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File: 398 KB, 1500x1000, Uncle-Hugo-x-Uncle-Edgar14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15485568 No.15485568 [Reply] [Original]


Uncle Hugo's & Uncle Edgar's was one of the most beloved book stores in Minnesota. The oldest sci-fi book store in the state and one of the oldest in the nation. It was a trove of rare sci fi books and comics.

Rioters just burned it down during the riots in Minneapolis. Guy doing a live stream spoke to someone right as it was going up, he said it was his favorite childhood bookstore. And now it's ash.

Press U to pay respects to the Uncles.

>> No.15485570


>> No.15485595

Yeah I just saw this place get torched on /pol/ on the stream.

For anyone not watching or following, the stream that this happened on, it's very obvious that the niggers are doing random looting but well-organized white guys in balaclavas are going around systematically starting fires and smashing shit. Very shady. They were trying to set fire to an apartment building with people in it, old people and a dude in a wheelchair who said he couldn't get out.

You can tell just by looking at the bookstore that it was historic and neighborhood fixture, not to mention part of a million kids' lives. No way they got their inventory out either. Sad shit.

>> No.15485610

>sci-fi and comics
Oh no the horror !!!!!

>> No.15485628
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Here's the guy who founded and still ran the place before it was burned down. He seems like he was still active, since the latest newsletter is just a week or two ago. Imagine pouring your soul into something like this for fifty years out of pure passion and it ends like this.

>> No.15485688

maybe the real bookshop was the friends we made along the way?

>> No.15485794

>n-n-no no it's not the 80 iq apes that are a-actually doing this it's shady white guys!!!!

>> No.15485820

A tragedy. Regardless of your views on the whole situation, it's a damn shame that something like this no longer exists. I feel sorry for the owners too.

>> No.15485826

The goofy bastards deserve it. It's a leftist area and they are more than to pander to the rioters.

>> No.15485845

The whites are at fault for being race traitors. If you talk to any random white person in that area there's a good chance they support the protests.

>> No.15485858

just a couple of fellas going for a jog

>> No.15485862

das rite

>> No.15485875

I’m a white racist from the UK but I support the riots. Police shouldn’t be violently murdering people in the streets, black or white.

>> No.15485880

This. Also, google this Don Blyly guy - he's a law school graduate and won a case against a city a few years ago. It's all probably insured, like every other business in America.
Horrific betrayal of something something.

>> No.15485883


>> No.15485891

Murder is the intentional killing of somebody. Is that really what you think happened here? This cop put his on the back of the guys head with the intention of killing him while in front of an audience with cameras on him? That is ridiculous. A badly trained cop killing a guy in the course of his duty is no reason to riot.

What even is the goal of the protesters? Justice comes from the courts. Black people have all the legally recognized rights everyone else has. The cop will be investigated and the family of the guy will be compensated. What purpose for these protests is left? It's to strike back at whitey.

The people that assume racism every time a white guy kills a black guy do so because they hate white people. This is why there is never any riots when a black cop kills a white one. Any white people who support this is a race traitor.

>> No.15485913

>Murder is the intentional killing of somebody. Is that really what you think happened here?
If a non-cop did the same thing he would be charged with murder or at least manslaughter. Cops look after each other, which is why these guys only got fired.
>What even is the goal of the protesters? Justice comes from the courts
To strike back at what they see as an unjust, racist system. Precisely because American cops never get indicted in any of these cases. These guys got fired but they will not be charged with murder or manslaughter. So no justice will not “come from the courts.”
It’s not a riot with a specific goal in mind. It’s merely a display of power from the community. “You attack us, we’ll attack you.” That sort of thing. Perhaps it will get police institutions to think more about training their officers better. Probably not.
>Any white people who support this is a race traitor.
Cry more dickhead.

>> No.15485926

The cop is being charged with manslaughter you dumb, ill informed bastard. If a non cop did that, yes, they too would be charged with manslaughter. What the hell is unjust and racist about the system? What needs to change? Accidents like this will always happen regardless of training. It's a fact of life.

Black people have a collectivist mindset, they see themselves as a group which has been attacked by another group. Now they are going on the offensive in the form of these protests and they're destroying what they perceive as white property. That is all this is. They and people like you hate white people. They don't care that the cop is being investigated and charged, and they don't care about the results of any forthcoming lawsuits from the family of the victim.

>> No.15485930

Calling a system racist and unjust doesn't make it so. Prove it.

>> No.15485932

So, even the burning of an independent bookstore won't unite /lit/ with a collective hatred of niggers? Impressive.

>> No.15485935

Why do people not protest against capital like this?

>> No.15485943

>What even is the goal of the protesters? Justice comes from the courts.
6 years ago the same shit happened, but the protests were comparatively peaceful; there were token changes, body cameras, changes to police training, but these were ultimately meaningless, nothing actually changed. Even if one cop gets charged, there are thousands more waiting with the exact same hangups, the exact same violent tendencies, so people still get murdered by the pigs for no reason. When governments fail to take action in response to peaceful protest, there is no option except to be less peaceful the next time round.

>> No.15485958

>for no reason
He commited a crime and resisted arrest.

>> No.15485965

Cops killing people in the course of their duty is a fact of life. This is something that will never be entirely prevented because there will always be criminals and they will always fight back. There are certainly changes to be made in training to help mitigate it, but to expect killings to stop entirely is absurd. To demand it is ridiculous, and to give an ultimatum that they either stop or violence ensures is evil. You dumb motherfuckers need a bullet.

>> No.15485969
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These riots prove that demographics is destiny and nothing can delay the inevitable chimpout when your country has subpopulations with significant IQ asymmetry. All white Americans should move to Europe. When Rome failed, the center of Western civilization shifted back to the East, to Greece. History now repeats itself. America will fail and the center of white civilization will return east to Europe.

>> No.15485974

>The cop is being charged with manslaughter you dumb, ill informed bastard.
Oh my bad then. I just looked it up and he’s being charged with murder and manslaughter. I didn’t see any news of this yesterday, and usually cops don’t get charged in these cases, so I assumed he wasn’t getting charged. My fault.
>Accidents like this will always happen regardless of training. It's a fact of life.
This never happens in Britain, sorry to say mate, or any other European country. Only America.
Yes, I already said this. The riots are a retaliatory action, without a specific goal in mind. You hit us, we’ll hit you. That’s the mindset and I’m sympathetic to it.
However they are also proof of the failure of pluralism. We simply can’t have multi-ethnic society because it entails social unrest like this. The best thing to do would be for blacks to have a state or two apportioned to them, where they are left alone to govern themselves.

>> No.15485982

Yes, that is the case. It's called insurance fraud. You pay the ADL, the SPLC, etc etc etc, and suddenly that massively over insured over leveraged building of yours is on fire, and your policy conveniently covers civil unrest! This happens every election year.

>Black people have a collectivist mindset, they see themselves as a group which has been attacked by another group. Now they are going on the offensive in the form of these protests and they're destroying what they perceive as white property. That is all this is. They and people like you hate white people. They don't care that the cop is being investigated and charged, and they don't care about the results of any forthcoming lawsuits from the family of the victim.
Basically this. The problem is that they think like this, and people like >>15485943 don't. They adhere to ~individualism~.

>> No.15485991

He stepped on him for 10 minutes while he was in custody. That is 100% avoidable, but the cops know they have little accountability. Cops will ofcourse kill on duty, but that doesn't mean this particular man had to die.

>> No.15486040

God I wish I was there that night with two shopping carts and a crowbar

>> No.15486043

Perhaps this boomer should had done something when niggers started appearing in his neighborhood.

>> No.15486047


Do you know how Athens looks today?

>> No.15486056 [DELETED] 

Fucking niggers

>> No.15486068

Yes, ever heard of 1453? The Byzantines failed too, just 1000 years later than Rome. Where would you prefer to leave in the year 550? Ravenna or Byzantium?

Though I have no doubt that Europe will eventually fail, white civilization will probably endure there for the remainder of our lifetimes. America...not so much.

>> No.15486070


>believing the Byzantines carried the torch

It is so incredibly ironic you're accusing anyone else of having an iq of 80

>> No.15486073


>white civilisation

have you not been payign attention?

>> No.15486110


>This never happens in Britain, sorry to say mate, or any other European country. Only America.

Some latino mitch henriques got choked to death by dutch cops few years back. Niggers rioted ofcourse though dutch niggers are pretty weak.

>> No.15486113


Thank god liberal whites dont have children. Their genetic disease will wipe out.

>> No.15486116
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Did the Anti Sci Fi Threads incite this violence targeting this store?
Ought we feel responsible?

>> No.15486123

My what about the Mystery half. It was innocent

>> No.15486127
File: 485 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200530-142335_WhatsApp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We bullied that lone /lit/ negro too much, and he told on the others. It was unavoidable.

Also, why do negros keep tossing those sunflower seeds in the train. Pic rel.

>> No.15486132


>> No.15486139

>white guys in balaclavas are going around systematically starting fires and smashing shit
Delta force tier insidiously usurping the original nigger violence to the excess state that warrants any authoritarian action to be tolerated.
Protest are impossible in modern times due to the police's and an intelligence agency's clandestine efforts.
it is fucking disgusting but pretty cool too.

>> No.15486146

yeah there are agents provocateurs in this
they planned the staged arrest of that journalist and there are guys going around carefully directing the riots
absolutely feds involved in this shit

>> No.15486152

Cause they are niggers. Kant said that people such as niggers (and women) can't comprehend the categorical imperative
ofc. Election season is coming up so glow niggers need to bring the post 2016 forgotten and irrelevant BLM movement back into picture.
It is crazy how manifest their actions are yet people chose to ignore it for some more righteous sentiment.

>> No.15486202

Premeditated murder is intentional killing, anon. Felony murder is any homicide that results from extreme negligible behavior - such as crushing the wind pipe of someone begging for air.

>> No.15486304

It's probably commie/antifa faggots who set the fires and they are almost exclusively white guys.
Blacks do most of the looting, though.

>> No.15486455

People always told me /lit/ was the worst board, but I'm still surprised by this thread

>> No.15486464

Insurance doesn't cover riots. Everyone whose business was burned down is fucked. That's why no one ever rebuilds after this. Insurance requires you to rebuild on the same spot.

>> No.15486485

I have no respect for white people who support these protests because they're either too stupid to recognize the group warfare taking place or they're complicit in it, meaning they're self hating whites. The police officer killing the guy is just an excuse to attack white people. These cries for quality or justice are completely hollow and it doesn't matter what happens to the cop or police in general. They could completely reform police in this country but they will still hate white people.

>> No.15486515

Take this shit to /pol/ you fucking racist

>> No.15486521

Go back.

>> No.15486533

The world is racist, cupcake. The only difference between them and you is they don't have a compulsive self hatred.

>> No.15486536

Bookstores aren't /it/ content?

>> No.15486537

I was talking to my mom this morning, and she mentioned reading in the Times about a group called the Boogaloo Bois. She pronounced Bois as if it were French. I have no interest in current events and had never heard of this group before.
I asked: "are they a group of young men preparing for the second coming of something?"
Congrats to the hacker known as 4chan, you have your own argot and I'm semi-fluent in it.

>> No.15486546

Hopefully they had good insurance

>> No.15486596

>commie/antifa faggots
Those are honey pot or literal glow nigger groups.
Any real "damage" these groups did is most likely jsut glow niggers.

>> No.15486623

I was watching the videos (because there are cellphones filming everything) and you could see masked college age white guys with backpacks in groups scheming. Looked like typical smash the system "antifa" retards.
Sure it could be glowies too, but you've got plenty of brainwashed white boys eager to do this stuff.

>> No.15486634

>white man risks arrest and peril to effect propagande par le fait
>black man gets a free TV
Makes you think

>> No.15486636

Do you think you live in the judge dredd universe? It doesn't matter if he was the worst serial killer that ever lived, he has a constitutional right to a trial.

>> No.15486697

The cops were a bit too rough, but they were arresting him, not intentionally killing him. He died because he had a medical condition

>> No.15486755

how do iqfags cope with the fact that the superior iq nation, china, is steadily rising economically and has a giant population? aren't we to them a bunch of "niggers" with 20 less iq than them?

>> No.15486785

Sounds like they are trying to burn down properties so they can buy them up cheap and develop into properties that gentrify the area. Developers did the same thing in the 80's in DC. They would pay homeless people to set fire to buildings that they were trying to buy, but the owners refused to sell.

>> No.15486791

China manipulates their figures greatly.
Their top schools aren't superior to top (in performance not just esteem) schools in Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Taiwan or Singapore.

>> No.15486816

The IQ difference between East Asia and Europe usually measures to be around 5, maybe 10 points absolute maximum. Meanwhile the difference between Europe and Africa is 30 points or more, decreasing to around 20-25 for Africans in the West. Not comparable.

>> No.15486843

1. Only schmucks care about the constitution.
2. It's a dumb law anyway. If you resist arrest and there's a video proof of it, you can get killed. There are no drawbacks to this rule.

>> No.15486844

My favorite protest in China was the student protest against teachers who instituted a policy against cheating. The students argued that by stopping them from cheating they were being put at a disadvantage since cheating is more or less allowed in every other school in the country. The teachers relented and allowed the students to cheat on their national exams.

>> No.15486849

1. How was business for this corona season? What kind of fire insurance did they have?

2. Cops really ought to try to not kill the people they’re charged with protecting and serving so protests turned riots don’t happen.

Please stop making pol threads

>> No.15486874

China is a technological parasite and its industry only exists because the west likes to pretend they're the equivalent of an African country so they're not held to the same labor and pollution standards as everyone else. It's actually cheaper to ship goods to and from China than it is from New York to LA.

>> No.15486880

even if they have insurance to cover it, this is a local bookstore not a starbucks. I doubt all that was lost to the owners if material wealth

>> No.15486901

>Insurance doesn't cover riots.
I doubt this is true, but even so for a country that relies so much on insurance you sure do have the worst insurance companies.

>> No.15486906

Doubt me if you like, I'm right. Riots are covered nowhere if you don't buy specific insurance for it. Underwriters would be fools to include it.

>> No.15486911

If I had a scifi book shop I'd probably burn it down.

>> No.15486913

Their own fault for not protecting their business with guns.


>> No.15486915

Everyone affected by the London riots got paid out. You'd be fools not to make underwriters include it.

>> No.15486916

fascist book burners at it again!

>> No.15486921

No, I'm aware of the trickery of US insurance companies but a lot of that is because people don't challenge these things in court. For both the corona virus and this new riot damage there is a basis for any number of class action lawsuits, it just takes someone to organize it.

>> No.15486924

he white so him got dat cash to jus make another store

>> No.15486936

>Please stop making pol threads
Please stop making reddit comments

>> No.15486940

What about a Mystery one?

>> No.15486941 [DELETED] 

When the riots come to Woodland Hills, I'm dragging you out by your fat tits and setting you on fire.

>> No.15486946

>hey fellow 4channelers have you heard that if you don't like /pol/ you must be reddit?

>> No.15486952

Antifa scum, should be publicly flayed.

>> No.15486954

I like mystery so it's patrician and high art and should be protected at all costs.

>> No.15486957

Check the OP pic again, half the story was mystery

>> No.15486960

Yeah, I suppose.

No really, get off my board, squatters.

>> No.15486964

It's a postmodern dilemma.

>> No.15486980

>hey fellow /lit/ posters have you heard that if you don't like rioters and looters literally burning down your city you must be /pol/?

>> No.15486990

Anon, GITDs ARE the anarcho-leftists. They are government employees. They literally work for the government or a non-profit sustained by the government as a day job, in most cases. This isn't a popular uprising (there's no such thing) - if you're a normal white man, this is the REAL government protesting YOU in order to expand its power.

>> No.15487016

> GITDs ARE the anarcho-leftists
That makes them not actual anarcho leftists
They are con men in the "legitimate" groups using the facade to further push their goals.
Why conflate the >>15486623
> brainwashed white boys eager to do (this) stuff
for the alphabet niggers?
There are proper glow niggers and useful rogue pawns, who can be working governemnt jobs as well.

>> No.15487051

No, they are. They're earnest anarcho-leftists that work for the government. The real government (aristocratic leftists and the complex of media-univerisities-nonprofits) calls protests against the fake government to expand its own power. With protests like these they can rile up the blacks for Election Day and try to federalize the police. This is how the Left is in the West - there are no spontaneous popular uprisings, just Power petitioning itself.

>> No.15487070

bookstores are exactly the kind of thing that gentrifies areas why would they burn one down

>> No.15487141 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 500x381, FI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word on the street is that Uncle Edgar's is a trot outfit that had a bunch of Fourth International memorabilia stashed in the back. It was payback for Kronstadt.

>> No.15487151 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, 1579288885338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Niggers.

>> No.15487164

Here's what kicked off the riots by the way. White guy in all black wearing a gas mask and carrying an umbrella walks up, smashes the windows out of an Autozone, and then immediately leaves.

>> No.15487168

>well-organized white guys in balaclavas

>> No.15487172

you seriously believe that a lone white is the cause of thousands of blacks looting and burning down buildings?

>> No.15487174


>> No.15487176

He's the first one to vandalize anything as far as I know.

>> No.15487177

dead white men etc etc

>> No.15487178

Books are more important than a dead criminal that no one will care about in a year.

>> No.15487186

>What is an agent provocateur

>> No.15487189

Why do you faggots keep pushing this? The protests were already in full-swing before this guy smashed four (4) windows

>> No.15487190

Fucking niggerlovers. Traitors get the bullet first.

>> No.15487200

The rioting and looting was? It doesn't seem like the people in the video were aware since they immediately default to asking the guy if he's a cop.

>> No.15487202

Fuck you, shill. Rioting over a dead criminal is niggertier.

>> No.15487217

>It’s not a riot with a specific goal in mind. It’s merely a display of power from the community. “You attack us, we’ll attack you.”
You're a "white racist from the UK" who supports a group of people actively attacking white people. That makes you a traitor. I hope you get all the diversity you deserve.

>> No.15487219

>paying respect to property and not human life
kek crackers

>> No.15487229

The conditions for it were. Either way, no one has been able to draw a link between some guy smashing 4 windows, and the initiation of the riots-proper

>> No.15487239

I wish for once white people would burn down their own neighbourhoods so they could no longer pay the taxes that fund black welfare

>> No.15487241

Because everything they have from their clothes to their homes to their electricîty is the result of capital and they aren't childish idiots?
Like (You)?

>> No.15487245

What link do you need to draw? Someone had to smash the first window at some point.

>> No.15487246


>> No.15487256

What is the protest for? The cop was arrested and charged. They're doing it because they hate white people and that's what they're attacking. I have no sympathy for enemies and that's what the protesters are. They are a threat to my people.

>> No.15487263

lmao you're truly retarded
you think burning buildings, destroying business (and thus creating long term effects, like no one fucking investing in a ghetto that you know might be the place of the next riot and you lose everything) has no effect on life quality and on your life? you think nigger's lives are better because the cities where THEY live are burning?

>> No.15487278

The link that establishes a causal connection between them.

>> No.15487284

>Break window
>Now you can go loot, enjoy
There you go bud.

>> No.15487288

I don't get it why can it be both?
Why can't be niggers and antifa both equally responsible for the riot?

Sure some trust fund antifa crackers are probably delusional and think that if they burn some buildings and do all they can to encourage destruction they'll start a revolution.

But niggers have agency too. It's incredibly racist to treat them like children who have no agency and no will. They could just throw out the white antifa faggots out of the protests, kick them out, whatever. Instead, they go and loot places.

>> No.15487295

That whole thing with the death of this black dude reeks of CIA intervention through and through. Like, do we have a confirmed information as to what kind of a man this cop is, is he married, what type of people were his parents, etc? It all seems very shady, especially with the increased news of white-to-black violence. Particularly in this case, and seeing it as the media actively pushes this narrative, there is some further, deeper agenda going on right now, the end of which could be a possible furthering of intelligence and federal totalitarian control over the population.

>> No.15487296
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>> No.15487298
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its all about absolving the niggers. the worst sin you can commit in America is holding a nigger responsible for anything.

>> No.15487304

That's a detailed model of reality you're running there.
Sorry, but things are more complicated than "guy smashed 4 windows -> riot".

>> No.15487305
File: 126 KB, 650x945, 492B095D-9712-4375-ABCC-9ADB91C9D3F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only had to listen.

>> No.15487311

Yeah but what /pol shills like you should realize is that it's also an effect of racism. If you're racist you'll conceive niggers as children, who have no capacity of independent adult thought. They're just animals. Now, some racists see them as bad and mean animals. Some others see them as sweet and nice animals. The underlying ideology is the same.

Same thing goes for all the "BBC" and cuckold delusion. It's only possible in a country so obsessed with race like America. Nowhere else you would have such a dumb obsession with nigger's cocks.

Now, racism might be inevitable so I'm not putting any moral charges on any of this. The best outcome might be segregation.

>> No.15487312

>An autopsy found “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation” of Floyd, but revealed “underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease”

>> No.15487314

Let me put this in nigger terms for you, since that's who is looting.
>Aw shit he smashed dem windows
>Go grab dat shit
>Shit nigga we looting now
>Awwww shiiiiitttt
Hope that helps.

>> No.15487316

I don't think the CIA is that competent. The media has definitely been itching for a good race baiting story though, and that jogger stuff blew up in their face. It's an election year.

>> No.15487321

Last night they burned down a furniture store. The people doing it were organised, methodical, and they had tools to take down boards and barricades. They started fires outside, toosed furniture on, then launched fire bombs in when the store was done and ventilated so it collapsed without exploding. Once they were done they vanished in minutes.

It was worryingly efficient arson, caught live on some stoned weirdo's lifestream. I'm not saying it isn't random basketball-americans going round throwing bricks, looting and pillaging. But that incident at least was pre-meditated and definitely not the work of random angry vandals and rioters.

>> No.15487333

So? You're not answering my point
I already accepted that there is probably some degree of planning and organization coming from white antifa faggots

But you can't about for the looting, the massive desruction, for almost everything without taking into account blacks people actions. Are you trying to tell me now that there is only white people in those protests that always turn into riots and lootings? Have you seen the pictures?

>> No.15487336

remember when that guy drove through a crowd of violent protestors, that hamplanet had a heart attack and he went to jail for her poor health?

same outcome this time.

>> No.15487341

prolly antifa/dsa, not glowies

>> No.15487342

What are ou fucking smoking? It is not rocket science to take a board off a window and use wood to start a fire
It sounds more like you’re just not accustomed to mob violence than this being the meticulous plan of some mysterious vigilantes. Occams razor.

>> No.15487345

Everyone who isn't completely retarded knows that antifa loves to take advantage of situations like these to incite violence
However it is true that niggers are the ones doing the majority of the burning and looting

>> No.15487346

Of course not, that'd be absurd. Black people are out in droves looting, destroying proerty, causing a public menace and attacking the police with weapons and criminal behaviour. Their actions are unjustified and wrong.

But they're random violence and opportunism, not targeted attacks on specific places. They go where there's stuff to steal and steal.

>> No.15487349
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Agent provocateurs. State is using them put the blame on whites.

>> No.15487358

I'll give you looting (that much is obvious) but I don't believe a bunch of stupid hood niggers are going around doing this kind of systemic arson campaign.

>> No.15487363

>I don't think the CIA is that competent

You severely underestimate the outreach and the level of sophisticated tactic planning intelligence agencies work on, especially the domestic one. Also, the media, the agencies, the government and the people in shadow behind it - it's all interconnected and they all try to push their goal/s, the main one of which is, in my opinion, one global totalitarian government that would look like a mix between 1984 and Brave New World. Right now I see this as an active campaign going on to further destabilize society and divide blacks vs whites in particular, because the people in charge (and I'm not talking about Donald Trump, he's just a controlled opposition pawn that serves the agenda) fear when people are united, and they are most susceptible to control when they are divided. You can call this a conspiracy theory if you want, but given the way the modern world has been shaping in the last century or so, I find it dubious that things in reality are as we see them.

>> No.15487366

>all this posting of insurance

Friends: I've gone past heartsick into angry. This is from Don this morning: Hi Folks,
There was a call from the security company around 3:30 this morning that the motion detector was showing somebody in the building. I threw on clothes and headed over there. When I was 2 blocks away I received a call that the smoke detectors were showing smoke in the store. Every single building on both sides of Chicago was blazing and dozens of people dancing around. As I pulled into the dentist's lot I could see that flames were leaping out the front windows of the Uncles. It looked to me like they had broken every window on the front of the Uncles and then squirted accelerant through each broken window. It looked hopeless to me, but I went around to the back door to see if I could get to a fire extinguisher. As soon as I opened the back door a wave of very thick black smoke poured out, so I quickly closed the door again. The dentist's building was not showing any flames and the garage door was open, so I went in to see if I could save it. There is a door from the garage into a break room, and there was almost no smoke in the break room. There is a second door from the break room into the main clinic. When I opened that door I couldn't see a fire, but the smoke came pouring into the break room, so I quickly closed that door and headed back to the car. Some of the rioters were busy breaking every pane of glass in the transit hub. The former Sheraton did not seem to be on fire yet, and there were guests who were staying there. It looked like somebody may have broken a window on the first floor along Chicago and started a fire, but it could have just been a reflection of the flames from the Uncles. I didn't notice anything going on yet at the Global Marketplace, but the rioters were headed in that direction. There is no way a mere fire could bring that building down, but it could wipe out all of those businesses, and there are hundreds of people who live above the Global Marketplace who could be trapped by the smoke. Since Chicago Ave. was full of dancing rioters, broken glass, and flaming debris, I went down the alley and took Lake St. home. There were blocks of Lake St. where every building was blazing. No sign of any cops, national guard troops, or any help.

I'm pretty sure the insurance policy excludes damage from a civil insurrection, so I suspect I won't get a cent for either the building or the contents.
Don Blyly

I am starting to investigate the best crowdsourcing to rebuild. Any donations - well - I'll need to find where to send them.

Stay safe - we love you all!

>> No.15487368

All this is why I live in a place with good demographics. My friend from overseas called me and asked if there was any rioting in my town, and I had to laugh. "No", I said, "We have the wrong kind of demographics for that around here!"
Although it is deteriorating, the lates census figures available show my town to be 97% White.After having lived in a multi-cultural Urban area where I saw the house next door to mine burned down by black kids, had two friends mugged by black gangs, and had to carry a gun to travel safely down the street, it is great to be able to walk around on a quiet evening without worrying about being mugged, being able to leave stuff out on my porch or park my car without having to lock it all the time. No worries about riots. We were recently shown to be among the top 10 safest places to live in my state. I used to be left-wing, I voted Nader twice, but I am all about law-and-order now.
Multiculturalism leads to violence. Every time.

>> No.15487373
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god imagine how much better the west would be without niggers

>> No.15487375

I often do

>> No.15487379

Feel so bad for him, man. Fuck niggers.

>> No.15487392

>All this is why I live in a place with good demographics. My friend from overseas called me and asked if there was any rioting in my town, and I had to laugh. "No", I said, "We have the wrong kind of demographics for that around here!"
I live in a city that's over 50% black but we never have any kind of riot or civil disobedience like this simply because it's a smaller town. This is exclusively an urban problem.

>> No.15487394


>> No.15487399

>he believes chinese propaganda
Modern commies are unironically the most easily manipulated people of all time.

>> No.15487403

im lost here. What's "glow niggers"?

>> No.15487415

please stop breathing
Also don’t act like when a fucking deranged negro tries to rape your disgusting ass you wouldn’t call the police first.

>> No.15487419

CIA agents

>> No.15487421
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>> No.15487424
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>insurance doesn't cover riots

>> No.15487442

There is literally nothing worse to be than a nigger apologist. In the distant future our great great great grandchildren will ask their parents why they not only put up with it for so long, but why niggers were encouraged.
Truly, our ancestors will think us far stupider and more ignorant than we presume our medieval ancestors to have been. History repeats.

>> No.15487447
File: 186 KB, 768x512, 18antifa-01-ALT-master768-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think deep down whites want to live with blacks, even if they say they don't. This most definitely includes poltards as well.
Otherwise, I can't explain their reluctance to create a serious segregationist movement.

I guess they think it would be boring without blacks around, especially with blacks being all over their popular media (sports, music, entertainment...). I guess they can't imagine living an authentic and full life in an all white society.
Until they recognize this mental condition they're in, nothing will change.

>> No.15487474

your people deserve to be lynched

>> No.15487479

damn, getting fucked by marxists AND capitalists at the same time

>> No.15487488

Old fart should have bought a gun + its all fiction books anyways.

>> No.15487495

They just got diversified.

>> No.15487503

Shill narrative. Fuck you nigger.

>> No.15487504
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There's a difference between a black dude and a nigger just as there is a difference between a white dude and [pejorative for white male of your choosing].

>> No.15487505

I don't hate them, but I don't want to live in a violent slum either. Who would? I don't like white trash any more than I like trash of other races.

>> No.15487510

>hello fellow /lit/izens, you're now called /lit/ posters and have to enjoy every thread I post that's barely tangentially related to literature because I'm here, and if you don't you hate everything

>> No.15487527

Calm down rabbi.

>> No.15487528
File: 33 KB, 611x259, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Sadler pretend he's not a leftist? Maybe there's some self delusion going on and he genuinely thinks he's a centrist.

>> No.15487534

When it's so over the top it's government made.

>> No.15487537

good posts

>> No.15487552

This is a centrist position, though. Trumptards like Pence and Garrison have spoken out in support of that dead nigger.

>> No.15487559

It's not "centrist" to claim the national guard is serving racist interests. It's radically stupid.

>> No.15487578

Didn't his son become a tranny? This kind of thing fucks with your soul on a deep level, no matter what you tell yourself.

>> No.15487588

>well-organized white guys in balaclavas are going around systematically starting fires and smashing shit
Not surprised, it'll be the alphabet agencies' agent provocateurs. They've been doing this shit since at least the the 50s.

>> No.15487593

>thinks he's a centrist.
delusional for sure

>> No.15487607
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>> No.15487622

lol what a faggot

>> No.15487626

Based. Fuck marginalized people.

>> No.15487639

I wished this is what centrists did

>> No.15487699

>stick figures carelessly scrawled on a napkin

>> No.15488174

>police escorting firefighters
>sticking around for police to show up
obviously this is the work of spooky professionals and not peckerwood faggots from nordeast

>> No.15488182

thats only if that fucking useless faggot governor and mayor decide to not recognize it as arson/crime

>> No.15488233

You couldn’t wipe your own arse without white people.

>> No.15488235


>> No.15488241

don't worry, i got white people to do that for me bitch

>> No.15488242

Mods deleted this post because it had a single instance of the word nigger in it? It was a normal informative post about the destruction of this bookstore.

>> No.15488265

'Nigger' is an old word with racist undertones. Unlike homosexuality, God did not allow slavery, and punished slaveowners within the first two books of the Holy Bible.

I would do some reading ;3

>> No.15488270

Too cluttered and unfocused to be funny.

>> No.15488271

Fuck niggers, fuck kikes and of course
fuck jannies

>> No.15488278

>go to compare PISA scores of various countries
>no listing for China, just "B-S-J-G" (Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong)
Everyone knows that China outside of the wealthy coastal provinces is sub-Saharan Africa tier

>> No.15488280

Not trying to be funny. We are not republicans on /lit/, we are conservatives, there is a huge difference.

Bunch of republicans on /pol/ though, they'd like you to say 'nigger' there or talk about farming or trannies or something.


>> No.15488286


>> No.15488294

Haha joggers want to protest government that enables systematic racism, destroy private businesses instead.
Such is the tragedy that is life.

>> No.15488295

And to make it clear, I'm not an iqfag. China just likes to show outsiders the "good" parts of the country i.e. the parts invested in heavily by the CCP

>> No.15488299

kek I thought Slavs were known for doing this

>> No.15488304

Lmao not even him, but I think that if you do enough reading then you end up as a national socialist, or at least a reactionary. And I'm not talking about the /pol/ack neo-nazis, I'm talking a good nationalist who hates both communism and capitalism.

>> No.15488305

>science fiction
good riddance

>> No.15488312

Third positionism is becoming oddly popular again lately.

>> No.15488320

You are a complete idiot please stop posting

>> No.15488321

Eugh, no man. You end up similar to the mindset of Hayek, that both communism and fascism are terrible things and mankind deserves to be free.

At the end of the day, you both have the wrong mentality :3

>> No.15488344

>they don't eat the shells

>> No.15488388

They tried to riot in my city and the police just shot them up with pepperballs and broke up all the protests. It's nice having a non leftist mayor because our shopping centers are intact.

>> No.15488404


>> No.15488422

that's the most comical aspect of this entire thing. They're larping as revolutionaries while being *allowed* to do so by the state, who could shut it down in an hour if they wanted. The absurdity of CNN reporting favorably on them while they started to break into the CNN building...I just can't believe how stupid this all is.

>> No.15488454

nigga fuck books and fuck scifi

>> No.15488458

I think it's necessary, to maintain the illusion of democracy and let these retards vent a little.
A few millions in damages is a small price to pay to keep the system going on unchanged.

>> No.15488471
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its true

>> No.15488494


>> No.15488568
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Why was this censored?

> Yeah I just saw this place get torched on /pol/ on the stream.

>For anyone not watching or following, the stream that this happened on, it's very obvious that the n— are doing random looting but well-organized white guys in balaclavas are going around systematically starting fires and smashing shit. Very shady. They were trying to set fire to an apartment building with people in it, old people and a dude in a wheelchair who said he couldn't get out.

>You can tell just by looking at the bookstore that it was historic and neighborhood fixture, not to mention part of a million kids' lives. No way they got their inventory out either. Sad shit.

And Black Bloc and antifa are not into murdering people. It was poltard who liked to point out that they only knocked over trash cans after all.
Pictured is an obvious cop and looks just like the laid off murderer

>> No.15488632
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>> No.15488643

high iq

>> No.15488648

He's facing the wrong way.

>> No.15488656

>our shopping centers are intact
Physical earthly possessions mean nothing. Find Christ, fedoratard.

>> No.15488660

>He has insurance it's fine
I can't post the link but the owner made a post on facebook and said
>"I'm pretty sure the insurance policy excludes damage from a civil insurrection, so I suspect I won't get a cent for either the building or the contents."


>> No.15488686
File: 85 KB, 491x625, soijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys consoomer bugman faggots

>> No.15488687

Centrists are “left” liberals and hate “commies”. Rightwingers are always sure they side with them just because some of their numbers defect and become anti capitalist, but they’re always on the side of law and order, reformism, pacifism. They think its right and natural for the Democrats and Republicans to swing back and forth one side controlling the white house the other the congress.
This picture just shows a massive self image complex. Egotistic but at the same sex starved. The liberals wont suck the right-liberals and nationalists off, and you’re jealous.

>> No.15488735

fag lol

>> No.15488767
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>> No.15488772

>genre fiction
>comic books

>> No.15488786

>people making conspiracy theories about undercover cops or antifa starting the riots
There is literally no evidence to support this stuff. Its just baseless internet rumors by coping /pol/cels

>> No.15488802

Why would /pol/ make up such theories instead of blaming it on blacks

>> No.15488808


I can't believe the posters in this thread haven't subscribed to the latest 4chan hive approved thoughts and still think its acceptable to have not spam this thread with epic soijacks

>> No.15488814

Antifa is always the boogeyman /pol/ blames and it doesn't mean they aren't blaming both.

>> No.15488824

I don't understand who you think caused the riots if not blacks, or just people aligned the general BLM sentiment. You've already stated it's conspiracy theory to say it was cops.

>> No.15488829

There is a fair amount of video evidence showing that there were definitely individuals going around during the protests and trying to incite riots. What is unknown at the moment (and will likely never be known) is which group is responsible. Anons on /pol/ are blaming either antifa or alphabet soup agencies whereas the lefties on twitter are either blaming white nationalists or the police.

>> No.15488833

Clearly then, it isn’t antifa.
But hefty white dudes are acting in the interest of the cops agenda. Manufacturing consent

>> No.15488837

the mods on this board are literally 100% jewish

i can't tell you how many times we've had threads discussing jewish power, some shills show up arguing pil-pul style, and after a while of refuting their lies they stop posting and a couple minutes later the thread is deleted

>> No.15488845

in on-topic threads too

>> No.15488847

Antifa were obviously running around the past two nights. What isn't known is who specifically instigated various things because it's a fucking riot with people wearing masks.

>> No.15488848

>one of the most beloved book stores in Minnesota
Perhaps amoung a small and select clientele, most of us Minnesotan readers went there once and that waas enough. Sucks that it burned down and I am ok with mythos being built around it.

>> No.15488870

Jewishness has nothing to do with it, it's WASPy whities fucking shit up.

>> No.15488873

Maybe they were just rioters. No need to group them into some political thing just so you can blame them

>> No.15488876

based fiction is trash that should be burned prove me wrong

>> No.15488878

Uncle Hugo (Formerly Victor)

>> No.15488879

guys should burn 4chan

>> No.15488880

it is VERY and I mean VERY clear that the hare krishnas are behind this

>> No.15488887

How far from Syriapolis are you? Any chance it's going to end any time soon?

>> No.15488896

Just because its an unidentified white person wearing a mask participating in the riots doesn't mean they are antifa. You are giving them way too much credit for being some random people organizing over twitter or discord or whatever

>> No.15488899


>> No.15488903
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>how do iqfags cope with the fact that the superior iq nation, china, is steadily rising economically and has a giant population? aren't we to them a bunch of "niggers" with 20 less iq than them?
I am glad about it. China doesn't believe in the insanity of liberalism and will inherit the earth, as is their right.

You can shriek all you want about white genocide or displacement or the erosion of western culture or whatever, but at the end of the day we did it to ourselves. From maybe the most advantageous position of any group in the history of humanity America and by extension western Europe intentionally sabotaged ourselves. The west deserves to die because it is killing itself, that's evolution.

>> No.15488910

>people making conspiracy theories about undercover cops
I mean come on, we've had shit like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_undercover_policing_relationships_scandal https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2009/may/10/g20-policing-agent-provacateurs it's not in any sense a conspiracy, it happens and has been shown to happen over and over.

>> No.15488912
File: 79 KB, 1614x778, 2020-05-31_00-35-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fires set by young white men

Although it's just some roastie. It seems like the boomer owner >>15485628 knows what's up. He obviously won't dare to talk about it aloud, but he has read enough mystery novels to be wary of niggers. Deep down he knows everything.

>> No.15488916

Hare Krishnas are stupid, but they are really fucking sinister bro.

>> No.15488920
File: 67 KB, 888x592, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah waah waah
>they lied about being a police officer when they shagged their gf

God I hate those people. Fucking Lush of all companies started a campaign about it

>> No.15488922

there were only 40 arrest made yesterday
this proves they are arresting very selectively

and all but 8 of them had minnesota addresses, most of the 8 were from chicago/suburbs and were black

>> No.15488928


>> No.15488933

There was some mong wandering around in the aftermath streaming, and he came across a load of national guard sitting in their trucks listening to the Clash and doing fuck all.

I'm sure they were perfectly entitled to be doing that, but it was funny as fuck since people were still running around breaking windows and buildings were burning

>> No.15488935

This is truly saddening ;_:
I hope someone gave him a hug.

>> No.15488936

They're obsessed with inflitrating left wing groups. I guess no one wants to get inside a right wing woman. Anyway, there's no conspiracy to police acting like the shittiest scum to get the results they want, you can see they also incited violence at peaceful protests

>> No.15488937

>believing in twitter conspiracy theories
The left is full of violent psychopaths, it's an ideology purely built on ressentiment. You look stupid as fuck suggesting the worst of the left are really undercover police when they openly call for murder, groups like Antifa which you lie to defend.

>A comment posted by "Charlie Landeros" read, "Time to start killing pigs," investigators wrote.
>Landeros pulled a handgun and fired at an officer during a struggle outside Cascade Middle School, the investigation found. | WATCH THE BODY CAM VIDEO
And of course this guy is now some kind of martyr in the deranged left. These people are insane.

>> No.15488939

Imagine if the gov stopped the riot it was trying to create.

>> No.15488941

Right wing groups publicly announce everything they do, there's less need to infiltrate them when you can just check their twitter

>> No.15488948
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>> No.15488950

Doesn't make your current claims right

>> No.15488951

>Anyway, there's no conspiracy to police acting like the shittiest scum to get the results they want,
That is quite literally a conspiracy lol

>> No.15488952

If they got involved and injured and killed people, it would just create more protests. They know what they're doing.

>> No.15488953
File: 315 KB, 600x687, 8c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhh abloo bloo muh fee fees about muh non /lit/ approved reddit books

dude fuck that. we're redpilled here. we read guenon, raspail, gen_lit, the fucking canon. we don't read or care about speculative soi fiction and bugmen who care about it

sadness is for limp wrist bug men, fuck you

>> No.15488959

>The 25 pages of FBI documents released to the Emerald include information about a tip the FBI received in February 2018 from someone who served with Landeros while they were in the Army and said that Landeros had “legitimate plans to cause riots and uprisings with the goal of destabilizing local governments.” The FBI determined in July 2018 that Landeros did not pose a threat to national security.
Just an FBI agent upping the terror stats.

>> No.15488963

you sound incomprehensibly retarded

>> No.15488966
File: 150 KB, 499x339, 1507822360972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until all of these communists have their dream realized once China rules the world and has them either killed or institutionalized for being mentally ill subversives. Be careful what you wish for, you get it in the end!

>> No.15488969

Go on...

>> No.15488976

Uncle Vugo?

>> No.15488982


>> No.15488985

Vincle Vugo? Sounds like a German mystic

>> No.15488989

>If they got involved and injured and killed people, it would just create more protests.
It takes time to travel from Chicago though.

>> No.15489041

Do you feel like you fit in now?

>> No.15489052
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Greg Sadler spotted at the protest

>> No.15489082

>”The left is full of violent psychopaths,”
>Believing in wild conspiracy theories
>”it's an ideology purely built on ressentiment.“
>muh shekels! No touchy!!
The left wanted to protest a murder. Antifa come out to creak up fascist gatherings. Not burn down buildings which only serve to escalate police crackdowns and distract the media from the root cause, at the same time as manufacture the old notion that blacks are animals that need to be put in prisons or on a leash.
You liberals will always ignore what crushing generational poverty does. All you ever care about is money

>> No.15489112

The level of cognitive dissonance in this post is staggering. The only thing that's consistent is that nothing is the fault of the individual, except if they're against the left, lmao.

>> No.15489131

>Don't question it!! You're doing a cognitive dissonance!!

>> No.15489144

Unfunny and vaginal

>> No.15489206
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Americans are demented; it isn't funny but frightening that they are the great influencers of the world, everywhere they export their capitalist fueled socialist-libertarian delusions, it is not an accident that government the world over have burgeoned in size while people all express less fidelity and duty to their homes, personal responsibility is redefined as the freedom to benefit and take from the group while demanding more and giving less while all problems are the fault of the collectives inability to provide endlessly for everyone; this kind of attitude is perfectly common, the future is terrifying.

>> No.15489211


Looting began pre-Antifa arrival you incoherent retard, almost all blacks in this vid. The media has routinely apologized for the event and focused on "Frustration" as a legit justification for burnings and looting. Your deluded distraction idea comes from your addiction to twitter feeds or whatever dogshit website you get your opinions from. If your goal is more money for x or a system with no money, then all you care about is money as well shitdick. Or worse, the desire to lord over others.

>> No.15489223
File: 130 KB, 1080x1086, ca6de81973eb9ac24364d6e144646a861b115376aced834c8c592454ed49de0d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The left is full of violent psychopaths, it's an ideology purely built on ressentiment.
And? You don't reason with psychopaths. You shoot them.

>> No.15489233

Le fake quote man

>> No.15489237

There are no communists in world today.

>> No.15489246

So unfortunate a lot of these small businesses are getting burned down, don't really care about big corps and gov buildings though

>> No.15489248


>> No.15489251


>> No.15489256

That's not sophisticated arson.

>> No.15489262

Learn to fit in if you want to astroturf, /leftypol/ tranny.

Keep bussing your tranny comrades into cities to burn down black businesses, you're really helping.

>> No.15489268

Learn to fit in yourself, leave your /pol/ maymays in /pol/

>> No.15489269

take your meds. there is no evidence of these things you claim other than random /pol/ speculation

>> No.15489304


This is what I mean. Learn to fit in. I don't care if you're a communist or whatever, I just don't like that you seem like an irritable out of touch old faggot with a chip on his shoulder.

>> No.15489314

Because we are calling out your sourceless conspiracy theories? Get a grip

>> No.15489342

Nobody cares what you think is sourceless or a "conspiracy theory" (reddit/twitter term for thing I don't like). The issue isn't that you disagree with the viewpoint of the other party, it's that you use reddit/twitterthink means of coercing them to be silent. When that doesn't work, you get more petulant and effeminate because you're probably a tranny.

Mock, disagree, or ignore. Or some combination of the above. But stop being such a little faggot about it. You stand out.

>> No.15489365

No one here is using twitter

>> No.15489377

>some stoned weirdo's lifestream
why you gotta do regg like that?

>> No.15489381

Regg is barely literate and has a sub-40 IQ, don't confuse hilarious with intelligent

>> No.15489390

>nooooo!! I'm the king of /lit/ and you can't say maymays!!!
Maymays is one of the oldest 4chan maymays. You'd know that if you weren't a filthy /pol/ tourist that doesn't know how to lurk.

>> No.15489401

Keep trying. You'll fit in eventually, I'm sure. Dumb tranny.

>> No.15489415

That stream was great. It was like watching a movie with all its twists and turns

>> No.15489424

Pure projection.

>> No.15489442


>> No.15489443

>cognitive dissonance in this post is staggering
It isn’t actually, my schizophrenic friend.

>socialism is when the government is big!

There’s no antifa. Yes, I know, people are looting. You seem to not know why a poor person would want to take things. You seem more offended at the damage and theft of cheapened properties than life.
>the media
Know how to press your buttons. Are you ready to get a shotgun and defend some property, get some target practice? That’s their plan.

>> No.15489450

/x/ hasn't been good in years. Its own reputation for having inventive schizoposters ruined it. Tranny.

>> No.15489454

>there's no looting
>but it's good that blacks are looting
>but it's actually done by white supremacists
>so the looting is bad
>but the looting is good
>because it's antifa sticking it to drumpf
Make up your mind, fag.

>> No.15489457

The weirdest thing in /x/ is that it's last in the list of boards, which is obviously a conspiracy

>> No.15489461

you're like a literal automaton repeating code

>> No.15489470

All of it sounds extremely efficient. I would look at what gets built in place of the stores that don't come back, who buys the plots and all that. If you have a business and go bankrupt from this that's some cheap and prime real estate.

If it all gets turned into McDonaldses it'll be fucking crazy.

>> No.15489473

You actually are schizo. Go see a doctor bro.

>> No.15489476

Good posts in case this >>15489473 /leftypol/ tourist continues trying to gaslight.

>> No.15489483

you're the one who thinks it's all a grand conspiracy, I think it's dumb niggers and progs rioting for fun and Democrat-run cities letting them. All of which is quite obviously true regardless of anything else

>> No.15489487

Who are you quoting

>> No.15489488

>a grand conspiracy
How is it a grand conspiracy?

>> No.15489499

You are trying to claim some people wearing parts are part of whatever boogeyman group despite there being no evidence. Just because you wish upon a star that it is true and source twitter comments doesn't make it real

>> No.15489505

wearing masks%

>> No.15489515

I said there was looting. Who would ever deny this?
It’s bad that people feel the need to loot. Its very predictable with such poverty.
There’s evidence of cops aiding in vandalism to get the riots started. Manufacturing consent.

You are literally saying nothing. Why are you tourists in my board? Go shit up /pol/

>> No.15489586
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>> No.15489599 [DELETED] 

Imagine living in such a hilarious mire of delusions. Watching you guys tie yourselves in knots to explain why niggers are niggers is endlessly amusing

>> No.15489602

>There’s evidence of cops aiding

>> No.15489605

Unlike you who has all the answers behind why this is happening I'm sure.

>> No.15489608

Poverty is not such a linear cause. Blacks have a disgusting nihilistic culture where being an illiterate retard is normal. Poverty must be alleviated but it's not evil to suggest to blacks that being psychopaths and looting their own communities is retarded either.

The ones aiding the vandalism are white agents provocateurs. Stop repeating catchphrases five times per post. That's not how it works, tranny.

>> No.15489614

>despite there being no evidence
It's happened before.

>> No.15489622

Wow some white people are at the protest, it must be some highly organized conspiracy rather than just some locals trying to stir shit up

And riots where it hasn't happened has happened before. Until you can provide definite proof rather than going off baseless claims then there is no reason to believe it.

>> No.15489627

The same reason it's been happening since the 60s. Constant propaganda telling them they should riot against evil yt and governments that allow them to riot. Look what China does to rioters, look at how they treat their ethnic minorities. They don't blast their population with anti-Han propaganda and let them act like apes.

>> No.15489630

If Cops started a fire in the Netherlands, the dutch populance wouldn't start looting stars or aiding in extreme violence.
Nigs are gonna nig when ever the opportunity arises.

>> No.15489637

>white cop agents provocateurs
Fixed that for you. What’s a provocateur without a motive, eh?

You a peter puffer, boy?
You’re barking up the wrong tree here.

>> No.15489639

What constant propaganda are you talking about? What about riots that happened before the 20th century, were they all caused by propaganda too?

>> No.15489649

>If Cops started a fire in the Netherlands, the dutch populance wouldn't start looting stars or aiding in extreme violence.
That's because they're weak whyte beta cucks.

Uncle Ted understands the power of looting and terrorism. Educate yourself.

>> No.15489655
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They have before

>> No.15489657

>When he thought the building was on fire and saw the guy in the wheelchair inside and then just walked away


>> No.15489661

If people started defending their property then the national guard would act.

>> No.15489662

The antiracism narratives coming from academia and their friends in the press. And yeah there have been propaganda caused riots in the past.

My post was deleted so Im probably going to be banned in a second, if I dont reply that's why

>> No.15489664

The Netherlands aren’t a slum of systemic racism.

And there was a time when Europeans rioted. They called it the European Spring.

>> No.15489670

Their voice isn't heard so they get frustrated since nothing they can do ends up changing anything.

>> No.15489677

They're most likely antifa, not cops. No decisive proof either way but a lot of white punk fags have been filmed, a lot.

Stop writing like you're 40.

This. They have been cramming this shit down our throats for generations now to stoke a state of constant racial tension like we're now in.

>> No.15489690

Different races can't coexist without racism. Stop being delusional.America is probably the least racist country in the world.
>I am aware of places like Sweden, yes.

>> No.15489692

This happens at any riots. People join in just for the sake of wanting to fuck shit up. Most the people arrested yesterday weren't even locals. I'm sure antifa is involved at least somewhat but its probably a lot less organized than what people are trying to make it out to be

>> No.15489698

>Different races can't coexist without racism
>America is probably the least racist country in the world.

Pick one

>> No.15489704

let's be honest: the people rioting aren't readers and probably bear a sense of resentment toward readers, ie 'teacher's pets'

there's revolutionary value to the riots but these aren't people who've cultivated a respect for art or literary culture - far more, they have cause to resent it

>> No.15489714

Exactly, they're coming in from out of state. I don't even think it's a massive conspiracy, I think trust fund faggots who call themselves "antifa" are circlejerking enough online that they have some ersatz forms of organization and more motivation than ideology when an opportunity like this arises.

It's the same thing that happened when the retarded mini-riots would break out over some soft conservative would be boycotted, and "Proud Boys" would square off against "antifa." AKA, internet larper faggots throwing water bottles at internet larper faggots.

The problem isn't that some massive conspiracy is being led by George Soros or whoever the fuck, the problem is that worthless brain fucked trannies are pretending to be revolutionary communists on the internet, and somehow think that burning down a post office or a black owned furniture store is an act of revolt.

>> No.15489716

They’re LEAST likely antifa. You couldn’t find a cop in a donut shop if your head was duct taped to his ass.
>stop writing like a mature adult who knows what they’re talking about!
Can’t be helped, kid. I know your shit ideology. I know what you trying to do.

Schizo, please. >>15489698

>> No.15489731

It's called civilization, literally superior than looting apes and muttmericans. One day you will learn. And cops in the Netherlands and Belgium would never act dumb and stupid like that anyway. No culture of violence here.

>> No.15489733

>My post was deleted so Im probably going to be banned in a second

Jannies are being weird today. No one should be censored for thoughtcrime like this shit.

Your obsession with "cops" is 1990s vintage. Go listen to some punk bands on Youtube in your golden years. You can't fit in anymore and you're clearly confused.

>I'm still hip! I can appropriate their lingo! Schizo! Schizo! Based! Epic!

Sad old man.

>> No.15489739

least racism doesn't mean lack of racism.
The racism you have in America is the minimum you will get in a lasting nation. It is this or Jamaica, Haiti, Mexico tier segregation and split of races.
And all you niggers are gonna live in the shithole ones like Jamaica.

>> No.15489743

defining yourself as left or right is just idiocy. identity politics is literally for subhumans.

>> No.15489752

>And riots where it hasn't happened has happened before.
So your argument is something like
>All sheep are white
>Except those black sheep
>But white sheep still exist
>So until you prove sheep are black they're still all white
Am I saying that 100% definitely this was police or similar? No. I am merely stating a considered belief based on evidence of past events, it's part of the culture and strategy in these "law enforcement" organizations to escalate violence in these kinds of situations. If you don't want to believe it fine, I think you're ignoring just how systematic and skilled the arsons have been, but that's your place. However, what's weird is how desperate you are that nobody, even myself, believes it to the degree you've tried to stick me in a weird, extremely polarized position where I'm meant to cater to you for some reason.

>> No.15489754

>uses racial slurs
>expects to be taken seriously when talking about racism and not to argue out of bad faith

>> No.15489756

Compared to those countries I agree. Compared to many european countries, you have much to learn still.

>> No.15489770

Because it could be possible doesn't mean it is. Show some evidence before making such big claims

>> No.15489795

>It's called civilization
It's called the technological society, and it must be overthrown violently.

>> No.15489800

>The level of cognitive dissonance in this post is staggering.
mental illness is basically a requisite to be a liberal in today's America, it's just an endless wave of apologetic for an increasingly worsening reality that slowly swallows you up

>> No.15489809

Left/right has nothing to do with "identity politics".

>> No.15489836

Woman. And why would I care if you think I fit in on my board? Go back to pol, tard.

Pixies, btw.

>> No.15489932

>Because it could be possible doesn't mean it is.
What is your threshold? Balance of probabilities?

>Show some evidence before making such big claims
A good recent goldmine is the research material for "The Day Shall Come", a film by Chris Morris. https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/film/2019/10/chris-morris-his-new-terrorism-satire-day-shall-come
is an article about it. Its main reference is the Liberty City Seven that were a nearly entirely manufactured and completely harmless terrorist group, the FBI were heavily criticized for walking the line between entrapment and sting, and basically funded these guys to do terrorist stuff albeit the guys did the terrorist stuff badly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_City_Seven#FBI_payments

If you want to go far back, I like Jessie Gill as an exemplar as some of the people she was involved with slip and mention having fingers in pies as far back as the 30s
And you get these crazy whirlwind articles that go every which way
But ultimately show that these schemers are involved in incitement even if they protest that they aren't
>Recollections of Gill's role in the occupation and its stormy aftermath are hazy. Several observers did not recall her having participated in the actions, but a Crimson article reports that she was in the vanguard of a group of several hundred SDSers that stormed Pusey's Quincy St. residence a few days before the occupation.
>Gill reportedly shoved a Harvard policeman out of the way, pushed open the gates, and led the crowd onto the wide expanse of lawn in front of the residence.
>Gill herself recalled her role in the action, but argued that it was legal because she never strayed off public property.
Very slimey people unfortunately. You also see similar strategies to this in the UK where a lot of stuff came out around 2010 because the undercover agents were acting SO slimey. Another good source is wikileaks.

>> No.15489970

not the heckin comic bookerino store!

>> No.15489976
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>> No.15489986
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>> No.15489996
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>> No.15490910


The one and only book I ever bought from there was an anthology containing The Thing's original short story. They also had a nice Edwad Gorey section. I want Soros' rioters killed tonight. I demand blood vengeance.