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12833330 No.12833330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the literary equivalent of neon genesis evangelion

>> No.12833362

Unironically the Bible

>> No.12833365

Read the book of Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and the Psalms.

>> No.12833367
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>> No.12833950

If you want the core of Eva, you’d have to read Kierkegaard and Jung together and imagine them together as forming one book. Beforehand, you’d have to read The KJV Bible and Hegel for preparation, which would also entail reading Kant, who entails Hume, etc. Just read the entire western canon of philosophy desu
Or if you just want another subversive science fiction narrative, go with gravity’s rainbow

>> No.12833983

Big O is better for that, and you'll need Heidegger in the mix. It gives you historical perspective as well.

>> No.12834020

What the f

>> No.12834033

Some shallow garbage, presumably. None of the christian imagery in that anime have any substance to them; the creator added them because he thought they were cool.

>> No.12834378

You are not ready, not even for evangelion

>> No.12834382

Fight Club?

>> No.12834415
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Harry Potter

>> No.12834510

>It's shallow because it focused on aesthetics in some places more than story to enhance both, and therefore has no philosophical meaning or message behind it at all!
t. Soulless cretins who think all music is garbage because it's just "squiggly air"

>> No.12834523
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No, Eva is just shallow, but fans pretend it isn't.

>> No.12834534

Intentionally or not, Evangelion’s meaning is Christian in nature by advocating for the embracing of suffering in reality by enduring the pain individuals inflict on each other while you seek your own purpose. The “Christian” aspects used for coolness factor are things like calling the three computers “the magi”, the Angels, and so forth. The cross is used extremely often in subtle ways (telephone wires form the cross around characters in key instances, for instance look at episode 18 when unit 1 chokes unit 4), and the cross in itself is not an inherently Christian symbol. In Eva, it just refers to one embracing suffering — see EoE, when Shinji tells Rei that he wants to continue living. Rei tells him that he’ll have to face suffering again, to which shinji responds that he’s okay with while staring at the blood stained cross he was given by Misato. Speaking of which, on top of sacrificing herself for Shinji to give him the cross (a parallel with her father, who also sacrificed himself to give her the cross), she actually walks directly into a cross as she’s shot. There’s an infinite amount of instances like this and to go further would be pedantic.
The reason for the Angels is because they’re symbolically the divine agents that force suffering on us without us knowing why. They psychologically attack the pilots to force them into facing their trauma. In addition, their AT-fields are just pronounced versions of the metaphysical divisions between humans due to their individualization. SEELE are Kabbalists (see: their use of the Kabbalistic tree of life and other Kabbalistic symbols) who want to elevate themselves to godhood, which requires them to oppose the divine (the angels), or the unknown causes for our humanity.

>> No.12834540

The only kind of godhood they can perceive is one in which individuals are free of suffering, and since suffering is bred by our nature as individuals, dividing us from each other and giving us the agency to harm each other, they implement the human instrumentality project, collectivizing humanity into a single stream of consciousness. the series destroys itself since it no longer has any defining, individual qualities, and we’re left with nothing but an empty theatre with the chairs forming a cross, forcing us to face the suffering in reality (live action scene in EoE). Like people who escape into anime and fiction, alcoholism and sex (like Misato), etc, Shinji and SEELE’s destrudo is bred by their desire to escape their reality of suffering. The self/ego breeds their suffering by forcing them into individualism, so when Shinji refutes instrumentality while smiling at the cross, he’s embracing the self. He explains that because we’re individualistic by division with others, that we can only understand our purpose as individuals by enduring the suffering others inflict on us while we make the effort to understand them. It refutes mysticism/otakuism/etc to say that our purpose is to embrace suffering, like Christianity.
Also, it’s disingenuous for you to not post the entire quote, in which he explains the meaning of the title. You’re ignoring that this is also literally a class of children that he’s making jokes with. He wrote a book called Schizo/Prano with translations online that explains most of Evangelion and his motivations for making it

>> No.12834551
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It's a children's cartoon, you delusional evafag.

>> No.12834559
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>> No.12834577
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> dude unusual colours and creepy maggots lmao it's good bro

>> No.12834579

Christianity isnt the only thing about suffering you sperg

>> No.12834644

Not him, but.
>blood, gore, sex, alcoholism
>children's cartoon
You are objectively corrupt for saying this.

>> No.12834681

When I said, children, I meant teens. Yes, you wouldn't show this to a 6 year old, but 12-16 year olds are the target audience and they are children.

>> No.12834706

>what is the /lit/ equivalent of my anime?
>what is the /lit/ equivalent of this rapper?
>what is the lit equivalent of some videogame?
lmao the absolute state of this board

>> No.12834716

I don’t deny that. Its the reason why Eva’s use of Judeo Christian myth is pedantic while being meaningful, Anno could have chosen a different esoteric system of belief to represent his ideas and they would still be the same

>> No.12834721

Anno actually said his intended audience were adults in an interview, its on gwern’s eva source anthology

>> No.12834880

It shares more similarity with the torah than the bible.

>> No.12834895

Obviously Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12834921

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

>> No.12835142
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Hermann Hesse, and pic related especially

>> No.12835145

A-anon... the Torah is in the bible

>> No.12835471

I heard childhoods end is close...anyone read it?

>> No.12835587

read this a long time ago but i do remember it having a lot of the same concepts as eva, especially with the end and the powerful women influencers

>> No.12835599

It is not. Neither is Ender's Game, for that matter (another book recommended by the middlebrow as being "close" to Eva).

>> No.12836075

Oh look it's this thread again. Jfc some other discussion died for this bullshit.

This. I really wanted to like NGE but it's so crammed with symbols that it can't possibly support meanings for all of them and ultimately it just comes off as super pretentious.

>> No.12836292
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>In the year 2015, half of the human race is dead, and the survivors face a terrifying last judgment from giant biotechnology experiments called Angels

Looks like I landed in the wrong timeline.

>> No.12836299
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>> No.12836306


>> No.12836337

The the literary equivalent of Utena.

>> No.12836380
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>> No.12836477

It is vaguely, but CE is a concept story where the characters don't matter.

>> No.12837370

i read it with alex jones voice

>> No.12838176


>> No.12838301

Don't know, but if you prefer asuka you have seen the anime wrong

>> No.12838308

What if I read the manga?
She's much better in it.

>> No.12838483

I swear I have seen this thread posted here every day since like 2011

>> No.12838854

extremely cringe trailer

>> No.12840023
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Adults stuck in their angsty teen phase I presume? Stop this. You can love the show without anyone’s approval you slave.

>> No.12840154

>I heard childhoods end is close...anyone read it?
Yes, I'd say it's as close you will find.