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14286782 No.14286782 [Reply] [Original]

>"You, monks, should not thus cultivate the notion (samjna) of impermanence, suffering and non-Self, the notion of impurity and so forth, deeming them to be the true meaning [of the Dharma], as those people [searching in a pool for a radiant gem but foolishly grabbing hold of useless pebbles, mistaken for priceless treasure] did, each thinking that bits of brick, stones, grass and gravel were the jewel. You should train yourselves well in efficacious means. In every situation, constantly meditate upon [bhavana] the idea [samjna] of the Self, the idea of the Eternal, Bliss, and the Pure ... Those who, desirous of attaining Reality [tattva], meditatatively cultivate these ideas, namely, the ideas of the Self [atman], the Eternal, Bliss, and the Pure, will skilfully bring forth the jewel, just like that wise person [who obtained the genuine, priceless gem, rather than worthless detritus misperceived as the real thing.]"

- The Buddha, Chapter Three, "Grief",The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra

> "The Tathagata also teaches, for the sake of all beings, that there is, in truth, the Self in all phenomena" (The Buddha in The Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Chapter Three).


How will annihilationist non-self fags ever recover? The Buddha himself taught True Self as his final teaching before he achieved Paranirvana, while dismissing annihilationists as deluded fools.

Annihilationists are servants of Mara, delighting in Maradharma, and are bound to err in Samsara, through hell or on earth in the form of beasts, for countless aeons.

>> No.14286788

Based. Brainlet midwits accusing Buddhism of being nihilistic BTFO

>> No.14286801

It is anyway because buddhism reduces to monism.

>> No.14286805
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Signs of a guenonfag thread

>memes from a few years ago ("OH NO NO NO")
>overuse of memes in general in an attempt to fit in
>replying to himself with "based"
>repetitive anti-buddhist shitposting
>can't take a joke or self-deprecate

>> No.14286806

>OH NO NO NO based BTFO brainlet midwits EPIC cringe seethe

Good morning Seguro

>> No.14286818

>doesn’t address any of the points being advanced
>focuses exclusively on ad hominens

>> No.14286844

>how guenonfag says "Please, address the points being advanced :-)" when debating a buddhist, exhibit a:

>It's been 24 hours and none of you ming-mongs have replied to this. All the more embarrassing considering YoU CaN't HaVe Up WiThOuT dOwN mY dUdEz loooooollzzlz lmafaooo :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!1!111! was intended to be the epic GOTCHA retort. Writhing animals.

>> No.14286847

>everyone that disagrees with me is guenonfag
>still doesn’t refute any of the points

>> No.14286850

seethecringe, cringe seethe obsessed epic OH NO NO cringe. cringe, cringe cringe seethe, "epic" based BTFO epic cringe cringe. OBSESSSED OH NO NO CRINGE EPIC BTFO cringe, cringe based epic BTFO?

>> No.14286878

crypto-materialist western 'buddhists' btfo!

>> No.14286889

So no arguments then? I accept your surrender.

>> No.14286994

>Mahayana Buddha
I'd prefer not to.

>> No.14287016


Why would you want Chang's take over the Elder's word?

Theravada is the lofty, and truest path.

As for your content, it says to meditate on the Self. The Buddha (Gotama) did not actively deny nor confirm the idea of the self.

The practical use of non-self is to question what really makes your identity. Is there an essence to each being? A lasting permanent essence?

The answer is no. If there was a boundless, eternal essence, it would have to be outside of this Universee, for everything in this universe is dependently arising. Just like your identity (which is made up of a lot of external factors)

>> No.14287028

>Buddha himself
the words of the Buddha himself are not recorded in a 2nd century CE text like the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra. Mahayana Buddhists had to come up with their own texts, put their ideas into the Buddha's mouth, and claim the superiority of their texts over the Pali Canon by calling Icchantika anyone who doesn't believe their made-up bullshit.

>> No.14287135

>Why would you want Chang's take over the Elder's word?
Most of the influential Mahayana sutras were written in Sanskrit in India

>> No.14287147

Mahayana sutras are needlessly complex, borderline mystical and obscuratist.

Reading Mahayan Sutras is like reading a hippie's LSD journal. It's all over the place and needlessly dogmatic and theocractic.

Compared to the Theravadin SUTTAS, which are much more direct, relatable and althought lofty to a fault, the direct path to liberation.