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13405618 No.13405618 [Reply] [Original]

Black holes are Atlantean archons: the event horizon of a black hole temporalizes space while spatializing time. In other words, causality becomes traversable, like a landscape, while space is steadily pushed towards an immanent "future": the singularity. The forward progression of time becomes all space hurtling towards Null. This corresponds exactly to the CCRU's interpretation of the Omega Point: all time condensed into Borges' aleph, where Beginning and the End become visible to a unary perspective: inside the event horizon, all light from the black hole's past, and all the light that entered after you, /is actually visible to you simultaneously/. Western thought is the bootstrap engine of the Omega Point: pure spiration, the teleology of negativity and the negativity of teleology: time is the mouth that eats itself. In other words, Dugin, Evola, Land, Laffoley, Heidegger, etc. were absolutely right: Western civilization is temporal to its roots, its essence is its transpiring, its /historicism/, but an historicism bent towards killing its own Buddha: with the Omega Point, time is no longer experienced under ontological duress: the self is released from its having to "unreflectively coincide" with moment after moment, hour after hour: the mundane is the negation of eternity, only the brush with death breaks the spell of clock time: time is auto-habituating, and for Hegel: habituation is ideation. /Boredom is dialectical/: immediacy forces the mediacy of reflection. God made man small so he wouldn't get bored with the whole universe. Now his god is a counterfeit, a hypostatized longing to escape. The Eye that sees its own nerve: your internality to the world /just is/ your (figurative) incapacity to see behind your own back: inside the black hole's photon sphere, photons are bent into orbits, and you can actually see the back of your own head in front of you. Just as with Kant: freedom is the misrecognition of causality, it is only being on the /inside/ of my subjectivity that freedom is possible: immanence /is/ freedom, but also determination: in Schelling, the highest freedom coincides with the highest determination, because true freedom can be nothing other than absolute adherence to one's nature in a way that leaves no room for disagreement: necessity isn't just chafing under some determination, necessity is that determination that, for whatever reason, /we cannot endorse/. The West, at its heart, remains irremediably Platonic: for both, self-identity is freedom, truth and goodness remain an affirmation of the principle of non-contradiction, and like a cancer cell Western thought becomes the metastasis of A = A.

>> No.13405624
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Universes are autophagic: smart matter converts silence into an echo chamber for the Word, Western time as a Mandelbrot zoom: the infinite (dialectical) elaboration of the One. Black holes are /spatial/ singularities, while white holes are /temporal/: just as time can't help but flow into the future, space can't help but flow into a black hole's center. Now reverse it: just as all worldlines caught within the event horizon converge on the singularity, so /do all worldlines in a regular old spatiotemporal universe dissipate into heat death/. Black holes and white holes are Schelling's negative and positive potencies, respectively. For Schelling, the self (Hadit in Crowley's system) is fundamentally contractive, the periphery (Nuit, otherness, objectivity) is entropic, dilutive, it eternally threatens the sovereignty of the center, just as the center threatens to swallow the periphery into the abyss of self-sameness: civilization was the body's domestication of the earth, now it is being conquered by the mind. Globalism as noetic terraforming. It's no wonder falling into a black hole is analogous to the mystical experience: mysticism is the descent into the windowless void of selfhood, where the God within coincides with the God without, and an absolute centripetal force recoils into the birth-cry of a universe. Not a simple dualism of light and dark, but a redoubled dualism of contraction and expansion: the Night of inwardness is /both/ the principle of selfhood and the inertia of identity, the Sun of Love is /both/ the principle of predication /and/ the threat of dissolution into those predicates. Like yin and yang, each planted in the seedbed of the other: white holes produce universes whose children fall down Kantian/Hegelian recursion spirals, black holes condense tremendous mass and energy into points that "bang" into new universes. Black holes are escape chutes into the Ain: strange loop gods that haunt the stars. The Platonic Sun is black. The Landian Sun is white. The Middle Way is colorless.

>> No.13405634

why are you reposting this

>> No.13405683

i've yawned at this already

>> No.13405688

kek. this was a younger, greener 5 o clock wojak, who hadn't yet realized Atlantis and Lemuria are two sides of the same coin.

but where are your yawns now?

>> No.13405803

no thanks

>> No.13405831

What’s CCRU

>> No.13405966

It's a, now defunct, degenerate deluzian collective, founded by Sadie Plant, an obscure post-modern gender and cultural theorist, and Nick Land, the founder of modern accelerationism.

Outside of Nick Land's works, it hasn't really published anything of value. It was less of an actual philosophy collective and more of an avante-garde art piece.

>> No.13405978

Oh look it's another wannabe schizoposter thread where he samefags himself for half the thread with shit like "Whoa... Where can I read more of this???"

>> No.13405985

It's sad that you believe this

>> No.13406031

>It's no wonder falling into a black hole is analogous to the mystical experience: mysticism is the descent into the windowless void of selfhood, where the God within coincides with the God without, and an absolute centripetal force recoils into the birth-cry of a universe.
How early in your thinking did this occur to you?

>> No.13406036

could tell it's a repost from three words in faggot

>> No.13406038
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meant to attach this

>> No.13406265

I never repost my old shit, someone else posted this thread

Not sure, but that intuition had been brewing for a few years now