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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 17 KB, 171x260, delleog-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15079000 No.15079000 [Reply] [Original]

>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude.
Are you fostering Amazons in our midst anon? You know that is the only way to save capital don't you anon?

>> No.15079078
File: 92 KB, 1080x608, 1526794052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice gets OP, let me have a go.

>> No.15079093

Not this again.

>> No.15079254

For me, it's the werewolves.

>> No.15079265
File: 75 KB, 780x438, 12348752047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, do you really think this thread was going to be anything other than trash, same as the last 500 times you posted it? May as well derail it by trying to get dubs. Checkem

>> No.15079513

Post your best thread

>> No.15079671

You mean bearded Amazons?

>> No.15079713

>anti-acc fag is samefagging his own thread agian
how do you have the energy to keep this up

>> No.15079724

Point out the samefagging

>> No.15079734
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>> No.15079757

Hello r/eddit

>> No.15079786
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>> No.15079797

the Traklian feminine and the Rimbaldian untermensch

>> No.15079821

lmao you post this image in every anti-acc thread, no one else would have any reason to save it because no one samefags hard enough to get called out as much as you do. Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.15079909

Seething because you got outed for samefagging. Why do you make this accusation in every thread?

>> No.15079946

>Why do you make this accusation in every thread?
So you're saying not only do you post in every anti-acc thread, but also that you get called out for samefagging in every single one? lmao dude. If it ever needed confirmation, this is it. Go ahead– post one of the same 4 or 5 reaction images you have in your arsenal, because no one else but you is using them.

>> No.15079959

Ok tranny

>> No.15079980
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>> No.15079985

>anti-acc fag samefags for digits in his own bait thread
why is he so obsessed with digits?

>> No.15079992

If your entire discord is here then why hasn't the post count gone up? All you did was out yourself you dumb nigger

>> No.15079999

Because it keeps this shitty thread bumped. Just let it die and we'll all be better off

>> No.15080002
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>> No.15080008

>accfag accuses anti-accfags of samefagging
>then wastes em

>> No.15080026

I'm not an accfag you moron. You're honestly so braindead you don't even realise most people are have zero stakes in your stupid feud. My post got blessed with digits because its right, and you should let the thread die. Hell, you should delete it because this is obviously your thread.

>> No.15080034

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.15080041

Why do you care then? Because you're full of shit accfag and your only tactic is to samefag while accusing antiacc of samefagging

>> No.15080061

>speaking about yourself in the third person
You unironically have schizophrenia. if you hate acceleration the least you could do to serve that cause is to stop making threads about the subject. How do you not see the cognitive dissonance here?

>> No.15080072

Just answer anon. Why are you samefagging while accusing others of samefagging? If you really want the thread to die you chose a terrible tactic

>> No.15080083
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>> No.15080099
File: 102 KB, 1073x416, Screenshot_20200412-112317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the one who first accused anti-acc fag itt not him lmao you aren't helping your point here anon

>> No.15080115

>not getting it

>> No.15080122
File: 32 KB, 945x108, Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 19.25.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More proof that you are literally schizophrenic. Seek help.

>> No.15080145

>the least you could do to serve that cause is to stop making threads
You either have no awareness or you always double down when you fuck up. You are literally taking accfags side when he is obviously samefagging while accusing others of samefagging
Chances that you are him are pretty fucking high

>> No.15080160

Wow, you changed browsers, guess that proves the evidence wrong >>15079078

>> No.15080163

You're right. I don't get why you samefag while accusing everyone else of being the same person. I don't understand why you spam Land threads. I don't understand why don't don't try reading a book. I don't understand your shitty memes and your one liners like
>every single time!
>not getting it
How do you have the time and energy? Are you mentally ill? Are you getting paid? Are you a glowfag literally funded to shitpost on 4chan? You are right anon, to me you are a total enigma...

>> No.15080167


>> No.15080173
File: 223 KB, 1080x707, Screenshot_20200412-113424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm acc fag

>> No.15080179

lmao way to out yourself retard. Are you seething because people are shitting on Fisher right now?

>> No.15080184

LOL who do you think I am?

>> No.15080188

The zer doth protest too much

>> No.15080195

I'm curious, what do you get out of making these threads? It doesn't sound like you're having a lot of fun.

You really are clutching at straws, aren't you?

>> No.15080198

nice try faggot.

>> No.15080215
File: 22 KB, 345x123, Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 19.38.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The zers are all in your head, schizo. Quieten down now.

>> No.15080218
File: 15 KB, 411x307, 1572209878456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are currently four pieces of evidence of accfag samefagging in this thread
Evidence against Antiaccfag zero
Really difficult to figure this one out

>> No.15080227

kek you are on a roll with all that evidence anon

>> No.15080229

you're terrible at this

>> No.15080234

>Evidence against Antiaccfag zero
You're still speaking in the third person, schizo. And you didn't answer my question about what you get out of making these threads.

>> No.15080247

>someone calls out 20 anti-acc fag samefag posts, one is wrong
>anti-acc fag accuses posts of same fagging 4 times in one thread, can't even match up two posts
anon pretty sure there are only 3 or 4 acc fags posting here and you still can't tell who's who

>> No.15080267
File: 25 KB, 368x141, Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 19.45.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15080268

Obvious accfag samefagging >>15079786
accuses of samefagging while warosu link shows that the one other use of that image links to an obvious accfag post and thread >>15079985
Obvious old example >>15080218
Refuses to give evidence >>15079724
Obvious accfag samefagging >>15080163

All you have proven is that after 3 years of spamming threads you have finally figured out how to use two browsers to post, but you're too autistic to keep that to yourself so you had to protest too much
How much further are you going to dig in here?

>> No.15080275

Why are you so seething anon?

>> No.15080283
File: 52 KB, 500x492, 1566842330110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao christ

>> No.15080291

>avoiding the question again
now now, no need to be evasive. Why did you make this thread?

>> No.15080322

fucking outed. accfag has gone nuts trying to salvage this.
is it really Nick posting?

>> No.15080324

You can tell by all the "evidence" in this thread that its coming from at least two different OS (different image quality, file type and even the way the screenshots are named), so either accfag is posting from two different computers, or there are at least two posting in this thread. Sorry dude but you're on a wild goose chase here

>> No.15080334

You're terrible at this n1x

>> No.15080350

So clear evidence should be set aside for your seething protest? You can't seriously think people are this stupid

>> No.15080396

Just admit you have a problem accfag

>> No.15080411

Land partakes in this discussion that has just been uploaded


starts at 30:00

>> No.15080415
File: 306 KB, 1080x900, Screenshot_20200412-121249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes, anon, give up while you're behind

>> No.15080436

Holy fuck you're retarded.

>> No.15080504

There's always such a strange sexual energy between posters in these threads

>> No.15080589

Everyone in this thread is a sham. I am the REAL accfag, you are all charlatans.

>> No.15080590
File: 15 KB, 300x400, d i e l a t e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15080598

Same. Real accfag right here.

>> No.15080605

now you're going to falseflag me. not going to work anti-acc-fag.

>> No.15080617

you outed yourself with this. you referred to yourself in the singular

>> No.15080629
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>> No.15080640
File: 3.55 MB, 498x261, tenor (14).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15080668

Jesus Christ learn to follow a fucking thread

>> No.15080734

This is the source of the problem, accfag still hasn't learned how 4chan works so he just accuses people of being a samefag while he samefags himself.

>> No.15080856
File: 143 KB, 498x374, bobby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw acc threads have finally turned into full pseudonymous k-war, blitzed Kafkaesque mayhem that finally overcodes the determinate negation of /lit/-without-Girardfag
this is the synthesis we needed

>> No.15080921

Syzygetic lemur here, my meat puppet has been suffering from cabin fever due to the lockdown so these threads are a great outlet for him to vent his pent-up sexual frustrations. If it wasn't for his endless proxy wars with anti-accfag he'd be out masturbating at traffic accidents

>> No.15080926

>the 47 year old cooroopter

>> No.15081084

What is it with accelerationism that everyone ITT, both for and against, inexplicably turn retarded after a single post? Reminder: there are eight posters(schizophrenics) in a thread of 73 posts. Did I miss the paint chip eating ceremony?

>> No.15081103

accfag is on the board constantly, spams these threads, and accuses some antiaccfag of a conspiracy against him. he's the first poster and almost all the posts in the thread.
this is a constant in every acc thread or antiacc thread, he responds instantly in every single one.

>> No.15081110

Taht's probably n1x

>> No.15081124

Schizo there is no accfag. There's literally eight of us in the thread.

>> No.15081138

Where is the accfag post that says there’s a conspiracy against him? Not him but it seems like anyone who participates in this total shitfest is genuinely retarded.

>> No.15081140
File: 807 KB, 340x191, WanPaltryAngelwingmussel-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see you are not too late, you've actually arrived just in time to join us.

>> No.15081153

Join the discord

>> No.15081167

I'm the person he originally referred to as accfag, months ago. at least I think I was the start of it. he calls everyone accfag now so I'm not sure anymore. I'm not OP either.

>> No.15081215

He started accusing people of samefagging at the very start of the thread.
And then notice what the first pic links to on warosu
He was obviously trying to make it look like antiacc were samefagging but fucked up because he's an autistic retard.

>> No.15081242

Clearly there aren't eight of you. Nice try though

>> No.15081248


>> No.15081257

so because I took a screenshot of the number of posters in the thread, you think that's proof that I was already in the thread before I posted it, on another computer, pretending to be you? I don't want to sound rude but you I honestly think you should look into anti-psychotics, you never want to go full schizo-as-a-clinical-entity

>> No.15081258

It's hilarious because accfags still haven't figured it out

>> No.15081275

As subtle as a programmer without a dick

>> No.15081317

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.15081328

Incremental escalation of digital Templexic war as deterritorialization-in-itself ravashes patriarchal consciousness. The resulting microcephaly is to be observed, not commented on.

>> No.15081342

figured what out?

>> No.15081352

lmao dude I'm the dubsposter at the start of this thread but I promise you, those other posts accusing you of samefagging weren't me. just really wanted some gets on a thread that inevitably goes to shit (as it predictably did)

>> No.15081355

Damn, his wife sounds like a tranny. Had no idea she was American. It all makes sense now: it's her Nick has started to sounds like (probably the only English speaker he encounters in his day-to-day life), what with his flapping his T's like an American and the rising inflection at the end of his sentences (which he didn't do in the 90s documentary clip).

>> No.15081362


>> No.15081374

Is she an Amazon tho?

>> No.15081382

Maybe but why the curious inability to follow the thread?

>> No.15081411

What do you mean? it's a total fucking mess of he said/she said nonsense. Why would I bother reading through it? I know I'm wasting time on 4chan but even I will draw the line at reading all of that

>> No.15081497

>totally wasn't me bro
You've spent years on this and this is the best you can come up with?

>> No.15081532

Because he's a samefag autist

>> No.15081589

lmao kys n1x

>> No.15081721

who could be behind these posts?