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/lit/ - Literature

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13127112 No.13127112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

THE ABSOLUTE MALE IS A GAZE WITHOUT EMBODIMENT, THE ABSOLUTE FEMALE A BODY WITHOUT A GAZE: “all eros is eros of distance”: all art is the invocation of space, the dilution of pain into the actual, because the actual is the condition of beauty, what is deathless can never love: angels love like fires, quasars, not like mothers or pets: the Apollonian rejects this joy, he wants his thinking without his body, while the Dyonisian wants to be without the Morning After: man as metaphysical voyeur; the “I”- Eye reduced to the pure witnessing of a virulent, Cybelian idealism, sculpting itself out of axioms buried in the future, today: its castrati priesthood released from all the vagaries of sexuated matter: the phallus is a vortex, by rejecting the imperative to reproduce we reject the rhizome-God of becoming, who loves life only as a means to Himself: THE SUN IS AT WAR WITH THE STARS: one light at war with many, the whole neuro-artillery of brain arrayed against the organs of the body, the “night” of the corporeal: the moods which death terminates per Castenada, the ego that was only subjectivized equilibrium: that is why it is nothing: because in Buddhism to be conditioned IS to be empty: Whitehead's ontological principle: I am /preceded/, I /do not precede/: most souls never graduate past infra-consciousness: never become anything more than the spokesperson of their aggregate: it is not just the brain that thinks, all organs think /with/ the brain: “I am hungry” is the cognition of the stomach: we are slaves to Michelstaedter's god of philopsychia: the pleasure of life that is nothing but the pleasure of its continuation: for the Buddhist, THE DEVIL IS A NATALIST: if you knew tomorrow was your last day phenomena would take off their masks like dopamine... the soul that hates form hates the spirit of the universe, and curdles into Luciferian rationality, the will to de-substantialize being: brains become solipsism engines, the “inside-ness” that feeds us to pneumavores, Castenada's inorganic... Klages was right about everything: spirit – volition, consciousness – is invading us from outside the space and time: spirit is a corruption of Castenada's actual time by thought: mass, like the soul, is a compressed field doubling as the Plotinian “distention” of possibility we know as time: brains catabolize natural law from the inside-out: just as Sartre's subject “decompresses” the hard rigidity of being, so is it /itself/ “compressed” into the irreducible anxiety of its world-line: we find this even in Chomsky and Foucault's views on science: each speaks for one face of the process: for Foucault, the episteme is an occlusion, for Chomsky, constraints are generative: in other words, knowledge is not gradual and accumulative, but filtrative, occlusive, born of the inherent fecundity of Limit: science reproduces the ontological horizon of the subject epistemically: medial neglect as method: BEING IS A BLIND SPOT (= KETHER) IN THE ZERO (= AIN).

>> No.13127122 [DELETED] 

basedd 5oc wojak poster

>> No.13127127
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The One stutters its oneness as the A = A of Atum's solar disc, the “repetition of the singularity” that is Day and Night, Night and Day: that repression-matrix into which Shestov's Adam hurls himself after biting the forbidden fruit, because the knowledge of Good and Evil was the knowledge of Good and Evil IN God: when Adam gazed on Eden in the full daylight of his consciousness, he saw the carnage that had been the Garden (and all gardens) all along: predation, death, finitude: evil is the retroactivity of sight, of the esophagus, intestines, shit and bile your gazing presupposes, the appetite of the gastric Sun-Father, who emits life as an epiphenomenon of his pleasure, WHO KILLS TO GROW WHAT ONLY KILLING CAN: It begins with an incision between body and soul, a wetiko: a self-occluding organ, a blind spot that follows consciousness like a floater because it is consubstantial with it: reflexion: the transcendental: knowledge's knowledge of its own condition of /being/ knowledge: Descartes accepted everything was mechanism but the “I” as self-registrar, left with nothing, he could only /positivize givenness as a new epistemic regime/: now only what is true is what is given as immediately as the self: autism as transcension vector: THE HATRED OF THE BODY IS THE DENIAL OF THE PRESENT: all gnostics wage war on actuality, on the This Is All There Is of the pagan morning: but morning must pass, history, lived self-consciously as history, is always terminal: “death kills only what is born”: Anaximander: death punishes life for not being that-which-is: sleep is the numen: art is a kind of death because it mimics the catharsis of death: Schopenhauer was exactly right, the aesthetic ek-stasis is an exhalation of the will into the void: into a higher clime of the universe, where the drive finally surrenders to its extinction: through art, humanity confronts Love's “non-difference” with this Void, and contradiction becomes release: only Job knew the womb of genius, before that litany of beautiful and unfathomable things, Job knew God uses man's soul like a candle: the properly Judaic – and artistic – soteriology is this plunge into the Most High, an acid baptism in world-powers: the sea, stars, trees, moon, sun, and clouds... what birdsong sounds like to an empty conscience. The “I” is a desert: all genius opens a window in the body, every creative act is alchemical. The Christian Sun dawned as the pagan consciousness, and now it has set: fascism was the death-rattle of the European soul in its revolt against spirit/the Alpha Centauri metamind, and its death was the death of hope in that soul. There is no going back, neither is there any going forward.

>> No.13127136

these threads are lame

>> No.13127266

All of my teachers have started acting weird. My AP Lang teacher gave me blue gum, implying that I'm bluepilled, and a green bag, implying I'm a cuck.

Why is she so racist? I'm half indian btw

>> No.13127334


>> No.13127354 [DELETED] 


>> No.13127765

YES I yelled when I saw this post

>> No.13127852

okay, if you would actually convert these insights of yours into substantial systems rather than recurring shitposts you could probably come up with a book that would be worth the read.
come on man, you're squandering your abilities.

>> No.13128075

Godhead Poster: The Collected Shitposts would be better than any previous /lit/ project.

>> No.13128101


>> No.13128146

that is already a thing in progress, continuously being updated too

>> No.13128167

based incomprehensible trash poster

>> No.13128342

“The tonal begins at birth and ends at death, but the nagual never ends. The nagual has no limit. The nagual is where Power hovers.”

“For the nagual, there is no land, or air, or water. Therefore, the nagual glides, or flies, or does anything it can do in the time of the nagual, which is not related at all to the time of the tonal. These two things do not intersect.”

“The tonal and the nagual are two different worlds. In one you talk, in the other you act.”
Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power

You may also remember this as Gurdjieff’s distinction between “essence” and “personality” in Ouspensky’s “In Search of the Miraculous”. Also as corresponding to the distinction between Heidegger’s they-self and authentic self. As Jung’s persona and true self. That which is conditioned in us by society, relative, impermanent, subjective, like a mask or facade, and that which is really real and inner in us. That which faces death authentically, a la Heidegger. In fact, it’s even related to the Buddhist idea of anatta, no-self. The heavy stress on no-self in Buddhism (to me) seems like it’s meant to foster a detachment from what is relative, subjective, conditioned in us: the tonal, personality, persona, they-self, and thus to reach a realer self (essence, authentic self, nagual). In fact, there is even terminology in Zen Buddhism for this: it’s the differentiation between the host and guest. The host is the enlightened position of the self, the guest the unenlightened position. Charles Luk has a great series on Zen Buddhism which goes into this in the second (of three) volumes.

However, the idea of an ultimate ”real self” or “realer self” is itself contradictory. It assumes an even “higher” self which looks down, as it were, on this “real self” and can say: “This is it. This is the real self.” In every experience, there is always this irreducible gap between the subject and the object, the self and the other, noumenon and phenomenon. On the other hand, this irreducible gap is also not a gap at all. Subject and object are inextricably bound. The fact that there is always this gap (and this unity), the fact that there is thus no ultimate (as it requires an even higher self to say “this is the ultimate”), is itself the ultimate. Also, I stole these ideas from my teacher.

>> No.13128525

But the higher always has the trait that it appears subtle, elusive, ethereal, even “empty” or “void” in comparison to the lower. For instance, the enjoyment of music, art, philosophy, poetry, and novels is relatively subtle and empty compared to the much more visceral and solid occupations of eating and fucking. There are correspondingly higher forms of enjoyment to art, music, etc. They are called “empty” or “void” only because that is how they must necessarily appear to those on a lower level. At every level one is, there is always an emptiness above one. But this emptiness is also supreme fullness. The opposites are equated. Sunyata is pleroma.

This is why in Taoism the Tao has no qualities and is also the union of yin and yang.

The five colors can blind one’s eyes.
The five tones can deafen one’s ears.
The five flavors can dull one’s taste buds.
The pursuit of pleasures can derange one’s mind.
The hard-to-get valuables can distort one’s behavior.
Therefore, a saint cultivates himself with virtues and does not indulge himself in sensory pleasures.
He rejects those outer temptations and chooses this True Nature.
-The Tao te Ching

What is there behind the colors, tastes, flavors, sensations, thoughts, and emotions of life? YOU YOURSELF. This is the essence of Zen Buddhism’s directly pointing at the self-nature to attain Buddha-mind. Of Gurdjieff’s “self-remembering”. Of Osho’s eclectic, mischievous combination of the world’s religious and mystical paths.

>> No.13128588

This is also the essence of Sufism (which Gurdjieff was trained in in Central Asian dervish monasteries).

>Glory be to Me, how great I am
Bayazid Bistami

>I am the Truth
Mansur al-Hallaj

Sufism also has the distinction between levels of selfhood. The personality, they-self, host, tonal, persona, is called the Nafs I Ammara in Arabic, translated as the commanding self. Idries Shah has a good book on it by that name (“The Commanding Self”).

>> No.13128611

tell me more about based Michelstaedter

>> No.13128959

Come on schizo-anon write a book, or have you written one already?

>> No.13128974

May we discuss art, God?

>> No.13128987

no one cares about your le edgy sch1z00 blogposting, retard

>> No.13129007

about to cut off my internet for a few months, one single recommendation?

>> No.13129013

Shut the fuck up this is fun stuff

Deep and meaningful maybe not but it's definitely an enjoyable read

>> No.13129015
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never stop schizo-wojak. you got this

>> No.13129033

>is uneducated
>still trying to hang around with pseuds for pseud cred
>assault their aesthetic when you don't understand them

You're attempting to reduce the intellect of the culture so you can fit in better

You only want to fit in because you value the aesthetic

"Yawn", she says.

Work on your body, so schizoposter and the rest of us may gaze

>> No.13129036

So do you ever channel this into "actual" writing or do you spend your free and energy between these posts writing another "schizo-wojak"?

>> No.13129058

to what degree is our agency in the void of pre-conception and post death different from our agency in the physical plane of life, are we all greatest asserters of pure will pre-conception, positing effects on the release of the ovum and sperm closest linked to our disembodied being and by extension willing ourselves to materialize here

>> No.13129218
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also if you haven't checked out Petr Sjostedt-H he might be interesting to you.




>> No.13129281

Is sperm pure enlightenment/the Word of God?

>> No.13129286

This is the best take. Schizoposter is probably full of shit, but I like tracking down his references

>> No.13129310
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>autism as transcension vector

>> No.13130047

this kinda of thread is comfy in weird way. keep going schizo poster, i like you.

>> No.13130263

Read his book about Rhetoric

>> No.13130281

what is schizo poster is a completely normal, well-adjusted person who takes psychedelics every once and a while, writes pages and pages of this shit, and posts it on 4chan for giggles?

>> No.13130323

At no point, and in no way, are your actions "close" to the ovum or sperm. They're as close as the edge of the universe is to that sperm and ovum, it's as near as the beginning of time.

>> No.13130348


>> No.13130467
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>AI would be the next step in involution, not evolution: carbon becoming silicon, plastic, its nerves externalized as copper wire, so vulnerable to the cut. Teleology is an illusion: there have been eras of peace and prosperity no one would have hesitated to stop the clocks forever for: Nietzsche was right that the joy of a moment could affirm the whole of eternity: the progressivist, the anti-luddite, his entire argument depends on the efficacy of time, that if Nature or the Polis or the Nation-State was so great, why did we move on from these things? Because time - as change - forced us to. In other words, the progressivist recruits the empty form of time to validate his own historicist trajectory, but forgets that, if we admit man is just a slave to his own noumenal (self-)propulsion, then he didn't domesticate nature because he should have but because the passage of time said that he /must/: it was Land who understood every telos is immanently determined: production forthe sake of production can only result in the apotheosis of /auto/-production: time is a wind-up toy turned behind our backs.

>> No.13130488

What are you on when you write these?

>> No.13130507

You couldn’t type this shit on anything, really

>> No.13130587

oh child how do you know these are excerpts?

>> No.13131042

my pulsating manhood was well deep in her bushy inwards, and that this pulsating manhood was deep into her stomach, and that the woman's breath was in her throat when, for a minute, she felt every thing there was to feel. Her head and shoulders were wet with her mother's juices. I could feel every atom within her, and every hair on her body. It was like being in a dream.

And as soon as the woman's tongue touched my cock, with all its fluid, I knew my cock was hard again, that it needed to be fucked more deeply. And again and again, before I could give in, she slipped her tongue over my cock again.

I felt the warmth as she tongue came up between us. Her warm mouth was all my cock. And there were now two of me, and their tongues were now intertwining. My dick was still hard. She felt my cock, and her finger, start to get hot and stiffer as the time passed. She said, "Let's do it

>> No.13131340

have sex

>> No.13131529


>> No.13131542
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If nothing else I find it disturbing that this thing agrees both with Klages and Schopenhauer. I shall read once more

>> No.13131642
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It's like Homo Deus written by /lit
How can you disagree with the Word if the Word agrees with everyone

>> No.13131681
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i like the first part of this post schizobot. remember lads, glory exist only in the synthesis of the apolinian and dionysian, in the simultaneous existence of art and action, the private and public - Goethe is a master not because of any one sole factor but because he is a synthesis, wanting all, manifold, a totality of form and function, something unseen in europe and perhaps never again seen until the birth and self creation of yukio mishima

>> No.13131684
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Your wall of text is overlapping my Asuka

>> No.13131691
File: 852 KB, 960x904, 59936750_2255654467824741_7031698252030279680_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can such a man ever exist today? for what is required of such a man is a leap of faith, a heroic commitment to his ideals, a transcendence. the first abstraction creates the world, pain and pleasure; the second creates value systems: i will do a to achieve b; the third abstraction allows you to choose between value systems. the third abstraction is nihlism. can any man today defeat the third abstraction? can one overcome the spirit of gravity?

>> No.13131747

Klages seemed to imply that the man has become soft. Unlikely for the 21st century pussyboys to have any chance, but fuck it, I'll give it a go
>In every profound human countenance we see the traces of fear, horror, and sorrow.
>Modern man can reach no further with his concepts than he can with his experience

>> No.13132191

Thanks, I can't access but this -> http://www.philosopher.eu/panpsychism-introduction/

is really good

>> No.13132378


I uploaded those on mediafire

>> No.13132442
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This. Be like me. I accept that I'm too brainlet to understand the upper echelons of this board's culture, but I recognise it's occupied by intellects far superior to that of my own, and if anyone attacks the culture I will die defending it! Dying for your superiors is one of the greatest deaths possible.

>> No.13132483

This is true, i am 140iq and i still fail to fully understand schizo poster, although i grasp all of his concepts and ideas he gets me on the references and words im to lazy to track, schizo poster iq must be well above 160

>> No.13132526

I have the same iq as magician vos savant + 1 but I don't understand what ur saying, so schizo must have world record iq

>> No.13132880

why is whitehead mentioned so much in these ramblings

>> No.13132904

you use the same formula, and its good, but please stop incessantly reusing the phrasing

>> No.13132926
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 2019-05-17-01-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because there is no situation that is not improved by inviting the spirit of Whitehead

>> No.13133042

It gets repeated a lot because it's funny.

>> No.13133054

literal low iq posts

>> No.13133135

add this one to the list
I think he gives the reader enoug rest between those reps. you can see it's the same thing, but the effect is produced regardless.

>> No.13133215

Based - good work out trying to work out how, if very tangentially, these concepts loosely fit together