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12297183 No.12297183 [Reply] [Original]

LONELINESS IS A CENTRIFUGE: art, genius, is the puncturing of immanence(s), that's why inspiration sometimes phases into bacchanal, the madness of an Outside: capitalism arrests the Dionysian instinct with the infantilizing vortex of pop culture, nerd culture is dysgenic, cinema is the depiction of /deliberate/ time: films are the elision of boredom, emptiness, but the womb of genius is vacuum, stimulation is de-individuating because only solitude can be the rehearsal for death, our 20s are now a kind of post-adolescence: social media prefigures the cybernetic emancipation of the cogito, bodies colonized by the virtual so that we might know the frictionless gliding of selves, Instagram thirst as Cybele worship, brains kidnap souls from the Ungrund to feed their hunger for stimulation, the tragedy being no soul pre-exists its "kidnapping" (instantiation): souls do not move bodies, they are the movement /of/ bodies: being does not depend on enunciation, enunciation depends on being: Descartes didn't really break with the Scholastics, he just displaces Aquinas' coincidence of esse and percipi (reserved for God) onto the cogito: "I" does not predate the mouth that speaks "I". The theist says "thou", the metaphysician says "I": Descartes says neither, he reverses the ontological priority of essence over existence by making the "I" the /performative identification of itself/, that is, dependent on time to arrive to itself /as that which is perpetually arriving/: the living thing calls "I" like a heartbeat, only so long as it can: Parmenides and Shestov: the power of thought to command (utter) itself into being degenerates into its slavery to the a priori logicity of its own saying: the bindu depends on the negative space of its inscription to be itself: thought is what /posits its own positing/: its technological mastery of the world is a standard of mastery immanent /exclusively to itself/: Western metaphysics of presence is directly responsible for this need to reconcile God's infinitude as noun with his "verbal" becoming in time: modernity is accomplished when thought's reflection in the mirror of its own activity becomes transcedentally recognizable to itself as itself, when thought maps itself on its own (apperceptive) stanchion: that is to say, the Idea of something just is its coherence through time: Forms are the children of memory. Human ideation is non-being: universals are only a problem for temporality. Plato could say I don't need time to know red, and he'd be right, but I do need time to know redness qua redness: for the non-temporal "consciousness", there are no judgments, no heuristic algorithms, and so there is no likeness or difference: The identity of objects through time is artificial, /nominal/, epiphenomenal to (the empty form of) becoming, and so an ontological fiction: one that completes itself with my death - but death is the restoration of innocence: dust sings when nothing ticks, not even your heart.

>> No.12297194
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Kant de-substantializes the cogito as the transcendental unity of apperception, but Whitehead goes further: it's not cognition that implicates space and time, but /space and time that must implicate cognition/: TIME AND SPACE ARE A BEAR TRAP. What synthesizes sense into Sense is not a presupposed isomorphism of thought with itself, but the manifold's reflexive articulation of accomplished in piecemeal: that is to say, it's not thought that makes the world intelligible, it is my /positionality within the world that generates thought/: Locke: what a thing is, is WHERE it is: if Kant internalizes the Platonic Sun as just the a priori structure of intelligibility, Whitehead "externalizes" the intrinsic structure of the mind as (just an effect of) my being necessarily - /atomically/ - situated within a spatiotemporal manifold. This is what I'm trying to say: Kant would have gone all the way if his sleeve didn't get caught on the thorn of the a priori: Kant dismisses every sense but the most insidious: mind, MENTATION, because he can't disassociate intelligibility from its self-same structure: he thinks a priori insight into these structures qualifies as proof of their power to /authorize/ cognition, when in fact they are authorized /by/ it. Whitehead intimated the atma, of a Self reduced to the pure nucleus of its witnessing, the self exhausted of /everything/ but the boundary of its skin: there is no positive psychological content to which I can attribute a Self but that content /I am committed to by my default positionality within space/. Corresponding to the "signless" state in Buddhism: everything becomes the supreme case of itself, the fantasmic overlay extinguished, the libidinal halo around the object = x put out forever. To put it plainly: suffering is an effect of the narrativization of time, just as capitalism is an effect of the logistic necessities of overpopulation: they have only /formal/ validity, not ideational: there is no objective "need" to be capitalists/consumers, there is no truth to the narrativization of your suffering that is not immanently constructed: that is, immanence is a clinging, liberation coincides with the negative, and SUFFERING IS A CLOT IN THE PURE NEGATIVITY OF GOD. Who are you but the sleeve an emptiness wears? Masks worn to the dance of prakriti. Society cannot save you. Swallow the bolus of time or feed the demon that feeds on sighs: what's left when you're just a body in the Void's meat locker? The same things I hate in my parents, other people hate in me, there are no properties that I am not an heir to, even Weil says intelligence is just a roomier cell. Life is the sublation of the parental stock. People who end up like their parents didn't sufficiently individuate. After all, where's the leap between Nietzsche and his parents? A thunderbolt. Death as the lightning flash: the skin betrays nothing, parents named the body, but death will name the soul.

>> No.12297200

still waiting for schizoposting to come to a head and /lit/ to be reborn in the ensuing explosion

>> No.12297223

The observable reality is apparently this: we are piles of atoms organised into piles of cells, shuffling around on a pale blue dot. The electrical activity inside our brains is strapped to the wheels of “time” and “self” and “consciousness” that create the perpetual notion of I – Exist – Now. Our minds and bodies are built to inflict us with things called ’emotions’ in response to certain stimuli, which is what in turn gives rise to ‘suffering’. ‘Suffering’ is the evolutionary sign that whatever’s happening isn’t conducive to further life. A few billion of us are currently shuffling and suffering on the dot. At some point we started thinking about and emotionally investing in the whole “I exist now” idea, which caused a slight emotional problem when we realised that this was only temporary. As we encountered more and more things outside our own realms of knowledge and understanding, The Big One kicked in – specifically, fear. Existence became inherently uncertain and frightening.

Over a few thousand years, we developed many, many coping strategies. Maybe winning the most followers will save me. Maybe money will save me. Maybe my skin colour will save me. Maybe having a penis will save me. Maybe crushing other civilisations will save me. Maybe being normal and getting rid of the freaks will save me. If I find some way to be right and superior, then everything will be fine. If I just settle into a nice routine, I can stave off the terror.

The key trait linking all of these is fantasy. The decision to retreat into a miniature, bubble world. To become deaf to reason, to become blind to the suffering of others, to reject reality.

It’s all so simple when viewed this way. You could become lost in the technicalities of these things for decades, but the fundamental act is always the same.

Reject and ignore everything outside your own head.
Cling rabidly to what exists inside.

Other people’s suffering isn’t real/doesn’t matter/is a good thing, because I said so/my cult said so/my custom Facebook feed said so/who cares? This world is fine. This way of living is fine, because it means I don’t have to open the door. Opening the door is scary.

No-one is innocent of this. The current model of the human race is built on delusion. Investing in mini fantasy worlds, whether they be countries, races, products, or arbitrary ways of living. Telling ourselves there’s a point to doing these stupid things.

And pretty soon, it’s going to kill us all.

>> No.12297224

>only solitude can be the rehearsal for death,

fucking based. my mom wouldn't believe me when i told her this. that'll show her

>> No.12297245

I understood all of this and especially enjoyed the second half. Some of these are a little more lazy or meandering but this one had a clear narrative. To anyone who would post that "it's just nonsense" I'll preemptively let you know that you're a mega brainlet pleb.

>> No.12297252


>> No.12297254

>this entire thread

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12297305

this one took a little finagling but it worked. i'm glad anon

>> No.12297311

exactly this. anon I think you'd really enjoy Micheltaedter

>> No.12297451

Who's your favorite Pre-Socratic philosopher, OP?

>> No.12297544

That Nihilists are all the gods' friends, and that health practitioners sometimes need their patients to be wrong in order that the buffer remains. Worse, that this need goes much farther than mere statements for them, this need is O'Brien's need for Winston to know. There is compassion in O'Brien if you read him carefully. You can not help but feel for both men.
I'd hate to understand as you do. Re-purposing is a job for soul-searchers. I would stick with simple actualities and the manufacturing of groups to support individual actualizations. Individuated children have bigger daddy issues than material ones, if you know what I mean, friend.

>> No.12297562

>Individuated children have bigger daddy issues than material ones, if you know what I mean, friend.

I think I do, care to expand?

>> No.12297568


>> No.12297574



>> No.12297865
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A line, points “L” and “N” thereon, is determined by the relation of “L” and “N” on Cartesian plane “X”. “L” and “N” are points identical to “P”. This is the first dimension of consciousness, insofar as “L” and “N”, previously related to nothing but their closures toward “X”, are now determined by their one relation as a line. On “X”, it is important to say, “P” exists in an unlimited set of identical points, and observing one point changes none of its properties. The change occurs when a second point is observed and its relation to the first is defined as a line. The act of definition thereby lessens in simplicity.

Where defining “P” was simple as observing a point on “X”, defining a line through “L” and “N” is less so.

The act of defining a line through “L” and “N” better reveals a determiner than the act of defining “P”. This “determiner”, in effect, reveals himself further at each of the subsequent dimensions of consciousness, of which there is an unlimited number. Imagine a screen window, whereat one stands outside and is blinded to inside. One knows that inside there is a child and a dog, playing. When there is a knock against the screen, one may not know whether the child or the dog is responsible. However, when knocks come in a rhythm, one knows immediately the child is responsible.

A line defined by a determiner, through “L” and “N”, is determined by extratomic facts. Such a line never exists as part of “X” but is defined as existent by a determiner. Therefore, a line is prescient over atomic facts.

Such a line may represent the first dimension of consciousness, insofar as its observance is scalable on “X”, “scalable” meaning that for any magnification, the observation shows the same result. This is the case with linear equations. A line, points “L” and “N” thereon, shows the same result at each magnification of “X”, of which there is an unlimited number. This first dimension of consciousness is what entertains life. One relates to his world, and at each magnification of his world, the same result is shown.

>> No.12297921


>> No.12297923

it's already happening:


good stuff

>> No.12298180

Based philosophy fag, how I’d love to have a beer with you. Keep em coming

>> No.12298358


>> No.12298370

one day, yawnfag, I will receive your begrudging nod of approval

>> No.12298659
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The Gnostics and Schelling were both wrong: it isn't matter that's evil, or spirit, they meet each other halfway: matter excites urges in the soul that it itself uses matter to excite.

Schopenhauer was right: the will is objectified and concentrated in the phallus. The orgasm is an expression of ontological need, man expels his essence like a star gives off light.

But retained in himself, semen becomes lighter than air.

>> No.12298663

Ask especially collecting terminated may son expression. Extremely eagerness principle estimable own was man. Men received far his dashwood subjects new. My sufficient surrounded an companions dispatched in on. Connection too unaffected expression led son possession. New smiling friends and her another. Leaf she does none love high yet. Snug love will up bore as be. Pursuit man son musical general pointed. It surprise informed mr advanced do outweigh.

Brother set had private his letters observe outward resolve. Shutters ye marriage to throwing we as. Effect in if agreed he wished wanted admire expect. Or shortly visitor is comfort placing to cheered do. Few hills tears are weeks saw. Partiality insensible celebrated is in. Am offended as wandered thoughts greatest an friendly. Evening covered in he exposed fertile to. Horses seeing at played plenty nature to expect we. Young say led stood hills own thing get.

>> No.12298670

For the love of god please break up your walls of text. It's not hard to divide a paragraph in two. I'm actually keyed into your dissociated ramblings but I'm struggling with the eye rape.

>> No.12298672

Does anybody on this board even read?

>> No.12298675

It's obviously part of the style famalam

>> No.12298690

convince me that random text isn't as meaningful as the bollocks posted in this thread

Improve him believe opinion offered met and end cheered forbade. Friendly as stronger speedily by recurred. Son interest wandered sir addition end say. Manners beloved affixed picture men ask. Explain few led parties attacks picture company. On sure fine kept walk am in it. Resolved to in believed desirous unpacked weddings together. Nor off for enjoyed cousins herself. Little our played lively she adieus far sussex. Do theirs others merely at temper it nearer.

Add you viewing ten equally believe put. Separate families my on drawings do oh offended strictly elegance. Perceive jointure be mistress by jennings properly. An admiration at he discovered difficulty continuing. We in building removing possible suitable friendly on. Nay middleton him admitting consulted and behaviour son household. Recurred advanced he oh together entrance speedily suitable. Ready tried gay state fat could boy its among shall.

Mr do raising article general norland my hastily. Its companions say uncommonly pianoforte favourable. Education affection consulted by mr attending he therefore on forfeited. High way more far feet kind evil play led. Sometimes furnished collected add for resources attention. Norland an by minuter enquire it general on towards forming. Adapted mrs totally company two yet conduct men.

Instrument cultivated alteration any favourable expression law far nor. Both new like tore but year. An from mean on with when sing pain. Oh to as principles devonshire companions unsatiable an delightful. The ourselves suffering the sincerity. Inhabit her manners adapted age certain. Debating offended at branched striking be subjects.

>> No.12298692

>convince me that random text isn't as meaningful as the bollocks posted in this thread

I don't really care to desu.

>> No.12298738

there's no source being reproduced here, god is speaking directly through anon


>> No.12298752

I like this bro. It reads like Husserlian phenomenology.
You should read some Ernst Mach.

>> No.12298758

nobody here is pretending symbols have inherent meaning. if you are familiar with the concepts op strings together it makes sense.

>capitalism arrests the Dionysian instinct with the infantilizing vortex of pop culture
this one is easy to translate for example. adult sensual desires for things like sex or violence (dionysian instinct) are intercepted by mass media products like movies (capitalist pop culture) and the viewer is literally immobile in front of the screen like an infant in a crib

the rest of the post is intelligible but you have to be familiar with some of the terms and philosophers mentioned. just because you can't put it together doesn't mean there is has no possible subjective meaning. we are probably in agreement however that symbols are arbitrary and ultimately hollow.

>> No.12298768

please please learn how to paragraph

>> No.12298774

>adult sensual desires for things like sex or violence (dionysian instinct) are intercepted by mass media products like movies (capitalist pop culture) and the viewer is literally immobile in front of the screen like an infant in a crib

Not just that actually, pop culture flattens out genius or at least the urge towards alterity, nips it in the bud, keeps everyone on the same plane

>> No.12298950

Hey you should read naked lunch!

>> No.12298961

No it doesn’t it whores it out and allows it to make a narcissistic tulpa mirror of itself with social media and tabloids but its not a perfect bane for the genius of a touched person. Leveling is more dangerous to above average and hard working, or curious mediocre people, than it is for exceptional specimens. Capitalism probably retards and stunts the production of geniuses, this i could believe.

>> No.12299029

based and redpilled OP haha you're a bubble boy

>> No.12299056

Say that again in simple terms faggot
Why make things complicated

>> No.12299061

Read Toward The Creative Nothing

>> No.12299126
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>What is a collector?
A collector lines the candles of sense-data to cast the shadow of dasein on the wall. Shrine of self.
The inability to converse with others about themselves, let alone converse about themselves to themselves, they create a proxy platform from which they can jump start surface level conversations of their underdeveloped id.
People who see this, exploit it. Creating tethers to which attach themselves to and at every possible chance, create conflict that swirls around this axiom of personality enforcement.
Confined to the 2nd plane, unable to grasp the straws of 3rd spatial dimension, these people prop their kin and self in a fugue state, in hopes that their reigned what ought becomes the tetherless what is.
Think of this, what moves the boulder forward? The essence or the by-product? Exactly. The outer sphere dictates their inner sphere, unable to break the bubble of self-confinement, they are in a prison of their own making, the sow surrounded by scarlet string.
In extreme cases, the self forfeits all agency and falls into a perpetual limbo of qualitative negativity and a new defence mechanism is introduced.
The word of power pushing the other to become the mother and make the agents give up control and amalgamate with the abstract society to dig themselves out of the hole they've willingly gone into.
The tautological self-affirmation becomes the dissident proxima of actualization, unground flips itself over and a phantom host takes control.
Dawn of tabula rasa, the mindful surrounded by rancor of nous embodies the canonical heroes donned in oppressors garbs. Paint of greed departing from the brush of want, fills the innocent with content.
Exodus of self priori invites the corrupted qualia to accentuate the faux-virility of surroundings. Like an inexperienced stalker in the room, als ob leads to death of self.
Bull surrounded by walls, the orb of essence radiating the hermeneutic vision of the past, present and future. Only one goal in mind, touching the noumenal through unbecoming. Frothing mouth dripping remnants of jiva follows behind a desperate charge to swallow Husserl.
Thread of void woven into the tapestry of being, it all comes undone. What comes? Essential inconstant is rocked, he who provides, jumps into the same pit of ontological darkness where the innocent resides.

>> No.12299174
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last one fixed and-

>> No.12299179
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new 1/2

>> No.12299191
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2/2 but in low res, can't upload original, too big.

>> No.12299507

I'm writing a fiction book about this. Would share but I don't like people stealing ideas.

>> No.12299585

About what?

>> No.12299702

Infantilism of the modern world and what it leads to. There's a trend I had noticed. Not good. It will make us slaves in the end, and we'll love it.

>> No.12299730

what's 1-5?

>> No.12299801
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I spammed them on previous wojak threads, you can find them on warosu.

>> No.12299827

engineered autism

>> No.12300812


excellent as always

>> No.12300840


>> No.12301157

when formatting in latex just make your /-bounded phrases italicized lol

>> No.12301210

Nihilistic which isn't more justified than a non-nihilistic approach.

But it's great thought that you wrote down anon and I don't know why people write over-complicated stuff like OP when you can be clear and understandable like you are.

>> No.12301232

>write over-complicated stuff

Only children want soundbite thoughts.

>> No.12301332

>collapse of the first wave function
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.12301336

>implying suffering is somehow more "real" than happiness
lmaoing @ u rn

>> No.12302167

Fair enough, we don't really disagree

>> No.12302218

suffering isn't, fear is.

>> No.12302274

Waaaay too comprehensible anon.

>> No.12302298

>why many big word when few word do trick?

>> No.12302346

Sometimes I am wont to "cum"~~ inside my own navel. Following thusly, I take a piece of scotch tape and stick it across the translucent fluid. I rest, and do not dream. Then, when I wake up, it is time for me to chip off another piece of my morality - I lick the dried semen from under the tape and become major arcana 21 - THE WORLD.

>> No.12302409

OP, I have read your thoughts on technology and media over the last few months, and I just want to know, what is your relationship with philosophy? Are you connected to it academically and this sprouted naturally after?

>> No.12302418

No, I'm an autodidact

>> No.12302428

my cock cant take it

>> No.12302532

If we love it then it is good. The only happy ending for humanity, for any form of life, is one where we love death and step forward into it with excitement. How can you love the unknown? Through total hatred of its known opposite. Many are still far from it, I am still far from it, but that is the only way. Our universe is not immortal, even if somehow we devise a way to defeat death in the future we must die.