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15495397 No.15495397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books that can stop me from being racist? I don't want to be racist?

>> No.15495412
File: 59 KB, 432x668, The+Critique+of+Pure+Reason+by+Immanuel+Kant+freebookvally.blogspot.com+kshdjkjkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15495415
File: 983 KB, 585x2300, african american lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking the emphatic approach is probably the best place to start. Just read some of these to try to see the perspective of black people better

>> No.15495420

it's fine anon, just don't be a hateful racist, don't fixate and dwell upon it, just accept the ugly truth of the matter and move on

>> No.15495432

First of all a firm grounding in the science.
We are all a related species. With outward physical differences Formed for vast time apart only.

So-thought “great cultures” and “primitive” ones are a result of geography and resources, not genetics.

>> No.15495440

No books. Only love can drive out hate

>> No.15495441

meant empathetic

>> No.15495447


>> No.15495454

Intelligent racism
>It is obvious from the statistics and historical evidence that whites exceed blacks in almost all departments. Therefore, since I value excellence in these departments, I believe whites are superior to blacks.
Unintelligent racism
>I judge individuals by their skin colour. I do not know what averages or bimodal distributions are. If one category exceeds another category on average, that means all the members from the first category are worse than all the members from the second category. I also believe that if a wall is big, the bricks that make it up must be big. I refuse to engage with other cultures and prefer mine for no reason other than genetic predisposition. My views on politics are lacking in nuance and I will support any policy that I perceive as going against the Other. My entire worldview is formed on group-identification; and I believe there is no strong philosophical argument against inbreeding.

>> No.15495456

Many West Africans have sloped foreheads and lack a well-developed prefrontal cortex.
I don't see the issue with racism towards blacks. Racism towards blacks is something all Caucasoids understood through honest observation. In fact, I think mass extermination or deportation of blacks is morally just, theologically and morally speaking. I am not being "ironic" either.

>> No.15495467

>morally just, theologically and morally speaking
just, theologically and morally speaking*

>> No.15495468

>Many West Africans have sloped foreheads and lack a well-developed prefrontal cortex
when will u learn that phrenology is not fucking credible

>> No.15495470

And yet the horse and donkey can only produce a sterile creature.
Humans are a a varied species. Get over it Klaus

>> No.15495472

Get a 130iq Nigerian GF

>> No.15495479

Good point
Elaborate on that mr. le utilitarian

>> No.15495485
File: 43 KB, 572x532, Cs48qfnVIAA2Mw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only at a certain point it loses credibility. When making very general observations on macro-racial differences of humans, it still has some validity.
West Africans are a separate subspecies. Pretty much every race is on a genetic continuum except for blacks. Check image. Zoom out of a PCA plot and this is what you get.

>> No.15495489

No, fool. Same species.

>> No.15495492

I'm not a utilitarian. What do you want me to further elaborate on? Also, I have views that would make /pol/ seethe too.

>> No.15495503

There are many subspecies of crows with less Fst and genetic distance than humans, and they are classed as a separate subspecies. These crows look identical too. Different subspecies can still procreate.

>> No.15495506
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how can you be racist if there's just one race: the hyuman race?

>> No.15495510

How is mass extermination morally just and according to which religion is it theologically just