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File: 435 KB, 2016x1393, trannyfied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14845873 No.14845873 [Reply] [Original]

>Fanged Noumena
>Neon Genesis Evangelion

What's going on here exactly? What kind of mimetic phenomena is creating this autogynephilic clichéd excuse of a person?

>> No.14845919
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>manfeet in stocks

>> No.14846025
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its for the acc/systhetics.

capital stimulates genderslime slippage into chronogenetic feedback loop towards androgen-oid symbiote corporeality. You can make a good living streaming videos of PlasDicks going into retro-fitted vaginal apparatuses with a satisfying squeltch.

the future is fem(m)ale/and or shemoid.

>> No.14846047

techno-weebs who have a psued interest in philosophy.

>> No.14846052

go back to /gif/ sissy

>> No.14846106

It's kinda weird how I can not manage to fit a type of (3D) girl into that relm in place of the obvious dude legs.
Twinky trap is the most feminine one can go in the sphere you mentioned.

>> No.14846113 [DELETED] 

Hate how eva and lain have been assocated with genderqueer freaks

>> No.14846140

Eva is about a sissboy who gets off to his own pathetic desperation, and Lain is clearly a technological allegory for transitioning. One one side you have autogynephilia, on the other you have gender dysphoria. Together you have the perfect makeup of the average sismale

>> No.14846220

Post bare feet NOW!!

>> No.14846329

disgusting tranny kys

>> No.14846793

is lain good? will i become a tranny if i watch it?

>> No.14846811

yes, because it's for pseuds. being a pseud is implies to being mindfucked & stuck in verbalistic circular abstractions, which leads to neuroticism which amplifies the effectiveness of the sissy hypno that pervades all of society

>> No.14846817

accfags are disgusting

>> No.14846820

so should i watch it?

>> No.14846822

What’s with then schizposting lately? I’m enjoying it I’m just wondering if it’s a trend or if they’re the only ppl on on a Friday night

>> No.14846830

Try refuting him

Pro tip: you can't


>> No.14846835

I want to lock you and guenonfag in a shuttle and launch you in to the sun.

>> No.14846920

It's all nonsense, nothing is real unless it hurts only pain is real you stupid cunt stop getting tangled in castrating word salads this is the real sissy hypno, do us all a favor and kill yourself now instead of in your early 30s when it becomes undeniable that you will never pass sissy cunt

>> No.14847111

Beyond based

>> No.14847119

Imagine having your personality made up of products

>> No.14847127
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This guy

>> No.14847141

It’s called freedom of expression and some people shouldn’t have it.

>> No.14847157
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I saw it a few years ago and I thought it was pretty good. Granted, it's jerked off constantly by people like in OP's pic who think it's the MOST REVOLUTIONARY ANIME EVER, but it's certainly ahead of its time and some of its predictions were startlingly accurate.

>> No.14847286

It isn't

The world is following exactly what he said in CCRU and Fanged Noumena

And you can't stop it

>> No.14847306

not really, capitalism is a conservative force. The opposite of libidinal energy is a system which depresses its individuals.

>> No.14847315

this reminds me of Jeanne Dielman by Akerman for some reason

>> No.14847327

>capitalism is a conservative force

>> No.14847356
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>z o o m o u t o r b o o m o u t
whatever my 409k is still climbing and the bottom will be soon

>> No.14847428
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Dilation is Sentient.

>> No.14847482 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 1012x434, Screenshot_20200306-235913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g/acc thread
potential evil rhyme goblin
say again potential evil rhyme goblin

>> No.14847511
File: 528 KB, 1012x434, Screenshot_20200306-235913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g/acc thread
potential evil rhyme goblin
say again potential evil rhyme goblin

>> No.14847594

the objective of it is to sustain itself and nothing more. The objective of the owners are not to utilize the energy of life for a further increase in energy, but rather, to use the energy of life to create a stasis for itself. Increasing power is just a side effect of it, because that was the most obvious method of its initial expansion. However, because this increase is not its goal. If it can find a way to simply fake a power increase, to simply pretend it is expanding, it would prefer that, which is what you see has gripped the world today. There is no real progress, what amounts for new technologies these days are fraudulent. What is Uber? Air BNB? They generate immense amounts of capital investment and make the stock market look like its about to reach the stars, but in reality, they do nothing. They're falsities that allow a rich class to masturbate themselves.

Capitalism has no goal, it has no reason. Such an object can never hope to be progressive. Capitalism sucks the entirety of human energy up. Depression is the reaction to the inhumanity of capitalism, it is a rebellion against it, because capitalism needs energy to grow and depression is a state of exhaustion, of low energy. A truly progressive and power-increasing system would have goals, reasons, and most of all vitality. It would believe in something.

Land's entire philosophy is a fetishization of power, because of his drug-addled nietzsche binging. He equates power with capitalism because it was the most powerful thing he could find. But this doesn't make it infinitely powerful, this doesn't make it something that will create any kind of future, anything bigger.

>> No.14847616
File: 124 KB, 1300x865, 34311944-young-couple-worried-need-help-in-stress-at-home-couch-accounting-debt-bills-bank-papers-expenses-an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some incredible cope.

>> No.14847622
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What's the matter? did I burst your bubble?

>> No.14847635
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So acc is literally just a data-mining operation.

>> No.14847664
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No, but the Qanon pieces of shit, they are the Big Data op. Stay sharp against those son of bitches.

>> No.14847665

>There is no real progress, what amounts for new technologies these days are fraudulent. What is Uber? Air BNB? They generate immense amounts of capital investment and make the stock market look like its about to reach the stars, but in reality, they do nothing. They're falsities that allow a rich class to masturbate themselves
Bruh China just started gene editing their babies and capital just recently started outcompeting the state at space travel; you haven't seen anything yet

>> No.14847679

>But this doesn't make it infinitely powerful
if Nick Land thought capital was infinitely powerful, why would he be bitching on twitter all the time about how humans are fucking up his lovecraft AI? are yiu thay same retard who hasn't read Land from the other thread?

>> No.14847681

who are you summoning?
how do they know you did it if they aren't already here to witness what you're notifying them about?

>> No.14847692

>capital just recently started outcompeting the state at space travel

>> No.14847698
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I love when the accfags fight each other.

>> No.14847705

Blue Origin and SpaceX

>> No.14847709
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Sister, can you spare an hyperdilater?

>> No.14847719
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>> No.14847731


>> No.14847736
File: 15 KB, 300x400, Wi Tu Lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confucious say, man who accelerate into hell bound to decelerate there.

>> No.14847739
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As a transhuman, I would kill femoid niggas in a heartbeat with a shotgun.

>> No.14847761

Based kenshiposter

>> No.14847779

Musk rockets crash and burn

>> No.14847781

You will never be welcome here.

>> No.14847794
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>> No.14847806
File: 65 KB, 1000x500, 83FAE3C2-BF96-4408-BD46-0C61D913E1D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capital is conservative
Nah, capital is about gains by any means necessary

>> No.14847810

so do government rockets, a rocket is very close to a bomb

>> No.14847824


>> No.14847828

opinion disregarded

>> No.14847833
File: 324 KB, 1200x505, 1561244727112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If capital is faster than light why does dilation take so long to block out the sun?

>> No.14847878
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More like Fagged Noumena

>> No.14847924
File: 308 KB, 1080x1539, 1583537403404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this retard.

>> No.14847967
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>> No.14848496

That keyboard has so many macro keys, geez. I'd load those with so many fucking Microsoft Word shortcuts

>> No.14848590

Say what you will, but that is a valid critique of capitalism, and that man is not the first one to comment on practices such as that. Kinda shows you to be a reactionary dumbass. Go back and jerk off to Dorian Electra, queen.

>> No.14849127
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Warning. Accfags sliding and spamming.
Defcon 2.

>> No.14849149
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>seeking attention

>> No.14849233
File: 111 KB, 900x600, lee bul crashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizoposter here, I'm not really schizophrenic or sissy, its just a lot of fun to play devil's advocate with that particular kind of genderbending inhumanism. It makes a lot of sense to me that Fisher saw Land as a kind performative recapitulation of capitalist dynamics, rather than offering us a "true" endorsement of it. By playing the bad guy, he's giving the left something urgent to grapple with beyond the petty and anthropocentric domain identitarian politics. This is precisely why I frequently pretend to be a woman or angry tranny on this board, especially in anti-women threads.

>> No.14849247

Texhnolyze is better and won't turn you into a tranny.

>> No.14849302

>Fisher saw Land as a kind performative recapitulation
What's he say?

>> No.14849361

I'm paraphrasing (a lot), but a claim he often made about Land is that his performance as this "final boss" character of capitalism is really just an incendiary attempt to force the left into action. Identity politics has arguably weakened the left's ability to pose an effective response/resistance to capitalism, so perhaps Land can use the fear of (undead amphetamine) God to get them going again. Whether or not Fisher still believed this when Land started degenerating into race realism and NrX, we'll never know, but he was certainly very interested in Land's early to mid period, before he burned out and turned to far-right fetishism.

>> No.14849371

Where does he discuss this?

>> No.14849380

>degenerating into race realism
>before he burned out and turned to far-right fetishism

This just demonstrates how you already have a conclusion about anything "right", and when one of your idols actually grows up and realises their mistakes, you can't accept it.

>> No.14849553

aesthetics and irony have been a disaster for the online community

>> No.14849753

more like FAGed noumena

>> No.14849934
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>> No.14849946

Yeah it is much more reasonable to describe capitalism as a Lovecraftian god than to suggest that human populations differ on average. Jesus christ you people are fucking idiots

>> No.14849952

Who's to say the Left gives enough of a shit about Land to treat him as the primary antagonist?

>> No.14849981

So, basically, the reason leftists spam interracial pornography and sissy hypno isn't because of an ACTUAL desire to turn you into a cuck or a tranny, but rather just to poison the well of emotive response to any kind of non-class sense of identity (race / ethnicity and gender / sex, in this case) in order to dissociate you from them so that you're forced into class identity by default, right? Can't be a Nazi if you force an association between wheat fields and black cocks, can't be a patriarch if you force an association with masculinity and sissification