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11978745 No.11978745 [Reply] [Original]

Is it the Neon Genesis Evangelion of its medium?

>> No.11978774

That goes to Gravity's rainbow

>> No.11978836

I know it's probably not accurate- but I'm predisposed to thinking this book won't be very good because it's written by a Japanese. They lost the war, meaning they have an inferior culture. Which seems like it's not quite an accurate thing to say, but I can't shake the feeling that I wouldn't enjoy this book because of the mindset of the person who wrote it.

>> No.11978871

murakami is an westernized capitalist slut so it's basically an american novel

>> No.11978882

If this is sincere it's the single most idiotic comment I've read in at least a week, not counting /pol/ and incel posts.

>> No.11978891

Is there anything wrong with being western, a capitalist, or American? Also- only girls can be sluts.

All I'm saying is, I don't know WHY exactly I think that he won't have anything valuable to say, but I think that's the case. Yeah.

I read a lot from Yukio Mishima and watched interviews with him, and in one he said that sometimes- Hari Kari is a victory. And if your culture can have one of the highest virtues being that suicide can retain your honor- I don't see how there can be any value from a book written by someone with rootings in that culture.

Why are you so mad? You're not Japanese.

>> No.11978893

He's the japanese paulo coelho

>> No.11978896

what, so basically he's over hyped and his books are low level and lame?

>> No.11978898

Gravity's Rainbow is

>> No.11978901

OP the first question we should answer is why do you think Neon Genesis Evangelion is good?

>> No.11978904

This is one fucking retarded viewpoint. Do the Greeks, Romans, and everyone else up to this point not have anything worth saying either because they were defeated?

>> No.11978912


>> No.11978917

To a degree, yes. Flip your argument back- does Nazi Germany have some inherent value we're missing? What about Communist Russia? There is something to be gained from them, I guess- but overall you have to take everything they say at a discount because it didn't fucking work then- and it wouldn't work now.

>> No.11978926

I remember I was in 10th grade and our teacher had us read the Alchemist- which came off as a 6th grade level book to me- and she hyped it up sooooo much, but it was ultimately just not at all interesting or memorable. Almost as bad as Handmaids Tale.

>> No.11978944

So then do no countries today have anything to say either, or do you believe they are going to survive forever?

>> No.11978957

American, English, Swedish, Canadian, Irish, and Australian books are probably fine, but otherwise you have to put on your "ok but this might be a bad idea" glasses.

>> No.11979011

I quite enjoyed it. I read it in a day

>> No.11979021

>Nazi Germany have some inherent value we're missing? What about Communist Russia?

>> No.11979038

Communist Russia produced nothing of value other than Soljenitzen- who's best book was about why communism does the opposite of work.

>> No.11979044

don't feed the troll

>> No.11979061

I have not made any statements I consider to be anything but my own opinion, or factual. Communist lit should only be read to understand why it does not work.

>> No.11979073

okay buddy xD

>> No.11979346

This, nobody ever comments on how hokey the dialogue can be at times.
"Gramps, you okay? I just finished this book on Mozart, what a man he was! Devoted to music, got nothing, YEESH. It's late, we gotta get home. Man, alive."

>> No.11981176

But what about thematically?

>> No.11981213

>he has no fucking clue about becoming
>he thinks the point of literature is to be right
>he believes in a perfect system of thought which we are moving towards
read Nietzsche, pal

>> No.11981370

I'd say he's a Japanese Marquez who tries to appeal to Americans way too much.

>> No.11981380

>opponent bombs you twice killing millions
>turns out you're the apes, sorry

>> No.11981493

I see people say this a lot but I've never seen anyone explain why

>> No.11981495

Some overrated teen garbage, no that is Harry potter

>> No.11981797

>anglo sphere + sweden but not rest of scandinavia
what's going on here

>> No.11982121

They havent read Knut Hamsun

>> No.11982137
