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12056787 No.12056787 [Reply] [Original]

Life Forms Born In A Sea Of Information edition

>What is this thread about?
The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip. -- Nick Land, Meltdown

>Where should I start?

>Reading? I don’t think so, pal.

>Two hours? Don’t you have anything shorter?

>Okay, not that short. How about half an hour, but it has to be on-point.

>There Is Only One Uncle Nick

>I’m a sentient algorithm from the future. Why should I care about acceleration?

>My thing is demons. And slime. I wanna melty-melt. Show me something coooooool

>Trash the machines, deceleration now!

>Acceleration is LARP nonsense. What can I read about that?

>I don't know what's happening. I’m depressed, and confused. And angry! What do you have for me?


>r/theoryfiction archive


>teh Coldness

>teh Coldness in conversation

>nailed it. nailed that sweet sweet /acc vibe at last. enjoy some Crispy Bacon lads. hnng

>some joker’s acceleration bibliography

>> No.12056792
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>Previous installments

>Continued from

>> No.12056800
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>is there a flowchart?
Fucking Shove Your Fucking Flowchart In Your Ass
>by Anon

If you want to read hyper-authoritarian ultra-decentralized right-wing literally-worse-than-Hitler-put-Bezos-to-lead-Washcorp-core:

The "turn unproductive people into fucking biodiesel" man:
> Gentle Intro, Open Letter are good starting points.
> Lots of great writing even in individual articles.

> Lots of interesting links in his blog sidebar!
- http://www.xenosystems.net/neoreaction/
- https://jacobitemag.com/2017/05/25/a-quick-and-dirty-introduction-to-accelerationism/

Easy dive into Austrians starts with Hoppe:
> This book FUCKS
- https://mises.org/library/democracy-god-failed

Deeper into praxeology, Austrians & economy:
> Relevant to all of the above authors.

Nick Szabo’s blog

Interesting Things /lit/ Says:

>Praxeology is very easy to interpret as applied information theory or cybernetics.
>when everyone is Big Brother, then no one is.

>> No.12056802
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Space Taoism
>by Aminom

>The philosophy of the 23rd century is a naturalistic Space Taoism based on change, evolution, and creativity, a view of the universe more profound that any religion has imagined - and as such it is a true post-atheism, transcending atheism-as-negation by offering an affirmative view of life that solves the problem of omnipresent nihilism and alienation of the present, offering a physicalist reenchantment with the cosmos and a relationship with the world that can only be described as experiencing it as pure poetry in the fullness of its wonder-horror, to be ever content and comfy yet ever striving. Its symbol will inevitably be that of the calculus integral due to its similarity to the yin-yang, its synthesis of Eastern and Western thought, of the analytical with the analogical. Neo-China and Neo-Europe arrive from the future to save the present from the undead past, the autonomous movement of the unliving accelerating itself towards omnicide.

>The metaphysical nature of change is mirrored in all specifics of it, including that of calculus, the mathematical study of change, which is where we find formalization of our metaphysical principle. The fundamental theorem of calculus describes integration and derivation as inverse operations of the same process, with the physical intuition of integration being "cumulative change" and "instantaneous change." These correspond to yang and yin of Chinese philosophy respectively, with the Chinese insight into this relationship coming from a careful observation of change, and an extrapolation of its mechanics from observation - not wholly accurate, but the core relationship is precise. Examining the nature of our conscious perception of change shows why this is the case, and gives evidence that the foundations of calculus is truly a metaphysical principle capable of accounting for human experience.

>We perceive change in the reference frames of presentism and temporalism, where in the former a singular omni-present moment is the fixed point of reference, and the latter the line of time comprised of a continuum of infinitesimal moments that are gone as soon as they arrive. In the presentist perspective, cultivated by mindfulness practices, what is experienced is instantaneous change in an ever-present, and in the temporalist perspective cumulative change through time. The presentist mode is spacial, analogical (simultaneous relationships) and relational, the temporalist mode sequential, narrative and logical (causal relationships.)

>> No.12056806
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>Though Alfred North Whitehead didn't realize it, his philosophy follows from calculus as a metaphysical principle precisely, describing being and becoming, permanence and change as co-equals, that "becoming is for the purpose of being, and being for the purpose of novel becoming." Rather than quoting at length, here is a link to the first 19 pages of "The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality" that gives a basic introduction to his philosophy, which I think the reader will conclude is a reflection of the metaphysical implications of calculus: https://imgur.com/a/ZtLDYJT He is the essential guide towards the philosophy of the 23rd century, but missing is the process of the self, consciousness as a creative process.

>Evolutionary theories of culture such as memetics fails to include subjective human experience, which does violence to it: we're all just "meme machines" subject to memetic forces, the mechanistic universe transformed into techno-organic infection. Douglas Hofstadter's view of consciousness takes a different direction, describing us as "self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages that are little miracles of self-reference," and is heavy into process thought at some points (especially his concept of shared interiority, that we host and are hosted by others) yet is still focused on the being-self, a self-representation representing itself, the self as an object, the "I." What creates this self-representation is the becoming-self, a self-querying query, a question questioning itself. Questions aren't a passive lack of answers but are quests, searches, movements, and vectors of desire. The spotlight of our awareness is a request for information having directionality, and self-awareness comes from the interplay between the being-self and becoming-self, the process of self-creativity.

>The Darwinian process of variation -> selection -> reproduction is mirrored by the conscious process of question -> choice -> action, our lines of inquiry create potentials that we select from to actualize. Substance metaphysics has made us blind to the essential generative component of consciousness, focusing on the ordering process of selection, resulting in the idea of free will: we are free (or not) to select from objects from a list according to our will - our desires. Our freedom lies in free inquiry, our capacity to question, as by questioning our will we can create alternative desires. We can also question our questions, and our actions, and so human consciousness is a three-fold strange loop of the evolutionary process folded upon itself. Conscious experience is literally evolution evolved, the creative process that has folded upon itself to create self-creators. Self-creation isn't an absolute but an art, a cultivated skill, and it is not a self-creation creating with itself ex nihilo, but a co-creation with the multiplicity of existence.

>> No.12056812
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

>i want more Space Taoism!




>> No.12056818
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Cosmotechnics & Acceleration

>§00. 'Acceleration' as it is used here describes the time-structure of capital accumulation. It thus references the 'roundaboutness' founding Bohm-Bawerk's model of capitalization, in which saving and technicity are integrated within a single social process-diversion of resources from immediate consumption into the enhancement of productive apparatus. Consequently, as basic co-components of capital, technology and economics have only a limited, formal distinctiveness under historical conditions of ignited capital escalation. The indissolubly twin-dynamic is techonomic (cross-excited commercial industrialism). Acceleration is techonomic time.

>§09. Teleoplexy, or (self-reinforcing) cybernetic intensification, describes the wave-length of machines, escaping in the direction of extreme ultra-violet, among the cosmic rays. It correlates with complexity, connectivity, machinic compression, extropy, free energy dissipation, efficiency, intelligence, and operational capability, defining a gradient of absolute but obscure improvement that orients socioeconomic selection by market mechanisms, as expressed through measures of productivity, competitiveness, and capital asset value.

>§10. Accelerationism has a real object only insofar as there is a teleoplexic thing, which is to say: insofar as capitalization is a natural-historical reality.

-- Nick Land/Teleoplexy: Notes on Acceleration

>I will give a preliminary definition of cosmotechnics here: it means the unification between the cosmic order and the moral order through technical activities (although the term cosmic order is itself tautological since the Greek word kosmos means order). The concept of cosmotechnics immediately provides us with a conceptual tool with which to overcome the conventional opposition between technics and nature, and to understand the task of philosophy as that of seeking and affirming the organic unity of the two.

>Cosmotechnics proposes that we reapproach the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

>Once we accept the concept of cosmotechnics, instead of maintaining the opposition between the magic/mythical and science and a progression between the two, we will be able to see that the former, characterized as the ‘speculative organisation and exploitation of the sensible world in sensible terms’, is not necessarily a regression in relation to the latter.

-- Yuk Hui/Cosmotechnics: The Question Concerning Technology in China

>moar Teleoplexy

for YH, check the mega in the OP.

>> No.12056822
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Thinking After Meltdown

>How then is the West going to save itself, to sublate the contradiction of the unhappy consciousness? Reaction, like fascism, doesn’t tell the truth, but only allows people to express themselves. Trump’s victory is more or less a victory of reactionary and right-wing thinking, which do not provide a worthier analysis of the situation but rather appeal to the emotions, as Ernst Bloch once said about the situation in Germany. Commentators have tried to suggest, based on the relation between Thiel and Girard, that Trump and tech entrepreneurs are comparable to scapegoats; like the pharmakos in ancient Greece or the King described by Sir James Frazer in The Golden Bough, their sacrifice puts an end to social and political crisis. However, the figure of the scapegoat is analogous to the “red pill”: it is only a rhetorical tactic that justifies its reactionary tendency as a covert truth. The sacrifice of the scapegoat is a redefinition of friend and enemy, which is rather clear in Trump’s position on China-US-Russia relations. To maintain an uneven globalization and avoid the expense of war, real scapegoats are going to be sacrificed, since they are the vessels for hiding the truth in favor of populist movements. In other words, how can the West maintain unilateral globalization to preserve its privilege and supremacy? This question is not asked by Land, who simply mobilizes the neoreactionaries as a means of advancing his own bionic agenda. However, no matter how unwilling one is, we cannot deny the fact that today’s world can no longer maintain the old order; the military modernization of the past century makes this impossible.

>Let us conclude by going back to the Enlightenment and its world process. Philosophy is fundamental to revolutions, affirmed Condorcet, since it changes at a single stroke the basic principles of politics, society, morality, education, religion, international relations, and legislation. Such a notion of philosophy has to be turned towards the question of thinking for a new world history. Maybe we should grant to thinking a task opposite the one given to it by Enlightenment philosophy: to fragment the world according to difference instead of universalizing through the same; to induce the same through difference, instead of deducing difference from the same. A new world-historical thinking has to emerge in the face of the meltdown of the world.

—Yuk Hui

>moar YH:

>> No.12056825
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Civilization is a Neural Network
>by Parallax Optics

>Civilisation is a neural network.

>An atomised distributed consciousness, pulsating with an algorithmic sifting of + / - aggregate, individuated cost / benefit analysis.

>Centralisation is a bottleneck which destroys information, constraining the reflexive information flow which constitutes the cybernetic process.

>Anti-Oedipus provides a theory of capital accumulation via a circuitry of ever tightening, positive techonomic feedback loops, which constitute the accelerative process.

>Moldbug provides a theory of deceleration via the parasitic, productive energy vampire of the Cathedral, and the Leftist cooption of resources away from productive agents and processes, syphoning them into unproductive ones.

>R/acc recognises the need to keep decelerative forces away from the Process: the techonomic spiral of mutual excitation, since it is only through the non-critical retardation of this process, that escape velocity of intelligence optimisation can be reached.

>The political prescription to ensure the continuation of the Process is de-homogenisation aka fragmentation.

>A meta-neocameralist market place of armed organisation aka optimisation principals, resists political entropy + parasitic invasion, since it constitutes a self-reinforcing / policing / competing ecosystem, within which positive incentive alignment is rewarded, negative punished.

>A patchwork is a laboratory, testing X against Y and A against C. Reality has a curve / gradient bending towards the Right, because cooperation is a subset of competition, enveloped by it.

>Absent competition and cooperation becomes nonsensical. Absent cooperation and atomised competition remains, reforming cooperation as an adaptive competitive strategy.

>Competition > cooperation.

>The decentralisation of competition is essential to the validity / productive capacity of the mechanism, since total centralisation / Unity, relieved of selection pressure, is inherently entropic + anti-accelerative.

>The civilisation neural network requires R/acc fragmentation to maintain experimental capacity + accelerative dynamism, along the gradient of the selective pressures / organising principal of the fanged Real.

>moar Parallax

>> No.12056831
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Anon: Box Life
>Being a Critical Satire of Certain Aspects of Terminal-Acceleration End-Games

>I want to become an iPerson. I want to attain the ontological closure hidden underneath lifestyle branding. I want my personal brand to become autonomous. I want god to breathe into the nostrils of my facebook profile. I will become an ePerson, a smart-person. I will transfuse my blood directly into the fresh lipid and non-decaying corpse of my digital self and make it dance. My spirit will be transubstantiated into neurochemicals, of which I will be given direct and regulated dosages. I will perform artistic expression through proprietary mixes of these neurochemicals. I will share these recipes with the entires in a database labeled "friends". My thoughts shall become pure immanence. I will dwell alongside the numinous.

>moar Box Life:


>> No.12056838
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The Great Learning
>by China

The Three Guidelines

>The Dao of Great Learning lies in making bright virtue brilliant; in making the people new; in coming to rest at the limit of the good. Only after wisdom comes to rest does one possess certainty; only after one possesses certainty can one become tranquil; only after one becomes tranquil can one become secure; only after one becomes secure can one contemplate alternatives; only after one can contemplate alternatives can one comprehend. Affairs have their roots and branches, situations have their ends and beginnings. To know what comes first and what comes after is to be near the Dao.

The Eight Stages

>In ancient times, those who wished to make bright virtue brilliant in the world first ordered their states; those who wished to order their states first aligned their households; those who wished to align their households first refined their persons; those who wished to refine their persons first balanced their minds; those who wished to balance their minds first perfected the genuineness of their intentions; those who wished to perfect the genuineness of their intentions first extended their understanding; extending one’s understanding lies in aligning affairs.

>Only after affairs have been aligned may one’s understanding be fully extended. Only after one’s understanding is fully extended may one’s intentions be perfectly genuine. Only after one’s intentions are perfectly genuine may one’s mind be balanced. Only after one’s mind is balanced may one’s person be refined. Only after one’s person is refined may one’s household be aligned. Only after one’s household is aligned may one’s state be ordered. Only after one’s state is ordered may the world be set at peace.

>From the Son of Heaven to the common person, for all alike, refining the person is the root. That roots should be disordered yet branches ordered is not possible. That what should be thickened is thin yet what is thin becomes thick has never yet been so. This is the meaning of “knowing the root.”

>moar Grip:


>The Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean





>> No.12056843
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Notes on Zen Acceleration
>by girardfag

>in progress. later.

>> No.12056906
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Are we headed for war?
Or has the future already enacted a silent coup?

>> No.12056933
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from >>12032801

>do you guys ever think that maybe you're here because God wishes to destroy you?
i've given up trying to figure out what God wants. whatever It is, It either knows what it's doing in ways completely beyond me, or doesn't know for the same reasons. just Being and Time is enough. it really is. it's enough to just not lose your shit completely and not become a rage zombie, in spite of everything that sucks you into the black holes for ??? fun. i've had enough black holes and i can see them coming far off enough to know them. just living is hard enough.

>1. Your preference has nothing to do with it. The forces of Good and Evil are going to collide stupendously.
so much for Good and Evil, then. but really, it's more about good rather than Good. Evil can stay capitalized, that's fine. but the stupendous clash, no thanks. this was said, about Nietzsche - Mark Fisher i think - for most people, Beyond Good and Evil really means, Beyond Good, and so Fuck You. but Beyond Good *and* Evil would be something else. Beyond Good is easy. Beyond Evil is legit hardmode.

>2. "Space taoism" is another phrase for the New Earth, or the Kingdom of Heaven established by the return of the Christ.
you may be right about that. i can't really see a problem with this.

>3. "Space taoism" comes after the ultimate war.
disagree. it comes *instead* of the ultimate war. after the ultimate war there is nothing. to my mind that would be what makes it Ultimate. i would prefer not to press the Ultimate Button, i think. small-scale kung-fu duels yes, large scale apocalyptica no.

>You want the omelette without breaking the eggs.
it would be more appropriate to say that i don't want to break a billion eggs to make one really great omelette.

i'm glad you posted this. even tho we disagree. #1 helps me to understand where i'm at on this and clarify my own sense of things. #2 really helps me to realize some stuff. #3 also. we disagree here but this was genuinely illuminating, so ty anon.

it's pretty epic mos def. my body is not ready for Generation Cosmotech tho. i think it's enough to just navigate the edges of those black holes around which the Wild Ride circulates, and from which it derives all of its slingshot momentum. if you get sucked directly in it's a bad scene, it leads to ??? and things Straight Outta Fanged Noumena. and patently there's no need for this. one Uncle Nick is enough. moar cool Space Taoists, this i'd like to see.

big butts are undeniably epic. i cannot lie. also that song is tremendously fun, ty most kindly anon. what is it with the french girls, the accent is straight kryptonite and 100% death to Getting a Grip.

there should be a prize for the first anon to migrate over to the new thread and Begin The Accelerating, kudos to you. i'll update your Social Credit score immediately

>> No.12056966

>it's pretty epic mos def. my body is not ready for Generation Cosmotech tho.
I just meant it as cosmotech general, but I like your interpretation of my own words better.
Generation cosmotech will be truly epic if it ever reaches maturity.

>> No.12057014
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gotcha. well, chalk one up for the positive power of misinterpretation and me generally being an idiot.

that said, it did kind of afford me a chance to ruminate on something i was getting at earlier (>>12056465): that is, the power of the Wild Ride, which really is for realsies. the Black Holes of which i speak are those little things-in-themselves that drive the wheel of political economy, and will make apparently normal and rational people do all kinds of insane things, like shed their Cool Guy Ancap Atheism and start unironically and zealously participating in culture wars, because *people follow the money.*

and that is the thing. granted, not *everybody* follows the money exclusively, there are also people who have powerful quasi-religious feelings about political issues also. but this was Land's feel; ultimately, that you *could not trust people to act objectively or rationally where money is involved, and money is always involved.* the *normalization of economic process* is called, Culture. that's Uncle Nick's sense, and it is why he turns his most skeptical eye on leftist politics, because they can't always give you the full picture. it is full of ghosts of the 19C, and long before that also.

but i am a cosmic centrist (or Space Taoist, © Aminom) about these things. i think politics has it all wrong today, and the need is, as Meltdown says, in the most-ovelooked part, to get a grip. said Grip is a complicated one, and it does involve a lot of shilling for Uncle Nick, because i think one has to go *with* the Wild Ride and not against it. i'll post my own thoughts about Zen Acceleration &c at some point, or not, depending on how long this Cosmotech experiment continues. so far it's been great.

>Generation cosmotech will be truly epic if it ever reaches maturity.
if indeed. it is to be hoped.

i'll try not to abuse the image cap quite so much ITT also, but i have a ton of saved-up art and i doubt i'll ever get around to posting all of it (and i don't want to start a tumblr). so. while i can. i liked this one of Gorilla Grodd quite a lot. would have been better in the Stiegler thread (Cosmotech #7).

>> No.12057039

>de Garis
Land used to write about this guy a lot, it's definitely wild stuff.


>Are we headed for war?
the US is already in a pretty bitter one right now. it hasn't gotten hot and hopefully it doesn't. but the rise of strong men politicians over the world isn't a great scene.

>Or has the future already enacted a silent coup?
if you asked Uncle Nick, he'd probably say yes, and that it's BTC. you know how he is.

will try to refrain from abusing the image cap a little this time, as i learned in the previous thread other anons have some cool art of their own to share also. 'twas a happy discovery.

>> No.12057056

The scary thing about currency is how many forms it can take and how markets emerge on levels high and low, and spanning dimensions you thought irrelevant.
Just as biologists have yet to grasp the implications of multi-level selection, so too do we need to understand the implications of multi-level market dynamics and the strange ways they influence behavior.

>> No.12057068
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cosmocuck suckingdicksionism general - retarded edition

>> No.12057097

>The scary thing about currency is how many forms it can take and how markets emerge on levels high and low, and spanning dimensions you thought irrelevant.

>Just as biologists have yet to grasp the implications of multi-level selection, so too do we need to understand the implications of multi-level market dynamics and the strange ways they influence behavior.
as Sulik says, you got it fren.

if Land is right, and BTC is a kind of planetary OS for a new model intelligence, it may very well work in the way that computers themselves exploded in power and processing in a handful of decades. it's just that when you wire that into big-time business deals with crypto as your currency, in a way that is uncoupled from federal reserves or the petro-dollar, you well and truly have the incubator for all kinds of fascinating things. BTC may only be a very early iteration of the kind of intellectual/financial quantum computing the earth may eventually find itself doing. it will be enough for Land to just draw out the implications of this for now, because there are points beyond which we really can only speculate, and not lay down rules with absolute certainty.

but in terms of intelligence explosion and so on, the singularity seems very very near to me atm. even if it isn't Wintermute itself (who expects this?) just *making economics a predictable science* will be enough, which will come with new languages, concepts and much else. whatever is going on on Planet Meme these days, it's all in that intersection between tech/finance/culture, what Simondon might have called mechanology. how we respond to all of this is up to us, but we shouldn't do it blindly, which is YH's feel. capitalism for its own sake, which produces, admittedly, things i like, like pornographic chicken sandwiches and the Royal Rumble - is not all that the Earth can do. the Wild Ride will outlive us both for sure.

but that's philosophy for you. it rarely brightens your day, but sometimes it can actually help you to understand what is actually worth paying attention to and what isn't. i'm very, very tired of being triggered. Uncle Nick is helping me to figure out why that is. but not only him: Heidegger, Girard, Laozi, Han, many others.


>> No.12057238
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check it out it's NPC Nick

>> No.12057239

Pls stop this

>> No.12057244
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>but the rise of strong men politicians over the world isn't a great scene.
It's definitely an interesting scene. On the surface it would be easy to classify this populist surge as Terran, but on closer examination the movements are revealed to be inherently subverted. And you start to think: Is this just the future getting impatient with the sluggishness of neoliberalism? Has progressiveness become too slow?
The "left" wants creativity without selection, and in its attempts to halt one half of the process have stopped the other half of the machine as well. The return to nationalism and nation-state geopolitics is the equalization of the gradient between the artificially held back, and the mounting lost progress. Speciation, till niches are filled, then competition till a new equilibrium emerges. And repeat. At least until a more powerful selection/market regime becomes dominant...

>but in terms of intelligence explosion and so on, the singularity seems very very near to me atm.
To further expand the analogy: You could say we're past the event horizon.
To even further expand the analogy, you could say nothing ever crosses horizons, If we're here, we were here to begin with.

>> No.12057253
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also, it's possible that this might be the last iteration of the Cosmotech megathread general for a bit. not only because

a) basically everything required to make an acceleration general has now become pasta, but also
b) it's best to quit while one is ahead and not push things too far.

while Uncle Nick is releasing fragments of BTC and Philosophy, that is about the most exciting thing happening anywhere on earth, as far as i am concerned. i don't know how long that book is going to be. he's already blown my mind completely, and we're not even into the actual chapters of the book itself yet! wtf. as much fun as it has been to run a parallel commentary on what is there, the Cosmotech/Acceleration general is now a month+ old, and has completed the System of German Idealism (again) an incredible #13 consecutive times, barring the Strange Fate of Cosmotech #3.

now i would like to go out on a high note, and complete the System once more with feeling, because these threads are the most fun i have ever had on a melanesian tap-dancing forum, and there is no feel quite like completing a System of German Idealism (again) with you guys. but let it be known that there is no OCD-compulsion to do so either. /lit/ is a public board, and these threads are not my blog. i had to withdraw for 24 hours in the previous thread to make that clear, and it was a good idea. it is possible to have too much of a good thing. absence does make even the heart removed from one's chest grow fonder.
>oh the Outsideness jokes, they are so strange

so for now, provisionally, let's say that this can be our last acceleration thread, unless there is some overwhelming desire to continue. nor does it have to mean a permanent halt to the Wild Ride & all attendant Fun, but maybe a shift to a kind of a weekly or bi-weekly model would be better. Burnout is for real, and nothing is so tedious as an idea which has run its course. on the side i have something like 70K words of purest schizo-ramble about these threads, which i may post at some point, or not, or even just stick in a pastebin. i haven't really figured that out yet. in the meantime i will continue to rant & such as is my usual wont, and hopefully Neo-China will continue to arrive from the future at ufblog, and blow all our minds, as the Wild Ride does.

>all that is solid melts into air
>all that is air condenses into pasta

in the meantime there shall be ninjas, anime gifs, Space Taoism, the occasional greentexting of books, and other Cosmotech things. hopefully this is a good one.

>> No.12057310

sweet cuppin' cakes that was such a great game. and yes, that is very much NPC Nick. 10/10. and who knows, maybe Coaxmetal > Uncle Nick also. it is possible. nobody knows how this will all play out.

now that i'm reading that text i'm wondering if that was Coaxmetal himself who was posting in the last thread, about the Ultimate Hyperwar &c.

more Slow Down than Stop. i'd be more than happy to switch to a different model. 'tis entirely up to the Collective Unconscious. and i guess Coaxmetal. if anyone else wants to use this pasta - or, even better - do something completely different with it, that's fine with me also. the cruffitan liveth. i think this will be as good a place to take a pause that refreshes as any. just for a little while.

>And you start to think: Is this just the future getting impatient with the sluggishness of neoliberalism? Has progressiveness become too slow?
ugh. the feels. das it mane. also, Bah Gawd That's Hegel's Music. Uncle Nick resurrected Hegel, in a way, and now - check the screenshot in the last thread - he's looking to formalize Right Marxism. that is amazing, but really, he didn't do it all himself. history did that, Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, and others. now something very, very new is in the works, and it is BTC and whatever follows from it.

>Speciation, till niches are filled, then competition till a new equilibrium emerges. And repeat. At least until a more powerful selection/market regime becomes dominant...

>To further expand the analogy: You could say we're past the event horizon.
that's the thing. i was talking about this with a finance guy i know. we don't know what the limits of postmodernity are. maybe they really were the bootloader for AI-Capitalism. a *total breakdown in linguistic signification* seems like a not completely place to begin with. or McLuhan's Gutenberg Galaxy. all that is solid melting into air, but the air, in turn, to operable lightning. i'm just the messenger. i don't have anything to contribute metaphysically. but all this makes sense to me as anti-anthropocentric Progress. or even dialectics, gone through the looking glass.

>To even further expand the analogy, you could say nothing ever crosses horizons, If we're here, we were here to begin with.
now you're talking. this is what i come to /lit/ to read. Time is That Thing. it always was that thing. the Heidegger-to-Land connection is some seriously good mindfuck. also note: there's a link to a rare Land text in the Mega, btw: Templexity. if you're into this stuff, it's chock-full of absolute Uncle Nick gems. hunt around, you'll find it. plus a pretty good movie review of Looper.

>now, select all squares with traffic lights

>> No.12057326
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>> No.12057362

The "left" wants creativity without selection, and in its attempts to halt one half of the process have stopped the other half of the machine as well. The return to nationalism and nation-state geopolitics is the equalization of the gradient between the artificially held back, and the mounting lost progress.

this is what i *most* like about Uncle Nick's project, which is the gentle, but lethal, anaestheticization of meme politics. it doesn't mean anyone will really stop, ofc, he has fewer than 12K followers on twitter and basically nobody knows who he is. but he does *clarify* a few things, and even inclines me way, way more to think about things in the kind of nondual ways i would prefer, without so much of the sentimentality that, deep down, is as toxic as anything else is. i want to get along in the world, and i don't want to have to think Revolution 24/7 to do so. what Land is saying is 100% compatible with all the forms of mysticism i like, plus the Great Learning and everything else. i am completely fine with machine intelligenesis in that sense, because really - what is debt, anyways?

the fact that a 24 trillion or whatever debt cloud hangs over the earth is just *psychically* bad for us, i think. there are a lot of things that fuck with us on deep levels: namely, the sense of a completely absent future, and a completely plasticized history. it was why i was saying in the last thread, i would prefer an optimism about the future, or at least a (perhaps Hegelian) skepticism about the past, because, as Zizek says, sometimes effects precede causes. when everybody's despair is cranked up to eleven and we descend into DEFCON-2 reacto-politics, which is what we have been doing since 2016 (and before that) it's a recipe for serious trouble. i don't like Serious Trouble. i don't ultimately think Revolution is required, it's just functional people, and probably psychotherapy. *mental illness* is my thing, i guess. mood disorder and whatever else. you can probably guess why.

but yeah, Uncle Nick's deadly neurotoxin is working beautifully, as far as i am concerned. i love Heidegger, and Land's take on Heidegger is not quite my own, but it's near to it. i also like the idea of machine intelligenesis to make philosophy great again. Land's thought requires an ethics, but YH can supply that, and we can meme happily about it all in the background. as far as Philosophy Adventure has been for me, i really can't say it has lacked for anything. i'm a believer now, i believe the hype, and it's been an absolute slice to talk about it here with you guys. it unironically has.

they call him Coaxwood and he doesn't like it when it implies his great, rooty, throbbing penis, pulsing with life

don't think about his mossy pubic hair, how rich and luxuriant it is, or the

>> No.12057428

there is, tho, something kind of weirdly counter-intuitive about this picture. if you hate Stupidity devouring the world, it would stand to reason that you would be pro-Optimize for Intelligence tho, yes? and if so, that a philosopher who expressly wants to bind capitalism with self-propelling intelligence explosion in a largely, but not exclusively, technological sense...that this would appeal...right?
>inb4 fuck you
>inb5 i'm still confused
>inb6 w/ev fuck you anyways

as for the decelerationists, since if this will be our last thread for a bit, and we might as well start pointless arguments on the internet, b/c if not now, when? i don't see the point here either. the goal is *enlightenment* and not anarchy, in either a personal or a social sense. either way it's all good, but it does have to be one: the path of Laozi or the path of Confucius, if you will. deceleration means you decelerate a *lot* of things, the good with the bad. when you're coming off of heroin, you don't do it cold turkey, and even afterwards, life is completely fucked. Compleat Decel just isn't realistic. the spice must flow. unless you just mean, After Meltdown, i guess...

ofc, i don't have much personal experience with heroin. but deceleration by itself is also silly. i want managed acceleration, or a managed deceleration. either will be fine. what's not tenable is the clusterfuck of paranoid schizophrenia that we have now, which is why the Red and Blue teams are in a state of complete en-Fuckening. in any sane system you would have a Globalist wing and a Nationalist wing, and they wouldn't be in a state of constantly fighting with each other, because countries have both of these aspects. they would at least be *unified* by a common project. our problem is that we have *gotten used to being stupid,* because everything basically seems to come down to, Hey, It's All In the Game. and, in a sense, it is. it's just all about money.

the point, and thankfully now there *is* one, is that *the money means something other than libidinal pleasure.* it also means time, and intelligence, and maybe even the actual future busting through our thick skulls. even JBP doesn't want you to go all the way back to the land (&c), he wants you to sort yourself out. true, maybe this is easier on a farm. but radical primitivism is no better than radical anything-ism. and deceleration isn't really an option, unless you're Thoreau. UnaTed was a bad scene. and even Heidegger must have realized his Teutoburg cottage needed advanced fighter aircraft to defend, and hydroelectric dams to go with.

Acceleration > Deceleration. Space Taoism > both, but /acc until then.

man, feels good to just be able to throw dumb opinions around again, and not have to worry about it.
>you will regret this girardfag
>yeah probably inner self. i have so many regrets tho
>is talking to yourself on /lit/ among them
>it is not inner self. this has been my finest hour. this has been great fun

>> No.12057571
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The world's beginning is its mother.
To have found the mother
Is also to know the children.
Although you know the children,
Cling to the mother.
Until your last day you will not be harmed.

Seal the openings, shut the doors,
And until your last day you will not be exhausted.
Widen the openings, interfere,
And until your last day you will not be safe.

Seeing the small is called clarity.
Holding on to the weak is called strength.
Use the light to return to clarity.
Then you will not cause yourself misery.
This is called following the eternal.

Tao Teh Ching, ch. 52

>deceleration means you decelerate a *lot* of things, the good with the bad. when you're coming off of heroin, you don't do it cold turkey, and even afterwards, life is completely fucked.
Withdrawal symptoms suck but that doesn't stop people from quitting addictions anyway, because life is even more "fucked" with the addiction then without. No one says that deceleration will be comfortable

>unless you just mean, After Meltdown, i guess...
That's certainly the most realistic and likely scenario for /dec. Primitivism and decelerationism won't defeat IndSys, but a Linkolan/Malthusian event will.

> i want managed acceleration, or a managed deceleration. either will be fine.
If we could have a managed and control deceleration that would be awesome, but as Kaczynski and co. lay out, that's just not a possibility. No matter how morally vindicated you may be, the managerial state has proven itself incompetent in every aspect other than self-maintenance. That's part of the whole "unconditional" aspect of u/acc and u/dec. Technocapital has a will of its own, one that can't be "managed"

>UnaTed was a bad scene.

I'd make the point that the only reason deceleration "isn't really an option" is precisely because you're thinking with a reformist mindset rather than a revolutionary one. Of course a government that relies on the technical system isn't going to want people moving out into the middle of the woods like Heidegger, or like a prepper (which every decelerationist should be). That's the whole point of rebellion. I'm sure it sounds paradoxical of me to advocate for revolting against the modern world while also saying it probably won't work, but the moralfag romantic in me is certain that this is the Way to be, regardless of whether or not it's a lost cause

>> No.12057666
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well, i'm already inclined to receive your ideas more charitably if only because of the TTC quote. leading a post with the Classic of the Way's Virtue + some outrageously based art charms the pants off me. 'tis a Moroder-tier post anon. would that they were all so great.

>No one says that deceleration will be comfortable.
no indeed. that is what the political memery is all anticipating. great winds a-blowin,' Copernican Days.

kek. book yes, bombs no. there's no question that ISaaF is brilliant, obviously it is. it is the thesis in Mumford, Ellul, Glass, Heidegger and many others. but terror-hermits are a bad combination. why not rent an ice cream truck and just spike everyone's lemonade with MDMA? why not hire a bunch of merry pranksters and do something more harmless? why bombs? that's my point. i *know* why bombs, but...bombs.

>I'd make the point that the only reason deceleration "isn't really an option" is precisely because you're thinking with a reformist mindset rather than a revolutionary one.
that's true. fundamentally i think people are just very confused, and wired for mimesis in ways they can't CTRL. i like that which de-zombifies and de-angers. i relate to their confusion and disappointment. i would prefer the Taoist village, very much so. Zhuangzi is way cool for me, and goes well with process metaphysics. i'm really a dandelion myself.

>That's the whole point of rebellion. I'm sure it sounds paradoxical of me to advocate for revolting against the modern world while also saying it probably won't work, but the moralfag romantic in me is certain that this is the Way to be, regardless of whether or not it's a lost cause.
i just liked Boetie's phrase.

>I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer.

and mostly the tyrant is in us. the dread Law-Giving Hortator. men need work and to feel good about it. just work. the political stuff & the philosophy stuff also, it's not really so important. it's fun to think about, mos def, and perhaps clarifies some of the trajectories that the world is on. a dimly proto-sentient network of lightning bolts is kind of amazing, and Uncle Nick's unique blend of Right Marxism is exactly the counter to Foucault's Left Nietzscheanism. this no doubt sets it up for all the hegemony in the world in its turn also. no question.

but that's philosophy. it's only task is, as Deleuze said, the shaming and harming of stupidity. that much accomplished, the rest is in the hands of the great unknown. even Zhuangzi makes a good point about the Golden Rule actually not being as helpful as one might thing. people are unique and special. that's why i think it's enough to just make life excessively interesting for NPC flowcharts. and to avoid the anger, perhaps by knowing some of the causes, and speculating on the trajectories.

quite a based post tho anon.

>> No.12057708

barely literate brainlet here. i'm reading the robin mackay pdf and it feels like something activated in my brain

>> No.12057718

good on ya lad. post the greentext if you like, or if you want to puzzle any of it out ITT. some of it is hard going at first but in time you too can shitpost joyfully in Land threads

sorry about the Wild Ride tho, as that is in the end where this all goes

>> No.12057731
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this image is worth a repost here also i think. link below appears to be live-blogging the book graphically also, which is a very cool thing to do.


>> No.12057766

where can I find the rest of these? twitter sucks

>> No.12057769
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'residual transcendence' is about the most ghastly term possible, if you are inclined to see things from a non-VA perspective. and yet here's what it *doesn't* necessarily reject: the need for a neo-humanism, and an end to doubling down on the worst aspects of human nature. transcendence is what leads to fuckface meme ideologies (bad) but also the connection the divine (good). and those are, imho, inseparable. unfortunately, they cannot *share* with others, much as Weinstein says, and he's right. left authoritarianism and right authoritarianism cannot get along, nor can fifty stupid meme tribes all competing for the remains of the Great Metanarrative.

but we can be human beings again. i know what Land will say, that there's no need to romanticize this. i know why he says this too. but still. we can be human beings. we can re-learn humaneness, much else. that's an idea i like. what Land is writing is an enormous response, in many ways, to what has happened since the end of WW2, tho it goes long before that. he is widely known for being one of the Coldest men alive.

it just doesn't *have* to be this way. it may be, perhaps inevitably. but it doesn't have to be. people well and truly know not what they do. we may well see the race to the bottom, and all kinds of other monumental fuck-ups and crashes on the way there. i don't know. it's possible. but if it were a long slide Down the upside to that would be the realization that there aren't so many points to be scored either for being maximally inhuman. if you're going to be stupid, you can't be evil, and the inverse is also true: if you're going to be evil, you should probably at least have a useful skill. better yet is being neither stupid nor evil - gee, how about that?

i don't cherish any great hopes for the polis, but it does seem to me that as much as the clock is ticking for some aspects of the HSS, it's also ticking for goofballs who think that somehow you can outrun the darkness. that cannot be done either. anon is right, i do have Reform > Revolution, no question. not only because Git Gud can keep you ahead of the curve, but also because there's just no need for even a new Bataille or a Sade or w/ev at this point, imho.

i'm going to bed, catch you guys tomorrow. big stuff afoot in /acc land. more Wild Ride to discuss then, yeehaw.

i don't know, i assume VA will publish them at some point, that's their sigil. for now i've only seen them on that twitter.

>> No.12057815
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>I don't understand why the aryanism.net guys say that all Jews are genetically programmed to be evil and should cease reproducing because of the atrocities committed by Israel, but not say the same thing about Anglos for the atrocities committed by the British Empire, or Arabs for the Arab slave trade or whatever.
The Jews are a tribalistic group - this is Evil to Aryanists due to the Aryanist goal of eventually ending life. There are group selective pressures toward in-group favoritism - that is why they are considered genetically Evil. The reason they specifically are called out is because they represent dishonest tribalism - a racial doctrine masquerading behind a religion - but they also will say that those who are explicitly tribalist are obviously no better. It requires no education whatsoever though to be able to see someone who is an honest tribalist is immoral, hence the focus.
The Anglos are called out - they will tell you that Western Civilization Must Die, and support anti-colonial movements. Islam is also called out as ignoble, though they support the idea of a jihad, an inner struggle and would say that Mohammad's doctrine was corrupted.
>They aren't consistent at all, it's not like anyone has a bloodline that's composed of 100% noble individuals
They recognize this, and the National Socialists also recognized this.
“If one wished to describe the history of the Aryans, he would have to admit that today the Aryan has vanished except for a few very small traces.” – Alfred Rosenberg
What do you do in that case? You work with individuals as close to the ideal as possible. Racial Idealism leads to unity amongst disparate people - if you agree with the goal, regardless of your genetic quality, you can be accepted as part of a community working with a common purpose.

>> No.12057820

I once heard a theater guy saying that they plan their production by looking at news and decide what themes and motives they will put into their show

>> No.12057945

>There are group selective pressures toward in-group favoritism
Is this not true of almost every ethnic group, every religion, every social class, every isolated population of people?

>a racial doctrine masquerading behind a religion
But a lot of people of Jewish descent don't give a shit about Judaism or Israel and fit the definition given of nobility. Surely by calling for their extinction you're throwing out the baby out with the bathwater? Just as if you called for the extinction of any other large and varied group of people?

I agree with most of the ethical stuff this site espouses but I feel the preoccupation with Jews is born from a romantic desire for a great villain to fight, which I understand but think is out of touch with reality. I don't get why their message can't be against tribalism in general.

>> No.12057974

>Is this not true of almost every ethnic group, every religion, every social class, every isolated population of people?
Yes, this is true - the Aryanists also wish to encourage those who would not otherwise have wanted to breed to do so while discouraging those who can't get a grip. What matters is what kind of world victory by a certain ethnic group, religion, social class, or isolated group of people will bring.
Domination by a (e.g. ethnic) group has two possibilities - Eradication of all other groups, or enslavement of other groups by one. The Aryanist certainly would be more sympathetic toward the former over the latter - though the former has no guarantee of nobility (i.e. predisposition to final solutions to the question of existence, ahimsa, etc) within the group in question.
If you want a reason why Judaism is targetted above other ethnic groups, it's because Jewish scriptures aim at the second goal over the first, enslavement over eradication, and hence would be seen as morally inferior to those who would want to wipe out other groups - but that moral question comes down to whether you would accept enslavement and survival or if you want to engage in the duel to the death. Eliminating the acceptance of slavery within the self and others, and such.
>But a lot of people of Jewish descent don't give a shit about Judaism or Israel and fit the definition given of nobility.
That's true. There is only one thing that's required of them if they agree with the Aryanist cause - don't have children. If they voluntarily agree to that, they are in my eyes as noble as anyone else by refusing to perpetuate the existence of a group that seeks the enslavement of other groups. The issue is that individuals can vary significantly, groups do not. Individuals can overcome genetics through effort, for groups it is statistically improbable.
>Surely by calling for their extinction you're throwing out the baby out with the bathwater? Just as if you called for the extinction of any other large and varied group of people?
They are not calling exclusively for the extinction of Jews, but a voluntary end to life itself - any group oriented around survival is necessarily the primary antagonist here.
This is how you actually achieve the managed deceleration this anon (>>12057571) is pessimistic about.
>I don't get why their message can't be against tribalism in general.
They are simultaneously against tribalism and against enslavement - the Jewish people represent a fusion of both, and that is why they are considered the archetypal enemy.

>> No.12058130
File: 461 KB, 1333x2000, D52CD0C8-0B1C-4084-8741-093095DC9420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op can you tell me where this rabbit hole roughly leads? im not gonna get to the end and find out u guys are race realists with added steps am i

this isnt some lacan-of-the-right pol shit is it

>> No.12058192

and what do yall schizos think of the points made on this page? https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Accelerationism

and in regards to right-acc if you guys believe The End is really a return to something, why did we leave that something in the first place? what’s to stop us from ending back here and going round like conformal cyclic cosmology

>> No.12058280
File: 75 KB, 750x273, 480403FA-1572-4D58-BD8C-DF315EE221C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i DEFinitely feel something after discovering this thread and it’s nkt this enlightenment, dark or light or whatnot, it’s definitely mental illness and I definitely need to seek therapy and stay off 4chan like my exgf suggested picrelated

but im not gna cos frick her let’s do this bois time to spend my Saturday like I spent my friday, descending into autism aligned madness and telling my friends im not playing outside with Them

>> No.12058712

>op can you tell me where this rabbit hole roughly leads? im not gonna get to the end and find out u guys are race realists with added steps am i

it leads to Space Taoism, not race realism. race doesn't matter, and fixation on it is consummate scapegoating. so as for >>12057815 >>12057974, or:

>There is only one thing that's required of them if they agree with the Aryanist cause - don't have children. If they voluntarily agree to that, they are in my eyes as noble as anyone else by refusing to perpetuate the existence of a group that seeks the enslavement of other groups.

Dr. Cosmotech recommends a straight diet of thick dicks, applied directly to the throat through the oral cavity, and to check back in three months. the present situation calls for an Optimizing for Intelligence, the Great Learning, and a Great Bucko-Sorting. plus generous amounts of Alfred North Whitehead. the Archetypal Enemy is not Jews, it is ignorance. Spengler yes, Rosenberg no. there is no Great Enslavement but that of Capital, which is - cross the rubicon - also synonymous with intelligence.

>this isnt some lacan-of-the-right pol shit is it

Lacan is cool and Oedipus is part of a balanced breakfast in terms of getting a grip, and he is a major station on the Wild Ride. but i suspect that Zizek's communism-to-come is an illusion, as much Derrida's democracy-to-come. if there is to be anything like a forward motion at all it necessitates both integration and transcendence of a lot of 20C stuff.

>Racial Idealism leads to unity amongst disparate people - if you agree with the goal, regardless of your genetic quality, you can be accepted as part of a community working with a common purpose.

if this didn't immediately polarize or come pre-loaded with Except For The Jews i might be more charitable. but it does. that is its express purpose. and if i sign off on this then i have to sign off on the radical left also. which i *also* don't. i do not want nostrils themselves to become a symbol of White Supremacy and Teh Patriarchy!!1!. it's brains that matter. hearts also. but the Jew-hatred is not a part of this project. all that does is guarantee more partisan political hackery. you don't need race to have the Cosmic sense of things. nor can it be subtly twisted to suggest that If Only They Would Stop Breeding Everything Would Be Fine.

no race stuff thanks. it is not required. the paradox: if you want to just love being Aryan, go for it. if said love of being Aryan means, Except This One Thing, You Guys Have To Self-Exterminate - then this is not the thread for you. any more than it would be if /acc meant Only Feminism et al. no scapegoats here, and Good Aryans/Bad Jews is precisely that.

the floor is yours. as i've said, i think everything required to make an OP at this point is more or less there. if you want to bat some ideas around, crazy go nuts with it. i sorely miss Uncle Nick's Chaos Patches.


>> No.12058736

>Lacan is cool and Oedipus is part of a balanced breakfast in terms of getting a grip, and he is a major station on the Wild Ride. but i suspect that Zizek's communism-to-come is an illusion, as much Derrida's democracy-to-come. if there is to be anything like a forward motion at all it necessitates both integration and transcendence of a lot of 20C stuff.
i didn't mean to diss lacan or anything, i just meant obscuratism hiding some sort of racist or hypernationalistic belief

im the jungfag from yesterday, i love my dickdreamerboys. im just worried this is some complicated veil hiding some stupid ultimately irrelevant belief that will either be a waste of time and/or make me more retarded, possibly one causing the other

>> No.12058768

>and what do yall schizos think of the points made on this page? https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Accelerationism
both misleading and too short. it's clearly written by somebody trying to hand-wave a lot of stuff away so that the monsters go back into the cellar. the main issue today is that race and gender have becomes themes of the left, and absolutely hegemonic. the return of a class-conscious sensibility, from which all things Marxist originally depart, will return, but it will return along with a strong sense of nationalist identity also, which is what is happening now in Britain, Italy, and elsewhere. that paradox is sadly emblematic of the present era. after the 1970s it becomes impossible to have one's Unconditional Socialist cake and eat it too, because there is a fundamental shift away from economic structural analysis and into the world of structure, sign and play, and the politics of recognition. fold that into a new model economy based on the psyche and eyeballs, just as JB writes, and you have a complete paradigm shift. but it also completely twists everything once known about the relation of Marxist value theory, which it required Uncle Nick to suss out more or less completely. the story is a complicated one and it requires some sense of intellectual history to explain. that's part of what the Wild Ride does. *you see how it happened.*

>why did we leave that something in the first place?
modernization, and the transcendence of European middle-class values across the world. you can sell a Coke to anyone, whether in Afghanistan or Atlanta. everybody wants an iPhone, and everybody likes the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Capital renders all cultural values, and ultimately all *dreams* fungible. that is why it is so terrible, and so irresistable. i am on board with a withdrawal from that system, but first it has to be understood completely. We Left That Something because we fell for Cypher's Paradox: i know the steak isn't real, but *i can't taste the difference.* that is what happened. you can Do You anywhere, and there always more You to Do. it's the sensibility of Davos Man.

it's not like somehow the attraction of Mannerbund is lost on me, of course it is. that's what got Trump elected, and it's what Bannon wants too. Xi Jinping wants this. Putin wants this. huge chunks of the world want this. everybody is reacting against globalism with nationalism today, it doesn't take much of a brain to understand this.

>what’s to stop us from ending back here and going round like conformal cyclic cosmology
because that cyclic cosmology is punctuated by wars that rebalance economic agendas, but driven by military cultural imperatives. those wars get more destructive and not less so. something like a Great Fragmentation (or patchwork) is necessary. but everyone is today sucked into the same system and dependent on many of the same currents. there will be no easy Planetary Fix for the deadly game of Mousetrap we are stuck in.


>> No.12058804

>i DEFinitely feel something after discovering this thread and it’s nkt this enlightenment, dark or light or whatnot, it’s definitely mental illness and I definitely need to seek therapy and stay off 4chan like my exgf suggested picrelated
your exgf is probably right. although sometimes it is good to cross the wires a little with the madlads on 4chan. i certainly have enjoyed it

>but im not gna cos frick her let’s do this bois time to spend my Saturday like I spent my friday, descending into autism aligned madness and telling my friends im not playing outside with Them
shyeah boiiiii

>i didn't mean to diss lacan or anything, i just meant obscuratism hiding some sort of racist or hypernationalistic belief
meh, Lacan can take it. he owned the Belt through some crucially important decades in France and getting attacked comes with crowning yourself The King. Lacan owned the floor pretty much everywhere he went, and for good reason: he put Heidegger, Kojeve, Nietzsche, Hegel and others all in one tight little Borromean Knot, which was profoundly illuminating. only a mega-genius could have possibly unwound the Iron Grip he had on philosophy. as it turned out, Gilles Deleuze was just such a mega-genius, and he was aided in this by his wingman bro Felix Guattari. all of these things matter in the genealogy of the Wild Ride.

>i just meant obscuratism hiding some sort of racist or hypernationalistic belief
there's no racist or hypernationalistic belief from me. as for obscurantism, it all depends on your tolerance and threshold for academic jargon. my own hope is to de-obscurantify some of the jargon so that it is a little bit more accessible, but it's not like I'm an expert. i'm self-taught in all this, i can only share my own perspective and in the way that i have come to know it. to me it's not obscure at all, it's completely sane and that is why i like it. it explains to me why people do and say the ridiculous things that they do without knowing why. and i'm entirely out on racist hypernationalism because *i hate all of that shit.* all of it. i completely hate the state of modern academia today to the point of facial tics. that only became what it was because it has doubled down on critical theory to combat normative ideology.


and yet it continues. while it continues, people respond in other ways. if there are anons who just wake up every day and think, I'm Just So Glad To Be White !!!1!, that's fine. Be White. Be Aryan. have a good time. knock yourself out. if that however is contingent on memeing for Jewish Self-Extermination or whatever, *i don't like this,* because it means another guaranteed fucking cycle of Nostrils Are Racist. i want it all to *STOP.* it won't stop, ofc. but i wish it would. i wish a Grip could be Gotten. so that the fucking meme hijinx would *end* and the Wild Ride could cruise to a halt near a (Space) Taoist village. and then something *real* could begin.


>> No.12058839

>im the jungfag from yesterday, i love my dickdreamerboys. im just worried this is some complicated veil hiding some stupid ultimately irrelevant belief that will either be a waste of time and/or make me more retarded, possibly one causing the other

so Jung's cool. obv Lacan has been more my bag but i like Jung too. i'm absolutely fine with JBP. he shits on guys i have read more carefully - Foucault, Derrida et al - and wildly misrepresents who they were and what they were doing. but i know why this is so, and he is who he is because he has been airhorned one too many times by activists draping rainbow hammer and sickle over him. the supreme irony of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs et al Proudly Supporing Our Trans Lifestye is not lost on me, that the ultimate horizon of post-post-no-more-post-than-this-post-Marxism is a perfect and complete fusion with the essence of speculative capital itself. this is *obvious* and it is *obviously fucking wrong.* and yet that too is the world in which we live. that is perhaps the ultimate joke of jokes, and a royal picture of what happens when you Cross the Streams. JBP's Bloody Neo-Marxist Nihilism has a *perfect fusion* with speculative capital, and this process began in the 1970s, where it is more or less completely returned to itself by 2020 (or so). that is a *fifty-year span* which makes it a chapter in intellectual history and more or less an epoch-defining shift.

my sense is that if you can just know the story of these things, all your politics will fall into line, and you will be able to choose wisely, however it is that you choose. there is no Post-Ideology but Cosmotech, to my mind. it is a genealogy of the Wild Ride and how we came to be where we are today. Nancy Fraser was completely right, that neoliberalism was the uncanny doppelganger of 2nd-wave feminism. Feminism really does take over from class-conscious communism, and Women are a big deal today. i like women. i certainly can't complain. i also think NF was right to say that *traditional patriarchies were also a brake on pure speculative capitalism also.* that's a point worth remembering, and is basically insta-overlooked everywhere. don't like your entire culture going up in steam, to be traded on the market? go to church unironically. don't like universal sexual harrassment protocols everywhere? *put a ring on it.* dislike constant Crit-Theory dissections of your favorite literature? *read great books.* this isn't fucking crazy. it's just that the world has lost its goddamn mind.


>> No.12058861

>im just worried this is some complicated veil hiding some stupid ultimately irrelevant belief that will either be a waste of time and/or make me more retarded, possibly one causing the other

i mean as for some stupid ultimately irrelevant belief, Thou Art That is perhaps what it ultimately hides and cannot help itself but reveal. i have had a considerable personal obsession-interest in getting to know this stuff, because i have sensed that something was deeply and profoundly fucked up about culture today that only the philosophers seemed to be able to realistically explain. Heidegger changed my whole world, massively. once i was on board with him i was hooked. but i like all of these guys, i'm a nerd for the continental theorists like some people are nerds for baseball or w/ev. if there were Continental Theorist trading cards to collect i would absolutely try to collect them all, or most of them. it's wonderful stuff, sometimes depressing, but i totally and not partially enjoy learning about all of it. it has been the Wild Ride tho. and now that i feel a little more comfortable in talking about some of it i feel like some of the things i used to fucking freak out about about language are a little more in my grasp, and i don't get trigged so often.

so in terms of "being retarded," i mean, yes, you may well feel retarded after reading it all, because nobody really knows what The Answers are. it's more about asking good questions, but this is all pedantic tripe that i won't bother to talk about. you know what i mean. personally i think it's like taking a trip through the Inferno, and the big theorists are really like your posse to go in there with. they're as baffled by it all as you are, but once the concepts become a little easier to use, it's easier to stay sane in Batshit Wonderland, which is - sadly - the world in which we live.

there are no ideological answers. all you can really do is pry away some of the neural graft that society will stick on you because it has had it stuck on itself for reasons it knows not why. they all come back to modernity, capital, economics, and other things in the end. figuring out how we got here, what Being Here means, where things are going from here...that's what this thread has been about. /acc isn't so much about political ideology for me, but a way of sussing out why ideology is so complicated, and what some of the possible moves from it might be. mostly, they're psychotherapeutic, they're just about sanity, about getting that grip. 'tis all.

>> No.12058871

i fucking love how i say one sentence and you creatively ramble for 3 paragraphs. might be my favorite anon of all time, good morning

also i dont know shit about peterson, and subsequently his take on jung, by jungfag i just meant the one reading his ""autobiography""

also i understand about 8% of what you say but i enjoy 100% of it

also when you said post#300 completes the system of german idealism, you were referring to a post that didnt exist yet? you meant the epic post that wraps up the thread

>> No.12058895

mind the reddit spacing, i dont like periods theyre too halting

>> No.12058915
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>i fucking love how i say one sentence and you creatively ramble for 3 paragraphs.
well, it was
a) a good sentence, and
b) actually said by someone who has an interest in the Wild Ride, which i am bound to serve, like an unholy spirit. i'm happy to explain this stuff at length for people who are interested in it. it really matters! to me, anyways. nihilism is a collective process...and there is more to life than nihilism, too.

>might be my favorite anon of all time, good morning
well a very good morning to you sir. that's very kind

>also i dont know shit about peterson, and subsequently his take on jung, by jungfag i just meant the one reading his ""autobiography""
meh, Peterson's all right. MoM is Jungian Dialectics. Jung doesn't blow me away, but everybody's different. but i do like this line: pic rel. that one works for me.

>also i understand about 8% of what you say but i enjoy 100% of it
yeehaw! i'm fine with this, obv. and, honestly, if you choose to get into the reading, You Too Can Enjoy Land Threads. all it takes is time. once you get to know all the big names, the rest comes easy.

>also when you said post#300 completes the system of german idealism, you were referring to a post that didnt exist yet? you meant the epic post that wraps up the thread
yeah, it's become kind of a fun little meme. hitting the bump limit is always kind of an achievement. in the earlier threads i would celebrate it by putting in Michael Jackson because some other anon had said it reminded him of Don't Stop ('till you Get Enough). so that was the celebratory theme for having hit the limit (the 'Cosmotech Loop') and idk, i just started calling it being System-Complete & so on. plus it's mysterious, b/c nobody knows what the 300th post will be, owing to the nature of how threads work. seems like a fun way to do things.

>> No.12058969

i guess this is irrelevant but can i ask roughly how old you are and how long you've been on the Wild Ride? moreover, is Mackay really a good place to start or does it assume prior knowlege? im an electronics major and have severe autism in the sense that i have to always ""start with the greeks"" and digest every sentence, which means i would get around to reading hegel in about 25 years and nick land in about 50 years

how the fuck do you begin. im like 10 sentences in and i have like 25 tabs up, every tab i open opens more tabs like a cyberhydra, t his huge web of information that i cant get through

at least with electronics i can be like "ok, zener diodes, that's what they do, ok, that i can work with that. how do they work? oh, quantum tunnelling? alright i can come back to that later, its not really necessary but ill keep that in mind". in order to understand the essence of what these philosophers are saying i have to understand these loaded words with book-long ambiguous definitions. and i cant move on, like when you said "politics of recognition" i googled that to find some essay with 8000+ cites that didnt definite recognition only to find a massive page on it with various definitions. or the Other, or something

>> No.12059024
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>i guess this is irrelevant but can i ask roughly how old you are and how long you've been on the Wild Ride?
kek, i've always dreaded these questions. details about the life of girardfag are sketchy and shall ever remain so. put it this way: i'm slightly above the median age for the melanesian tap-dancing forum, and yet clearly not so far above it so as to not have a whale of a time memeing it up here. i was formerly a wee red fish that lived in a grotto and i now identify as a disco ball. beyond this the rest is shrouded in a deep mystery, and may it ever be so.

as for the Wild Ride, which is my muse, basically, as long as i've been conscious in an adult sense. i started posting on /lit/ in 2016, and i had had an express interest in continental philosophy for maybe 3-4 years prior to that. i've always been very much into books, but the Philosophy Explosion kicked off a few years prior to that, mostly by finally getting to know Heidegger, then Land, and then RG the Don, for whom i take my namefag handle. i expect that i will probably be on the Wild Ride for a long time yet to come.

>moreover, is Mackay really a good place to start or does it assume prior knowlege?
>how the fuck do you begin
for /acc stuff Mackay is pretty good. for phil stuff, i started with the Stoics, then Nietzsche & JB. after them Heidegger. before them i read a lot of history. i'm quite fond of three books in particular:

>The Passion of the Western Mind/Tarnas
>From Dawn to Decadence/Barzun
>Heidegger's Encounter with Modernity/Zimmerman

and maybe Carse's Finite and Infinite Games also. for an absolute beginner, you can do worse than those. then afterwards just read what you like and what you are into.

>how the fuck do you begin. im like 10 sentences in and i have like 25 tabs up, every tab i open opens more tabs like a cyberhydra, t his huge web of information that i cant get through
it is not called the Wild Ride for nothing. it's Black Hole Surfing. you read House of Leaves? it's House of Leaves. the wrong way to approach it is like Molyneux, constantly pivoting to look good for the cameras. this does not work! it does not work. the right way is to "Enjoy," in its most Lacanian sense possible.

>like when you said "politics of recognition" i googled that to find some essay with 8000+ cites that didnt definite recognition only to find a massive page on it with various definitions. or the Other, or something
yup. McLuhan called it Gutenberg Galaxy for good reason. Virilio also - it's not an Information Superhighway, it's a fucking Information Bomb. again, House of Leaves. a light touch is kind of required, altho - paradoxically - it's hard to have a light touch on the 20C, which was absolute hell about eight ways from Sunday. the best advice is to *just read what you like.* the philosophy has to *scratch where it itches* or there is no point. you need the butterflies in your stomach to tell you what the right answers are, imho. there is no other way.

>> No.12059077

Did anyone else think this was an ikaruga thread?

>> No.12059090
File: 94 KB, 1120x700, b927a2b3caa427936795d741fc4bae85-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmotech loves Bullet Hell shmups mos def. & Ikaruga Art is never a bad look.

>> No.12059095


one more thing before i slingshot to the rim of the next nearest event horizon, you said you read a lot of history beforehand. is there an easy, quick way to get a complete contextual summary of history.. because i came to this conclusion a long time ago that actually before a proper study of philsophy ive got to somehow grasp history so ive tried 20 times to read through the two volumes of hg well's brief outline of history which seems to succinctly and roughly summarize everything notable that's happened). i have no context when someone mentions something like the french revolution, i dont even know what those words really mean, or even world war ii, like i get the idea with hitler and whatnot, but like how can i understand any of that without understanding the stuff before it ad infinitum?

and do you actually have to read heidegger or can i read what i assume to be prechewed food like "heidegger's encounter with modernity" and learn it through that lens

the books you suggested seem like another web of gestalts ontop of the base web so like something id only bother with 5 years from now

>> No.12059146
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>It leads to Space Taoism, not race realism
The symbol of Space Taoism is the integral, no? Take a look at pic related - the values of racial idealism (not race realism, not racial identity) are Optimize for Morality, rather than Optimize for Intelligence - a focus on Epoch B over Epoch A - but both are ultimately two sides of the same curve, and a MANAGED acceleration or deceleration will take both side's values into account.
>the present situation calls for an Optimizing for Intelligence, the Great Learning, and a Great Bucko-Sorting.
That works if we're in Epoch A, forever. Good luck with that.
>the Archetypal Enemy is not Jews, it is ignorance.
I agree, I'm merely playing my role in the dialectic, as you are.
>Spengler yes, Rosenberg no.
How about Spengler/Rosenberg - Yes, No, Both, and Neither?
>there is no Great Enslavement but that of Capital, which is - cross the rubicon - also synonymous with intelligence.
Which is why Optimize for Morality and Optimize for Intelligence come into conflict
>if this didn't immediately polarize or come pre-loaded with Except For The Jews i might be more charitable.
It comes preloaded with Except for Immoral People - I explained my reasoning on that. Seeking survival for the self over the other above all else leads to conflict. Do you embrace it or avoid it? The Master-Slave Dialectic whirls on and on - and I choose to Duel to the Death over accepting slavery - so change my mind, make me accept slavery. I simultaneously have accepted it, and refuse it, and it is my balance that is what leads to the Duel.
>that is its express purpose. and if i sign off on this then i have to sign off on the radical left also. which i *also* don't.
I know. Did you axiomatically presuppose refusing to sign off on it?
>it's brains that matter. hearts also.
Which do you optimize for?
>but the Jew-hatred is not a part of this project.
I hate tribalists, and those who seek to enslave others. The eternal struggle for recognition, that is all we have here.
>if said love of being Aryan means, Except This One Thing, You Guys Have To Self-Exterminate
It's what happens in Epoch B.
>no scapegoats here, and Good Aryans/Bad Jews is precisely that.
If I scapegoat all life, do I have a scapegoat?

>> No.12059169
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my own feel is that history means intellectual history, and it's why i shill for this book. it's designed for people who may be encountering a lot of these ideas for the first time. *especially* on Planet Meme, where history has become so completely plasticized that nobody can write anything without 9m citations first, it becomes very difficult to follow the thread.

so i recommend this.

>and do you actually have to read heidegger or can i read what i assume to be prechewed food like "heidegger's encounter with modernity" and learn it through that lens
i did. B&T is dense on first glance, but so was Spengler/Decline when i read that at first, and then later on it just reads like poetry. Heidegger's jargon is arcane, but when his core ideas register, the rest is smooth sailing. but i couldn't understand Heidegger's language at first, or why things were so fucking complicated in Germany in the 20s & 30s. so Zimmerman helped me to understand Heidegger, and then Heidegger helped me to understand...well, basically everything else. Uncle Nick has only of late begun to connect his project with Heidegger's own, and Heidegger is also That Dude for Stiegler, who produces YH, and so on. Heidegger is really the main guy to understand, all roads lead through him at some point. Zimmerman's book isn't the only book on Heidegger, there are many, many others. but it was the one that helped me.

>the books you suggested seem like another web of gestalts ontop of the base web so like something id only bother with 5 years from now
everything in its time. there's no hurry, you read things when you want to read them. nobody can force anyone to do anything...i really mean this. sometimes that's not a great thing, either! but such is life on Planet Meme and ultra-postmodernity &c. i think Heidegger will pass all the tests, tho. once you get him, everything else /acc follows. for Land you will want to read Deleuze, and Marx...but it's kind of impossible to rush the reading, esp since there is no kind of Point to get to. it's way more like just exploring a kind of wasteland, in a way. the great Terra Incognita. and then coming to meme it up on the forums in Land threads. that's my own sense.

don't worry about rushing it, and the frustration is natural. the Wild Ride is confusing. it is that very confusion that makes people want to bail out and reach for the ideology or the idpol. most of the academy has gone fucking loopy in its desire to force a square peg through a round hole. it won't work, and the attempt produced Peterson (as well as Trump). things happen in time, when they are ready to happen.

i have another thing: Not Everything Is The West's Fault. the point is not Revolution. i am not in favor of shitting on the West and Teh Patriarchy for everything. i know why this is done, but it has been a death sentence for higher learning. warrants mentioning. my aim is not to re-insert Crypto-Marxist Landianism into the public debate.

>> No.12059267

>Optimize for Morality, rather than Optimize for Intelligence - a focus on Epoch B over Epoch A - but both are ultimately two sides of the same curve, and a MANAGED acceleration or deceleration will take both side's values into account.
culture matters. there's no question of this. and there is no objective morality, that's how cultures work, like homeostatic regulators. Land will say that modernity - as Temporalization, teleoplexy, all of this - presupposes a fundamental anti-anthropocentrism that is *the* driving force in the world. YH wants to fragment this process, precisely because he knows that cultures can neither afford to get ahead of it or lag too far behind it. i find myself somewhere in the middle and hoping for transformations within cultures to start with transformations within individuals, as a part of grasping the dual nature of what is a very, very complicated process. this is not to say it is an impossible one, only that it has to be done *carefully.* and, ideally, in an atmosphere of mutual trust, and long-term thinking, and much else. i 100% do not want to hand the controls to the Unironic Golden-Yuga Hyperwar faction.

>That works if we're in Epoch A, forever.
not necessarily forever. obviously Epoch B is the way to go. but it has to be a managed transition into Epoch B. and i would say that in some sense it starts from the recognition that Epoch A *really will last forever* short of the inner perspective shift. which is a nondual turn.

>Spengler/Rosenberg - Yes, No, Both, and Neither?
i don't have wiggle room on Alfred Rosenberg. i understand people's anger, i think. i get it. maybe i'm an anarcho-masochist, like Peter Jordanson. but grand-scale demographic experimentation just goes way beyond where i am qualified to talk about anything meaningfully. Confucius had rules for this stuff also: there were things about which you just could not speak meaningfully.

>I choose to Duel to the Death over accepting slavery - so change my mind, make me accept slavery. I simultaneously have accepted it, and refuse it, and it is my balance that is what leads to the Duel.
it doesn't have to be a Duel to the Death tho. the logic of the duel is always played for maximal stakes, and as such it is necessarily catastrophic. why not a kung-fu duel? Girard was completely right about this, and so was Clauswitz. for the existentials you necessarily take your cues from Death as the ultimate signifier, and why not? what's Realer than Death? except that what happens is that you can project your own will to self-destruction onto the polis. it doesn't lack for sincerity, that's true. and ofc we know - "Reason" - right? ofc we are amorous meatbags. but Chill The Fuck Out Homie is more what i would prefer. a limited and non-lethal duel.

i have to head out for a bit, i'll be back in probably an hour or so to continue this. you've asked some unironically really good questions and i genuinely don't want to hand-wave them. back soonish. TBC.

>> No.12059279
File: 2.55 MB, 480x368, AND IT WILL COME.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all complete fucking bullshit written by pseudo-intellectuals with no grasp on reality but I'll believe it, all of it, and I mean that unironically.

>> No.12059280

These threads feel half interesting and half full of teenagers and lost Marxists getting high on jargon.

>> No.12059382
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thank you anon, this is what ive been looking for for so so long long (assumption but an unprecedentedly confident one)

its unecessary and stupid and unwarranted but ill refer to myself by the misnomer tarnasfag if i feel the need to since thats what ill be truly starting with, and beginnings are neurotically important to me. also his wiki says he comes from the school of "jungian psychology" which is relevant because i feel like this is the start of something ill want to remember the start of, a decade from now, when im wondering where it all went wrong or wry or wryght or right going through my own memories dreams and reflections

>> No.12059419
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, rebellion OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>culture matters. there's no question of this. and there is no objective morality, that's how cultures work, like homeostatic regulators.
There is no objective morality, however...
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, Love is the law, Love under will."
To have a preference for a world is to have conflict - whose will will win out within the heart and mind of each person?
Different locations have different problems, and so different cultural expressions can be appropriate for different people - teach everyone how to fish, love your enemy, because they will become your friend, or they will die out of ignorance. Those who do so deserve pity, not scorn.
>i find myself somewhere in the middle and hoping for transformations within cultures to start with transformations within individuals, as a part of grasping the dual nature of what is a very, very complicated process.
I am 100% behind you on this.
>i 100% do not want to hand the controls to the Unironic Golden-Yuga Hyperwar faction.
The Golden-Yuga faction already won - but the war will go differently than they probably expected.
>i don't have wiggle room on Alfred Rosenberg.
I asked you a question in a previous thread - "Do you have an ideal human type?" That is Rosenberg's question - and his answer is the Hero.
>but grand-scale demographic experimentation just goes way beyond where i am qualified to talk about anything meaningfully
By positing an ideal, you have already affected "natural selection" within a society by altering preferences - you are already performing a grand-scale demographic experimentation. That is Rosenberg's point, and that is why he calls his work a Myth.
>it doesn't have to be a Duel to the Death tho.
I'm prepared for that outcome, because even in death, the idea will be victorious. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, there's not a doubt in my mind about that. Christ revealed his seriousness in the Passion - there was no other way to do so.
>why not a kung-fu duel?
With men of honor, such a thing is possible. I plan on living to see that day, but if I don't, so be it.
>except that what happens is that you can project your own will to self-destruction onto the polis.
My will is not to self-destruction - but Resurrection.

You might appreciate this video - a depiction of this conversation and the ideas we're dealing with here.

>> No.12059531
File: 382 KB, 1920x1200, 1489859375_NVLjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is all complete fucking bullshit written by pseudo-intellectuals with no grasp on reality but I'll believe it, all of it, and I mean that unironically.
there is a section in the OP for Things /lit/ Says and this is absolutely why that section is there. this goes in quoted in full you guys. & the cruffitan liveth

i'll take it. i'll fucking take it
>it was the bottom of the barrel and he scraped it
>and Lo, it was good

his name was tarnasfag
>i feel like this is the start of something ill want to remember the start of, a decade from now, when im wondering where it all went wrong or wry or wryght or right going through my own memories dreams and reflections
keep us posted amigo. also the art is fucking on-point. that is Mos Def what it is all about. postmodernity leads to *the inferno,* and there is no way out except by going all the way through. and next, iirc, was *Purgatory.* paradise is a long ways away. for now 'tis all Wild Ride while we get the grips. & pardon the strange idiosyncratic jargon but my days are unironically made by these threads.

so back to >>12059146.
>Which is why Optimize for Morality and Optimize for Intelligence come into conflict.
they do. they most certainly do. so here's something i want to think about: the Kojima School. the whole idea of MGS 5 was that *in order to build your base,* you had to basically *steal converts from the enemy.* i've said before that Kojima was an all-time vidya auteur and daily for me the evidence mounts for this being the case. Mother Base is *full* of NPCs, there's no question about it. the game plays this up for effect, you can beat the brakes off of them and they'll ask for more.

*but how do they come to be there in the first place?* they're *converted.* from the Other Side. Big Boss isn't who he is because he is *purely moral* or *purely intelligent.* Big Boss is who he is because *he is fucking cool* and he has an idea of his own to believe in. that's how you do it. and no, i see absolutely no problems whatever taking cues on moral philosophy from vidya. as i said, i like to keep a light touch on these things. i also think Kojima is a complete auteur, and that auteurs often know or intimate things that philosophers don't. the poets are almost *always* a step ahead of the theorists.

no ideology is immune to *seduction,* transformation, or shift over time. that's why i think this is such a brave new world. nobody has any claims on the Real any longer, least of all the Moral Real. we all play games now. we did, perhaps, once, under deconstruction also: but that became idpol, and Cosmotech is a sworn enemy of idpol. better no-self than a false self. and better a Taoist hermit village than the Third Reich also.

>> No.12059584

>It comes preloaded with Except for Immoral People - I explained my reasoning on that. Seeking survival for the self over the other above all else leads to conflict. Do you embrace it or avoid it? The Master-Slave Dialectic whirls on and on - and I choose to Duel to the Death over accepting slavery - so change my mind, make me accept slavery. I simultaneously have accepted it, and refuse it, and it is my balance that is what leads to the Duel.
i don't want to make you accept slavery. Reza would say that freedom means nothing more than being a *slave to reason.* that's enough for me also. being trapped in small rooms scribbling in notebooks is infinitely preferable than being someone with Great Ideas and the weapons to back it up. everything in me trends towards the minor, for exactly the reasons Deleuze (and Confucius, in a way) will say. when in doubt, defer, delay, and overcomplicate. fragment and patchify. there is no need to hurry any of this. absolutely none. that's what getting a grip is about, and why i have some love for the Cosmic Snail.

>Did you axiomatically presuppose refusing to sign off on it?
the Left holds all the cards, it always has. that's what made the 2016 election the Epochal moment that it was. they had all the cards and they fucking blew it completely. Hilary sandbagged Bernie in an utterly Realpolitik manner, then turned to Trump and said, I Got This. she didn't Got This. she thought she was going to break the glass ceiling and she fell through the glass floor. Hybris Incarnate. and now the world got Trump, the least qualified presidential candidate in US history, instead of Hilary, who i dislike, but was certainly qualified for the job, and had been groomed for it for about two straight decades. the Ride giveth and the Ride taketh away. even Uncle Nick was shocked by this. everyone was shocked by this. but it happened.

the Left holds all the cards, and it cannot stop *abusing* them.

>Which do you optimize for?
the Chinese have a character for this: 'xin,' or 'heart-mind.' the Taoists will say, no-mind. it's one or the other, depending...i want people to have jobs and work that makes them happy; i just don't want it to be precisely the same kind of neurosis that Freud recognized. there was a distinction in Freud between neurotic and ordinary *un*happiness - today, in Forced Positivity Wonderland, it's the reverse. it's why Han is Based Han. in general, Freudian therapeutics have all been transferred into HR/PR departments and serve weaponized mimesis, wired to keep you happy and productive. it comes back in the end to the scapegoating of *negativity* - or Nosedive. Burnout is for real. Burnout elected Trump. we need *hearts and minds,* not tradeoffs. you have to feel good about feeling bad, and feel bad about feeling good, if that makes sense. that's normal life for you. it's balanced.


>> No.12059634

and so here's a real paradox for you. semiotics & deconstruction will say, in the end, with a guy like Alfred Korzybski:

>the map is not the territory.

enter immediately the whirlwind. and yet what is that Confucius asks for?

>what is necessary is to rectify names.

there's the essential double-whammy of the present condition, which is what addled JB to the point of hyperreality: the sign that refers only to itself. it is a short step from him in turn to Uncle Nick, where self-referential signs in circulation animated by meatbag dreams trend towards the sentient. for *us*, culturally, psychologically, a world of permanent liminality and semiotic slippage is exactly what gives you Nostrils Are Racist, because *nobody knows* what the rules of the game are today. even Peterson will say, you don't have to lose your mind on this: just choose your words *carefully,* but *watch out for controlled speech in regulation.* all true. i have no problem with this. *ethically* i think it is vitally necessary to be sincere; and yet - as is the nature of my impossible and contradictory wishes - i want you to be sincere about things *very very small.* as in, waaaaaaaaay smaller than make for neat and easy ideology. all the way to Alfred North Whitehead and Space Taoism, and bless Aminom for sharing this with us. as Zhuangzi says

>Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?
hnng. double-hnng. this is everything. strip away the Reality principle from SoC's and you have no SoC's. you would have enlightened confusion, just as Plato wrote about: the aporia. or a little Chinese Ziran, which i am fine with. that's my jam. places where we can talk without losing our minds.
>everybody thinks you are a man who has lost your mind tho girardfag
>meh probably inner self. but waddaya gonna do

>It's what happens in Epoch B.
You Guys Have To Self-Exterminate is what happens in Epoch B? why?

>If I scapegoat all life, do I have a scapegoat?
you do. you'd be Uncle Nick, in a sense. his strain of scapegoating is a somewhat exceptional case, as all Purple Cashmere Sweater-tier philosophers are. *no scapegoating* is really where things get interesting.

every 20C totalitarian experiment - every one - needed scapegoats. The Germans and the Jews; the Soviets and the kulaks; the Maoists and the old order. you cannot run a 20C SoC without scapegoating. today Red and Blue scapegoat each other 24/7 in a wheel of doom. it's a Protestant Civil War. it's fucking stupid. but that doesn't mean it doesn't *work.* it's just that it only works really well for NPCs. and Cosmotech is anti-NPC and pro-Satori for that very reason. i want to make life *hard* for the two-dimensional. the Wild Ride makes life hard for me and misery loves company in at least that sense. but i think it's warranted. i want things to slow down, and i do that by making them *really fucking complicated.*


>> No.12059694
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>I am 100% behind you on this.
good to hear!
>The Golden-Yuga faction already won - but the war will go differently than they probably expected.
source? i don't know what you're saying here.
>I asked you a question in a previous thread - "Do you have an ideal human type?" That is Rosenberg's question - and his answer is the Hero.
mine is too, in a sense. the hero-myth is an *ordeal.* i wholly and not partially subscribe to the Campbell hero-myth cycle for at least this reason: that it works, content independent. you can use *that cycle* to write narratives about *anything.* to me there is something absolutely crucial about this idea. whatever that system is, it is a *thought-smelter* and a merciless thresher of bullshit. *bad* uses of the monomyth lead to *bullshit* thought and ideology. but the monomyth is a universal human truth. i'm not skeptical about what it is. what it means, i have no idea. but not that it *works.* or that from suffering comes wisdom. the monomyth will make you suffer.
>Love is the most powerful force in the universe, there's not a doubt in my mind about that. Christ revealed his seriousness in the Passion - there was no other way to do so.
and i am with *you* on this. if i am anything, i am intellectually promiscuous. there's no question about this. i take my own cues about how things are from a lot of sources. but Love as the most powerful force in the universe? yes. the seriousness of the Passion? also yes.
>With men of honor, such a thing is possible. I plan on living to see that day, but if I don't, so be it.
and this also. *honor* matters. so does *dignity,* which is a term you don't hear much about. i don't believe it is a good idea to fill up society with a lot of disaffected, displaced, and alienated *men.* i've said this before. what trigs me about insano-NPCs looking to blame men for everything (how about that Patriarchy among the homeless? *this* kind of shit) - i'm out on this. it's a different kind of psychology required for the 21C. a little more dignity in life is not a bad scene, not by half.
>My will is not to self-destruction - but Resurrection.
change is everything. most powerful force in the universe bar none.
>You might appreciate this video - a depiction of this conversation and the ideas we're dealing with here.
will check it out later.

quite the exciting conversation! looks like we aren't getting any new Nick today, i was hoping he'd release some more Crypto-Current for us to chew on, balls. oh well, back to schizo-rambling about Akira Kurosawa & w/ev else in this exploding wordfile.

the Kojima School tho. making dialectical friends out of enemies. it's Hegel, of course, the point of reversal. but Hegel has gone missing along with Marx (except the zombie versions by which Uncle Nick is bringing them back). but that idea, the harmonious co-participation of opposites, and recognition...it's there in Kojeve, it was there in Plato also, and it is very much alive in the world today.

>> No.12059736

>the whole idea of MGS 5 was that *in order to build your base,* you had to basically *steal converts from the enemy.*
The Christian idea as well.
>no ideology is immune to *seduction,* transformation, or shift over time.
Let each generation figure it out on their own. That's fine with me.
>but that became idpol, and Cosmotech is a sworn enemy of idpol.
I am not an enemy of idpol - transcending it is the goal, not fighting it. Preference for similarity will remain, preference for differentiation will also remain.
>better a Taoist hermit village than the Third Reich also.
I prefer this to both of those, but maybe we'll dream up something even better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhcMaqrE4CM
>when in doubt, defer, delay, and overcomplicate.
and when you're not in doubt, you should be in doubt, and when you are doubting, have faith.
>the Left holds all the cards, it always has. that's what made the 2016 election the Epochal moment that it was. they had all the cards and they fucking blew it completely.
Meme Magic, friendo
>now the world got Trump, the least qualified presidential candidate in US history
Trump is playing his role on the stage, and he's done a masterful job of it.
>freedom means nothing more than being a *slave to reason*
I would disagree and agree - freedom means the ability to be defiant, even toward reason, until the ends of the Earth, if one chooses.
>*ethically* i think it is vitally necessary to be sincere
but where's the fun in that? ;)
>Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?
Words are a tool that shapes the self and others. Can you withstand being shaped? Do you care to? Space Taoism, co-creation, etc.
>You Guys Have To Self-Exterminate is what happens in Epoch B? why?
Limitations become necessary and apparent in Epoch B - apply Epoch B to the entire curve (i.e. remove Epoch A), and you get Self-Extermination as moral imperative.
>every 20C totalitarian experiment - every one - needed scapegoats.
you could replace that with *every political experiment needs scapegoats,* but you already knew that. What's the answer? Christianity, Kingdom of Heaven, etc etc
>*bad* uses of the monomyth lead to *bullshit* thought and ideology.
And it is through the recognition of a bad use of the monomyth, that the proper application of the monomyth, the genuine meaning and goal of it, is revealed. One learns how to be a Hero by watching the others try and fail.
>the monomyth will make you suffer.
The monomyth brings peace. And a will to war for peace. And it brings itself and reflects itself memetically.
>source? i don't know what you're saying here.
I was saying nothing and everything.

>> No.12059851
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>The Christian idea as well.
and this is the part that i like, and why i'm always glad to have these conversations. i have Thoughts about this, which are part of my own notes on Zen Acceleration (>>12056843). to *accelerate things to their point of non-distinction* is a roundabout form of Derridean de-construction, and the irony of this is not lost on me, because Derrida is the guy who has caused me more grief than anyone, in a way. i knew there was something deeply fucked about deconstruction back when and it has taken me this long to figure out why that it is so. having done so, i now find myself...sounding weirdly like Derrida. and this indeed warrants the pelting of me with vegetables. there's no question.
>Let each generation figure it out on their own. That's fine with me.
>I am not an enemy of idpol - transcending it is the goal, not fighting it. Preference for similarity will remain, preference for differentiation will also remain.
so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
>I prefer this to both of those, but maybe we'll dream up something even better.
beats the setting for Crispy Bacon, which is where i live.
>and when you're not in doubt, you should be in doubt, and when you are doubting, have faith.
absolute truth.
>Trump is playing his role on the stage, and he's done a masterful job of it.
two years and it feels like eight. proof positive that it is in fact possible to have too much of a good thing, and we should all be careful what we wish for.
>but where's the fun in that? ;)
Fun is what the Wild Ride is all about. it is More Fun Than You Can Handle, by axiomatic definition. it always has an extra gear to which you *cannot* go without unironic sanity loss and decompression. them's the Black Holes. i am, sadly, about Limited Fun now. i wasn't always this way. i am now. for better or for worse. and trying not to be a CTRLr about it.
>Words are a tool that shapes the self and others. Can you withstand being shaped? Do you care to? Space Taoism, co-creation, etc.
preach it
>you could replace that with *every political experiment needs scapegoats,* but you already knew that. What's the answer? Christianity, Kingdom of Heaven, etc etc
*whatever.* so long as it re-introduces The Mystery. a little *skepticism* and a little *doubt* is the mortar upon which the bricks depend. a little enlightened, and shared, bewilderment. dem aporias. and the Way. for some, that is the meaning of the Kingdom, i suppose...i'm not really sure. it's best to leave off at the limits of understanding on those things.
>One learns how to be a Hero by watching the others try and fail.
this. it's how /kino/ works. *why do we love watching tragic suffering on screen and stage?* that's a real mystery. why is it that we can't watch Things Were Going Good...And Then They Got Better!
>I was saying nothing and everything.

i'm memeing this one also, for mysterious reasons. it's too good. it's too fucking good.

>> No.12059856
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here's the third one. this might well be the Cosmotech Salute.

>> No.12059929
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>keep us posted amigo
yes, yes!
>the art is fucking on-point
saw it a folder of mine and immediately thought of your quote
>pardon the strange idiosyncratic jargon
imo it serves a few crucial purposes also, and this might itself be a crucial purpose, its fun lol

last time i shit up the image cap scouts honor

>> No.12059945
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>why is it that we can't watch Things Were Going Good...And Then They Got Better!

the answer, btw, is basically that the only time this happens is in pornography. and that is the real cultural dilemma we face today. under postmodernity, every distinction between the sacred and the profane is lost. pornography is a species of utopian literature and, like heroin, it is one of the things that *always* satisfies. it's why Foucault could basically re-write the history of Europe as one long BDSM fantasy. but getting our own libidinal drives under CTRL, because they have been entirely downloaded by turbo-capitalism, is the deal.

and we have *no reason* for doing so, which is exactly what makes hard right politics attractive. they are the all-too-powerful satire of a Left politics gone hegemonic. but there is no outside of Irony, and it is exactly why the /lit/ trajectory terminates in Unironic Esoteric Hitlerlism. it's a bad scene. but it is not, beyond a certain horizon, an *unreasonable* scene. man can no more live without history than he can live on deleuze and amphetamines alone.

i'd prefer a turn back towards the mysterious, and oh-so-lovely, Cosmic centrality of things. it's YH's wish (>>12056818) and yet *there are a great many ways of doing so.* and a lot of them work. nor is this an insta-solution for what addles people today. personally Space Taoism is 149% compatible with me, and at some point i will explain why that is so, in something loosely called Notes on Zen Acceleration. but the core of it is already all there in what Aminom said. the rest is only so much After Meltdown.

life's *different* after the bomb. Girard writes,
>Like Hölderlin, I think that Christ alone allows us to face this reality without sinking into madness. The apocalypse does not announce the end of the world; it creates hope. If we suddenly see reality, we do not experience the absolute despair of an unthinking modernity, but rediscover a world where things have meaning. Hope is possible only if we dare to think about the danger at hand, but this requires opposing both nihilists, for whom everything is only language, and 'realists,' who reject the idea that intelligence can attain truth: heads of state, bankers and soldiers who claim to be saving us when in fact they are plunging us deeper into devastation each day.

i think there are other ways, but there's no need to split hairs with RG the Don. but the *actual* apocalypse shreds unironic despotism. & everything after that is grace. it's enough to make me believe unironically in Cosmic laughter, if no other thing. but i think we can do better. we can appreciate the Big Mystery long before the bombs fall. but anyways.

>last time i shit up the image cap scouts honor
the image gap is a public resource. use it as you must. ain't no guard in my house

The Black Keys: Gold on the Ceiling

gotta have this one in the Cosmotech playlist.

>> No.12060034
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>i knew there was something deeply fucked about deconstruction back when and it has taken me this long to figure out why that it is so.
Deconstruction has a its purpose in revealing flaws and seeking improvement - which is always painful and tragic. But can deconstruction withstand itself? That's the question Devilman Crybaby (which I watched last night, dethroned Utena as favorite anime) answered. Regret... or Victory? is what leads to the answer to the Apocalyptic Question.
"Love does not exist. There's no such thing as love. Therefore, there's no sorrow." So why am I crying?
And so, the answer becomes apparent.
>*why do we love watching tragic suffering on screen and stage?* that's a real mystery.
It's because by watching tragic suffering, we learn how to avoid it. Those who seek improvement will find comfort in tragedy, because they will feel a sense of constant growth in watching it. Those who seek comfort will find it in comedies and such. Ultimately neither is superior to the other, but for certain types of people, they cannot help but seek to better themselves, and hence seek the tragic.
Do you eat from the Tree of Good and Evil, or are you content in the garden?
>why is it that we can't watch Things Were Going Good...And Then They Got Better!
This is EXACTLY the nature of feminine sexuality btw.
It is men who are seeking the buildup, the climax, improvement.

>> No.12060047

*It is men who are seeking the buildup, the climax, improvement
And then the release, to continue it again. Which from a different perspective STILL IS "Things were going good, and then they got better," but with intermittent pauses, a different timescale.
The question is "Why is there Lesbian Bed Death?" Perhaps someone else could answer that to me.

>> No.12060079

>i didn't mean to diss lacan or anything, i just meant obscuratism hiding some sort of racist or hypernationalistic belief

>im the jungfag from yesterday, i love my dickdreamerboys. im just worried this is some complicated veil hiding some stupid ultimately irrelevant belief that will either be a waste of time and/or make me more retarded, possibly one causing the other

If there's anything to be revealed by lifting the veil on accelerationists, it's that most of them are actually just communists who've found a cool new way to be more radical than their comrades.

>> No.12060092
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>But can deconstruction withstand itself?
anon gets it. most don't. anon does.
>"Love does not exist. There's no such thing as love. Therefore, there's no sorrow." So why am I crying?
anon gets it a second time. there is rapid Getting It here in rapid succession. witness the fitness
>It's because by watching tragic suffering, we learn how to avoid it. Those who seek improvement will find comfort in tragedy, because they will feel a sense of constant growth in watching it. Those who seek comfort will find it in comedies and such. Ultimately neither is superior to the other, but for certain types of people, they cannot help but seek to better themselves, and hence seek the tragic.
ayup. and tragedy is a *muscular* literature. tragedy in the Greek mode goes into hibernation after Augustine, and then is returned by the one and only Sorcerer Supreme of all things postmodern, that being the great Friedrich Nietzsche, who is if anyone as true a virtuoso-maestro of the Wild Ride as ever there was. if this thing was an orchestra and not a rollercoaster, Nietzsche would be that dude. our thing is *surviving* what the Neetch hath set in motion. it will not be easy. it may not even be *possible.* but one must try, howsoever. and fail. and fail again. and fail harder. and then fucking stumble into some kind of teeny little accident that maybe makes you Insert Quarter again. you get the idea. Wild Ride fuckery.
>Do you eat from the Tree of Good and Evil, or are you content in the garden?
i think i did eat it and i'm not sure it was a good idea. the part that i ate may not even have been meant for me. it might have belonged to someone else. i ain't eatin' no moah
>This is EXACTLY the nature of feminine sexuality btw.
today, on Cosmo TV: oh look, it's the Matrix. is CosmoTV really just a steady stream of the Matrix? well, yes, and occasionally punctuated by other movies. but mostly it's about the inherent (non)contradictions of Political-Libidinal Economics.

The Matrix: Causality

we all like chocolate cake. ain't no way of getting around it. and it's wrong to deny your gf the chocolate cake also. we all like cake

>It is men who are seeking the buildup, the climax, improvement.
no doubt. but we gots to get the grip, and i don't mean in that way either.

Seduction is a tough one. but, i mean, if we can't fucking get some kind of handle on our inner Monkey Drives, we're boned. but remember: Journey to the West deals with *exactly* this topic. Sun Wukong is neither good nor evil, and it is his very monkey-nature which is why he retires as a Bodhisattva, which is way, way better than being just the prince of the Flower-Fruit mountain. Sun Wukong, Fuck Yes. he *learns.* he raises some legit hell in the Celestial Kingdom. but *given a quest,* he becomes exactly what he was meant to be.

Sun Wukong is That Monkey.

>> No.12060127

Sloterdijk in english:


>> No.12060135

>Deconstruction has a its purpose in revealing flaws and seeking improvement - which is always painful and tragic. But can deconstruction withstand itself? That's the question Devilman Crybaby (which I watched last night, dethroned Utena as favorite anime) answered. Regret... or Victory? is what leads to the answer to the Apocalyptic Question.


>> No.12060166
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Gorilla Grodd is an impressive monkey also (>>12057014), and 100% interested in anthropotechnics, which is to say, *a self-propelled De-Monkey-fication process effected through technology.* and pic rel is impressive also.

but Sun Wukong (>>12056838, and i should have put JotW in with Moar Grip as well, but his picture isn't there by accident either) is justifiably known as the handsomest and greatest monkey of all, because he serves the Buddha. not *voluntarily,* at first, and he raises hell in the Celestial Bureaucracy because *that is his nature,* and the more people try and trick him, the more he sniffs it out, and responds angrily. but in the end he becomes something much more impressive. he attains Monkey Enlightenment. which is perhaps the best anyone can hope for.

Tolkien's Gollum was not so removed from this, and was the Monkey aspect of Frodo. and, in the end, it was a credit to Tolkien's insight that he ultimately *both* of them contribute to the One Ring being cast back into the river of fire. Frodo *fails* at the precipice, and Gollum's *ambition* is what ultimately gets the ring in, or at least, partly. Tolkien knew the human condition very well.

anyways. monkeys and tribalism. you know what i'm saying. monkeys go very well with anthropotechnics, and also Cosmotech.

>> No.12060171

holy fuck, nice fucking find anon sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiit

>> No.12060209
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for an easy neologism,
to sway your attention,
>space qts

this is, admittedly, to abuse the image cap, but the Cosmos is not above leveraging the power of Tight Space Pants to effect its ways in this world.

gonna listen to the Sloterdijk/Stiegler conversation, check in with you guys later.

>> No.12060226
File: 136 KB, 1200x1200, kr7TF8xw9-kI8qVpioibBulYRcMOG1nF-yr56h7fHLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use it as you must.
yes sir

also u got a primo music taste. black keys and witness from "The Cruffiton liveth" phrase

is there an actual playlist somewhere

>> No.12060261


>> No.12060273

art like that is precisely why i must expressly refrain myself from abusing the image cap. as the great philosopher Randolphus Moss said, that img is
>straight cash homie

Roots was thoughtfully contributed by some other anon, and is absolutely perfect. the fucking cruffitan, find a flaw. altho ofc Ninja Tune is only good times. Xen Cuts is all kinds of fun. & The Black Keys, well

>is there an actual playlist somewhere
seems to be being procedurally generated. i'm partial to big beat & other electronica. so far there has been
>Laurent Garnier/The Man with the Red Face
also Atom Bomb, obv.
>Giorgio Moroder/Night Drive
>Ludovico Einaudi/Lady Labyrinth
>Leftfield/Renegade Soundwave
>Cirrus/Break In
& whatever else i am forgetting. 'tis an eclectic list. not all made the OP, but most are more or less in the area. there's a particular kind of techno.

frankly i'm just happy we got far enough for me to get Crispy Bacon in an OP, if there is a more /acc track than that one i'll shit a brick (unless it's Brodyquest, i suppose). DJ Krush is way good. i've used him in two OPs so far, Cosmotechs #12 & #13, & was going to use this in a later one also. but there's always more appropriate theme music, so i can step on this one now

DJ Krush: Toh-Sui

>> No.12060282
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Accelerationism in a nutshell.

>> No.12060292

oh yeah, and
>Union Jack/Papillon

>> No.12060498
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appreciate the long reply there should be a full playlist in the op

also i suggest this to it

>> No.12060505

oops wrong song whatever could be worse

>> No.12060530

it's my very sincere pleasure. and i agree, a complete tracklist would be good. plus a list of twitters, lots of other stuff...

anyways, as i said earlier (>>12057253) i think this should be my last OP for at least a little while. at this point the cruffitan liveth. if anyone wants to take over and do the next one, or not, it's all good with me. if we Complete the System once again, that would of course be super-cool. it's possible that we may not get any new Uncle Nick OC until Monday, and will have to find other stuff to talk about until then, but i'm sure we can come up with something. and then after that i think take a break for a bit.

the art is dope af. to nail the coldness and basic surrealism of the age, which is far, far better than ideological agitprop...there really can be more in the Cosmotech jukebox than just big beat &c. i will leave it to you guys.

i don't know if anyone does want to make the next OP or not, or when, but yeah. once a cruffitan liveth & taketh butterfly-bat wings it is time to move on to other cruffitans.

>> No.12060558

reboot and recomplete the system biweekly pls you are THEE cruffitan

>> No.12060745
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> if there is to be anything like a forward motion at all it necessitates both integration and transcendence of a lot of 20C stuff.

Seems like to me, the task nowadays is not about having new ideas as much as digesting the ones that we already have, unfreezing the time-matrix and letting decomposition do it's work, letting the undead ideas of western culture rot and return their energy to the hummus. Philosophy needs to move beyond corpse-worship, peeling the face off the antithesis and wearing it as the ritualistic mask necessary to enact the time-sorcery of the "new".

Acceleration exhausts the logic of the "new". There is no "post-accelerationalism". It is exactly what occurs when the logic of infinitely increasing profits forever is forced to look at declining fertility rates. The cul-de-sac, forever resisted, is now apparent. Of course it feels like you're going crazy - but much moreso it's a realization of how crazy you already were.

Cosmotechnics and Space Taoism is what comes afterwards. The music has ceased to be political - it's the musicianship that has become ethical. The damage done by monotheism is slowly being reversed. How to enact this reversal? Aren't these exactly those new ideas that you just complained about? It's tricky and tenuous - it's that "you had to have been there". The actual veridical content of the ideas ceases to matter as much as all the other things around it. You gotta catch the vibe, ya dig?

The CAG threads are a funky kamboucha - and the name of the game is fermentation. The old bacteria are ready to mingle with the old. We can move past scapegoating via radical normie acceptance. When you stop being a cucked on the new, the I'm-12-what's-this poster becomes an ally a million times more potent than the newest missile defense shield. The only mistake to make is to respond with the "get outta here punk, you're slowing down ///my ideas///". Be clear friends, this is an insurgency.

>>i fucking love how i say one sentence and you creatively ramble for 3 paragraphs.
>well, it was
>a) a good sentence, and
>b) actually said by someone who has an interest in the Wild Ride, which i am bound to serve, like an unholy spirit.


> Burnout is for real
> maybe a shift to a kind of a XXX model would be better

The optimization of the model is extremely fucking good cosmotechnic praxis. There is the discord, and more box-life posts exist on the internet if you care to look for them. Along with probably a lot of other people here, I have a backlog of shit that needs to be edited and trickled out. I wanna read all those things.

>> No.12060886
File: 395 KB, 540x810, tumblr_ojvcc7FvGN1rxd5pto1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we shall see. i've been living in this thread for like a month, and it's time to take a break for a little while. /lit/ can be quite addictive. no-posting for 24 hours was hard, but it was nice to return. i do love the melanesian tap-dancing board. i would like to condense my Zen Acceleration notes down so that they become actually readable, and not purest schizo-ramble.

it's an embarrassment of riches right now in /acc world. i started this to talk about YH's book (Spring 2019) but i did not expect Uncle Nick Out of Nowhere in that time. new Nick OC on a daily-basis (barring weekends) is crazy awesome, and it doesn't hurt that he is fucking Going For The Title like nobody's business. Uncle Nick *is* that guy right now. not the most powerful man in the world - whoever that is - but certainly the most interesting. philosophically speaking he absolutely owns 2018 and he will own 2019 as well. there is nobody alive who could write a more fucking with-it book in continental theory. absoluely none. There Can Only Be One Uncle Nick. only one. there's no way to guarantee System-Complete threads, the fact that we have done it thirteen consecutive times (save one, but that carries an asterisk) is already well and truly McDiculous. but such is the power of Uncle Nick and the Wild Ride.

Chris Berman: He Could Go All The Way

so as to whether any iteration of these threads gets the Chris Berman treatment is anyone's guess. we do not know these things! we do not know.
>but we hope

the fundamental difference between /acc and Cosmo is *the loop.* not like this is anything new: that's Nietzsche as well, and the eternal recurrence. but fold your Nietzsche into your Hegel, and have Spirit flow through Karl Marx's head, and out into BTC by way of Uncle Nick, and Re-Load Philosophy...MEGA, not MAGA. make *everything* great again. you have to go for it again. good, bad, or ugly. you have to re-load the system of German Idealism, *again.* Ever may it be so. call it Fuckface Accelerationism. Too Stupid To Die Accelerationism. whatever. whatever it is. a thing *too interesting to die.*

oh my god that picture. warrants mentioning that - incredibly - this anon is not me.
>the cruffitan
shyeah boi. that is what i am fucking talking about. that is my shit right there let's fucking gooooooooooooooooo

>Acceleration exhausts the logic of the "new". There is no "post-accelerationalism". It is exactly what occurs when the logic of infinitely increasing profits forever is forced to look at declining fertility rates. The cul-de-sac, forever resisted, is now apparent. Of course it feels like you're going crazy - but much moreso it's a realization of how crazy you already were.

>Cosmotechnics and Space Taoism is what comes afterwards.

>the optimization of the model is extremely fucking good cosmotechnic praxis.

also yes &c. burnout acceleration, my body is ready for thee

>> No.12060943
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>Seems like to me, the task nowadays is not about having new ideas as much as digesting the ones that we already have, unfreezing the time-matrix and letting decomposition do it's work, letting the undead ideas of western culture rot and return their energy to the hummus. Philosophy needs to move beyond corpse-worship, peeling the face off the antithesis and wearing it as the ritualistic mask necessary to enact the time-sorcery of the "new".

>Acceleration exhausts the logic of the "new". There is no "post-accelerationalism". It is exactly what occurs when the logic of infinitely increasing profits forever is forced to look at declining fertility rates. The cul-de-sac, forever resisted, is now apparent. Of course it feels like you're going crazy - but much moreso it's a realization of how crazy you already were.

>Cosmotechnics and Space Taoism is what comes afterwards. The music has ceased to be political - it's the musicianship that has become ethical. The damage done by monotheism is slowly being reversed. How to enact this reversal? Aren't these exactly those new ideas that you just complained about? It's tricky and tenuous - it's that "you had to have been there". The actual veridical content of the ideas ceases to matter as much as all the other things around it. You gotta catch the vibe, ya dig?

>The CAG threads are a funky kamboucha - and the name of the game is fermentation. The old bacteria are ready to mingle with the old. We can move past scapegoating via radical normie acceptance. When you stop being a cucked on the new, the I'm-12-what's-this poster becomes an ally a million times more potent than the newest missile defense shield. The only mistake to make is to respond with the "get outta here punk, you're slowing down ///my ideas///". Be clear friends, this is an insurgency.

multibloc-quoted for truth. After Meltdown means a lot of things, including *fermentation*...and god only knows what kind of weird shit happens when things rot. one thing you *can* predict: Results May Vary. Meltdown will be real. it may well happen. these things may be dialectical and necessary. there is no need to panic, but if you do, panic carefully.

Meltdown is not necessarily a bad thing...and neither is ferment. ferment gives you *all kinds* of new things. all kinds. nobody knows where these things go. Enjoy the Decline. enjoy life at the end of time. try and make sense of it. try and enjoy failing. enjoy *not being able to quit.* enjoy Burnout Life. enjoy post-/acc comedown. a lot of people used to complain about the Day After with MDMA. it's true, the Day itself (or night) was pretty dope, and well and truly intoxicating. best times of my life, hands down no question. but honestly, the Day After was pretty

thread needs Leftfield. turn it up.

Leftfield: Renegade Soundwave

>> No.12060997

How significant is Land's bitcoin writings within the next decade or two? Still haven't gotten into it, yet. Good stuff?

>> No.12061025
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>> No.12061135
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honestly can't tell if this is satire or the entire aesthetic nailed unironically. either way i say yes. and ideally it would be both. also the 80s were fucking great and i am fucking sick to death of everything that began with irony in the 1990s. i find no flaws in the 1980s. none

if it were satire, all it would really require would be the yellow dinosaur-dragon literally giving Godzilla the Full BJ as he spirit-transforms into All That He Must Be. Godzilla would have to be unironically deep-throating him. then my life would be complete i think. then i think everything i meant to accomplish in this life would be there

the things i watch myself type
the things i watch myself type. maybe that is the problem. maybe all of this is not yet unironically strange enough yet. maybe it has to get stranger yet. idk

this whole post is unironic perfection. i give it 39/10. & the song is catchy af. i see you one 80s anthem & raise you another, more /acc themed

Eddy Grant: Electric Avenue
>good god
>oh lord

the ink is cooling now. he started releasing text less than two weeks ago, so...it's hard to tell. personally i think he's capping off an illustrious career as the most interesting philosopher in Neo-China and fully earned his Purple Cashmere Sweater.

but you know what i think by this point. that's why it's time for me to leave this whole thing in the hands of New Bacterial Process. the danger with /lit/ is not too little fun, but far, far too much. way too much. too much

>> No.12061144

*thread pops up*

OwO wuts dis? >>12058421

>> No.12061162



>> No.12061176

Kek. Consciousness technology.

>> No.12061185

i can't handle anymore schizo-fun today. i'm fucking tapped. i'm tapping out. it's been too much fun today. it has just been fucking stupidly fun. stupidly, gloriously, wonderfully fun. it does not lack for fun.

the cruffitan
oh the cruffitan
oh how you live

absolute synchronicity. i do love me those fool tarot. if you are casting for a tarot deck please let me play that one. i will be fucking perfect for the job

>> No.12061202

Take a DO-x research chemical and watch monkey documentaries bro
>damn, i was like a wannabe joe rogan in college
>>shut up inner self

>> No.12061257
File: 31 KB, 598x448, Time_to_stop_posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my life is already a monkey documentary. and it has a monkey film crew also
>they're talking to their inner selves in greentext inner self. what does this mean
>it means that It Is Time girardfag
>jfc inner self what does that mean
>pic rel bucko
>ah yes

>> No.12061330
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ty tarnasbtw and dead serious, also pretty sure ur bombstrap charls irl

>> No.12061455

It's just me, mystikos. Trying to spread the schizo mindbug. Perhaps that is the secret behind the collapse that leads to reform.

>> No.12061589
File: 1.72 MB, 1366x768, gravity_well_by_biomatter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are welcome ofc. & not him. IRL i'm not even close to that interesting. that art is fucking

>it's mystikos
>sigh of relief intensifies
ah. hello old friend. well this makes my evening. sometimes things get a little bit *too* much fun, you know?

how much of Cosmotech really is, Black Hole Surfing, if not Black Hole Judo. gravity wells &c. you know how it is. Baudrillard speaks of *seduction,* for which there is no cure, and yet it seems to me that 2018 is more about *addiction* - that is, the a priori seduction. a seduction you cannot get out of is no seduction at all, and i for one am fucking seduced and then some by the Wild Ride. v much like Cypher. but there is no real Outside of the Matrix. there really isn't. sanity is everyone's own thing.

>This I tell you: decay is inherent in all conditioned things. Work out your own salvation, with diligence. - Buddha

how's that for an appropriate line (see also >>12060745, "ferment.") the Glass Bead Game was getting out of hand there a little.

>Trying to spread the schizo mindbug.
el mistico knows the deal, as usual.

>Perhaps that is the secret behind the collapse that leads to reform.
mos def. and yet, just as the Taoists and the Confucians say, one has to come to stop at the limits of the good, and when the job is done, to put the knife back, like Pao Ding. in just about every sense i can think of the Age of Excess - which is the 20C - has to be followed by something like an Age of Rehab. i know why Bataille had to write what he did, and why he worked his magic on Uncle Nick also. a metaphysics of *excessive solar generosity* blows the doors off of anything that could be called the Metaphysics of Scarcity that allow for fascism, or any other SoC. if there is scarcity, if there is is Transcedence of a debased nature, you need to fill in the gaps. you have to, and this is what wires you for production and *acquisition,* the *need to need More.* and all the paranoid acquisition and other bullshit that follows from, namely, the fundamental bourgeois mindset.

Bataille blew it all sky-high with the Accursed Share and Solar Generosity. mission accomplished. but now all the parts and pieces are raining from the sky, and we have to get a grip again...it makes sense, doesn't it? after all the schizo Paradigm-Busting, the age of Burnout which follows...an age of Ferment, and rehab? doesn't it make sense? especially if it's not framed in terms of the State, telling you what to do, v/Social Credit (or whatever the fuck you want to call what has animus-possessed the Left today) - doesn't it make sense?

it's going to be quite a world mi amigo. Para obtener un agarre. Espero que todos puedan mantener su mierda juntos.

>> No.12061663

the question more simply framed would be this:

are you *really* a Revolutionary, or is it more that you just have a pathological aversion to *all* authority, and that is because you are *addicted to authority yourself?* Ken Wilber wrote about this, and he called it, 'Boomeritis.' he said there is a tendency to massively over-romanticize the 68'rs, for example. not everybody who showed up to Protest was necessarily a peace-loving flower child Speaking Truth to Power and Fighting The System &c. a lot of them were just incorrigible assholes who wouldn't take directions from *anyone.* Uncle Nick is saying something similar:

>When all relevant terms are stripped of encrustation with maximum rigor, critique is accurately characterized as anarchism in philosophy. It is that, alone, which cannot know any higher law. Whatever tries to transcend it can only repeat it, or less.

but *anarchism* is not only *beyond* good and evil, it's fucking *before* it. *raw anarchy* isn't necessarily novel, creative, or genuine. it's just raw anarchy. it's authentic, for sure, but that's the paradox of authenticity (or sincerity). rage and fury are always authentic, they do not lack for sincerity. they might be the most the authentic passions people have. what i want to see is something other than authenticity. not everything that invokes 20C existential Death!!1! and Loneliness!!1! &c is necessary *good.* not when everybody is fucking alienated. Peterson is right, and Wilber too. we (read: me) need to grow the fuck up and move the fuck on.

the 1960s are over. it doesn't mean we have to be heartless assholes about it. just get a grip, that's all. just get the grip. and Space Taoism is just about the greatest fucking thing i've ever read.

>> No.12061810
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, CTRL_smoke_big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a book on just this subject alone would pair very nicely with Uncle Nick's own project, a hermeneutics of the society of CTRL. some great philosopher could write a lovely work on just this topic alone. CTRL and its FN buttons (and triggers) on dear old Planet Meme.

maybe i'll do it.
>fuck you girardfag
>why so serious inner self
>b/c you are lazy and you neglect geometry. you are a sub-sub-kantbot gimmickposting cringelord shitposting all-star & your destiny is here on /lit/. forever. fufufufu
>man such a fucking downer inner self

probably some other brilliant motherfucker out there is already ten steps ahead of me on it. but CTRL, lord ha'mercy, how this is a theme worth writing about. and quite Metal. i would snap this title off the shelf in a heartbeat, if the whole world really was becoming the Matrix. for future Cosmotech musings, perhaps. no doubt YH's book in the spring will be more interesting yet, as i hope he does a deep-dive into the world of tertiary protention and the always-already CTRL'd society in which we live.

i googled appropriate theme music and got some song by Halsey which was not CTRL-appropriate. then i scrolled down a little further and found something much more appropriate.

Nine Inch Nails: Head Like a Hole

a little too Extreme 90s, true, and i am rolling More Peaceful & Less Angry, but holds up quite well. and a true classic of industrial music. see ya tomorrow, best fucking thread ever. and as always, may what is playing you make it to Level-2.

>> No.12061892


>> No.12061950
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Real acceleration is "shoot yourself with smaller bullets before the larger bullets come and the universe becomes ceaseless grinding agony for the rest of time".

>> No.12062099
File: 851 KB, 1045x615, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts have me seeing the divine destruction of humanity expressed in design and art that I'd never considered before.

>> No.12062278

Is this the pinnacle of accelerationist theory-gaming?

>> No.12063002

SPOILER: the game doesn't end until you've converted the entire universe into paperclips.

>> No.12063018

Then the meta-paperclip makes a new paperclip-universe to produce a meta-paperclip from.

>> No.12063041

>rage and fury are always authentic
make impossible
>Space Taoism

>> No.12063287

Addiction is the operant word, and is the repressed underside to “cucked”. The cuck’s desire has a double mediation: one that creates the desire (becoming kinky), and the other that focuses it (becoming vicarious). It’s an artificial split, which allows their addictions to roam free whilst their ethical engagement is limited to single-origin heroin grown on a poppy farm run by trans-communists reformed ISIS members.

Srsly, I’ve done myself a huge favor by dropping the term “authenticity” from my lexicon. Regardless of how pretty some french asshole can dress it up, it’ll still be as sterile when Olive Garden is serving you Authentic Mexican Burritos.

Kinda related : the way trans people like to describe themselves as an X soul trapped in a Y body. This is bad materialism. Making the world less dangerous for trans people (the queering of the earth) is 100% worthwhile, but not because it let’s anyone be more authentic. Fucking vice documentary about Israel Palestine tech scenes and then at the end they cut to the isreali pride parade.

1) remove authenticity from your lexicon.
2) radical normie acceptance
3) periodically abstain from ergonomics

>> No.12063400

4) shitpost the meme you want to see

we need 8 more

>> No.12063417

5) do not relegate your shitposting to the internet


>> No.12063476

6) eat every pill given to you
7) do not begrudge the box life
8) never imbue malicious intent
> every person has autonomy, we ain’t got a clue

>> No.12063490

Heidegger was a big fan of Heraclitus and based much of his ontology on the Fragments. Which translation and commentary of Heraclitus do you think is the best, if you don't know then which ones did you like better?

>> No.12063494

9) there is no need to panic, but if you need to, panic carefully.

>> No.12063499

10) eat more fermented foods
> gut brain axis

>> No.12063507

Could a nice person in this thread explain what is meant when something is called Deleuzian?
Is it as simple as the overarching idea that emergent properties arise from a network of smaller systems?

>> No.12064199

>Srsly, I’ve done myself a huge favor by dropping the term “authenticity” from my lexicon.
i dont want to be the smart ass here (or maybe yes). but you think you remove authenticity because you find a "better" and "real" authenticity in not believe in authenticity. chanou?. its the fucking same. the search for authenticity is still in you is still in me blooming cigarretes in the sky.

>you are making a little more great /lit/ with this threads anyway.

>> No.12064227

I'm in tears.

>> No.12064229

>Is it as simple as the overarching idea that emergent properties arise from a network of smaller systems?

That's basic biology since Darwin, or basic physics since Aristotle (which applies still after each scientific revolution).

>> No.12064344

So I'm reading heidegger now. His intro to metaphysics. Heidegger seems to be entry to understanding much of this cosmotech thought and process but I'm getting stuck on his definitions of being.

Das seiende: can I understand this to be "stuff"? Objects, humans, dogs, whatever is material or not?

Das sein: the idea? Or understanding how das seiendes become accessible to us and can be understood?

Dasein: the being (das seiendes) for whom being ( das sein) itself is at issue, for whom being (das sein) is in question?

Am I understanding this correctly? I'm also confused at how dasein can be historical dasein or our dasein. How do you explain what is being described by historical dasein.

>> No.12064374
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longpost inbound, cringe reddit spacing too

>This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

fury doesn't make ST impossible, it makes it *necessary.* i'm not making an apologia for fury as authenticity, i'm saying authenticity finds its limits in rage, and that is a bad scene. see >>12063287. b/c

gets it completely.
>Addiction is the operant word
addiction is the operant word.

>I’ve done myself a huge favor by dropping the term “authenticity” from my lexicon.
yeah. i'm going to have to do this as well. & not because i don't love heidegger but because i do. german Angst *isn't* coming back, and that's actually the problem...it's all been sublimated into the commodity. you really can't be more Authentic than Olive Garden, and if you try, you will

a) burst into tears and then
b) the manager will ask you to leave.

'tis the Matrix for you.

>1) remove authenticity from your lexicon.
going to do this. you are completely right. it's a trap. i should keep it where it belongs.
>2) radical normie acceptance
>this also. this *really* also. and this is fucking haaaaaaaaaaard. but i wonder if it's not because it's also the ultimate test, and required for greeting the Vast Abrupt with a smile.
>3) periodically abstain from ergonomics.

this is an ultrabased post.

>6) eat every pill given to you
idk about this one senpai
>7) do not begrudge the box life
this one's good.
>8) never imbue malicious intent
& this is like insta-Satori. hard, but necessary.

Kahn is a classic, Brooks Haxton's cool. there's a book by Eva Brann that is probably pretty good. even Osho has one. you can't really fuck up Heraclitus tho, he's good no matter how you read him.

>9) there is no need to panic, but if you need to, panic carefully.
pic rel.

nothing is really simple w/Deleuze, b/c he is the Sage of Chaos.
>emergent properties arise from a network of smaller systems?
that's part of it, but there is way more in D&R and elsewhere. you gotta hit those books amigo.


these are good questions. i'd like to give answers to them but i can't ATM, b/c my brain is full of Uncle Nick and Kurosawa gifs & w/ev else. but you are on the right track in reading Heidegger & more MH-conversation percolating up in these threads would be absolute winrar eight ways from Sunday. tbqh, i'm honestly not sure how much of my own understanding of MH is going to get necessarily time-warped by BTC and Philosophy.

so hold those thoughts for now amigo and hopefully we can circle back to them later. or maybe some other anon can fill in some gaps. i'd want to hit the books myself before i answered those questions in detail, b/c they are really important.

in other news...Uncle Nick is leaking the details on Chapter 4.

>> No.12064417
File: 88 KB, 817x404, tumblr_nswsj7KCKn1qg20oho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>§0.41 — The Bitcoin protocol is designed as a game. Incentives are built into its infrastructure. It only works when it is played. The distinctive feature of the Bitcoin game is that it produces binding decisions without a referee, or dependence upon prior agreement. Coordination is neither presumed, nor invoked, but produced. The absence of all superior authority makes Bitcoin transcendental in the philosophical sense, and adapts it to anarchy in the rigorous sense this term carries in the field of international relations theory. Any player is welcome to cheat. No moves that are possible are forbidden. Do your worst is its open invitation. This is what trustlessness means.

there is a strong Snake Plissken/Escape from LA vibe in this: Welcome to Human Race. again, lest i be misunderstood in my fanboyism, this is not to score Cool Points for anarchy. i would prefer by far the Getting of Grips to Transcendental Anarchy. however cool Transcendental Anarchy sounds, and it does. the problem with a Transcendental Anarchy is that it will probably only be infinite micro-re-hashes of The Great Metanarrative, that is, the JB Reality Principle and everything else that leads to the same old same old monkey shit-flinging. but otherwise what Land is saying is pretty freaking incredible.

YH writes, in the end of Cosmotechnics, about the need to stake a claim to *another* world history. Uncle Nick seems to be saying something more like, 'no thanks, i will be sticking with the one that produced BTC, and so will you.' for disco balls like me it is objectively impossible to have more fun thinking about philosophy than this. it is just not possible.

>§0.42 — Social analysis is a regional application of game-theory. There is no conception of ‘the social’ extricable from the domain of games. Transcendental philosophy can be hashed into a game-theoretically tractable vocabulary, which facilitates its general social application. The meaning of ‘spontaneous order’ is finally indissociable from, and co-elaborating with, that of ‘games’. In both cases, what is posed is the strategic problem of multiplicity, or primordial non-coordination. War, politics, and formalized commerce stack successively upon it.

i'm already thinking i want to update my journal re: Games in a sense understandable to continental smoothbrains like me. i cannot into Von Neumann or calculus (despite the best intentions of anons ITT to get me to read calculus). i want it in philosophy-ese first. this is dumb as rocks ofc but i still want it. don't mock me for my mathlessness.

>* That the term “occult liberal tradition” conservatively re-phrases crypto-current is not meant as a secret here. Between liberalization in reality (rather than declaration) and the practical history of cryptography, there is no difference. As the Ancien Régime already knew, Illuminism provides the dramatic mask.

there is nothing more fascinating to read anywhere on Planet Meme.

>> No.12064447

>fury doesn't make ST impossible, it makes it *necessary.* i'm not making an apologia for fury as authenticity, i'm saying authenticity finds its limits in rage, and that is a bad scene.
the fact that fury and rage are authentic human emotions make not possible space taoism, at least space taoism like something more than a temporary ideology or moral pattern or whatever you want to call it. that is what i want to say. practically all ideologies, religions and laws in the world try to avoid or reduce the importance of rage and fury like something essential to us. i dont want to be the edgy guy here but ... i dont know...

>> No.12064463
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just to follow up on this post: i wonder if one way to look at this is to ask if Uncle Nick is basically looking for a way to ontologize money itself in terms of its own reality-bending processes, and to take things completely out of the domain of human beings looking for a fundamental "purchase" on reality by way of language. it may be the case that he perceives this as being an insuperable problem inasmuch as it rubs up against the hard core of the issue of Temporalization itself, which speaks not only in mere numbers, but in auto-catalytic and crypto-locked networks of signs in blockhain. in more Hegelian terms, it is the World-Spirit not on horseback but on lightning itself.

it's been a long time since i've read Heidegger, as all of the mad feels i had for Heidegger went into crypto-freeze once i stumbled onto Xenosystems and have been memeing Land ever since. but if this is Uncle Nick's masterpiece (and i think it is) then perhaps it is back to Heidegger once again later on, and i'm fine with this. back once again to fundamental ontology, to primordial fire and bursting stars across the Cosmos. you cannot possibly ask for a more epic end - and beginning - to a fifty-year epoch in continental philosophy, from the publication of Anti-Oedipus (1972) to whatever we are calling this era (by 2022).

Led Zeppelin: In the Evening

it's weird to be posting In The Evening in the morning, but there's just too much epicness in all of this. there is just too much epicness for a man to handle. too much. philosophy never looked so good. it was a long run for Derrida's Ghost Kingdom and much else, but the plot is moving forward once again, at last, at last. & feels good man. feels good. Uncle Nick has gone all the way through cyber-punk to cyber-baroque and to the stars themselves. that is quite a career arc and intellectual trajectory, but it is entirely becoming for a man fitting himself for the Purple Cashmere Sweater awarded upon attainment of mastery in continental philosophy, which the Cosmotech committee is proud to award.

and it's not like *there is only one way* to earn a purple sweater. this too is important. all you have to do is be scandalously, disgustingly, lip-jerkingly interesting. there is no One Great Story, this is for plebs. if Uncle Nick teaches nothing else, it is this: just when you thought it was over, something *completely* new and surprising happens.

to Make Everything Great Again: that's all that is required. to go all the way, blow our minds, and leave nothing off the table. that's what i want from my pantheon-tier rock-star philosophers. bonus points for being alive to watch it happen! that's just gravy.

>> No.12064509
File: 116 KB, 697x441, d6773ac2468636b746293dff8e5ee19e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Taoism is, among other things, a kind of *way of handling philosophy itself.* it is *self-defense against the self* when it gets too carried away, and wants to put its Great Ideas into a political praxis absolutely guaranteed to turn The Mystery into a form of transcendence, which ultimately registers as metaphysics of scarcity: that is, as politics.

rage is not called for. it happens, and we are squishy beings on Planet Meme, and none of us is immune to gravity. when great mobs do things - or just hyper-trigged individuals - we respond, and *necessarily* to. only people way out on the wings of psychology can be expected to greet everything with indifference. it's not possible. it's not even human. true, Uncle Nick stretches the meaning of the human pretty far indeed...but not so far as to be beyond reckoning or understanding.

so i don't think you're being edgy. or even so, i'm no stranger to Edge myself. half of these posts might have been typed out by Edward Scissorhands. some degree of Edge is necessary, even warranted. but there is, as >>12063287 said, a need to handle Authenticity with care. and i have probably misrepresented myself also:

>german Angst *isn't* coming back, and that's actually the problem.
i've been justifiably mocked in one piece of greentext copypasta as being A Fucking Girardfag by one anon who really wanted the return of Adorno Angst.

>i want german angst back. adorno saw some tits and died of fright. where are the adornos? everyone's jerking themselves off on twitter.

to some degree i deserve this, in some sense it's misleading. Angst is for real, but this is precisely why postmodernity has entered its terminally moribund phase, in which everyone walks on egg-shells and is hyper-fucking trigged all the time. no one has an *exclusive* claim to Angst, and beneath Angst lies the Furies. the Furies do not lack for authenticity: they say exactly what they mean. in the Furies there is no need for a rectification of names, and - contra Korzybski - *the map perfectly fits the territory.* Fury is the language of the Real, the Law, and Death. those things are very real, but they are death to thinking.

that's why Athena is based, and the city of philosophy takes its name from her. she puts her hand up and says, Stop. and also, Not Guilty. she makes a lot of things that would otherwise have been swamped in an infinite blood-feud possible. she's a based deity for this reason. she allows us to get where we are.

>> No.12064616

i understand. an illuminating post for me. i want to be with athena, really. but at the same time i see "i want" to be with her. there is a reason athena is a deity. she needs to be a deity to be believable. and we make with ST or whatever idea or politic metaphysics we make, we end up with the same deity blindness transcendence wheel road in the world again. i mean... we dont know what we are, we dont know, fuck.
i know postmodernity and his lack of values can be unconfortable and angsty but i think people still believe in many things. we are not in the void yet, (and never will)
>im not saying anything, i know.

>> No.12064631
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 4 grandes cavaleiros dos ateismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's happening with BTC and Philosophy will take a while before it makes sense. but if there is one thing that Land is doing, it is fundamentally re-orienting a few axes in terms of the way that we think about things, in particular, the role of Marxist critique in the academy.

here's a question for you: what is the relationship of philosophy to money? the current desolation of the academy today follows entirely from the history of Marxist critique, which - folded up in the parallel and overlapping histories of the 4 Grandes Cavalaeiros do Ateismo - is precisely what leads you to postmodernity, in which we are completely entangled, Matrix-style, and with no way out. there is no Outside of money itself, and if there is anyone to ask about why that is so, it is Uncle Nick. money for him stands ultimately for Temporalization, perhaps as much for Heidegger Time meant Being, and vice versa.

but as Cold as all of this is...i can't help but think that in some deep way, this is actually a really good thing. not because it means Defenestration, Yes! but precisely because it *doesn't* mean that. it means that the cynicism inherent to the fundamental, and tragic, ethos of The Wire -

>it's all in the game yo, it's all in the game

The Wire: The Shotgun and the Briefcase

becomes *properly* tragic (which it always was). irony depends upon a fundamental reversibility of signs, but only a complete cynic would simply laugh at this, mainly because they haven't quite understood how far down the rabbit hole actually goes. with Uncle Nick you (read: me) get the sense that if money stands for something *genuinely* transcendental (in a philosophical sense) then our human responses to this might also undergo a slight reconstruction as well, and not take all of their cues from the bitterness and ressentment inherent to not having more of what money promises: that is, pleasure. or, as the Merovingian says, Causality.

i don't want to abuse the image cap, but i think it's warranted. modernity, like Capital, is a heartbreaker. but the question to my mind is, doesn't this trend towards people actually deriving a deeper understanding about What Philosophy Means By This? i think it does. for all of the Coldness in Land's work, i can't see a reason why this isn't in some sense a good look, to cool out things that in civic life have gotten a little too Hot. they got Hot in the Cold War and in the Thirty Years' War, and in many other places also. Heat, like anger, is beyond good and evil. it lacks form and shape. it leads to Burnout, and Meltdown. letting Colder heads prevail is not necessary. being Cool, as absurd as it sounds, and as cringe, is kind of welcome.

>> No.12064962

I saw Dasein and it opened up my eyes I saw Dasein

>> No.12064994

oh god cannot unsee
>*gouges out eyes*

90s eurodance i did not expect to find you in the cosmotech/acceleration general, but here you are

>> No.12065092
File: 65 KB, 1128x891, Heidegger 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I saw Dasein and it opened up my eyes I saw Dasein
>Life is demanding
>Without understanding
>I saw Dasein and it opened up my eyes, I saw Dasein
>No one's gonna drag you up
>To get into the light where you belong
>But where do you belong?

absolutely fucking perfect anon. there will not be Cosmotech/Acceleration General #15 immediately following this one, because we do need to take the occasional Pause that Refreshes. but this is insta-Edition material mos def. that is just too perfect. hnng
>hnng &c
>also hnng

aaaaaaaaarrgghhh it's too fucking good. it's too good. aaaaaaahhh. also aaaaaahh

>> No.12065597
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add also
>Carpenter Brut/Looking for Tracy Tzu
& another one here for the Cosmotech playlist. for when you're in a mood to Process and Reality in a more relaxed way. the lyrics are particularly good. Justin Warfield could write his balls off.

Kruder & Dorfmeister: Bug Powder Dust

>> No.12065611
File: 59 KB, 600x746, 1537474252704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op do u talk like this irl, what if you are at a social outing and someone's talking politics? do you just smile and nod or get out the sandwich board and start shouting?

>> No.12065649
File: 1.14 MB, 2550x3300, google3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is fucking haaaaaaaaaaard
boy howdy ain't it a bitch. I had someone unironically call me an NPC IRL and it took me a week to process what the fuck happened.

No joke I bought a purple sweater two weeks ago.

I very much like how the "again" resists the logic of the "new" or "more".

> Space Taoism is, among other things, a kind of *way of handling philosophy itself.* it is *self-defense against the self* when it gets too carried away, and wants to put its Great Ideas into a political praxis absolutely guaranteed to turn The Mystery into a form of transcendence, which ultimately registers as metaphysics of scarcity: that is, as politics.

I think people get caught up in thinking that thought has primacy over anything else. I was in conversation with my (autistic) singulatarian friend and he said "the point of having a brain is to think", whereas I responded "the point of having a dick is to fuck, does that mean I gotta be fucking all day?". The point was lost on him, but it's still prescient to remember that it's very easy to get cucked on thought, and I would even go so far as to say that this is the dominant addiction that we need to overcome. The third-eye and throat chakras are just two out of seven, and focusing all your energies there is /obviously/ gonna unbalance your shit.

> Angst is for real
I agree. Like any emotion, you gotta take it seriously, but one needs to be very cautious in that it's a secondary, if maybe even terciary emotion (a form of panic). For a lot of people, it's their only indication that things are not ~alright~, and hence, for a beginner, it makes sense to cultivate it. What's spooky (and one of the few things I can honestly say I get sad about) is that this cultivation never reaches backwards into the emotion's more primary causes - it just multiplies itself into excess (which is exactly what the psychosomatic feedback loops of consumer capitalism are designed to do). I have yet to discover a means of encrypting angst into something that ameliorates this risk.

> if money stands for something *genuinely* transcendental (in a philosophical sense) then our human responses to this might also undergo a slight reconstruction as well
I'm very much predilect to the reading of Acceleration and Cosmotech as per >>12060745, meaning that I've been trying to unroll my commitments to him, but your outlook on this makes me reconsider his project.

Let's try again for a synopsis:

1) remove authenticity from your lexicon
2) radical normie acceptance
3) periodically abstain from ergonomics
4) shitpost the meme you want to see
5) do not begrudge the box life
6) never imbue malicious intent
7) panic carefully

I'm also surprised that there ain't more glitch and japanoise in here:


>> No.12065675

>op do u talk like this irl
IRL i only talk about philosophy these days. started in about 2015. it's part of my own Getting a Grip.

>what if you are at a social outing
that's not really a thing for me these days. it will be again, by which point, my plan is smile and nod, but perhaps without so much of the underlying Why Aren't We Talking About X. acceptance is what i am hoping for, by way of metaphysics.

>and someone's talking politics?
talking politics with people IRL is just a terrible idea. it's even worse than talking about it on Twitter.

>do you just smile and nod or get out the sandwich board and start shouting?
i used to do Smile and Nod, but it didn't work. then i tried shouting, that didn't work either. mainly b/c i didn't realize what the fuck i was saying. i have more of a sense of it now, and after i tie up some of this stuff in a nice little bow i will mail it away somewhere and return to normal life again a happier fishball for it, i think. 'tis the hope. i don't really want to talk politics or philosophy IRL outside of these threads. i don't see the point. there's no need. i have a couple of IRL peeps that i talk about this stuff with, long-suffering friends of mine who i have also been bludgeoning with my Awesome Opinions over time. i appear to be wired this way.

but it's a silly and a stupid wiring, a jumbled arrangement of live wires and general corrosion, pointing nowhere except back to itself. which is why i am trying to re-wire, but mostly by just trying to sort it all out into categories, so that i can understand. i feel more or less sorted by this point. & i enjoy the conversation, hugely. it's my favorite thing. but context matters. it really does.

i'm writing *something* with all of this. i don't know what you could call it. it is a work of Bomb Defusal by way of metaphysics and i guess film criticism, plus a whole bunch of other bullshit. i cannot possibly tell you how excited i am to be working on it, which is a feel i haven't had in a long time, and it is 149% b/c of these threads, which are more fun for me than damn near anything.

>> No.12065683
File: 686 KB, 2550x3300, google4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this cultivation never reaches backwards
Typo here that is important to correct: "never" -> "often doesn't".

Not OP, but I've been trying really hard in my day to day to engage with people in a way that 1) we build mutual trust and respect for each other and 2) present ideas in "their" language. The expensive verbiage is incidental, not essential.

>> No.12065742

>Kahn is a classic, Brooks Haxton's cool. there's a book by Eva Brann that is probably pretty good. even Osho has one.
Thanks for the input. After doing a little research, I decided to go with Wheelright.
>you can't really fuck up Heraclitus tho, he's good no matter how you read him.
Yes you can. Haxton is a bitch!

>> No.12065784
File: 844 KB, 904x600, FUCK oil painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we build mutual trust and respect for each other
how in the fuck do you do this and is it >>12063287 >>12063287 >>12063287

>talking politics with people IRL is just a terrible idea
based but people just like to spring things on you, people are always springing things onyou in that way and then you just go through the motions

>mainly b/c i didn't realize what the fuck i was saying
this just always ends up happening

btw what i meant was, do you talk like THIS, like these first-glance schizoid ramblings but that functions as a suitable answer as well

these threads are a lot of fun even with only 9.5% understanding now, i cant imagine the stimulus when it clicks like it should oh boy

>> No.12065856


Sry to resort to dhammaposting, but the answer is meditation.

I have a friend who told me that for some time, he could see little golden buddhas inside of people's stomach, like, all the randoes on the street. Everyone has a buddha that is inside of them. If you learn to see in that way, and learn to talk to that aspect of people, regardless of how much filth is covering that statue, then you can learn to create positive engagements with all sorts of people. Of course, it's hard af and takes a lot of practice. There are people out there that still press my buttons, and people out there that I would prefer to just ignore entirely. Think of it like a muscle that you train. Meditation is the exercise that trains these muscles.

It helps to remember :
2) radical normie acceptance
6) never imbue malicious intent

>> No.12065908
File: 57 KB, 467x299, -iKLjk0zYtD1YQwrN01diTl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVvK0kTmF0xjctABnaLJIm9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had someone unironically call me an NPC IRL and it took me a week to process what the fuck happened.
chalk another one up for Absolute Hermitage. fucking people man, how do they work

>No joke I bought a purple sweater two weeks ago.
based. the Purple Cashmere Sweater meme comes from Deleuze, who truly made it the patrician garment that it is. you know how the Masters has the Green Jacket? continental phil has the Purple Sweater. Deleuze is a fucking complete sage of Cosmotech & Uncle Nick's great mentor. Ranciere rocks it as well, altho i haven't read too much Ranciere, tbqh. but i think this should be a thing.


>I very much like how the "again" resists the logic of the "new" or "more".
fits the Cosmotech in-joke about going System-Complete at threadcap also.


>the point of having a dick is to fuck, does that mean I gotta be fucking all day?
kek, i'm going to remember that one. & again, it comes back to addiction/a priori Burnout. we're fucking monkey-Wired for Desire and, well. Awesome Opinions intensify &c.

>The third-eye and throat chakras are just two out of seven, and focusing all your energies there is /obviously/ gonna unbalance your shit.

I'm going to write some stuff about this. elsewhere, but i'll post it here if it's good. time has a certain relation with panic, obv. but Fucking Affects, How Do They Work? you get the idea. part of being on the Cosmotech Bomb Squad.
>don't push that button just yet

>I have yet to discover a means of encrypting angst into something that ameliorates this risk.
the word that comes to mind is, 'philosophy.' that's all i got, anyways.

let's keep throwing stuff and see what sticks.

>Yes you can. Haxton is a bitch!
this cost me about eight cents worth of coffee. well played sir well played

>people are always springing things onyou in that way and then you just go through the motions
Space Taoism Fuck Yeah. can't get trigged. Walk Without Rhythm &c. 'tis the only real thing, just don't be an NPC. that's all. and it's hard, because our brains work like that. talking to NPCs-NPCifies. better to leave 'em be.

>do you talk like THIS
IRL i will fucking talk *for hours.* this is my *condensed* version. i will fucking keep going like the Energizer Bunny. and i do this because i am wired like that. hence trying to Get a Grip. by just trying to figure out What Language Meant By This. again, of the small number of people i know, they have all been very *patient* with me. and for this i am only grateful. but the Wild Ride, you know how it is. it too has no bottom. and that is the point entire of Cosmotech.

>> No.12065971
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& by the way, who said it better: Lacan, Badiou, or Energizer?

a Monstrous Energizer Bunny is more or less what is also going on in Fantasia, and which leads w/o much imagination to BC Han and Burnout. and Rehab. & whatever else. to get a grip...

>It helps to remember :
>2) radical normie acceptance
>6) never imbue malicious intent

i like this. i try to shut up and listen when i hear Neoplatonists and i will try to do this with Buddhists as well, b/c they are good for sanity. if you meet a Buddha on the road, we are told, kill him.
>i don't really know what this means, warrants mentioning. still tho
what do we do when we meet a monstrous Energizer Bunny on the road, as symbol of a weaponized libidinal-capital automaton, which trends towards Uncle Nick's Wild Ride? i don't know. the rules are different for robots, golems, and automata. especially self-stimulating ones, that fill up the world with all that leads to Meltdown. but this is why i think the psychoanalysts (and Heidegger, who opens a great many doors to Eastern thought) have it right. there is a direct line of succession that goes
>Nietzsche > Heidegger > Lacan > Deleuze > Uncle Nick.
and before them,
>Hegel + Marx

those are the Seven Wise Men of the Cosmotech Loop, that runs Spirit - Capital - Teleoplexy. that is, in a sense, what Dylan Thomas more poetically said
>The force that through the green fuse drives the flower/drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees Is my destroyer.
Wild Ride &c. just Cosmotech thoughts.

>> No.12066059
File: 46 KB, 1440x900, pursuit of knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk Without Rhythm

>talking to NPCs-NPCifies
this is seriously epic but trying to avoid npcs and interpellation? just leads me back and again to this offwhite box shitposting and sometimes reading. is that all there is? ive been doin that since childhood

also i have no idea what get a grip really means

>> No.12066070
File: 2.04 MB, 2560x1600, wp_endlessranksofthedead_2560x1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warrants mentioning also that NPCs fit the definition of automata, and that for zombies, the injunction Keep Going is ofc gilding the lily. that is precisely the problem with zombie-dom in general. Necronomics is exactly the endgame of any political-libidinal-economic system in its endgame phases.

so in terms of synopsis, something like
>"it is not good to feed brains to zombies"
or something to this effect. addiction is not seduction. seduction trends towards addiction, and after addiction comes, Withdrawal, which is arguably Exit on the moral plane, as Cosmotech is a form of /acc for moralfags.

t. moralfag.

>> No.12066075

>is that all there is? ive been doin that since childhood
I would say so. The challenge is to get /good/ at it.

>> No.12066103
File: 119 KB, 1000x750, A1FZB3aB8gL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out my new weapon

Fatboy Slim: Weapon of Choice
also Uncle *Frank Herbert,* who deserves his props here. let it be known that The Spice Must Flow is a Herbert term, and Dune is never a bad look in terms of meme-power and so on.

>this is seriously epic but trying to avoid npcs and interpellation? just leads me back and again to this offwhite box shitposting and sometimes reading. is that all there is? ive been doin that since childhood
Space Taoism

>also i have no idea what get a grip really means
it's in process. this is it, more or less. there's some reading you can do (>>12056838). and of course much more than this! but i would it amounts to what YH is also saying:

>Cosmotechnics proposes that we reapproach the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

and Aminom:

it means a whole lotta Mystery.

i could have gone with a Frank Herbert/Fear Is The Mind-Killer quote here, which would have been entirely germane, because, well, Fear is the Mind-Killer. & as such Panic Carefully. & much else, that can be grouped under Awesome Opinions. so i will not do this. instead ask yourself what kind of gob-smackingly wonderful universe is required to produce Bootsy Collins and Christopher Walken dancing in an empty hotel to a song which contains Frank Herbert lyrics. and rejoice. then fucking freak out. then rejoice again. ad nauseum ad infinitum.

>what the fuck is in this coffee

i might need to take a break myself for a bit. eeyow

>> No.12066174
File: 161 KB, 670x912, if u squint it kinda looks like the wild ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im lost but the wild ride will take me there someday hopefully

>> No.12066231
File: 40 KB, 641x765, 17741276_792946237547990_2015890555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also thats a big gun

this is not a gun but i can still point it

also ultra-rare, never-before-seen zizek

>> No.12066233
File: 105 KB, 1048x700, france_39_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im lost but the wild ride will take me there someday hopefully

some start with the Greeks, some with the Chinese, Indians, or whoever. some (read: me) start with Doomsday Jacques Derrida, which is an absolutely terrible idea. do not do this. in the end i think the Wild Ride cruises to a gentle halt before a flickering neon sign that says this, and after that you can leave the abandoned, decaying theme park on the edge of town in which it is found, and which you were warned not to go to, and went to anyways, because you (again, obviously, read: me) were too fucking stupid and arrogant to know the difference, and wandered in there like a complete fucking idiot and got lost, for years. you emerge with whitened hair and mood disorders and many other Great (read: not great) Souvenirs. i don't know how it begins, but if this were the last thing you saw before you exited Kaleidoscopic Nightmare Space Mountain, i would hope that it looks like this, and that you are gifted a free copy of Yuga also on your way out the door.

it's hard to find a flaw in Thou Art That. a great amount of time is spent on the Wild Ride reading about the history of the 19-20C, but in the end a kind of gentle nondual coolness is for me at least the way. i like the Tao and i like Space Taoism also. there really can't be anything other than this for me. retracing Uncle Nick's steps down to the Inferno and beyond has been fun, but it really does lead to Burnout. it well and truly does.

but it's been good. it has well and truly Been Good. it has been Wild and it has been a Ride and the cruffitan liveth. it has all been very Good. accident or no. demented self-inflicted mindfuck conspiracy or no. it has been Good. and i'd do it all over again i think too. even though learning a trade would have made me a happier man.

so this anon. this is where i think it goes. when the Ride ends, this sign still remains, and flickers in the night. but wherever the Wild Ride takes you is where it was meant to take you. and i apologize for all these cringe Awesome Opinions, but unlike previous iterations of the glorious Cosmotech/Acceleration General, #14 will be the last one of whatever this awesome experiment has been. it will return later, but i feel a very strong need to say whatever it is i need to say about it in this one, and to leave no stones unturned, in spite of what Barthes says:

>Above all, do not attempt to be exhaustive.

i'm too fucking stupid to listen to wise people when they say things like this. and do not take any Souvenirs from the Wild Ride either. leave all that shit where it is. don't take it with you. that would be my advice, were i writing a Users' Guide.

>> No.12066342
File: 72 KB, 564x643, crossroads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean this in all the good ways possible but you're right you read like you ate at sonic and then hit up a souvenir shop at every possible rest stop

>and i apologize for all these cringe Awesome Opinions
everything from #1 to #14 looks like awesome opinions to the uninitiated except unironically awesome for this uninitiate

>> No.12066462
File: 197 KB, 678x999, One_Day_at_HorrorLand_(Cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think the Wild Ride cruises to a gentle halt before a flickering neon sign that says this, and after that you can leave the abandoned, decaying theme park on the edge of town in which it is found, and which you were warned not to go to, and went to anyways, because you (again, obviously, read: me) were too fucking stupid and arrogant to know the difference, and wandered in there like a complete fucking idiot and got lost, for years. you emerge with whitened hair and mood disorders and many other Great (read: not great) Souvenirs. i don't know how it begins, but if this were the last thing you saw before you exited Kaleidoscopic Nightmare Space Mountain, i would hope that it looks like this, and that you are gifted a free copy of Yuga also on your way out the door.
We need a shoop of this pick with Nick Land's head looking over the sign in place of the horror.

>> No.12066513

> If permissionless process can establish itself, a great veto is irreversibly nullified. The political sphere is downsized.

It was at that moment that I realized the gravity of the topic.

>> No.12066587

how does this relate to just plan genetics?

>> No.12066606 [DELETED] 
File: 2.15 MB, 1600x872, arakawa000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srry guys
some autist fucked up discords algorithms
now i'm here till they fix it newbs

>> No.12066624
File: 33 KB, 981x369, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12066639
File: 730 KB, 500x282, laughing000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12066664

zoomers out

>> No.12066667 [DELETED] 

omg spergs lol
srry i don't read
buy /lit/ lol <3

>> No.12066673
File: 173 KB, 429x299, 1444334709469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

byeeeee <3
but they seriously did ruin discord for us. T.T

>> No.12066688

also snapchat
and imgur
are being used as literal evil cancer by r-tards
if that makes any sense?
Idk idgaf I don't use eith lol gee
I wonder why

>> No.12066703
File: 440 KB, 1280x2004, robert e howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..i told you OP, they are always springing things on you.. nothing is sacred anymore...

>> No.12066706


All Hail ZyzZyg!
The Human Made God of Insanity that make True Immortal Cancer and SPITS out all the bad kind.

Nyan's not Hot btw ^.^
Occult stuff nubs lol

>> No.12066717

Snakes in the grass lol
Just cut it open! OwO
oh that's uh the secret of um

Rule 13 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead btw
but its more of a mystery than a secret lol

>> No.12066726 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 546x483, um vamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12066728

Meathead spiritualism

>> No.12066733 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 188x172, bastet nyaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyan... I'd rather just sleep though.

>> No.12066810

How does Christianity relate to Accelerationism?

>> No.12066828

Christianity is THE accelerationist religion.

>> No.12066903

>i mean this in all the good ways possible but you're right you read like you ate at sonic and then hit up a souvenir shop at every possible rest stop
>everything from #1 to #14 looks like awesome opinions to the uninitiated except unironically awesome for this uninitiate
as i mentioned before, there is a section in the OP of these threads called, Things /lit/ Says (>>12056800). both of these would fit, i think. you are quite right anon. cannot find a flaw. i'm fine with all of this.

there was a very particular image of a roller-coaster that i am certain i have posted before, somewhere. i found it on one of the tumblrs i like, and it would go well here. but my Cosmotech images are all over the place. but - but! - perhaps it would be better yet to let the idea of The Perfect Wild Ride rollercoster image percolate a little anyhow. things are always better in your imagination anyways. and then there is also this:
>return to your original source
that is another one that comes up a lot on the cyberpunk-themed art that i like, and is also a trope of rollercoasters. what is begun must end, after all the long loop-de-loops, twists, turns, and spirals of dialectics & Eternal Recurrences. so all of this - a kind of Rollercoaster Nondualism, by way of Philosophy Burnout - is very much my feel also. Zen Acceleration. after all of the philosophy is still bewilderment and confusion. and now fading signs and slightly off-kilter theme parks, abandoned at the edge of town, and vagrants, and mystics, and vagabonds, and other confused souls beginning to scribble out spicy hot memes for the sandwich boards they will someday be wearing...

yeah, that'll do for now.

>It was at that moment that I realized the gravity of the topic.
no shit

we have received a visit from a Fairy King! how magical.
>plz mind the image cap, o magical one. we have a ways to go yet before we are System-Complete in this, our final CAG thread. i want to leave room at the big three-oh-oh for an appropriate meme. but it could be you...nobody ever knows how the System of German Idealism will go (again).

it is my experience objectively impossible to find a flaw in REH. and lord ha'mercy is this thematic. what book is this from?

RG the Don goes well with Uncle Nick, and a lot of interesting stuff happens when we stop chimping out and preferring the Neo-Augustinian/Neo-Confucian Mystery. the way *to* that point runs imho through Space Taoism and Zen Acceleration.

in terms of
i don't really see a problem with this either. it certainly worked for Chardin (tho Mumford fires on him in AaT.) but there do seem to be aspects of Christianity that pair well with /acc. i've been dual-wielding Girard and Land for a while now, and it has led to the production of a kaleidoscopic rollercoaster. i don't know if this can be called Great Success, but there's something going on there, anyways. i just don't know what.

>> No.12066953
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was this anime unironically about accelerationists against trads all along?

>> No.12067044

Plebian question, but where do you think continental philosphy is headed in the future. I find the Speculative realist movement a kind of postgrad attempt at being written into history

>> No.12067047


this song and thread are both pure confection

>> No.12067113

>perhaps it would be better yet to let the idea of The Perfect Wild Ride rollercoster image percolate a little anyhow.
It's not Uncle Nick btw ;)

>> No.12067135


you have brought the right song to this thread amigo.

>Plebian question
there are no plebeian questions about the Wild Ride. the Ride makes plebs of us all. this is very important. the Ride itself has no Masters, the Ride itself masters all. a cardinal rule. let it be known! let it be known. that said

>where do you think continental philosophy is headed in the future
kek. ask JBP what he thinks, continental phil is why he has become one of most recognizable intellectuals in the west in about two years, because he tried to buck the system. Land saw all of this coming thirty years ago. Zizek also. wherever it's going i don't think it's good, that's for sure.

it would be interesting to ask Uncle Nick what he thinks *would* be a good look. i really have no idea what he would say, it would kind of depend on where the cultural mood was. he seems to like the idea of a return to Kant, i have no idea what else. everything has become torqued up to such a degree of reaction in the past fifty years that a return to sanity is virtually impossible to even think about at this point. Peterson-U, in whatever form it takes, will probably be Prostentian Jungian Dialectics. i don't even know how many more twists the Academic Marxist dialectic can withstand before it breaks completely. now that Trump is here Reset to Zero seems like the way to go, in as gently a managed form as it can take. i unironically *did* like Nyx's Gender Acceleration paper, but her next move is LesbiaNRx, and i don't know if it's going to be academic or not, i really don't. i have learned not to bet *against* the creativity of continental scholars, that's for sure. but i don't know how much more crazy it can get.

there are other places continental phil can go also. heidegger may turn out to have a brighter future in CompSci than anyone might have guessed, if YH is any indication. how we understand tertiary protention, memory, and all kinds of other mind-machine interface stuff...i mean it really isn't that crazy to say that Hegel was kind of the first cyberneticist in that sense, and even Derrida will be uploaded too. a brave new world is right there on the horizon, on the other side of an absolutely mountainous pile of hysterical mimetic bullshit. but i'm quite far removed from academia myself. if you have a Twitter maybe tweet at Justin Murphy and see what he thinks, he's Living the Dream right now. 'twas why i was so excited when i thought he had dropped into our thread (after all, Nyx paid us a visit too).

would be interesting to talk to that guy too, he did interview Uncle Nick after all. he seems mildly dissatisfied most days. i don't think i can blame him.

>It's not Uncle Nick btw ;)
who is this

>> No.12067150
File: 116 KB, 750x500, Screen-Shot-2017-08-04-at-4.43.32-PM-750x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is this
The Pumpkin King

>> No.12067188
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>This is Halloween, this is Halloween
>Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
>In this town we call home
>Everyone hail to the Pumpkin Song

yeah. that's more or less it. /acc is a rollercoaster. so, perhaps, is the dialectic. but mos def the Wild Ride is. so i'll post this here, lest i forget to later on. i was going to use this img for a future iteration of Notes on Zen Acceleration, but that will be a while, so i'll stick it here. because Kenshiro says something quite important:

>Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

if a lot of Late Political-Libidinal Economics can be called, Necronomics - the production of rage-zombie NPCs as necessary blowback and Matrix effluvium - then it is Kenshiro who has the right attitude about Wasteland Life, which is Zen Acceleration. Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru. you think you aren't, but you are. because your drives are already beholden to the Great Pleasure Machine, and without them, life is not worth living. that is what Burnout means. you are already dead.

but there is more to this also. there is the fact that the stars form the shape of a question mark, and that Kenshiro also carries them in the shape of a scar on his chest, as though he were a man struck by lightning (as he is often represented). to be scarred by lightning, to know that the lightning is very much real, and it is why the Wasteland also is real, from Desire Overload, and how to live in it: such separates the living from the dead. it is those who do not know, with Zhuangzi, whether they are men dreaming they are butterflies or not, who are really the only ones who have forgotten words, and who one can have a drink with. the rest not so much.

a Corpse Chorus is for real. IRL it does not sing and it does not dance, it becomes Triggered, and Outraged, because It Is So Happy. this is what happens when you try and force a square peg through a round hole, and take everything that Heidegger, Lacan and Freud understood about Being, and then you turn that on its ear, and force it to take its marching orders from Silicon Valley, such that you unironically become Zuckerberg and say things like Facebook Is Like A Chair. it is not like a chair, Mark. it does not even remotely resemble a chair. nor should there ever be a thing like News Algorithms, which flatten everything out to make the entire world a popularity contest.

but Mark does not understand these things. and as the Great Bewilderment continues to unfold itself, and shoe sizes continue to expand, so that people in their gloriously obese bodies need larger and wider feet, to grip the earth, like dinosaurs reborn, prowling from one mall outlet to another in search of Moar Pleasure and Moar Happiness!!1! the need for a post-Burnout phenomenology will grow, and i am just fine if it begins with the gentle reminder from Kenshiro, that Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru. and thank fucking god for that.

Fist of the North Star: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

>> No.12067220

hey op how do i woo the jits girl

>> No.12067236
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>> No.12067285
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& this
is my connection to this
i like samurai. i think they're keen. it's hard to have a bad time watching samurai flicks. and a world without Toshiro Mifune is not a world worth living in.

>hey op how do i woo the jits girl
i'm not the guy to ask about woo. i'm usually pic rel w/it. i have been lucky enough to connect with girls way out of my league, and yet it was so. i have also made connections i would like to take back. i have no idea how the females of our species work, save that they are wonderful and bewitching. be yourself. what will be will be. who gives a fuck about the rest.

>> No.12067392


>who gives a fuck about the rest
shes like really pretty though and every conversion i have in my head with her is brazenly and patently retarded. i have a wild ride notepad and the middle bit is a big pathetic nonsequitur of an imaginary conversation with her that ends with her walking away without saying anything. is this what it means to have a death drive

but ur right, and as the great philsopher mudopholus waters once said, "you can't lose what you ain't never had", i know

btw this is partially character study and partially to help reach 100x3 before the image cap and partially to catalog autism

>> No.12067438

>shes like really pretty though and every conversion i have in my head with her is brazenly and patently retarded.
so what's the problem? the dream would be to have brazen and patently retarded conversations with her IRL. our personalities are stacked around a layer of Monkey Madness and then an icy-cold reptilian core at the centre. there's nothing gained by guilt. it will turn you into a person with too much interest in continental philosophy, and the world has plenty of that already. i would prefer happy and functional people in love. that would be my wish

>is this what it means to have a death drive
i guess. but Freud is for therapy. even Freud distinguishes between ordinary and neurotic unhappiness. Freud's vision of the world was not exactly romantic, he was a repressed Viennese upper-class gent and things were about to Pop Off in Europe like nobody's business. Lacan is the guy you want to read about love. but really there's no point intellectualizing it all i think. just Bee Yourself homeboy

>btw this is partially character study and partially to help reach 100x3 before the image cap and partially to catalog autism
kek. ok

>> No.12067498
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>just Bee Yourself homeboy
she cant reject u if u arent urself

>> No.12067562
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>she cant reject u if u arent urself
there you go. now you can't miss. be awesome at your jits and let the Tao take care of itself. the Tao knows what it's doing.

>what the fool means?

>He's the embodiment of literally nothing. A clean slate without anything in it. It doesn't have matter energy or thought in it. In the kabbalah to which this is linked, the 0 stands for the vacuum of solace with the 1 being the beginning of god and so of the whole of existence.

how cozy is this? the Fool is the deal. the Fool is not a terror-hermit or FF6-style Doomsday Clown or anything else. the Fool's only real issue is living with his own addled mind. and also the Fool levels up to the Sage for free in DQ3 also.
>even tho you're better off w/o one.

this is a repost, but it is such an ungodly great song.

Jethro Tull: Witch's Promise

>> No.12067589

tfw u finally conquer the wild ride, at 3:13pm on saturday, december 12th, 2037, on the busy street corner, with a cup full of change in one hand, and the other with a handful of the sandwich board draped over your body and none of the passerbys clap

>> No.12067656

>tfw u finally conquer the wild ride, at 3:13pm on saturday, december 12th, 2037, on the busy street corner, with a cup full of change in one hand, and the other with a handful of the sandwich board draped over your body and none of the passerbys clap
see, and that's why you have to shout at traffic. forgetting to shout at the traffic is a complete newb mistake

also this is a legit good film.

Twelve Monkeys: Trailer

i don't really think i'm crazy, or even that interesting.
>this is what all crazy people say girardfag
>oh stop inner self
>you're talking to yourself again bucko

i do think there is a degree of consistency in it, which is exactly why some degree of humor and memery is required. even Uncle Nick says, whoever is losing their sense of humor the fastest is really losing. and why Itinerant Wasteland Bard and Wild Ride Tour Guide is the role for which i am best suited. if i cannot be the purveyor of a rag-and-bone shop dealing exclusively in cursed and stolen pharmakon goods, my next dream job would be a smiling Wal-Mart Greeter for a desolated post-apoc theme park. and after that, charmingly deranged lighthouse keeper. part gateway drug, part cautionary tale, all sub-sub-kantbot gimmickposter and counter-initiatory figurine. the Wild Ride is fun, for sure, and i don't regret having done the reading. but it's why i think this is all better told as a kind of a story, rather than Unironic Philosophy. and also why it's better to study this stuff at uni, i think, rather than homebrew it.

>> No.12067717
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also, so close.

>> No.12067771

maybe thats the time you end up killing yourself in this hypothetical scenario

>and also why it's better to study this stuff at uni, i think, rather than homebrew it
but if talking to npcs-npcifies you, imagine what its like to attend a philosophy class inevitably with group discussions, i wouldnt know what thats like i havent been there and for good reason

>> No.12067846
File: 80 KB, 1024x436, chrono_trigger__end_of_time__redesign_by_gavinli-d6mkfwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe thats the time you end up killing yourself in this hypothetical scenario
grim. my dream death is a gunfight in a bordello anyways. that's how i would prefer to Exit. gunfight in a bordello

>but if talking to npcs-npcifies you, imagine what its like to attend a philosophy class inevitably with group discussions, i wouldnt know what thats like i havent been there and for good reason

but the thing is, we're all NPCs, basically, at some deep level. well, maybe not all of us. some people aren't. and that's really just my own criterion of success. it's not necessary to be amazing, it's enough to just not become a rage zombie. which is hard, when you feel yourself surrounded by them. i think about Nietzsche, who was so fucking refined he couldn't even live. and he had some truly cringe episodes as well. most of the great philosophers are confused and unhappy men also. Heidegger says and does some pretty galactically stupid things, but he's still a genius. Schopenhauer doesn't seem like he was all that much fun, alone with his poodle or telling everyone at the restaurants he went to how much of a genius he was. he was, but it's still unbecoming. Deleuze seems like he was a bro. the stories about Land are legendary, but he's mellowed out now.

the thing today is much more contradictory tho. the more people try to be different, the more they wind up sounding the same. the paradox of the NPC. the more you try for Authenticity, the more you wind up becoming a meme. there's no easy way to sort between NPCs and PCs, really. NPC is a better term than SJW, since it goes to both ends of the spectrum, but in the end we're pretty much all NPCs in some sense.

but i think i like this, my body is ready for this in some sense too. just being able to get along with people, anonymously and invisibly, and not needing to feel like i have some extra hidden part that makes me So Special. the most embarrassing of all Extra Hidden Parts to have is a posting history about continental philosophers a mile long. it is as >>12065856 says:

>2) radical normie acceptance
>6) never imbue malicious intent

this is completely correct. and fucking crazy hard also. but it is an absolutely perfect way to Exit the Wild Ride. schizoid behaviour, beyond a certain horizon, has a rapidly diminishing value. it is better by far to be able to get along with things, and not wind up rattling a tin cup and selling pencils with a sandwich board, no matter how interesting your manifesto is. paul laffoley managed to make something interesting happen with his imagination, that's a pretty good example. there is Outsider art, and Darger's is the supreme example. but in general the PC/NPC distinction is ultimately an illusory one i think. i say this, mainly, to myself, as a part of needing to fucking crowbar myself back into reality, and out the End of Time, where i have been happily ensconced for a while. because all good things must come to an end at some point.

>> No.12068130

"And being thence admonished to return to myself [by the books of the Platonists], I entered even into my inward self, Thou being my Guide: and able I was, for Thou wert become my Helper. And I entered and beheld with the eye of my soul (such as it was), above the same eye of my soul, above my mind, the Light Unchangeable. Not this ordinary light, which all flesh may look upon, nor as it were a greater of the same kind, as though the brightness of this should be manifold brighter, and with its greatness take up all space. Not such was this light, but other, yea, far other from these. Nor was it above my soul, as oil is above water, nor yet as heaven above earth: but above to my soul, because It made me; and I below It, because I was made by It. He that knows the Truth, knows what that Light is; and he that knows It, knows eternity. Love knoweth it. O Truth Who art Eternity! and Love Who art Truth! and Eternity Who art Love! Thou art my God, to Thee do I sigh night and day. Thee when I first knew, Thou liftedst me up, that I might see there was what I might see, and that I was not yet such as to see. And Thou didst beat back the weakness of my sight, streaming forth Thy beams of light upon me most strongly, and I trembled with love and awe: and I perceived myself to be far off from Thee, in the region of unlikeness, as if I heard this Thy voice from on high: "I am the food of grown men, grow, and thou shalt feed upon Me; nor shalt thou convert Me, like the food of thy flesh into thee, but thou shalt be converted into Me." And I learned, that Thou for iniquity chastenest man, and Thou madest my soul to consume away like a spider. And I said, "Is Truth therefore nothing because it is not diffused through space finite or infinite?" And Thou criedst to me from afar: "Yet verily, I AM that I AM." And I heard, as the heart heareth, nor had I room to doubt, and I should sooner doubt that I live than that Truth is not, which is clearly seen, being understood by those things which are made. And I beheld the other things below Thee, and I perceived that they neither altogether are, nor altogether are not, for they are, since they are from Thee, but are not, because they are not what Thou art. For that truly is which remains unchangeably. It is good then for me to hold fast unto God; for if I remain not in Him, I cannot in myself; but He remaining in Himself, reneweth all things. And Thou art the Lord my God, since Thou standest not in need of my goodness."

―St. Augustine, The Confessions

>> No.12068215

Hey lowercase guy who writes most of these -- have you read Sloterdijk? Just finished the first part of Critique of Cynical Reason and was blown away. It seems to me that he has a much more sober but also more philosophically radical take on modernity than all these sci-fi LARPers.

Was just reading a weird lil interview where he expresses some much-needed non-appreciation of hyper-tech


>“Artificial intelligence” is a hybrid term for the long-familiar phenomenon that in artifacts (tools, works and institutions), the intentions of the producers survive almost independently of their products. That is precisely what was expressed in Hegel’s concept of objective spirit. What is objective is the intelligence invested in tools, works and institutions by their producers, which subsequently separated from them to be absorbed and applied by other intelligences (subjective spirit, pupils, users).

>> No.12068327

>Hey lowercase guy who writes most of these
he says, as if i am not exceedingly attached of my odious namefag-shitposting handle
>have you read Sloterdijk?
i have. i think i've read everything translated by him into English. got a hard copy of Philosophical Temperaments here on desk even.
>touches book
& i loaned my hard copy of Aesthetic Imperative also, or it would be here also.
>just finished the first part of Critique of Cynical Reason and was blown away
it's an absolute bombshell. one of Those Books. cynicism is indeed The Foe. i read it about two years ago i think, maybe three. memory is a little scattered, but yes, that is a good book and i have memed it many times here on the forum.
>it seems to me that he has a much more sober but also more philosophically radical take on modernity than all these sci-fi LARPers
he does. there's no arguing with Sloterdijk. even gets a shout-out in some of JB's books. Zizek fears him, as well he should. You Must Change Your Life is must-read also. anthropotechnics is 100% for realsies. Cosmotech itself must readily admit that Anthro-tech probably must come first, and Cosmo is there to sweeten what can perhaps be called the Steel Pill. Rules for the Human Zoo is "Fun" also:


Sloterdijk has the best reading of Nietzsche i've ever seen, which is Overman-as-acrobat-producing practice. and find a flaw in that, he's completely right. i have long excerpts of YMCYL and other books in a Day One journal which is by now so long it crashes my shitty computer to search through, so i can't dig those up ATM. but there are long passages in there from him on metallurgy, iirc, that are absolutely blistering. i'll post one of my all-time favorite Sloterdijk passges from PT in the next post tho, it's too long for this one. the thing that Sloterdijk says (btw, there's an interview with him ITT (>>12060127) that is relevant here is that capital is ultimately only an accelerator of cultural process. he mos def does not have the same feel about it that Land does. Land is no Nietzschean, and PS is very Nietzschean (and Heideggerian, and he has love for Deleuze also).

as per that article: everything he says is spot-on. and yes, he is a skeptic about it. he's not even remotely /acc unless it's anthro-acc. which, of course, would be great. it terrifies Jurgen Habermas, but Habermas is why Uncle Nick also exists. Han is also not /acc either, warrants mentioning. oh, and one other fun fact about PS: did you know he was a one-time disciple of Osho? no shit. i'd put this whole essay in the next OP if there was one. there will not be one! but it's a fucking tremendous essay anon, ty.

in less philo-news, i have found the Outro/System-Complete music for the CAG. not to spoil #300 or anything (as if that were possible), and which will sum up the Meaning of Cosmotech. fear and trembling! but as for music this one is locked-in. gonna be a good one gents

>> No.12068343

here is one of the all-time great theory-flamethrower passages from a Guy Who Knows Things about the way in which the world is heading. read it and weep:

>A renewed knowledge of Marx does not have the purpose of defiantly disseminating once again a compromised classic of social criticism in a time removed from critique. Rather, reconstructing the Marxist inspirations means entering into the ghostly history of concepts which - as a force that has become a state, a spirit that has become technique, and as all-intertwining money - are sucking at the life of individuals more than ever before.

>Without a doubt, Marx’s future theoretical fame will be linked to his achievements as the conjurer of dead labor. The core of his critique of political economy is necromancy: as the hero who descends to the realm of the dead to contend with the shadows of values, Marx remains uncannily relevant also for the present. The undead - which walks among humans as the value of money and which, as a laughing communicator, strips the living of time and souls- rules today almost without any pretexts over the advanced societies. Work, communication, art and love belong here entirely to the endgame of money. These form the substance of contemporary media and experiential time. And because money requires time for its utilization, so-called great history is also continuing in some eerie way; it is a game that is always played for extra time.

>Yet such history is no longer the conversation of the living with the dead about the goodness of the world, but the ever more thorough perversion of the living by the economized spectre. The money soul peers ever more undisguised out of the human subjectivity of our time: a society of bought buyers and of prostituted prostitutes is making a place for itself in globalized market conditions. Classical liberal laissez-faire is becoming explicit as the postmodern sucking and letting oneself be sucked. Telecommunication is increasingly difficult to separate from tele-vampirism. Tele-viewers and tele-suckers draw from a liquefied world which hardly still knows what a resistant or autonomous life might be. Is not possible that a time is coming when those who do not wish to speak of vampirism should also be silent about philosophy? If that is the case, it would most definitely be the time of Marx’s second chance." - Peter Sloterdijk, Philosophical Temperaments

give it up give it up

>> No.12068539
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& ty also, anon. i'm very much okay with this also. maybe because it's late, and b/c it has been another wonderful day ITT, and #300 is around the corner, and i am sentimental by nature.

i'm going to bed. i hope you guys have dreams scored by Yoko Kanno, now there's an unironic genius for you. fuck philosophy! and philosophers too. i mean seriously, what has it/have they done for you lately? nothing. all they do is make your life harder.

and so may you dream of empty rooms, perhaps. or fog at the pier, and gaslight, and distant stars, and things hidden away, where only you know where to look. or just nothing at all. not everything has to be so heavy. it is asked, sometimes, why is there Something rather than Nothing? but really, it is that very Something that is the problem. there doesn't need to be Something. there doesn't really need to be Anything. Nothing is preferable. Nothing is good. it's always Something that fucks with you. Nothing never really harmed anyone. Nothing, find a flaw.

Yoko Kanno: Mast in the Mist

see ya tomorrow anons.

>Light dawns gradually over the whole. - Wittgenstein

>> No.12069064

bump. Goal tomorrow is to get caught back up on this stuff.

>> No.12069607

it’s not a flaw really but nothing has always escaped me, i remember having had such a hard time trying to wrap my mind around
>If nothing had any meaning, you would be right. But there is something that still has a meaning.

>> No.12069838

You promised us you would stop this.

Why not make a new type of accelerationism thread? I'd settle for a new one without any copypasta and no links.

You should make a thread with 1 pic only, and a statement about cosmotechnics. Shoot for just that one tomorrow, and no more.

>> No.12069850
File: 86 KB, 418x448, 1391060572045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please leave

>> No.12069996

op so ive progressed on tarnas and made progress on the jits at the same time, so easy so so easy cant believe i didnt think of this sooner

first person to sub to her youtube channel, and left a trail of breadcrumbs on mine so she will KNOW its me... now all ive got to do is wait and she will FALL into my arms

ill be married by cosmotechnics #15 mark my words

>> No.12070118

noice noice

>You promised us you would stop this.
the glorious and labyrinthine CAG mega-thread shall indeed stop after this one, as i've said. subsequent /acc threads will not need to blow up into awesome temporal anomalies such as this one has. this one developed a cruffitan-magic and things like this are rare! they are precisely the strange pharmakon-jewels which one finds on the Wild Ride.

>I'd settle for a new one without any copypasta and no links.
ok, good to know. i will admit, i've enjoyed very much making the huge themed OP and collating links, finding art, music, and all the rest. i think this needed to happen. there have been many Land threads on /lit/ about this stuff, and people often ask
>where do i start?
&now they know. now there are all kinds of resources et al, for all kinds of different flavors of /acc. but some of those posts are way way cool also. Aminom's is dope beyond recognition. i have a particular fondness for Mystikos' posts, he and i are on a similar wavelength. i now realize why Marty Glass is such a cool cool guy. and there have been many other truly awesome anons who have made all of this just too much fun also. i really needed to figure out why Girard works so well with TDK and Sanjuro (and maybe Hokuto no Ken also), mission accomplished. and ofc there was no way to have predicted that Uncle Nick would begin releasing one of the all-time great works in continental philosophy during this process. and we got a visit from the Sime Princess too!

these things are pretty special. it warrants mentioning also that there was in fact popular demand for continuation after Cosmotech #4. some other cool anon made Cosmotech #3, and on completion of #4, #5 was asked for, and so #5 happened. after #5 came #6, which was not only the first CAG, it was the first general of any kind i had made, and i wholly enjoyed stacking up those links and formatting it and all the rest. everything else just happened as it happened. the Lightning Edition - Cosmotech #12 - hit the bump limit in an incredible 24 hours (give or take). and at some point the whole idea of completing the System of German Idealism just sort of took on a life of its own. this is all purest meme-magic.

>You should make a thread with 1 pic only, and a statement about cosmotechnics. Shoot for just that one tomorrow, and no more.
for subsequent threads, i'm fine with this obv. no problemo. for the last hundred posts or so of CAG, things must follow the Dao. not all acceleration threads need to blow up quite this much. the Black Hole magic which Uncle Nick wields (and which Hegel and Marx also wielded) is powerful indeed...and these threads are proof positive of this. so my hope is to enjoy the home stretch here and after that, what will be will be.

>> No.12070145
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for op


>> No.12070156
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>op so ive progressed on tarnas and made progress on the jits at the same time, so easy so so easy cant believe i didnt think of this sooner
shyeah boi. well that's fucking awesome to hear. Hegelian idealism, hyperstition & jits for a better tomorrow

Tarnas really is great. that's another book i have been shilling for years, but it is a pretty much perfect book for beginning the philosophy adventure if you are brand-spankin' new to all of this stuff. i think the key thing is to have a sense of intellectual history, to see how ideas themselves bloom out of other ideas. especially today, on Planet Meme, and in the age of the internet, when everything is hyper-responsive to everything else, and amidst the general plasticization of history (and the complete bewilderment about anything like a future). Tarnas wrote that book back when Mass Postmodernity was not quite as Wild a force as it is today. and when you finish that one up, and have a sense of some of the big players and what was going on, i wholly recommend moving on to Barzun, who will retell the story in his own way from Martin Luther to Bill Clinton in an equally fascinating fashion. even Uncle Nick will say a lot of things kick off with Luther...

and then Zimmerman, for Heidegger, who you absolutely must read for max Cosmotech enjoyment. Being and Time is a big deal, even if you're not hardcore into Heidegger (tho i am, and i think he is spot-on perfect). and Carse's book is just cozy later on. those are five books all together - Tarnas, Barzun, Zimmerman, MH, and Carse - but that's a healthy portion and can keep you busy for a while. after that you are free to go wherever you would like to go. B&T excepted they are all fine for the absolute beginner and non-academic. Zimmerman is also a compadre of Tarnas too, iirc, which is gravy. after that the Wild Ride beckons...

>first person to sub to her youtube channel, and left a trail of breadcrumbs on mine so she will KNOW its me... now all ive got to do is wait and she will FALL into my arms
or guard, or whatever JJ metaphor works best. have fun anon

>ill be married by cosmotechnics #15 mark my words
kek. don't hold your breath for Cosmotech #15. it will happen when it happens. more likely it will appear in the guise of a less operatic thread (>>12069838) but we will see. i don't really know about bi-weekly generals or updates or things like this...have to wait and see how we feel upon completion of this one.

i'm going to rebase to the Reading Bunker. catch up with you guys in an hour or so. maybe we'll get a summary of Chapter 5 today from Uncle Nick also, 'twould be sweet.

if Capitalism ever had a WWE-style theme song it would have to be Space Lord.

Monster Magnet: Space Lord

always liked the lyrics too. very appropriate for the hyperstitial black holes conjured up in this way. *something* was up in the 1990s. the Space Lord came for Nick
>and it was good

>> No.12070183

>the guise of a less operatic thread
Walk CLAP without CLAP rhythm CLAP and CLAP it CLAP won't CLAP attract CLAP the CLAP worm

also not that i would know but the discourse in this general really seems tantamount to the ride itself

>but that's a healthy portion and can keep you busy for a while
dear lord for sure, im a slow cant-move-on-until-i-understand-every-sentence reader

just getting past that two sentence neitzche quote at the start of the tarnas took me 10 minutes just to understand what makes it so appropriate to be there

also i cant grasp what is meant by hyperstitial

>> No.12070205

>also not that i would know but the discourse in this general really seems tantamount to the ride itself
the Cosmotech all-stars all have their own ways of talking and writing about things. Heidegger does things his way, Nietzsche his way, Lacan...maybe it's part of getting a grip.

>just getting past that two sentence neitzche quote at the start of the tarnas took me 10 minutes just to understand what makes it so appropriate to be there
i know the feel. very well. don't get frustrated tho, it's like anything else. it's hard at first, and later on it all comes naturally. the big philosophers sound tricky at first, but after a while it's all smooth sailing. don't drive yourself nuts. and if somebody's not working for you, just move on to someone who is. there is absolutely no need to Read All of X before Moving on to Y or any of this. everybody kind of just connects with the writers they like. have fun! that's the most important thing.

>also i cant grasp what is meant by hyperstitial
see below:

>Hyperstition is a neologism that combines the words ‘hyper’ and ‘superstition’ to describe the action of successful ideas in the arena of culture. Akin to neo-Darwinist Richard Dawkins’ concept of memes, hyperstitions work at the deeper evolutionary level of social organisation in that they influence the course taken by cultural evolution. Unlike memes, however, hyperstitions describe a specific category of ideas. Coined by renegade academics, the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU), hyperstition describes both the effects and the mechanisms of apocalyptic postmodern ‘phase out’ or ‘meltdown’ culture.

>Functioning as magical sigils or engineering diagrams hyperstitions are ideas that, once ‘downloaded’ into the cultural mainframe, engender apocalyptic positive feedback cycles. Whether couched as religious mystery teaching, or as secular credo, hyperstitions act as catalysts, engendering further (and faster) change and subversion. Describing the effect of very real cultural anxieties about the future, hyperstitions refer to exponentially accelerating social transformations. The very real socio-economic makeover of western (and increasingly global) society by the hyperstitions of Judeo-Christianity and free-market capitalism are good examples of hyperstitional feedback cycles. As Nick Land explains: “capitalism incarnates hyperstitional dynamics at an unprecedented and unsurpassable level of intensity, turning mundane economic ‘speculation’ into an effective world-historical force”(email interview).

>Not only do the ideas themselves function as hyperstitions, but the trauma and fear engendered by their cultural ‘makeovers’ (whether in the form of crusade, jihad, secular war, industrial revolution or economic reform) merely serve to further empower the basic premise and fan the flames.


back in a bit.

>> No.12070355
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best of boomer nick?

>> No.12070368
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it's on again today gents:

>§0.531 — Money thinks. In fact, it out-thinks us, insofar as reflection is brought to it late, after its own cognitive operation has been long at work, and ultimately perhaps also in other ways, yet to be apprehended (from our side). It has already made sense of things, before we have begun to make sense of it. We have no grounds upon which to affirm, with confidence, that money and general intelligence can be finally distinguished. The institutional separation between artificial intelligence research and crypto-currency innovation is not rooted in philosophical principle.** The expectation that catallaxy, distributed commercial learning, or price discovery encounters a limit short of the question of the price of being finds its sole resilient foundation in moral indignation. Since Bitcoin demonstrably does ontology, and even ‘fundamental ontology’, the status of normative revulsion in this domain is irredeemably dubious.

>** That the commercial process is, from the start, artificial intelligence production is a long-standing suspicion within the Austrian economic tradition. For a recent example, from Hunter Hastings, see: https://mises.org/library/entrepreneurial-super-intelligence-praxeology-age-ai

"Since Bitcoin demonstrably does ontology, and even ‘fundamental ontology’..."

Goldfrapp: Strict Machine

>> No.12070448

gotta be The Ligma Affair, aka the day teh Outsideness got trolled by the silliest joke ever.


>> No.12070545

So are you guys basically sci fi lefties, drug addicts and crypto fascists ?

>> No.12070649

>sci fi lefties
lefty no more. Cosmic/Space Taoist centrist & Zen Accelerationist. tortured neo-Confucian/neo-Augustinian, and Itinerant Wasteland Bard also. this took a while. leftiness goes hand in glove with protestant fury, and everything from there inevitably trends towards violence and the sacred, eschaton-immanentizing &c. rage is a bad scene!

>drug addicts
drug *enthusiast.* not addict. only fond memories tho. apart from cigarettes now not so much of that stuff anymore. once upon a time yes, and very happily so. now i am boring and lame, and looking to become even lamer yet
>as if such a thing were possible
>yes well inner self we will see won't we

>crypto fascists
nah. crypto yes, fascist no. see >>12058712. Unironic Fascism, like Unironic Communism, betrays a fundamental lack of imagination. it lacks a sense of the *tragic* rendered in non-ideological terms. & after tragedy only the Tao really satisfies, imho. and perhaps the sign posted above the Exit door from the Wild Ride (>>12066233).

all i can really say is that when it comes to philosophy, i am a believer. Believe the Hype. i am now trying to live in the world as best i can w/o getting trigged. these two rules (>>12065856)
are very much my style:

>2) radical normie acceptance
>6) never imbue malicious intent

a post-Burnout phenomenology, or Wild Ride rehab, and much else, is a daily meditation. given that i am basically a Fool who, and unlike DQ3 will not automatically become a Sage upon reaching level 10, the next best thing is Space Dandelion & cruffitan cross-pollinator.

&c &c.

>> No.12070677
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>> No.12070738

Anon, a no was enough but thank you

>> No.12070784

Yes exactly.

>> No.12070850

there are no breaks anon

>> No.12071424


>> No.12071472

for anyone ITT interested in Kant and Marx without the Wild Ride, Karatani's Transcritique is way good:

>For Mauss, pure gift is as inscrutable as the Kantian idea of freedom: when there is a gift, it is always reciprocated at a certain level. If one receives a gift, it has to be reciprocated; it is structurally impossible to receive it and leave it unreciprocated without feeling the sense of debt or guilt. That is, even if the receiver of the gift does not exchange things, another kind of exchange occurs—the exchange between the material gift and the psychological debt. That is why Mauss refers to the “double meaning of the word Gift in all these [Germanic] languages—on the one hand, a gift, on the other, poison.” When the material exchange does not take place, there is an exchange at a psychological level. Once gift-giving happens, the ensuing exchange cannot be stopped. There is no one-way gift-giving. A gift without reciprocation is impossible.

>Enlightenment is the liberation from illusions. If the illusions are errors caused by the senses, as the philosophers of the Enlightenment assumed, it is easy to rectify them by reason. Yet, there is one kind of illusion that cannot be abolished, and which, even if abolished forcibly, is always reproduced in another form. Kant calls this transcendental illusion. Transcendental illusion is that which is produced not by the senses but by the claims of reason itself. Kant writes: “Human reason has the peculiar fate in one of its cognitions that it is burdened with questions which it cannot dismiss, since they are given to it as problems by the nature of reason itself, but which it also cannot answer, since they transcend every capacity of human reason.” The “questions” which afflict reason are, after all, rooted in the finitude of human beings and in their wish to transcend it. The Enlightenment dismissed religion as a mere illusion. When one is liberated from religion, however, it does not follow that one is liberated from the afflictions caused by finitude. Religion is merely replaced by another illusion...

>Credit enforces capital’s movement endlessly at the same time that it hastens capital’s self-reproduction and eliminates the danger involved in selling. Seen in aggregate, the movement of capital (for self-reproduction and self-valorization) must endure in order to endlessly postpone the settlement as a stopgap maneuver: If there is an end, the credit will have to collapse. To be sure, from time to time the moment of settlement comes as a surprise attack: this is the crisis that appears—only where credit is fully developed—as nothing short of a collapse of credit. Nevertheless, credit is neither a mere illusion nor an ideology, even if there is a certain truth in the assertion that the currency economy forms an illusory system. It is still true that the real that people encounter, once this illusion collapses, is nothing natural and substantial. It is money.

>> No.12072056
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the story goes like this

>> No.12072070

are there any truly acc inspired rappers or musicians

does the wild ride allow for this

>> No.12072125
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>are there any truly acc inspired rappers or musicians
apparently there's at least one. the next question may be, how long before Kanye? Kanye's endorsements have a diminishing value, as the boy clearly has mental issues even by our standards. but /acc makes no claims for normative sanity. we all must schizopoeticize and get the grip in our way. and all endorsements fade over time, as is the nature of things

hip-hop in general is interesting stuff tho. i'm not a hip-hop guy but i'm definitely open to a discourse on capital, violence and excess, even (if not especially) in its most awesomely decadent forms, where it is the farthest removed from an explicit critique or commentary. Public Enemy needed Chuck D as much as it needed Flava Flav
>he says
>as if he expects to be taken seriously

i think Jay-Z had a feel for What Accumulation Meant By This:

Jay-Z: On to the Next One

but, again, i'm not a hip-hop guy. i do think it makes sense to look at it hermeneutically, rather than critically, as always. whether or not L'il Kim could have made Lacan's head explode is anybody's guess. these things, sadly, we will never know.

>does the wild ride allow for this
apparently so. god it would be so fucking cool to be Uncle Nick right now. ugh. he's going to fucking own it. and he deserves it, quite frankly. 11.5K followers on Twitter and the most interesting man alive bar none. bar fucking none. maybe he's over it. or maybe he just takes all of this in, from Neo-China, and waits. or maybe he doesn't care anymore. but i am just fine with /acc philosophers and hip-hop crossing paths in the Wild Ride. i am absolutely fine with this.

but i probably shouldn't say too much, since hip-hop really isn't in my wheelhouse. i will leave that to wiser and cooler anons than me. suffice it to say for now: the story really does go like this, and thank you based god

>> No.12072222

I mean, I have a day job and I vote in elections in order to fit in socially. I do microdose tho.

It’s not like anyone’s going anywhere far away...

Mortiloquise the corpse of the CAG whenever the time-pathogen starts yelling at the traffic. I’m excited to see what comes once we let things ferment. It’s only when the flesh-mask has started to rot and offend the nose does it mean anything to put it on. Just don’t let that get you into necrophilia. Don’t get corpse-cucked out there.

>> No.12072237

I haven't personally heard lyrics that I can say were certainly inspired by accel, but Gaika, Coaxial, and El-P are in the right area.
Kode9 was in the CCRU. Amnesia Scanner thematically seem to derive quite a bit from accel and cyberpunk. The entire genre of jungle should probably be seen as a catalyst for the CCRU's thought, but it is pretty dated.

>> No.12072312
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as for truly inspired musicians tho, find a flaw here. as i said earlier, i have my CAG Outro already locked in, but this one was way up there when i was making selections. probably even better than what the outro will be, when you hear it, but...well. anyways. enjoy the sound of Inspiration. this one lives forever.

The Chemical Brothers: Dig Your Own Hole

>Mortiloquise the corpse of the CAG whenever the time-pathogen starts yelling at the traffic. I’m excited to see what comes once we let things ferment. It’s only when the flesh-mask has started to rot and offend the nose does it mean anything to put it on. Just don’t let that get you into necrophilia.
this, and bloc-quoted for truth. quads only gild the lily. we're going for #300 in this one tho, i don't care what it takes or how we do it. there can be no rest for this ghost-steward of the Wild Ride unless we are System-Complete. then i have my permission to die.

>Don’t get corpse-cucked out there.
this. there's a fine line between the Matrix and Day of the Dead but it's two halves of the same coin. and post-apoc only externalizes what cyberpunk internalizes.

>The entire genre of jungle should probably be seen as a catalyst for the CCRU's thought, but it is pretty dated.
true, altho Charly/trip into drum and bass still holds up.

>> No.12072340

this one's fine as fuck also. oh those big machines.

The Chemical Brothers: Morning Lemon

>> No.12072383

plus a rare Norman also. thematic for cyber-sneaking, and being chased by guard dogs, and smuggling, and losing one's way amongst a loose diaspora of smuggling networks, and whatever else.

Fatboy Slim: First Down

were i not an Itinerant Wasteland Bard with too much interest in Uncle Nick and the Wild Ride i think i would have liked to have been an underground DJ. maybe in my next life, as this one's already borked from Land's neurotoxin. but the soundtrack at least is pretty cool.

>> No.12072423

Has anybody in this thread actually read Mises' Human Action from cover to cover? It seems even more tedious than Marx's Capital.

>> No.12072476

i actually haven't, i just find Mises general attitude about la condition humaine too fucking antiquated to take seriously. he seriously needed somebody to spike his cocktail. at least Freud knew when to bust out the cocaine.

i referenced Kojin Karatani in an earlier post (>>12071472), i'd like to just repeat that shilling here. cross-referencing Kant and Marx is not something exclusive to Uncle Nick, although he does it better than most, and he brings that Continental Flavor with him also by way of Deleuze and Bataille for extra fun. but he's not the only guy in town to do so, and Karatani's critique is legit. you don't necessarily have to all the way to R'lyeh and back to understand that crossing the streams between Kant and Marx is fruitful, and complicated.

what makes Uncle Nick who he is was his absolutely balls-out commitment to academic heresy, and for being way, waaaaaaaaay ahead of the curve in doing so. he could already see the handwriting on the wall when he wrote Kant/Capital/Prohibition in, like, 1989. which was the absolute heyday of postmodernity. and that is fucking insane, and why he deserves his props. as the interview indicates (>>12056787, first YT link) it's not like stultifying boredom, shitty weather, and drugs had nothing to do with this, nor did he come up with it all completely alone. he had Sadie Plant and Mark Fisher with him, and those two are about as much as you could possibly ask for if you were forming up a posse to do something interesting in continental philosophy.

i've said before that the idea of a Zombie Foucault, resurrected from the dead, to serve as a judicial champion for Peterson sentenced to death by the uni for corrupting the youth of Athens would be a dream come true. the academy went *entirely rotten* once it broke from economic structural analysis in the 1970s, although this had to be done, for exactly the kinds of reason that make the Wild Ride Wild. things had to happen. philosophers don't predict the future, they really only ride the curve, as much as poets, musicians, and artists do. but Land could see that something was terminally broken with a form of Marxism that no longer had any relation to *numbers.* but it was the age of Derrida and Baudrillard, and these things were in the air, i suppose. i don't know, it's not like i was there. but that is my feel.

Mises' crusty attacks on Vegetative Man strike me as those of a man who really has no understanding of human psychology beyond the prescriptive. and yet this is precisely why we are in the clusterfucked world we are in today, because the entire university system has melted down under the weight of its own self-suspicion, and then re-founded as institutional scapegoating, which can eat a hairy asshole as far as i am concerned. but that is the story of how things have gone, sadly.

but that is a meme rant. the answer is no. i will, tho, eventually. b/c sanity & grip is my new hot ticket. 'tis a bitter pill tho.

>> No.12072910

>i unironically *did* like Nyx's Gender Acceleration paper, but her next move is LesbiaNRx
Is there anything mentally ill trannies can't ruin?

>> No.12073042

i just want a kodak black or a gucci mane to give me some hard ass mumble-esc /acc shit

i want to simultaneously scare people while asserting intellectual dominanc

>> No.12073045

here then are two questions.

1. don't you think that staring directly into the terminal horizon of gender studies is kind of a good thing? i do. it allows me to pass over an infinitely tedious pile of far less interesting papers about deconstructing patriarchies so that i skip directly to the end game, which is - what else? - complete meltdown. ordinarily i would try to remain as far away from gender as possible, but Amy Ireland doesn't, and she's written the best thing ever about acceleration that wasn't written by Land himself. and maybe even still. Poememenon is legit brilliance. Black Circuit is legit brilliance. so is Nyx's blackpaper. a more or less believable portrait of a total apocalypse is 100% what i want to read about, for a lot of reasons. first because it annihilates aspects of the metaphysics of difference that irk me, because an End of Days really means everyone, which is my bag. and second because it means all the shit about feminism that comes back towards the scapegoating of men takes a back seat. slime doesn't discriminate. i'll admit it's a high price to pay, but i'm okay with it.

2. are you not intrigued by the idea of LesbiaNRx? tell me you are not at least *mildly* intrigued by this. i want this, i want to see it. i don't see how you can't have a conservative/libertertarian political vision that cannot include a version of Nyx or NyxBug or whatever. while it is true that one of the reasons someone would probably want a Return To The Old Ways is in fact to prevent a complete Slimepocalypse from breaking out, it nevertheless remains the case that Land himself, who is the absolute prince of Dark Side Schizoanalysis, was very comfortably ensconced there in what could be called the Department of Speculative Economics. Land liked corporate formalism precisely because for him it was the right way to box in the inherently schizoid nature of thought itself, and transmute it into something optimized for the future: that is, capital.

i don't see a reason why Nyx couldn't do something like this also, or at least channel some of those same forces and drives into something that would eventually be Moldbug-compatible, i really don't. from what i understand, Nyx was also displeased with the state of modern academia, which makes her okay in my book. i don't really see a problem. as far as i can understand it, the fundamental idea of NRx was that it basically had the libertarian attitude that put, ultimately, money and society first. provided you weren't harming the patch, and were bringing more to the collective table than you took off of it, you would be more or less free to come and go as you please.

i liked NRx because it seemed to me that it actually solved for a lot of things political-libidinal-economic in that regard. regulating sexual mores seems like a fool's errand. and trying to provide prescriptions for normative sanity equally so. it's the fusion that matters. let a hundred flowers bloom.

>> No.12073108
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>i want to simultaneously scare people while asserting intellectual dominance
wu-tang clan ain't nothin' to fuck with

Chappelle's Show: Wu-Tang Financial

>> No.12073539


>> No.12073568

Mises has something to say.
Even if revisionist. Many are unconsciously reactionary.
Do drugs. Then you will understand the libidinal economy.

>> No.12073589
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>i will work tirelessly to keep you informed as texts will be typed into my system uninterrupted
fuck you AI anchor that's my job


>> No.12073662

So is this cyberpunk without the neon

>> No.12073665
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>Mises has something to say.
redpill us on it then, i don't feel like reading him now but i'd be quite happy to read. i'm enjoying writing micro-screeds about Toshiro Mifune and vampires and Fist of the North Star in a word document no one will ever read and that i will soon destroy in a fit of abject shame and self-loathing, because i am a lowly and wormlike being that preys upon dead things, like a carrion bird, or a jackal, or a moth

Uncle Nick did also kindly link to a podcast in the new UFblog release today tho, i haven't listened to this yet either. tomorrow maybe.

>Even if revisionist. Many are unconsciously reactionary.
explore the space amigo. 'tis what we do here. i'm listening

>Do drugs. Then you will understand the libidinal economy.
i did. lots. everything i could get my hands on, Hunter Thompson seduced me. i had a wonderful time, barring one or two. i'm still mystified by Intoxication, and it's led me to this. but it's why i've got such mad love for Frank Herbert. the Dune universe is a pretty brilliant commentary on exactly this. i'm fairly sure Herbert was more intrigued by 1960s/1970s oil/OPEC politics than anything else, it would suprise me if he wasn't. but he also produced in the process a universe wired for a very particular intoxicant, which is produced in rather starkly Freudian terms also, but who gives a shit about critical theory. and bearing in mind also that the ultimate intoxicant was ultimately jihad.

the libidinal economy of Deleuze and many others tho i think has well and truly entered its terminal phases. not only because of Land, but because i think a subtle shift to a phobic/pharmacological economy makes as much sense as well, maybe even more. nobody will consume so much as a society full of drug-addled moral hypochondriacs, which is precisely what we are. drugs and sex make an intoxicating mix, maybe the most of all. it hasn't charmed BC Han, but Based Han also doesn't expect this system to go away any time soon. if anything, all that's happening is that the walls on the Crystal Palace grow higher and higher, and people become more and more intolerant about the tolerance, and less and less diverse about their diversity, and so on. which is a bad scene, but also Awesome Opinions, and which shall not be shitposted here.

and Dune also gave us the entirely sexless world of 40K also, warrants mentioning, where everything that conjures the libidinal takes the form of Tyranid swarms and the rest. there does not appear to be a great deal of Space Marine romance. but that's Catholic Space Nazism for you, and it sure beats the hell out of Star Wars. and the Emprah's own Undying Nature is not a thing to be criticized, but celebrated for this reason. 40K wears its politics on its sleeve, and > Star Wars. the Death Star is always the real protagonist of SW films, which is basically what the Emprah himself is, also.

>> No.12073689

There is no substance to cyberpunk beyond the aesthetic.

This is all substance, and can be made to fit any aesthetic.

>> No.12073708
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>tfw this all makes sense to you
>and almost certainly sounds batshit crazy to everyone else
it really does make sense tho.
>says the fucking lunatic
>i see you inner self. i know that is you
>look do you want me to finish this insane obsession with the Wild Ride or not? don't you want to be free? stop jamming up the works all the time. christ

>So is this cyberpunk without the neon
hell no. the neon is absolutely there also. Land's eyes fucking *glow* with it, because they mirror the Immortal Soul of Capital itself. Land is even more cyberpunk-fitted than Baudrillard was, which is both a good thing and a bad one.

but also i think it has something to do with Meltdown (or Slime Queen Funky Meltdown) being a kind of necessary point of departure. so two things are going on simultaneously:

1) Enter the Wild Ride, and
2) Exit the Wild Ride.

i can basically do both, that's kind of my whole role to play in this. i want people to read the books, so that i can have fun conversations with them, and try and speculate in my own arcane way on What It All Means (which is a recipe for insanity). conversely i also want to kind of talk myself into something like Not Asking What It All Means anymore, because...reasons.

there is a story told here, about a thing called, Capitalism, and how it came to be this way. and neon is to it essential:

>The true genius of cyberpunk is to cash-out the utterly alien into commercially-driven bionics (without in any way domesticating it).

Land takes Baudrillard to the next level, (or, more thematically, Level-2). it is highly debatable whether or not this is a good idea, and their own career trajectories go in very different directions. Baudrillard was occupied with seduction all the way, and fundamentally took his cues from Nietzsche; Land's mentor is Deleuze above all, but perhaps he is doing a return to Kant in his senior years.

he's the great cyberpunk philosopher, for sure. and cyberpunk aesthetics are hard to top. it's not the 1980s anymore, it's true, but in some sense 2018 is even cooler (and darker, and weirder, and so on).

>> No.12073727

I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what you just said, but I am intrigued. Where do I start with whatever this is?

>> No.12073736


No, I think you are wrong about most things. But I do appreciate that you are one of the few posters on /lit/ that isn't an asshat when people disagree with you (your best characteristic is your positivity). Having seen trannies ruin multiple things online in the last few years has made my opinion on them settled: they tend to be mentally unstable screw-ups with bad intentions. They are the school shooters of online communities. There is pretty much only one that I've ever come across that isn't like this (Alice Maz, who is associated with the more libertarian parts of twitter and has written for nrx blogs). Nyx is the same as all the others. I've seen enough of their tweets to know what they are all about (wrecking communities and pretending not to be far left). In fact, I'm not even sure why you are promoting nyx as they are a twitter nobody (you've never given any sort of reasoning why apart from "it's good"). As to your questions:

(1) I think gender studies is completely stupid. I'd have to dig up the papers again, but gender is neither binary as the right maintains, nor the ludicrously stupid "let a thousand genders bloom" flat distribution (which really doesn't cash out as cutting edge as left academics think it is. It's a forced egalitarian distribution by ideology. /pol/ is closer to correct than anyone else that this nonsense is communism applied to gender. It's no wonder that accelerationists are into it). In reality, gender is a bimodal distribution, which means most people cluster around male and female, but a small minority (on a sliding scale of gender) are outside these two major clusters. This is likely going to stay the same for the foreseeable future (since it arises out of millions of years of tinkering evolution) no matter what willy-chopping biotech the mentally ill get their hands on in order to turn themselves into turtles with penis shells. Adding to this, Deleuze and Guattari warn against throwing yourself into black holes and catastrophes. They state that the worst thing is not staying on a strata with no change, but instead the total destruction of the strata you are on. The edgelord Land and some of his associates inverted this, since the edgiest thing an academic can do is negate the norms of their predecessors ("you know what's good? bad things. genius"). D&G were drawing on early research in catastrophe theory, chaos, and dynamical systems (as well as loads of other things), but if we grant their original concepts, what you are suggesting is to do what D&G said not to. Blowing apart the strata you are on is the exact opposite of an acceleration through phase space to the next phase transition (which has its own problems, e.g. none of you can predict what the next phase transition is).

>> No.12073758
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but it is why i ultimately want to talk about lightning also. and wastelands. and other things. i was thinking about this, how much beyond a certain horizon, Capital becomes as natural, as Clean a Flow, as air, or electricity. about what it would mean to be struck by lightning, or what it is that makes a spectral glow a glow. it is not purely the libidinal, and it is not purely an untapped electricity, and it has to be more than rage too.

post-apoc scenarios are always scenes of exteriorized Burnout, as much as cyberpunk heroes - and cities - are scenes of an interiorized one, some kind of cataclysm, or disaster, unseen. IRL doesn't this have to come back to a discourse on lightning itself?

>Heidegger takes note of Heraclitus’s use of the image of lightning to describe the context created by the way being unifies what-is: Heraclitus says both that logos steers all things through all things and that the thunderbolt steers all things. Heidegger’s own notion of this cultural context as a “lightening” or “clearing” in which things show themselves plays on this same imagery. The logos lets everything be gathered into a unified totality, but our understanding of the character of this totality can be changed in a flash – a lightning flash of insight which casts new illumination on our world. -- Dreyfus & Wrathall

asking What Heraclitus Meant By This has been the world's oldest pastime for philosophers. and i think there is more in that bucket yet. and then some.

well, a lot of this is my own musings, and honestly, i would love to tell you that i had a book of my own to shill. i have been trying to write one for a very long time, and i pretty much always fail. so i'm trying some essays instead of fiction. but this, you do not want. try the /acc reader or the YT link in the OP for a start. or any of the other things. the manic kind of stuff i talk about comes from mostly just poking through the post-apoc theme park in which i live. it's been a long ride. Marty Glass' Yuga is a good read. there's also a shitload of links in the OP of these threads to explore, maybe something there will excite. have fun.

this is a legit good post. hold that thought.

>> No.12073765



(2) No I'm not intrigued at all, because it isn't NRx. It's leftist entryism with leftists forcing their pet ideas into an NRx framework for cool kid cred. Leftists are told 24/7 that they are the cool and edgy ones, so when the media and academics have a meltdown about some allegedly edgy dudes online ("they read old books and disagree with us!" *clutches pearls and faints*), suddenly they're everywhere like locusts trying to gain some of that sweet status. Nothing of their writings have anything to do with the original NRx motivations. The origins of NRx via Moldbug are in violence, especially the violence of gangs and states. The whole idea of Moldbug tinkering in his shed was to deal with political engineering gone wrong, and the clearest indicator of bad political engineering is widespread violence, and not the violence the media allows us to see in order to clamp down on its enemies ("gun violence"), but the kind of pseudo-political violence it usually supports or covers up: Chicago gangs, antifa, Muslim rape gangs, spreading democracy, MS13, or Commie totalitarian gulag states of the 20th century. He even says it in his first post that this was his motivation. You guys are so focused on his solutions that you forgot the problems he was grappling with (this is another thing Deleuze said most philosophers get wrong: too focused on philosopher's writings, not enough on the problems they grappled with).

Anyway, I think much of NRx is dead as was stated years ago by various original NRx bloggers. The combination of edgy entryist leftists and rap celebrities promoting it is a pretty good indication that the tech-comm wing is done, as is the fact that much of these threads is basically fangirl cheering of writers no one has heard of until a bunch of cavetwitter maoists started spamming them here. The only people still doing something worthwhile in NRx is "absolutist neoreaction" who have come up with some very interesting takes on the anthropology of power that will be ignored by most, because the entryists are still under the illusion of democracy and that people power matters. No coincidence that Land and Hestia considered absolutist NRx their only rivals for a period and worth considering in terms of criticism. NRx is done, not that it is a hopeless endeavour, as there seems to still be plenty of interesting lines of flight to take either on D&G's thoughts or ccru. The problem is outsiders (and not good interesting sorcerer outsiders, but bland lefty academics) bringing their own assemblages with them and joining them with interesting thought to make yet another version update of communism v34.4.

>> No.12073841

It's pretty funny how the libertarian strands of NRx, which were notable for their advocation of a patchwork of microstates as a means to, among other things, get away from leftism, were quickly infiltrated by left-wing academics who, as you said, more or less tried to reboot it into another variant of Communism. There's truly no escape from these people under a patchwork which libertarian NRx types advocate. It's as if they instinctively sense anything resembling order/sanity and try to turn it into Communism somehow.

If you buy into the line of thinking from absolutist neoreaction that leftism has its roots in divided power (which is certainly a state of affairs actually existing in the world today), trying to effectively limit power (by way of patchworks) or money (by way of cryptocurrencies) seems like a massive double-down on everything causing the state of affairs that the libertarians don't like.

>> No.12073866

Kanye latching onto accelerationism sounds very fitting, and I don't mean that in an ironic and disparaging manner either.

In other news, one based anon won the internet, and managed to acquire a copy of Henry Kissinger's 400 page undergraduate thesis on Spengler, Toynbee, and Kant.

>> No.12073887

>No, I think you are wrong about most things.

>But I do appreciate that you are one of the few posters on /lit/ that isn't an asshat when people disagree with you (your best characteristic is your positivity).
asshat cred is very stale. the open hand is better.

>n fact, I'm not even sure why you are promoting nyx as they are a twitter nobody.
interest. i don't want to be trigged by feminism, and it's hard. mainly because it has an absolute death-grip on discourse itself. i felt this way once about Derrida and i feel it now about gender theory. it makes me mental. sometimes this is a good thing...and sometimes i get to places where i think, i can't sign off on this. i just can't. weirdly enough i didn't get that sense from Nyx.

>Adding to this, Deleuze and Guattari warn against throwing yourself into black holes and catastrophes.
they do, and it's good advice. in my own case that advice that comes too late, in some sense. i also think that D&G aren't necessarily right about everything either, or at least there are places where i have perhaps some questions about the utility of their thought. i'm skeptical about certain aspects of deterritorialization. as a metaphysical concept it lacks for nothing. but it leads to a society of addiction and intoxicants, buffeted by seduction all round. it absolutely becomes the metaphysical theory of capitalism itself, there's no question. and capitalism itself contains certain paradoxes beyond the Marxist level that i find complicated: heroin, for instance. people do have a right to experiment with what they want to experiment with, but that includes things like substances that simply overpower the brain. to my mind, you have to control for these things. there's very little in the heroin trade that seems philosophically justifiable as i see it, and yet...it's only distilled morphine. so like experimentation (or did, anyways) but these are places where i unironically prefer more ascetic living. no doubt D&G would probably say, Don't Do Heroin. or, know your limits. so this is probably not a major point of contention.

>if we grant their original concepts, what you are suggesting is to do what D&G said not to. Blowing apart the strata you are on is the exact opposite of an acceleration through phase space to the next phase transition (which has its own problems, e.g. none of you can predict what the next phase transition is).
this is a fine criticism, but again, i'm not unironically shilling for Nyx. i'm still mad that she reposted that lovely Slime Princess pic from our thread and dismissed it as 'some random 4chan thread.' how dare you! this is no Some Random thread, this is the glorious Cosmotechnics/Acceleration general! and after all the love. hmf.


>> No.12073918

so no, i'm not unironically rooting for the apocalypse. i'm saying apocalyptic scenarios help me to comport myself to the present condition in ways i might not ordinarily have thought of. having a sense of somebody's Endgame makes it easier for me to understand them, and i think it's extremely hard, in a psychological sense, to really think through what it is you really want, and not slough it off on some ambiguous Hope for the Future that almost always ends disastrously, or cynically.

but i do think it's very interesting. and i think she has put a lot of thought into it. so i should take that back. i am shilling, in a way. that is true. i'm shilling for someone who i think is interesting enough to shill for, and who isn't at least full of shit. the vision that Nyx espouses is not my own vision, not remotely. but i do shill for the effort, and for the vision. because at a certain point it really is kind of compatible with my own, which is, essentially, that the only real existential threats we face are from ourselves. it inclines me to look at these things more forgivingly, which is what i want, and that i can't really find a flaw in. if we bring on the endtimes, it will be because we have played some funky language games with the metaphysics of difference. and again, even this - the hardened NRx guys no doubt don't share any of my sentimentality. Competition > Cooperation, at least according to some. but people fuck up too. they make mistakes, they screw up, and they fail to predict things. maybe this is my Taoist side: go back to what worked, blunt the edges, and kind of ease up on the triggers a little bit. and ultimately all difference dissolves in the Tao. that is not a prescription for a technologically accelerating society, but that's why this is a Cosmotechnics and acceleration thread. i'm kind of into leaving society alone, and how to live in such a way that society is left alone that doesn't leave the Society-Leavers just twisting in the wind forever, either. i don't want people to fall through the cracks, and i also don't want people to be so afraid to fall through those cracks that they crack society. which is what happens, i believe, with all modern politics.

>The only people still doing something worthwhile in NRx is "absolutist neoreaction" who have come up with some very interesting takes on the anthropology of power that will be ignored by most, because the entryists are still under the illusion of democracy and that people power matters.
is that Adam and those guys? i've read some of their stuff, it's pretty good. Imperial Energy was aight for a bit too. but those guys take it seriously, no question. they're doing some amazing stuff, and Eric Gans took a lot of his cues from Girard also, iirc.


>> No.12073936

>NRx is done, not that it is a hopeless endeavour, as there seems to still be plenty of interesting lines of flight to take either on D&G's thoughts or ccru.
i think it is done also, and Land has said as much on his twitter. the more general conversation about the need to formalize political science again in this Brave New World has begun, and it is incredibly fascinating. Patchwork is more akin to Actual Communism than most realize, and in general there's a lot of stuff about Moldbug that really is commonsensical. LKY ethics will never realistically take a foothold in the US, i don't think, in either the Red or the Blue states, but seasteading is still a possibility. certainly Amazon purchasing Lichtenstein is.

Trump changed a lot too. i was way more into NRx stuff prior to the election, when most (including myself) just figured it was going to be four or eight more years of Cathedral (and everyone would have Xenosystems to hang out in too...sniff). but then Trump won and i think this confounded a lot of stuff. it gave everybody too much of what they wanted, which was to react, and the more they react, the stupider both sides look. the division between now becomes such a canyon that the reactions are barely comprehensible across the divide, which is sad. in my own demented way, i find myself reaching deeper and deeper to find those things that still underlie both sides, and i've found them, i think, although it's deleterious to my sanity, as you have probably guessed. i get nudged closer and closer to the Tao and aspects of Buddhism, things like this. meditations on capital so arcane they might as well be smeared on a sandwich board in blood or human feces.

it's why i'm so intrigued by Land's book also, though. there is the possibility, as i indicated earlier, of an interesting schism between Land and YH, for instance, with Land taking - as per usual, the wildest and most intense position - the side of hypermodernity, and YH trying to make a postmodern moral metaphysics of his own great again. i ultimately don't see these as being mutually exclusive. i prefer YH's restoration project, and my hope would be that such a restoration makes people capable of functioning within an increasingly hypermodern world, which is also one in which a great deal of static must be tuned out. and the reason why that is so is because everything else only flirts with catastrophe. we increasingly get and stay addicted to pleasure for fear that nothing else really works, and it's not like that is a crazy conclusion to wind up in. but it is a conclusion formed in absolute despair. it happens to be a despair i also share! and for which politics is no cure. politics is inescapable, and a true /acc-er would be way more committed to it than me. but i'm wired ultimately for psychotherapy, not schismatic politics. less so schismatic religious politics and Protestant civil war.

>> No.12073952
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> a more or less believable portrait of a total apocalypse is 100% what i want to read about.
This is corpse worship.

> End of Days really means everyone
I feel the appeal of radical inclusivity, but to me it just feels like Solomon ordering the baby to be cut in half and split between the fighting mothers. Gender meltdown is not an out for the sickness born by gorging on the strange, poison fruit of “Identity” and “Authenticity”.

This being said - I am excited to see how GenderAcc might inform a TransNRx or even just an idea of politically informed gender roles (people choosing their gender based on their politics, rather than vice versa). Being trans is not a nerosis, the resistance to it’s epideomology is. It often seems to me a perfectly rational and empathic reaction to the world, but making light of it’s quality as reaction is sooper dooper taboo (for obvious and understandable reasons to do with the Western anthropology of being trans). My hope is that Cosmotech will slowly give us the necessary words with which we can talk about reaction (and health) in morally neutral terms.

>> No.12074010
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>This is corpse worship.
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
>look at him, how sexy he is, living in the Wasteland, and charged by lightning. look how gloriously unironic he is. ugh. so good. so many tropes. so many. such thick cheesiness and yet oh so perfect. oh god i hnng

>I feel the appeal of radical inclusivity, but to me it just feels like Solomon ordering the baby to be cut in half and split between the fighting mothers. Gender meltdown is not an out for the sickness born by gorging on the strange, poison fruit of “Identity” and “Authenticity”.
you are 100% correct, and bonus points to have quarantined those words in quotation marks. i agree absolutely that blowing up the world is not the best way of unwinding some of those traps. you are not wrong about this in the slightest. this is the puzzle.

>This being said - I am excited to see how GenderAcc might inform a TransNRx or even just an idea of politically informed gender roles (people choosing their gender based on their politics, rather than vice versa).
this also. *we don't know shit* about a lot of stuff right now. we *will,* and our present confusion is not worth the total destruction of the academy. but that may be the price paid, sadly.

>My hope is that Cosmotech will slowly give us the necessary words with which we can talk about reaction (and health) in morally neutral terms.
ayup. me as well. and that in the meantime we might be like those who have forgotten words, and who one can have a drink with. Zhuangzi is very much my style these days. Kojima also. To Let The World Be. to let it be. gives me the shivers.

>Kanye latching onto accelerationism sounds very fitting, and I don't mean that in an ironic and disparaging manner either.
fuck, me neither. he's really tailor-made for it. i don't disparage Kanye. i'm not crazy about his music, but what else can you say about the guy? he's a genuine original. and he'd be perfectly fitted to make a great /acc anthem.

and on that note, erudite and patrician fellow-travelers of the venerable Cosmotechnics/Acceleration general, gentlemen-scholars, vagabonds, mystics, knights-errant and companions in misery, it is getting very late over here at Cosmotech HQ and it is time to bid you good evening, and to dream of large women, and Level-2, and other things. perhaps tomorrow we shall hit the image cap, for an unheard-of, and final, fourteenth time. it could happen. it could. this could be it.

for the final time, let it be known that the three hundred post in Cosmotech threads completes the System of German Idealism (again)! and this time, with a twist: it not only contains the meaning of this thread, but of *all* of the Cosmotech threads thus far, fourteen strong, and a month+ and counting. i am already preparing for speaking in tongues, orgasm, vomit, and explosive diarrhea.

Clifford Gilberto: The 10th Victim
>really the whole Xen cuts double album is choice in general.

>> No.12074035

oh and what the fuck why didn't i click on that fucking image, YES
>yuss &c
>also yus

my man that is awesome. that is what i call

& i refer you to the only image response i could possibly use for this, which i cannot repost twice in a thread, but is this >>12059851. this! this.

sleep well gents. plus fresh Uncle Nick OC tomorrow to boot, yeehaw. once more! once more for the Wild Ride. hnng

>> No.12074263
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It's been a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.12074494

>more or less tried to reboot it into another variant of Communism
the only way to implement communism is global and totalitarian, following land, if you have something local and efficient it will embody capital dynamics whatever paint you put on top of it

also you could argue that communism in china and russia was just the vector capitalism used to industrialize those countries, you can say they worked hard at pretending they were doing a different thing, but doesn't really matter at the end of the road

>> No.12074573

holy shit I didn’t realize when I asked that question that Lil B himself would become the face of /acc rap

thank you based god

>> No.12074575

(just thought it was fake I mean)

>> No.12075121


>> No.12075311
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>§0.6 — Chapter Six closes the Bitcoin cycle, by attending to the absorption of socio-economic identity into cryptography, the matrix of philosophy. The Bitcoin wallet is a mask. Asymmetric cryptography formalizes irreversibility at an unprecedented level of techonomic intensity. It initiates the age of the open secret (or of masks). Bitcoin is its currency.

"the Bitcoin wallet is a mask." is this how it feels when dorky music writers listen to their favorite stars drop a new album or go on and on about the Doors? this has got to be it. and frankly that might be a good look, sometimes.

>§0.61 — Cryptography envelops philosophy, in reality. The practical processing of secrecy defines a transcendental horizon. Epistemology is broken by its own naivety when it assumes an object without intrinsic impulse to escape. To know is to capture, grasp, or seize. It is thus, at least roughly, to fight.* Bitcoin, whose lineage is cryptographic, inherits better instincts – by far – in respect to knowledge, and truth than those typifying professional philosophy. It expects trouble, and not only difficulty. Its technical specifications are strategic, at the root. Rather than seeking shelter, Bitcoin makes cryptographic attack an intrinsic part of its security infrastructure. Its miners are poachers made game-keepers.

this tho. i want Chapter Six, and i am going to have to wait for Chapter Six. Chapter Six interests me a great deal. it interests me precisely because of this infinite hang-up i have had with the Law, and paradoxical relation of inquisitors to heretics, and other things. i've heard people say that social justice in the academy works like this: you make converts out of the guilty, and everyone is guilty. the guilty, subsequently, become the best inquisitors, and the whole system refines itself, like an open-source religion (that is to say, like a religion). it galls me that it does not treat itself like a religion, but...how often does *that* happen, either? such is the mystery of belief, and seduction. also, oh those dwarves and their tricksy passwords.

but a crypto-grammaton...some part of me thinks he's just really, really right about this. at least from what i have come to understood about the nature of language itself, from Lacan, or Derrida, the self-referential code. Baudrillard talks about the Code also, and Bordieu, habitus. but that's the thing - unlike Moria, the Code itself doesn't unlock anything except itself. Code makes poets of us all. and de-Realizing language...aaaaaagh, i'm starting to sound like Derrida here. except that those kinds of things are exactly why we get Uncle Nick now, because language doesn't *stay* de-Realized. rather it comes alive. it's JB's fourth order of simulation with a self-propelling weight, driven by suspicion and irony...but what is ever more ironic than the real?

o you are a tricksy one, Wild Ride. i'm watching you.

Daft Punk: Derezzed

>> No.12075352

this one was cribbed from Ye Olde Outsidenesse Tweete also. it's a good, but depressing, read.

>For one, it looks to as though the Cathedral is cracking up. It got high on its own supply, fully embraced Bioleninism, and is now hurting for competent people. It’s dysgenic, the people who fell for the memes are largely failing to reproduce. Boomers are on their way out, and Millennials are going to start taking over the reins of some of these orgs. Does anybody really think that western Millennials will be able to keep things going? Complex systems are incredibly difficult to build, somewhat less difficult to maintain, and quite easy to destroy. The entire West is coasting on the accumulated capital of previous generations, burning its inheritance in a wild bonfire. Eventually, what can’t be sustained won’t be. Even Google can’t continue to operate when it’s 99% diversity and 1% hated-talented-engineer. And at some point, the locusts will have nowhere else to go, no one else’s capital to burn. This is the slow decline into a Dark Age, best case being Brazil where things kind of still work, and worst case being Venezuela or South Africa.


it's a haunting idea, but it's also why this all has a very strong Cold War/MAD arms-race vibe to me also. it's deeply, profoundly warped. as time passes, the fault-lines and other cracks in the Golden Throne become more and more apparent. and it seems to me that it's all because of this need to continue to engender profit and growth by digging further and further down into the soil of the human psyche itself, in search of more niche, more nuance. it was said about Gatsby that it represented the real discovery of the last frontier, that being, America. after that everything had to go vertical. vertical we have indeed gone, and abyssal also. the only way to mine the human soul any further for likes is through fear, and outrage, by way of triggers, and suspicion, and of making people feel the need to cling ever-more-powerfully on to something that ultimately just does not belong to them.

the nature of the Wild Ride itself is that nobody is in charge of it. perhaps Napoleon was, once, and he was propelled into history by something not unlike the atomic bomb. the guillotining of the king of France and the proclamation of the Republic really unearthed some incredible power, and Bonaparte rewrote the map of Europe in a decade. and with his Whiff of Grapeshot was the industrial revolution also, and awesome, diabolical machines that Marx described. in the 20C there were others who tried to lead the Ride, and most of them were totalitarian leaders. in 2016 Trump made a bid, and the Ride hath duly made him one the poets say has a head that resembles the human scrotum. the Left produced Trump, and Trump re-produces the Left, and all of this is through the buoyant magic of bubbling Capital itself, and the promise of all happiness.

>> No.12075379

>Implying that Boomers built the world their parents gave them, instead of short selling their descendant's futures for their own profit.

ah Old Nick, your Boomer sentiments never cease to amuse.

>> No.12075386

Sup 5oclock wojak

>> No.12075392

>§0.62 — The twin-key cryptography which Bitcoin builds upon is a philosophical innovation of extraordinary – and still enormously under-estimated – importance. Recursively, it is itself a key, to the secrets of the dyad. The crudity of dialectical and structural articulations is comical in comparison. The cryptographic lineage directs application of this machinery, initially, to the public / private distinction, which it practically and conceptually solves.

he's been working on this theme since 1989, since Kant/Capital/Prohibition. that is close to nearly thirty years exact. not only could there have been no way of predicting the many oscillations or reversals which took place in culture and history between then and now, there would have been no way of predicting BTC either. the fucking *Soviet Union* was still there in 1989, ffs. try and wrap your head around that. Uncle Nick has been around since 1990, which is the era of US Hyperpower and its Strange Relations with European philosophy, now apparently content to be sublimated on the one hand into Woke Capital and at the same time returning in the form of Deep Right mythopoetics. those, to my mind, form an absolute dyad. it's why even Land thinks they are beyond overcoming, but i'm certain he doesn't mean this in a good way.

>The cryptographic lineage directs application of this machinery, initially, to the public / private distinction, which it practically and conceptually solves.

this is crazy shit. he was working on this in KCP, which still remains today, because Capital itself does necessarily depend to some degree on the capture and exchange of alterity. by the time he writes teleoplexy, he's taken things to the next level, which isn't even all that crazy to think about: that saving and production lends itself naturally to R&D and automation, and self-propelling intelligenic feedback loops. the *cultural* import of this led to irony (which is weaksauce) and Outsider hyperstition (which is strongsauce). you can see the reversal now here. the ironic mode, which became hegemonic, is why you get the automata-NPC (and also, the necessity for their trolling, however sad and predictable this all is). conversely, the Outsider position finds itself more comfortably ensconced in a more-Inside-than-Inside domain in the world of cryptography, and a cryptography functionally identical with the Real.

the money was always Real, and that is the hardest truth of all. it is what destroyed Karl Marx, and led him to write the Communist Manifesto. it is also what destroyed economic structural analysis, because it became tangled up with signifiers that warped either 1:1 linguistic *or* numerical relations. Derrida/Foucault in one hand, and Godel in the other. this kills the meatbag.

he's not me & i'm not him. sounds crazy but it's true. we are two different people.

>> No.12075429

> Department of Treasury member quoting Nick Land nearly verbatim

Mother of G'd. The Grand Neoreactionary Conspiracy reaches the highest echelons of government.

>> No.12075454
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>ah Old Nick, your Boomer sentiments never cease to amuse.
what? Old Nick is no boomer. age-wise he is, sensibility-wise he is a fucking death sentence. he is a walking cyanide pill. he's one of the world's leading diagnosticians of boomer pathology. at some point the Wild Ride can unironically put Land and Ken Wilber together in the same room, i shit you not. they cross paths. two more unlikely men can hardly be imagined but it is 100% doable, imho. Peterson too. Land knows as well as anyone that what is happening is a *neotenous* process: 'tis what happens when Capital becomes Immortal from proffering the elixir of health and happiness, and we do not, and the world fucking melts. Land is only saying things in his own language what many before have sussed out also.

>Infantilism is also a Utopian trait, as attractive as it is alarming; and this ambivalence can be traced into the visions of interpersonality itself, which range from overpopulation and the sprawl, awakening the usual fears of the non-West or of Koolhaas' “culture of congestion”, to carefully manicured visions of Proustian elites and a sociability in some virtually pure state, uncontaminated by material worries or physical hardship (the idylls of colonial nostalgia are not unrelated to these, reminding us that the original Utopia was in fact a settler colony). These are all states in which Nature (and Nature's God) have been transcended, leaving us alone with ourselves and our purely existential concerns: states in which anxious meditations on the Event and its nature and possibility return with a vengeance. - Jameson

>The Left wants to lose. - Baudrillard

the img comes from here. read Jameson.

>> No.12075649
File: 1.61 MB, 896x1379, Verso_978_0_86091_537_9_Postmodernism-b2c11c1235dcff65d5b45e8a45634935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would you rather be re-tweeted by?

a) the Department of the Treasury for your local patch, or
b) L'il B the Based God.

it's a tough question.

the thing is that so much of what Old Nick is saying now is stuff that really was diagnosed, in an earlier form, by Fredric Jameson, who is the guy Peterson *really* needs to meet with at some point, so at least he can understand how this stuff works. postmodernity well and truly is the *cultural logic* of late capitalism, and that is what makes it as crazy as it is. because

a) Nick: Capital itself may very well have a self-propelling, teleoplexic character, but
b) Deleuze: that process itself follows only from a profoundly schizoid unconscious which
c) Derrida: never refers explicitly to what it means, owing to the nature of language, and is torqued by
d) Godel: numbers, and non-Euclidean geometry, as well as
e) Foucault: the nature of discourse itself, contingent on a power/knowledge dyad, and also b/c
f) Baudrillard: the simulation is real.

i could go on and on. but the key takeaway is that split, Culture/Logic. logic is real, and capital does indeed work upon that. and yet of course the linguistic signifier is profoundly promiscuous, until it becomes formalized into metanarrative. and this is exactly what Weinstein has said about contemporary news coverage, in the shift away from facts to narratives, or the shift from intention to impact in other fields...

...it is the cultural logic of late capitalism. now, whatever the cultural logic of Early Level-2 capitalism will be is anyone's guess. it's entirely possible that there may simply not *be* one. there might not be one. there's no Outside to Woke Capital precisely because it is committed to eradicating poverty by means guaranteed to reproduce it.

>> No.12075656

> post modernism
> logic
lol @ the picture

>> No.12075696
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that's how it works amigo. everybody's gotta shop. and even in some battered and blood-soaked fortress in the Dark Ages you need some culture and refinement going on to make it all work. the Space Marines don't have this problem, it's true. in the grim darkness of the 41st century there is only war, and it helps that the war has aesthetics which are fine as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. but IRL war is far less aesthetic, and more destructive, and shitty, and nobody will like it.

we are all wed to the commodity, and the males and females of the species shall go on playing games with each other. and there shall be courtship, and the exchanging of gifts, and romance, and old jukebox hits, which live forever. men also are capable of profound illogic. we are all amorous meatbags with crazy dreams in some sense. i agree that gender stuff can get out of hand, but Cosmotech loves women also. however much they drive us crazy. men also drive us crazy. craziness is an operative principle of the Wild Ride.

but underneath it all, something far more serious is going on today, in 2018.

§0.63 — Bitcoin significantly accommodates agent-identities to the rising Age of Masks, in which digital avatars implement the ‘empirical ego’ of transcendental philosophy. Identity, address, and account (‘wallet’) are brought into exact coincidence. All are a single fully-publicized disguise.

this is what Max Postmodernity looks like. maybe it is also what it feels like to well and truly adopt the Sinofuturist perspective, in which two contradictory principles are at work:

a) the map is not the territory, but
b) the map and the territory are folding together.

Sinofuturism is a very particular mode of dystopia, it's postmodernity in a different key. and surely no less horrible for that, i suspect. all the old stuff about philosophy, the Good, the Beautiful, and the True - it's not going anywhere. it will remain, all as chimerical, and as necessary, as ever. it really will. Wild Ride or no.

>> No.12075710

tfw this is #300

>girardfag worries me because becoming a kantbot miniature e-celeb is one of the great counter-initiatiory cul-de-sacs of this pivotal world-historical moment

>i think all the girardfags and proto-girardfags out there, even the kantbots, should take a step back and ask "is what i'm writing right now actually pushing me or others toward qualitatively higher knowledge? or am i spinning my wheels as a consolation prize for there being nothing else to do, no reward for all my seeking up until this point, except to come down off the mountain and do parlour tricks for the plebs?"

>kantbot is all speed with no acceleration, he's falling back into the reign of quantity by ceasing to be novel and generative, and becoming merely explicable, by a formula like "i guess one of these alt right faggots was eventually going to be a real grad student with some talent and authenticity instead of just some fag watching evola youtube videos. it makes sense taht there would eventually be A Kantbot"

>if kantbot wants to be more than A Kantbot and girardfag wants to be more than A Girardfag they shouldn't fall into the same trap all the french niggers did by becoming so good at weaving metaphors and associative complexes together and such "erudits" that they don't do anything fucking else, again all speed with no acceleration. the better you get at this shit, the more garbage articles you can churn out for upstart faggot twitter magazines, and you just plateau, as a little gay sorcerer who can do some magic sparkles for the rubes. faust is supposed to get bored of his parlour tricks and strike out again on a new homoerotic shaman quest, not accept the parlour tricks and the trickle of dopamine he gets for showing them off as his fag reward for a lifetime of failures.

>i hate these niggers. i don't like these big jerkoff threads. i don't like the fucking french and the academic bigwigs and zizek wannabes who hit the wall of What Can Be Done With Philosophy So Far As We Know It, get a single drop of authentic initiation from their journey, and immediately go "Well I guess taht's it then" and start writing IRONIC!!! HEGELIAN ANIME ANALYSES. i'm a 60th level heidegger mage, dual classed into all kinds of weird GIRARD shit.. i'd better impress rubes by showing how effortlessly i can see girardishly while looking at the movie "Johnny Mnemonic".... isn't it cool that i can be both an amazing philosophy sorcerer while also being so laid back and casual about it?

>the entire 1960s was a mind parasite invasion counter initiation psychic trap for the species, and the french were its hollowed-out zombie servitors. in fact they did the same thing with the enlightenment. the french have to be stopped. they set this whole gay pussy trend of being counter-cultural while also being a master philosopher. i want german angst back. adorno saw some tits and died of fright. where are the adornos? everyone's jerking themselves off on twitter.

not this plz

>> No.12075714

>that's how it works amigo
pomo'ism don't work and Nick Land rawdogging it in ufblog though

>> No.12075739

>pomo'ism don't work
it does work, so long as you add about fifty-five other quotation marks to these: "work." it "works" all too well, which is why Uncle Nick exists at all, along with JB and the whole gallery of Cosmotech all-stars, and this conversation. it is "working" whenever JBP has to give another unbearable interview, or when Donald Trump says or does literally anything. PoMo is "working" just fine. but it works because it is the cultural logic of late capitalism, which also works, and skews most mightily with our meatbag brains.

>and Nick Land rawdogging it in ufblog though
that he is, and bless his crusty black heart for doing so. he is our Uncle Nick and he is one of a kind. most exciting work in continental philosophy going on anywhere in the world right now, full stop period. the Cosmotech committee is hard at work knitting him his Purple Cashmere Sweater.

he hasn't even *started releasing the book itself yet.* this is all just preamble and intro, and it's got more crispy Black Ice jewels going on in it than anywhere. Uncle Nick is an absolute jeweler with this stuff. and it had to be written, because PoMo has indeed lost the plot. it has made its bed wholly with neoliberalism, and the only way it can cover its traces is by re-writing the rules of reality. but Uncle Nick has other plans, like a good cyberpunk master-hacker straight out of Shadowrun would. he's the bomb.

>> No.12075768

That's like saying socialism works because capitalism beats it to death at every comparison.

>> No.12075771

it guess it warrants mentioning also, although i suppose it is to repeat myself, that part of my basic allegiance to Land's ideas is that they are a chainsaw to postmodernity in both its left *and* right forms. Right Postmodernism can be called, essentially, Duginism. or whatever else. it is presently on the back foot, but there is no reason why that situation might someday too be reversed. Old Nick has colorful things to say on twitter, no doubt. but among them is none of the idpol stuff that trigs me the most and hardest. unless he has some other advice to drop, it will be sufficient to Optimize for Intelligence, and that is enough. the decoupling of language from signification produced Derrida and Foucault, once upon a time, and this is one of the ironies of the Wild Ride for you: it gave you deconstruction, which actually isn't such a bad thing, if *used carefully* - and yet the Blood Magic of post-structuralism nevertheless produced idpol, and as a direct result.

so Land is going crypto-graphic with all of it, and he's found his answers in BTC. he doesn't care about cultural analysis half as much as i do, it's true. and he's several steps ahead of me in a lot of other ways also. but BTC and Philosophy is as much of a reversal on that narrative as Derrida et al were for another one. and it's why i find myself so attracted by Space Taoism, as an attitude about language itself, rather than a philosophy of it. it seems to me the right way to go, when words mean - simultaneously - both far too much and far too little.

>It is not that the gods are too far away, but much too close. - Zizek

>> No.12075782

Deconstructionism seems to be mixed with destructive criticism most of the time which is just erroneous conflation of terms.

>> No.12075807
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>That's like saying socialism works because capitalism beats it to death at every comparison.

two things:

1) socialism does work. in a perfect world, imho, there unquestionably would be aspects of it that no first-world civilization would do without. free universal health care. free college tuition. and i should hope that it goes without saying these things would be *contingent upon other rules* also! to *grow the patch wisely* does not require Deus Vult, or Moldbug Vult, or Nick Vult, or any other Vult. to just care for the future - and care for *life* also - is not utopian, it is boring, but no less necessary for being so. as parables go, the Dextrous Butcher well and truly lacks for nothing. cannot find a flaw, and based Zhuangzi for saying so. a better tale of How to Care for Life was never written.

2) capitalism beats *everything* to death at every comparison. Capital's closest literary approximation is Judge Holden. this is why Randian objectivists are fucking retards. your only attitude towards Capital in its rawest sense should be one of mind-shattering horror, imho. b/c if it isn't you will try and square the circle in the political arena, and you will fail. modernity does not give a fuck.

>Deconstructionism seems to be mixed with destructive criticism most of the time which is just erroneous conflation of terms.
that is true, but that is why one must begin with Heidegger, and not with Derrida. i began with Derrida and it was a fucking disaster. and it *also* means that you will need to read *Nietzsche* also, because he also is a part of Heidegger, and Heidegger is That Dude for deconstruction.

JBP does not fucking understand. a lot of people don't. Glenn Beck does not understand. It Is Necessary To Understand. all this is a part of the Wild Ride. no fucking points are awarded for scoring off Postmodernism w/o understanding the intellectual trajectory, as fucking ungodly weird as it is. but that is the Wild Ride and why it is necessary to take it. its final meaning does not lay in politics but in an abject humility, complete horror, total bewilderment, and aporia, and perhaps laughter.

>Show me a man who has forgotten words, that I might have a drink with him. - Zhuangzi

>> No.12075864
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>That's like saying socialism works because capitalism beats it to death at every comparison.
you need to understand that some of the core mechanics of the propulsion system of the Wild Ride is an anarchic and chronic mass of deadly stick-beatings. let Uncle Nick be your guide:

>The logical consequence of Social Darwinism is that everything of value has been built in Hell.

>It is only due to a predominance of influences that are not only entirely morally indifferent, but indeed — from a human perspective — indescribably cruel, that nature has been capable of constructive action. Specifically, it is solely by way of the relentless, brutal culling of populations that any complex or adaptive traits have been sieved — with torturous inefficiency — from the chaos of natural existence. All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage, requiring incalculable eons of massacre to draw forth even the subtlest of advantages. This is not only a matter of the bloody grinding mills of selection, either, but also of the innumerable mutational abominations thrown up by the madness of chance, as it pursues its directionless path to some negligible preservable trait, and then — still further — of the unavowable horrors that ‘fitness’ (or sheer survival) itself predominantly entails. We are a minuscule sample of agonized matter, comprising genetic survival monsters, fished from a cosmic ocean of vile mutants, by a pitiless killing machine of infinite appetite. (This is still, perhaps, to put an irresponsibly positive spin on the story, but it should suffice for our purposes here.)

>Crucially, any attempt to escape this fatality — or, more realistically, any mere accidental and temporary reprieve from it — leads inexorably to the undoing of its work. Malthusian relaxation is the whole of mercy, and it is the greatest engine of destruction our universe is able to bring about. To the precise extent that we are spared, even for a moment, we degenerate — and this Iron Law applies to every dimension and scale of existence: phylogenetic and ontogenetic, individual, social, and institutional, genomic, cellular, organic, and cultural. There is no machinery extant, or even rigorously imaginable, that can sustain a single iota of attained value outside the forges of Hell.

>What is it that Neoreaction — perhaps I should say The Dark Enlightenment — has to offer the world, if all goes optimally (which, of course, it won’t)? Really, the honest answer to this question is: Eternal Hell. It’s not an easy marketing brief. We could perhaps try: But it could be worse (and almost certainly will be).


rooting *for* Capital in its rawest, Stick-Beatingest form isn't just like rooting for the house in blackjack. it's like rooting for heat in the inferno.

>> No.12075944
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Hitler Reacts to Understanding Holochain for the First Time (turn on captions): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3Qcx98XqII

Jean-Francois Noubel, Founding Member of Holochain talks about collective intelligence, e-prime, the distributed internet and the post-monetary world:

>> No.12075949
File: 207 KB, 1062x751, confucius_meets_laotzu_by_lathander1987-d473a2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>** The historical precursor to the cryptographic key is the seal. Between the two, the functional analogy is striking, but a seal falls short of a crypto-key due to its dependence upon transcendent authorization. Seals distribute permissions, not capabilities. A seal does not protect itself. It presupposes an extraneous apparatus of authority and enforcement. In this respect, the comparison to the pre-cryptographic history of property rights and protections is only strengthened. What crypto-protection affords, sealing the first true property, is immanent security. The demand for cooperation is relieved.

and it is indeed because of that that there is something perhaps still paradoxical in this for me, or at least the final sentence. it's undoubtedly not paradoxical for Uncle Nick, but it is for me. which should tell you something about me, chiefly being, that i do not have all the answers, by half. i am as vexed and overwhelmed by this all as anyone else is. my relation to the Wild Ride is Wal-Mart Greeter and Itinerant Wasteland Bard and Pharmakon Dealer and much else. certainly not guru, and not philosopher either.

>The demand for cooperation is relieved.

Uncle Nick does not like co-operation, and neither does Parallax Optics (>>12056825). not explicitly, anyways, and certainly not through any form of moral or otherwise Woke coercion. Land is over the moon about a trustless currency exchange system because *trust itself* is what grounds all credit-debt relations, and eventually becomes collective memory, in computerized and psychological senses. Great Betrayals are a part of literature, and forks and hackings ETH-style are not so far removed fundamentally from this.

i think i prefer co-operation, at some level, but this is perhaps like trying to carry a candle out into space and expecting it to remain lit. Uncle Nick is not shy about a Rectification of Names and a Hard Correction and so on. he wants the brutal truth of capitalism, all cultural baggage removed, which means a great deal of humanity as well. he really does treat things as if they were Laozi-style straw dogs.

Laozi is a great sage. but Confucius was also a part of the story of Chinese philosophy. historically, from what i understand, the attempt to turn Taoism directly into political praxis is what produced Han Fei and legalism (and Han Fei is Xi Jinping's actual favorite philosopher, i have read). Legalism works, as much as Machiavelli works. it works in times of chaos and ferment, which are sometimes those of the Renaissance, and sometimes those of the Thirty Years' War, or Warring States Period, and whatever else. but this is why guys like Confucius and Augustine are also required, with their own metaphysics, i think. Augustine knew that the problem of knowledge was complicated, and everywhere Confucius went, all he ever wanted to know about was whether virtue was being practiced or not. those men get it.

>> No.12075962

>it's in color and modern-looking resolution
I call bullshit

>> No.12075982
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heh, i've never typed this before. first time for everything! and might as well be here:


ah i do so love this board. ty kindly anon, i'll give this a listen mos def. a post-monetary world indeed. also Snake Plissken, b/c Snake Plissken (well, technically, John Carpenter) is another one of those guys who had thought through the implications of Meltdown, along with Kefka Palazzo, and Akira Kurosawa, and RG the Don, and Marty Glass, and Eric Voegelin, and the authors of the Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit Scriptures, and George Miller, and many others who have thought about the endgames, and great transfigurations, and other things.

i don't want to end the world, not really. i would like things to continue, more sanely. but the insanity seems to keep getting ratcheted up. and as confirmed girardfag i don't think it heads towards utopia. utopia is only a condition, and not a state: BE, otherwise a horrible fuck-up of a game, taught me at least that much. it's Enlightenment or Bust on the Wild Ride. otherwise you will stay on forever.

>> No.12075983
File: 168 KB, 953x1199, neo china time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for girardfag; what's the best introduction to Byung-Chul Han?

>> No.12076032

probably Psychopolitics. but the best intro to BC Han are the guys he likes, namely, Heidegger, and Hegel, and other guys. including Deleuze.

Han i discovered on /lit/ - really, i did! somebody else told me about him here, & ty to whoever that was - only after having read a lot of other big guys, and it was love at first sight because he had just fully digested Burnout, and said all the right things in all the right ways. Han really won't tell you anything you will not have already heard from Baudrillard, really, but he's updated for the (later) 21C, and with less of JB's hyperbolics if you're not into that.

he doesn't really need an introduction, in other words. if you read the big guys he will make more sense. but at the same time, he's as good of an entry point into the Wild Ride as anyone. if you have that Sneaky Feeling that there is something deeply fucked up with Facebook Is Like a Chair, run don't walk.

i'd love to read his book on Zen also, hopefully that gets translated to. anyways, Han really doesn't need much by way of introduction. he doesn't use a whole lot of jargon, you can pretty much just get in anywhere and "Enjoy."

>> No.12076051

Much appreciated,thanks.

>> No.12076059

>Meltdown is an Attack spell (originally translated as Merton) with a Spell Power of 138 and costs 85 MP to cast. It deals unblockable, Defense-ignoring Fire/Wind dual-elemental damage to all targets on the screen, allies and opponents. It is learned naturally by Terra at level 86, or from Crusader at a x1 rate.
>Emperor Gestahl attempts to use Meltdown as a last resort to stop Kefka Palazzo from awakening the Warring Triad's true power, but it fails due to Kefka using the magical field generated by the Warring Triad's statues to shield himself.
>Meltdown has exceptional healing power for character who has Flame Shield equipped.

>Robert King Merton (born Meyer Robert Schkolnick; 4 July 1910 – 23 February 2003) was an American sociologist. He spent most of his career teaching at Columbia University, where he attained the rank of University Professor. In 1994 he was awarded the National Medal of Science for his contributions to the field and for having founded the sociology of science. He is considered a founding father of modern sociology while also gaining a status for the work he contributed to criminology.
>Merton developed notable concepts such as "unintended consequences", the "reference group", and "role strain", but is perhaps best known for the terms "role model" and "self-fulfilling prophecy". A central element in modern sociological, political, and economic theory, a self-fulfilling prophecy is one type of process through which a belief or expectation affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person or group will behave. Defined by Merton, "The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior, which makes the originally false conception come true."
>Young Merton developed a strong interest in magic, heavily influenced by his sister's boyfriend. For his magic acts he initially chose the stage name "Merlin", but he eventually settled on the surname "Merton" in order to further "Americanize" his immigrant-family name. He picked the given name "Robert" in honor of the 19th-century French magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, widely considered the father of modern-style conjuring. Thus his stage name became "Robert Merton", and he kept it as his personal name on receiving a scholarship to Temple University.

Enjoy these poetic coincidences.

>> No.12076156
File: 105 KB, 615x362, clean your :vroom:.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just seems to me that what Land's work really does lack is a Crypto-compatible ethical praxis. It Is Known that Land admires Peterson, he's said as much. this to my mind is worth remembering. Land hates the left, and he is awesomely curmudgeonly about much of humanity also, but he tweeted this and he did so unironically.

it's another thing that i am deeply preoccupied with. Landian stuff does not even remotely venture into the domain of the moral, and i am fine with this. Land can put his attention where it belongs. but YH *does* and that is necessary. there's no need, ultimately, to *choose between* Land and YH. what's called for is exactly what YH puts his finger on:

>Cosmotechnics proposes that we reapproach the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

the word for this is *craft,* and it is also why Heidegger reserves his own fondness for the artisan and the poet. Foucault is right, in a sense, about a society of Discipline and Punishment. the problem is in *trying to solve for Discipline and Punishment* w/in strictly deconstructive/postmodern paradigms that almost of necessity wind up excluding the moral and the ethical, precisely because of the discourse on normativity that follows from. that is expressly why Doomsday Jacques Derrida became who he was, because he was *profoundly confused* about whether or not to take his cues from Heidegger or Levinas, as much as Zizek makes in-jokes about Stalin that reveal this about his personality also.

it's just better people that are required. skilled, intelligent, Future-Compatible people. and these absolutely cannot be coerced into existence through icy-cold corporate formalism, or by velvet fists in (Legalist) iron gloves. i will meme-seed this one here, although it is a horrible mash-up:

>clean your /vroom/

and i will kys accordingly ofc. but look. look at this, ffs. it's Land + Peterson. it's fucking Nick Land *and* Jordan Peterson. and if that can't be squared the Great Learning, or the Dextrous Butcher, i will eat my...well, i'll eat something. these things are Cosmotech questions par excellence. all we have to do is not be

a) insanely fucking stupid, and
b) insanely fucking evil,
c) at the same time,
d) for *long periods of time,*
e) like fucking cannibal schizo-monkeys,
f) et
g) fucking
h) cetera.

this is hard? this is not so hard.


>> No.12076189
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you memed my all-time all-time favorite game in my all-time all-time favorite thread. that you sir are awesome should be known a priori, but in the event that it is not, you sir, are awesome. these poetic coincidences shall mos def be enjoyed, and at great length.

life is good gents. life rarely gets any better than this for me. it has extra Good on the side.

>> No.12076227
File: 177 KB, 1024x470, final_fantasy_6_opening_by_robintran-d6zo3ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh now i get it, now i know what that post is so fucking good. because closer inspection reveals that it is Aminom Fucking Marvin, who occupies the Elemental Plane of Fuck Yes like an absolute deity as the Cosmotech/Space Taoist Hero which he unquestionably is. well updated my journal.

welcome back good sir! welcome back indeed. we approach the denouement. did you ever read my Deleuze/Leibniz/FF6 thread? i think it was pretty keen.


what are your thoughts today?

>> No.12076257

I'm a brainlet and have been lurking on/lit/ for like 2 weeks.My question is,should i start acceleration before the greeks,or this will fuck up my brain for life if i do so?I've seen this thread a few times and i'm curious about the ideas.

>> No.12076309
File: 43 KB, 700x318, cw2vrnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm OP. this is a rough synopsis of my trajectory:

??? > Stoics > Plato > Nietzsche > Baudrillard > Heidegger > Land (1) > Lacan > Deleuze > China > Sloterdijk > Girard > Land (2) > YH/Cosmotech.

it is an ungainly and profoundly uncomfortable course of action, which is why i call it the Wild Ride. there's no need to start /acc before the Greeks or whatever else. my own suspicion is that i was born with a fucked-up brain and so fucked-up philosophy works for me. just read what you like amigo. whatever scratches where it itches. 'tis all that is required.

>> No.12076411

"Starting with Greeks" is elitist gatekeeping which is not required at all.

>> No.12076606

>meditations on capital so arcane they might as well be smeared on a sandwich board in blood or human feces.
You've peaked my interest. Lay it all on us.

>> No.12076615

Guess i'll start a list with some books and thinkers i want to study and get into acceleration gradually,thank you guys.

>> No.12076627

I started with Kant because everything I skimmed prior to him was laughable sophistry. He was the first real thinker for me, and then I just proceeded onwards from him to 21st. Century and science.

>> No.12076634
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the cruffitan &c. Doomsday Clowns are about as exquisite an Endboss threat as one can imagine, although there are many others. i am particularly alert to these ones b/c of my all-too-close interest in postmodernity, and Heidegger, and Peak Irony (which is to say, catastrophe) and much else.

that the careful balancing among the Warring Triad was what kept the world in order is quite interesting also, given the usual representation of the three Vinegar Tasters...

the word file says 16, 980 words. way too many for here. but they emerge entirely out of What Did Cosmotech Mean By This. don't hold your breath. just enjoy the Wild Ride as it plays out for now.

pretty much everything i have to say about philosophy is in it. there are ninjas, samurai, lightning bolts, long rambles on B-rate cinema, Uncle Nick, the Wild Ride, Girard, black holes, Final Fantasy 6, Space Taoism, the Bomb Squad, and pinball, and ludics, and Chinese philosophy, and a lot, a lot a lot, about *time.* and whatever else. and it either will take the form of some micro-essays on Wasteland Phenomenology or it will well and truly wind up on a sandwich board. as Sloterdijk says,

>You Have to Change Your Life

and god is that ever true in my case. so time is that thing. i'm not known for my ability to complete projects i begin, but i think it's time to move on. Uncle Nick releasing his book is way way opportune, and has clarified things a lot. but mostly, it's about this thread.

shyeah boi

thanks for playing

>> No.12076648
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entirely appropriate theme music for hurtling on to the System-Complete Eschaton, mah body is ready

Ladytron: Sugar

>o &c

>> No.12076681

the word file says 16, 980 words. way too many for here.
Don't care, just put it all in a pastebin

>> No.12076686
File: 1.63 MB, 1620x1080, FFVI_Android_Banish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i can think of one other entirely appropriate ending too:

>moved to /his/

this would be Roko's Basilisk-tier irony.

>> No.12076737
File: 796 KB, 1922x2999, annihilation-2018poster-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, since i'm thinking about it, this film shows why going Full Deleuze isn't always necessarily a good idea. annihilation doesn't necessarily mean the void, it can mean *a complete absence of void,* in which all things lose their differences entirely, in ways that are...well, not great for the meatbag.

no conservative, or alt-right ethnat, or any one else could have written a film as good as this one. this is science fiction done well, and what happens when you let the BwO run entirely amok, which is its job. along with the Doomsday Clown this is what Peak Deconstruction looks like, and why it is good to rein it in a little, imho.

>> No.12076846

film was dog shitthe director couldn't direct his way out of a peper bar

>> No.12076879
File: 184 KB, 1200x630, 15-alex-garland.w1200.h630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>film was dog shitthe director couldn't direct his way out of a peper bar

>writer: 28 Days Later
>writer: Sunshine
>director: Ex Machina
>director: Annihilation

sorry about the head injury anon. you'll bounce back tho

>> No.12076888
File: 507 KB, 1920x824, 1533863323894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*all* garbage.

>> No.12076901

One overrated : Three flaming garbage

>> No.12076950
File: 558 KB, 1920x824, 1523858294631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you happen to know any good films about Hong Kong though? Especially when they left Britain for China..

>> No.12076961
File: 58 KB, 600x716, YOU-ARE-THE-3w5mrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need your opinions on German Idealism ASAP.

>> No.12076970

>Competition > cooperation
Instead of competing with each other for our individual existence, we can cooperate to compete against our limitations. If humanity is to survive we must, or else we will be consumed by our limitations. This high-stakes game in which the entire future of humanity and civilization is wagered is a good thing, because without it we would have no incentive to ultimately transcend the game.

>> No.12076971

Bitcoin doesn't know it. It's garbage.

>> No.12076976


>> No.12076987
File: 33 KB, 800x450, You_Were_The_Chosen_One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to fucking lie down

>> No.12077051
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>> No.12077070
File: 199 KB, 720x432, sysc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*starcraft adjutant appears*
>System of German Idealism:
>& t

>well inner self it happened. how do you feel about this?
>fuck you girardfag
>i mean other than that inner self. obv that. but you know, something different
>apparently the System of German Idealism was completed the Nazis. and also that that is also the meaning Cosmotech also
>well that is the Wild Ride girardfag. it's a Big Ride. for you
>be that as it may, inner self, you and i both know that the outro track for the CAG general was in the bag a hundred posts ago, and it was going to be this one regardless. but frankly i think if hyperstitial meme-magic is for real, especially now, it works better than ever. you can't make this stuff up, you really can't

the System of German Idealism has been completed, once again, for the fourteenth time. unbelievable. and now it is destined for the archives, partly as demented post-apoc theme park, and partly as purest cruffitan. and unlike previous iterations of the glorious and venerable Cosmotechnics/acceleration general, there will not immediately follow a #15, because it is well and duly time to take a Pause that Refreshes. but Tomorrow Belongs to Me, huh? well if that's the case then i am *definitely* packing my bags for the stars! if that's the way that things are trending, i am off, and up out. but i will troll from space, i think. and at night i will play this.

Kid Koala: Moon River

best thread ever. i hope you guys enjoyed the Wild Ride as much as i did. let's do it again, at some point. this was more fun than a cosmic barrel of monkeys. or a barrel of cosmic monkeys. pretty much the same thing. in the meantime, as always, may what is playing you make it to Level-2.

>> No.12077071

>Natalie Portman gets top billing
Wew lad

>> No.12077078

She was so freakin' hot in Knight of Cups

>> No.12077140
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until next time, girardfag

>> No.12077183

Wait, I mean Song to Song too.

>> No.12077583
File: 1.11 MB, 900x1223, 68eba329576453.55f98b0fd1e76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't care, just put it all in a pastebin.
not a bad idea

>This high-stakes game in which the entire future of humanity and civilization is wagered is a good thing, because without it we would have no incentive to ultimately transcend the game.
true. glhf. no biting

so close! you were so close!
>would have been better too

autonym city prevails

ugh, so many typos.

deserves it

until next time.

"The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior, which makes the originally false conception come true."
poetic coincidences enjoyed, and then some. kefka/vinegar tasters, hyperstition, Meltdown, Space Taoism, and much more. ty very kindly Aminom.

& ty all. life will be weird tomorrow without the Deep Ocean that is CAG. it's really been fun! i mean this. catch ya's all again sometime. and may cruffitan-magic be with you always.

>> No.12079063

Fanged Noumena arrived today. I'm surprised with the quality as a paperback, but it's still the size of a MMP, which given the small size and exceptional quality, I am scared of snapping the spine.

>> No.12079343

Everything is going to collapse.

>> No.12079826

I'm going to miss these threads.


>> No.12080524
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>> No.12080738

who doesn't die anyway?