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/lit/ - Literature

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14557901 No.14557901 [Reply] [Original]

>What are some decent books on the history of science, technology and medicine in asia and the middle east? I want to know more than just gunpowder, printing presses and the number 0
>what are some books that are depressing but in a way sort of terrifying?
>Any feminist literature recommendations? preferably written by lesbian’s/ butchy femmes
>Novels about how having a passion, a good heart and disposition to work hard overcomes any amount of talent, status or wealth that you are born with.
>What are some works of contemporary fiction that deal with the fallout from having too much casual sex?
>What literature and teachings would you give to your son to prevent him from becoming pic related?
>What philosophical books will make me feel like pic related?:
>What are some good books that will restore my love of philosophy and make me want to put the time into again?
>Depressing and deep existencial novels starring teenagers like Neon Genesis Evangelion. Make me sad.
>Book Recommendations: Was wondering if any of you fellas have any good recommendations of books about pirates.
>What books should I read to understand contemporary views on evolution?
>Books about manhood?: To help a fatherless basedboy become a man.

>> No.14557917

leave, you are wasting your time here.

>> No.14557920

>Book Recommendations: Was wondering if any of you fellas have any good recommendations of books about pirates.
this one is cute

>> No.14557933

Do you?
Also what country are you from?

>> No.14557940
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, blade runner despair gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guenon posting, neon genesis posting, /pol/ posting, bait posting, book rec, cuck threads etc etc all ruined this fucking board I find my self spending less and less time on here.

>> No.14557948

What would an online community look like where you didn't feel you're wasting your time?

>> No.14557959

What do you have against pirates?

>> No.14557963

/lit/ approximately 6 months ago was decent imo

>> No.14557967

And what did it used to be like, in your memory? I remember a lot of wankery Joyce, Beckett, Pynchon, occasionally one off threads about [insert lit OP likes], but this board is so slow, I can’t tell if it’s really different now, or if I just need to go to catalog.

Oh yeah, and a perpetual thread with an atlas shrugged thumbnail

Is Bolaño still big here?

>> No.14557968

Responses like this don’t get it. There’s a difference between wasting your time, and wasting your time while knowing it.

>> No.14557998

It wouldn't have tons upon tons of these useless, absurdly specific threads, for a start. Bait garbage should also be dealt with, obviously.
Forums back in the day were far better than 4chan, for example. They had their problems, certainly, but overall it was all better organised, garbage was more easily skippable or removed, and posts had some weight and could spark long-term discussions.

>> No.14558011

im afraid Bolano has died, actually anything PoMo related is irrelevant on this board now, sure theres always memes with IJ but im pretty sure its actually unread now a days

>> No.14558042

Face it, there'll never be anything worth reading on here.

>> No.14558043

Damn, fuck, I’m in that phase of life that seems to move too quickly, I’ve started to feel like I’m really out of touch. For some reason I assumed /lit/ would be immutable. I guess the whole site’s caught brainworms.

>> No.14558047
File: 40 KB, 467x318, ушла.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ ruined /lit/

>> No.14558071
File: 240 KB, 460x632, 1536025787365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find my self spending less and less time on here.
This. It's not the same anymore. I think the board may have finally died. I've been waiting for almost a year now for it to get better, but it never does. It never gets better.
The elitist mentality needs to come back, or else this board will just remain the same as it is now.

>> No.14558923

>What are some decent books on the history of science, technology and medicine in asia and the middle east? I want to know more than just gunpowder, printing presses and the number 0
>Book Recommendations: Was wondering if any of you fellas have any good recommendations of books about pirates.
>What books should I read to understand contemporary views on evolution?
These are fine topics. Especially the pirate one. Quit being such a downer, OP.

>> No.14558932

>Threads on /lit/ right now
>Every thread is a about literature
What the fuck is your problem, OP? That they dont discuss your specific meme philosophy?

>> No.14558954

I was here the first week and it was all Rand threads all the time. /lit/ has always been a fucking joke.

>> No.14558962

I want to kill myself
I could do it rn

>> No.14558980

Then rand was banned. Anyway, the board is fine if you use the catalog, you don't have to read every stupid thread, there will always be two or three good ones

>> No.14559701

>The elitist mentality needs to come back
This. There's only a miserable husk of that old /lit/ elitism still present.

Guenon is kind of fun, even though I don't care about him as an author. Some shitposting is natural and expected, so it's best when it's built around an actual writer. We've always memed Pynchon, DFW, and such, so I really don't mind the current iteration. The rest, though, is definitely cancerous.

They're all, as I said before, uselessly specific. "Any novels in free verse about transsexual Hitler genociding kulaks hurr durr", does that sort of shit deserve a dozen threads every day? In fact, plenty are off-topic. Somehow, "literature" got equated with everything printed on paper and bound, even though the theme of /lit/ is artistic and philosophical writing. Recommendations for history books should be on /his/, science books on /sci/, and so on.