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/lit/ - Literature

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14707277 No.14707277 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas /lit/

>> No.14707280

But what if someone steals it and makes something better?

>> No.14707297

It's a risk worth taking.

>> No.14707310

I once posted my idea for a novel in one of these threads. I got some positive feedback and someone telling me they were going to steal my idea

>> No.14707319

An abstract expressionist painter hangs out with a gunslinger one evening in an office park and loses track of time and her memories of what happened. The gunslinger goes missing, leaving behind a note: “I’m missing, but only [REDACTED] can find me.” The painter asks [REDACTED] to look for the gunslinger with a woman named Catherine, who mysteriously becomes a different woman in each chapter.

>> No.14707320

A play that’s based around an initiation ritual for a secret society

>> No.14707321

what happened to the tapir

>> No.14707359
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>About a fucked up, dysfunctional relationship
>This lonely, isolated girl gets seduced by vampire (or revenant) guy
>He treats her like a possession and personal bloodbag and is mostly an asshole but sometimes sweet so she won't leave
>he is literally sucking the life and energy out of her
>ends in chaos and probably blood
>metaphor for abusive relationship
>+deconstruction of the marty stu vampire bf thing

Problem is I suck at conjuring up plots so its just lots of fragments floating around in my head plz help

>> No.14707389

You aren't pige

>> No.14707406

unironically could probably get published especially if you use a jewish woman pen name

>> No.14707431
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He enters prison at the age of 19 with his half brother and both gangs get annihilated in a racially charged fight among the prisoners. He gets stabbed and his organ punctured.

While recovering at the prison hospital as the sole survivor of the gang, he is treated by a doctor who is a stark contrast to the manual laborers and farmhands of his neighborhood. The doctor, also Latino, was clean cut, well spoken, and dignified. He treated the patients with dignity. When Felix is under painkillers, he grabs the doctor's sleeve and whispers to him, begs him to help him because he is afraid to die (Felix doesn't remember this). Before a surgery, he wakes up to a priest at his bedside performing the Anointing of the Sick in case that he dies. Felix argues with the priest over the existence of an everwatching God, and tells him that "your God is a son of a bitch". He spends weeks recovering in the hospital bed, wondering why he was the only one who survived when he should've died with the rest of his gang.

He is sent back to the GP. It is relatively peaceful without his gang and rival gang around, to the point of insanity, and other prisoners leave Felix alone because they don't know how he survived the bloodfest and decide not to mess with him. The guards keep sending him to solitary over the littlest shit, and he goes crazy in there. Felix sees older prisoners who have been in for years, and how out of touch they are when Felix tries to explain to them what the outer society is like. The lifers, a lot of them now fear the outside world and prefer to stay within the walls. Their most highly prized possessions are faces of women that they tore out from magazines. When Felix masturbates, he used to be into some wild shit, but now even just a mere sight of a woman's face smiling gets him off. He sees a female news anchor on TV and jacks off to it.

Once Felix gets out of prison at the age of 24, he is overwhelmed by the blueness of the sky, the lushness of the grass. The fresh air, and how it doesn't smell like stale piss. He takes his shoes off and walks around in the grass, feeling the cold wet dew under his feet, and then lays there. People pass by just staring at him.

Later he wants to be a doctor despite his lack of education and opportunity, but settles for becoming a nurse instead. In order to do this, he has to move out of state and go to Chicago, where nursing programs accept felons. He packs everything up and move over there with barely anything, and leaves Texas, which he never left before. Chicago is cold and pricier, and he has roommates. His accent and vocabulary is already a disadvantage, he shares a flat with 3 other guys. He struggles to fit in with the wealthier and younger counterparts of his school but keeps pushing on. He lives off campus and takes a train/bus to the school, which is 45 minute away by transit. He has to work on top of that. He becomes a full fledged nurse in 5 years (29).

... (cont if anyone wants more)

>> No.14707464

>nihilistic man despairs the impermanent nature of the world, symbolized most directly by a young girl morphing into yet another vapid whore
>heavy themes of mono no aware and impermanence
>it ends in a manner symbol to the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita or the End of Evangelion
Already 100 pages in

>> No.14707470

hmmm not alot of jews where I live

but plz do come with more tips! Such as setting, how abusers think and feel, writing style (how do I keep emotions ambiguous?), things to avoid etc

>> No.14707472

sounds terrible lol

>> No.14707479

>how do I keep emotions ambiguous
why the hell would you want that?

>> No.14707497

>Such as setting, how abusers think and feel
Maybe you should read some accounts from women who have been abused

>> No.14707540

a writer writes a novel about a writer who's writing a novel about writing novels

>> No.14707557
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>your novel's title

>> No.14707561

The oblivious shadow that is ruler of all.

A monthly magazine thats really a novel.

the post revelation testament

The most awful thing anyone could ever think of

Mandala effect is extra dimensional entities really trying to talk with us.

A hard sci fi epic about farming in space. Kind of like the grapes of wrath.

The new lexicon of demonology

The post modern canon of the lives of nüsaints.

A story about an acting troupe that starts an improv group and goes on to start the next school of plato and the next library of alexandria.

>> No.14707569

A way of thinking has gradually fostered in my thought and i want to explain it.

>> No.14707591

Im going to re-write many of the classics but im going to put mt name on them.

stay on the lookout for The Bible by:Anon
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein by:Anon
The Bill of Rights by :Anon

All availble on amazon

>> No.14707597

I like letting the reader stay uncertain, it keeps things more exiting. Also, in my case at least, it lets the reader insert their own feelings and theories into the characters and their actions, I just think its interesting

I have, I was thinking more about the abusers themselves but I can't find anything

do go on anon!

>> No.14707601

An actor gets possessed by the spirit of Macbeth during the middle of the play by Shakespeare

>> No.14707609

alright get this there's a guy and he's depressed about the modern world and

>> No.14707612

>young girl morphing into yet another vapid whore

sounds interesting, but plz dont make her into a one dimensional thot. Make her an actual character, it will be more impactful, and makes publication more likely

>> No.14707618

Abusers either experience some sort of abuse/emasculation themselves or grow up in an environment where they’re not denied anything they want. It’s not rocket science.

>> No.14707620

A murder mystery spanning 10 novels. The plot of each book is the exact some, only difference being that it’s in the perspective of another character.

>> No.14707634

no one wants to read your shitty incel manifesto lmao

>> No.14707762

>but plz dont make her into a one dimensional thot.
why not? wouldn't it be better to create a realistic character?

>> No.14707778

Incels don’t care about realism

>> No.14707799

please post your breasts beautiful baby jirl

>> No.14707805

...how did you know

>> No.14708033

>lesbian werewolves fall in love and get married
>they want to have kids
>adopt human baby girl as their daughter
>years later when daughter is 6 or 7 ish she discovers her mommies secret and runs away thinking they are dangerous and are going to eat her
>werewolf mom's go on a quest to find their missing daughter because they love her so much but also don't want their secret to get out
>evil werewolf wants to kill daughter to keep werewolf kind safe
>cross country road trip drama shenanigans and hi-jinx ensue as book switches from 3 perspectives of the little girl, the mom's and the evil werewolf

i could elaborate on the ending if anyone is interested

>> No.14708294

you like things girls like :)

Here's mine, it's erotica too: Mad scientist in his 40's works with pornographers to get funding and experiment with body modification. The goal is to thoroughly defile a kind innocent somewhat stupid girl who is not aware of the filming or scenario, and to bring her back a second even more extreme time after it's success. There's a false story and baited interaction so there's context for her to go as far as he pushes her, and he involves her as fully as possible pacing his actions and his words to break her heart and mind. The story is actually about the rejection of it by society as the popularity grows, commentary on the people producing porn today, influence of normalization and development of people under these conditions, the limits of freedom for a well functioning society... It's gonna be real fucked up, set around 10 years from now with black medical procedures, drug use, and psychological horror elements.

>> No.14708464

That actually sounds intriguing
would read

>> No.14708785

Here's some ideas I've had but never had enough inspiration to pursue or finish
>A generic sci-fi YA novel about superpowers and cool futuristic shit that slowly evolves into a surreal existential horror novel
>A novel about a man who commits a murder and pleads insanity to escape capital punishment, only to go insane from the electroconvulsive therapy. All of the chapters are disjointed and in the wrong order.
>A bitter romance novel about two immortals who don't have mutual feelings for one another, with chapters taking place in the most important parts of their lives, eventually leading till the end of the universe where they drift around, their bodies totally destroyed but somehow remaining conscious nonetheless, drifting apart from one another as the universe dies
>An "Invisible Cities"-esque collection of short stories consisting of descriptions of everyday objects, places, and settings

>> No.14708879

I've long had an alternative history idea in my head where Thorgeir Thorkellson recommends Iceland stay pagan instead of converting to Christianity and as a consequence believers of the Norse religion are eventually driven to flee west by a Norwegian crusade to convert the island. Greenland, being unable to support the number of refugees, becomes a staging point for a large scale migration into the Maritimes. The disruption of such a large group of people forcing their way into North America ripples through the North East of the continent, spurring, among other things, the early formation of the Iroquois Confederacy. I'd follow figures among the Iroquois, Beothuk, and other native groups, the Pagan Icelandic Norse and Christian Norsemen following after them. The Beothuk would be the worst off from the Norse, as Newfoundland would be the first temperate regions they reach heading south from Greenland. They end up allying with the Norwegians, converting to Christianity and attempting to conquer and subjugate the pagans still there. I'd set it over a period of 100-150 years, and each volume would cover a period of time with a few protagonists, and set up the next book with new ones dealing with down the line consequences of the previous books.

>> No.14708895

A man rapes women and it's cool at first but then the cops start looking for him and he starts raping kids to make them think there's a serial pedophile out there and put their attention towards that instead

>> No.14708920

>all the evidence would still just lead back to him
Edgy and trashy, literally only useable as low-brow shock value. Don't reply to the thread unless you've got something worth sharing

>> No.14708922

Hitler and Stalin buddy cop novel, they have to work together to prevent WWII and at some point they fight a giant spider.
That's all I have so far

>> No.14708976

Something about woman empowerment but the MC is also queer

>> No.14708996

should also make her really good at everything so that your readers know that women can do it better

>> No.14709002

Lolita but it actually becomes a full blown erotic novel

>> No.14709038

Does the term "doujinshi" mean anything to you?

>> No.14709062

Do I look like a faggot?

>> No.14709103

you have a creative mind anon I hope you find the drive to bring those ideas, especially idea two and three, to paper one day

>> No.14709184

A business man falls in love with a business woman, and they have an affair despite the mans marriage. The merge their businesses and become partners. As their affair and codependency come to a head, their businesses and clients suffer greatly (they are in the business of addiction treatment.) While this is going on, a man attending treatment for his alcoholism falls in love with a young prostitute. The business begins to collapse, and a court battle ensues. As the alcoholic and prostitute continue to sink into one another’s love as an escape from their suffering, the court battle mirrors their relationship, and reveals the eventual future of their codependent love. It’s a story about the difficulty of connection between traumatized individuals.

>> No.14709186

Man who has been brought up to believe that he is the reincarnation of Jesus by his cult leader parents must suddenly adapt after his parents die and his new-age cult falls apart. The protagonist is actually rather Jesus-like in his innocence and faith, but struggles with being able to reconcile with the fact that his faith was built solely on a scam. Hijinks ensue.

>> No.14709195

Just came to say that I'm stealing all the best ideas here.

>> No.14709235


so basicly there are these amazon women, but they ride horses, and they also fuck horses.

however, they need male seed to continue their clan so they kidnap and mass-rape selected individuals.

thats the basics whaty'all'd think?

>> No.14709240


sounds degenerate and I think you should try use your energy for something productive instead

>> No.14709245


only good one in this thread

>> No.14709400

From your novel idea, yes.
Is this a trick question or something?

>> No.14709418

Thanks a lot for the encouragement, anon :)
I've been slowly working on the third one as inspiration comes to me, but I haven't made it past the first couple of chapters.
Hopefully I'll be able to get somewhere with it in the next few years

>> No.14709483

Then they won't be stealing

>> No.14709817

Hahhaha funny premise, I would read

>> No.14709881

Basically my wife getting impregnated by a BLACK BVLL

>> No.14709960

A guy becomes sexually obsessed with a girl and his yearnings become more and more depraved, but when he talks to her he comes across as normal and she somehow actually likes him and then at the climax they have sex and it's completely underwhelming and all around just disappointing for him.
I'm thinking more like lengthy short story/novella length

>> No.14709994

An existentialist novel that takes place in a lovecraftian cosmic horror setting.

The existence of the great old ones is now public knowledge, maybe they even already returned and are are starting to prey on humanity.

However, the focus is not on the monsters but on everyday human characters, and how they try to cope with this reality and find meaning even though they know that Cthulhu and his pals are just going to eat everything sooner or later anyways.

>> No.14709997

Consider your idea stolen. Thanks for your hard work, partner.

>> No.14710226

One of my ideas revolves around a pair of wanderers, whose physiological form is deliberately left uncertain. They travel a world consisting of very distinct biomes - a tundra bleeding with scarlet ice, endless tar plains, and catacombs with twisted physics. They discuss the state of the physical nature of these biomes (water dripping from the ground to the ceiling of the cave), and if their actions and mere presence change them, e.g. is it allowed to free an animal drowning in tar or does this alter the world in some forbidden way?

It's hard to describe it in short. It's like waiting for godot meets surreal landscapes. I don't know.

>> No.14710694

Then you'll see your vision realized and won't have to do shit, because let's face it, most people ITT won't do anything about the ideas that are floating in their heads and they'll fade to obscurity as time passes.

>> No.14710715

That sounds fucking great, I'd definitely give it a shot if it ever came to fruition and found itself on Book Depository.

>> No.14710721

Projecting is not the way, buddy.

>> No.14710724

I want to change physics and se if epistemological truths still apply.

>> No.14710744

I'll have you know that I'm working on my script on a weekly basis, but let's be honest here, how much anons here actually work on realizing the ideas that pop in their heads and get lucky with it? A lot of people stop themselves in their tracks before even attempting something of this sort, so I ain't projecting nothin', dawg.

>> No.14711014


appreciate the support, man. It's difficult to write it down, to craft a believable and at the same time bizarre world.

>> No.14711704

Is there space for god in this case?

>> No.14712745

Technically, there always is, see God of the gaps.

It's difficult to say how religion would be affected. On the one hand such realizations would shatter traditional religous dogma, on the other hand people would need coping mechanisms like religion more than ever.

I would imagine new religous movements would become popular. Something like Gnosticism would likely rise up, while others would just worship the old ones just because they are there and are proven to exist.

>> No.14712774

Dubs checked.

>write what you know
The misadventures of a community of anonymous people, posting on a variety of image boards.

>> No.14713051

That sounds a little bit like Calvino's Cosmicomics, which I absolutely adore. I would definitely read whatever you make of your idea, anon.

>> No.14713206

An alien race intercepts our radio messages and sends a probe to check the planet, but it lands in Africa and there's only NIGGERS so the probe decides the message came from another planet and takes off

>> No.14713296

yeah i was kind of inspiried by the narrative structure of invisible cities. fantastic book. i'll take your comment as a rec, thanks for that, anon.

>> No.14714500

Some good stuff in this thread.

>> No.14714788
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>> No.14714983

This is an idea I've been thinking about for the last couple of months and can't decide if I want to go through with it or if I should just drop it. I would appreciate it if strangers on the Internet would tell me if it sounds interesting.

>Fake psychic detective solves real paranormal crimes

The backstory for the detective is that he was once a guy who became possessed by a spirit when he accidentally joined a cult. Due to a ritual not being performed properly, the ghost does not remember his past. The guy then uses this as an opportunity to establish himself as a "psychic" where he takes advantage of the ghost's good nature to help people with various problems, for a small fee of course.

His cases change from solving trivial things like murder when he gets a client who claims to have something unconventional stolen: his weekend. I had planned for a half dozen or so adventures that allow me to play around with metaphorical and literal demons. He also helps his ghost friend, Bob, get his memory back along the way.

In my head I also envisioned that several of the cases relate to one baddie. The current idea I wanted to use was a witch who has, in short, the potential to be God. The catch is that her powers require sacrifice. The more meaningful the sacrifice, the stronger her powers. There are more nuanced "rules" and a more tragic backstory, but that's the gist of it.

From a narrative point of view I really like the idea of one character going on a journey from bad to good, and another character going from good to bad. I also really like myths / urban legends / paranormal stuff in general, so that influenced the content.

>> No.14715367

teen high fantasy, starts out just like lord of the rings 1, but instead of Stryder, the mysterious hero is named Stryker. the hobbits are just really short human types. in one section a midget butt-fists a 500 pound drunk passed out man and then face fucks his lifeless blob of a body. Stryker finds the amulet that makes him invulnerable to the evil kings gay magic and he kills him.

>> No.14715427 [DELETED] 

>author discovers film reel
>holds viewing party at cinema
>after marathon viewing with no end in sight, they find themselves captivated, can't stop watching
>it's a seemingly endless series of interweaving stories. genius creator, they gush, relentlessly beautiful
>stories range from soul-crushingly banal to revelatory. subject doesn't really matter, creator is ~the~ GOAT
>spliced in are scenes from their lives
>angles are impossible, perversely acute
>they are mortified, but the film is so good
>the scenes become highly intimate, soul-baring,
>bearing closer, faster, from the past to present day,
>a scene shows the author arriving at the cinema with the reel at night
>even though he came during light
>he realizes they've been there for three days
>and no one's spoken since the real life scenes started
>the film flicks through images of them inside the cinema
>watching the film flick through images of them inside the cinema
>a viewer stands, shrieking, flailing, stumbles around, as though swarmed by invisible locusts. totally batshit, she feels her way up flights of stairs to the balcony, jumps to her death
>author, marveling at the cinematography, realizes the film could've only been shot by an invisible, omnipresent panopticon that records, reproduces the poetic meaning in ~everything~
>from the infinitesimal to the infinite, microcosmic to macro,
>including the bottomless novelty of our human condition therein
>all the viewers are wailing, applauding, and generally losing the plot

>author manages to escape. news of the film spreads. it goes viral.

gets sillier, is original, doubt i'll write it. conceived over sleepless hours, very high

>> No.14715428


isn't* original

>> No.14715494

A literary novel about the family of Joseph Stalin; or alternatively a novel about Stalin through the eyes of his two wives, two sons, and daughter.

>> No.14715499

God damnit I have a great idea for a novel I've already started writing and I want to share it so bad, but I'm terrified of a better writer on /lit/ beating me to the punch

>> No.14715510

Grimble Whimble flopped a while to listen glibly at the shire.

>> No.14715513

I would read.

>> No.14715526

>good writers
>on /lit/

Just man up and post it.

>> No.14715670

>author discovers film reel
>holds viewing party at cinema
>after a marathon viewing with no end in sight, they find themselves captivated, can't stop watching
>it's a seemingly endless series of interweaving stories within stories within stories. genius, they gush
>stories range from ultra banal to ultra thrilling. subject doesn't really matter, it's all relentlessly beautiful
>in one scene, the author arrives at the cinema with the reel at night, even though he came when it was still light
>the film's tone darkens. it plays real scenes. from their lives. some angles are extremely creepy. others, impossible
>though horrified, they keep watching. weeping now. it's so good. the scenes become more and more intimate, soul-baring
>though it wasn't before, the film is now moving chronologically, rushing closer from the past to present day
>the author realizes they've been there for three days
>and no one's spoken since the real life scenes started
>the film catches up, showing images of them inside the cinema
>... watching the film show images of them inside the cinema
>one viewer jumps up, shrieking. stumbles around, arms flailing, as though swarmed by invisible locusts. absolutely batshit. feels her way up a flight of stairs, makes it to a balcony, jumps
>the author, marveling at the cinematography, realizes it could've only been shot by some invisible, omnipresent panopticon that records, reproduces the poetic meaning in ~everything~
>from the infinitesimal to the infinite, microcosmic to macro, where plays out the bottomless novelty of human life. everyone's screaming. and applauding. having lost the fucking plot

>author manages to escape. news of the film spreads, as does video of the suicide. a twelve hour, hyper-focused close up of her corpse, and the feet of the others dancing. it goes viral

gets sillier from here, but more original maybe. this is a brief outline of 1/4

>> No.14715679

I'd love to write a story inspired by LulzSec and hacktivism one day, but with more focus on the characters. Keeping the tone light while the content darker than the real thing. One could even introduce romance side plots and tons of diversity to get a ride on that train. So basically a lot like Mr. Robot but without all the dumb multiple personalities and over the top antagonist shit.

Come to think of it, shit would better work as a series. At the end of the book, the leader turns out to be an informant, so the second could be about them being hunted down ... and if one gives every character their own POV, there is soooo much potential to expand the scale of the story by giving the people in the group totally different backgrounds and issues to deal with. And then further expand it with prequels.

Shit could even use a combination with tech to make the experience more interactive, like having an obscure site mentioned in the book actually available with some cracking puzzles and whatever else, teaching kids how to code ... and radicalising them. Though can't be assed to learn about programming or do the research necessary and I'd want the hacking, scamming, skimming and so on to be 100% authentic.

>> No.14716419

Sounds very interesting, I pictured it as some sort of death note but less serious

>> No.14716425

Based, I'd label it lynch dupieux Kauffman esque

>> No.14716594

Reminded me more of xxxholic, but yeah, sounds like a cute idea.

>> No.14716637


I had in my mind Borges, Liu Cixin and DFW, (probably makes more sense knowing the rest of the story) but that works just as well

>> No.14716929

this is great anon. publish it serialized, and you could be the dumas of your generation

>> No.14717376
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A bugman is struck by powerful epiphany in his sleep

He leaves his annoying bug-woman wife and their feline family in this moment and plunges in to the world to seek his nirvana

There's no stated reason except his previous condition as a bugman so the purpose is obviously his escape from bugmanism, materialism, consooming