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13171654 No.13171654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

TRANNIES ARE FAILED PROTOTYPES OF THE TRANSHUMAN PLATONIC ANDROGYNE: the incel epidemic isn't about the inaccessibility of sex, but its /virtuality/: the social isn't the overcoming of Evola's”blissful and terrible” play of forces, it is precisely their euphemization, the repression of nature as DIFFERENTIAL FIELD: rap culture is the cthonic steam valve for the American matrix, Christianity on a lower order: escape from a syntax: installed in sometime in the late 70s, oh, and HOUSE PARTIES TOUCH THE LIMINAL ZONE: something like rape is only possible if there's that which exists outside the consent of the empathic/Christic subject: force is Christ's condition of possibility: the actuality of the flesh, the compossibility of physical strength and malevolence: Socrates was wrong about everything: intellect can co-exist with the diabolical: it's precisely intellect that /makes it/ diabolical (Kemper), and not demonism (Brudos): spiritual love can never undo the weakness of body: it is the hegemony of force that makes a Christ: selves analogically inherit the fusion cores of their stars as the analytic identity of the cogito: the autogeneity of Atum become the hydrostasis of “I think, therefore I am”: genius dilates the soul to its origin, because the return is a swell and birth a contraction: THE UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING BECAUSE WE'RE RETURNING TO GOD: religion is the song of a very peculiar, flightless bird: but a fertile song when planted in silence: as the Word was: Shestov: it should not matter that the stones hear Hallelujah, but only that it is sung: I've seen spirits with my own eyes, Bruno's natural intelligences that poke their heads out when no one is looking (and sometimes when they are): Schopenhauer was absolutely right: the universe is as alive as you are: eyes can modulate what they see (per Shestov): studies have shown that plants respond to the presence (or absence) of light with their whole bodies: plants are eyes without lenses, the eye prior to its declension in man: if Mithras could launch himself out of the Stone = the eternal deadlock of Nun, how much less we ask of trees to speak: I really do believe that on long enough time scales, hidden from the democracy of vision, spirits condense out of matter like dew drops: Non-All blooming into bacchanal: intelligent dust devils, sunbursts in attics, a flower that turns to nod: just as Atum emerges from a background of absolute disorder “completely without determination”, so does order spontaneously emerge from the hand-me-down disorder of this world, a commensurate miracle: Zizek's answer of the Real: immanent invocation of transcendent FIAT LUX

>> No.13171664
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FIAT LUX: what Christ, Hegel, and all these motherfuckers knew: what is seen behind the veil is what is put there: the curtain does not hide the painting, the curtain is the painting, etc. escape from Sheol: LOVE AS AN EMERGENT PROPERTY OF THE VOID: For Christ on that cross, the expectation of an answer becomes the answer itself: the expectation of Love at zero-point of being inscribes it into the quick of the universe: for Christ on that cross, METAPHYSICS IS NEGOTIABLE: what he did was convert the vicious circularity of Weil/Schelling's metaxu (= differentiation/objectification as the condition of divine love = Fiore's Age of the Father) into the vicious (Kierkegaardian) circularity of the immortal soul, that is immortal precisely in virtue of its forsakenness: again, Zizek and Kierkegaard: the horror is not oblivion, but eternal life: history is a war between sentience and intelligence, love and force: let's invert Heidegger's standard formula of Das Man as the condition of authenticity: remember for him, the they-self's externalization of death is not the corruption of an original, “Edenic” authenticity which it is the task of dasein to excavate from the ontic “death-result” of his time, etc.: it is precisely inauthenticity that is the condition of authenticity: the quintessential Germanic/speculative turn, anticipated by Schelling: darkness is the condition of light: the divine can only ever be a co-habitation with structure, never the transcendence of structure: what if it was the other way around? Let's perform a little Copernican turn ourselves, since there are so many to go around: transcendental thanatology: the self is the condition of death, it is not the ontic appearance of death that is the condition of (the authentic) self. In other words, I am immortal, it is everyone else who isn't (relative to myself): what survives death is never personality but /internality/: the seam of ontological coherence that you are: but Zizek: all seams are CUTS: hence, the fundamental problematic for Deleuze AND Kant is the problem of gradients: how do we establish boundaries? If we accept panpsychism, how do we delineate between holons? For Kant, specifically: how do we distinguish between subjective distortions and noumenal truth? Easy, everything is a subjective distortion: there is only the internal boundary, but for Whitehead, Husserl, the gradient's suture is a pole hovering between immanence and transcendence: in other words, everything to me is impermanent, but it is also I that is impermanent to everything else: it is not because we are finite that we pass away, but precisely because we are eternal, and the hereafter does not abide company: “lovers for a spring … strangers in eternity”: all of us home alone in the same house.

>> No.13171838

>immanent invocation of transcendent FIAT LUX
>it is precisely inauthenticity that is the condition of authenticity
>I am immortal
>the gradient's suture is a pole hovering between immanence and transcendence

>> No.13171851

Why are you like this?

>> No.13171865

I'll rather believe this poster is Nick Land in disguise

>> No.13171871


>> No.13171878


>> No.13171943


>> No.13172004

Lmao beautiful

>> No.13172023

Tell us more about trannies please

>> No.13172040

Based schizo

>> No.13172245

"In other words, I am immortal, it is everyone else who isn't (relative to myself): what survives death is never personality but /internality/: the seam of ontological coherence that you are"

Can you elaborate on this? What is the seam of ontological coherence?

>> No.13172249


>> No.13172268

You either "wake up" again, as another locus of experience kind of like the one right you are now, or you don't, and there is nothing around to mourn it. What is, only is, can never not be. Parmenides proves subjective immortality.

>> No.13172288

Is wake up being understood in a sort of symbolic reincarnation sense? Like there's some sort of consciousness essence that either emerges again or doesn't, and the body is a particularity whom this consciousness in its base form is indifferent?

>> No.13172295
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Garbage tier.

>> No.13172296


>> No.13172302

No content survives, only form. The bare self-relating point.

>> No.13172308

So there's content, and this form, and once the content stops producing the form, there's no true loss because there's nothing around to mourn it?

>> No.13172318

My favorite time of the month

>> No.13172424

transphobia is inherently materialistic and nihilistic inasmuch as it assumes that gender is a biological mandate and not a condition of the soul

>> No.13172440

I'm androgynous

does that mean I'm based and redpilled

>> No.13172443

(but straight)

>> No.13172467

it means that you need to have sex
with me :3

>> No.13172470

no, I don't have sex with anyone

>> No.13172475


>> No.13172477

in fact I've never had sex before and I don't mean to

>> No.13172503

Are you dare I say, as*xual ?

>> No.13172508

No I'm straight, just married to my 2D wife.

>> No.13172514

i always forget that this is an anime website

>> No.13172565

>Let's perform a little Copernican turn ourselves, since there are so many to go around: transcendental thanatology: the self is the condition of death, it is not the ontic appearance of death that is the condition of (the authentic) self. In other words, I am immortal, it is everyone else who isn't (relative to myself): what survives death is never personality but /internality/: the seam of ontological coherence that you are: but Zizek: all seams are CUTS: hence, the fundamental problematic for Deleuze AND Kant is the problem of gradients: how do we establish boundaries? If we accept panpsychism, how do we delineate between holons? For Kant, specifically: how do we distinguish between subjective distortions and noumenal truth? Easy, everything is a subjective distortion: there is only the internal boundary, but for Whitehead, Husserl, the gradient's suture is a pole hovering between immanence and transcendence: in other words, everything to me is impermanent, but it is also I that is impermanent to everything else: it is not because we are finite that we pass away, but precisely because we are eternal, and the hereafter does not abide company: “lovers for a spring … strangers in eternity”: all of us home alone in the same house.

You could've just quoted Thomas:

>The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light.

>> No.13172571

Is that really what he's saying?

>> No.13172647
File: 280 KB, 1600x900, bogdajakked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science, philosophy, politics, individual/void. Jungian process, subtle Zizekian absolute recoil, metaphorically continentalist although now with anti-mass-culture, pop-holy-shit-moment turned as feigned thesis returned with an even more nihilistic second-cataclysm 'holy shit based/redpilled' moment. Scientific object, post-post-modern sentience farming, mythological subjectivisation, categorically imperative unbecoming sorta/kinda new meta metaphysics. Woke deontological resubjectivisation gravity normalised as the stress test of the godcorpse thanato-metaphysiognomy. Namedrop, top goodreads algorithm check, namedrop, ecology terminology, post-sub-buzzword for dataphysician obscurantists who want something more than the Collector's Edition Zimbabwean Athena on a pedestal. "1984" jab-review on eBay only to hotlink to my own superior work for the nubs who don't know that we're eternally caught up in the vaginal non-data of 1985. Defragmented meme science returned to the abysmal hipsterism of post-ironic 'start with the greeks' now become Quantum Vedicism. Datamine datamine datamine. Data is not condemned to the Ninth Circle of Hell so long as it is simultaneously reduced and conflated into the the symbiotic certainty of an Athens-Jerusalem now in p-selection with something more than power and Kratos. Data. Mine. Data. Mine. Data. Mine.There is no plagiarism within the irreconcilably sublime hoarseness of the good aesthetics of Olympus re-de-enframed atop the emergency exit dwelling of Barnes and Noble post-Daseinism. I was an object at one with the universe. Which you will never be. Just check the data if you disagree. There is the density of hyperstitious allfuture within these words. Instrumentalised Christfallen non-theology is the uncanny valley of Zeus consuming his own all-consuming selfish gene into a apotheosis of altruism. Fundamentalists are merely the untrained and post-cursed data-pagans who will never transcend their own wellness and thus fail the Overton window of infohuman completion. I am become universe: data of mine.

>> No.13172667
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>> No.13172689

Trannies are a parody of woman. They are basically clowns, making a vulgar joke of the feminine. They doll themselves up and put so much makeup on themselves to outwardly pass themselves of as a woman but they only look like a caricature. They are a walking bad joke that representa modernity in it's ignorance and lack of soul depth.

A woman is not only a pretty thing to fuck. It's a mother, it's THE mother. And trannies can never have that. Motherhood. The nurturing warmth. But they don't care about that either. It's all about the clownface in the outwardly and absurd appearance of woman.

>> No.13173109

the form stops producing the content, too. but yes. you forget that you forgot. that's death's #1 trick to keep this shitshow going and going

>> No.13173363

>believing in gender

I swear, plebs these days

>> No.13173495

at least do us the courtesy of posting a new one every time

>> No.13173587
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Sounds like some good acid you got there anon...

>> No.13173660
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Western culture is the historical culture par excellence. No other culture in history values linear time as much as we do. The monarchical hereditary Dynasty, a pure symbol of directional Time, reached such prominence in the history of only one other culture in the world as in the West: ancient Egypt. The mother is history; without her, no history can be made. As such from an early age in the West we can see an obsession with the motherly female figure. The mother Mary was worshipped like a goddess from the early Gothic. Indeed Gothic arches were subconsciously built in the shape of the vagina. But Western culture has never been matriarchal; the historical woman is something to be protected and shielded from any danger at all costs. It's only when both men and women begin to retreat from directional Time and begin to see reproduction as a choice rather than a metaphysical necessity do we see the rise of feminism as the elevation of the always cherished female to the same role in society as the man. When our gynocentric culture lost (not overcame) its existential fear of the future, what would happen if a man dies without sons, only then was feminism possible.

Western Christianity is only nominally monotheistic, names and forms inherited from primitive Christianity which was truly monotheistic. Such is the worship of the mother Mary. Western culture is monotheistic, in that the Western Will allows only one way of thinking and one way of life to be correct. This is the difference between how Jews were treated in medieval (and Nazi) Europe, and under the Muslim caliphates, or the clash between ideologies in the 20th century compared to the peaceful co-existence of them in ancient Greece. The modern day transexual is a man completely withdrawn from Time but still infatuated with the mother figure that Western culture has been telling him for 1000 years is most valuable as a symbol of Time. He wants to be that mother figure, in imitating it he only becomes a degenerate, bastardized symbol of Time. His weak mind is bombarded from an early age with feminine and motherly symbolism and the Western Will inside him begins to think "This is who I am, I can be no other". It overtakes his life and he becomes a slave to his Will. It takes a very strong mind to overcome the Will, or perhaps a reformed mind after the transexual has destroyed the body in their tragic quest to imitate. But imitation is all transexualism can be.

>> No.13173678


>> No.13173688

It is interesting that you frame decadence as a loss of linear time, when I would say it is linear time that is the condition of decadence. Or maybe we don't, since Eliade agrees with you: historical time was born with the solar religion of Egypt, and the West has always been a historical force. So who knows

>> No.13173691

Because the OP is always new, the parodies should be too

>> No.13173701

>OP is always new

>> No.13173756

True, but I can't read any more due to the schitzo formatting

>> No.13173759

Time is history. It's the underlying force that drives a people forward. But people can retreat from Time. The West as the world's most historical culture is (was) the most in tune with Time. It's important to us even today to be able to survey every event that has ever happened in history and give it an exact date and point of reference in our historical calendars, and we try to do the same for the future: the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction since the second World War has prevented us from destroying ourselves. But we have retreated from familial Time completely, that is why birth rates are declining, and that is why our liberal republics are allowed to exist as the negation of the hereditary Dynasty that dominated our politics for so many centuries.

>> No.13173785

Okay, I understand you better now. Familial time is an interesting way to put it. It's what I'm trying to get at with the sentience/intelligence dichotomy.

>> No.13174081

V high IQ. Posts like these are the only reasons why I still come on here

>> No.13174180


>I really do believe that on long enough time scales, hidden from the democracy of vision, spirits condense out of matter like dew drops: Non-All blooming into bacchanal: intelligent dust devils, sunbursts in attics, a flower that turns to nod...

is this self organization that you see still not merely matter attempting to reconcile with higher spirit, instead of generating spirit from itself? won't the stones cry out if we stay silent like Pharisees?

>> No.13174226

Kinda both. A coincidence of mundanity and miracle, spectacle. Never underestimate novelty.

>> No.13174238

Aww, god dammit schizo, you lost me with this one. I wish I could agree with everything you write, this is unequivocally the best form or communication for your ideas. Do better, we're watching.

>> No.13174244


>> No.13174518
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>Western Christianity is only nominally monotheistic, names and forms inherited from primitive Christianity which was truly monotheistic.

>> No.13174533

>the nubs who don't know that we're eternally caught up in the vaginal non-data of 1985
Bless them, Anon.

>> No.13174554

You deserve every aspect of that feeling.

>> No.13174731
File: 1.89 MB, 1149x862, Interior vault of a tholos tomb at Mycenae (the so‐ called Treasury of Atreus).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lithogenesis. As events past gorgonize the nunc stans (the possibilities inherent in intelligibility intuited here and now) each man takes to his rupestrine pod. Federations of stones, stumbling at coigns over cliffs. Infinite diverging downhill paths in the garden: Nothing new, timeless striae, endless hurdifells. Chiliads: stacked, painted, something old; beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones. The haptic tide prehends the white cairns from off the ayres; here, borne to the barren sea on the bead-proof lochia. Thus these entities once treated intrinsically-meaningless now extrinsically so.

>> No.13174867
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> Each actual perception is subjective, and "feels" the entire past, present and possible universe around itself. Thus for Husserl, the temporal modalities inhere in the presence of the cogito … For Whitehead, from one perception we can draw inferences, pathways, forms, possible essences. It is a center surrounded by a halo of forms and relations, forms which it takes and by which it is taken in prehension.

>The perception of a subject, and each subject is a prehending subject. In actual, subjective perception all the relations which constitute it are present. Likewise for Husserl, in the subject, even in the solipsistic subject, the Weltall is present. … We can also say that what is perceived in the present and in the spatio-temporal centrality is a clear nucleus surrounded by darkness. I do not now perceive the darkness surrounding the nucleus, but the darkness is in an essential relation with the nucleus.

> Those sorcerers also found out that every creature in the universe is attached to the dark sea of awareness at a round point of luminosity that was apparent when those creatures were perceived as energy. On that point of luminosity, which the sorcerers of ancient Mexico called the assemblage point of human beings, zillions of energy fields from the universe at large, in the form of luminous filaments, converge and go through it. These energy fields are converted into sensory data, and the sensory data is then interpreted and perceived as the world we know

>The old sorcerers saw that at the moment of death, the dark sea of awareness sucked in, so to speak, through the assemblage point, the awareness of living creatures.

>> No.13174875

trannies are cute though

>> No.13174893
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(Subjectivised philosophy genre) is the (biological disorder) of the (biological object) with (implied theological meaning). (Subjectivised philosopher) is the (time-adjective) of its own (monotonous reiterated process). (Philosopher) (negative technologisation process) the (negative subjectivised philosopher with septic implications conflated) with the (non-argument assertion against non-argument): that (generic philosophical category) and (pseudo-metaphysical object) we are (even bigger time-adjective) (monotonous we-transcendence weism) and (on and on with binary/non-binary assertions of the input-blackbox-output machinational tik-tok-tinkering of time-object become human): (two philosophers together to avoid redundancy) now become (marxist-adjective to appear critical but with ancient-postprefix-become-word-of-its-own) become (philosophical category/cybernetic theory): (reiteration connector) (mind-object) is/is not (historical/nature connector), or (generic philosophical connector), (obscurantist real scotsmen) (made up word having sex with scary sounding word) which is the (redundant cybernetic word approaching absolute abstraction which is just another form of deabstraction and therefore life) (but let's keep going deeper) (ESOTERIC SOUNDING AXIOM WHICH SOUNDS COOL BECAUSE IT IS IRREFUTABLE BUT ONLY INSOFAR AS IT SAYS NOTHING): (Philosopher) applies the (scientific paradox) to (philosopher object-theory) thereby (time-reduction) it into (space-time paradoxical abstract metaphor) combined with (self-reducing metaphor with no need of expansive words): (#thegreatsfalltofallaciestoo) which is only only possible because (technological time-category-object), the (subject-Subject-itself) does not (transcendent Matrix reference) (with a twist), there is (something something somewhere vague connector words holy shit ethics words/could be moral): (philosophical object qua philosophical branch induction) (mathematical word) into (itself) as (mathematical word 2 = virtual mathematical world) (with a twist) emerging out of (negative medical category) between (biological philosophical category qua man qua (((huMAN)))) (hipster post-post-ironic word), (post-marxist category), (subdiurnal technophysics with invariant inflection of being) (qua human) (ironic(?) time-philosophy category) (apocalyptic words) (degeneration increasing as we approach the end) (multiple generic philosophical categories strung together) and now (romantic life-words-seemingly-free-of-all-world-weariness-word-categoriesism) conditions of (lif-word abstraction) and now its (negative (un)-life post-form) within the (abstracted abstraction): (Post-metaphysical-metaphysics category) is not (technical negation word), but the (second technical negation word) (add slashes here /input/):

>> No.13174897

these threads are lame

>> No.13174911
File: 237 KB, 727x868, tiredofexistence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Supertechnological object) are (deabstracted human post-metaphor), but not (negative uncanny valley disassociative disorder of the squelchbox biology fleshword) which is the same as (cosmological squelchbox word): (Descartes reference here) (capital-sale-word to appear like I'm keeping up with my ironic negation): (subjects /postabstract form/) are still (relational physics reference for the reddit crowdmind) (or esoterically-infused-science-word-reference-submetaphor-postanalogy) (formal seriousness) that (time reference of the mobilised black box): I am not (theological reference), but (absolutely hegelian absolute reference with slashes to isolate and deisolate its being in the house of non-dasein positionality) (abstract subject-object-subject) are a (deabstracted object-subject-object) which can (/big science/theology/physics/philosophy syncretism word/) (movement reference) (globalist post-construction project) (don't forget the Vedic reference): (minute reference diffusing into) (psychological reference): (equate=equate=equate) (the gods THE GODS the gods damn you THE GODS) (physical abstraction growth word): (post-essence human actualisation abstraction) is what (biological function) (TIME TIME TIMEGOD MANGOD NATURE-MACHINEGOD NOW A BRIDE OF ABSTRACTION MINDPROCESS)!!! In (Philosopher-become-object) (TIME) (oneness) (mechanised theological-human-object): (reiteration) (HOLY SHIT LIFE IS DIFFICULT WHY CAN'T WE BE GODS) (Christian cosmological-cuckery is cool postmetaphor statement) in (random wikipedia philosopher): (true=scotsman= slippery=slope=man) can only) experience (time) as the (computer function) of (musical reference philosophogised) the (trans-time-god) (visual object) mathematical postadjective) of/that (biological process) into (TIME) becoming (WOAH TIME N SHIT) of becoming (the-object-become-time-in-itself): (don't worry the gods-become-microchips-become-me got this because WE ALL ONE N SHIT) (NONMATERIAL SPACE OH MY GOD NO!!!!!!!!!! word)(eternity) (eternity) (eternity) (THING) (THING) (THING) (=ME=) (=ME=) (=ME=).

>> No.13174914

the problem is they try too hard

the people who are good at this don't make threads for themselves to do it ostentatiously. these threads reek of "Look at me, I'm gonna do the thing! Look! Is everyone looking? I'm cool too!"

it's a stale fad now either way

>> No.13174922

imagine being this jealous of the 5oclock wojak

>> No.13174941

the OP of these threads is a B- who thinks he's an A+

girardfag is at least an A-, and he's insufferable too

>> No.13174958

Grading in terms of what? Second year?

>> No.13174968

There are so many pointless threads on this board, op at least makes entertaining little associative rambles

>> No.13174990

no you don't. and for the people capable of producing similar things, because they actually understand the chains of association, what you're doing is just embarrassing. why not try to actually produce something? a little bit of e-cred is harmless if acquired incidentally, and really earned. this is you jerking yourself off. girardfag may be embarrassing but at least he acquired his cult of pseuds through genuine attempts to discuss things. you're trying to become a girardfag-like "thing" for the sake of "being a thing."

>> No.13175069

If the other people are capable of producing them then they should do it, at the moment it's better than yet another shitpost thread and you just sound butthurt that people are paying attention to something you don't like.

>> No.13175117

this is even more embarrassing. at least have the tact not to reply to someone calling you out by defending yourself petulantly. the only thing more pathetic than grandstanding like you do in these threads is trying to plead your own case. again, girardfag at least let others do that for him.

why not go read shestov for real and make a fucking post about him? looking forward to your next "plz notice me senpai i want to be the next kantbot ;_;" self-bumped thread

>> No.13175129

I am not OP and you are clearly just mad

>> No.13175149

yes you are, and disgust is nearer the mark. i can regard something as horrible garbage without being angry at it. i'm actually trying to help you out here.

>> No.13175162

No I am not, and your anger that people pay more attention to someone you deem unworthy than they do to you is very transparent

>> No.13175190

here's you

>You just seem angry that people are ignoring much lesser, not-as-cool posts to pay attention to something really very cool and neat, my-- I mean.. the OPs of these threads. You just seem mad that people aren't paying attention to your accomplishments, unlike my own wicked cool threa-- I mean, OP's threads.

i really feel bad for you now and i wish you well, keep making these threads dude, at least 30-50% of the replies will be people other than you replying to yourself!!!

>> No.13175194

I genuinely just like his threads you colossal autist, get over yourself and make your own thread

>> No.13175216


>> No.13175234

i dont like when faggot wanna be schizos romanticize this type of shit. LOL IM SO WEIRD xDD. kys. i wish you were unironically schizophrenic to see how much of a weight it can be

>> No.13175289

Trannies are the satanic corruption of the androgynous angelic ideal

>> No.13175298

I can dig it

>> No.13175303

oh f off

>> No.13175338
