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/lit/ - Literature

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12326040 No.12326040 [Reply] [Original]

KANT IS URIZEN: Kant is right that the isomorphism between thought and the external world is really just thought's isomorphism with itself - where he's wrong is his assuming that this correspondence somehow /generates itself/ - produces space and time as correlates/preconditions of its own synthetic dynamo - instead of /being generated/ by those same spatiotemporal conditions: DELEUZIAN AION AS DEMIURGIC FLYTRAP: Kant's cogito transpires in/as the determinable form of time, in other words, the "I" can only occur to itself as its own other: the "I" does not "take up" time to represent itself to itself, the key point is precisely: self-representation /is/ time: the only way an organism can represent its activity to itself is through the passive form of temporality, through a coherent flow of experience, the a priori integrity of which the organism (wrongly) subjectivizes as a self-subsistent ego: /time is qualitative change/, nature's positive self-identity short-circuited (but not totally abolished) by (illusory) MOVEMENT: Zeno's paradox isn't simply about the immanent impossibility of language to describe finite movement, but rather, movement revealing impossibility AS language, as language's power to continuously elaborate (but never consummate) the finite whole of which it is the self-description, or more radically: LANGUAGE'S POWER TO RENDER ITS OWN ACTIVITY INTERMINABLE: AS DEATH DRIVE. Just as I can't actually perceive the end of perception as I'm falling asleep, and just as I can't actually measure the distance between Achilles and the tortoise when they're neck-and-neck, so language cannot say its Limit without always-already displacing that Limit beyond the /very matrix of enunciation it utilizes to do so/: language is the internal articulation of a Beyond it must posit to deploy itself /as language/. In other words, it isn't movement per se that is paradoxical, but /time as the measurement of a continuity presupposed by measurement/. To recapitulate: time and space /do/ exist outside the subject, Kant is wrong, because remember, even he admits intelligibility and apperception must coemerge: what /is/ unique to the human, to coin a somewhat clumsy term, is its /apperceptivization/ of space and time, its elongation of point-like phenomena into the line of experience, the subordination of difference to a formal self-consistency from which difference can never extricate itself: how can there be movement without time? Easy, Chaos: movement without memory, without differentiation, ie without a /that which is differentiated/, precisely because it is a /ground of differentiation which creates time/: YALDABAOTH AS THE PREFRONTAL LOBE: a unified consciousness produces a standard of ontological permanence that nothing in this universe can hope to match, and so is responsible for suffering and the cognizance of death: dukkha is subjectivity.

>> No.12326052
File: 770 KB, 2824x2721, ww2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MATTER AS THE DEATH MASK OF GOD: Memory is the mother of the in-itself, essence as parallactic illusion: consciousness is an aporia that twists itself into pretzels trying to explain the consistency of objects that it itself is formally responsible for, and only death can be the restoration of novelty, ie only something like death has the power to shatter the self-identity of language, or in other words, only nescience, like the imperceptible slide into sleep, CAN CUT THE GORDIAN KNOT OF A = A. The only way for God to evolve into a higher perfection is if he annuls his divinity once and forever, makes his eternal past eternally unrecoverable, a Beginning is only such when its originary act recedes behind a "prenatal" veil of ignorance: in neurological terms this is what Bakker calls "medial neglect", a brain's repression of its underlying causal foundation: the power to initiate new eras of phenomenological time: the New is possible only as death's power to redouble forgetting: to forget even that you forgot: the only way to cure the agonic split of the "I" with itself internal to language, of the Schellingian Logos as the exteriorization of interiority: God cures the unendurable oscillation between his Inside and Outside by placing his inside, /outside/, through the Word: Language: Speech: Logos. Not as abstract as it sounds: my voice is irreducibly mine, and yet not, determined as it is by psycho-physical elements I have no real ontological claim over: man is othered by his own saying: at death, those who identify with their constitutive split (with their "other", their bodies, their minds, etc.) are fed to the gods (subpersonal stocks) they owed them to. Only struggle fills the void: spirituality is the refinement of energy expenditure: suicide is sometimes the yearning of energy to be released from a less-than-ideal A = A: energy is either refined, or expelled basally (the orgasm), but it is always expended: the Greeks knew this, Mishima knew this, Nietzsche knew this, soul polyps do not, you're not threatened by the fires of death, you are that fire, all that threatens is inefficiency: judged only by what you made of your kindling. Christ did not conquer death, he /sanctified/ it: the Cross smuggles light into the Void. Christianity as a soteriology of tears: if trauma is the mother of sentience, suffering is the midwife of spirit: you are saved by what chafes at matter, not because heaven legitimizes this yearning, but because it does not: the Resurrection is the ecstasy of subjectivity shattering on its own ground, and thereby shattering (purifying?) its A = A: Death is love's a priori condition: Christ does not nullify despair, he demonstrates it as absolutely constitutive of faith: surrender is the ultimate negation precisely because it is the negation of the need to negate (control, dominate, escape death): a void so radical it becomes a light fecund.

>> No.12326059

>Kant is wrong
Kant is always right.

>> No.12326068

how can this be anything else but an in joke among students?

>> No.12326069

Time is the false evidence in the trial for our existence

>> No.12326259
File: 42 KB, 480x360, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christ did not conquer death, he /sanctified/ it: the Cross smuggles light into the Void. Christianity as a soteriology of tears: if trauma is the mother of sentience, suffering is the midwife of spirit: you are saved by what chafes at matter, not because heaven legitimizes this yearning, but because it does not: the Resurrection is the ecstasy of subjectivity shattering on its own ground, and thereby shattering (purifying?) its A = A: Death is love's a priori condition: Christ does not nullify despair, he demonstrates it as absolutely constitutive of faith: surrender is the ultimate negation precisely because it is the negation of the need to negate (control, dominate, escape death): a void so radical it becomes a light fecund.
This is one of the most interesting bits I've read. Directly contradicted by John 1:5, and death is not always a sacrifice, but still interesting. Living is a sacrifice, especially living in the death and rebirth in Christ spoken of by the apostles, which was not a literal death.

I can't shake the feeling you're writing these as warm-ups for something else.

>> No.12326360

>Directly contradicted by John 1:5

Less about light's priority over darkness, or darkness' priority over light, but the equivalence of the two, which even Crowley talks about. At the end of the day it's just words though, even if the world breaks you there's always the release of death I suppose vOv

>> No.12326378

The present age is, in a profound sense, an age of absurdity. Poets and dramatists, painters and sculptors proclaim and depict the world as a disjointed chaos, and man as a dehumanized fragment of that chaos. Politics, whether of the right, the left, or the center, can no longer be viewed as anything but an expedient whereby universal disorder is given, for the moment, a faint semblance of order; pacifists and militant crusaders are united in an absurd faith in the feeble powers of man to remedy an intolerable situation by means which can only make it worse. Philosophers and other supposedly responsible men in governmental, academic, and ecclesiastical circles, when they do not retreat behind the impersonal and irresponsible facade of specialization or bureaucracy,usually do no more than rationalize the incoherent state of contemporary man and his world, and counsel a futile “commitment” to a discredited humanist optimism, to a hopeless stoicism, to blind experimentation and irrationalism, or to “commitment” itself, a suicidal faith in “faith”.

But art, politics, and philosophy today are only reflections of life, and if they have become absurd it is because, in large measure, life has become so. The most striking example of absurdity in life in recent times was, of course, Hitler’s “new order”, wherein a supposedly normal, civilized man could be atone and the same time an accomplished and moving interpreter of Bach (as was Himmler) and a skilled murderer of millions, or who might arrange a tour of an extermination camp to coincide with a concert series or an exhibition of art. Hitler himself, indeed, was the absurd man par excellence, passing from nothingness to world rule and back to nothingness in the space of a dozen years, leaving as his monument nothing but a shattered world, owing his meaningless success to the fact that he, the emptiest of men, personified the emptiness of the men of his time.

>> No.12326382

Hitler’s surrealist world is now a thing of the past; but the world has by no means passed out of the age of absurdity, but rather into a more advanced-though temporarily quieter-stage of the same disease. Men have invented a weapon to express, better than Hitler’s gospel of destruction, their own incoherence and nihilism; and in its shadow men stand paralyzed, between the extremes of an external power and an internal powerlessness equally without precedent. At the same time, the poor and “underprivileged” of the world have awakened to conscious life, and seek abundance and privilege; those who already possess them waste their lives in the pursuit of vain things, or become disillusioned and die of boredom and despair, or commit senseless crimes. The whole world, it almost seems, is divided into those who lead meaningless, futile lives without being aware of it, and those who, being aware of it, are driven to madness and suicide. […]

So it is too with absurdism; it is the negative side of a positive reality. There is, of course, an element of incoherence in our world, for in his fall from Paradise man brought the world with him; the philosophy of the absurd is not, therefore, founded upon a total lie, but upon a deceptive half-truth. But when Camus defines absurdity as the confrontation of man’s need for reason with the irrationality of the world, when he believes that man is an innocent victim and the world the guilty party, he, like all absurdists, has magnified a very partial insight into a totally distorted view of things; and in his blindness has arrived at the exact inversion of the truth. Absurdism, in the’end, is an internal and not an external question; it is not the world that is irrational and incoherent, but man.

If, however, the absurdist is responsible for not seeing things as they are, and not even wishing to see things as they are, the Christian is yet more responsible for failing to give the example of a fully coherent life, a life in Christ. Christian compromise in thought and word and negligence in deed have opened the way to the triumph of the forces of the absurd, of Satan, of Antichrist. The present age of absurdity is the just reward of Christians who have failed to be Christians.

>> No.12326392

And the only remedy for absurdism lies at this, its source: we must again be Christians. Camus was quite right when he said, “We must choose between miracles and the absurd.” For in this respect Christianity and absurd ism are equally opposed to Enlightenment rationalism and humanism, to the view that reality can be reduced to purely rational and human terms. We must indeed choose between the miraculous, the Christian view of things, whose center is God and whose end is the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, and the absurd, the Satanic view of things, whose center is the fallen self and whose end is Hell, in this life and in the life to come.’

We must again be Christians. It is futile, in fact it is precisely absurd, to speak of reforming society, of changing the path of history, of emerging into an age beyond absurdity, if we have not Christ in our hearts; and if we do have Christ in our hearts, nothing else matters.

It is of course possible that there may be an age beyond absurdity; it is more likely, perhaps-and Christians must always be prepared for this eventuality-that there will not be, and that the age of absurdity is indeed the last age. It may be that the final testimony Christians may be able to give in this age will be the ultimate testimony, the blood of their martyrdom.

But this is cause for rejoicing and not for despair. For the hope of Christians is not in this world or in any of its kingdoms-that hope, indeed, is the ultimate absurdity; the hope of Christians is in the Kingdom of God which is not of this world.

>> No.12326409

bless you anon

>> No.12326417

Christians have always failed to be christians.

>> No.12326442

What is strength and what is weakness: joyously accepting death and removing yourself from the world and its "domain of regard", or conquering death through technology? What signifies true transcendence? You can accuse both positions of weakness and fear. I don't know the answer either

>> No.12326524

>Absurdism, in the’end, is an internal and not an external question; it is not the world that is irrational and incoherent, but man.

Yeah, exactly what I'm saying, all this metaphysical doom and gloom is more a reflection of what societal malaise does to our ontologies than an ontology proper. Not saying everything's sunshine and rainbows, the Greeks proved there's such a thing as a tragic heroism, or a joyous pain.

>> No.12326549


>> No.12326780


>> No.12326785

Pearls before swine.

>> No.12327031 [DELETED] 

American federalism as Heraclitean fundamentalism

>> No.12327195

>not recognizing yawnfag
Can you be any more new

>> No.12327285

based yawnfag pushing schizoposters to try harder

>> No.12327641
File: 1.55 MB, 768x432, 1ofhZUe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a file that has all of these posts?
Please upload

>> No.12327731


That's all of them on 2 pages

>> No.12327745

HOLY SHIT thank you

>> No.12327802

Do I have OP's permission to use these in an art project? I would not take credit for the words

>> No.12327870

Knock yourself out, what're you gonna do?

>> No.12327958


sweet, thanks. you'll see

>> No.12327986

Your moving closer to Christianity in your view,

Who would of thought...

>> No.12328181

eli can you please stop typing?

just kidding i love you :)

>> No.12328702

>The totality of human subjects comprise God as his intellection within finitude: God is nothing but the subjects that think him.

this is the 18th-20th c. crystallized, there is a devil sum of the unthinking, hence the urgent next step is locating an outside

>> No.12329219

Thought is the thought of thought. Tranquil brightness. The soul is in a manner all that is : the soul is the form of forms. Tranquility sudden, vast, candescent : form of forms.

>> No.12329238


>> No.12329242
File: 25 KB, 274x286, excuseme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never read them and thought this was all same copypasta.

>> No.12329258

Did OP actually write this?

>> No.12329280

This shit is fucking weird to read because, while it's presented as a kind of mad rambling, it is too honest, informed and genuinely perceptive and insightful for its format, despite the outbursts of blatant conjecture, and is clearly the product of someone who has thought long and seriously about the issues discussed rather than simply being written by a lunatic with a bloated ego who thinks they understand-it-all without justification.

>> No.12329319

Yep, he’s been posting these diary entries for a while now. They’re the highlight of my chan browsing sessions tbqh
Fully agree. I don’t believe OP is a first year undergrad as some haters previously asserted, it’s not naive enough for that. I’d have a beer with the guy (or benzos lol)

>> No.12329383


>> No.12329395


is this OP?

>> No.12329505

dont read it all at once, its highly venomous text in large quantities, you need to build a tolerance

>> No.12329510

Of course not. OP is a terrible idea organizer and his statements are full of emotion.

Use google for these 3 posts. You will see who it was. A succint sober analysis, unlike OP that is understandable to anyone instead of obfuscated by euphemism.

>> No.12329513

Kirkbride, is it you?

>> No.12329536

> you are ebcause you exist right now

>> No.12329545

>doesnt know Church history pre-reformation
>my best experience on 4chan is consuming!!!
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.12329655

whats wrong with consuming you retarded nigger? where else can i get high quality overintellectualized shitposting?

>> No.12329715

Thanks, schizo based OP.

>> No.12329783

>what is stylistic choice

>> No.12329812


It's from PKD Valis

>> No.12329892

>at death, those who identify with their constitutive split (with their "other", their bodies, their minds, etc.) are fed to the gods (subpersonal stocks) they owed them to. Only struggle fills the void: spirituality is the refinement of energy expenditure: suicide is sometimes the yearning of energy to be released from a less-than-ideal A = A
>you're not threatened by the fires of death, you are that fire, all that threatens is inefficiency: judged only by what you made of your kindling
Love you, OP

>> No.12329941

How was your new years eve buddy

>> No.12330223

Wow, you sure got offended.
You're literally consuming shit coming from an anonymous person. Eating it as if it's on a golden platter.
If you think these posts are profound then you need to be told what's up and what's down.

>> No.12330268

t. jealous of 5oclock wojak

>> No.12330283

Nice one, particularly the part about Jesus.

The most underrated aspect of Christianity, even in the Literal sense, is that it subsumes naive realism, materialism, common sense, progress, Marx, stem, etc. by simply affirming one's intuition that any and all Phenomena never qualitatively force one to think or do anything, that they're all quantitative extremes the transgression of which is right and good.

>> No.12330299

>by simply affirming one's intuition that any and all Phenomena never qualitatively force one to think or do anything

Yeah this is a foundational insight, Nietzsche reads "turn the other cheek" as weakness, I see it as a kind of strength, not one I'm able to live up to though desu

>> No.12330416

Uneventful, thanks for asking. 2019 will be the year of the hermit.

>> No.12330686

>being jealous of another man
Find Christ.

>> No.12332136

why do you say that?

>> No.12332150

Well, for me it will be. Streamlining my routine and cutting out distractions. Just gonna be books and dumbbells.

>> No.12332418
File: 54 KB, 540x615, gnosticmoshpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Identity of the schizo-wojakposter + all his social medias.

>> No.12332538


Why do you think so?

>> No.12332679

These are the smartest threads on the board.

>> No.12332949
File: 1.68 MB, 3072x1974, EC55EF71-ACC3-4EE8-9E6C-87A1816CA958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody explain this for a yung nigguh?

>> No.12332980


i alwyas rescue op's threads from page 10. in fact i think i take pride in doing so. therefore i must refer op to the idea that compound lifts are better for you. thank you

>> No.12332984

Hi again schizo, thought you killed yourself

>> No.12333042

You mean the attached file? Can't make heads or tails of it.

>> No.12333050

ty fren

>> No.12334130


no problem. does anyone here know how to get smarter

>> No.12334135

Read and suffer

>> No.12334625

>all that rap in 5 star