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13739551 No.13739551 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about this man that inspires such seething hatred among a certain subset of /lit/ posters? Is it the witty denunciations, the verbal skewering of so many of /lit/'s idols, the complete eviscerating of modernist ideology?

>> No.13739591

It's that you are spamming someone that is boring with no discernible talent. Deleuze and Whitehead are at least interesting and Stirner will always be memeable. Guenon is someone that is forgotten because he had no insight so just drop him there is nothing to meme about him.

>> No.13739598

the obvious need for attention and recognition of a beloved thinker

>> No.13739613
File: 118 KB, 1189x597, guenon_influence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. assblasted Whiteheadfag
>Guenon is "forgotten"

>> No.13739819

I wish I knew OP

>> No.13739831

You're literally just going around gaslighting people and pushing an obscure reactionary thinker who wasn't even taken seriously in his own time. The only current writers I can think of who cite him as an influence are fucking Aleksandr Dugin and Steve Bannon. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.13739832

He's making metaphysics great again.
Atheists, posititivsts and autists with no abstract imagination or internal monologe are SEETHING!!

>> No.13739836


>> No.13739848

see >>13739613

>> No.13739859

i hate how he always retroactively debunks everything. really pisses me off

>> No.13739873

I just hate how he looks.

>> No.13739943

Whitehead and Deleuze are the great metaphysicians; Guénon is a narrowminded Parmenidean, which is ironically only a step removed from a logical positivist.

>> No.13739952

His contemporary Alan Watts wrote about the same topics, but did it with swagger. Guenon desperately attempts, but fails to bring any insight into the topics he discusses, mostly due to a complete misunderstanding of their contexts & uninvolvement with their contemporary practices. See what I did there?

Reading him is like watching someone with a toy lightsaber swinging it around at pretend enemies.

If you're widely read, you'll laugh and drop this garbage. The writing style is the height of cringe, so if you want a laugh, it's good for it.

>> No.13739959

It's literally just 2 autists spamming Guenon vs Whitehead

>> No.13739974

I tried to find out who connects Bannon and Guenon, and got a Vox article.

>And through Evola he went back and kinda became mesmerized by Evola’s guru, who is this French metaphysician named René Guénon who was raised a Catholic, practiced occultism, and joined a Freemason lodge, and eventually converted to Sufi Islam and followed Sharia. Guénon is kinda the godfather of capital-T Traditionalism.

>What attracted Bannon to them was this idea of decline. Guénon’s famous book was called Crisis of the Modern World, and it laid out this view that essentially beginning with the Enlightenment and the rise of modernity and the nation-state system, we in the West lost our connection to the esoteric, to God. And that we were entering a six-thousand-year dark age. I’m trying to think how to explain this without sounding batshit crazy.

Kierkegaard was completely right about journalists.

>> No.13739975

Evola is better, unironically.

>> No.13739992

are you not entertained?

>> No.13740020

Evola didn't understand metaphysics as well, he makes amateur mistakes in his writing and ignores stuff that obviously contradicts his thesis, he can be more entertaining at times though

>> No.13740075

Alan Watts is literally "eastern metaphysics for dummies"

>> No.13740082

>literally just retells the story of the Israelites turning their back on God

>> No.13740133

That's just one expression of the same concept where appears everywhere throughout the world, from the Kali Yuga of Hindus to the Dharma decline of the Buddhists, to the end-times of islamic revelation, to the decline in intellectuality mentioned in the Zhuangzi

>> No.13740190

Uh oh. Morons are patrolling this thread.

>> No.13740626


>> No.13740693

If you actually think Metaphysics isnt real then i hope you choke on your english beans you anglo subhuman.

>> No.13740709

Does anyone have the Guenon quote on reincarnation and migration of the soul? I forgot to save it.

>> No.13740713
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Guenon actually has an organic following on /lit/ that just happens to include a few extra-devoted posters, Whitehead is literally a forced meme by 1 guy

>> No.13740717

Dualism is better than monism, monotheism, and nondualism.

>> No.13740745

>t. Shizo 4% Mongolian Jewish-looking Zoroastrianian "Persian-disapora" spammer who shilled a cringe-worthy failed manifesto about childrens books on facebook and was laughed at for it by everyone and who will try to publish his more cringe worthy writing and be mocked publicly when people realize who it was written by and document all the cringe posts the author made on the /lit/ archives

>> No.13740801

>t. Guenon worshiping dick-sucker being taken advantage by Sunni fanatics and cannot help but slurp anything that hints at an all-subsuming self-effacing One

Also, you ignore how I am already a published writer, faggot. It was heavily praised. Have fun in the orgies with those Arabs.

>> No.13740885

they're jealous

>> No.13740931

Also, I don't look Jewish at all, and my phenotype is close to my Achaemenid and Sassanian reliefs. Go back to sucking Arab dick. I hope one day we nuke Mecca and impale every last Muslim. I'll make sure to send the preserved eyes of Mudslime children to you, faggot.

>> No.13740939

I'll take based neozurvan poster over the guenon lemmings any day

>> No.13740947

Because hes a total fucking moron who arbitrarily chose a religion and decided its the one and people literally only spam him because they think somehow they read him they will turn into Evola and Zombie Hitler will rise to save them.

>a huge long list of literally whos

>You're literally just going around gaslighting people and pushing an obscure reactionary thinker who wasn't even taken seriously in his own time. The only current writers I can think of who cite him as an influence are fucking Aleksandr Dugin and Steve Bannon.
Thats exactly why they are pushing him. Guenons metaphysics are not self-consistant but he has enough spook and mythology to trick people who are less read especially for a huwhite protestant americans, just like Evola. Its like Jordan Peterson for 110IQ brainlet mutts who larp as Dues Vult Aryans.

>> No.13740950

This makes him based.

>> No.13740951

>That's just one expression of the same concept where appears everywhere throughout the world, from the Kali Yuga of Hindus to the Dharma decline of the Buddhists, to the end-times of islamic revelation,
Then why would you arbitrarily convert to one instead of writing a syncretic comparison of each?

>> No.13740955

Arab conquest of Persia was the best thing that ever happened to it. Every Persian was maidan was defiled and stretched by the Big Arab Cock (BAC), to this day the Persians follow the superior Arab religion, it was nessecary to save Persian culture. Zoroastrianism had made them become too decadent.

>> No.13740965
File: 17 KB, 236x240, 0cd5e145141fbed880dbb2850b3b84d1--abd-islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said that he had not converted to Islam but “moved into” it: “whoever understands the unity of traditions . . . ,” he wrote, “is necessarily . . . ‘unconvertible’ to anything.” Of his “moving into” Islam Guenon also wrote: “There is in it nothing that implies the superiority of one traditional form—in itself—over another, but merely what one could call reasons of spiritual convenience.”

>> No.13740975
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 8879053B-AE08-49E8-B5BD-A9FD47C80B66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dugin is based

>> No.13740987

Sounds like cope. There are no extra religious secrets contained in tradition.

>> No.13740996
File: 3.34 MB, 8199x6167, Persian_v_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Guenon poster is a disgusting Arab, huh? Look at image, and also understand that we preserved our genetic character (~90%), much of our literature (Shahnameh and Gathas), celebrations (Nowruz, Mehregan, Yalda, Chaharshanbe Suri, etc.), and grammatical structure (e.g., as simple as saying "darood" instead of "salam"). Listen, faggot, I don't just shill my philosophical or religious views here. I talk about literature, which is what this board is particularly meant for; however, I personally focus on literature of the extremes such as horror vs. wholesome stuff. I also do not like to bring up questions of race, religious affiliation, or etc. everywhere. I wasn't the first one to bring up race or nationality, you dumb faggot. If you Muslim Arabs continue doing this, one day we're going to slaughter all of you.

>> No.13740998

Fuck Jannies.
A good thread died for this.

>> No.13741132

>t. uninitiated brainlet

>> No.13741506

Not really I'm actually quite taken by Whitehead. Plus he's actually someone of some significance in the history of ideas.

>> No.13741522

Why? I have yet to read an answer to this question that doesn't sound like it's coming from an underage nazbol retard.

>> No.13741770

read him and you'll find out

>> No.13741813

Anyone have the image of Guenonfag humiliating himself by repeatedly spamming threads pretending NOT to be Guenonfag, and then replying to himself AS Guenonfag?

Each new chapter in the Guenonfag saga is sadder than the last. It fucking sucks because I like Guenon, a lot of people on this board seem to like Guenon, but 95% of the posts about him here are Guenonfag either samefagging or doing creepy shit like this, spamming 50 threads for a weekend as if that's going to turn people onto a thinker. I really hope this is actually a troll trying to make people HATE Guenon, that would at least be less pathetic and kind of clever.

>> No.13742352

You think that greyhound-lookin motherfucker is talking about metaphysics? You don't know what metaphysics is...

>> No.13742376

No he's not. He's not taken seriously outside of the newage community.

>> No.13742473


There is nothing they have access to that others do not.