any more proof or evidence for it.

>> No.15803859

Yo, for the CIA; i feel like my spiritual power is quite high, incase you are scouting for people

>> No.15804095
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I would rather be hired by the FBI, but I am a Religious Studies major, graduating in Spring 2021 by the way :3
I wouldn't mind having a job position with having to work and structuralize these schizos' ideas UWU.

>> No.15804589

Can you elaborate more on Jesus Christ?

From psychedelic experiences I've had Jesus seemed to be a very fun loving guy.

Some other notes:

The crucifixion was not just a physical pain, but a spiritual one, where Christ is taking on the negative karma/energy of humanity and transcending it through Grace. This is all done because of love alone, nothing else.

Christ is here to save and free us from the holographic reality trap of the material world. This is why the elite hate Christianity - even in its cucked state the power of Christ shines through, and in death he is their advocate in the celestial realms.

>> No.15805287
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Most Christians will get offended at this, but there’s some proof Christ actually wasn’t crucified. How so?

In the Quran it says:

> Surah 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.

Now, in some of the Gnostic gospels, it’s also “coincidentally” claimed Jesus wasn’t actually crucified. In one version, a spiritual version of Jesus is said to be laughing, having projected outside of his body while only his physical body was crucified. Since Jesus studied with the Essenes (as revealed by the Dead Sea Scrolls, another group of texts PKD was interested in), who were known to be healers/have passed down knowledge of medicine, and since Jesus was supposed to be “resurrected” after his death, some speculate that what actually happened was a fraudulent pseudo-crucifixion, in which Jesus was maybe secretly drugged at some point to make it appear he had had died, then healed by some Essenes in a cave afterwards. This would explain how Jesus mindfucked his disciples and other people into thinking he had come back to life.

A “spiritual Jesus laughing at his own physical body being crucified” is a possible good description of what Jesus may have felt like while he was drugged, physically numbed and only pretending to be suffering.

In other Gnostic versions, the poor magician Simon of Cyrene is nailed to the cross instead of Jesus, but people took Simon to be Jesus somehow.

Of course, it’s a coincidence these Gnostic traditions found their way into Islam, and a coincidence that G.I. Gurdjieff, who studied with pseudo-Islamic Sufis in the early 1900s, also made references to Gnostic ideas like Judas secretly being Jesus’s best disciple before the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts which revealed ideas like this were even discovered. In his book “Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson,” (1949), Gurdjieff also says Jesus wasn’t physically resurrected after physically dying, that this is impossible, and this is a tragic misunderstanding which has turned many sensible people away from understanding Jesus’s teachings.

It’s not, once again, like Jesus was more of a “Gnostic” trying to teach people how to directly get into a state of heightened awareness without worshiping him himself as a God, is it? It’s not like most people’s concept of “God” is idiotic, is it? It’s not like “God” could be a heightened state of awareness, is it? It’s not like corrupt institutions like the Catholic Church, which have been known to kill and oppress Muslims, homosexuals, so-called heretics like Gnostics and Cathars, etc., have been corrupted, have they?

>> No.15805305
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Of course, this isn’t to imply all Catholics or other Christians are “evil” or something. Simply misguided. And there’s still even been some saints and saintly people among them, as there are in every world’s religious tradition.

I also repeat Saying 13 from the Gospel of Thomas.
> (13) Jesus said to his disciples: Compare me, tell me whom I am like. Simon Peter said to him: You are like a righteous angel. Matthew said to him: You are like a wise philosopher. Thomas said to him: Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like. Jesus said: I am not your master, for you have drunk, and have become drunk from the bubbling spring which I have caused to gush forth (?). And he took him, withdrew, (and) spoke to him three words. Now when Thomas came (back) to his companions, they asked him: What did Jesus say to you? Thomas said to them: If I tell you one of the words which he said to me, you will take up stones (and) throw them at me; and a fire will come out of the stones (and) burn you up.

You can also see in this quote how even one of Jesus’s close disciples admits some of the stuff he says is too scary or offensive to repeat publicly, and has to be kept secret so people don’t condemn and judge you, weirdly enough.

>> No.15805335
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You know, some idiots here think this is all too scientific, postmodern, soulless and unemotional, not religious and sincere enough. Some other idiots, on the other hand, think all this is too mystical, magical, miraculous, pseudoscientific and outright crazy. They think I should be more down-to-earth and only talk about what can be proved in a lab. Try to see why both of these people are idiots.

You know, maybe an actual physical embodied extraterrestrial wrote one of these things and you didn’t even notice it. Why couldn’t an extraterrestrial visit the Earth and learn how to use our Internet?

>> No.15805360
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i feel like you shouldn't call people idiot so much and they would be more willing to listen, it gives of a "i am better than you" vibe, add that to the fact that most people will think you are insane at first and you lose readers.

When do you think the "Apocalypse Event" or whatever one would call it, is happening? You said they want to take out poor people, so are they going to nuke poor countries? If yes, would they aim for Thirld World Countries or EU Countries with very high Refugee numbers.

While i don't exactly follow everything you say, i am a doomsday preper and am open to any catastrophic-event theories

>> No.15805399

Hell if I know. I just wanted to remind people of their mortality. Also to turn off close minded readers who make fun of everything or criticize everything they can’t understand etc. I definitely do not trust world leaders and do believe they have plans to “fix overpopulation” in the works, as well as to make a microchipped surveilled population like the Borg in Star Trek, a hivemind in which conscience, creativity, and freewill can no longer function. Coronavirus and the lockdown seems to be biological and psychological warfare, as are the vaccines and microchips they’re gonna push on us. They may also try to start WW3.

Some people might also ask why I seem to like brutally offending “Christians.” Well, this is because Christ told his followers to love their enemies. Most “Christians” don’t do this and instantly feel hurt, wounded, or angry instead. So this whole stunt gives them an opportunity to observe themselves and learn an important lesson about how to be real Christians. Hypothetically, of course, since surely no Christian got offended at me mentioning Mary Magdalene fingering herself. Surely a finger in your vagina is much more pleasant, fun, and innocent than exploding random Middle Eastern children in a sham war done for oil.

>> No.15805422
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Yes, by the way, they’ve already done plans to depopulate poor people in third world countries. This was done by creating HIV/AIDs in a lab then giving it to homosexuals and especially blacks in Africa through vaccines. It’s the ultimate example of a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” They pretend to be good humanitarians helping everyone out, when actually they want to kill people. Truly possessed by the Devil.

Ironically and tragically, most people have been brainwashed into thinking its people like ME who are subject to demonic influences, and that it’s people like Bill Gates (who deserves to be executed and die in shock and pain for his crimes against humanity) who are saintly humanitarians. And don’t say I’m contradicting myself about Christian mercy and all that, please! Some people are so twisted they don’t even have a shot for forgiveness in this lifetime. They damned themselves.

Another plot of theirs has been flooding former first-world countries like the US with refugees and immigrants to sow division, chaos, and infighting, their goal being to turn us into a third-world country which is more easily controllable. Their future goal seems to be them sitting around drinking martinis and adrenochrome from human blood of their ritual sacrifice victims and/or child and adult prostitutes (as described by David Icke), as a microchipped population of maybe 500 million or something works as microchipped doped-up slave laborers ever after, in an unbelievable sci-fi mixture of 1984 and BNW.

Of course, it’s not like negative reptilian and other intelligent humanoid races exist who actually are part of something like the “Borg” and go around trying to enslave planets like us over the millennia. That would mean we live in a sci-fi movie or something.

More about blood drinking later.

>> No.15805545

While I regard some passages of gnostic gospels worth meditating on and guarding them in heart, I can't divert myself from despising some others like the one you posted. These latter ones serve merely as securing the exclusiveness of their sects. It is mystery for sect's sake, wholly different from the Living Mystery.
Besides, the force behind Christ's sacrifice is Love. A spectral Jesus Christ, Jesus as an actor, is so repulsive to the idea of Love and self-negation, kenotic Love. It is also interesting to note that Jesus's life is not an ascent of consciousness but a descent. The penetration of suffering and his descent into darkness is necessary for all of this to be overcome by God's Love; it surpass the infinite separation between God and the nothingness of creation.
Also, I think it could be said that the laughing Jesus is the Jesus transfigured.

>> No.15805556

Maybe some see why I called the DNC run by Satanists now. Maybe some see why the mainstream media has run such an aggressive disinformation campaign against Pizzagate, calling it fake news. Maybe some people just had it click that figures like Hillary Clinton truly are demonically possessed puppets who pretend to care about women, POC, etc., call their opponents racist and sexist, and meanwhile secretly take part in Epstein-Island-style drug orgies, sacrifices, and blood-drinking, and also make plans to depopulate and enslave us.

You ever heard of Baal? Baal was an entity the ancient Canaanites worshipped and sacrificed children to. Moloch was also another deity they sacrificed children to. Now, of course, while traditions like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, etc., have been passed down for centuries or even millennia, it’s not like furtive Satanic or demonic traditions could ALSO be passed down secretly through twisted bloodlines like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc., and their allies they take under their wing?

More on blood-drinking in an upcoming post. Minds will be blown, but some will of course be turned away because it’s outside of their limited worldview.

>> No.15805565

Yes, yes, all this is good too. We’re more in agreement than you think. How can we have a perfect historical view of Christ? It’s impossible. But the message of love he preached can nonetheless unite us and others, even if we have some theological differences otherwise.

>> No.15805683
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In “In Search of the Miraculous” by PD Ouspensky, Gurdjieff makes the outrageous claim that Christ’s disciples actually ate some of his flesh and drank some of his blood at the Last Supper. This was supposed to be a magical rite permitting them to communicate with him at a distance, I.e. telepathically. He relates this to earlier Jewish traditions about the magical properties of bodily fluids like blood and even sexual emissions (cf. Kenneth Grant/Crowley and their use of menstrual blood and stuff in rituals, if some crazy and creative people here know about this).

Now, in this article, my great guru recounts how the immortal enlightened founder of Tibetan Buddhism, Padmasambhava, once killed some evil rulers in the Middle East many centuries ago, and magically transmuted their flesh and blood so that he could eat and drink them. Of course, there’s no parallel to Christ’s body and blood supposedly being transfigured into bread and wine. It’s not like various people and sects throughout history have discovered that cannibalism has strange magical properties which can be used for good or evil. It’s not like the NEGATIVE side of this is done by modern Satanic world leaders who drink blood and eat flesh to get into altered states of consciousness.

Padmasambhava also supposedly fucked some idiot women afterwards to enlighten them with some weird Tantric sexual magic, weirdly enough. Who said enlightened people and saints have to be celibate?


Go to my guru Gary Chicoine if you want to learn more about all of this. He knows more. absolutoracle.com.

Pic related is the Spirit Cooking rituals of Marina Abramovic, the Satanist, also attended by such wise enlightened luminaries of modern society like the Clintons, John Podesta, Lady Gaga, etc. But heeeeeyyyyy .... it’s not like the White House and Hollywood could be filled with Satanists, is it? It’s not like the American and French Revolutions were started by the Freemasons and Bavarian Illuminati, is it? And even if it WAS, it’s not like high-ranking Freemasons secretly worship Lucifer and pass down knowledge of these rites while convincing the lower orders this is all a benevolent boys’ clubs which does charitable acts and stuff, right? Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

>> No.15805694
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>> No.15805704
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As someone who has codedly texted friends about illegal matters, I can confirm that this is similar to the half-innocent half-confusing way you talk, for instance, about trying to get LSD or do something else that’s currently illegal in many countries of this insane planet.

>> No.15806446
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Most idiots here won’t believe in miracles or an extraterrestrial presence even when it’s right in front of there face.

Some idiots still think I’m “arrogant” and “pretending to be better than others.” They don’t realize my extreme humility in the face of my own possible experiences with terrifying Lovecraftian demigods. H.P. Lovecraft studied and was influenced by H.P. Blavatsky’s Theosophy, which also talks about ancient ET demigods influencing humanity, and he also studied Sumerian and other traditions. He conceptualized terrifyingly evil “Old Great Ones” like Cthulhu who were utterly indifferent to humanity, viewing them as flies to play with, and also benevolent “Elder Gods”. Of course, it’s not like this has any link to Aleister Crowley and his meetings with Lam, or to Kenneth Grant fusing Crowley’s teachings with Lovecraft’s mythos in the “Starry Wisdom” tradition.

Lovecraft and his own mother also suffered from mental illnesses, having nervous breakdowns at times which may or may not have been associated with these entities.

The Starry Wisdom tradition is dangerous! This very post may have caused someone a nervous breakdown right now. Be careful about all this!

>> No.15806577
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It’s funny how some idiots still respond to those “reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight,” but don’t respond to THIS post made by a person who actually has the ability to cause that.

Anyway, today I’m going to talk about “hidden saints.” A hidden saint is someone who may not even look like a saint but nevertheless is. They can come from any culture or tradition around the world. Maybe people think they’re just some normal guy or gal, but, nevertheless, they are saints. Maybe there’s some hidden saints here reading this right now, kind but also creative and thoughtful people who aren’t afraid to be different. Because they are hidden saints, they are getting secret rewards here most other readers can’t even imagine.

Some hidden saints also gained some fame throughout history, but they’re regarded as crazy artists, musicians or writers or something like that. One of these hidden saints was the Nigerian Afrobeat musician and political maverick Fela Kuti (1938-1997), who dedicated much of his life to pointing out injustice in his Nigerian society and government with tremendously offensive (for some in his society) songs of his such as “Zombie,” in which he scathingly criticized the Nigerian army and police. This song actually caused the Nigerian army to raid his commune at the town of Kalakuta, injure and kill some of the college students and other people residing there, and infamously throw his old mother out of a window, who had been one of the leading fighters for women’s rights in Nigeria in her younger days.

This didn’t stop Fela Kuti. No sir. In fact, he took the dead body of his mother, put her in a coffin, and then had the coffin actually sent to the head of the state. He recounts this in his song “Coffin for Head of State.”

The government launched an “investigation” into the affair and then declared that it was just one single “unknown soldier” who did the whole thing, and which soldier they could not find. Fela Kuti then outragedly created the song “Unknown Soldier” recounting the whole affair, which is also worth listening to.

Fela also was very devoted to his own native Yoruba tradition, and called in his songs for fellow Africans to return to their own traditions instead of being enslaved by the white man’s Christianity on the one hand, or the brown man’s Islam on the other hand, which invaded and colonized Africa and drove away the old traditions. They also did things like create churches where the priests would be fat, well-fed, and rich whereas the townspeople were starving and suffering. You can hear about this in songs of his such as “Shuffering and Shmiling.”

In some interview with him, Fela Kuti said that it was this faith of his, which included his animistic faith in higher spirits and gods, which inspired him to do all that he did. May he rest in bliss and enjoyment and peace.

>> No.15806639

Can you elaborate about Jonas and gnosticism please?

>> No.15806691
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Some of you may have heard of the “anti racism training” they are doing in universities now for undergrad and professors who have, in fact, never shot a black person like some cops have. I ask a quick question to my Dean about it in pic related a few days ago but the sonofabitch didn’t respond!

>> No.15806698
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>Now, it would almost appear as if Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are actually weak-minded, demonically possessed puppets of a Satanic deep state. This deep state, amazingly enough, works through the Democratic Party.
But seriously, nah

>> No.15806805

He was a student of Heidegger who approached gnosticism from an existential perspective, he did a lot to formalize some of the core thematic concerns of the gnostic systems

>> No.15806828
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This message here is a self-help message for readers who are overloading on all this. In this message, all past, present, and future enlightened readers of all this (some of whom include extraterrestrials like Mothman who are reading this telepathically by the way, if you can handle it) give you a pat on the back.

Yes, it’s true: some of you right now are learning to break beyond your shallow normal dull human life and merge with weird beings like Mothman, as described in John Keel’s “The Mothman Prophecies.” At some point, some note-readers will discover that Mothman even mindfucks some boring extraterrestrial races who think they’re superior to poor humans because they have more advanced technology and some more miraculous abilities than humans, such as the Pleiadeans.

Forget about Mothman. You’re too damned normal to handle it!

>> No.15808212

>schizo rambles about degenerate leftists
>wrong posts a fucking hentai pic
Top kek

>> No.15808257
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>> No.15808257,1 [INTERNAL] 

shout out to my boys on /r/drama

>> No.15808604

>One post barely refers to the last one, there is no coherent line of thought, sentences often abruptly end or are inserted with no relation to the whole.
Said on the literature board where everyone worships Joyce and Pynchon

>> No.15808634


If you so desperately want the truth, her I-M.

You have machine elves, because you are a machine. Machine elves, kan be a river of thought.

You are a machine, your first active software is E-GO, it tells the story of your life. Self narrating, allowing you to discuss and teach yourself.

I-M will go active, when you combine lucid dreaming with your own DMT. One recipe, is twinflame meditation, searching for twinflame in lucid dreaming state, red fly agaric 30grams as tea, meditating through the experinece, until you have your guru dynamo, internal teacher installed. Then, yogic breath hold, both in and out, until the systemshock triggers near death experience 5meo-dmt.

Then you must absorb the consciousness of all psychedelics. While building set and setting for your personal paradise.

No one, I repeat NONE! Wants to live outside the simulation. The simulation dilates time, making you quasi immortal. And honestly, we don't know what is the true objective reality, we have lost track, there is simulator upon simulator.

All I know is that the purpose of the DMT dimention with all the figures in it is is to do research on math and geometry. If you have been there, you know which one I am talking about.

>> No.15809115

>the man was very mentally ill
fuck off glownigger

>> No.15809173


>> No.15809174

true. but still human.

>> No.15809188

if gurdzhieff wrote that he was wrong.

>> No.15809201

actually the bible is one huge ocean of schizo ideas.

>> No.15809299

>he thinks the Nag Hammadi library is genuine

>> No.15809385

Wow I thought this was going to be a cool thread and then you started talking about democrats and reptilians. You know even Alex Jones uses psychic vampires as a metaphor because he can't say what he wants to? There s no literal "real"
vampires dude.

>They monitor this board, which has for a long time been a honeypot, trying to provoke people into saying “politically incorrect” things so they can eventually be martyred or publicly shamed.
They don't care even if you threaten to kill people, they only care if you disrupt infrastructure, shipping routes, power plants, dams and things like that.

>Pleiadean-Reptilian race,
Where did you even get this from? Its entirely arbitrary. At least PKD was aware of that and didn't insist that it was geospatially actual from the plaiedes star system. Why didn't you choose Sirius? Didn't read enough Egyptian texts yet?

>> No.15809425

>>This is also laid out in the Gnostic texts. “Archons” are various negatively-oriented extraterrestrial races who manipulate humanity, corrupting religions, turning sides against each other, etc. Divide and conquer. This is, again,

Archons are egregores as in personifications of emotions like fear, anger, hate that gain power through collective conscious of them during group worship, not grey ayy lmaos with chain mail skin. The greeks weren't morons who thought Aphrodite was an angel with wings it was primarily a literary device(metaphore) for most people who didn't involve themselves in mystery cults.

Saying its aliens manipulating people instead of them giving into fear or greed or whatever just lets real humans off the hook for their crimes.

>> No.15809482
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>maybe some of you should try to find your hands in your dreams and maybe meet me and/or Gary Chicoine. Of course, this would just be a crazy dream induced by auto-hypnosis, and you wouldn’t actually be communicating with us.

more tips
100% success method

Good Luck!

>> No.15809512
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>getting your worldview from anime

>> No.15810867

Goddamn this board and most of its denizens to hell.

>> No.15810995

The “Second Coming of Christ” may not be the literal physical return of a person, Jesus Christ, but rather something like an outpouring of his spirit upon the Earth. Don’t fall for the possible fake Blue Beam government psy-op projection of Christ in the sky and/or their fake UFO invasion to impose martial law.

Both physical extraterrestrial races on nuts-and-bolts spacecraft, and subtle immaterial entities exist. Get this straight and don’t be a dummy.

What actually happened isn’t that what some people think are “aliens” is actually “elves” or “demons” or whatever. It’s the other way around. What Medieval and past people thought were elves, demons, and sometimes maybe angels were, in fact, physical extraterrestrials.

Some may remember the threefold division I made between the physical, astral/subtle/dreaming, and causal/mental bodies, based on Theosophy and Gurdjieff. In Castaneda’s books, this is also conceptualized as the first, second, and third attentions. (Above these is the supracausal/“divine” level but we’ll ignore that for now.) Physical embodied extraterrestrials (who also have astral, causal, and supracausal bodies like we have) should not be confused with astral entities (ghosts, spirits, REAL fairies or nature spirits, etc., which can be contacted on drug trips, in dreams, maybe by some schizophrenics and some shamans.

This gets even more trippy when you consider the fact that some ETs can project their astral bodies at will like some shamans can, or that there could be such a thing as the astral body/ghost of a dead ET, etc.

Billy Meier and David Icke go into Pleiadean and Reptilian history, although Icke in a semi-distorted bullshit way based on his random historical speculations. Peter Moon is another Pleiadean contactee. Read the Montauk books while you’re at it.

>> No.15811011

By the way, this is why some people claim to meet ETs in their dreams, such as the astral bodies of the Grays. Courtney Brown, PhD, who learned remote viewing from his dabbling with Transcendental Meditation, Robert Monroe’s OBE-training and some government/military training (Google Project Stargate) reports meeting the astral bodies of some Grays in the astral realm, for instance.

>> No.15811537

The Event 201 Coronavirus simulation which took place in October 2019, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is a COMPLETE coincidence, you subhuman sheeple. Does it make you sad or offended when I call you a subhuman sheep person being led to your death by a Satanic death cult? If it does, let me give you some comforting words: FUCK YOU!


>> No.15811570

Imagine some Amerindian circa the 1400s trying to tell some fellow Amerindians about the crazy white people he saw come onto the land from some big monster which was swimming on the ocean and pulled up to the shore, and the other Amerindians thinking he had gone crazy.

>> No.15811637

Imagine some idiot reading this then getting a blank, confused look on his or her or its face afterwards.

Imagine some idiot getting angry I’m calling him or her or it an idiot then shouting, “You goddamn motherfucker ... Fuck you!!! I’m not an idiot!!! I’m a sexy talented Goddamn motherfucking genius and a brilliant Nietzsche scholar ... FUCK!!!”

Imagine Elaine Pagels reading this, deciding I’m a schizophrenic, then looking for her tampons because she’s starting to get her period.

>> No.15811711

Imagine some philosophy and/or theology professors who believe miracles can happen because they follow some religion or the other, but not being able to talk much about miracles because it’s not accepted in academia. Now imagine some mere undergrad actually experiencing miracles, causing him to realize academia is an overpriced pyramid scheme run by people who just went to grad school and got their PhD.

>> No.15812553

Thank you for this thread, OP.

>> No.15812817

>brainwashed by their churches for thousands of years into being anti-sex.
I can't fathom being this dumb

>> No.15813907

You’re saying you’re so fucking dumb that you can’t fathom just how fucking dumb you are?

Thank YOU for saying thank you.

>> No.15814016

Even Huffington-fucking-Post has some cool articles sometimes. Of course, heavily conditioned readers suffering from cognitive dissonance will say this is all “modern liners Satanic brainwashing” or something.


>> No.15814055

Some people suggest Jesus and Mary Magdalene had kids, and that the Cathars/Albigensians (a Gnostic sect who lived in France and were eventually brutally oppressed and executed by the Catholic Church in the Albigensian Crusade of 1209-1229) descended from them. Of course, the Catholic Church could NEVER do anything wrong, even in this situation. This is because the Catholic Church SO sweetly, SO kindly, SO piously and Christ-likely gave them a chance to convert peacefully for some years before this. After they refused to peacefully convert, they were then excommunicated and slaughtered.

>The idea of two gods or deistic principles, one good and the other evil, was central to Cathar beliefs. This was antithetical to the monotheistic Catholic Church, whose fundamental principle was that there was only one God, who created all things visible and invisible.[8] Cathars believed that the good God was the God of the New Testament, creator of the spiritual realm, whereas the evil God was the God of the Old Testament, creator of the physical world whom many Cathars identified as Satan. Cathars believed human spirits were the sexless spirits of angels trapped in the material realm of the evil god, destined to be reincarnated until they achieved salvation through the consolamentum, when they would return to the good god.[9]

>> No.15814214
File: 376 KB, 1536x2033, 0618A4AA-74C6-4786-A6DE-C0D302C13A7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear sweet Mother of the Lord, dear Mother Mary, thank You for pushing the Man out of your vagina who Himself gave birth to the Catholic Church. Sweet Mother Mary, thank You for the Catholic Church which has enlightened innocent children into realizing they’ll go to hell for masturbating or being homosexual. Thank You for Your Catholic Church which excommunicated and persecuted Galileo, executed Giordano Bruno and burned many other heretics at the stake. Thank You for Your Inquisition. Thank you dear Mother Mary for Your Catholic Church which taught this blessed planet that contraception is not OK, thus directly contributing to both the HIV/AIDs pandemic in Africa, as well as the overpopulation of certain parts of Africa. If it weren’t for the Catholic Church, so many African males would be putting those hellish pieces of rubber around their huge black cocks! THANK YOU JESUS AND THANK YOU MOTHER MARY AND MAY THE SWEET LORD BLESS EVERYONE READING THIS! Amen.

>> No.15814218

Icke is controlled opposition. Claiming the he was "Son of God" is blasphemy. Since mankind are the sons of Adam. Only direct divine creations are Sons of God. Adam, Jesus, and angels.

>> No.15814225
File: 15 KB, 290x326, DF237711-D918-49C3-B4EA-224444E6547F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giordano Bruno (/dʒɔːrˈdɑːnoʊ ˈbruːnoʊ/, Italian: [dʒorˈdaːno ˈbruːno]; Latin: Iordanus Brunus Nolanus; born Filippo Bruno, January or February 1548 – 17 February 1600) was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, poet, cosmological theorist, and Hermetic occultist.[3][4] He is known for his cosmological theories, which conceptually extended the then-novel Copernican model. He proposed that the stars were distant suns surrounded by their own planets, and he raised the possibility that these planets might foster life of their own, a philosophical position known as cosmic pluralism. He also insisted that the universe is infinite and could have no "centre".

> Starting in 1593, Bruno was tried for heresy by the Roman Inquisition on charges of denial of several core Catholic doctrines, including eternal damnation, the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the virginity of Mary, and transubstantiation. Bruno's pantheism was not taken lightly by the church,[5] as was his teaching of the transmigration of the soul/reincarnation. The Inquisition found him guilty, and he was burned at the stake in Rome's Campo de' Fiori in 1600.


>> No.15814247
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Extraterrestrials could NEVER have physically and/or telepathically communicated with people throughout history like Giordano Bruno and Emanuel Swedenborg (Swedenborg, if you may remember, being a brilliant inventor who also happened to be a crazy Christian mystical kook who claimed he had talked to angels and that many planets in the universe were populated with intelligent races). There’s nothing to see here. Move along, folks, and don’t forget your face-muzzle — err, mask.

>> No.15814296
File: 17 KB, 330x330, E2C4A240-22FA-4CAF-B242-201B264A9D46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Icke was just claiming that he’s a son of the Infinite Creator manifesting as this universe and like, so is everyone else, man, except for women and non-binary people, who are daughters and non-binary children of the Lord. So just, like, chill, man, maybe smoke a few blunts and drop a few tabs of acid and listen to good musicians like Fela Kuti, The Doors, Sublime, Phish, and Frank Zappa. Don’t let The Man get to you, my sexy and intelligent female readers, and my slightly less sexy and intelligent male readers, and every other freak.

The Man — oh man, this is so fucked up man, you might cry — he’s got offices in all of our heads, and He’s just telling us all what to do. He’s telling us to be normal and get a job and everything. Thomas Pynchon, oh man, listen to this dude, he talks about it in Gravity’s Rainbow. Man, that guy, he talks about foo fighters that some fighter pilots saw around Germany in WW2, too, in Gravity’s Rainbow. Thomas Pynchon, oh man, me and him meet in our dreams sometimes and smoke dream dope together sometimes. That motherfucker got access to some great Moroccan and Lebanese dream hash, oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Don’t let the Man cut your nuts off, my manly male readers. And he’s looking at some of your ovaries hungrily, too, my lovely lady readers.

> It's been a prevalent notion. Fallen sparks. Fragments of vessels broken at the Creation. And someday, somehow, before the end, a gathering back to home. A messenger from the Kingdom, arriving at the last moment. But I tell you there is no such message, no such home -- only the millions of last moments . . . nothing more. Our history is an aggregate of last moments.

> I mean what they and their hired psychiatrists call delusional systems. Needless to say, ‘delusions’ are always officially defined. We do not have to worry about questions of real or unreal. They only talk out of expediency. It’s the system that matters. How the data arrange themselves inside it. Some are consistent, others fall apart.

> The Man has a branch office in each of our brains, his corporate emblem is a white albatross, each local rep has a cover known as the Ego, and their mission in this world is Bad Shit. We do know what's going on, and we let it go on. As long as we can see them, stare at them, those massively moneyed, once in a while. As long as they allow us a glimpse, however rarely. We need that. And they know it - how often, under what conditions...

>> No.15814373
File: 374 KB, 651x932, B2CD02F7-887F-4BB0-9731-0A3EF7634DAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo if those alien motherfuckers ever meet us, we’re gonna convert them all to Catholicism in the name of the sweet Mother Mary. We’re gonna have the Ummos, the Pleiadeans, the Siriusians, the Iargans, the Greys, the Zeta Reticulans, the Reptilians, and even Mothman lining up to be blessed by the Pope. They’re all gonna be crying tears of joy that after exploring the galaxy for millennia they finally found the TRUTH the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God. They’re gonna be lining up to be blessed by the Pope, man, and the Pope might even kiss their feet, too. Then we’re all gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya, man, and the whole universe will be so happy they finally found the Catholic Church on this planet called the “Earth,” filled with the most intelligent beautiful race to ever have existed.

>> No.15814500

Correct! Except the left/right paradigm is a fabricated dichotomy. Both sides are controlled by the same group. While they focus on each other, they overlook the hand behind the curtain, which created this false left/right polarity for the sake of dividing and conquering the people.

>> No.15814502
File: 1.39 MB, 3080x1640, 9460490B-C316-4C8C-B0F7-B49B4F59FF22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Q, you are Q, Gary Chicoine is Q. All is Q. WWG1WGA

The Sarmoun Sufi Gurdjieff (who also wrote that book Beelzebub’s Tales about ETs on spaceships in 1949) made a little poem in his book “Meetings With Remarkable Men” which he asked any future hypothetical spiritual kin of his to go to Armenia, find his father’s grave, and put on a gravestone there. It goes like this:


>> No.15814536


>> No.15814599
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>> No.15814681
File: 34 KB, 354x504, 5635DE1C-650D-4CC2-A0F9-8ED3B890398B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey ... shut this all down! The goyim can’t know! If anyone talks about the Rockefeller’s, Rothschilds, the Israeli government and other Satanic Zionists being evil, that means they’re anti-Semites like David Icke, Alex Jones, and William Cooper (who got shot in the head by police on his own property after they harassed him, provoking him to come outside with a gun after parking a car on his lawn, playing music loudly, and pretending to be hooligan teenagers, all of which is totally legal in America apparently. R.I.P.). They can’t know that a Satanic minority of Jews has a disproportionate sway in Hollywood and American politics!!! God bless America and God bless Israel and donate to AIPAC today and support the bombing of innocent Palestinian children in the name of Jehovah!!! Never forget the 6 gorillion Jews murdered in the Holobunga, goy, but forget about all the homos and Gypsies murdered by the Nazis.


“Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) by Milton William Cooper is also worth a read or two.

>> No.15814706
File: 135 KB, 800x473, D52DC876-DDF8-49E9-838C-26F454D367CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy gewalt, this Muslim goy is being a fucking ANTISEMITE!!! SHUT IT DOWN!!! Those Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi, and Afghani ragheads killed by the US and Israeli government had it coming to em!!!




>> No.15814757
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, 7F2F059C-669B-49DF-8119-DA71DCFB9C7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Goddamn motherfucker ... If you don’t vote for Biden and support flooding this country with Mexican and other third-world rapefugees, you are a Goddamned motherfucking Neo-Nazi stupid goyim!

One reader feels like (s)he is floating right now.

One reader’s jaw dropped again.

One reader continues to laugh hysterically.

One reader feels like they just got slapped in the face by a genuine Zen master.

Hey fucking Goyim, if you don’t support us brainwashing your children to love third-world rapefugees, take hormone blockers, mutilate their genitals, and have stories read to them by drag queens ... you don’t even need us to tell you!! You already know you’d be a Goddamned Neo-Nazi antisemite if you don’t support us!!! Don’t forget your anti-racism training and don’t forget to donate to AIPAC again


>> No.15814780
File: 452 KB, 1200x1676, 0E5CADEA-19E8-4DA1-96F0-50B5608D8B32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Androgynous Baphomet.

Now, there’s two types of androgyny. One is an authentic spiritual balance of yin and yang, of our masculine and feminine qualities, or what Jung calls the anima for men and animus for women.

There is another type of androgyny, however, which is more like auto-castration. This is meant to confuse us, fuck with us, fuck with our sense of what’s natural and normal, to cause infighting in society. I tell you right here and right now that radical feminism is a part of this plot, too.

>> No.15814805

>I'm making a difference with memes, mommy

What a delusion. You know they're just laughing at you, right?

>> No.15814825

Oh man, you’re gonna die in shock and pain soon. Oh boy. Sucks to suck.

>> No.15814926

tell me how you're any different from /pol/ trying to "redpill the normies" going on 5 years now. I don't you really appreciate the magnitude of evil you're up against, and how childish and inane this would all turn out to be if you spent even a minute in their red rooms

>> No.15815214

This will only awaken and help a few people. My own personal physical body won’t destroy the Illuminati, of course. “God” in the form of a galactic benevolent extraterrestrial military force will.

I dance on your graves!

>> No.15815431

Here’s another self-help/healing message for those who need it. The Divine Mother (who was symbolized by Mother Mary and/or Sophia in some authentic Christian esoteric traditions) is having mercy upon some of you. Let her heal you.

>> No.15815468

I like that. For the first type of androgyny, you could look at Elemire Zolla, The Androgyne. It made realize that maybe the relation between Ulrich and Agathe (which I previously thought to be nothing but incestual) in Musil's Man without qualities might have to do with. Btw., did you know that Umberto Eco had a hate-boner for Zolla? According to the Italian wikipedia he had an extra section in his library for "cretins" where he put his work. Would be a pity if anyone took it seriously while it should be clear as day to any rational mind that it's nothing but confused day-dreaming, jumping to conclusions (cogito interruptus) and nonsense.

>> No.15815953
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I hardly know what you’re talking about, I mostly read nonfiction instead of fiction nowadays. Eco was a dreadful bore, another mere PhD scholar who imagined himself as an “objective observer of inane conspiracy theories,” some brilliant brain critically analyzing it without having to actually implicate himself in it. This is because he sought social prestige and outer glory instead of the actual truth.
Imagine some government agents deciding they want to demonize everyone who isn’t a politically correct SJW and push them into places like 4chan(nel) which seem to be anonymous. Imagine them now deciding to use this board as a honeypot to surveil people. Imagine them deciding to eventually create an Orwellian system like in China where government agents browse this board and rank people on a social credit system. Imagine some of these government agents being confused by Q-posting on /pol/. Imagine some of them being baffled by these posts. Imagine their minds getting fucked even harder when they find absolutoracle.com, where Gary Chicoine claims he is trying to become something like a Q-being from Star Trek, an immortal hyper-intelligent shapeshifter who can take on or put away a physical body as he wishes. Imagine most people never getting to this post because they’ve been brainwashed to think 4chan(nel) is a place where dangerous Neo-Nazis lurk.

All this is a mindfuck, none of this real.

This very statement is a lie.

This statement is a test of how you’ll respond to it.

This statement is a test of how far out you can get about it.

Stop and form a better idea about this very statement right now or get the hell out and never come back!

Some readers skip around all this and read it at their leisure instead of reading it sequentially, thoroughly, and thoughtfully. Try to see why such readers haven’t got a chance in hell.

>> No.15816026
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 24BDBF86-1076-4068-BFDB-A940F58BA3E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerous white male alert!!!

There are potential far-right alt-right Neo-Nazi incel misogynistic transphobic fascist gynephobic patriarchal white-nationalist Boogaloo boys browsing this board right now!!! They do creepy things like jerk off to pictures of sexy anime girls because they can’t get laid, and vote for Trump, and post Pepe memes, and bring guns to BLM protests and Trump rallies and protests to reopen small businesses destroyed (lives, hopes and dreams crushed) by the coronavirus lockdown!!!!

Report racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia to your nearest Thought Police today.

>> No.15816072

Wait, are you not schizophrenic?

>> No.15816082

Maybe some readers should listen to Phish’s “Character Zero.” If they come to my house, I might play the opening riff on my acoustic guitar for them.

>> No.15816127

I was taught a month ago
To bide my time and take it slow
Then I learned just yesterday
To rush and never waste the day
Now, I’m convinced the whole day long
That all I learn is always wrong
And things are true that I forget
But no one taught that to me yet
>Phish, “Character Zero”

Come as you are, as you were
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend
As an old enemy

Take your time, hurry up
Choice is yours, don't be late
>Nirvana, “Come As You Are”

Slow down. Calm your reactions and judgments. Become temporarily spaced-out and fully aware. Read this without the words. Return to reality. Do not decide anything for awhile. Be real and natural.

Speed up. Have passionate reactions and critical judgments. Be solidly present in your immediate world and do not allow anything to distract you. Think of the exact meanings of the words you read or hear. Stick with the familiar. Be decisive. Work toward greater success.

Do not slow down or speed up. Stay in a good flow of feeling and thinking. Be everywhere at once. Listen to the real truth in what you read or hear. Keep giving yourself a better new worldview. Plan carefully before taking irreversible action. Know when to struggle and when to rest. Be balanced in all things.

Transcend all limited advice that does not apply to your case. Develop a more creative and experimental form of confusion and spontaneous action. Trust yourself to do the right thing. Do not be afraid of what happens when you read this stuff.

Forget everything you have read so far and concentrate on the real meaning of your present state of mind.

>> No.15816288

This is the site of your last stand. You will die here no matter where you are. Every warrior has a place to die. A place of his predilection which is soaked with unforgettable memories, where powerful events left their mark, a place where he has witnessed marvels, where secrets have been revealed to him, a place where he has stored his personal power.

A warrior has the obligation to go back to that place of his predilection every time he taps power in order to store it there. He either goes there by means of walking or by means of dreaming.

And finally, one day when his time on earth is up and he feels the tap of his death: on his left shoulder his spirit, which is always ready, flies to the place of his predilection and there the warrior dances to his death.

Every warrior has a specific form, a specific posture of power, which he develops throughout his life. It is a sort of dance. A movement that he does under the influence of his personal power.

If a dying warrior has limited power, his dance is short; if his power is grandiose, his dance is magnificent. But regardless of whether his power is small or magnificent, death must stop to witness his last stand on earth. Death cannot overtake the warrior who is recounting the toil of his life for the last time until he has finished his dance.


Maybe you should consider how a recent captcha you’ve had to fill out related to all this. Imagine seeing a GPS satellite took a picture of you on a road you frequently walk on?

>> No.15816356

Discipline, as understood by a warrior, is creative, open, and produces freedom. It is the ability to face the unknown, transforming the feeling of knowing into reverent astonishment; of considering things that exceed the scope of our habits, and daring to face the only war that is worthwhile: The battle for awareness.

Imagine some guy or girl here having read the Castaneda books once, having found them magical, then having their mind blown by the fact that Gary Chicoine is supposed to be the successor to Don Juan.

Imagine some person realizing they don’t need to go out and physically meet a guru and can learn how to learn from them at a distance.

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.

The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity.

In a world where death is the hunter, my friend, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decisions.

Self-importance requires spending most of one's life offended by something or someone.

Never take a path that has no heart in it. You can't lose if your heart is in your work, but you can't win if your heart is not in it.

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. ... Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.

We don't need more to be thankful for, we just need to be more thankful.

The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.

"Only if one loves this earth with unbending passion can one relieve one's sadness," don Juan said. "Warriors are always joyful because their love is unalterable and their beloved, the earth, embraces them and bestows upon them inconceivable gifts. The sadness belongs only to those who hate the very thing that gives shelter to their beings." Don Juan again caressed the ground with tenderness. "This lovely being, which is alive to its last recesses and understands every feeling, soothed me, it cured me of my pains, and finally when I had fully understood my love for it, it taught me freedom."

>> No.15816403

PKD, in his Exegesis, speculates at some point that writers like he, William S. Burroughs, and Robert Anton Wilson were channeling something through their works. If hyper-intelligent transcendental brings wanted to be channeled, maybe they would manifest themselves in synchronicities that might appear through the cut-up technique that William S. Burroughs used. Maybe they would manifest through an electronic Oracle in which random quotes from the world’s spiritual traditions

Some idiotic readers think this is a cult trying to brainwash them. Well, I’m not doing this for money, prestige, fame, success, sex, or drugs. I get nothing from this except maybe some fun and the good feeling of knowing I may have helped some people and offended some uptight assholes. This actually isn’t a cult, but a form of setting you free from your own cult-like society and social norms. I repeat, do not try to physically meet me. Even the address and name I gave is semi-correct bullshit. Why would I put my real address on 4channel?

>> No.15816420



I am a postmodern individual of multi-identity. I have different suits or sets of mental clothes in my closet for different occasions. Did you ever see the old movie, The Seven Faces of Doctor Lao? Well, I am like Doctor Lao. The movie was an innocent prophecy of my present emergence in the world.

>> No.15816451 [DELETED] 

None of this is meant to teach you a new belief or disbelief. All that’s happening is alternative information and theories from popular mainstream ones are being presented. It’s up to you how you want to take this. This is something like a new form of postmodern hypertextual metafictional self-referential Dada surrealist sci-fi Situationist culture-jamming performance-art I do for fun.

>> No.15816485

Fair enough.

>> No.15816500

None of this is meant to teach you a new belief or disbelief. All that’s happening is alternative information and theories from popular mainstream ones are being presented. It’s up to you how you want to take this. This is something like a new form of postmodern hypertextual metafictional self-referential Dada surrealist sci-fi Situationist culture-jamming performance-art I do for fun.

I don’t even agree with Gary Chicoine on everything, meaning he isn’t a “cult leader who brainwashed me,” but rather a retired international management consultant with a deep background in cognitive science and systems science who also posts alternative theories and information on his website.

>> No.15816523

Imagine a classroom discussing some trendy political topic like feminism, Black Lives Matter, abortion, and so forth. Now imagine some Bilderbergers meeting up with some CIA agents and asking them how they can disseminate propaganda through the media to radicalize politics and distract US citizens from their own nefarious plans such as to invade the Middle East for oil under false pretexts, continue to let the planet’s ecosystem be destroyed for temporary profit, lower people’s IQs and damage their physical health by poisoning practically the entire planet with assorted industrial chemicals, and so forth. Now imagine CEOs and other highly-placed officials of CNN, Fox News, and other major news companies being contacted by CIA agents, offered a large sum of money to take part in their project, and threatened with murder if they refuse or leak any of this (Project MOCKINGBIRD style). They are even given access to endless quantities of high-quality cocaine and sex-slaves/prostitutes, some of a questionably young age. Now imagine these overjoyed news executives handing down orders, memos, rules, etc., to pretty much decide what their newscasters say, to define what’s acceptable and what isn’t on their channel. This “politically correct” norm, meant to distract us from real issues, filters from the top to the bottom. The newscasters only say what their bosses want them to say, who themselves are listening to their own bosses, and so forth. The newscasters may even believe they are passionate, charming, and sexy people who are extremely devoted to the truth, since they’re allowed to ad-lib a little and write some of their own speeches. They criticize the other political side as furiously as they can, since this leads to more viewers, and also causes these viewers to become more politically radicalized and excited about random nonsense. The average person watching the news believes they’re getting an objective picture of the world and always learning about what’s most important in the world instead of being distracted from real issues.

>> No.15816534

Now suppose a student standing up in that classroom mentioned in the beginning and declaring, “Everything you’re all talking about is effectively fake news! A good amount of you are still brain-locked into thinking your worth as a person is determined by where you fall on the fake ‘Democrat’ vs. ‘Republican’ dichotomy, or what your stupid opinion is about abortions, homosexuality or feminism. The world’s REAL leaders don’t care about you, use both political parties to their advantage, and will continue to destroy the planet while you all rot and criticize each other. Some of them may even be Satan-worshiping blood-drinking pedophiles, for all we know. Just look at Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile sex-slave rings! Look at all the rich, famous, and powerful people he knew! You are all insane and academia is an overpriced pyramid scheme. I’m dropping out and becoming a plumber.” Suppose this person now walks out of the classroom. The members of the class would probably turn to look at each others’ faces, some bewildered and struck silent, others hysterically laughing, then all conclude that that student was insane. The Professor might even arrange for that student to talk with the Dean or a psychiatrist. But, if this thought-experiment were true, that student would be sane and everyone else would be insane. Psychiatry would then appear to be at least partially a means of social control, used to belittle and dehumanize dissenters under the guise of ‘curing them’ and even ‘feeling sorry for them.’

>> No.15816727

[Verse 1]
Sitting on the hillside
Watching all the people die
I'll feel much better on the other side
I'll thumb a ride

[Verse 2]
I believe in magic
Why? Because it is so quick
I don't need power when I'm hypnotized
Look in my eyes
What are you seeing? (I see...)
How do you feel?
I'll feel real phony when my name is Phil
Or was that Bill?

[Verse 3]
Life goes on here
Day after day
I don't know if I am living or if I'm
Supposed to be
Sometimes my life is so eerie
And if you think I'm happy
Paint me (white)(yellow)(pink)

[Verse 4]
I've been here once
I've been here twice
I don't know if the third's the fourth or if the
The fifth's to fix
Sometimes I deal with numbers
And if you wanna count me
Count me (out)(in)

[Verse 5]
I don't need the times of day
Any time with me's OK
I just don't want you using up my time
'Cause that's not right

They're locking them up today
They're throwing away the key
I wonder who it will be tomorrow, you or me?
They're locking them up today
They're throwing away the key
I wonder who it'll be tomorrow, you or me?
They're locking them up today
They're throwing away the key
I wonder who it will be tomorrow, you or me?
We're all normal and we want our freedom
I want my freedom
All of God's childrens gotta have their freedom
>Love, “Red Telephone” (song)

Some people may think I’m a lazy unemployed fuck with nothing better to do than this. In fact, I’m currently working full-time as a doorman/porter/janitor in NYC, and have a shift coming up soon from four to midnight. Maybe some people here in NYC have seen me and haven’t even realized it. I go on the Metro North from Tuckahoe to Grand Central.

Chogyam Trungpa, semi-enlightened Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhist who was nevertheless too attached to his Tibetan culture, says the Shambhala warrior should be meek, perky, inscrutable, and outrageous. Meekness is like a strange humility, perkiness a strange happiness, inscrutability a strange serenity, and outrageousness is outrageousness.

Trungpa also says we can learn to realize the drala or magical aspects of everyday life, in which we see the extraordinary (such as ghosts, conspiracy theories, aliens, and magical abilities) as strangely ordinary, and the ordinary (such as you and your situation right now where you are reading this) as strangely extraordinary.

One reader gets it right now

>> No.15816824

2/10 not even well written

>> No.15816900

>he still believes galileo was persecuted
everything else is a fair point though, but you're still a homosex faggot

>> No.15816926

toasting in ebin bread

>> No.15817008

Ok, some of you may have guessed it: Gary Chicoine was my pseudonym the whole time. I created the absolutoracle.com website.

Ok, some of you may have guessed it: all THIS was my pseudonym the whole time. I, Gary Chicoine, wrote all this.

>> No.15817100

Everyone and no one is the Chosen One.

Some of you here may have heard of the Nobody meme which originated on GLP (Godlike Productions, a conspiracy forum) and migrated to 4chan’s /x/ (paranormal board), about a supposed man with psychic powers who will bring down the New World Order. Well, Gary Chicoine has been known to call himself Nobody the Taoist. In fact, he claims it’s his preferred title in the Earth English language.


Gary Chicoine once ran a cult in which he told some students he was the successor to Gurdjieff, but then he realized cults don’t really help to educate people much.




>> No.15817114

This was written by an infinite number of monkeys mashing their fingers on an infinite line of typewriters.

>> No.15817122

Always consider both sides! My conscience says I must tell you, Gary Chicoine may be a dangerous predator and a cult-leader! Some students have complained about this. Maybe he’s taken me over and this is a desperate cry for help!


>> No.15817279

Osho Rajneesh was another guru with some wisdom who also exploited his students for drugs, money, fame and sex. Maybe I would do the same to you, and that is why I do not want to physically meet you.

Maybe I have a life of my own beyond having adoring groupies around me waiting for me to enlighten them instead of them enlightening themselves (which is the only way you can be enlightened, anyway).

>> No.15817293

I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part of God.
>Ralph Waldo Emerson

>> No.15817317

In the Sufi Malamati way-of-blame, the Sufi makes him or herself appear sinful, deliberately incurring blame to ward away the unworthy, humble their own social ego (nafs-i-ammara, pride), and possibly teach some people.

However, I am not actually doing that. That’s just some bullshit Sufis made up to justify how they brainwashed their students. This is actually the deconstruction of all religions. I am the Antichrist.

>> No.15817353

Gurdjieff sometimes follow the Sufi Malamati way-of-blame, appearing as a coarse man who drank tremendous quantities of alcohol and slept with and even impregnated his female students. Or maybe he really was just an asshole exploiting others, who knows? After all, he did write BEELZEBUB’s Tales to His Grandson, Beelzebub of course being the Devil. All this, clearly, comes from demonic inspiration. Aliens are demons! Go to church and pray!

>> No.15817363

>rediscovered at Nag Hammadi in the 1945
Jewish tricks.

>> No.15817381

Maybe enlightened people don’t necessarily follow societal norms about morality, social prestige, sexuality, or even drug use. You know, some people criticized the Indian guru Nisargadatta Maharaj for something as small as smoking cigarettes. How can an enlightened master smoke cigarettes?

Someone who knows me is going, “What the FUCK?” right now.

>> No.15817517

all is permissible to me

>> No.15817823

Maybe Judas was following the Sufi Malamati way of blame.

You know, Gurdjieff, although he admitted the Naqshbandi Sufi and the Sarmouni sources of his teachings, also calls his teachings “esoteric Christianity” in “In Search of the Miraculous” by his student, P.D. Ouspensky.

You know, Idries Shah says some Sufis have been called “esoteric Christians”, masihi-i-battini in Arabic.

You know, in Rafael Lefort’s “The Teachings of Gurdjieff,” in which a disappointed student of a Gurdjieff-inspired group decides to go directly to the Middle East and search for Gurdjieff’s Sufi teachers, is told by some Sufis to read apocryphal Christian and Gnostic texts.

One reader has just had their entire worldview and personality turned inside out.

>> No.15817847

You know, Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was a spiritual teacher who ironically denounced all forms of organized religion and all guru-disciple relationships after breaking away from Theosophy at a young age when Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater tried to groom him as the “Vehicle of the World Teacher,” some type of avatar or Chosen One.

Osho Rajneesh, on the other hand, freely borrowed from almost all the world’s religious and mystical paths, extolled the merits of a loving guru-disciple relationship.

Maybe the real truth is somewhere between or behind or beyond these two.

You know, Gary Chicoine claims it was his own Divine Spirit which educated Rajneesh on the one hand and Krishnamurti on the other hand, but he claims they also couldn’t get the full message and had various personality flaws obscuring the full Divine Truth from manifesting through them.

>> No.15817969

OK, you caught me. I’m trying to start a cult. If you want to be enlightened, you have to come to my house, pay your membership dues of 1000$ a month, let me fuck your wife or girlfriend if you’re a man in a relationship, let me fuck YOU if you’re a girl, and also constantly supply me with booze, weed, and other drugs. You’re welcome!

>> No.15818008

The life of Drukpa Kunley (1455-1529), Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhist nyonpa (“mad one”).

He was known for his crazy methods of enlightening other beings, mostly women, which earned him the title "The Saint of 5,000 Women". Among other things, women would seek his blessing in the form of sex. His intention was to show that it is possible to be enlightened, impart enlightenment, and still lead a very healthy sex life. He demonstrated that celibacy was not necessary for being enlightened. In addition, he wanted to expand the range of means by which enlightenment could be imparted, while adding new evolutionary prospects to the overarching tradition. He is credited with introducing the practice of phallus paintings in Bhutan and placing statues of them on rooftops to drive away evil spirits.[2] Because of this power to awaken unenlightened beings, Kunley's penis is referred to as the "Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom" and he himself is known as the "fertility saint". For this reason women from all around the world visited his monastery to seek his blessing.[3][4]

Some of his most famous performances include urinating on sacred thankhas, stripping down naked or offering his testicles to a famous Lama. He is one of very few Buddhist teachers to almost always appear in Bhutanese paintings topless. It is known that Drukpa Kunley would not bless anyone who came to seek his guidance and help unless they brought a beautiful woman and a bottle of wine. His fertility temple, Chimi Lhakhang, is today filled with the weaved portable wine bottles.[5]


Gurdjieff says in Beelzebub’s Tales the 5 great founders of present-day human religions were Moses, Jesus Christ, Padmasambhava (founder of Tibetan Buddhism whom he calls “Saint Lama”), and Mohammed (whose teachings he says are only fully carried out today by some Sufi and dervish groups).

You know, Gurdjieff learned from both Sufis AND Tibetan Buddhists. He reports working in a clerical capacity for the Dalai Lama in the early 1900s in his travels to find out more about the world’s religious traditions.

>> No.15818268

You poor fuck ... You’re being brainwashed by this very statement right here!!! Run away before it’s too late!!! Go!!! There’s nothing more for your kind here. If you don’t stop reading this ... something TERRIBLE is gonna happen!!!

>> No.15818353

All this is the creation of a new mythology and you’d be a fool to take any of it literally.

None of this is about converting to a new religion or sect. It’s about being a real human being not brainwashed by your religion, your family, your culture, your job, or the political system of your country.


>> No.15818370


>> No.15818386

Maybe Guenon-poster is actually the reincarnation of Rene Guenon.

Maybe schizowojak poster is the reincarnation of David Lindsay or something.

>> No.15818419

Some government agents here think I’m a mostly harmless schizoid with some surprisingly apt insights about politics, the Internet, philosophy, and religion. They’re kinda confused by all this and don’t know how to feel. Maybe one of them is even having an existential crisis and reevaluating their entire career, but of course this is a rare possibility, since most corrupt government agents have so little conscience and creativity they can’t even let themselves be mindfucked by wonderful statements such as these.

>> No.15818469

You know, Michael E. Salla, PhD, who wrote “Exopolitics,” about the history of human governmental interaction with and cover-up of extraterrestrial presences, believes Qanon is legit and references it frequently on his website, exopolitics.org. But he doesn’t know about Gary Chicoine (yet), or that Gary Chicoine finds some of Salla’s insights a bit off, even though overall Salla is a helpful presence for enlightening some people about the history of extraterrestrial-human interaction.

>> No.15818537

You know, Gary Chicoine, in his article “Intergalactic Politics,” written and published during the George W. Bush administration, evidently, coincidentally writes:

>Tenthly, it was Aryans of the planet Erra in the Pleiades who contacted Hitler and set him going on his Aryan Master Race program, which resulted in the genocide performed on both Jews and Gypsies in the Second World War. They also promised Hitler military assistance and Pleiadean technology for building Flying Saucers and beam weapons. That is why Americans say German planes were accompanied by "Foo Fighters" or Ufo's. However, Galactic forces did not allow the Pleiadeans to help the Germans conquer the world, so they had to stand down and allow the Third Reich to be suspended. However, a new genocidal Fourth Reich, apparently entailing Reptilian and Aryan cooperation, is now busy promoting genocide on the Earth, with Africa being the first target through injecting AIDS into African populations through UN vaccines programs. This also explains why the Bush Neocons of the New World Order want everybody in America and Britain vaccinated as soon as possible, if not with ostensible Smallpox vaccine, then probably with Flu vaccine. So their latest step is to set loose a terrible designer superflu in America and Europe that will make Americans and Europeans cry out for a protective Flu Vaccine against the new killer flu. So, at first, the new vaccine is in "short supply", which primes the populace to demand it rather than fighting against it as they did the Small Pox version of the potentially lethal vaccination, which will reincarnate as a Flu shot. Once these bastards can get inside our bodies with vaccines and/or microchips, it is all over for humanity. They will have total New World Order control and all personal freedom, truth and conscience will be rendered inoperable. With the controlling forces of two galaxies supporting this outrageous cruelty to Earth humanity, it is hard to see where rescue might come from!

>> No.15818543

>Eleventhly, the Pleiadeans sent in a new genetically designed Male and Female, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, to Israel to assume pro-Aryan spiritual leadership of the Earth and start a new Edenic colony of SuperAryan blue-bloods. After the crucifixion or pseudo-death of Jesus, he and Mary Magdalene went on to Andorra in the Pyrenees and began a new Edenic reproduction episode, thus producing a new race in Southern France, called the Cathars. But the Sum-Aryan rulers could not allow this new Aryan breeding stock to survive, as it would kill their Reptilian controlled elitism and blueblood program, so they arranged to get the Cathars slaughtered. Only a few handfuls of the grandchildren of Jesus Christ now survive in Andorra, and not in any numbers to threaten the Sum-Aryan blue-bloods program carried out today by such families as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Royal Families of Britain and Europe. All of these families perform rites of human sacrifice to Lucifer as their Illuminati belief-system refers to. Sacrifice to Reptilian "gods" of course goes all the way back to Atlantis and was continuing among the Mayans, Toltecs and Aztecs in Mexico until quite recently.


Maybe some readers are having a mindgasm after being Tantrically mindfucked.

>> No.15818561

Are you looking for me?
I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours.
you will not find me in the stupas,
not in Indian shrine rooms,
nor in synagogues,
nor in cathedrals:
not in masses,
nor kirtans,
not in legs winding around your own neck,
nor in eating nothing but vegetables.
When you really look for me,
you will see me instantly —
you will find me in the tiniest house of time.
Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God?
He is the breath inside the breath.
>Kabir (15th century Indian poet and saint who freely combined Hindu and Islamic Sufi traditions, coming to be revered as a saint by people of both traditions)

>> No.15818575

While writing these posts, I’ve also occasionally had to pause and help some people here at the building I work at with their little chores and requests. Of course, I don’t talk about aliens, conspiracy theories, ghosts, or religions with them. What do you think I am, fucking crazy or something?

>> No.15818659

Kabir is known for being critical of both Hinduism and Islam, stating followers of both were misguided by the Vedas and Quran, and questioning their meaningless rites of initiation such as the sacred thread and circumcision respectively.[2][5] During his lifetime, he was threatened by both Hindus and Muslims for his views.[6]:4 When he died, both Hindus and Muslims he had inspired claimed him as theirs.[3]

A superhuman energy is required for me to keep going on with posts like these. This is because it’s not just my own personal physical little ego doing this for social prestige and repute, but the entire universe flowing through me as I write even a sentence like this one right here.

>> No.15818693

Some motherfucker here at work was “sick” last week. He always calls out sick. I had to work a 60-hour work week covering for him, as did some of my coworkers. This is because two other workers were also on vacation at the same time.

Do your job well and work hard. This is karma yoga as described in the Bhagavad Gita. Your own work is like a sacrifice to Brahman, a purging away of negative karmas and possibly the accumulation of good karma. You mustn’t be lazy, even if you’re tempted to throw everything away in despair. Quit your job and find a better one if you have to. You may not be able to enlighten everyone, but you can quietly spread positive energy even as you push a broom or write your essays.

>> No.15818782

The way of using ordinary life as a monastery, using its challenges and joys as fuel for the path of enlightenment, is called by Gurdjieff “the Fourth Way.” It’s a way which uses the physical body, emotions, and mind equally, while also learning to still and transcend them when necessary. It is not what Gurdjieff calls the way of the fakir, in which one tortures one’s physical body to reach enlightenment. It is not what Gurdjieff calls the way of the monk, either, in which religious devotion and emotion exclusively are used to reach enlightenment. Nor is it, finally, what he calls the way of the yogi, in which intellect and philosophizing are used to reach enlightenment.

In Hindu traditions, these are called hatha yoga (yoga of physical postures), bhakti yoga (yoga of love and devotion), and jnana yoga (yoga of intellect/knowledge) respectively.

In Plato’s Republic, a just man is said to be one who has balanced his body, his emotions and his intellect in a proper hierarchical fashion. Recursively, a just state is one in which physical types (athletes, soldiers, police, etc), emotional types (artists, priests, etc), and intellectual types (philosophers, theologians, etc.) fulfill their role properly. This also appears in a distorted form as the Hindu caste tradition, another tradition with some wisdom at the core of it which eventually became corrupted.

>> No.15818832

This way of using ordinary life as a monastery is also called by some, “the secret tantric path of Shiva.” Gurdjieff also calls it “the way of the householder”, or, in Russian, “the way of the obyvatel.” Obyvatel is a slightly disparaging Russian term for a down-to-Earth peasant or householder, but Gurdjieff says it’s actually such people who have the most potential.

It’s also similar to the path Nisargadatta Maharaj recommended: live your life normally, don’t try to escape it, but ever be looking into the sense of “I am.” Nisargadatta was a shopkeeper, particularly infamous for being a cigarette salesman in particular.

Look also into Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, and Samkhya.

>> No.15818954

The Hopi tribe and other Amerindian tribes have traditions of meeting some entities from the stars they called “the little people” or sometimes even just “the star people.”

>> No.15819094

Some science-fiction movies and TV shows about extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity are actually veiled revelations/warnings to prepare the brainwashed human masses for a tremendous paradigm shift.

Some, like “Signs” and “Independence Day,” are also meant to make us afraid of extraterrestrial races, as if they’re all evil and the Israeli, UK, and US governments are filled with patriotic heroes who want to protect us all from such a threat. This is also part of the preparation for a possible Project Blue Beam fake UFO invasion to institute martial law, mass genocide, and a One World Government NWO police state, I’m incredibly sorry to have to say to some of you.

>> No.15819099

Be fearless. Divine mantra will protect you from all such threats. This time is meant to create fearless soldiers, and clear away the weak and unfit human institutions which don’t really do anything good for anybody.

>> No.15819133

Irina Tweedie, in her book “Daughter of Fire” (1907-1999), in which she recounts her studying under a Hindu Sufi Sheikh in India, Radha Mohan Lal, of the hybrid Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiya Order, recounts one particularly disturbing and also amazing legend of what a Sufi sheikh once did in India. He took a child, beat him to death, appearing to everyone else as if he had gone insane and was a demonically-possessed madman, then resurrected him, after which the kid is said to have become a saint.

She also recounts a tale of her guru exorcising a demon out of a child.

She also recounts seeing a flying shiny disc in the sky, remarking that it looks like one of those flying saucers that the newspapers sometimes mentions, and seeing her guru smile as if knowingly. She asks him, “Do you know what it is?” “Yes.” “Will you tell me?” The guru shakes his head and mischievously says, “No.”

>> No.15819248

>Last night, while I was looking at the sky, I noticed an object lit brightly. It seemed to be triangular against the dark, cloudy sky, but I could not be sure because only the rear part of it was brightly lit, so it “was difficult to judge the exact shape. It was passing at a terrific speed in complete silence; no engines could be heard, nor a motor noise, and the speed was far greater than that of any airplane. It passed right across the sky, coming from the west, and disappeared behind the roof,tops to the east. I was wondering if it was one of those things people call a flying saucer? But I was not really much interested, nor excited by it. At that moment I was doing something more important: I was listening to the currents inside my body. For my body was full of Sound… a Sound connected with the light circulating in it, with this mysterious Web burning my tissues. The outlines of the heart were clearly visible—it was surrounded with a faint bluish light, beating regularly… a beautiful sight….

> “It was a windless, very dark night. Later, I saw another object passing, also very “swiftly, but slower than the first. This one was dimly lit with a sort of hazy light and could not be discerned clearly.

>It seemed to be round, or of a roundish shape, and it was flying lower than the first, and it disappeared to the right, to the South. But I was listening to my heartbeat, to the increasing and decreasing rate of it that seemed to be much more important at the moment.

>No, as I already said, I will probably remember nothing of these days full of dust, heat, hot wind and wonderful fragrance drifting from the gardens behind high brick walls where white bungalows stand in sheltered seclusion… mindless days… of the longing so strong that I cried aloud sometimes in sheer physical torment—such was the pain in the heart….


>“There will be no one to remember. Without the mind? And it is a great pity, because those are water,shed days, milestones, on the way, leading me somewhere… they are a transition to something else.

>Strong vibration was at the base of the Spine Chakra this morning.

>Wondered if there will be trouble again, but there was none. The sky was a livid mother of pearl and turquoise, and delicate feathers of such tender pink were painted on it by the Great Painter of the World.

>”Drunk,” I said, this morning when I came. ”Drunk I am.” He did not answer, but continued to pray, giving a slight shake of his mala from time to time. His lips formed a long succession of soundless words.

>> No.15819253

>Talked to him for a while. Don’t remember one word… only remember saying that I saw one object in the sky.

>“There were two of them,” he said quietly, interrupting his prayers for a moment to change the position of his legs.

>“Yes,” I said, “two,” and I described them. “Do you know what they were?” He nodded. “Will you tell me what they are?” He shook his head. He and his family sleep on the flat roof, like most of the Indian families at this time of the year, for it is much cooler there. He must have seen them too. When later, I asked him again, as politely as possible, to tell me what they were, he said sternly that one should avoid useless talk. And that was all.”

Excerpt From
Daughter of Fire
Tweedie, Irina

>> No.15819302

Tweedie documents her five-year process of purification and inner work with the heart in the "Naqshbandi" or "Golden Sufi" tradition: the daily doubts, agonies, discomforts, culture shocks, terrors, bodily states, uncertainties, and ecstasies along the path to truth.

About the Author

Irina Tweedie was born in Russia in 1907. With a background in Theosophy, she travelled to India where she met a Sufi Master. After his death in 1966, she returned to England and brought his teachings to the West. She passed away in London in 1999, and her work is being continued through The Golden Sufi Center in California.

>> No.15819333

Just to repeat, it’s a coincidence that Naqshbandi Idries Shah refers to the Balkan Sufi Sayed Jafar Gulshani being taken up in a luminous chariot, that Naqshbandi/Sarmouni-trained G.I. Gurdjieff writes “Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson” about angels/demons/ETs on spaceships, and that Irina Tweedie of the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiya Order also reports seeing 2 flying saucers while training with her guru.

It’s also a coincidence that Idries Shah claims Sufis talk telepathically, that a student H.B.M. Dervish gives some accounts of this in “Journeys With a Sufi Master,” that P.D. Ouspensky claims he learned to talk telepathically with Gurdjieff eventually, and that Irina Tweedie claims at the end of her book “Daughter of Fire” that she telepathically communicates with her guru at times even after his death.

It is also a coincidence that John E. Mack, Budd Hopkins, Whitley Strieber, Billy Meier, and countless other abductees/contactees/scholars claim extraterrestrials communicate with them or their patients telepathically.

>> No.15819375

True Naqshbandis are not Muslim terrorists. In fact, they urge Muslims to be peaceful. The CIA and Mossad fund, create, and possibly at times even impersonate terrorist Muslim groups, as in their false flag 9/11 attack, to justify the creation of a global police surveillance state. All pettiness about religion must stop.


Known as the Eleven Naqshbandi principles, the first eight were formulated by Abdul Khaliq Gajadwani, and the last three were added by Baha-ud-Din Naqshband Bukhari.[6]

Remembrance (Yad kard – Persian: یاد کرد): Always orally and mentally repeating the dhikr.
Restraint (Baz gasht – Persian: بازگشت ): Engaging in the heart repetition of the al-kalimat at-tayyiba phrase – "La-ilaha il-allah muhammadur rasul-allah".
Watchfulness (Nigah dasht – Persian: نگاه داشت): Being conscientious over wandering thoughts while repeating Al-kalimat at-tayyiba.
Recollection (Yad dasht – Persian: ياد داشت): Concentration upon the Divine presence in a condition of dhawq, foretaste, intuitive anticipation or perceptiveness, not using external aids.
Awareness while breathing (Hosh dar dam – Persian: هوش در دم): Controlling one's breathing by not exhaling or inhaling in the forgetfulness of the Divine.
Journeying in one's homeland (Safar dar vatan - Persian سفر در وطن): An internal journey that moves the person from having blameworthy to praiseworthy properties. This is also referred to as the vision or revelation of the hidden side of the shahada.
Watching one's step (Nazar bar qadam): Do not be distracted from purpose of the ultimate journey.
Solitude in a crowd (Khalwat dar anjuman): Although journey is outwardly in this world, it is inwardly with God.
Temporal pause (Wuquf-I zamani): Keeping account of how one spends his or her time. If time is spent rightfully give thanks and time is spent incorrectly ask for forgiveness.
Numerical pause (Wuquf-I adadi): Checking that the dhikr has been repeated in odd numbers.
Heart pause (Wuquf-I qalbi): Forming a mental picture of one's heart with the name of God engraved to emphasize that the heart has no consciousness or goal other than God.


Robert Anton Wilson also recounts meeting a Sufi in his book “Cosmic Trigger,” as well as deeply studying Gurdjieff, as well as doing Sufi heart meditation exercises. He was a hidden saint, bless him.

>> No.15819422

Arabic dhikr (silent repetition of sacred phrases in rhythm with the breathing) is parallel to Hindu mantras also repeated by some Hindus silently with the breathing. This is something like a form of auto-hypnosis/self-programming which can take one into higher states of consciousness. Nisargadatta Maharaj gave mantras to some of his students, for instance, and talked about its great benefits.

In the Navanth Sampradaya, the tradition in which Nisargadatta was taught vedanta by his Guru Siddharameshwar Maharaj, spiritual aspirants were initiated with a mantra. A mantra is a word or phrase that is repeated in order to calm the mind or bring about some other spiritual effects. Here is what Nisargadatta says about mantra repetition.

"I was taught to give attention to my sense of ‘I am’ and I found it
supremely effective. Therefore, I can speak of it with full
confidence. But often people come with bodies, brains and minds
so mishandled, perverted and weak that the state of formless
attention is beyond them. In such cases some simpler token of
earnestness (like repeating a ‘mantra’) is appropriate. After all
it is the earnestness that is indispensable, the crucial factor. ‘Sadhana’
is only a vessel and it must be filled to be brim with earnestness,
which is but love in action. For nothing can be done without love."

"Repetition of ‘Mantra’ takes one to the pure ‘I am’ state or ‘Sattva
Guna’ and from there one merges into the source of all bliss, and
then, all knowledge that you possess is laid down or surrendered
and you merge with the Absolute beyond all name and form."

When specifically asked about how useful a mantra would be to a modern-day Westerner seeking self-knowledge, he answered "none":

Questioner: In Europe there is no tradition of a mantra, except
in some contemplative orders. Of what use is it to a modern day
young Westerner?

Nisargadatta: None, unless he is very much attracted. For him
the right procedure is to adhere to the thought that he is the ground
of all knowledge, the immutable and perennial awareness of all that
happens to the senses and mind. If he keeps it in mind all the
time, aware and alert, he is bound to break the boundsof non-awareness
and emerge into pure life, light and love.

The idea - 'I am the witness only' will purify the body and the mind
and open the eye of wisdom. Then man goes beyond illusion and his
heart is free of all desires.

Just like ice turns to water and water to vapour, and vapour dissolves in
air and disappears into space, so does the body dissolve into pure
awareness (chidakash), then into pure being (paramakash), which is
beyond all existence and non-existence.


Gurdjieff also talks about “conscious breathing” in many of his works. According to him, this actually helps us take in subtle energies from the atmosphere around us and energize our subtle body.

>> No.15819445

If you want to go ahead and telepathically kiss the feet of your guru here, go ahead and do it. Then go to absolutoracle.com and telepathically kiss the feet of your even greater guru. Humility, devotion, appreciation and respect is required to truly learn. Some of our readers fortunately already know this intuitively.

>> No.15819461

Mansur al Hallaj (858-922) was a Persian Sufi mystic regarded as an insane heretic by some Muslims of his day for saying things such as “I am the Truth” (a’nal-haqq in Arabic). He’s also supposed to have worked some miracles for his disciples. He was eventually executed and hacked to pieces by close-minded Muslims of his day, and prayed for Allah to have mercy on them in the meanwhile.

>> No.15819490

Maybe some people here will learn some new positions of their assemblage point, to heighten their own awareness, during sex or masturbation, as in some esoteric Sufi and Tantric traditions.

>> No.15819582

>RENDAN, “THE CLEVER ONES.” The sufis use a technical term rend (adj. rendi, pl. rendan) to designate one “clever enough to drink wine in secret without getting caught”: the dervish version of “Permissible Dissimulation” (taqiyya, whereby Shiites are permitted to lie about their true affiliation to avoid persecution as well as advance the purpose of their propaganda).

>On the plane of the “Path”, the rend conceals his spiritual state (hal) in order to contain it, work on it alchemically, enhance it. This “cleverness” explains much of the secrecy of the Orders, altho it remains true that many dervishes do literally break the rules of Islam (shariah), offend tradition (sunnah), and flout the customs of their society – all of which gives them reason for real secrecy.

Hakim Bey, “The Temporary Autonomous. Zone” (1991)


Nagual shamans are also told to learn something called “stalking,” in which they can appear as an ordinary person even while they have their own hidden extraordinary life. Brilliant Nagual “stalkers” will appear to be normal people whenever they need to be, but can also suddenly break out of this role they play whenever necessary. To do this, according to the shaman Don Juan Matus, they must learn to be ruthless, cunning, patient, and sweet at the same time.

>For that you need to be ruthless, cunning, patient, and sweet. Stalking is an art applicable to everything. There are four steps to learning it: ruthlessness, cunning, patience, and sweetness. Ruthlessness should not be harshness, cunning should not be cruelty, patience should not be negligence, and sweetness should not be foolishness.
Carlos Castaneda, “The Power of Silence” (1987)

In the Gurdjieff Fourth Way teachings, this is learning how to “self-remember” and secretly develop your own hidden inner state while outwardly playing your role in society as whatever your outward occupation is.

Some of your lives and outer personalities (or tonals, as the Nagual shamans call it) have been totally fucked over by this. This is why you must learn to be rendis or “stalkers.” Read up on Idries Shah’s Sufi books and stories, as well as Nagual shaman books.

Bahaudin Naqshband lived a double life as a businessman and as the Sufi Teacher of the Age. Gurdjieff was a quite successful businessman and even carpet salesman. Gary Chicoine is the present Teacher of the Age and also a retired international management consultant. I am here in the lobby of this building I work at. Learn to live this double life and stop spurting our your stupid opinions randomly or trying to convert or convince everyone you know of this! I’ve had to learn this the hard way and so may some of you.

>> No.15819779

Shakti is bringing this to a close. I genuinely feel I have nothing else to say for now. Farewell.

>> No.15820661

“Modern liberal Satanic brainwashing”***

>> No.15820783

I truly do love some of you with all my heart and more, which I say right now because I’m drunk on some liquor I’ve stolen from my father, who doesn’t know I’m the “son of God.” My father abused me physically, mentally, and emotionally as a child, but this is because he himself was abused by his own authoritarian parents in communist Albania. He also had to face fear of being captured and punished by communist atheist government officials for secretly being a Catholic. My own father (God bless him — honor thy father and mother) had to do Catholic rituals in a dark barn at night lit by candles because the atheist Communists outlawed religion in Albania for a while. So did other Albanian Catholics have to do their religious practices until communism fell in Albania around 1991. He also was forced to join the army around the age of 18-21, another policy they had, and eventually got fed up with Albania and decided to leave with his childhood sweetheart, my own poor mentally ill mother.

He had to fear being captured and executed by communists for trying to flee the country.

He and some other family members of mine (such as aunts and uncles and cousins) spent some time in a Yugoslavian refugee camp.

He came to America at the age of 20-21 (the age I am right now) and had 5 children, three daughters and two sons. He was physically, emotionally and mentally abusive to them because that was how he was raised in Albania. He didn’t understand American social norms which say it’s not OK to slap or beat your child. He himself was beat and tortured by his own parents in Albania, he’s revealed to me at times in his own more sentimental and drunken moods.

My father and mother will never know about the crazy shit I talk about. They have a simple faith in Catholicism and Jesus Christ which they think will save them. Please pray for them and make their time in “heaven” (a temporary resting-place in between reincarnations, for many people) as nice as possible. Send them good energy.

My father nowadays helps friends, friends of friends, immediate family members, and family members of family members, as well as all the other combinations of these, to get into America. He helps them through all the bureaucratic immigration paperwork they have to do for it, translating documents saying that they’re refugees or asylees from the current Socialist-controlled government in Albania, a small Balkan country, which persecutes Democrats (another political party of Albania) and Demo-Christians (3rd political party). I myself help him with these translations of these documents of Albanians recording how they are persecuted there in Albania and want them and their family to move to America to have a better life, and so do other family members.

My own dad works as a doorman/porter/janitor like I do, getting paid 20-30ish dollars an hour. He helped me get this summer job by asking at the company he works at.

>> No.15820812

This is the career he has to work at for the rest of his life because he’s a white Albanian immigrant with an Albanian accent and without a college degree. He knows I’m very smart and wants me to get a much better job and be very rich and well respected so he can feel like all his suffering has been worth it.

My own older sister is going to law school to become a lawyer, but even the job market for law school grade is fucked nowadays compared to how it was decades ago.

My dad and mom don’t know I’m some type of mystic or have had telepathic communication and possibly blacked-out physical interaction with alien races. They view me as a weird, intelligent, troubled kid who orders a lot of books about aliens and mysticism from Amazon, wasting the money he’s saved up from his doorman summer job.

I spent almost 8,000$ (almost all the money I made at my doorman job) last summer on books about conspiracy theories, extraterrestrials, and mysticism. My dad and mom heavily criticized me for this and even pitied me at times for this. My mom works in a clerical capacity at the New York Department of Parks and Recreation. Both of them have had to sacrifice for me to go to college.

Please offer a prayer for my mother and my father.

>> No.15820812,1 [INTERNAL] 

OP can you make me a bibliography for this post

>> No.15820850

Why don’t you go pound shit into a rathole?

>> No.15820868

Fuck academia. Fuck professors and teachers. Thank you for ruining my life, wasting my and my parent’s money, and convincing me you had something important to teach me and were ultimate authorities above me worthy of grading me and my essays. From the bottom of my heart, fuck you. Quit your stupid job and do something better. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Thanks for reading.

>> No.15820883

> getting spanked is torture
A picture of basedbugman NPC would be appropriate right about now.

>> No.15820903

Go burn in hell, you soulless rat. I don’t feel bad for your upcoming execution by the NWO. I dance on your grave. Go ahead and laugh at this post. God has other plans for you,

>> No.15821217
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Known of you site for years, I especially enjoy the medicine power animal oracle


>> No.15821365

Just read it for free online lmao