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13329939 No.13329939 [Reply] [Original]

What are some self-help books which actually work?

>> No.13329940

The Bible

>> No.13329945

Be more specific. Which book?

>> No.13329946

...It says the Bibble.

>> No.13329948

Old Testament, New Testament

>> No.13329952

I really liked 5 habits when I was in teens but idk if I'd gaf now

>> No.13329955

The Richest Man in Babylon

>> No.13329976

Maps of Meaning desu

>> No.13330061

Not a lot of people have heard of it, but

>The Tightwad Gazette Complete Ed.

Which is a big, fat, and really dated 90s book compilation. It was written by a mom and writer who spent years penning a newsletter on frugality, defending simple living, and writing practical tips on how you can improve at that, be happy with less, get crafty, and hustle if you’re in a shitty financial situation or just want to opt out of modern consumerism for whatever reason.

The tips themselves range from really sensible and useful guides to home repair, auto-maintenance, gardening, plumbing, and other skills which make you more self-sufficient and rich, to ideas often insane and strange unless you’re truly desperate, like guides for survival if your food budget is nonexistent or less than zero.

What makes it formative for me despite it being really hoaky, weird, and old is they all point to a deeper idea and mindset of taking charge of one’s own life, refusing to get fucked over by circumstance or other people acting against your interests, of your money being a tool of power, personal control, and extension of yourself, and how if you believe all that, and even if you’re not in a shitty place in life, you can better put it to use towards your desires and personal interests.

It’s got a countercultural tinge, but not one of disdain, but of willingly opting out of the parts of culture out to get you so you can better enjoy the good parts. Highly recommend it.

>> No.13331583

How to win friends and influence people

>> No.13331593

Does it really? I'm self-employed (small construction business) and have a hard time negotiating without stuttering and coming off like an autist every time. Will this book help? Will it help me get a gf too?

>> No.13331733

It helps make people who have zero social skills have bad social skills (this is an improvement).

The advice it has itself is good and correct, but you can always tell when someone with no social skills has read it for the first time because there’s a weird learning period afterwords where they noticeably “overdo it”.

It’s still better than what they were doing before, but its a stepping stone on the path to fixing those issues, not the solution.

>> No.13331768

Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion

>> No.13331771
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No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover

Goes into the origins of the incel personality and some real, practical exercises one can do to break out of it.

There is a fair amount of "just work harder" delusional boomer shit because the author doesn't have the guts to name the real problems. Also, the community around it has stagnated somewhat because the author figured out he could make more money charging incorrigible basedboys to take his seminars over and over.

But the advice itself is rock solid and it has helped legions of frustrated bugmen get their shit together and get a life.

>> No.13331793


sounds interesting desu, you should write book blurbs

>> No.13332058

Rich dad poor dad
(basic financial knowledge and how to escape poverty)

4hour work week
(Automation, delegation of tasks, and time management)

The charisma myth
(How to talk to people so they like you, and want to eo things for you)

The way of men
(Analysis of the current state of men, and their role in society)
Read that with no more mr nice guy

"Sex god method" is a retarded one but it works p well as a framework (very short book)
I have more recs but i cant remember

>> No.13332182

>everyone can become rich if they just try meme
Uhh how when the majority of people are required for wagie jobs... if everyone became rich then who would do most of the physical work necessary??

>> No.13332362

>Believes in free will

>> No.13332418

IS there any book that will help me stop being an autistic shut in who hasn't left the house in years?

>> No.13332421

Imitation of Christ
Thomas Kempis

>> No.13332465

How to suck up to a boss and remember to use manners

>> No.13332632

How to fail at almost everything and still win by dilbertman

>> No.13332715

the foundation for exploration by sean goonan

>> No.13332967


Try "As a Man Thinketh." There is also an audio podcast of the book, I think it was released by Learn Out Loud. Anyway, here is the wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_a_Man_Thinketh

You can also download the book so you can read it on your mobile devices or laptop.


Try Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Used to listen to some radio show that would always run in the middle of the night while I was in high school in the early 2000s, and there was some Protestant preacher guy who accepted calls and told people advice. I remember him saying to read Proverbs, at least that's what I remember. I don't know about Ecclesiastes because some people said that Solomon lost his faith or something. Anyway, I'm not into any of that Christian stuff these days since I tend to watch or read porn, lots of porn.

>> No.13332973

My diary desu

>> No.13333042

Get into stoicism. It's philosophy, but really just self help.

>> No.13333056
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Fuck off Sam Harris

>> No.13333585

it made me more consciously aware of things, which made me even more depressed

>> No.13334197

>Believing in determinism

Go read Heisenberg then Kierkegaard and get back to me when you're 85% smarter.

>> No.13334216

On one hand I think everyone should read this book, and it’s only like 100 pages so no excuses. On the other it’s crap and won’t really help you.

It doesn’t help people with bad social skills precisely because they’re idiots who are going to over do it. For bad social skills it would be better to find a book that teaches assholes that being fake means you look down on others by thinking there is a trick to them and down on yourself by not thinking you’re good enough being genuine.

>> No.13334280
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Pic related is really messing with my mind. There's a lot of stuff in here more applicable than the "just believe in urself bro" crap that permeates this genre. I'm surprised at how much I agree with him.

>> No.13334563

Not that lmao. Scam artist

>> No.13334572
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>> No.13334579

No, he lost his mind and honestly might be on the spectrum. Good read though

>> No.13335003


Try reading Nietzsche, his books are great for self help, especially for writers.

>> No.13335023

>he lost his mind

>> No.13335025

Curious to know how many of you guys went from self-help -> philosophy. I remember reading some self-help books in my teens but then gradually displaced all of them with philosophy or science. On a unrelated note I stayed at an airbnb in San Fran that was obv inhabited by some well off folks and their entire library was self-help books. Interesting

>> No.13335033

Never read one because they’re cringe.

>> No.13335035

For me it was the other way around. Self help books became a guilty pleasure because I enjoyed seeing how they could take philosophical concepts, strip them of all intellectual rigor, and still try to be useful or coherent.

>> No.13335068
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What a grasp the mind would have if we could always hold the victorious attitude toward everything! Sweeping past obstacles and reaching out into the energy of the universe it would gather to itself material for building a life in its own image.

To be a conqueror in appearance, in one's bearing, is the first step toward success. It inspires confidence in others as well as in oneself. Walk, talk and act as though you were a somebody, and you are more likely to become such. Move about among your fellowmen as though you believe you are a man of importance. Let victory speak from your face and express itself in your manner. Carry yourself like one who is conscious he has a splendid mission, a grand aim in life. Radiate a hopeful, expectant, cheerful atmosphere. In other words, be a good advertisement of the winner you are trying to be.


>> No.13335132
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I don't care what you think, this shit works.

>> No.13335135

Not bad advice

>> No.13335216


Sounds like good advice, but the problem is that people like Trump are just like that, thinking they are winners and never admitting to wrong doing. Chances are he has watched way too many television and films about the underdog winning through insurmountable obstacles and has come to see himself as such.

>> No.13335545


It's common sense to most people. Read if your parents didn't teach you how to be polite.

A good book with some good, practical advice in this regard is Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss. It teaches skills that you'll use every day. How to calm people down and demonstrate that you are listening to them. How to negotiate. How to pitch ideas and ask for a raise.

>> No.13335559

Both were brainlets, as are you

>> No.13335581

Voss is a genius. However I recommend his videos on youtube more than the book. They're equally informative without being so long-winded.

>> No.13335582

Im going to end the self help meme in this thread.
Dont read the books.
Just do yoga, semen retention, qi gong, falung gong, tai chi, visualise having what you want for 10-20 mins just after waking up and in bed at night till you fall asleep.
Remove all sugar from your diet.
Cold showers everyday combined with the iceman method.
Work out 3-4 times a week.
Delete all porn
If you do all this then you'll be superhuman compared to the rest of humanity.

>> No.13335634

Forgot to mention, do the lbrp ritual for a month and include the middle pillar ritual after a month, do them daily

>> No.13335651

Thanks I know I'm a smart person

>> No.13335655

They self-help the author

>> No.13335719


>> No.13335924

niggers, who can't read

>> No.13336475



Try this, it's the Personal Growth podcast from Learn Out Loud. It has the "As a Man Thinketh" in two parts. It also has a bunch of excerpts from some of the books that have been mentioned by other posters on this thread, like excerpts from "The 4 Hour Work Week" or "7 Habits of Highly Effective People."

>> No.13336507

Look it's all the memes in once place

>> No.13336644


Ah, but I chose to be a brainlet, your brainlet adventure is your no-free-will destiny

>> No.13337166
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>Rich dad poor dad
I did not believe most of Kiyosaki's stories and I was not convinced by his arguments. He seems like the typical American guru who essentially makes his fortune writing books about how to make a fortune.

>4hour work week
There is some good practical advice in here like how to get cheap labor in Asia. But the title is a myth; Ferriss spends way more than 40 hours a week shilling his health food shit. Also, he's a coward and a loser as evidenced by his strategy of winning martial arts matches by being fatter than everyone else and pushing them out of the ring.

>The way of men
I agree with Donovan's observations, but that's all they are; we all more or less know what the problem is and need real-life examples of how to proceed from there. His writing also has some homoerotic overtones. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's getting away from the subject.

That book was *fantastic*., I didn't think of it as self-help because it's so different from the standard formula ("passion is bullshit"). But you're right.

Those are great. Who says you can't watch porn and read the bible? Depends on what you get out of them IMHO
I forgot to mention that I enjoyed the Marie Kondo book and "Getting Things Done". You really need to read the books themselves, because their fanboys tend to get too focused on tools (planners, software, organizers) and forget the philosophy behind it.

>> No.13337205

Life and the Lindy effect by Paul Skallas

>> No.13337223

When I walk outside in public I feel scared and inferior, any books that can help? Maybe cognitive behavioural therapy?

>> No.13337275

my diary

>> No.13337409

that guy is a scam artist

>> No.13337437

I just finished A Mind for Numbers off of a /lit/ wiki recommendation and found it to be excellent for smooth brains like me who failed to pick up good habits in high school. I've never opened a book that teaches you how to learn though so maybe it's shit compared to others, but so far it's motivated me to go back and relearn mathematics on KA.

>> No.13337892

Book for depression and related symptoms, even if you are not it is helpful to manage your thoughts and emotions
David Bolton Feeling Good
Books on assertiveness boundaries
Manuel J Smith When I say no i feel guilty
Non stupid ideas for success
Brendon Burchard - High Performance Habits
Found it full of really helpful practices that I have actually started incorporating in my life.
Dating Relationships
No More Mr Nice Guy - Robert Glover
For Nice Guys written by an psychologist with actual experience.

>> No.13337969

How so? I'm open to criticism of him, (don't like his face) but I can't figure out the game this time.

>> No.13337972

if you read self help books you are a gay

>> No.13338024 [DELETED] 


Yeah, I'm not really a Christian anymore, and I don't really read the Bible much these days, my bibles are somewhere in my room collecting dust. I would rather just watch porn. Besides, some of those megachurch preachers are kind of a bunch of jerks.

Also, Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad is all right, at least for financial stuff. But I think he is correct, that we need to know about financial literacy.

I'm going to go check out that Gutenberg website and see if there are any self-help books that are freely available. I remember downloading some books on stoicism and after going through the collection I have stored on the Calibre program, Epictetus might be a good place to start, he was a former slave and wrote some books on stoicism. I have read some of them, but haven't finished. It's all right I guess, although I don't really agree with him on depriving your body of meat while you do strenuous work outs since meat with good fats, vegetables and some carbs can actually help you out. Bruce Lee never actually cut out meat from his diet, and that guy was ripped and healthy. Also, fish with omega-3s are pretty solid, even eating sardines along with the bones still intact is pretty cool.

>> No.13338033

The Sapiential Books. My life was a wreck one year ago and they gave me a strong basis in what I needed to change in my behavior. Much better these days desu.

>> No.13338044
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unironically this

>> No.13338056


Yeah, I'm not really a Christian anymore, and I don't really read the Bible much these days, my bibles are somewhere in my room collecting dust. I would rather just watch porn. Besides, some of those megachurch preachers are kind of a bunch of jerks.

Also, Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad is all right, at least for financial stuff. But I think he is correct, that we need to know about financial literacy.

I'm going to go check out that Gutenberg website and see if there are any self-help books that are freely available. I remember downloading some books on stoicism and after going through the collection I have stored on the Calibre program, Epictetus might be a good place to start, he was a former slave and wrote some books on stoicism. I have read some of them, but haven't finished. It's all right I guess, although I don't really agree with him on depriving your body of meat while you do strenuous work outs since meat with good fats, vegetables and some carbs can actually help you out. Bruce Lee never actually cut out meat from his diet, and that guy was ripped and healthy. Also, fish with omega-3s are pretty solid, even eating sardines along with the bones still intact is pretty cool.

>> No.13338114


Whoops, I meant >>13338056 should be a response to your post.


Try reading about Booker T. Washington if you don't like reading self help books.

>> No.13338125

>I did not believe most of Kiyosaki's stories
Nor should you, hes kind of a huckster, but there is some decent advice in the book if you have never been properly financially educated.

>title is a myth
Yeah its unrealistic

>> No.13338876




Here, these blogs will help you out immensely.

>> No.13338902
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Read Einstein and then kill yourself.

>> No.13338908

This. Also Intelligent Investor

>> No.13338953

Sounds terrific. The best books are never on the bestsellers list anyways.

>> No.13338960

or just read Dostoevsky

>> No.13338966
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>> No.13338974

>The charisma myth
>(How to talk to people so they like you, and want to eo things for you)

I have strong reservations about the efficacy of this book. Watch one of the author's speeches on YouTube. She has the charisma of a serial killer.

>> No.13339127

No idea what he's talking about

>> No.13339161

einstein matured into a communist

>> No.13339278

the slight edge

short read and to the point

life changing

>> No.13339337

>[asked whether he had communist sympathies] I have never admired any system that encourages a herd nature in man by suppressing his free will to choose for himself. . . . I said that Marx sacrificed himself for the ideal of social justice, but I didn't say that his theories are right. As for Lenin, I don't believe he liked me. How can I be called a communist when I have fought so long for freedom of thought, of expression, freedom from the military boot, and freedom from automation?
Congrats on regurgitating 70 year old propaganda.

>> No.13339402

you need to detach from your ego. you think to highly of yourself. nobody cares about you when you're walking around. until you internalize that you'll be self conscious

>> No.13339412

>you think to highly of yourself.
there could be other reasons, what an arrogant post

>> No.13339478

No More Mr. Nice Guy was recommended earlier in the thread, but could anyone recommend any other books concerning expressing sexual and emotional needs? As in actually expressing them directly.
Scrolling through the thread I see a few others, but I'm asking for something specific.

I'm not the "nice guy" I used to be, but I'm still shit at expressing my emotions, fulfilling my needs, etc. People tell me I'm intelligent, charismatic, and good-looking, but I have a hard time asserting it when it matters; in other words, when I want something or someone. I'm great at making friends and I'm occasionally hit on, but I fucking suck at attracting women I actually want because my self-worth evaporates faster than water in the Kalahari and my libido gets rapped on the knuckles like I'm back in Sister LaSalle's classroom.

>> No.13339614


Went using Google to search for old self-help books.


-The Art of Money Getting by P.T. Barnum: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8581
-The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43855
-Self Help by Samuel Smiles: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/935
-The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Five_Rings
-The Prince by Nicollo Machievelli might be considered a self-help book, I guess.


-Book of Household Management by Mrs. Beeton: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
-Sex Tips for Husbands and Wives from 1894 by Ruth Smythers
-The American Frugal Housewife by Lydia Maria Child: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/13493
-Manners for Men by Mrs. Humphry:
-The Lady's Dressing Room 1982 by Baroness Staffe
-The Etiquette of Engagement and Marriage by G.R.M Devereux: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/30522
-Ladies Guid in Health and Disease by John Harvey M.D. Kellogg

I've only read The Book of Five Rings by Musashi and The Prince by Machiavelli. You can throw Machiavelli into the trash if you want, but some tips like hiking through the countryside and asking your friends how to conduct warfare in certain locations might actually be good advice. Musashi's book teaches you how to use a sword as well as tactics and strategies, or mostly tactics, which can be applied to other aspects of life. Learn Out Loud has a podcast on how to get more wealth, and it has some excerpts from P.T. Barnum and Benjamin Franklin on there.

Anyone have any recommendations for if you are under constant surveillance by hackers who are capable of easily messing you up? I've tried searching for those hidden spy cameras and microphones and it has been difficult finding it. I remember one of my classmates from college, who is most likely in on it, she told me about how she visited some CIA/NSA spy museum and that they have equipment that is very difficult to detect.

>> No.13340231


I've tried the Anarchist Cookbook, which has some tips on how to detect hidden spy cameras and microphones. However, they didn't work for me. I bought one of those radios, the AM/FM radios, and tried using it to find the spy equipment. I also tried using a flashlight to find the lens of the hidden spy cameras, still couldn't find them.

>> No.13340252
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This book was supposedly a great influence upon the young Michael Faraday.

>> No.13340257


Who's MIchael Faraday?

>> No.13340297
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>Who's MIchael Faraday?
>Who's MIchael Faraday?
>Who's MIchael Faraday?
>Who's MIchael Faraday?

>> No.13340382


Am I allowed to post screen captures from the Anarchist's Cookbook? Or will I get nabbed by the Feds and sent to prison if I do?

>> No.13340650

Self help for autists?

>> No.13340695

Do you guys know of any resources about talking/relating to people through text? Texting and online posting became integral parts of western culture, and, despite any dislike for braindead emojis or waiting games, it's clearly an usefull skill.

>> No.13340944

Ted Bundy was an extremely charming guy.

>> No.13340947

the anarchists cookbook is a meme. nobody cares if you have it, unless you're racist.

>> No.13341354


I downloaded after Trump won, I thought I would need it. The guy is a fucking moron.

>> No.13341391

I know the Koch brothers have a technique for this, which they use to avoid hidden cameras or cell phones at their conferences. I read a bit about it in Dark Money, but they didn't go into exactly how it works

>> No.13342495


>> No.13342553

The Book of Five Rings
The Richest Man of Babylon
The Prince
As A Man Thinketh
Man's Search For Himself
Think and Grow Rich
How To Win Friends and Influence People
How To Speak, How To Listen
The Way To Wealth
The War of Art
The 48 Laws of Power (not to follow personally, but to understand how other, more predatory people in the world might think)

>> No.13342574

Improve your Social Skills by Daniel Wendler and The Fine Art of Small Talk by Debra Fine both helped me out a lot in just approaching people out of the blue at parties or bars and even helped me get laid a couple of times, if that's what you're looking for

>> No.13342724

Are self help books lindy?

>> No.13343155


So you provided books that are suppose to help us with our "game" as the men in the pick up artist community would call it? That stuff really isn't that important.

>> No.13343227

>self-help book
It certainly does financially "selfhelp" its author.

>> No.13343359

No, it's good stuff just for those unaware about social situations or need help with social skills, it's not all about fucking, just that it helped me with that too

>> No.13344095


>> No.13344533

This post wasn't me

>> No.13344776
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>> No.13344846

A unit of measurement bears his last name and has never been to school.

>> No.13345232

so like when someone says "this far"

>> No.13345278

The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle Jim Rohn (read other stuff by him, most is great)

Read John C. Maxwell for Professional Development

What Color is Your Parachute? Richard Bolles -Career planning and resume building

Getting Things Done David Allen

What most people have rec'd here is great

>> No.13345291

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is pretty i good i think. didn't finish it though

>> No.13345302


Dude, I wrote >>13343155.


Well, I don't remember learning about him in school. Was he home tutored?


I think I heard of him before on the Beyond Diet podcast.


Still no help on the spy problem, huh. The hacker seems to be fiddling with the electricity again, last he was manipulating the power was earlier this morning when I was showering in the restroom.

>> No.13345303

How do you approach people at social gatherings? I was at a scientific conference a couple of days ago and didn't know anyone--it felt like a complete waste of time because I couldn't approach anyone. I didn't know what to say without looking like a complete weirdo/idiot. Also how do you approach people that are semi-famous/at the top of your field?

>> No.13345321


>> No.13345329

you know people used to write letters

>> No.13345345

lol I thought this was a book title, seems in line with his other work

>> No.13345358

Approaching big shots is a problem for everyone because 1. you believe they don't care about you 2. you're autistic 3. they're autistic 4. you're afraid 5. they're afraid 6. you feel you"re not good enough to talk to them 7. they don't really care about you 8. they only really care if you're really good or interesting.

That said, approach people with the idea that you'll have a pleasant conversation and learn something about someone else. Don't be afraid of being a weirdo, everyone is, it doesn't matter past age 20. Be an interesting, lovable weirdo (don't lose yourself in the quirkiness however, you're a weird individual not a self-conscious street performer).

Your first experience will likely be shit. Remember that no conversation matters too much, it's a bonus in life, something you grant yourself in excess of the bare necessities. There's always next conversation if you don't like this one.

>> No.13345488

This was the biggest load of crap I've ever read.

>> No.13345530

Eckhart Tolle strikes me as a bit of a con artist, but The Power of Now actually works.

>> No.13345638

You didn't do any of the exercises.

>> No.13345710

I've read a lot of them, but it still seems like if you weren't born with good genes or had a shit upbringing, you're fucked anyway.

>> No.13345752

and having the charisma of a sk isn't necessarily a bad thing as >>13340944 has pointed out. As long as you don't rape and kill people that is

>> No.13345769

How much is charisma helping you as a serial killer? Just gets people to trust you more easily and get the police away? Eventually, you'd still get caught though if there's enough evidence.

>> No.13346087 [DELETED] 

Let me rephrase that. She is extremely unsettling. She moves in these slow, deliberate motions that don't look quite right. It's uncanny and disquieting.

>> No.13346214

Then let me rephrase that. She is creepy and unsettling. She's uncanny. She has no charisma. She has negative charisma.

Why follow a method if it won't work even for its creator?

>> No.13346246

Here's a video of her giving a talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMu_md_5PQ4

It's true she does have awkward movements, but I think she's just naturally awkward and introverted (she admits this herself). I imagine it'd be much worse if she didn't use the techniques she talks about in the text.

Honestly Chris Voss, who was mentioned earlier ITT is much more charismatic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKrs7HdhUjM

>> No.13346892

I'm going to try to read some Epictetus tonight, just for a few minutes, before I sleep.

>> No.13347617


>> No.13347867

The Art of Worldly Wisdom.


>> No.13347878

Why do you stick with megachurch preachers, are you a prottie/evangelist?
Jokes aside, try other path maybe in Catholicism/Orthodoxy you could find solace.

Have a good one.

Also, careful with that lust.

>> No.13347883

It's better to read the things what this dude used for inspiration rather than his book, imho.

>> No.13348720


No, I'd rather not go back to Christianity. A bunch of them, not all Christians, are jerks. I was born a Roman Catholic Christian, studied with Jehovah's Witnesses, listened to some Protestant radio show host, watched a bunch of megachurch preachers. It was the megachurch preachers which made sure that I would not be a Christian. I might check out the Bible, Old and New Testaments, every now and then, but I'd rather watch porn.

Anyway, I got sucked into playing some video game on my cell phone. I'll read Epictetus when I wake up, instead of before bed. Got to go sleep now.

>> No.13348748


>> No.13348793

Holy shit man. The information density in this post is insane. You should definitely write summaries and blurbs.

>> No.13348913

Look at him now. One search to his youtube channel he's become obsessed with trump in an odd way. It's in the eyes. It's like he's a robot. I like to observe the authors of self help books, most of the time they are strange and he is no exception.

>> No.13348917

Never mind this is like law of attraction new age bullshit

>> No.13348955

I bought two of his books. Do you notice how some of the chapters in the book sound more like infomercials? Or that some of his strategies have the copyright symbol next to them? Tony Robbins is entry-level for depressed people to be inspired from and give him money. Same with his book "Unshakeable", the only good information about compound interest and markets is in the first couple pages, and then he starts trying to get you excited with anticipation to keep reading, making you think he is gonna tell you something more important. I won't knock the hustle though, I respect it . And I would agree he can be very inspiring.

>> No.13349108

I hate the word hustle, hustle hard grind all day, get dat money

>> No.13349208

cash rules everything around me

>> No.13349377

Don't just do it. Think about it.

>> No.13349394

Haha why would I be surprised that the creator of a comic about an office worker is jpilled

>> No.13349402
File: 849 KB, 906x936, 1555902486457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immediate control of my mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny ?
Christ! It sounds too good to be true Tony the Robber !

>> No.13349790


>> No.13349803

Capital by Marx.

>> No.13351224


I don't think that is a self-help book. I think you are just shilling for the Communists.

>> No.13351366

Very serious
"How to be miserable"
Do it

>> No.13351965

Started reading some Epictetus a while ago. I guess I'm just dumb. Anyway, he keeps talking about God and how we should praise God. I think in one of the passages he says that our reason or ability to think is what makes as kindred beings with the deities. Another thing he says is that God appoints us our posts in life and we should just go with the flow, I guess. Also that tyrants and oppressors don't have power over people as much as they like.

>> No.13351997

God loves us like we love our farm animals, fairly and kindly but using us for a purpose and disposing of us without a second thought.

>> No.13353001

Reminder to check https://b-ok.org/ before buying these books. You might be able to get it for free.

>> No.13353231


Yeah, okay... I'll read more later. Got video games to play. Also, bump.

>> No.13353948

being a shallow brown-noser is a surefire way to earn others' contempt

>> No.13354353

I find that most people arent in tune with social situations enough to notice sk vibes

My friend gives off sk vibes to me but people find him charming

>> No.13354463

Guys... paypal me 50€ and I will tell you the secret to life, how to finally get what you want and accomplish your dreams. You don't want to miss this!

>> No.13355674


>> No.13355694

>"As a Man Thinketh
This op

>> No.13356197

Thanks for the link! I've been looking on pdfdrive and some are there, some aren't

>> No.13356226

I guess he really thought highly of himself

>> No.13356382

that link is in the board sticky btw

>> No.13356574

Thanks, apparently I can't read...

>> No.13356608

Nobody reads the stickies. it ain't no thang.

>> No.13357186

People wouldn't do it if it didn't get results; most of the time people see their
>Shallow brown noser
>Good friend,
>Hardworking colleague, and

The truth though? They probably actually are all those things and you're just jealous that being nice, being a good listener, and putting in additional work puts you in a favored position compared to scrubs like you who don't.

>> No.13357190

Book of pook

>> No.13357205

He started making money using persuasion analysis to make bets on politics. He's also lives in california so he's a weird type of boomer trump supporter. The only times he messes up are when he doesn't understand how jews work. He'd be smarter if he learned that. He's like 60 and has a 20yo hot gf, so something is going right.

>> No.13357212

>Who says you can't watch porn and read the bible?
If you don't take the spiritual reason behind noporn, then at least take the physical argument. Destroys your mind.

>> No.13357216

>college educated person who knows how to use a comma
>"so dense"
>"so much information"

>> No.13357223

are you memeing?, he even used reddit spacing as paragraph breaks

>> No.13357724

>implying reddit spacing isn't good hygiene at his post length
how would you have formatted a 1500 character post to be readable, anon?

>> No.13357747

That's not Reddit spacing

>> No.13358062

Just stop masturbating and watching porn. Don't allow yourself any sexual release of any kind unless its with a woman. You will get over all those issues real quick.

>> No.13358378

the bible

>> No.13358590


I think that has already been mentioned.

>> No.13359486
File: 296 KB, 1595x2554, Chimp Paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one has said the Chimp Paradox

Genuinely fixed my years of depression and most of my anxiety in the space of about 2 weeks with this

>> No.13359907

that sounds like a taleb rip off

>> No.13360203


>> No.13360814


What exactly is reddit spacing?

>> No.13361279

Hey thanks for the recommendation, adding it to the list. This whole thread has been great.

>> No.13361558

Got around to reading more Epictetus, aphorism or passage thirty-one says that I am impatient and hard to please, that I blame family and everyone around me for my troubles and that I believe in conspiracies and such. Why did I recommend Epictetus as self-help again? Darn.

>> No.13361615

What makes it different from other books?

>> No.13361643

Yes, and Trump ended up being the most powerful man in the free world.

>> No.13361686

JBP's 12 rules for life

>> No.13361802
File: 191 KB, 1674x2560, 71OMelbI6sL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>48 Laws of Power

Seconding 48 Laws of Power, very interesting book. From the same author I'd suggest The Laws of Human Nature, it's a lot less sociopathic than Laws of Power. Whereas Power is all about tricks to manipulate people and get the upper hand, Nature focuses more on looking at why people behave the way they do, how you can notice these patterns in other people and how you can correct your own behaviour to have a richer life.

>> No.13362349

Based and breadpilled

>> No.13362360

>Go read Heisenberg then Kierkegaard and get back to me when you're 85% smarter.
What do either of them have to do with anything? We’re talking about free will here

>> No.13362742

>the fundamental nature of your universe is probabilistic in a way that directly contradicts a physical basis for simple "all things are determined" models of causality, on which determinism relies and on which free will could be attacked.

>"[Kierkegaard] attacked the literary, philosophical, and ecclesiastical establishments of his day for misrepresenting the highest task of human existence—namely, becoming oneself in an ethical and religious sense—as something so easy that it could seem already accomplished even when it had not even been undertaken. Positively, the heart of his work lay in the infinite requirement and strenuous difficulty of religious existence in general and Christian faith in particular."

desu denial of free will fails on all interesting axes: religious, philosophical, and physical

>> No.13362851


Right... a man of the free world. That man of the free world is putting children into cages after separating them from their parents.


Just because he acts and sounds like he is important, doesn't mean he actually is. He hasn't read enough books(he's practically aliterate despite all the privacy he has, doesn't even have an enemy hacker who shuts off his electricity when reading), he doesn't have any experience as a statesman or as a politician, has many of his business ventures fail, has also dodged the draft because a doctor said he had bone spurs despite being a jock in his youth, watches way too much television, is also fat and morbidly obese, etc.

>> No.13362863

>implying that a probabilistic universe permits the existence of free will any more than a deterministic one
Are you actually retarded? There's functionally no difference between being controled by either chance or predestination. Free will requires a one-sided relationship with causality, not being tied to a fucking slot machine.

>> No.13362921

The 48 Laws of Power is the one that helped me most. No bullshit feel good stuff. He give awesome stories and you can see the stuff he talk about in real life

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll read that next

>> No.13362966
File: 543 KB, 509x482, trumptato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I hate the zioboomer in chief as much as the next guy but can you at least hate him for being a kike shill slave to israel and not because Anderson Cooper told you he's a big meanie?

>> No.13362975

can you at least try to not sound like a 12 year old faggot who discovered /pol/ 3 weeks ago?

>> No.13362985

There's so many books in this thread, we could do with a flow chart of the best ones sorted by different requirements (productivity, getting finances together, social skills, dealing with anxiety/depression).

I'd recommend the 4 hour work week for its principles about not wasting time being too obsessive and perfectionist, and getting your daily environment and workflows in proper order.

>> No.13362999
File: 26 KB, 644x800, wojak soyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make a deal. You stop talking like pic related and I'll stop giving actually good reasons not to vote for the orange cheeto. I'll accept your silence or any reply at all as agreement. Thanks.

>> No.13363004

i'm right-wing anon, i'm just telling you you're sounding like a low iq teenager.

>> No.13363011

>lefty doesn’t realize they advertise /pol/ everywhere while trying to shut people down with it
This is how you gave us trump.

>> No.13363035

>The universe is making choices
>you can't make choices though
>this is because I say so

once you lose the grounding that everyone's playing Candy Land and all outcomes are pre-determined at the moment of shuffling, there's no reason to assume choices play by Candy Land rules anymore, and lots to justify belief they don't, including subjective experience of 7 billion people.

you're like a guy swimming in a lake saying "i'm not wet!" despite being nuts deep in water.

>> No.13363037
File: 890 KB, 1039x1620, tumblr_p2vkxlfb751wsw9eno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett
Short and to the point book about time management.

>Models, by Mark Manson
Good book about being a more confident guy and getting girls without the usual misoginy. I haven't got any girls tho, you have to really apply this shit apparently

>> No.13363048

listen kid,
/lit/ is the last place i'd go to to get recommendations on how to score chicks

>> No.13363625


He's a fucking moron who should never have been president. He's also a Putin sympathizer, that alone should have disqualified him from running for the presidency.

>> No.13364930

Are you being serious right now? Like that's your real honest opinion (that just happens to be the exact same as every talking head on television, wadda coincidence)?

>> No.13364939

Anyone have a good book on meditation

>> No.13364962

Are there any more books similar to this where they are told by a fictional character set in the ancient world but written by a modern writer?

>> No.13364978

Yeah, I would rather just read philosophy and psychology studies rather than any self-help book considering they are probably based off philosophy and psychology anyway. I might as well cut the middleman and go straight for the source. The only exception is financial and wealth management books

>> No.13365078

Ironically one of the themes you'll notice in most self-help books is using the middleman. The source is long, more complicated, goes into all sorts of areas and will take time to digest, a middleman like a secretary can just sum everything up and put what's relevant to you in front of you, freeing up your time to learn something else or be productive.

I just watched some of the quick rundowns on most of these books on YouTube, which compresses the week it'd take me to read them all into half an hour.

>> No.13365238

Unironically taleb

>> No.13365256

If you can fit a book into a quick rundown then it certainly wasn't a book in the first place.

>> No.13365288

I'm a dull person who can't small talk, if one of yous has some conversation guide I'd appreciate it.
Bonus points if its not useless shit like
be yourself! drink water!!

>> No.13365379

That's a fiction reader speaking. This is non-fiction stuff, provable knowledge can be obtain from a quick rundown just as it can from reading the whole book. Just like I now know a key theme of Rich Dad Poor Dad is that people who stay poor work for money while people who succeed in getting rich work to develop their assets that make them money, including things you might take for granted like a business website.

You're not reading it to gain a comprehensive appreciation of the book in this case unless you plan on reviewing or being an authority on the book, you're reading it to get useful information.

>> No.13365392
File: 460 KB, 1196x752, post singularity meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a book but still


>> No.13365395 [DELETED] 

You can try books on nutrition and working out. Eating more healthy and eating less junk food(instead of cutting it out completely) as well as lifting weights, running or doing other forms of workout routines are good forms of self help. I started them out a couple of years ago, it didn't work for me because I had constant temper tantrums. But then again, I have no privacy and some hacker or hackers were constantly messing with the electricity and I'm also the target of many people who have their own Youtube or podcast shows, also the target of many writers, too. Actually, I'm pretty much a socially acceptable target, so self-help books won't actually help me.

>> No.13365411

If a self help book can be shortened, then why didn't the writer shorten it? Nobody reads them for the prose you retard.

>> No.13365478

Because people prefer to read in prose rather than bullet points, and people also want to be talked into new ideas with explanations and examples and background before they accept an idea, which means the writer is usually compelled to do all that and guide them through the idea so it leaves an impression.

All the stuff that can't be shortened is perhaps useful, but just like 80/20 you're trying to squeeze out the last 20% of usefulness by putting in a huge amount more effort. Most people are too locked into the idea they need it all and want to squeeze out 100% of the usefulness by reading a whole book about the idea before they're satisfied and move on. I will have missed a few interesting ideas by not reading the book but it doesn't matter, it's not worth the huge time investment when I can get most of the key ideas from a summary.

>> No.13365506


You can try books on nutrition and working out. Eating more healthy and eating less junk food(instead of cutting it out completely) as well as lifting weights, running or doing other forms of workout routines are good forms of self help. I started them out a couple of years ago, it didn't work for me because I had constant temper tantrums. But then again, I have no privacy and some hacker or hackers were constantly messing with the electricity and I'm also the target of many people who have their own Youtube or podcast shows, also the target of many writers, too. Actually, I'm pretty much a socially acceptable target, so self-help books won't actually help me.

>> No.13365517


I did go back to eating junk food and stopped working out in the latter half of 2018. But a couple of months ago, I went back to working out, I still eat junk food, but I'll try working on cutting down on them sooner or later.

>> No.13365666

>I'm also the target of many people who have their own Youtube or podcast shows, also the target of many writers, too.
may i ask why?

>> No.13365699

To some extent "How to Win Friends and Influence People", the problem with the book however, is that it recommends some practices that if implemented in non-genuine ways will end up being perceived as manipulation, also you should try to avoid believing that you understand what the other person thinks, instead always ask if what you believe that they think is what is the case, and make your question small enough so as to give them space to answer instead of trying to finish your question even when they start to talk :P In other words, don't be too strategy-oriented instead keep in mind that listening is very important and that receiving the input of the other is potentially more valuable as long as you appreciate that person and they're not talking way too much :P, but yes treat others as people and in that sense, cooperate with them to share both of your ideas

>> No.13365743

>The Book of Five Rings
This is great, but it makes more sense after you've had a lot of experience in life and met a lot of posers.

>The Prince
Same as above

>Think and Grow Rich
Still didn't convince me that there are more than 3 ways to get rich (inherit, marry into, or steal).

>How To Win Friends and Influence People
This is highly overrated, but I liked it. I know it makes you a shallow conversationalist, but that's all most people are expecting anyway.

>The War of Art
This was great, as was "On Writing" by Stephen King, which has a similar attitude toward creativity.

>48 Laws of Power
I might have taken it more seriously if it was written by someone with actual power. Stone's Rules is what this book should have been (minus the homoerotic content).

Ought to be in a sticky by this point There really ought to be a book called "Memeditations".

I forgot "The art of Procrastination" by John Perry. You don't really need the book, the website has the important points.

>> No.13365769


I'm easy to piss off, the no privacy part doesn't help.

>> No.13365803

Is Stone's rules any good? I've been debating getting a copy for some time now. I'm not sure if it will add anything if I've already read Machiavelli and Gustave Le Bon

>> No.13365804
File: 629 KB, 1716x2914, 20190617_183453-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this, and that literal image (one I took from my phone, lol)
Getting Things Done is very practical, where most self-help is either ambiguous in the steps your supposed to take or flat out untrue

>> No.13366838

Bump. Reading Nightwood by Djuna Barnes, I'll read more Epictetus later. I've already gotten through the preface and the introduction. Reading Nightwood for the Gay Pride month.

>> No.13367007


"LGBT Pride month. Reading the novel for LGBT Pride month.

>> No.13367597

>I might have taken it more seriously if it was written by someone with actual power.

Someone with actual power would never write a book like this, it would be full of feel-good platitudes rather than 48 chapters of "yeah, I manipulated all of you, what are you going to do, stop me?". Only someone in a position where they can allow the public to consider them a backstabbing snake could write this.

>> No.13367704

not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.13368177

The Mind Illuminated is THE book on meditation from a modern (not to say atheistic or bugman though) perspective.

>> No.13368179

see >>13342574

>> No.13369170


Have you tried asking the backstabbing snake for a refund? Just send them a letter stating you are unsatisfied with their book, maybe then they'll send you your money back.

>> No.13369916


>> No.13370001

>debating getting a copy
It's like 100 pages of mostly photos, whitespace, and fashion "advice". You can find the good stuff just by leafing through it in the bookstore.

You're right. People with tons of power do not want company. But it does happen occasionally. You're looking for writers who:

1. Are so powerful they don't give a fuck what anyone reads (medieval kings, samurai)
2. Have access to the power structure but were not a threat to it (Machiavelli)
3. Are so socially awkward that they can't lie 100% of the time (Trump, WFB Jr.)
4. Were kicked out of power for unfair reasons (Gore Vidal, lots of women writers)

>> No.13371485
File: 1.04 MB, 1058x1564, dalio-principles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Principles - Ray Dalio

>> No.13371642


You're correct that the people in the 4 categories could potentially write a book like Laws of Power, but I would argue that only those in 1 and 2 would be able to match its quality. Trump is a great salesman and he knows how to play a crowd, but he's also enough of a genuine narcissist that he can't engage in enough self-reflection to figure out WHY. As for number 4, if someone with an axe to grind (whether over a legitimate grievance or a perceived slight) tries to write a book like this I wouldn't trust it to be objective and even-handed. Again, I'm sure there are a ton of books like 48 Laws of Power out there, what made 48 Laws so good IMHO is that the author manages to expertly detach himself from his personal political views and biases to describe how people behave. I've read 3 of his books and I can't even imagine what his RL political views are, which causes he supports etc. Women writers in my experience can't pull that level of detachment off.

>> No.13371684
File: 3.65 MB, 2835x3508, 0f3af0d537a71d5ccc0a0186b7d97fe789d53b778068fe1e726cae7aeb836ccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed and Godpilled

>> No.13371696

Freiherr Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig Knigge
who wrote "on Human Relations".
the knigge is still the gold standard in germany when it comes to manners etc.

i unironically read 10x Rule from grant cardone, and it is true, you need to embrace a high energy mentality and massive actions in this world to still account for something.
It is kindergarten stuff, but not enough people talk about the right amount of action, which is way more than most people think.

>> No.13371713

Buddhist suttas and yeah investment knowledge. 100% of what you read that is helpful psycho-emotionally and approaches truth is just plagiarized from the suttas.

>> No.13371811

I’d say that has a lot to do with where you are in life. The gospels would mean almost nothing to me at one stage of my life, whereas Job would slap me right across the face.

>> No.13371816

Based and Wealthpilled.

>> No.13372280

>Kindergarten stuff
I really like that descriptor. Applies to most business lit

>> No.13372290

This incel meme really took off. But is there any research that isn't trying to make any conclusion it wants? Just a year or so ago and nobody used this word in the frequency as we collectively do now. Incel, Cuck, Stacy, Chad, Tyron, English is changing its array profanity.

>> No.13372294


>> No.13372786


>> No.13373490

>deleted ok cupid study

>Hinge engineer talks about how women ignore most men


>women lose interest in sex with long term partners faster than men


I'm too lazy to post everything but if you lurk here you might find something from time to time.And yes I know Its the "Muh incel site" but I am simply sharing resources because those guys on that site are addicted to finding shit like this lol

>> No.13374528

english is a martyr for globalism, i am thankful that it is not the German language, i have written essays on it. english is gonna degrade heavily in the next 50 years, becoming a perversion of itself.

>> No.13375474



>> No.13375509

That works too!

>> No.13375651
File: 176 KB, 640x640, p9qokyfhouo11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a lot of self-help books when I was younger and in retrospect they all sucked. The whole genre is nonsense, anybody can write this crap

>> No.13375919

>I wouldn't trust it to be objective and even-handed

I know, but you can assume the author is biased and still learn something from him/her. IMHO it's better to read a lot of books from different biased viewpoints and draw your own conclusions.

For example, "Destroy Your Enemies Utterly" is good advice in some cases, but the British got tons of power by NOT destroying their enemies and exploiting them instead. And that's why countries are usually loth to wipe out their enemies, and it's more obvious when you read lots of examples.

>> No.13376117


>> No.13376984

>impartially deduce why your life is shit through introspection
>change that which is in your control to mitigate shitness

That'll be 18.99 please

>> No.13377007

Siege by James Mason

>> No.13377759

Based, can I pre-order your next book

>> No.13377762


>> No.13378094

Would be good if it wasn't written in retard speak. Total Money Makeover, Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Millionaire Next Door are all better, with the same message.