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11973085 No.11973085 [Reply] [Original]

There Is No Future That Was Not Designed edition

>Economics/Philosophy Mega:

>r/theoryfiction archive

>Accelerate Reader (contains Teleoplexy)


>submissions for playlist are **open**

>Previous installments

>Continued from

>> No.11973099

>Entheogenic Esotericism:

>> No.11973102
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Cosmotechnics & Acceleration

>§00. 'Acceleration' as it is used here describes the time-structure of capital accumulation. It thus references the 'roundaboutness' founding Bohm-Bawerk's model of capitalization, in which saving and technicity are integrated within a single social process-diversion of resources from immediate consumption into the enhancement of productive apparatus. Consequently, as basic co-components of capital, technology and economics have only a limited, formal distinctiveness under historical conditions of ignited capital escalation. The indissolubly twin-dynamic is techonomic (cross-excited commercial industrialism). Acceleration is techonomic time.

>§09. Teleoplexy, or (self-reinforcing) cybernetic intensification, describes the wave-length of machines, escaping in the direction of extreme ultra-violet, among the cosmic rays. It correlates with complexity, connectivity, machinic compression, extropy, free energy dissipation, efficiency, intelligence, and operational capability, defining a gradient of absolute but obscure improvement that orients socioeconomic selection by market mechanisms, as expressed through measures of productivity, competitiveness, and capital asset value.

>§10. Accelerationism has a real object only insofar as there is a teleoplexic thing, which is to say: insofar as capitalization is a natural-historical reality.

-- Nick Land/Teleoplexy: Notes on Acceleration

>I will give a preliminary definition of cosmotechnics here: it means the unification between the cosmic order and the moral order through technical activities (although the term cosmic order is itself tautological since the Greek word kosmos means order). The concept of cosmotechnics immediately provides us with a conceptual tool with which to overcome the conventional opposition between technics and nature, and to understand the task of philosophy as that of seeking and affirming the organic unity of the two.

>Cosmotechnics proposes that we reapproach the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

>Once we accept the concept of cosmotechnics, instead of maintaining the opposition between the magic/mythical and science and a progression between the two, we will be able to see that the former, characterized as the ‘speculative organisation and exploitation of the sensible world in sensible terms’, is not necessarily a regression in relation to the latter.

-- Yuk Hui/Cosmotechnics: The Question Concerning Technology in China

>> No.11973119
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Like What The Fuck Even Is Tertiary Protention
Like WTF Just Close Your Eyes

>Yuk Hui: Like Bernard Stiegler, I am trying to reread philosophy according to the question of technics, not only within European philosophy but also Chinese philosophy—for the latter I am collaborating with some Chinese scholars, for example Professor Gao Shiming from the China Academy of Art. Stiegler is a very good example of this since he bases his reading of the history of philosophy on what he calls the “tertiary retention,” which is artificial memory. Tertiary retention is a supplement to what Edmund Husserl calls “primary retention” (impression) and “secondary retention” (recollection). Stiegler develops his reading in a systematic and rigorous way.

>For me the main stake of Big Data, together with algorithms, is prediction. It is another form of the determination of time, which is probably not the same form of temporizing the past, the present, and the future that we can find in Bergson, Heidegger, Lyotard, Deleuze, etc. This means that we must discover in Big Data a new and powerful synthesis of time, and figure out how to deal with it. This new synthesis of time is what I call “tertiary protention,” which is intended to supplement Stiegler’s concept of tertiary retention. As we have discussed before, for Husserl there is primary and secondary retention, as well as primary and secondary protention (anticipation). In Stiegler’s theory, tertiary retention is the support for other forms of retention and protention; however, we must add that protention cannot be reduced to retention. This is very explicit in Husserl’s later writings on time-consciousness, e.g., the so-called Bernau manuscript (1917–18). Of course, there is ambiguity—for example, debt is an example of tertiary protention as well as tertiary retention, since it anticipates that which we will have to return, and it is recorded as traces. Tertiary protention is amplified due to the increasing ability of machines to predict and to anticipate. We might say that as long as we become part of Big Data, we are actually constantly in debt to certain unknowns.



>> No.11973129

Heidegger dump:

>What Is Called Thinking?
>Introduction to Metaphysics
>Question Concerning Technology

Bonus Derrida:

>Plato's Pharmacy

>> No.11973160

Walter Benjamin:

>On The Concept of History
>Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

>> No.11973193
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Niheiposting must accelerate.

>> No.11973247

For anyone who is both familiar with Cosmotech/Acceleration and vidya - where does something like Megaman Battle Network series fit here?

>> No.11973337
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i'm familiar with Cosmotech/Acceleration and i like vidya aesthetics for sure, but i've never played Megaman Battle Network. this seems like an intriguing question tho

>and a disposable, iterative hero with neither past nor future doing battle with increasingly powerful clones of himself cooked up by a diabolical technological genius sounds pretty thematic to me also

so explain anon. why do you think it would fit in here?

>> No.11973378
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ty anon. these threads are starting to come frontloaded with quite the reading list

sounds good to me. i found that image somewhere in tumblr-land. good aesthetics are important after all. i'm partial to the mercenary fatalism of Area 88 also.

responding to an anon from the previous thread:
>marx and foucault
By Their Powers Combined is what keeps Peterson turning in his sleep at night and sweating.
>marx and confucius
it's Xi Jinping Thought (really, it's Han Fei/Legalism), and it is the preferred morning ideological coffee of the world's most powerful man (or certainly one of the top five) circa 2018.
>Have you read Mao?
>*cue demons asking for money for the badiou film*
there's a Badiou film? i'm okay with this.
>You know who the most underrated Neoplatonist is? (Imo:) Macrobius. Das some woke shit.
my body is ready. i've never even heard of this guy before. hats off to you for finding the most obscure philosophers around
>great confusion
>Is that like the intelligence filter?
kek. yes, i think that's a much better way of saying it! it is indeed.
Xi as in The Chairman, but YH's QI-Dao exegesis is no joke either. they both matter.
>In smaller doses they are a universal panacea however.
that they are. would that we could have such a bromance over here. we did, once, i think: that was the Church's whole idea, i think. and we may yet again.
>What do you make of Byung's critique of Girard in Topology of Violence?
two of my favorite guys, slugging it out! come on guys, don't fight!
>fighting intensifies
well, you both know more than i do. go for it then. but gentlemen, this is the War Room! you can't fight in the War Room!
>Read Sadie Plant's Most Radical Gesture? Feels like a vindication of my SI love in early college.
ofc. it's terrific. good for understanding JB and much more besides. and there is no Uncle Nick without Aunt Sadie either, warrants mentioning. her role in the design architecture of the Wild Ride is always criminally overlooked.

>> No.11973395
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>DOA. Dreams of Assrape. Dead on Arrival. Darwinian Ontological Accelerationism. Deterritorialization of Apotheosis, Dead or Alive?

A survival omen. It is not anywhere else but here, there and everywhere. What to consider as the apex of form if not the driving force? Darwinian drive as constant deterritorializiation of update patches that seeks for homogeneity. Rotting and pulsing simultaneously. Temporal surgery of brittle shattered souls into fluid reincarnation.

THE Digital.Onus.Appercepton.

>> No.11973632

does anybody feel like a lovecraftian character when reading these threads? like you're in the process of putting together disparate strands of information and stumbling into some forbidden knowledge, and that you're going to descend into madness any second now...

>> No.11973675

Yes, and that's in some ways the point. Land and Negarestani in particular are both enthralled by the power of Lovecraftian myth, especially since what Lovecraft himself was afraid of was radical alterity-- a topic both writers find themselves wrestling with often. Placing the reader and writer in the position of the mad outsider, the detective on the verge of a horrifying breakthrough, makes a self-fulfilling story, a hyperstitional sort of ARG where we're all digging through the scraps of teleoplex self-flaggelation that the mad authors are leaving for us.

The descent into madness is thematically couped into one aspect of the temporal DMZ standoff between neuroticism and schizophrenia that forms the main cable from Deleuze to Land. By considering any of this as representative of truth, you have already surrendered to insanity, no matter how many layers of metaphor or symbolism you consider it to be nested within. And in this horrid interzone, that insanity is a badge of allegiance, the same way Moldbug ironically muses that irrationality is a badge of allegiance in contemporary politics.

>> No.11973823

alienation is unhealthy, whenever i feel down i try to find an isolated russian town on street view and take a walk through it, try to piece together it's history from the buildings and people.



what is the world like for someone who has lived their entire life in Kultuk?


>> No.11973873

When I interacted with people who'd been in the same rural American town their entire life, it was because I was someone who'd been thrust into that world by outside circumstances. It read to me like the world outside the villager's experience was deemed irrelevant and farcical, despite the global nature of media. The war in the middle-east is reduced to a joke about sand-niggers. National politics is mostly spoken of as a way to deride the urban 'elite', or anyone urban at all, as being both out of touch and pussified by complacency. As far as they cared, Denver should get an equal vote to Dolores, pop. 959. And why should they care that Denver's sum of human experience is about three thousand times that of their world? It's as alien to them as Calcutta. It's a fascinating way to see the world, to me.

>> No.11973908
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Alien Nation. Why look up when you can look inside? Cathartic cell claustrophobia. The global village has descended into monist mania. "We are not like them" screamed the insider, all the while forgetting his subjected role in the commodification of viral laughter.

>> No.11973911

Very well put

which i can rarely say of girardfag

>> No.11973919

Really, I provide basically one thing to these threads and it's restating concepts coherently.

>> No.11973924
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>> No.11973962

this is a really good post.

>> No.11973964

Agreed; Giradfag is absolute cringe in his obviously fake "schizo" obscurintism. Funnily enough, he'd actually be more transgressive if he wrote coherently
Your efforts are appreciated, anon

>> No.11973966

Can I get a source on some waifus?

>> No.11973996

Reading through Cyberrevolution and I'm unsure what exactly Land is referring to with "K". K-insurgency and K-positive are words that are both used but I feel like I'm missing a link regarding their actual definition. I'm sure part of the point is for it to be difficult to grasp via context alone, a looming aspect of the time-travelling war machine that's laid out in Circuitries and Machinic Desire, but does it have a more concrete definition that I simply haven't read yet?

>> No.11974010
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Critique trickles to a stagnant pond. The process of darwinian syntax has paved the tunnels for the UniWord we all ask our gravest questions. The stagnant pond of cymatic fortune telling. Like the sound waves of scrying drum rhythms, beheld by shamans in golden dressing. Charged libido as lubricated entropy. Divine beauty as a honeymoon of the whole.
Blame! movie

>> No.11974022
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transgressive is the last adjective i would want attached to me.

also you're way off on my cringe fake schizo obscurantism. for one thing, it's not cringe, it's cool and interesting and popular, like Kid Chamelon. and the thing about Kid Chameleon i was thinking is

>love me
>give your love to girardfag
>give him your (you)
>precious (you)
>gives them to us
>gives the (you) to girardfag

>> No.11974070

unless i'm mistaken the K refers to K-selection.

>K-selected species possess relatively stable populations and tend to produce relatively low numbers of offspring; however, individual offspring tend to be quite large in comparison with r-selected species...In this equation N is the number of individuals in the population, t is time, and r is the biotic potential.

>R-selected species are those that emphasize high growth rates, typically exploit less-crowded ecological niches, and produce many offspring, each of which has a relatively low probability of surviving to adulthood (i.e., high r, low K).

>> No.11974075

Girardfaggot, I need ro tell you something: The hypothetical (or perhaps not) Neo/Platonic Zero (0) can be equated to (or perhaps IS) Landian Captial. Zero - like Captial - simultaneously precedes and supersedes all that precedes and supersedes itself; that is, the number Zero is Teleoplexic. Neoplatonic emanation (preceding), and the backwords turning of this emanation to the One (superseding), is necessarily - by very definition - a multiplicative process; from 1 comes 2 and -1, from 2 and -1 comes 3 and 1, 3 and -2 etc. etc. ad infinitum. Multiplicative processes are necessary positive in their feedback, and positive-feedback processes are necessarily Teleoplexic. To emanate from Zero, however - to multiply 0 - one only obtains what one began with; 0. All that emanates from Zero, from Captial, is Zero, is Captial, while REMAINING teleoplexic. Plato turns in his grave.

>> No.11974084


>> No.11974112

human beings are local creatures. just think about how little you can sense and therefore directly know of what is going on behind you or outside the room you are in. people pushing this perception boundary keep coming up against problems of scale and integration.

eg. at very large scale it becomes difficult for any one human brain to process information, imagine 500 screens all streaming directly to you. very small scale you start becoming part of your observation, perturbing by measurement due to quantum effects, this entangles you into reality in a way where you lose any type of useful input, you might as well melt into the ground since the separation between objects is ill-defined.

integration, turns out the human body is a lot more complicated than previously thought, the whole thing is basically a sensory organ, creating virtual worlds is complex and requires novel approaches to structural tessellation with some kind of fractal mathematics embedded into it, or vast computing power with finite resolution or constant motion to keep the illusion going. creating AI is a meme because we use natural language to do it and this self-reflexive task mimics the problem we had when we observed something that was affected by our observation in the scaling problem i mentioned before. playing with genetics and unnatural selection could end up creating demi-humans who can barely interact with bio-humans at all and chose to create a separate civilization, perhaps after unwittingly wiping out billions due to a new disease vector.

coupled with a third factor which is system wide instability due to non-computable complexity arising from billions of new convolutions and you start to realize that if you don't operate on the local level and get memed into a large city which can barely sustain itself day to day without the constant motion or the artificial human/machine overlay (think, air, water, food, waste, shelter) let alone the incomprehensible magic of economic systems and the money supply now all being tied into one world banking structure which leans over dangerously every 10 years or so, it's looking real rough for future human stability outside of isolated self-sustaining regions with are net exporters and could survive harsh conditions due to stockpiling and geographic/topological advantages.

in short: they are probably right.

>> No.11974136
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Irony appendages extend to the sides of a cylindrical tunnel in hopes to break freefall. Lymphocyte reaction applied to a solipsistic information social paywall. Contextualized authentic syntax as a buggy ride straight through uncanny valley. Ontology overheats into a slinky down a stairwell. Semi divinity calls for irony as its silencer for murder.

>> No.11974137

If organized society melts down and the old West becomes a Kaczynski nightmare, then they'll have sleepwalked into survival and they'll certainly feel smug about it. If civilization instead mutates into a purer form, less inhibited, less human, then those same people will be some of the truest victims of that change. The gamble is fairly simple: Do you think Capital will self-destruct this generation, or will it follow the exponential curve to completeness?

To me, your estimate is too optimistic, as I make it a rule to never bet against the house.

>> No.11974142
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utterly based
>what are you saying girardfag you know you have no math brain
>quiet inner self. i believe this anon
>*you don't understand what he is saying*
>ok well you have to start somewhere, jeez

please bear in my mind also that it would be disgustingly easy to pull a Sokal Hoax on me using math, because i am basically fucking stupid when it comes to numbers. Land has some interesting meditations on the idea of the number zero itself (and Aunt Sadie wrote a whole book on it). the zero comes from Arabic math, from what i understand, and is imported into Rome (although the only thing i have less of than a math brain is a math history brain) and Zero has been fucking with us ever since. Badiou seems to think that he can logically deduce Maoist communism from set theory as well, and i have tried to read both B&E and LoW a couple of times but i simply cannot into. i will kind of just nod and go Yes, Yes, Do Go On and yet i really cannot say in all honesty that i have understood.

it sounds fascinating as all hell but the Number Spirits, they do not speak to me. my brain is not built for what must be the Fun of mathematical wizardry. i need a quote from Hegel or Heidegger or something or a reference to some movie or pop culture event. this *sounds* interesting to me but i'm really a brainlet with basically everything that isn't five or six dead French or German guys (and, frankly, a brainlet there too)

i do feel bad for Plato tho, since the D&D dice are based on the Platonic forms, apparently. and, you know,
>a throw of the dice will never abolish chance
&c. and they do say, those Greeks, that one must not neglect geometry. i neglected mine in favor of reading Heidegger and now i'm stupid with math.

but it sounds pretty cool anon. 'twould be nice if i could do more than Yes Yes Do Go On.

>> No.11974183

2000-2100 is treading water for me. there is nothing in the cannon of current scientific work which makes me think anything relevant will happen before at least the 2200s or the 2300s. rather than looking for exponential, you could try to fit a stepped ladder cycles of short rampant growth, long term stagnation, then sudden growth again as the next step is reached. you don't necessarily need a crisis or die off, all you need is daily traffic and loud noise. which is probably enough to decrease length and quality for most human beings.

the concept of completeness is species extinction, at which point the great explosive event will return the entropic balance of the universe by undoing the order of our experiment up to that point. people who believe in escaping physical religion have their realities crossed.

>> No.11974186
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Amalgamations of historic standards passed down through time only fit for the noble blood. The origin of the stream of red extends itself into currency. Syncretic dispute is a dampened expression of envy for we all would like a true home. Orphans knocking on a door that touches the skies. Why do people purposely build structures they will never live and die in?

>> No.11974217

Well, stagnation benefits the Metropolis as well, considering the economic pressures put on communities outside the city by Capital, discouraging rural stagnation with economic subjugation. The 'winners' of rural life are the cattle ranchers, mostly, and whoever gets the federal subsidy money in any agricultural industry you choose. Those groups are just as enslaved by metropolis as I am, and their delusions of self-sufficiency are as hollow as the claims that every born-rich businessman is a self-made exemplar of the American Dream. The losers of rural life are suicides and overdoses, the same as in Mumford's Necropolis. Barring the ultimate fluke of apocalypse, where urban life is simply disqualified, there's no victory in the cards for a truly rural, truly local existence. Today, rural communities, especially in North America, are economic appendages of the tentacular metropolis, slaves to the same end.

>> No.11974235

in theory. in practice they are feet displaced from living food and buried water that can keep them alive for decades and replenishes itself. and you are a few short steps away from decaying concrete and raw sewage. they belong to the earth, you belong to the man.

>> No.11974239
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Daily reminder that Donald Trump is a true hero of leftism and that if you are American and don't vote for Trump and Republicans, you are doing accelerationism wrong. Capitalism persists by hiding its contradictions, to accelerate them is to accelerate not their manifestation but exposition, to drive rightism so far into unbelievability and hate that to maintain the status-quo requires denial of reality itself, to deny basic human decency, which is required to be a honest Trump supporter. That is exactly what is happen in Trump's America, he is the personification of capitalism's contradictions, and has caused an awareness of the omnicidal, cannibalistic, and exploitative nature as nothing has in America for decades. The con of "compassionate conservativism" has been shown to be the lie that it is, and that rightism and capitalism needs to shift blame to maintain cohesion, to blame its contradictions on the Jews, leftists, SJW's, blacks, gays, Republicans, urbans, rurals, boomers, millennials, and any and all scapegoats other than the whole life-destroying system itself.

>> No.11974254
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the perennially based SC Hickman is apparently back from his vacation and has begun updating his blog again also. he was doing a lot of quoting from Less Than Nothing when he left and now he has moved on to Like A Thief In Broad Daylight:

>The problem is that, today, simple opposition gets complicated: our global-capitalist reality, impregnated as it is by sciences, is itself ‘prodding’, challenging our innermost presuppositions in a much more shocking way than the wildest philosophical speculations, so that the task of a philosopher is no longer to undermine the hierarchical symbolic edifice that grounds social stability but – to return to Badiou – to make the young perceive the dangers of the growing nihilist order that presents itself as the domain of new freedoms. We live in an extraordinary era in which there is no tradition on which we can base our identity, no frame of meaningful universe which might enable us to lead a life beyond hedonist reproduction. Today’s nihilism – the reign of cynical opportunism accompanied by permanent anxiety – legitimizes itself as the liberation from the old constraints: we are free to constantly re-invent our sexual identities, to change not only our job or our professional trajectory but even our innermost subjective features like our sexual orientation. However, the scope of these freedoms is strictly prescribed by the coordinates of the existing system, and also by the way consumerist freedom effectively functions: the possibility to choose and consume imperceptibly turns into a superego obligation to choose. The nihilist dimension of this space of freedoms can only function in a permanently accelerated way – the moment it slows down, we become aware of the meaninglessness of the entire movement. This New World Disorder, this gradually emerging world-less civilization, exemplarily affects the young, who oscillate between the intensity of fully burning out (sexual enjoyment, drugs, alcohol, even violence), and the endeavour to succeed (study, make a career, earn money … within the existing capitalist order). Permanent transgression thus becomes the norm…


his blog has some really awesome writing on Land, Deleuze and basically everybody else. he's not an academic but a journeyman traveler who has done all of the reading. he skews towards the dark stuff but it's all interesting if you're into theory.

>ctrl + f yuk hui
>1 result


maybe he'll write something on Cosmotechnics at some point. also the image comes from a pretty chill FF6 piano mix i am fond of.


>> No.11974280

capitalism is jewish mercantilism. how are you this ignorant, is it accidental or self-inflicted? 'left' and 'right' are controlled opposition, used to critique extreme losers who cling on to ideology. the masses want air, food, water, shelter, and they will be satisfied with the bare minimum to survive. it's going to end up with chinese people paying micro-transactions for each fresh breath they take and being thankful for it. america isn't even relevant, asia is 5 billion people and by the end of this decade their manufacturing and consumption is going to double your own, at which point you are free to do whatever you want including nuking yourselves in a civil war.

nice white liberal bias though, you totally are the centre of the world honey.

>> No.11974281
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Not sure if schizophrenic ramblings or the next level

>> No.11974301
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While some are straining for ecstatic blood flows. Some dream of flowing blood. A mirror held onto each other to have a slice of narcissus' radiant skin. A small bit worth enough to slay any opposing kin. Flash ads autoplayed, popups to replace your true youth. Narcissus holds his gaze as the river rises and assumes the fllood. A synaptic nimrod as a DLC filter.

>> No.11974307
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the last passage from that second Hickman essay is worth quoting also.

>Social networking has brought about a seamless integration into the echo chamber of a completed nihilism in which the dividual rather than the individual is incorporated, profiled, imaged, modulated, and attuned to the endless 24/7 feedback systems that cater to their every need while at the same time excluding the extraneous and disturbing worlds of thought and image. We are becoming so normalized or even, hypernormalized (Adam Curtis) that we cannot know the difference. Theory is mute, thought is dead, and all our decisions are taken care of by algorithms of which we know nothing. In fact as Stiegler comments: All political questions are dissolved into economics, since ideology is no longer about collective choices but about ‘individual’ relations to products: ‘There is an ever closer linking of individual needs with the functional and ideological programs in which each new product is embedded.’ These programmed relations give rise to dividuation in Guattari’s sense, that is, to the destruction of in-dividuation in Simondon’s sense – which forms the basis of ‘algorithmic governmentality’.

for newcomers to the Exciting World of Death that is continental theory, yes, it is a kind of arms-race to see who can be the most fucked-out and miserable about la comédie humaine, it's true. but it's also a kind of craft of its own, the contours of alienation, melancholy and so on. it comes from thinking about capitalism too much, imho. there is more to life than the Wild Ride, but still, there are some gems to be found if one is prepared to wade through the awesome scrap-heap of Doom11!1 and Defenestration, Yes! but in the long run it is to be hoped that this leads to something more attractive than an other than outrage-and-paranoia-fuelled existence.

>> No.11974312

LOL, why did you even post it? To "BTFO" me? Do you actually think I'd actually waste time arguing with such drivel? Get out kid, you can't even read properly.

>> No.11974313
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try this description on:

>Henri Michaux describes a schizophrenic table in terms of a process of production which is that of desire:

>"Once noticed, it continued to occupy one's mind. It even persisted, as it were, in going about its own business...The striking thing was that it was neither simple nor really complex, initially or intentionally complex, or constructed according to a complicated plan. Instead, it had been desimplified in the course of its carpentering...As it stood, it was a table of additions, much like certain schizophrenics' drawings, described as 'overstuffed,' and if finished it was only in so far as there was no way of adding anything more to it, the table having become more and more an accumulation, less and less a table...It was not intended for any specific purpose, for anything one expects of a table. Heavy, cumbersome, it was virtually immovable. One didn't know how to handle it (mentally or physically). Its top surface, the useful part of the table, having been gradually reduced, was disappearing, with so little relation to the clumsy framework that the thing did not strike one as a table, but as some freak piece of furniture, an unfamiliar instrument...for which there was no purpose. A dehumanized table, nothing cozy about it, nothing 'middle-class,' nothing rustic, nothing countrified, not a kitchen table or a work table. A table which lent itself to no function, self-protective, denying itself to service and communication alike. There was something stunned about it, something petrified. Perhaps it suggested a stalled engine.

-- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari/Anti-Oedipus

>> No.11974336

there's an awesome grammar typo in there, ugh. you know what i mean. probably a sign i should take a break.

>> No.11974383

jerking off with words. space exists for word wizards whose magic is remote emotive manipulation to showcase the tolerance of a prosperous system towards (un)creative solipsistic egotism. it tolerates all forms of nonsense that cannot harm and even promotes it. if these same people were to speak about say corruption, bribery, foreign involvement with domestic affairs, the various bills congress passes without due diligence and then begin to name individual actors who are betraying their various roles in the public and private sector, i imagine the issue would become quite tragic for them in the most physically real sense. but that would require research and investigation and runs the risk of accelerating into a wall rather than safely into obscurantist theatrics.

yes yes, we must discuss the paradox of perpetual motion of a planet dominated by friction. not say ending US participation in an illegal war on Yemen with it's support for the Saudi military to carpet bomb civilians for the past 3 years and is now threatening starving out millions due to blockades.


because you know, tracking down those senators who oppose these bills and publicly shaming them for being complicit in the murder of some of the poorest people in the world, that's too 20th century, non-participating participation is the future of humanity after all.

>> No.11974384
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one other thing, since /lit/ does love graphs and images and mystical diagrams and things. this is a diagram about Kant from What Is Philosophy (shamelessly cribbed from Thomas Murphy's twitter feed).

>The components of the schema are as follows:

>1) the ‘I think’ as an ox head wired for sound, which constantly repeats Self = Self;

>2) the categories as universal concepts (four great headings): shafts that are extensive and retractile according to the movement of

>3) the moving wheel of the schemata;

>4) the shallow stream of Time as form of interiority, in and out of which the wheel of the schemata plunges;

>5) space as form of exteriority: the stream’s banks and bed;

>6) the passive self at the bottom of the stream and as junction of the two forms;

>7) the principles of synthetic judgments that run across space-time;

>8) the transcendental field of possible experience, immanent to the “I” (plane of immanence); and

>9) the three Ideas or illusions of transcendence (circles turning on the absolute horizon: Soul, World and God).

it is an absolute scandal that nobody has ever produced a What Is Philosophy coloring book for hipsters which is full of contradictory and impossible instructions, and which would only be yet another sign of the immanent collapse of Western Civilization and further confirmation of the Reign of Quantity...then again, maybe it actually isn't such a scandal after all. anyways, enjoy.

>> No.11974388

Human must convert themselves into an entity capable of being modified in favour of capital or reason, by understanding their brain in a material way capital can use that nihilism to create total markets for the brain alone, generating a new hyper industrial revolution based completely in the human brain, to reach a simbiotic relation with capital and achieve the absolute meaning which is the one who keeps capital alive, the eternal cycle of transformative power.
Human as we know them won't survive this century, but a pos humanity can be born if we merge with capital, and the only way for something human to pass this dreamlike century is to acelerate that process until it’s too late by summoning the great nightmare; the militarization of neuroscience

>> No.11974391


>> No.11974414
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Cryptographic concern for commonality of thought. Image recognition of infected symbols warps one into an arena of fight or flight blackmail. Physiognomic patterns overrides the faculties. Security protocols akin to boxes of captcha pixel logic. Itchiness prompted by foreign bodies pushes away all uncertainty to reestablish once again, commonality. A dance of marionettes yearning for independent souls and would settle as a ghoul only to worship those with perfect souls.

>> No.11974460
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my own social credit score is far too low to be able to shame or blame anyone. i can't speak for Hickman but trying to build himself a cottage in Wyoming or wherever he is and feed himself writing Gothic noir fiction doesn't seem like such a terrible thing to do. as for how active continental metaphysicians should be in public life, i don't know, they kind of have a mixed track record anways and sign off on amendments to age of consent laws in France and other weirdness.

i'm not saying you're wrong anon. US foreign policy is complicated stuff. frankly i would prefer to cloak the entire world in a thick mantle of obscurantist theatrics so impenetrable and all-enveloping that nobody would ever be able to get anything done without falling into Kafkaesque labyrinths of bureaucracy so sublimely ridiculous that they gave up on politics altogether and went back to living in Taoist mountain communes that never exceeded fifty people, and where political issues were all turned into bewildering and charming riddles by sagely bumpkins with long beards. i think Socrates had it right in the Republic; you only need like four guys, a mason, a carpenter, a farmer and whoever else. but oh no, we want all the other stuff too...

so yeah. i'm not even saying you're wrong. but i have pretty much handed in my politics card. i prefer obscurantist theatrics. i wish there was a Bureau of Violence with so much red tape in it that arranging a duel took like five years in a celestial equivalent of the DMV, and in the end both sides became so completely frustrated with the paperwork that they gave up on it altogether. that would be my plan for peace in the world. and prizes awarded annually for the most spectacular feats of pointless metaphysical rhetoric, because the last thing i want anyone to do is talk about Reality unironically.

heads of state would be figures of pity rather than worship, as it would be the least desirable job for anyone. there would be a great Mourning Song sung whenever election cycles drew near, because some poor and luckless bastard - probably selected by a lottery system - would have to be The One In Charge, and upon taking office they would walk past a long column of their fellow villages, who would be dressed in black, and weeping profusely, because it would mean the end of all humor. the entire selection of offices would be a work of utter misery and lamentation, carried out with the utmost solemnity, as if it were a funeral (because it is). and all political figures would be regarded as having come under the ward of a nameless and faceless god who only speaks in a horrible Drone of Command, a Voice Which Must Be Obeyed...a truly terrible thing, but a necessary one...

life in my Hermit Kingdom would be undeniably strange, but frankly i'd prefer to Art the entire thing into orbit rather than unironically get into the world of shame in the 21C.

>> No.11974495

so just china basically.

>> No.11974538
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yeah pretty much. and the foggier the better. if people can't see anything they're far less likely to get up to trouble. the worse the climate, the more people will have to get along and the more difficult it will be for anyone without the patience of a saint to get comfortable in.

also there's like a daily curfew on speech five days a week (and the Ministry of Silence - which is the only government department that matters - can hear you if you cheat, because it echoes a lot in those mountains). going above the daily limit or other flagrant transgressions of the civil code (itself written nowhere, so that you have to figure it out the hard way) will result in being given Hilarious Fun Time.
>which isn't actually hilarious or fun, really, except for those who will watch you have to perform various tasks or feats for the village and so on

>> No.11974640
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>> No.11974662
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Wallowing questions remain. Who has the best wheel for this terrain? A wise man outsmarts a con, yet knows not how to maim. Percolate the pain of unknowing into the network highways. Word lottery of the initiate. Tear open the pandora's box. Drowned sentiment dilutes your purpose into cracks and branches. Heavy rocks you are humanly unable to address. It does not tire. The UniWord cares for all requests and queries. At the least, admire the best trivialities. Nature has wrought us and not the other way around. Transcending Nature is its own volition of suicide. It will live on beyond its fixed loop and spin through the expense of inhabitants that were never content with its static beauty.

THE Digital.Onus.Apperception

>> No.11974917

Yuganon back with more aphorisms from the Sandstone Papers. This one isn't as cosmotechy, and may seem a bit rehashed or hackneyed, but I'm a retail wagecuck and this one hits home to me, as it may hit home to other retail wagecucks in the thread. From the Challenge of Change essay again:

The Accumulation of Capital
>The salesman has to make himself appear happy in order to sell successfully. If he weakens or rebels in the face of this demand, he feels that he is betraying his children. The fundamental responsibility, whose denial is spiritual suicide, keeps him in his place. He sticks with it. Silently screaming, going madin his mind, he sticks with hit.
>The force or agency which compels the salesman to play this role is clearly hostile to his humanity. On the other hand, and just as clearly, it comprehends the basic truth abut his relationship to the others in the pursuit of his livelihood: he will not sell if he appears troubled or detached.
>This force or agency moves everywhere through society, we all experience it, and yet there's nobody here but us.
>This is the mystery Marx unraveled.

>> No.11974992

Here's something a bit more uplifting, from the same essay:

>A fifteen-year old girl was raped and her arms hacked off just below the elbows. How are we supposed to go on being human where this has happened? this and all the other things.
>The answer is a paradox:
>We overcome despair and madness by embracing the very reality which urges us to these defeats.This is the insurgent's method. We embrace it with our hearts, in solidarity with life, with human evolution. The wisdom here is ancient: whatever the heart embraces becomes a source of strength.
>Embracing reality means expanding into the experience of others until we realize that there are no others: that we are all one. Pain by pain, grief by grief, walk toward and through the blinding light. Understand laughter; understand remorse; understand fear; understand pride, hatred, envy, irony, dignity. Everything. Understand everything human.
>The face of the girl who was raped and mutilated is the face of your daughter. What you summon up when you look at that face is the strength that has sustained us through it all. We endure. We fall apart and pull ourselves together. We wait till the time is ripe.

>> No.11975036
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fuck yes, i was hoping to read more of these. more Marty Glass for a "better" tomorrow

all Marty is good Marty as far as i'm concerned. he has his own place in the Cosmotech universe, rehashed or not. Marty Glass *gets it.* he just gets it on some profound level. he's a special guy. i like him a great deal, so glad to have learned about him.


and thank you also for this too anon, very much. i've enjoyed reading this (and your pictures are wonderful also).

>Nature has wrought us and not the other way around. Transcending Nature is its own volition of suicide. It will live on beyond its fixed loop and spin through the expense of inhabitants that were never content with its static beauty.

this one i especially liked.

i ask myself this on some days days: if i have a choice between 100 years of cutting-edge psychoanalysis, or a gigantic Gothic wildness of esoterics and mysticism stretching back millennia, with its roots in worlds of cosmologies that stretch across half the world...why choose the metaphysics of modernity, just because it's accessible, fast, and sharp? it's cutting edge, for sure, and you can put it into action immediately...but nature and cosmology were a *mystery* for a long period of time. it's true, those were also ages of barbarism and superstition...but by comparison they had nothing on what we do today in the name of rationalism. it would be good to have both, in some measure, but...how much Truth does a man need?

nor is this to shit on the Enlightenment, but the Enlightenment itself was an *exception,* like a moment of piercing sunshine. and it did not go, as Douglas Murray says, as deep as we thought. but what we have not learned how to do, i think, is to avoid the temptation to Transcend Nature.

>In demonstrating the truths of Nature–does not truth reveal its own self?

this one too:

>At the least, admire the best trivialities.

it's the tiny details that make for art, in the end.

>> No.11975043

Facing Reality
>If we lost a child, and were equal to it, a Presence would be revealed that would live with us for the rest of our lives, and be our strength. By that Presence we would know the truth of every moment. We would know what is precious and what is necessary, we would discover patience and eternity, as would be rescued from depravity; we would fulfill our responsibilities without fail. The one Life that is in all would become visible to us, and we would realize that we have never loved anything but that one Life, and that whatever loves or is loved is that one Life. The inner eye that sees radiance would be opened, bringing peace. What needs to be done would be done.
>The condition of humanity in these times, if we can face it, establishes that same Presence among us. As with the death of the child, all we have to do is face reality.
I was kinda reminded of Heidegger as I typed this one out.

>> No.11975075

We Never Feel Joy On Smoggy Days
>The cells of the body try to reject the smog. We experience this attempt to repel the poisons as a flutter of panic, an impulse to flight. We are cranky, tense, quick to argue. Strange lightnings flare through the brain, almost too brief to record, interrupting the stream of thought.
>The cells remember pure air, the blue crystal bell of the sky, the music of breezes. They remember the clear delicious waters, the cool green intoxicating odor of the grass. The cells were at one with the world, they loved it. The rejection of the smog is proof of their memory. The cells know they way things should be on the Earth.
>A warning like the one we receive from the cells cannot be ignored. And we are receiving other warnings just like it, all the time, from other guardian angels, faithful hearts within us.

>> No.11975092
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This one is pretty long, and I didn't feel like typing it out. Basically and unironically, Capital is sentient.

>> No.11975116
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Money Talks

>> No.11975120
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I think that's enough to ponder over through the night.

>> No.11975202
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this thread is the shit. i'm the OP and it's vulgar to say this but it is. and that's in spite of it being full of me repeating my own boring thoughts, as i mean the parts of it that aren't me.

i'm going to bed but i wanted to say this before i did. it's like piling up a little cairn. this has been absolutely great and it's nice to be able to say that about things in the world, that it has awesome things in it. it does. there are things in the world that are exceedingly interesting and which stubbornly resist the general corrosion that is the Reign of Quantity. and rambling it all out here has been hugely clarifying. my very sincere thanks to all. more Cosmotech soon.


>> No.11975361

D.O.A. https://g.co/kgs/YxRDpu

>> No.11975461

Small town Californian here. I hate Los Angeles and San Francisco. I'm so frustrated by national politics that I don't vote for that shit, and so frustrated with the Democrats in my state that I vote Republican at the state level even though I don't care for them either. I hang out with good old boys and beaners to drink and talk shit about the good old boys and beaners in the slightly bigger town down the road. I don't really know what you guys are all about, so I've been lurking, but pick my brain if you like.

>> No.11975468


>> No.11975478

how fast are you

>> No.11975484
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i have no fucking idea

>> No.11975496

I've been there, man. I grew up in a town of about 60k population in Colorado and wasn't big on it. Lived in a few places, but also ended up for a while living completely outside of civilization near Dolores, CO (about 950 pop., and I lived in an abandoned RV park an hour away from that), another time lived on a weed grow up by Willits, CA. I live in LA now, even though at one point that would have been unimaginable to me. At this point, I don't know how relevant I find it all. On the one hand, a lot of the people talking shit about the metropolis and Moldbug's Cathedral are full of shit, they haven't actually seen what life's like beyond the exurban outcroppings of major cities. On the other, there's a lot I never would have known and understood if I'd actually grown up in LA or even Denver.

If you read some of these campus traditionalists like JBP, do you think they're right? To me, an opinion like that coming from someone without the experience to back it up is just knee-jerking contrarianism.

>> No.11975541

I read this and I got nothing. Is that what it's supposed to be like?

>> No.11975552

I lived in a shed in the woods for a while, too. Unabomber style because I was just done with college in San Francisco/Berkeley and wanted some time away from all that shit. It was nice, but I cut that out after a month and a half because I got a little stir-crazy without a woman to give my love to and cuddle up with on cold nights. JBP? Like Jordan Peterson? He seems like a whiny little queer and he says dumb things a lot. I'm a homo that gets a bit pissy when I find mold on bread I wanted to eat, so I ought to know a whiny little faggot when I see one. I don't know if I agree with all this stuff you guys are about, and I feel like a good chunk of the trad guys who are all into Evola and all that are a bunch of poser weenies. Moldbug is kind of scary because he's all about that stuff and in with Peter Thiel, and the American in me just doesn't trust those Silicon Valley wannabe feudal lord guys. On the other side of things (I think? I've seen some weird blending of trad with weird transhumanist stuff), transhumanism is really scary and I think Ray Kurzweil might be possessed by Evil. I showed some transhumanist /lit/ to my family and friends when I came home from college and they were horrified.

>> No.11975558

i hate myself for knowing what this is from

>> No.11975830

What are these threads about? What Biomega has to do with it?

>> No.11975831

What do y'all think about climate change? Is this whole system going to collapse soon?

>> No.11975968

biomega idk, nihei, certainly blame does.

>> No.11975971
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Suggestion for next Cosmotech front-image.

>> No.11975980

flat earth map

>> No.11976019


>> No.11976492

A thought struck me today--one had over learning Python, the programming language.

We live in an object oriented world. Each and everyone of us, each and every inert item at hand is considered an object within a class. As we believe ourselves objects, we try to apply methods to the world--the living UI.
There, in this programmatic encapsulation of the living experience through a technical matrix, we face flurries of exceptions that arise from bugs between our episteme and the experience of the UI itself.

Marx was, maybe, the first man to attempt to scour and debug the societal script.

>> No.11976556
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>I think that's enough to ponder over through the night.
it certainly is anon.

>What are these threads about?

for a start. just think about this, for example: i've screencapped it from one of those scans. Glass isn't an academic or a professional Marxist scholar, he's much more influenced by the Traditionalists. but he can see it. everybody can see it. there's something going on.

now if you're interested in a) why things got to this point or b) what it all means or c) where things may be trending, that's what we've been talking about in these threads. what does it mean when money becomes to suggest less of a Consumer Society and perhaps more of an Information Society? again, you don't have to be a hardened Marxist to think about this, and Glass isn't, at least by comparison. and he doesn't think the answer is Moar Politics either. a lot of the authors we have talked about in these threads are influenced by Marx in some sense, but you don't have to call yourself *anything* to just see that something is pretty interesting (and incredibly strange) about this process called Capital. Land oscillates from the extreme left to extreme right (and now perhaps to something like extreme Sinofuturist BTC-phile?) in his career, but in the end he is still basically mystified by a lot of stuff. all he's really sure is that 1: Marx was right about something and that 2: Capital has a relation to machines, which means intelligence, and increasingly computers. and those computers today run our world in an increasingly predictive sense. there has been, in other words, some kind of Plot Change in the narrative but in the world of philosophy at least these things aren't usually announced like the chapters of a book.

read Fanged Noumena first. Poememenon is a great essay on Land's Teleoplexy argument, but Teleoplexy is Old Nick, and before there was Old Nick there was Young Nick. you need to familiarize yourself a little with Young Nick first (which includes D&G, Marx and others.)
>i guess i should have put a link to that in the OP.

idk about that one senpai

it's a good question. i guess my feeling is that as it does become a factor, there will probably be a need for something like PPP shelters that will really only facilitate the further domestication of the human species by these protocols, but i'm markedly fatalistic like that too and i tend to skew towards a certain pessimism that, fortunately, the Cosmic shuffling of cards fucks with. so i'm not really sure. i do know that one of Land's favorite writers is an unironic druid named John Michael Greer who does have some interesting stuff to say about this.

>> No.11976617


>> No.11976629
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>Marx was, maybe, the first man to attempt to scour and debug the societal script.

this. and i think it is a still *incomplete* project. Marx towers over everything still, to this day. even the political stuff we all see on the news and elsewhere is imho only the result of an incredible change in that narrative which, starting with Hegel (and Kant), is really the birth of the modern world, in a sense. postmodernity is wedded to What Did Marx Mean By This, but in the 20C - and there is a key turning point in the 1960s and 1970s that not only includes the appearance of feminism, but also D&G's publication of C&S and the steady growth of cybernetics and computer sciences - much of what is being talked about is still a discourse on Marx, although it is increasingly dominated in academic circles by a return to Freud and Nietzsche (see pic rel) rather than orthodox Hegelian-Freudian Marxist stuff. Althusser is there, it's true, and today there's Zizek, but the influence that Foucault has is really second to none. there were other waves - there was a Lyotard Wave, a Baudrillard Wave, a Derrida Wave - and now there is whatever we want to call what we are currently going through.

as much as Foucault was a uniquely Left Nietzschean (and again, no Hegel), Land's creation of equally Hegel-free Right Marxism is what separates him also. Land basically goes back to doing a kind of orthodox economic analysis in the Marxist mode, but skipping over all of the semiotic/linguistic stuff that postmodernity built its whole legacy on. and it is my contention that in doing so he re-Hegelianized Marx (or re-Marxified Hegel, i guess) which resulted in his theory about modernity being the famous 'alien attack from the future.' this is an admittedly hyperbolic-sounding phrase, but over time he refines it down to a fairly basic concept: teleoplexy, or machine intelligenesis via capital.

and so i think it lines up fairly well with a broad trajectory. Baudrillard starts by writing about the consumer society, and eventually runs wild with irony and the orders of simulation; Land is a continuation of that, i think, and saying that it is *automation* which is what the most extreme forms of simulation ultimately give rise to, in a cultural sense. hence: 'Capital is a computer that processes desire.' and it is a computer that we control precisely by surrendering everything to consumption. whether you eat the McNugget ironically or not, the cash register rings and that intel gets uploaded to the mainframe. hence the inhumanist themes in his work.

and all of this leads to the programmatic encapsulation of the living experience, through a technical matrix, that you are describing. we don't have a way - maybe we can't even think of one - out of a Eudaimonic society, and yet it does seem that our planetary Eudaimonia (granted, not in Plato's sense, but in a much more degraded commercial sense) eventually becomes systemized by an operating system.

>> No.11976678
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this, seems attention grabbing enough

>> No.11976684
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in this story Foucault matters because of the gigantic influence he has had on the way academic culture (and by extension, media, government, entertainment) works. and in a sense he's right. Landian Capital works in a similar way, and yet to me at least it gets at the problem in a much more interesting way. Acceleration is not only a more interesting analysis of what is meant by modernity, it's also a pretty good critique of postmodernity as well, although the news can tell you that postmodernity requires very little help in terms of presenting its own critiques: just look at what happens to academics or heretical freethinkers who commit heresy. today when some mild-mannered English Literature prof gets deplatformed this is easier to understand. but Land was already doing this way back in the early 90s when it was, ostensibly, the boom time for postmodernity. the internet hadn't even been invented yet and he was already anticipating that things were beginning to change, that there were some deep cracks in the system.

so more recently ofc Peterson has been waging his own 40K-style crusade against Postmodernism, but unfortunately he doesn't have much sense of why those authors wrote as they did. and it's true that today postmodernism has basically become commensurate with identity politics, which is really a disaster. but i'm very pro-Heidegger myself, and Heidegger gives you Lacan (who i like), Derrida (meh, although he does have some influence on Stiegler, who is way cool, and who eventually gets us to Yuk Hui, for whom these threads are named), Kojeve (who is Alexandre Kojeve, and who's own book on Hegel is essential reading), and many others. Foucault i am impressed by, and there is a lot of similarity between his disciplinary societies and D&G's societies of control. and of course Heidegger stands in the shadow of Nietzsche, who is - along with Marx and Freud - one of the original Warring Triad figures who stands over all of this stuff.

but the hope is to find life after Nick Land's Wild Ride, which is why i am hoping for a kind of return to Heidegger, in a sense, by way of YH, and his guys in turn - Stiegler and Simondon, both of whom have some extraordinary stuff to say about what is perhaps the appearance of a technical culture, or an Information Society, or mechanology, and so on. these aren't, imho, things we can always go to postmodernism to explain, because postmodernity is like ASOIAF blood magic. and also because i like the connections to YH's need for a kind of more holistic relation with the world, which opens the door to the Traditionalists too.

in terms of what you said about the scouring and debugging of the societal script, my own sense is that it is more that we need to debug ourselves less than society today. it's like they say, 'Who watches the watchmen?' in our world there cannot be a professional De-Bugging class, no matter how many PhD's are involved. we're all bugged and bugging in that sense.

>> No.11976695

that's a good one for sure!

i already have one piece of art in mind that i'm leaning towards, but i'm definitely open to suggestions. i haven't read Biomega or anything, i just thought the general aesthetic was cool and i've been kind of leaning towards Anime Cyber-Babes for a bit, but...well, we'll see.

anyways, art and music suggestions are always welcome. Acceleration is all about mad cyberpunk, i don't quite know what the rules are for Cosmotech, but that's what this experiment is all about.

>> No.11976703

It's great that you all recognize the similarities between hauntology and number theory/universals/transcendentals/synthetic a priori/etc but you have to realize that the only way these can all be tied together and perceived by the human "Nous" is in a single divine mind of a personal God, not some impersonal Gnon or whatever you fags call it.

>> No.11976708

I uploaded the album Quarantine by Laurel Halo the other day.
It draws heavily on cyberpunk, futurism and alienation. Hopefully no copyright bots find it from me posting the name and take it down, we'll see.

>> No.11976752
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why does Nick Land say bitcoin is a critique in the kantian sense? what's a critique in the kantian sense and what does this have to do with cryptoshit? what's he on about?

>> No.11976763

i mean academia's gender accelerationism is one of the most clear examples of accelerationism going on right now, there are all the time like 5 different incompatible gender theories being entertained as if they were consistent between them which they aren't, and there's no issue with this, and those theories just keep changing all the time

it's kind of glorious

>> No.11976780
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aw yeah, music recommendations. thanks anon! it's always nice to have new music stuff. if necessary i can make a post with the OP full of atmospherics rather than just picking one piece, as music isn't really my forte (although i am kind of fond of EDM and electronica, which goes with the overall theme). but ambient coolness is awesome too.

>It's great that you all recognize the similarities between hauntology and number theory/universals/transcendentals/synthetic a priori/etc but you have to realize that the only way these can all be tied together and perceived by the human "Nous" is in a single divine mind of a personal God, not some impersonal Gnon or whatever you fags call it.

i'm increasingly drawn towards this perspective myself, in some sense. certainly Spinoza is no slouch. a cold and impersonal Gnon is perhaps what Uncle Nick believes is ultimately in the control room of creation.

but i really cannot find a flaw in Whitehead either, to whom Cosmotech #4 was largely dedicated. process philosophy (and theology?) makes a *lot* of sense to me. i think YH actually wants less Whitehead and more Qi-Dao stuff, which i understand too, and i am very fond of both Laozi and Confucius also.

but Whitehead tho, hot diggity. i've said before that one of the things i would like to see is a transition away from the Masters of Suspicion - Marx, Freud, Nietzsche - because collectively those guys give us postmodernity, which isn't by itself a bad thing, and yet by 2018 has obviously lost its mind completely and is sucking the universe into a vortex of bitterness, guilt, and ressentiment. trying to find ways out from that madness (first, by way of acceleration, and then by trying to get a handle on acceleration too) is what Cosmotech is all about. and so we are very open to the Traditionalists here, no question, and to historians, philosophers, authors and critics with a religious sensibility. and even those who don't think that way: Spengler wasn't expressly religious, but he certainly had a Feeling for the stars, and Lewis Mumford seemed to have taken his cues more from William James than anyone, but he definitely had the kind of perspective on technics and civilization that i like.

the one guy i would really *not* want to have to pick a fight with and win would be Cozy Al. i feel like he would fucking cast a magic spell on me and send me to Dimensions Unknown from which i would return in a much humbler and wiser fashion. Whitehead is so fucking next level it's not even funny. and his thoughts on the nature of the cosmos are pretty stunning.

but again, i'm not the owner of any patents or trademarks either. Cosmotech to me just implies life after acceleration. so i'm not setting any rules on anything, and i don't have anything like an orthodoxy either. for now we're just trying to arrange a few notes so that something like an interesting conversation can be had that doesn't exile Being for Technics and vice versa.

>> No.11976815
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it is. you're right. it bothers me a little because i'm looking for answers or existential stability in my own way, and i thought i would find it in academia. turns out that is not the case. i do think that there is something horrible about people finding Answers to those questions in a form of radicalism that i am certain only makes things crazier. Arran Crawford said something that stayed with me: that jihad is a cure for depression (and why it is so difficult to find a replacement for jihad).

he also wrote a good essay here which another anon posted in Cosmotech #6, i'll re-post it here.


so yeah, viewed from a distance it is kind of glorious. i had kind of hoped at one point that maybe i would want to be in academia, but i don't think this is the right time for it. so yeah, accelerating the weirdness. but there's also the question about where this stuff leads, because i think all it does is produce the Automatic Planet. but maybe it has to be this way? i don't know really.

>why does Nick Land say bitcoin is a critique in the kantian sense? what's a critique in the kantian sense and what does this have to do with cryptoshit? what's he on about?

in the recent hermitix podcast he was saying that he basically considers the Nakamoto white paper on BTC to be a significant contribution to the history of transcendental philosophy. it's like his favorite thing. and he's been writing a book on it for years now but nobody knew if it was ever going to come out or not. apparently we will get at least a preface to it fairly soon and the book at some point, maybe next year.


as time goes on he seems to slowly be falling more and more in love with Kant (or maybe he just always was?). my sense is that he just likes the idea of a quantifiable time measured by the blockchain, because it would seem to be the culmination of modernity itself and perhaps fit with his own cosmic vision of the universe, modernity as being itself fundamentally negentropic. if capital means anything, it means intelligence, and intelligence is negentropy. this i think is fundamentally what he aiming at, and BTC/Blockchain ultimately instantiates that in the economic sphere. so it would all be like a kind of Return To Kant after a century+ of Hegel and postmodernity and so on. maybe such a sense would help him sleep better at night. i don't know. we'll probably have to get the book for more on this.

in a way, i guess if i have any issue with this myself, it's that he's basically just coming full circle back to a very measured argument for the status quo and the perfectly obvious. ofc machines are good. this we know. but hey, i mean, if he wants to end his own Wild Ride on that note, more power to him i guess. in retrospect i wouldn't be able to say that it's not like i didn't have a pretty good time retracing his steps to the Inferno and R'lyeh and back.

>> No.11976824
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proper hyperstition at work.

>In demonstrating the truths of Nature–does not truth reveal its own self?
history can be seen as a self-purgation of the anthropocene. reiterations of knowledge has done a number on populations. the paradox of our hyperconnectedness is that we are now assuming the stance of what was lost in centuries of dispute. we are reconciling the dots that were erased through cultural reframing and bloodshed. any dam can only hold for so long. further accumulation just means a varied force in the process of immersion.

>> No.11976875
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>proper hyperstition at work.
hah, i was wondering when you would see that. Digital Object Architecture? come on. and how about DAO for also being the acronym for Decentralized Autonomous Organization? i'm still not sure if i would want to go with DAO or DOA. they both have some serious meme power.

>history can be seen as a self-purgation of the anthropocene. reiterations of knowledge has done a number on populations. the paradox of our hyperconnectedness is that we are now assuming the stance of what was lost in centuries of dispute. we are reconciling the dots that were erased through cultural reframing and bloodshed. any dam can only hold for so long. further accumulation just means a varied force in the process of immersion.
aw yeah boi TELL 'EM

i love it when other anons post the thoughts i would want to say so that i don't have to go through the work of schizo-rambling my way for nine miles to get to that point. it's such a feeling of relief. there it is, it's said. it exists in the world. it cannot be said any more clearly. and now i don't have to say it. now i can just sit here and nod. aaaaaah. feels good man

no way man i'm Awesome and Rad and a Cyber-Philosopher and also i
>me, internally consumed by fear and guilt

>> No.11976882


>> No.11976935


Quick rundown on Whitehead or a link to what specifically you found stunning about his view?

>> No.11976979
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well it seems the reason that compelled me here is now transacted. i had good dreams last night. it is a good sign. i will now take my leave. pshh... smell ya laterz.

>the original BLAME! anime

>> No.11976990
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i should add to this: *were it possible* for me to say things this clearly. b/c plainly there is no guarantee of this! anyways, tremendously based posts anon. ty on behalf of the butterflies in my stomach. and moar plz ofc.

>Quick rundown on Whitehead or a link to what specifically you found stunning about his view?

i invite you to take a stroll through Cosmotech #4 at your leisure. much of the greentext in it is excerpted from pic rel, which is really good. i'm not exactly known for my capacity to give Quick Rundowns on anything but there is basically a whole thread here which consists of me gushing about ANW and others. in summa: process philosophy is very much like the kind of hybrid art/science/philosophy D&G ask for at the end of WiP. and it includes within it a certain relation between the individual and the cosmos that is Maximum Cosmotech. YH i think wants to keep it a little more terrestrial, and perhaps he is channeling some neo-Confucianism here, and maybe Laozi also. but if you really want to get wild with the imagination, and not have everything come back in the end to "alienation," Whitehead is your man. he is a science-compatible philosopher who is more continental than most continental philosophers, and yet he comes out of the Anglo world, where is he is to my mind a complete outlier. and yet this was a guy who was neither a Freudian, Marxist, Nietzschean, Heideggerian, or anything. he was his own guy and what he says is at once spectacularly imaginative and yet completely in accord with science also. can't find a flaw there.


'Cosmotechnics' comes from YH's book, and YH - by virtue of being alive today - is critical of acceleration, and i think this is germane. i've been as big of a homer for Uncle Nick as anyone on this board, but i came to it mainly because imho the Landian blackpill > the red and blue pills. but man cannot live on the blackpill alone. as such a fourth pill must be cooked up (in our dingy and profoundly unhealthy cyberpunk laboratories). if in the end such a Cosmic Pill wound up basically just being a long plea for Whiteheadian Speculative Philosophy Adventure Time i think i would be pretty okay with this also. Confucius and Laozi get me in the feels also, because i think there is something profoundly beautiful in those sensibilities, predicated as they are on a fundamental benevolence (well, in Confucius' case...less so Laozi, straw dogs &c). and because those in turn square with RG's sensibilities.

in terms of metaphysics? Whitehead is a tall order for anyone to find a flaw in. that's why, i think, YH alludes to him late in Cosmotechnics. he wants, i think, something more of a localized, culture-compatibilistic theory of tech, which i am fine with too, since it is indeed the Reign of Quantity - the All-Devouring Postmodern Same - that is the real existential threat, in a sense. but none of this ruffles Whitehead's feathers in the slightest.

>> No.11977057

>Quick rundown on Whitehead or a link to what specifically you found stunning about his view?

Different Anon than you who are responding to, but "The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality" is pretty much essential reading to aid in understanding Process and Reality. Here's the first pages of it to give a quick rundown: https://imgur.com/a/ZtLDYJT

A memeable quick rundown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q6cDp0C-I8

When I first read Whitehead I was stunned because of how his basic conclusions are essentially the same as the ones that I arrived at by considering the fundamental theorem of calculus as a metaphysical principle, which I describe in more detail here: >>11975606 I'm convinced that Whitehead's organic philosophy isn't merely consistent, but actually corresponds to reality. This post is a broad sketch of my own take on process philosophy, which is far from finished.

>> No.11977070


Meh, the idea that everything is eternal flux, process, and change doesn't really make sense in light of the existence of universals. Whitehead's process argument falls flat in that regard whereas the Transcendental argument easily handles these things.

You guys listen to Jay Dyer at all? He does a great job of making sense of Plato, Aristotle, Hegel and Nietzsche.

Yall don't fall into the materialistic trap of considering yourself yet another "homo economicus" NPC under the control of (((capital))). Man's problems can't be solved by "accelerating" some material conditions, but by spiritually reconciling Man and God.

>> No.11977107
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it's hard to imagine this man being *triggered,* in other words. like, by anything.

but seriously, just zoom in there. i mean he looks like a fucking alien. which, i mean, i would be fine with. but this is the face of a guy who arrived on dear old Planet Meme maybe a century or two early. and he was just a cozy dude in his armchair, you know, sitting by the fire, and basically having his own mind blown 24/7 by the rotation of the heavenly spheres and blazing stars and god only knows what else.

and so Whitehead is probably The Man as far as Cosmotech is concerned. and getting off the Wild Ride means less politics and not more. it would also mean wickedly scaling back on a lot of economics too, and at least theorizing technology and time in ways that aren't predicated on utopian thought in revolutionary, socialist, or romantic senses. in terms of getting right with the universe in an existential sense, these are religious philosophical questions, not political ones. and for all of that Land is useful, very much so, in advancing the conversation from capitalism through technology to time (and from time back to technology, and so on, which is Bernard Stiegler's contribution).

Cosmotechnics as YH understands it means an *alternate reading of the history of technology,* since China has a different historical trajectory from the west, and Chinese metaphysics are not reducible to Greek sensibilities and vice versa. today, of course, every major world power is runs on the Capitalist OS in one sense or another, whether it's Imperial Capitalism or Capitalist Socialism or Capitalist Authoritarianism or w/ev else. Capital is, as YH says, the planetary cosmotechnics par excellence. but it's also fucking with us psychically, environmentally, and so on. and it will lead to Interesting Times, for which a hysterical strain of thinking currently proliferating wildly throughout the West is only going to exacerbate. Postmodernity is the cultural interface par excellence for capitalism, but it is deeply and fundamentally conflicted over identity politics, and idpol is a major factor in what produced Trump.

Land's inhumanism is one way of moving beyond idpol, but in another sense it only reinforces it: even inhumanism is predicated on humanism. again, YH will say, what's so bad about humanism? it's not *all* bad. Heidegger too, in a way. and Simondon, in a sense, provided that said humanism trends towards mechanology. all are correct, imho. but in terms of metaphysics Whitehead is *truly* Level-2. he's a big deal.

>> No.11977149
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I like where your head's at but I think that what you're seeing in your programming is a reflection of a reflection of the gestalt.

I'll try to elaborate as best I can. Basically it should come as no surprise that you can draw inferences about human behaviour and psyche and, as I said, the gestalt of humanity from a programming language. In fact, programming languages may be some of the most suitable ways to go about doing so if you were so inclined. The reason for this comes from the reason why we make programming languages in the first place - to perform tasks that humans would traditionally do only with greater speed, precision and depth (eg. decimal places) all in immense amounts of parallelisation.

But programming language are constructed by humans; they are the result of the human mind and are thus constrained by how the human mind operates. Programming languages are designed to be a tool that emulate the world around us and perform functions based on what is observed in that world. Thus the human mind goes about the task of creating this language in the best way it can. It categorises and labels and gives discrete operations to various strings of code. It reduces the language to a series of distinct principle components from which the entire world can be rebuilt in code. Each component interacting with the others in ways that we deduce to be the best/most efficient/most appropriate.

This isn't merely a coincidence but a necessity. It is impossible for the mind to not develop such a system as any way of doing so that is inconceivable in the abstract sense is, by definition, not something a human mind with it's neruophysical limitations could ever come up with.

In theory you should be able to say the same for anything that results from the human mind; anything from a coke can to a spaceshuttle. It's all just our minds acting in predictable manners in given contexts (these contexts are multiform, climate, drug ingestion, social circles, music, wider societal attitudes etc.) so it's no wonder that you see the human mind reflected in the code.

The really interesting bit for me is what that means for society when code starts writing itself en masse and capital takes advantage of it.

>> No.11977156
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>Meh, the idea that everything is eternal flux, process, and change doesn't really make sense in light of the existence of universals. Whitehead's process argument falls flat in that regard whereas the Transcendental argument easily handles these things.
whatever the most interesting conversation to be had at any given moment is is pretty much where i'm at.

>Yall don't fall into the materialistic trap of considering yourself yet another "homo economicus" NPC under the control of (((capital))). Man's problems can't be solved by "accelerating" some material conditions, but by spiritually reconciling Man and God.
right. NPC's are to be found in abundance on both wings of the political spectrum today. these divisions - the Big Metanarratives that in theory postmodernism was supposed to bring to an end, and which have only returned now with a vengeance that is a true carousel of disaster and rage politics - belong to the 20C and the 21C seems to be insisting on rehashing them in ways that become ever more divisive. it's better *human beings* that are required - which is both an anthropotechnical project (Sloterdijk) and a cosmotechnical project (YH). whether or not this culminates in some kind of Planetary Cosmopolis which integrates the best of both worlds, or a return to a slightly more multipolar sensibility, both have their charms. basically though Capitalism by way of Postmodernity (and vice versa) basically have a strangehold over the entire universe, which races towards accelerationist ideas without even realizing it. it's not going to be good either way, but how it plays out is anybody's guess. all we can really do is speculate.

>You guys listen to Jay Dyer at all? He does a great job of making sense of Plato, Aristotle, Hegel and Nietzsche.

can't say i have. post a link?

this is rad, i'll look into this stuff later on today. thanks for sharing this anon.

>> No.11977173

Daily reminder that deterritorialization is the antievolution. What's happening is the greatest threat we have had for 1.5 or so billion years. We are losing everything and will gain nothing. Techinical objects have no life in them, the only difference between technical objects and sedimentary rocks is intentional design. Even if techne runs away in it's own autocatalyitic devolpment, that devolpment is nothing like evolution. With no autopoetic existenence here and now, the cybernetically oreinted devolpment of techinical objects, is nothing like the biosemiotic/biodeontic devolpment living things do. Technical objects are nothing close to living. Even iff, artificial life-true AI emerges from this destruction(and that's a big iff, the logic is different) it will be left in a world stripped of potential, including ours, which we have been building for 1.7 or so billon years. I will not passively let animation dissolve into nothingness. If your demented take on post-modernity is moving past the grand narrative of evolution, of life itself, and you want to achieve this goal. You are no less than satanic and are the mortal enemy of all that's green and potentially good. I suspect that your fascination with this death-cult is more of a product of confusion about the nature of life than a product of hate. Come to the truth and embrace the animist enlightenment, the only flicker of Hope in the horizon.
Science and psychedelics provide the substrate for a deductively rigorous science of religion, or the study of life qua living. An estoric explanation is nothing close to the beauty that a scientific one carries. There are two singularities we are moving toward, a living world unified in the hic et nunc, and a deceased living world unified in possession by mechanistic fiction.

>> No.11977181

Last time I phone fag.

>> No.11977183



>> No.11977185

wow anon, this is such an interesting post. thanks for
>You are no less than satanic and are the mortal enemy of all that's green and potentially good.


>> No.11977205
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but how do you stop acceleration? following Land as soon as you have any productive force that re-enforces itself you are just re-creating it, even if you purpose to be against it, and if you don't have it how do you expect to have the power to stop it?

>> No.11977337

Entheogenic esotericism refers to the practice of creating exoteric doctrine of new religious movements based off psychedelic insight will simultaneously veiling psychedelics as the source of said insight hence esotericism.

>> No.11977387

so it's just trying to justify getting high by claiming you can hear god speak to you while you do it?
seems a bit pathetic desu; I'm against drugs but if you do them don't try to beat around the bush, just say you like getting high, you're not speaking to god or anything you're just making your neurons go crazy for a bit

>> No.11977427
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i'm fine with much of this, fwiw. i like psychedelics and i have only fond memories of the various Somas that the 21C has made available. but if you're looking for a Satanic Death-Cult and Mortal Enemy of All That Is Green and Good you're kind of in the wrong place. i've read a little of Castaneda and i thought Active Side of Infinity was great. i even started a thread on Aztec philosophy a while back to talk about the BwO and the plane of immanence and on on:


so yeah. shamanic mysticism is way cool. but as for Satanic Death-Cult &c that's really not what this is about. true, cyberpunk and acceleration does deal with those themes, but it's not like anyone is actively rooting for techno-dystopia. it's because those things happen to some degree on their own, that's the phenomenon we're interested in. and obviously to inquire into an alternate mode of existence.

i thought it was necessary to clarify this, because i don't like the feeling of being slam-dunked on for things that i don't even say or believe.

>> No.11977476
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Sorry, I'm intellectually emphathetic, but when people advocate for what is an eternal source of grief and anguish for me, I will spite them. It isnt just the only place I *feel* belong to that's being lost. The living world is the only world any of us belong in, it's the only place where we can *feel* where we can *live*. I can only handle such an insidious, existentially threatening ideaology with cold spite. It is syllogistically satanic.
I ultimately see us as ideaologically ill and confused, after all, why else would someone embrace ecological suicide? You are still my comrade, we are both living, we a part of the same grand thing. The real enemy has no ideaology, feelings, interpertive agency, or anything of the living sort. It proliferates algorithmically and it's ideaology infects victims from the outside in. Our marvellous plasticity is being turned against us. The same way rainforest flora can adapt to grow in the conditions brought about by oil spills, we can grow in the toxic environment brought about by the anthropocene, we can find solace in our pain, we can justify it-even advocate for it. We are grasses that have grown to love the mechanistic shear of a brushhog Seedlings growing in cracks divining syllogies from concrete-praying for a bit of palladium runoff to drink.
Is was recently reading: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/david-lewis/#2 what is said about possibilities and convention in cooperative games is applicable. We need is niche partitioning, we need to use capital to our own ends, with concentrated anarchy to destroy the legal foundations of this nightmarish capital fiction eroding the living landscape we nest in.
After catastrophe, it is biodiversity that allows us to colonize the sorched earth and rebuild our soil, we would have a hard time in recovering from the effects of eutrophication in marine ecosystems if every species of plankton lived the same way. We need an organized neoanimist religion, to unify us in belief. This time belief in what is deductively sound, and belief in our sentiments about it. A religion that embraces the beautiful modality of belief and living. Religion always has been the attempt to explain life, and give a deontic grounding to living. With scientific knowledge we can build a religion of deductive truth, recognizing Life as the creating-creation it is, life began when nothing experienced something, and it ends when something experiences nothing. We are approaching nothing.
Passivity is forbidden! Our salvation is belief. Salvation through belief is the great christian truth. Though are salvation is not other worldly this salvation ensures an immortal living world. Religion is at a new frontier with science replacing myth.
What has happened with humans is big. What we are is the means for life to finally understand itself.This has been especially true in the last century. The tragedy is we wont have much left to understand. Our gift may die in lonely vainity

>> No.11977487
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>Satanic Death-Cult
>true, cyberpunk and acceleration does deal with those themes
>what did i mean by this

the more i try and explain this the dumber i feel. what i mean is obviously brooding on the nature of the relationship between desire and capital will take you to some crazy dark places. in one of the other threads i was reflecting that if you took three of the greatest Anti-Christ figures in philosophy - Marx, Nietzsche and Spinoza - and smashed them all up together in one person, you would get Deleuze, and who was obviously not the Antichrist, but a pretty quiet metaphysician from Paris.

anyways. there is no question at all that techno-modernity is a heartbreaker. i just didn't want to give you the impression that somehow everyone ITT is somehow rooting for an HR Giger painting IRL with big foam fingers and cheering on the destruction of humanity. this is not the case. nobody wants this (not even Land).

ok. so i can see that you are responding to this now, so i'll stop. i'm sure you understand what i mean anyways.

>> No.11977488

>t. doesn't comprehend the difference between descriptive and prescriptive accelerationism
every time

>> No.11977507
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i'm sure he gets it. and speaking for myself i would say that there's definitely room in Cosmotech for some Level-2 environmentalism also. Deep Ecology is cool stuff too.

this is a good post, anon. thanks for explaining where you're coming from in this a little more clearly. there's a lot in this i agree with also.

>> No.11977525

thanks anon

>> No.11977559

Looks like I've orientalized you, sorry. It's just fucking scary, obviously I'm interested in the same things, I'm just noided. With all these silicon valley rich-folk and the likes of CATO hoping on board with some of this shit, I have a reason to fear. Also I am averse to alot of the metaphysics I see here and simply am looking at the same thing from a different-I dare say-higher vantage. Like I've said I've orientalized alot of the content here, from what I've seen, it seems like deterritorialization is being seen as a kind of evolution and bwo as a kind of organism, albiet in a negatory sense, ~A is not A. So the idea that anything like life will come out of this is bogus. I just want to point out that these processes are not creative, they don't develop, they whitewash and unravel. Actually advocating for acceleration is not cool. It can only come out of demonic urges, or passivity and nhilism. I may dislike the later even more, and really doubt the former even exists.
To clarify the syllogism I made to the old myth of Satan. Satan is a deceiver, the devil's followers aren't evil like the devil himself. They have been tricked by the all-too-human propensity for false-beliefs. That's where reason gets you. That's why I try to be scientific in my knowledge, but all my advocacy and moral actions have to do with how I feel about that knowledge, sentimentality. I strongly believe that every mentally healthy person wise enough to understand our prediciment feels very bad about what's going on. We have important decisions to make, basing those deontic decisions on reason is how we will deceive ourselves into complacency with what we know deep down to be wrong. After all, you wouldn't stop to reason about the trolley problem before you pulled a child out of the way of an incoming train. That kind of cowardice, to retreat to reasoning in the face of the biggest threat we have ever faced is not acceptable.

>> No.11977645
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>Looks like I've orientalized you, sorry.
no harm done m8.

but it does prompt a word of my own:
by which i mean, this sense that people who don't hate on the West and either a) want to see it burned down completely or b) love it because the Third Reich Did Nothing Wrong. it's funny, i guess i ultimately consider myself a kind of a boring centrist in the end, but in order to feel confirmed in my centrism i have found it necessary to spend quite a lot of time brooding at the extremes of both polarities, left and right. maybe this is why i have a kind of affinity for Uncle Nick, although i don't share his feelings for inhumanism.

so i am girardfag and it means that in my private power rankings i really can't rate anyone higher than him. but if there was a #2 guy it probably would be Heidegger, warts and all. a lot of my cozy time reading Heidegger went into stasis once i got into Land, because Heidegger's Gestell is Land's Teleoplexy, in a certain sense, or they definitely have a powerful link between them. i've been intrigued by Land's mentions of Heidegger more recently also. and Heidegger dovetails well with Lacan also, and between those guys you pretty much have everything you need to know about postmodernity prior to it losing its mind completely and becoming the Brood Queen of the Swarm.

but Girard always goes first because for him the world of political ontology only culminates in disaster. there's neither a feeling for history in the Hegelian or Heideggerian senses - Girard's own sense is both more naive and also, i think, even more profound. Girard isn't a true heavyweight in the way Heidegger is, and basically every conversation about Cosmotech (or virtually anything else) connects to Heidegger in less than a minute. he's still relevant today also. but coming off a kind of intoxicating utopian sentiment that i think we have been on ever since Napoleon is really hard, especially if it means making nice with Capital - which you *know* is a fucking monstrous demiurge! that is the hilarious, sad, and painful irony of all of it, at least as far as i'm concerned.

anyways, i figured i would ramble about this because maybe it's relevant. Occidentalizing and Orientalizing are both things that perhaps can be avoided, or keep each other in a kind of a balance while poor old battered and shipwrecked humanity claws its way through the next threshold of its adventure. either to something better or even just away from something much worse. i don't know. the Wild Ride is like that.

>> No.11977677

It's not trying to justify anything, it's trying to point out that most people who claim to talk to have had a spiritual were/are on drugs and not nearly as sober as they claim. This hypothesis can be extended back to ancient religions as well.

>> No.11977724
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>e live in an extraordinary era in which there is no tradition on which we can base our identity, no frame of meaningful universe which might enable us to lead a life beyond hedonist reproduction. Today’s nihilism – the reign of cynical opportunism accompanied by permanent anxiety – legitimizes itself as the liberation from the old constraints: we are free to constantly re-invent our sexual identities, to change not only our job or our professional trajectory but even our innermost subjective features like our sexual orientation. However, the scope of these freedoms is strictly prescribed by the coordinates of the existing system, and also by the way consumerist freedom effectively functions: the possibility to choose and consume imperceptibly turns into a superego obligation to choose. The nihilist dimension of this space of freedoms can only function in a permanently accelerated way – the moment it slows down, we become aware of the meaninglessness of the entire movement. This New World Disorder, this gradually emerging world-less civilization, exemplarily affects the young, who oscillate between the intensity of fully burning out (sexual enjoyment, drugs, alcohol, even violence), and the endeavour to succeed (study, make a career, earn money … within the existing capitalist order).

The amount of people I see who live this exact accelerated, new-age nihilism - family, friends, uni. classmates, etc. is not only disgusting, it's saddening and shocking. Sometimes I feel the desire to be someone to help them slow down and notice what they're doing, but these things are probably better left unsaid.

>> No.11977782
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i feel this too anon. it's the Matrix, it really is. beyond a certain horizon you just have to wonder if you're better off leaving people alone - after all, the alternative is the Exciting World of Death that is continental theory (that is, the Wild Ride). here's are a couple passages from one of our Cosmotech all-stars on this that i thought was related:

>The society in which Benjamin and Schmitt lived was a society of negativity, shaped by world wars and the immunological paradigm of friend and enemy. Agamben, in contrast, lives in a postimmunological society, one that has left both the society of sovereignty and the disciplinary society behind. Despite this decisive paradigm shift, Agamben continues to think in terms of negativity, such as effect, they are projected onto the society of positivity, which increasingly divests itself of all negativity. This projection makes Agamben blind to the problems of the postimmunological society. In the midst of the society of achievement, he describes the society of sovereignty. Therein lies the anachronism of his thought. Because of his anachronism, the violence he traces is always one of negativity, based on exclusion and inhibition. Thus he overlooks the violence of positivity, which expresses itself as exhaustion and inclusion and which is characteristic of the achievement society. Because he attends exclusively to the secularized forms of the now archaic-seeming forms of negativity, the extreme phenomena of positivity elude him. Contemporary violence is based more on the conformity of consensus than on the antagonism of dissent. Thus one could invert Habermas’s phrase and speak of the violence of consensus.

>The general promiscuity of contemporary society and the lack of an immunological other are mutually dependent. Promiscuus means mixed. Promiscuity requires a lack of immune reaction to the other. The hybridity that generally characterizes attitudes toward life today is diametrically opposed to immunity. Immunological hyperesthesia does not permit hybridity. Globalization forces the immunological threshold to be lowered because a strong immunological reaction to the other blocks globalization, which is a process, or rather an excess, of disinhibition and the dissolution of boundaries. The violence of positivity develops in the negativity-less space of the same. The lack of negativity leads to a proliferation of the positive, which does not meet with immunological resistance because of its immanence. It is a terror of the same.

'the violence of consensus.' and yet it is the subtlest thing in the world. people wonder why i always shill for this man, it's because he's a fucking stone-cold killer, that's why.

>> No.11977847
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i believe ulltimately that postmodernity will historically come to be regarded as the story of a Fall, in some sense, although it's not a Biblical narrative, nor is it a narrative of a hero myth. i actually have looked into why the name Kali figures in the Kali-Yuga, and it is a story of good intentions and disastrous consequences, involving a goddess who winds up drinking the blood of a demon trampling through heaven, and losing its mind completely.

Starcraft as a mythos is interesting to me because it's not quite Star Wars, in which the central role of a tragic villain is thoroughly masculine. Kerrigan isn't Vader, which is a good thing. but ultimately there is a certain story of hybris which is being played out. it's never anyone's fault - fate is like this - and maybe it's too early to make Big Predictions with Capital Letters &c.

still tho. the collective unconscious and all. 20m neckbeards can't be wrong.

>> No.11977882
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there's also the fact that for those 20m neckbeards Kerrigan is still waifu material either way. you have to love us meatbags.

>> No.11977902
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one of the most hilarious things in general about Blizzard's contribution to the world of myth and legend is that even the Undead become sexy under Chris Metzen's pen. male orcs remain as bestial and savage as ever, but not female ones; i've always found that to be kind of a hilarious plot twist. but bless their hearts and imaginations all the same.

>> No.11977918
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true, i suppose you could say that this is only so much of the same objectification of women that there always has been. which i guess is true. but at least the women *look* good! male orcs just look like monstrous animals. is there to be no love found for positive objectification?

>just me?
>*sweats, pulls collar*


>> No.11977919

It's hard for me to really view the west as, "the west" as something other. It seems so mundane to me, it's hard to really to view it as an entity. I guess the thing about the oriental/occidental is a fictitious view that presupposes a cohesive nature while missing the nuanced relations that bring it to coherence. It's catagorical assumptions with no systematic insight. Due to me pretty much being a one trick pony that can only afford to care about ecological issues, and my personality which is very independent and self-assured, aswell as a life long background in the life sciences, which doesn't mesh well at all with right wing beliefs ime. I've really only spent time on the left since I've been mature enough to hold serious convictions. I've never liked marxism, and only felt like I was an anarchist for a short while before becoming feed up with the lack of insight and silly convictions of other anarchist. Also, my beliefs lend themselves to a sort of hobbesian view of the state-capital even, for practical purposes. Though I also wish to destroy the current iterations of those things from their foundation, I'm not so naive that I let my radical desires alienate me from the political economy that I really don't like. It's obvious that the change needs to be ecological and not ideaological, and see no problem at all using capital and state power to advance my goals. I also don't pretend to be some kind of communist, I've never seen moving to a non-market economy as an option, it's obvious that capital should just be banished from the market. Anyways I don't really care for politics or even consider myself a leftist. Honestly it's all too anthropocentric for me. So in the case of politics I call myself an animist, which is also what a call my religious beliefs and possibly my burgeoning metaphysics, if it turns out my intuitions about potential make sense when I get it figured out.
I know how you feel, as I am Peirce fag. Apparently I'm a recognizable fag, since I started reading Peirce and and posting about him I've went from a know-nothing tyro to an apt, albeit megerly read philosophist. I feel somewhat lucky, as I before my exposure to Peirce ala biosemiotics my background was almost entirely in the life sciences, but I already had pretty nuanced views of my own. I feel like I found a sort of master key for scientific and philsophical investagation in Peirce's triad. So branching out from a Peirceian vantage has been fun and I feel like my ideas have a sort of integrity, that feels unique. As far as political philsophy goes I haven't seriously engaged with anything but my own, I somehow managed to maintain that intellectual virginity and my political ideas had a sort of rhizomatic, immaculate conception. Politics is too painful for me to study, I'm working out phenomenology, logic and metaphysics before I try to study any normative theories. I just let my political beliefs ferment in the dark I guess.
Sures been a Wild Ride

>> No.11977922

>i feel this too anon. it's the Matrix, it really is. beyond a certain horizon you just have to wonder if you're better off leaving people alone - after all, the alternative is the Exciting World of Death that is continental theory (that is, the Wild Ride).
>The general promiscuity of contemporary society and the lack of an immunological other are mutually dependent.
>'the violence of consensus.' and yet it is the subtlest thing in the world. people wonder why i always shill for this man, it's because he's a fucking stone-cold killer, that's why.

So then, the question is, what's ultimately better? Do you leave your family and friends on their blind, niihilistic death march - knowing that, so long as they continue to hear the drum beat, they'll at least be "happy" (for whatever measure happiness is in our post-modern 21st century), or do you try and quell the music, open their eyes, and knowingly expose them to the actual Wild Ride - and all of the anxiety and paranoia and the "violence of consensus" that they'd then have to live with? It's all gross. Speaking of the Matrix, it's entirely understandable that most people would probably be that guy who sells out the crew to savor digital steak (and ignorance, of course) once again.

>> No.11978005
File: 1.06 MB, 2500x1334, 02-Berggasse-19-Inside-Freuds-Office-with-Diana-Fuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So then, the question is, what's ultimately better?

'tis a big question. the Buddhists have some pretty well-argued perspectives on these things, it seems. one things seems for certain to be the case is that there can be no Law of Enlightenment (unless you want to talk about Sharia, and i don't think that's going to work). whatever happens it will be a team exercise and then some.

>Do you leave your family and friends on their blind, niihilistic death march - knowing that, so long as they continue to hear the drum beat, they'll at least be "happy" (for whatever measure happiness is in our post-modern 21st century), or do you try and quell the music, open their eyes, and knowingly expose them to the actual Wild Ride - and all of the anxiety and paranoia and the "violence of consensus" that they'd then have to live with?

i mean i have some pretty mad love for psychoanalysis and therapy in general. i think ultimately that what Freud had in mind was a pretty noble idea. where things started to go a little crazy was coupling Freudian stuff with Marxist stuff For A Better Tomorrow. this is not to say that it doesn't *work* - it certainly can, and Zizek has been doing it for decades. but just that ultimately what Freud wanted was to distinguish neurotic unhappiness from normal unhappiness, and ofc this makes sense to me also. so really you can only "help" people who want to be helped, imho, in whatever sense you can, which is never total, or complete. hence therapists seeing other therapists and so on.

>Speaking of the Matrix, it's entirely understandable that most people would probably be that guy who sells out the crew to savor digital steak (and ignorance, of course) once again.

entirely understandable. and yet a world composed of bailouts and sellouts gives us what we have. justifiably, in a sense. but it's why our age is ruled by a kind of paranoia and suspicion that irony only masks and hides. the Joker of TDK was nearer to the truth than most: that there is no joke. and perhaps like Gotham our cities too will require holy lies. but we know how those go (even in Wakanda).

it's a case by case thing. only start conversations when you really want to follow through on them (and not like me, who will be tempted to bring up Nick Land at Thanksgiving with the senpai like a complete fucking idiot).

>> No.11978021

oh the autocorrect. meant to say 'family.'

>> No.11978474


>> No.11978638
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>Freud’s psychoanalysis presumes the negativity of repression and negation. As Freud emphasizes, the unconscious and repression are correlated “to a very great extent.” No process of repression and negation is involved in modern-day psychic afflictions such as depression, burnout, and ADHD, in contrast. Actually, they point to an excess of positivity: not to negation but rather to the inability to say no, not to that which isn’t allowed but to the ability to do everything. Thus psychoanalysis cannot broach them. Depression doesn’t result from repression on the part of controlling entities such as the superego. In depressives, this “transference”—which would provide indirect clues to repressed psychic content—doesn’t occur.

>With its ideas of freedom and deregulation, present-day achievement society is abolishing wholesale those barriers and prohibitions that characterized the disciplinary society. The abolition of negativity bolsters performance. A general limitlessness and dissolution of barriers ensues, a veritable state of general promiscuity, which exerts no repressive energy. Where the release of instinctual impulses is not hindered by restrictive sexual mores, paranoid delusions also do not occur, such as those suffered by Daniel Paul Schreber, which Freud traced back to his repressed homosexuality. The Schreber case is typical of the nineteenth century disciplinary society, where a strict prohibition of homosexuality and even desire prevailed.

>Freud understands melancholia as a destructive relationship to the other that is internalized as part of the self through narcissistic identification. The original conflict with the other is internalized and transformed into an adversarial relationship to the self, which leads to impoverishment of the ego and auto-aggression. The contemporary achievement-subject’s depression is not preceded by an adversarial, ambivalent relationship to the other, which is lost. The dimension of the other plays no part in it. Instead, its strained, overdriven, excessive self-reference takes on a destructive character, contributing to the depression in which burnout so often culminates. The exhausted, depressive achievement-subject wears itself down, so to speak. It is tired, exhausted by itself, by the war with itself. Completely incapable of stepping outside itself, of being outside, of depending on the other or on the world, it becomes engrossed in itself, which paradoxically leads to the hollowing out and emptying of the self. It commits itself to an ever-accelerating hamster wheel within itself.

-- Han/Topology of Violence

my man

>> No.11978757
File: 14 KB, 300x225, carl.schmitt.2-1-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For Schmitt, war isn’t merely politics by other means but rather the political itself. He believes that enmity is constitutive of identity. The ego owes its existence only to its immunological defense against the other as enemy. Thus Schmitt remarks that it is a “sign of inner conflict to have more than one real enemy.” The inability to clearly define a single enemy is interpreted as a lack of identity on the part of the self. The plurality of enemies dissipates the ego. Only in the face of an enemy does the self manifest in complete clarity and distinctness: “The enemy is our own question as Gestalt. … For this reason I must contend with him in battle, in order to assure my own standard, my own limits, my own Gestalt."

>The high-water mark of great politics for Schmitt isn’t the moments in which reconciliation or rapprochement is achieved but rather those moments in which “the enemy is, in concrete clarity, recognized as the enemy.” It is not dialogue and compromise but war and strife that form the foundation of the political: “What always matters is only the possibility of conflict.” The solution to conflicts is not political; rather, the enmity that lies at the heart of conflict establishes the political. The “possibility of conflict” is not the borderline case marking the end of the true political. Instead, as a front, the border defines the space of the political. The exceptional case is one in which all of a society’s normative conditions are invalidated. They are reduced to their bare being. The normative yields completely to the existential. The political manifests itself in this critical exception, in which existence finds its pure expression: “War, the readiness of combatants to die, the physical killing of human beings who belong on the side of the enemy—all of this has no normative meaning, only an existential meaning, particularly in a real combat situation with a real enemy[ “Thus no normative justification of war is possible, only an existential one. Indeed, there can be no justification for war. The norms establish the “normal situation.” Only a “critical,” “entirely abnormal situation” in which norms no longer apply can be called political. Schmitt severs war from any kind of normativity: “The justification of war does not reside in its being fought for ideals or norms of justice, but in its being fought against a real enemy."

-- Han/ToV

postmodernity today seems both a Cold War sensibility and that of Schmitt. with the cherry on top being that *there is no fucking enemy.* there is nothing even remotely like the Soviets or the Nazis today. and yet there is so much of the logic of the emergency situation in discourse. the real problem will be unemployment and disenfranchisement of huge numbers of people...and for what? for a happiness which leads only to burnout.

people don't know what to do in the absence of enemies.

>> No.11978815
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>Schmitt thinks in terms of irreconcilable, dichotomous opposites. Either-or is the basic precept of his thought, even of his psyche. Stark contours articulate his world. His critique of romanticism grows from his inability to accept ambiguity and ambivalence. For him, the world of romanticism is “a world without substance and functional cohesion, without a fixed direction, without consistency and definition, without a final court of appeal. He condemns the romanticist Adam Müller’s “passion for mediating everywhere his ‘cosmic tolerance,’ which left nothing “that one could love and honestly hate.”

>Schmitt criticizes “his emotional pantheism, which is basically always in agreement with everything and approves of everything,” and “his feminine and vegetative nature,” which stood in opposition to masculine, predatory natures. Political existence is not vegetative but bestial. Reconciliation and mediation are not political but rather aggression and subjugation. Life only achieves a “political factor” through “real battle,” “this most extreme possibility,” that is, through violence. For Schmitt, a transnational world community is not a political situation because it has no enemies outside itself: “A world in which the possibility of war is utterly eliminated, a completely pacified globe, would be a world without the distinction of friend and enemy and hence a world without politics.” Schmitt’s politics of violence is a politics of identity, which characterizes his psyche beyond the political.

-- Han/ToV

so i don't want to get this thread moved to /pol/ or anything but it warrants mentioning: the original, and prototypical, SJW's were the Nazis. and this is why we get so trigged when we the same tactics being used, i suspect. and yet Han is 209% correct here. the issue is not the war, it's the war-time sensibility. this is why there has to be something beyond the emergency situation. Han feels differently about things than Girard does, but they wouldn't disagree on the key details. and maximum tragicomic irony points are awarded for the purveyance of Cold War/Carl Schmitt Thought in *peacetime* so that Capital can be served pharmacologically all the way up and down the chain by serving identity politics.

nondual religion, fuck yes. i'm already getting hyped for poverty, loneliness, and Owning the Libs by starving myself to death in the woods like Heraclitus.

>> No.11978913
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Based Han also scores no end of points for routinely taking shots at Foucault also, which imho is always a bonus. Foucault seems to be his chosen Nemesis and he gets bonus +ATK/DMG in all rolls against. in this book he also takes a few swings at Baudrillard also, which leads into stuff worth quoting here so that this excursus stays thematic:

>The temporal crisis of today is not acceleration. Acceleration in itself is not inherently destructive. Accelerated cell growth can be temporarily useful provided it works to benefit the economy of the entire organism. If acceleration overshoots any useful purpose and takes on a life of its own, it assumes a diabolic form. This sort of accelerated growth is no longer growth but rather an excrescence. True acceleration follows a process that is directed at a goal. What is regarded as acceleration today is actually a rapid increase in entropy, which causes things to run riot and proliferate, generating a saturated, suffocating mass.

>Bacilli destroy their environment not perhaps because they intend to destroy it but because they degenerate into blind, excessive growth. They are blind to the higher entity to which they owe their life and survival. Schnitzler proposes a relationship between bacilli and the human race: “Were we to suppose that the human race represented an illness for some higher organism completely inconceivable to us, within which was to be found the purpose, necessity, and meaning of their existence, but which they also sought to destroy, and indeed would ultimately have to destroy, the more highly developed they became—just so do the race of bacilli strive to annihilate the ‘ailing’ human individual! Even were this supposition to approach the truth—our powers of imagination wouldn’t know what to make of it; for our intellect is only capable of grasping what is downward and deeper, never what is upward and higher; only that which is lower can be relatively known to us, but we can only guess at the higher. Thus, perhaps we can conceive of the history of humanity as its eternal struggle against the divine, which, despite its best resistance, gradually but necessarily is annihilated by the human. In light of the destructive excess growth in many areas of life, Freud’s death drive thesis gains plausibility. The forces that at first glance appeared to be progress and vitality, which represent the hyperactivity of the late modern achievement society, would then be destructive impulses arising from the death drive, ultimately leading to the deadly collapse of the entire system—that is, its burnout.

-- Han/ToV

>*chanting intensifies*

>what do we want?
nothing. maybe relief
>when do we want it?
soon i guess. that would be good

>> No.11978977
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>A world in which everything can be expressed in terms of price and in which everything must produce a profit is obscene. Furthermore, the society of transparency is one in which everything is on display. In this exposed society, every subject is its own product for sale. Everything is measured by its exhibition value. Cult value, which consists not in being-exposed but in being-there (Da-Sein), disappears completely. Exposed society is pornographic society. Everything is oriented outward, stripped, bare, unveiled, and denuded. The exposed countenance without any “aura of looking” flattens into a mere face. The face is the commercialized form of the countenance. Excessive exhibition turns everything into a product that is “doomed, naked and with no secret, to immediate devouring.” Total exhibition is obscene in its totally uninhibited putting-on-display. Hypervisibility is obscene. Things don’t disappear in the dark but rather in the overexposure of hypervisibility: More generally, visible things do not terminate in obscurity and in silence; they vanish into what is more visible than the visible: obscenity.

>The total elimination of borders and thresholds is pornographic. The smooth, unbroken streams of hyperinformation and hypercommunication are also obscene, lacking the negativity of the secret, the inaccessible, or the hidden. The compulsion to render everything communicable and visible is also obscene. Communication without scenography is pornography. At the sexual level, obscenity is the loss of the scenic illusion of desire to an exhibition, a direct promiscuity of bodies.

>Contemporary transparency society is characterized by pornographic exhibition that converges with panoptic control. As an electronic panopticon, the net feeds on exhibition and voyeurism. Control society reaches its apogee when its subjects expose themselves not under outside coercion but through a self-generated need, that is, when fear of losing the private and intimate sphere yields to the need to place those spheres shamelessly on display. The society of achievement also reaches maximum efficiency when freedom and self-exploitation are indistinguishable. Self-exposure and self-exploitation merge.

-- Han/ToV

>> No.11979015

I bought the oil Cthulhu book writing by Niggerstan. What am I in for?

>> No.11979016

This is absolutely true in every sense; it's like these confused feelings of mine were suddenly written by someone else, more clearly and concisely than I could have ever felt them.

It's all disgusting, it's all obscene.

>> No.11979050
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>The compulsion for transparency is ultimately not an ethical or political imperative but rather an economic one. Exposure is exploitation. Communication is commerce. Someone who is completely exposed is completely vulnerable to exploitation. Overilluminating a person maximizes their economic efficiency. The transparent customer is the new inhabitant, indeed, the homo sacer of the economic panopticon. The panopticon of the consumption and achievement society differs from the panopticon of the disciplinary society in that it requires no shackles, no walls, no closed spaces. Now the whole society, the entire globe, is a panopticon.

>Google and social networks like Facebook are also digital panopticons for secret services. Search terms and profiles surrender a person to panoptic observation and control. Analyzing the data that individuals feed into the net would make them more transparent than they could ever be to themselves. The net forgets nothing and represses nothing. Unlike the panopticon of the disciplinary society, panoptic control does not occur by means of isolation and confinement but rather by interconnection. Today, surveillance does not take the form of an attack on freedom. Rather, freedom and control are one. One surrenders oneself voluntarily to the panoptic gaze. The transparent user is victim and perpetrator at once. Everyone is at work diligently building the panopticon of the net. Free communication and panoptic control fuse and become indistinguishable.

-- Han/ToV

Vault City prevails, citizen. it really fucking does. Or Else. in the Fallout games i always kind of liked being a hero of Vault City, but it was because i could come and go any time i liked and, ofc, it was a fucking video game. it wasn't reality. in reality Vault City prevails, but the gigantic irony is that it is a subscription-based model. there are no Orwellian dudes with moustaches summoning you to the two-minute hate. everything here happens as the culmination of an intersection between culture and capital.

at least there isn't as much *mystery* around it anymore. that is at least one thing i am grateful for v/the Wild Ride. it still sucks, but i don't feel so fucking stupid anymore. on the brighter side, there would be room for a mildly satirical Vault City Adventures. imagine if the Rockstar guys gave you a GTA: Fallout. so that the joke was thoroughly virtualized. 'twould be nice.

i don't know, i got kind of bored with it about a third of the way through. his non-fiction was more interesting to me.

it's how i often feel also, and why i keep reading this stuff. because you just realize it's not all you, it's not all in your head. Han sees it too. and others.

>> No.11979104

>it's how i often feel also, and why i keep reading this stuff. because you just realize it's not all you, it's not all in your head. Han sees it too. and others.
I'm going to have to pick up Han, at the very least, of all of the people you've posted in these threads. This feeling - that, as you said, it's not just me, it's not just in my head, etc. - is something that seems so rare in these modern times. Han really seems to get it, or maybe I just really seem to feel him.

>> No.11979168
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>For Agamben, the power of sovereignty produces the sphere in which one can kill without committing murder. Life is sacred (sacer) when it is enclosed in this sphere of sovereignty. The sacredness of life originally meant “an unconditional subjection to a power of death. …” The production of the bare life of homo sacer is originally the work of sovereignty. Homo sacer’s life is bare because it exists outside the legal order and therefore can be killed at any time. The life of homo sacer of the achievement society is sacred and bare for entirely different reasons. It is bare because it has been stripped of any transcendence of value, reduced to the immanence of the vital functions and performance, which must be maximized with all available means. Through its own inner logic, the achievement society develops into a doping society. Life reduced to its bare vital functions is a life that must be kept healthy at any cost. Health is the new goddess of today. It is what makes bare life sacred. The homines sacri of the achievement society have another characteristic that sets them apart from those of the society of sovereignty: they are impossible to kill. Their lives are like those of the undead. They are too alive to die and too dead to live.

-- Han/ToV

it's not in your head. and the theory is not just there - contra what you may have heard - to be pure obfuscation and castle-building in the sky. it's the fucking *world* that does that, and the theorists just take hard looks at it and find the *incredible hollowness* that is at the core of it. Mark Fisher was a sensitive guy and he said this often also. it's not you.

anyways. mad love for Based Han. glad to have shared his thoughts with you then. the same goes for a lot of these guys. and not because they provided The Answers as for *not* providing them, and just saying what i was seeing too...

>> No.11979487

Hello, no Yuga/Sandstone posting today, but I have uploaded all the scans I've ever posted on mega.

> the Joker of TDK was nearer to the truth than most: that there is no joke. and perhaps like Gotham our cities too will require holy lies. but we know how those go (even in Wakanda).
It seems villains always make the thought provoking critiques of society.
But the movie always end with the protagonist saying "No, you're wrong" or "people can change" or something along those lines. After that, we're out of screen time to see if the world improved or not. Imagine if The Unabomber was an ecofascist Bond villain (and he does have the intellect to pull it off) and forces 007 to listen to a reading of Industrial Society and It's Future in its entirety. After Kaczynski is done reciting his essay, the MI6 agent would say "Holy shit, you're right!" and he would defect and side with Ted to bring about a glorious a mandatory ecofriendly New World Order.

>> No.11979683
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Catching up on the thread the best I can. Can't wait to get my hands on some of these books.

>> No.11979707
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>no Yuga/Sandstone posting today
>but I have uploaded all the scans I've ever posted on mega
nice work anon, as always.

>It seems villains always make the thought provoking critiques of society.
you'll like this list then. i would disagree with the placement of the figures in it but not the overall format. good villains are often the true, if tragic, heroes, but only in the very best literature.

i have crazy homer love for FF6 myself, although Kefka isn't really a top-tier villain, he's just a Doomsday Clown (although the means by which he is produced are much more interesting). but that story has always captivated me because of the What If He Actually Did It factor, capped off by the *absence* of anything like a sinister plot. and for other reasons also (and i will fight anyone who says the game sucks because WoR). it is a story about hybris and technoscience, and i like it for those themes, together with the batshit insane Cyber-Baroque/Magitek and other stuff. for me that game is a legit Text. but in general you're right about villainy. really it's a kind of baseline heuristic for separating ideological Product-Content and actual literature or dramaturgy. the antagonist really does all of the author's heavy lifting.

Carl Schmitt is definitely not your average philosopher, imho, and reading him charitably is really to enter near to the atomic core of what makes 20C political philosophy the shit-show that it is. the 1930s in Europe is about as intense as it ever gets, and Schmitt (with Heidegger, Kojeve, others) is Right There. he is a brilliant and important philosopher in his own right, and the friend/enemy distinction isn't going away any time soon, any more than Hobbes. but Schmitt also believed unironically in the Antichrist and a lot of other things too. in the year 2018 i think it's a little easier to understand why we might not want to roll hard with him anymore (although as i said earlier, i have basically handed in my politics card and my own endgame is starving myself to death in the woods like a true boss to Own the Libs) but that perspective would have been way harder earlier on. he's another seriously heavyweight thinker. and really not all that hard to read, i think: Nomos of the Earth, Political Theology I and II, Land and Sea...they're pretty accessible. he's definitely a fucking crazy interesting read, no matter where your political sensibilities are. so godspeed you in your reading anon, maybe you'll wind up a tortured neo-Augustinian like some others (read: me). or not, and just find that a friend/enemy distinction works fine...

>> No.11979734
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this, for example, is one of the ideas in Schmitt that seems like it was basically designed to make your fucking head explode thinking about it. and it inclines me to read guys like Augustine or Confucius (or, for that matter, Girard) vastly more sympathetically also. trying to parse out the exact ratio between political sovereignty and religion down to the atomic level should basically make the blood run out of your eyes and turn your hair white. i think in some sense this is also why Peterson will talk about Dark Places, Man/You Don't Want To Go There and so on. he doesn't reference Schmitt, but again, maybe it's because he doesn't want to, because to do that is to open up cans of worms that are perhaps better left shut.

anyways, "enjoy."


>> No.11979752

man, too many f-bombs in there tho. swearing is vulgar and unbecoming, i have to work on that.

anyways, until next time gents. thanks as always for the Cosmotech today.

>> No.11980052

recommended videogames that fit into the cosmotechnics aesthetic/realm? need something for intellectual downtime, i can't read 18 hours a day sadly.

my contributions would be fallout 1+2, i have no mouth and i must scream, the older deus ex games and other cyberpunk games such as shadowrun, mgs etc.

what comes to mind for you guys? esp giardfag

or what other media do you consume that fits this mindset in your reading downtime?

ready to go down this rabbit hole in all aspects of life.

>> No.11980076

Part of the result of this expository hypermarketization that comes alongside online life is the necessary personal reaction to it, the desire for counterculture and for cult-value, and since anything can be created in a capricious heartbeat in Cyberia, these short-halflife cybercults have become an art form. This thread is one such creation.

Hobbies and interests became groups, which became so large they could not possibly have a personality, so those yearning for the being-there of a cybercult engineered splinter groups, which grew and metastasized into further splinters. A culture is a moment, and it will lose its personality with the same rapidity that defined its genesis. These days, we hear tales of mid-90s hacker IRC chats where all the future billionaires shared dick jokes out of their garages. Hell, we hear about the Intellectual Dark Web(tm) too. The truth is, these meiotic microcommunities are the way socialization works now.

Since anything easy to grasp and enjoy can be instantly enjoyed by anybody, it is impossible for most things to hold our attention-- anything too accessible bears the stench of the marketing-department capitalization that is trying to enslave the whole capacity we have for thought and understanding. The things that are more compelling are the esoteric, the bizarre, the art and interests which are either so narrow that nobody carers enough to be interested in them, or so couched in requisite knowledge that nobody in their right mind would attempt to make a hobby out of them. Sometimes they actually somehow become popular, and we of course drop them and move on to something else, because as soon as mass culture gets a hold of anything it is completely devoid of the being-there that was the primary draw in the first place. It transitions from the esoteric to the pornographic (and, ironically, pornography itself bears some of the deepest and most representative scars from this process of nested nano-interests).

Which means that no longer does the Net feed only on exhibition and voyeurism, but also on reclusion and the need for privacy. The Net, of course, feeds desire indiscriminately and perfectly.

>> No.11980082

Why be BIOMEGA when you can be GAYALPHA?

>> No.11980378

meatball machine 2 - 2017

>> No.11980428
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>what other media do you consume that fits this mindset in your reading downtime

Mostly music for me. I can't go into extreme detail because it'd take multiple posts, but I've talked about individual albums before and I have a tiered cyberpunk list so:

Death Grips (synth heavy industrial rap, themes of paranoia and mental illness)
Blank Banshee (vaporwave)
Lorn (drug fueled cinematic cyber-ambiance)
SOPHIE (mix between art pop and industria techno)
Burial (ennui fueled loner dubstep)

These artists make sense off the bat and don't really need genre context to be understood. They make a good foundation, and they're good on their own.

Kode9 (one of Land's students, fairly similar to burial at times but has gone in many different directions)
Vex'd (dystopian nega-dubstep horrorscapes)
Amnesia Scanner (stilted techno transmissions from cyberia, themes of artificial intelligence)
Black Sun Empire (patriarchs of a genre called Neurofunk and that describes the sound pretty well)
El-P (synthetic Brooklynite heroin-rap, dystopian imagery and synths)
Dälek (hyperabrasive noise rap)

This really could go on forever. I've been compiling music for this very aesthetic since I was a kid. Most of these artists are connected to scenes that all serve as little rabbit holes you can go down for weeks and keep finding more and more music.

The entire jungle genre, since it was an ad-hoc blast of innovation that informed Nick Land's aesthetic
New Kingdom
Constructus Corporation
Ruby My Dear
Chino Amobi

Some of these artists aren't even that obscure but they're more dependent on context than the last tier.

Post-punk has a ton of albums that hit hard and do fundamentally crazy shit thematically, but I don't really have the 'vulcan mind meld' with them, to borrow girardfag's phrase. And then of course there's punk itself, but I honestly feel like punk is an entirely personal journey that recommendations barely help with. I think Mark Fisher has content on both genres though.

I'll wish I included a dozen things after I posted this but it's already too long, so whatever. I'll be around if you want recs or if you want to call me a fag.

>> No.11981032
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it's got to be the bullet hell shooter, imho. i can't think of a genre more representative of what this stuff is all about. there is a beautiful insert in Mushihimesama at the start when you can pick your difficulty, and if you choose Ultra (as you should) it asks, "Are you ready to battle utter despair?" and of course your answer is Yes if not Fuck Yes. that may well be in fact the highlight of your gaming session, because everything after that is just pure masochism.

but in a way, that's kind of the point. Bullet Hell captures the Cosmotech vibe more or less perfectly, imho. at first you go, why would anybody do this to themselves? and then if you put a little time in and git gud, you wonder why anybody would *not* want to do to themselves. Bullet Hell is by 2018 kind of a satire of the shooter ("shmup," bleargh) genre altogether, and yet, somehow, it works. at the higher levels the bullet patterns are hypnotically beautiful (and hilariously lethal) all at once. and yet, in spite of all of this, there are small numbers of anonymous killers out there who are able to 1CC these games like it Ain't No Thang, although *god only knows why they do this to themselves.*

there is something demented and brilliant about all of it. and hats off to icycalm here too, for the perennially brilliant Arcade Culture essay. at its barest level, the economics of the game machine - insert quarter! - not only separates it from the cinema, but a scalable difficulty naturally trends towards players preferring Nightmare Mode for reasons that are marvellously human. *the more hilariously awful it gets, the better.* because eventually, you adapt. and by the time you are able to play on the higher levels...i mean, it just is that way. but you kind of have to like the feeling, in some sense, of Battling Utter Despair.

Infinite Death, Infinite Fun. that's the loop. Git Gud. but here - at last - Capital lays its cards on the table: it is out to get you, and you know this, and *that's fine.* because that is the secret brilliance of the ludic relationship, which is also an anthropotechnic one. if you haven't ready icycalm's essay on this, run don't walk. he's a colorful guy, no question, but i have never required my philosophers to be paragons of virtue. all i ask is that they be interesting.


Ikaruga basically wired this sensibility into its own Zen ethos. whether you have Ikaruga as #1 on your list or not isn't important. for some it's a puzzle game, for others it's a shooter. i have Ketsui as my #1, personally, and i've had some moments of accidental heroism in that game that are only possible through long hours of infuriating, and often drunken, practice. and also i played a near-perfect game of Robotron some time ago on a headful of LSD.

madness, serenity and perfection, the soundtrack:

Imperishable Night: Reach for the Moon

>> No.11981108
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if capital is, as Uncle Nick says it is, an alien attack from the future, *it must be greeted with a smile.* because after all this thing is us. and in a cultural sense, that loop - Insert Quarter to Battle Utter Despair - is a positive one. you will have to say, at some point, Yes, I Will Have Another One. and that is where the miracle takes place. more than this cannot be asked for.

games aren't cinema, although everything that is coming down the pipe now in terms of VR will be there because it is borrowing from a century of cinema (the media par excellence of the 20C) and a quarter-century or so of vidya. one of the key difference between cinema and vidya is that the player now controls the camera, and is at once lead actor and director, in a sense. this isn't possible when you have three hundred people sitting in a room together, either for the film or a theatre production (for better or for worse). but there is a continuum on all of it which trends towards immersion and virtuality. it declines in *literary* quality, perhaps, and we continually are developing newer and more interesting interfaces and tactile relations, but in a very deep sense this is kind of what culture in the mass age is all about.

but there is a kind of necessary masochism in all of it. Bullet Hell just reflects the conditions of life: not only its hilarious upper-ceiling difficulty, but also the fact that *people nevertheless get through it.* Sloterdijk says this somewhere too, that at first the thing is a miracle; and then it is acrobatic; and then it is the norm. human beings are like this if they are anything. this is a practicing, disciplinary planet, but there is a world of difference between the practice being forcibly imposed and the practice being taken up voluntarily. one of these trends towards the normative and the other towards the state of individuation. and it happens in both cases through engineering, through technology, through interfaces. i am also in agreement with icycalm on this: that difficulty settings problematize the nature of *critique.* anybody can write a movie review, in a sense; not everybody can necessarily write a review of Game [X] on Nightmare Mode. scalable difficulty matters.

so those are some thoughts on the Bullet Hell shooter, which would be my pick for recommended Cosmotech vidya. i am a homer for FF6 (and the Ultima series also, given that U4 was produced during a period of true existential crisis for Garriott, and which later became U5, which is as about as perfect a commentary on the difference between Virtues and Ethics as one could ask for. plus U7 later on). there's a lot going on under the hood textually with Blizzard games also, esp Starcraft, and i've rambled some about the Simondonian aspects of "experience points" and quantified heroism also. thematically ofc there are no end of games that represent cyberpunk themes, but there are a few instances where something special is going on, imho.

>> No.11981143
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it was asked also in Cosmotech #7:
>are bees /cyber/

to which the answer must be an emphatic Fuck Yes. bees are /ourbug/ - and in general insect mechanics are a question of great interest to the Department of Speculative Economics. not only because they make such excellent BBEGs, but because this is in many senses the age of the Swarm and the Hive (sadly). but the only way out is through, though the way Through is going to be painful and full of triggers (hyuk, hyuk).

the classic D&G passage on the wasp and the orchid deserves re-pasting again:

>How could movements of deterritorialization and processes of reterritorialization not be relative, always connected, caught up in one another? The orchid deterritorializes by forming an image, a tracing of a wasp; but the wasp reterritorializes on that image. The wasp is nevertheless deterritorialized, becoming a piece in the orchid's reproductive apparatus. But it reterritorializes the orchid by transporting its pollen. Wasp and orchid, as heterogeneous elements, form a rhizome. It could be said that the orchid imitates the wasp, reproducing its image in a signifying fashion (mimesis, mimicry, lure, etc.). But this is true only on the level of the strata-a parallelism between two strata such that a plant organization on one imitates an animal organization on the other. At the same time, something else entirely is going on: not imitation at all but a capture of code, surplus value of code, an increase in valence, a veritable becoming, a becoming-wasp of the orchid and a becoming-orchid of the wasp.

>Each of these becomings brings about the deterritorialization of one term and the reterritorialization of the other; the two becomings interlink and form relays in a circulation of intensities pushing the deterritorialization ever further. There is neither imitation nor resemblance, only an exploding of two heterogeneous series on the line of flight composed by a common rhizome that can no longer be attributed to or subjugated by anything signifying. Rémy Chauvin expresses it well: "the aparallel evolution of two beings that have absolutely nothing to do with each other."

-- Deleuze and Guattari/A Thousand Plateaus

take that and give all of it a cybernetic twist, then make it simulacral/ludic to boot and you have a recipe for some pretty interesting experimentation in the world of culture. i think that is even one of the most interesting parts of what happens when we are left where we are in the Reign of Quantity: the disheartening task of needing to do it all ourselves, coupled with the fact that apparently a great deal of earlier culture has been rendered plastic and decoupled from history. there's a strong whiff of a brave new world in that in an *other* than Huxleyan sense. but the Matrix is death, the Matrix is virtual necropolis: a sentient Hive which now shows its terrible face and dread purpose - Moar, Fucker - in full glory. but them's are the brakes, it seems to me.

>> No.11981211
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i think too can be seen in this way the real conundrum of the mass age: Barzun calls it, variously, the demotic age, the age of information, and Ortega y Gasset called the phenomenon 'The Revolt of the Masses' (in a book which is worth reading). but it points i think to the real heart of the issue, which today is the paradox of needing to wrench oneself free of the masses and yet at the same time knowing that the Ubermensch is a kind of an optical illusion also.

the 20C is the story of the Mass Age. it is totalizing and it is totalitarian. this is why fascism is *the* political phenomenon par excellence - after all, the Germans wanted it, and moreover, positing the nation as an organic unity "solved" for both Nietzsche and Marx, although in absolutely terrible ways. but what it did not lack for was a participation mystique. You Have A Place in that system after the death of God.

today contemporary postmodernity in its most toxic and corrosive forms is attempting to find a way through this paradox and failing in every sense. the more you try to speak for the Everyman, the more you reveal the nature of this confusion: namely, that a) there is no Everyman and b) you cannot possibly hope to posit a universal norm of Health which at the same time can account for the nature of mental illness (or schizophrenia). this is the problem of the Intractable Minority - who is also the *sovereign,* in a Schmittian sense, although with a substantial twist. nor is this exclusively a new phenomenon: once upon a time, the Christians were just as intractably stubborn about their own preferred brand of transcendentalism and it was the Romans who were asking for peace. history has a sense of humor.

but the point is to channel some of this through the logic of the bullet hell shooter, which i think actually represents some of these themes, although at a very deep level: doing battle against waves of popcorn spaceships, and culminating in a showdown with an overwhelming cybernetic bee, suggests to me this kind of need to *separate from the Hive,* because the Hive stands for Death and Production. Heidegger writes a great deal about Das Man - the They, the Crowd, or in modern parlance, the NPC - and yet here is to my mind the difficulty of the conundrum: the answer is not aesthetic terrorism. it cannot be jihad or modernist reform. none of us are really so different, and we can't claim the moral high ground which ultimately cannot distinguish between terrorism and performance art (which is what makes the Joker, or before him, Kefka Palazzo) what they are.

Hibachi is a different kind of BBEG, it's true. and yet what he represents is the *terror inherent to scale.* and of course the fundamental logic of Production at the bottom, which is what a Hive ultimately is: perpetual growth. and there are no dissenters in a Hive. but this is *not* to say, ergo, Fuck You, I'm An Artist - because this much is to repeat the 20C (and not only the 20C).

>> No.11981243
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given the filename for this picture it's too bad that the art isn't *quite* as awesome at it might have been, but the point is more or less made.

there is something fundamentally apocalyptic about all 20C political experimentation, and it occupied generations of French and German writers ever since. and it is *still* a paradox today. the Absolute Struggle for all the marbles culminates in war, and there has been a half-century or so of comedown and Never Again since then. and yet this is exactly what has provided us today with the Matrix - the narcolepsy, the somatic cosmopolis, all of it. and we *know* that something is deeply and fundamentally fucked up with it, because the state of exception bothers the shit out of us and makes us deeply and profoundly nervous. now that postmodernity has basically morphed into full-scale idpol Thought-Production we can see, perhaps, more clearly what it is.

and yet this is where i find myself needing to say, Moar Fascism isn't the answer. because in the end you can't tell the difference between the Revolt and the Order. only the madman passes this over or affirms it. to disappear into infinite Derridean criticism is no escape either, although it does work, in some sense. and yet - and i fucking knew this then - if you try to do a magician's trick of making all reality simply disappear into semiotics, it doesn't result in an end to metanarratives, what it does is *bring them back with a vengeance.* which is where are today, getting overwhelmed by *bullshit.*

so there both is and is not a kind of Hibachi referent IRL today. Peterson is right, in some sense, to key in on communism as being the phenomenon to be concerned with, rather than fascism; but of course, the more he does so, the more he comes to rely on those intellectual foundations which grounded fascist thought itself, and...well, you know where this goes, so i won't beat the dead horse. personally i think much of this is expressed in the fundamental intellectual bankruptcy of the Star Wars universe: that in the infinite vastness of space, which presumably contains Higher Intelligences, Lovecraftian monsters, temporal anomalies, sentient nano-swarms and w/ev else, that there was nothing more horrible than white guys in uniform. but that's the mass age for you. best intentions leading to Hilarious Results.

there is no revolt. there may only be separation, Exit, individuation, anthropotechnics, and so on. life on Planet Meme. but the Hive is Death. that's basically all i really need to say, i suppose. the Hive is Death. and getting around that paradox without repeating it is basically what occupies 99% of my own imagination.

anyways, Bullet Hell is rad.

>> No.11981254

years ago i read icycalm and thought he was a lunatic; now i read him and i think he might be a genius. what changed?

>> No.11981260

what the fuk is this thread

>> No.11981262

Can someone tell me what the fuck this is

>> No.11981270
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nothing. he was a genius then and he's a genius now. that arcade culture essay is solid gold and his Essays page is one of the greatest things on the internet. when it comes to vidya he's the world's greatest critic, he really is. he's no saint, that's for sure. but when it comes to videogame stuff he knows what he's talking about.

>The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

i really should just put this in the OP.

>> No.11981464
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>Since anything easy to grasp and enjoy can be instantly enjoyed by anybody, it is impossible for most things to hold our attention-- anything too accessible bears the stench of the marketing-department capitalization that is trying to enslave the whole capacity we have for thought and understanding. The things that are more compelling are the esoteric, the bizarre, the art and interests which are either so narrow that nobody carers enough to be interested in them, or so couched in requisite knowledge that nobody in their right mind would attempt to make a hobby out of them. Sometimes they actually somehow become popular, and we of course drop them and move on to something else, because as soon as mass culture gets a hold of anything it is completely devoid of the being-there that was the primary draw in the first place. It transitions from the esoteric to the pornographic (and, ironically, pornography itself bears some of the deepest and most representative scars from this process of nested nano-interests).

bloc-quoted for truth. Han writes a lot about pornography also. spoiler alert: it's bad for you.

consider the following: if the steak had been shitty, or badly done, it would have disrupted the illusion. what keeps Cypher coming back for more is not only perfection but infinite perfection, repeatable on demand. this is why, i think, in Japanese wabi-sabi aesthetics there is always the note of *imperfection,* some flaw or mark that preserves in time the note of the human. what is perfect and deathless for the Japanese aesthetes is inhuman; they prefer the thing to be crucially *fucked-up* in some small way. there is a true genius in this. one of the reasons i think the Japanese don't produce so many Giant Philosophers is because their philosophy is inscribed on their aesthetics and vice-versa. Japan has always been ahead of the curve in terms of mimesis. France gives you the critics and Germany the idealists, but the Japanese lead the way in aesthetics, i think, at least as far as the 21C is concerned. Baudrillard always felt at home there, as did Barthes, and Heidegger too. and those guys each had, in their own ways, a pretty elegant touch on why we keep coming back to art for more.

>Which means that no longer does the Net feed only on exhibition and voyeurism, but also on reclusion and the need for privacy. The Net, of course, feeds desire indiscriminately and perfectly.

it does. it is all things to all people. i certainly can't complain about having been gifted All The Books (thanks, libgen, and you too, Internet). it makes being a recluse probably a lot cozier than it has historically been.

>Part of the result of this expository hypermarketization that comes alongside online life is the necessary personal reaction to it, the desire for counterculture and for cult-value, and since anything can be created in a capricious heartbeat in Cyberia, these short-halflife cybercults have become an art form.


we're dyin' yo

>> No.11981484

>Thinking an egotistical scammer who thinks he's the coming of the Ubermench to be a sound philosopher
Aaaaand my respect for girardfag's judgement has deminished in a matter of seconds.

>> No.11981513
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one of the things that makes The Matrix a genuine masterpiece of the Hollywood left is this scene, imho. this is what makes the Wachowski's case for auteur status on the strength of this film alone, which is flawed ofc and was sadly rushed into production, but is an inarguable classic.

the basic thing is a form of heresy: the Merovingian is pro-female orgasms. who's against female orgasms? are you some kind of woman-hater? fuck you, misogynist! in most conventional ideological agitprop, as Zizek has been saying for years, if you take away the sex drive you take away everything. within ideology heroic men have to be virile and capable of Performance, and women have to be seductive. it's just how it goes in a pulp universe.

and yet the Merovingian is not the hero. why is this the case? because, among other reasons, he represents the hollowness of upper-class pleasure which is at the heart of the bourgeois habitus. the Merovingian is an artist-conoisseur of jouissance and he's fine with the Matrix for that reason, as is his clientele. he's neither wholly good nor wholly evil, but merely cynical; and yet it's not like his cynicism is ill-founded. again, who doesn't like orgasms?

but this is the nature of a libidinal economy: a world that runs on orgasms is ultimately a pretty hollow one, and will in the end partner up with whatever is necessary to keep the economy running, even if it is on a highly artisanal form of chocolate cake. that is what the Wachowski's narrow in on: the atomic core of the Matrix itself is sustained on virtual pleasure, infinitely repeatable, and in which it is no longer possible to tell the illusion from the reality. whether it is the woman herself who eats it, or the Merovingian's pleasure in observing this, or Cypher and his steak, or the whole galaxy of satellite economies predicated on goods and services...

The Matrix: Causality

Smith was ofc the secret hero of the Matrix, the guy who was *actually* suffering the crisis of individuation foisted on him by a culture of cybernetic immanence. Neo only re-boots the whole system, as Chosen Ones do. a Matrix reboot (or TV series) which really went into these themes intelligently would be a fucking dream, i think.

wonderful! i'm fine with this ofc. diminish away mi amigo. again, i'm only talking about his contributions to vidya here. i do think that Arcade Culture essay is brilliant af. and also because vidya really is the new medium of choice for cultural theory, given that cinema has become far too political to be anything other than moribund (although there are still good directors working, ofc; i only mean in a more general sense). but yeah, obviously, to each his own. frankly your respect for my judgment* should come with a substantial asterisk anyways...i'm just a little fish in the end.

>> No.11981565
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icycalm is by no means a "sound philosopher," either. he's a critic, although he's a pretty unique specimen, and i think he's more or less found his niche. it's not like there are a lot of other places where you can get Baudrillard, Heraclitus and the Frankfurt School together with a long essay about why scanlines in obscure 90s shooters are a good thing. a straight diet of Nietzsche is bad for your health.

i say, give the man his due. he isn't *boring,* that's for sure. and sometimes i feel like he resembles Schopenhauer more than Nietzsche...and Schopenhauer a shit, imho. he was never my cup of tea. i'll take Heidegger.

but the one thing that *is* necessary, to my mind, is the polarity-reversal on our attitude v/mass culture. and why not find it in Nightmare Mode or bullet hell? makes sense to me. collapse all distinctions between high and low art and what you wind up with either a) snobbery b) kitsch nostalgia c) meh i don't care or d) Are You Ready To Battle Utter Despair. obviously d) is the correct answer.

my favorite film critics are contrarians anyways. Warshow's essay on the gangster as tragic hero is one of the all-time great essays in cultural theory, imho. one Pauline Kael is worth a thousand Destructoid or Kotaku reviews written by anonymous droobies. icycalm is a rara avis, there's no question about that. but good essays are worth it.

anyways, i encourage anyone with an interest in film theory &c to read this. it's an absolute gem.


>> No.11981588

that literally explains nothing. What is that word salad supposed to mean?

>> No.11981631
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it means that there is a relationship between capitalism and machines, known as modernity. and eventually this story extends to culture as well by way of the human psyche. where you choose to start the historical study of modernity, or what aspects of it seem most interesting, is up to you. eventually everyone has to reckon with Marx at some point. and Marx means Hegel, and many others besides. it means we like what works, and what can be done can always be done faster.

it means the Wild Ride. postmodernity was fun while it lasted, and we could pretend that there wasn't at some point going to be a divorce between the liberal democracies most amenable to capital and the technological aspects of that themselves. there is no true Outside on this, and you can see this for yourself playing out in the news, in what has become a Blood War between the Blue and Red teams. underneath all of this is Marx, and a whole cosmology of thinkers which come both before and after him, whether they are writing about the mechanics or the psychological/philosophical dimensions. it's not really required to double down on Land's own political sensibilities to the end of the line, and in some sense what has been called Cosmotech is an attempt to imagine alternatives to doing so, together with a long attempt at recapitulating how it is that we got here in the first place.

Land has been memed, and deservedly so, but the Hegel-Marx relation is an old and venerable one, and it is still where we are today. in the 20C the discourse on Capital has to be updated for cybernetics and technology, which in turn connect with both culture and intelligence. all of this rapidly destabilizes, for better or for worse, our sense of being able to get a sure handle on the phenomenon we are describing. money does indeed rule the world, but it is entirely possible also that this tends towards an automatic or even information-driven society. which, by the way, will likely wind up being an impenetrably batshit insane one.

and yet it moves. Eppur Si Muove. for better or for worse.

>yes surely this will convince him that you are not just a complete lunatic girardfag
>ok inner self but still tho
>why must you mock me inner self
>because i can and i must girardfag. i can and i must

>> No.11981659

so this is all just schizophrenia then.

>> No.11981665

I think Girard guy read something he didn't understand he fried his brains.

Just listen to Land interviews/podcasts, he is very clear post-CCRU.

>> No.11981694

> Uwe Petersen,
> Lorenz Puntel,
> John Dee,
> J.G. Hamann, Schelling,
> Tymieniecka
Any of you few anons read these? I found them in a Land thread as recommendations.


>> No.11981698

Also: Guerino Mazzola

>> No.11981703
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all just schizophrenia, he says.

you've got some reading to do. here are the guys you need: Hegel, Marx, Heidegger, Lacan, Deleuze. read those guys. forget Land for now. just get a handle on those guys. and then whatever you think about Land will probably be interesting. you don't even have to read Land himself, although after you have read those guys you may want to, because he is very much a part of that story.

Kojeve's book on Hegel is also worth your time at some point, although if you are an absolute Day-1 beginner to philosophy i recommend Tarnas' "The Passion of the Western Mind," followed by Jacques Barzun's "From Dawn to Decadence. Zimmerman's guide to Heidegger later b/c Heidegger can be a tall order. and Marty Glass' Yuga too, that's a special book.

but there is a lot that happens along the way before Land. and you don't even need to read Land either. but it's a little more than so much word salad.

>I think Girard guy read something he didn't understand he fried his brains.
it's possible. i don't claim to be an expert, that's for sure. i have a lot more questions than answers. and i'm self-taught in all of this, warrants mentioning. so yeah, i don't recommend that anyone take me or my Awesome Opinions too seriously. i am somewhat dementedly obsessed with these themes and i have been for a couple of years now, but...yeah, it's basically just a radio channel in text form. i ramble and talk to myself. sometimes with other people too, which is nice. but mos def i am not to be taken seriously. think of it like an old curiosity/antique shop under a bridge somewhere in a rough part of town, staffed by weird and shadowy figures and selling Strange Artifacts at weird hours. that's basically me, a squalid rag-and-bone shop of continental philosophy relics and fragments, likely stolen from elsewhere and gathering dust. and yet - look, look! - see how they glow
>madness intensfies
>wait don't go
>ah fuck we lost another one

>Just listen to Land interviews/podcasts, he is very clear post-CCRU.

i know Tymienicka, she's got pages upon pages of stuff on libgen. Schelling obviously but i've never read him extensively. there are some Schelling-anons on /lit/ tho. the others not so much.

>> No.11981710
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You haven't even *HEARD* about the rest? You? The guy that has read fucking everything related to acc?

Also do you like Toyphilosophy/Rega?

>> No.11981727
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>You haven't even *HEARD* about the rest? You? The guy that has read fucking everything related to acc?

it is not possible - or even remotely healthy - to read everything /acc. i've only read what i have read, and plainly you can see for yourself how this has turned out for me. so i mean, i know who John Dee is, and so on, but no, obviously i wouldn't advertise myself as The Guy Who Has Read Everything. i'm not! i've only read enough stuff to become an odious tripfag on a grenadine soap-carving forum. nobody can do the full Victor Frankenstein anymore when it comes to reading, there's too much.

>Also do you like Toyphilosophy/Rega?

i don't even know what that is. is this a thing? this is a thing, isn't it. what is this thing? tell us about this thing. and for god's sakes give the board a spell from my own shitposting, this is how i wind up with the reputation i have. take the wheel! take the wheel!

>> No.11981730
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OK, I don't have high enough intelligence for reading Uwe Petersen

>> No.11981735

I meant Reza Negarestani, kek.

>> No.11981739

it really doesn't mean anything

>> No.11981747
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Even more so, I might mistake it for meaning something.

>> No.11981755
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dear god

>not Rega
thank god. i thought this was going to be some new thing. anyways, Reza yes. the labor of the inhuman is awesome. i wasn't really so interested in Cyclonopedia, although ofc it is probably one of Those Books also w/r/t all this stuff. i guess my itch for that was sufficiently scratched by Uncle Nick.


there was some anon here also who was planning to do a scan of Intelligence and Spirit, i don't know what the status on that is. i'm good with it either way for now, there's plenty of other stuff to read in the meantime. some anon recommended this, which i am enjoying, plus i like the daily aphorisms from the Sandstone Papers too (thanks, anon).

anyways. there's way too much stuff to read, no mortal can possibly read it all. and i have no math brain either, Badiou is basically impenetrable to me after Ethics and a couple of other books. i am limited to what i can do: selling Relics and Fragments at weird hours, stolen from weird places and graveyards and most of which carry amusing curses. 'tis a living. the Ye Olde Curious Antiquarium Shoppe, under a bridge in the seedy part of town. that's basically all i really do.

>> No.11981763
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You haven't read Reza's https://toyphilosophy.com/? I found about it from archive when I seached Land threads for recs.

>> No.11981785
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>> No.11981799
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seems like i'll have to, obviously. i've been kind of obsessed with YH for a bit - Cosmotech #1 was started just to discuss him - but obviously Reza is a boss. i might want for the Intelligence and Spirit scan first before another deep-dive into Reza, if only because the YH/Stiegler/Simondon trifecta has been doing some interesting stuff resurrecting Heidegger as a possibility for life after Nick Land's Wild Ride, which i am probably more responsible for than most on this board for talking about. so once i feel a little more peace and love about the universe and the butterflies in my stomachs calm down a bit, i'll probably check out Negarestani again. Stiegler gets things interestingly caught up from basically the neolithic to the present day, and is a helpful contribution in the continuing exploration of this insane and horrifying version of Space Mountain that we (read: me) are trapped in, which is what i have been calling the Wild Ride (and frankly, it's not like there is no connection there, imho.)

but yeah. There Is Always Another Book. and another chapter
>and another lunatic shitpost

such is the great adventure. there's always More, whether you like it or not. hence the nondual/Cosmotech option, i think. the path of excess does not necessarily lead to the palace of wisdom. sometimes it leads to the Terrified Scream of Illumination. that appears to me to be the case. and i fucking hate rollercoasters. but that is the thing: you cannot hide from the Wild Ride. such seems to be the case for me.

>> No.11981804

>YH/Stiegler/Simondon trifecta has been doing some interesting stuff resurrecting Heidegger as a possibility for life after Nick Land's Wild Ride

I've just been introduced recently to OOO. Seems interesting.

is Quadruple Object (the book) by Harman good starting point?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ0GR9bf00g (a lecture link)

>> No.11981807
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*partial* illumination, i should say. not full. the terror is full, but what Illumination is there is partial, and highly fragmentary, at best.

>> No.11981822
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OOO is aight. doesn't blow me away, but hey, not everything interesting in philosophy is required for this. it's more Being and Meh as i understand it, Heidegger minus Dasein. although we all feel pretty un-Dasein today anyhow.

so in terms of where to begin with Harman, i'm not really sure. i haven't read him as seriously as some other guys. i used to hate on him a little bit, but that was obviously silly. he's pretty interesting in his own right, although i can't remember any of his books that really stuck with me or things that i just feel i have to name-drop him for all the time. he's not Deleuze/Heidegger-tier, but not many are. my usual feeling is that if you like a guy, or you feel like they're giving you the kinds of answers you really need at some level, then just get stuck in and ignore the haters. eventually it will make sense, and moreover, every guy who matters connects to another guy that matters also.

but basically this is one of those Awesome Opinions of mine you should ignore. not really sure anon.

>> No.11981834
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anyways gents i have to step out for a bit, that's plenty enough Cosmotech fun for me today anyhow. catch up with all later on soonish (hopefully for more Cosmotech Vidya conversation, always a winner, and cheers anon for bringing that one up). take care all.

>> No.11981865

See you brah, though I am not productive shitposter like you. I cna't write a 2000 character post in 4chan.

>> No.11982182
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just Cosmotech things.

>> No.11982358
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>Capitalism and communism are the two most powerful pseudo-religions of the twentieth century. Both continue the hubris of the Western mind in regarding all salvation as centered on humans. Both are based on the idea of struggle, and in both humans hold the same stance toward the natural world-our right to exploit and dominate it.

>Capitalism, following upon scientific and technological triumphs, is the new secular religion replacing Christianity. It is Christianity turned worldly. As an otherworldly religion Christianity condemns the rich to bless the poor, who are promised the inheritance of Heaven. In capitalism the situation is reversed. The capitalist measures hopes for salvation by a person's success in his worldly endeavors. Material wealth gives the capitalist certainty that he is among God's elect, as opposed to the lazy masses.

>It has been argued that the master-slave relationship was a necessary condition when the natural world was inadequate to provide for the well-being of all. Under capitalism, however, the scientific and technological conquests of nature and the advent of machines-new slaves increasing productivity and wealth, and rendering human slavery unnecessary-have not liberated all humanity.

>The struggle between capitalism and communism is not merely political or economic, it is unmistakably religious. On both sides there is the certainty of the elect, and the certainty that those outside are excluded from salvation. Both are atheistic, glorifying in humanity's salvation by itself on earth.

>Machines, which have helped to settle the conflict between humans and nature, are now instrumental in ushering in a new stage in the dialectic of conflict. Since humans have become gods on earth we are now faced with the specter of the wars of the gods, which promise to destroy not only the existence of these gods but also all life on earth. The certainty of "mutual assured destruction" guarantees that if ever a major conflict erupts, the peace that ensues will be what Hegel calls the peace of death.

>Our present condition is the consequence of a long development in human religious consciousness. Ideas do not remain on the ideal plane; they spread and transform the earth's landscape as they are constantly being translated into concrete situations. Human behavior, including acts of war, expresses deep religious convictions. Certain mental states justify and sharpen conflict while others are more conducive to peace. The problem seems inherent in the very development of consciousness-a phenomenology of mind that has developed toward the opposition between humans and nature inevitably unfolds in like manner concerning the opposition among humans.

-- Chen/TTC

>> No.11982483
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>The character for machines, chi, does not appear in the text. What we have here is ch'i, an implement. Implements for ten and a hundred men are machines. According to Yu Yu, they refer to military weapons requiring ten and a hundred soldiers for their operation. This is the only reference to machines in the text, and includes the advice that they be unemployed.

>Machines have been hailed as a great blessing liberating humankind from the drudgeries of labor, thus making possible the abolishing of slavery. Taoism's contribution to the development of Chinese science and technology, through the monumental works of Joseph Needham, has been well documented. In the texts of the Tao Te Ching and the Chuang Tzu, however, we don't detect a pro-science attitude. Taoism sees a deep danger in the invention and use of machines. As concrete embodiments of the spirit of conquest, machines are direct results of human struggle and scheming against nature, and they indirectly promote struggle and scheming among humans. Chuang Tzu relates the meeting of Tzu-kung, a disciple of Confucius representing the spirit of progress, with an old gardener preparing his fields for planting with great hardship. Upon Tzu-kung's suggestion that he use labor-saving machines, the old man flushes with anger:

>I've heard my teacher say, where there are machines, there are bound to be machine worries; where there are machine worries, there are bound to be machine hearts. With a machine heart in your breast, you've spoiled what was pure and simple; and without the pure and simple, the life of the spirit knows no rest. Where the life of the spirit knows no rest, the Way will cease to buoy you up. It's not that I don't know about your machine-I would be ashamed to use it!

>The Taoist state is a retrenchment from civilization. It represents humanity's decision to pull back from unmitigated growth-political, economic, scientific, technological, or military. Wars have been fought not just for self-preservation. Humans have always marched to war and their deaths armed with the sense of moral righteousness. Since in the Taoist state the people return to no knowledge, no desire, and no action, they are not roused to conflict or war and so there are no occasions for the deployment of military weapons. The spirit of adventure and greed, and the restlessness of body, mind, and soul, what goaded humans of another age to risk their lives to conquer strange lands and accomplish new feats are all things of the past in the Taoist state. In the Taoist state boats and carriages have outlived their usefulness. Humans have not only outgrown their need for civilization, they are now like plants so firmly rooted in the soil that to move about would be to court death. Computers also have no use in the Taoist state. Life is so simple that no complicated memory aids are needed. The people return to using knotted cords to assist in their remembering and simple reckoning.

-- Chen/TTC

>> No.11982584
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>The omnipotence of thought, through the experimental method in science, is finally vindicated. If archaic magic was unsuccessful, science, the modern magic, is largely efficacious. The vast improvements science and technology have brought to human life cannot be denied. In unfolding the dialectic between humans and nature, clearly the religion of humanity heralds the successful con quest of nature by humans. Nature has become Descartes's extended substance, a passive ground for humans to vent their destructive as well as creative energies. Without a deep-seated reverence for the integrity of nature and her creatures, the process of secularization turns out to be both the homecoming of humans and the destruction of their habitat. In Western religious consciousness the world is still regarded as an enemy; thus humans return with a vengeance. The ecological crisis today follows at the heels of the technological revolution. Even in its world affirmation, the world-negating strain in Western religious consciousness is at work.

-- Chen/TTC

i already liked the TTC, and so Chen over-sells the shittiness of Western thought a little much at times. but again, let's be charitable. this was after all published in...uh...
>so the cold war was basically about to end
>and the Western world had already been evacuating itself of all things Western at an absolutely breakneck pace for a quarter-century
well nobody's perfect. also

>ctrl + f heidegger
>basically 1 result:

>True, Chinese thought and religion are not centered, as are Christian metaphysics and religion, on the nature and worship of the Supreme Being as ens realissimum, a Being separate and transcending the physical world of change. Rather, Chinese religious practices revolve around the interrelationship and mutual affectivity of what Heidegger calls the fourfold neighborhood of earth, sky, divinities, and mortals. The absence of a focus on transcendence has been interpreted to mean that the Chinese do not search for or experience the divine.

still a very interesting commentary on the TTC. of course it seems to have been the sad fate of said mutual affectivity to have turned into Nostrils Are Racist &c but it is to be hoped that things will eventually wind down on that front under their own momentum
>in about 200 years
>in a Mad Max-style wasteland, amidst the ruins of civilization
>the world has ended, but breakfast doesn't have to
>try the new McDesert
>because you're going to need those calories out there

>> No.11982987

Nick Land these days is a half-assed genx libertarian who spends most of his time idolizing tech sector vencap entrepreneurs and owning woke Twitter. The brilliance of the ccru era stands alone, it doesn't depend on his current support.

>> No.11983052

A very spooky thread on /pol/. Esoteric conspiracy threads there are the best. You get the best parts of /x/ with none of the faggotry.

>> No.11983760

Seconding this

>> No.11984298

looking forward for his blockchain book pretty much. i think it will take a while before we get new work that is on Land's level. we need some kind of tech market breakthrough.

>> No.11984382
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Stiegler is pretty legit but there's something about Teleoplexy being 20 crisp little sections refined down to their absolutely icy-coldest minimum that makes it more effective. i've been reading (and re-reading) all three parts of Technics and Time and he is up to some wild stuff in his own way, theorizing time, technology, information and so on in a pretty grandiose manner. it's just that his language and concepts are kind of a mess sometimes and given the subject matter it makes for a less fun read than it should be.

i don't know why he isn't a bigger deal than he is, but i'm not in France and i can't really gauge these things too well. maybe it's because his work doesn't lend itself so naturally to political fireworks, as openly flirting with fascism or making Strong Arguments For Communism do. in terms of swinging for the fences, philosophically speaking, he's definitely got serious ambitions. and i find him much more interesting than Harman.

might also be because in spite of it he doesn't go in for the Death!!1 and fatalism that one usually expects from continental types, Max Alienation &c. i feel like if somebody could actually explicate what he was doing and kind of connect that to what is happening today in culture and tech he would be a much bigger deal than he is. he really does take things all the way from Early Man to Why Are We Calling it Late Capital in three books, which is kind of amazing. i don't even find anything in here i disagree with. the digitization of time and so on are pretty cutting-edge ideas still, and these books were written in the 90s and early 2000s. he doesn't appear to be looking any worse for wear as time goes on.

somebody's going to have to write a good book about cryptography in this vein also and name-drop all of the big guys too, i think.

>> No.11984444
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for sheer Prose Awesomeness it is very hard to dislike Spengler, for instance. i may even go back and re-read him now, now that i'm thinking about it. maybe what i would like to see is something on this scale to just cover the twentieth century, or the Cosmotech circuit from Hegel to Land.

but it's like asking for a miracle, basically. in order to write like Spengler you basically have to have Heraclitus in your soul, and in your sub-soul, all the way through. maybe a two-hundred year stretch covering Europe and the Americas &c isn't even enough. but, you know, something called The Saga of Prometheus written by some absolute legend nobody had ever heard of, who gives the world of theory a soul-splitting fugue on creation in its most alchemical sense, The Story Of Technology with all of the grandiosity and thundering one-liners that Spengler could do. Gibbon is arguably the greatest writer of all time for this kind of thing, he's got the scale and the sweep of it like no other. but Spengler can throw lightning from the mountain top in his own way.

Mumford has the scale of it, but he's also writing from the US a little later on; Spengler was born among the crucible of worlds, and you feel it when you read him. and there are no shortage of incredibly sensitive, erudite, brilliant writers also in the continental mode who can drop bombs on your moms too. Baudrillard is always good for this, Nietzsche always, some others. not many tho. there are a lot of theorists with insight, but they don't always have the feeling for the scale of the thing.

Uncle Nick had it, tho:

>With Kant death finds its theoretical formulation and utilitarian frame as a quasi-objectivity correlative to capital, and noumenon is its name. The effective flotation of this term in philosophy coincided with the emergence of a social order built upon a profound rationalization of excess, or rigorous circumspection of voluptuous lethality. Once enlightenment rationalism beings its dominion ever fewer corpses are left hanging around in public places with each passing year, ever fewer skulls are used as paperweights, and ever fewer paupers perish undisturbed on the streets. Even the graveyards are rationalized and tidied up. It is not surprising, therefore, with with Kant thanatology undergoes the most massive reconstruction in its history. The clerical vultures are purged, or marginalized. Death is no longer to be culturally circulated, injecting a transcendent reference into production, and ensuring superterrestrial interests their rights. Instead death is privatized, withdrawn into interiority, to flicker at the edge of the contract as a narcissistic anxiety without public accreditation. Compared to the immortal soul of capital the death of the individual becomes an empirical triviality, a mere re-allocation of stock.

that mos def does it for me. i feel myself Persuaded. but moments like those are rare. but they are worth it when they happen.

>> No.11984454
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and i used the wrong pic but i'm not re-editing that post, b/c check those quads. Uncle Nick's genius confirmed.

>> No.11985241


>> No.11985422
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what's ttc? i only find
>Wang Chen Table Tennis Club

>> No.11985426

Nick Land is not libertarian, he does not wish for freedom of the individual like Rothbard, Manchester liberalism.

> Brilliance of CCRU
Whatever you say lefty.

>> No.11985431


Took me 2 seconds to find out by searching the two first sentences here >>11982358

>> No.11985432

>The people return to using knotted cords to assist in their remembering and simple reckoning.
based and redpilled

>> No.11985483
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The CCRU was just an LARP knock-off of fringe internet counterculture on the pre-corporate internet of the early 90's. Bunch of frauds.

>> No.11985614

>ywn meme in 1993

>> No.11985728

has any author connected the concept of acceleration with art, as in art-acceleration? it's a human realm of creation that can be argued suffered a very obvious acceleration the last centuries and hit a wall pretty fast because of its obvious strong link with human thought that other processes seem to escape being not so closely link with human values

now we've been stuck putting toilets in museums for like a hundred years

>> No.11985735

Japanese tentacle rape hentai is the future of art - perhaps the last artwork that can be meaningfully produced by humans. quite literally. it performs what it symbolises and symbolises what it performs: the somatic penetration/infestation of the present by the future and the present's being thereby reconfigured into a meat proxy/puppet on libidinal strings. in a word, teleoplexy.

>> No.11985759

that makes sense and you were right all along

>> No.11985783

We need an accelerationism reading chart!
Hegel, Marx, Kant, Land, D&G,.....
What books in what order?
I can make the graphic but someone must make the list.

>> No.11985794
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>> No.11985805
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just get this as your chart

>> No.11985811

Easiest way is to introduce people to
- Moldbug's blog.
- Land's Xenosystem/archived blog.
They're really easy to get into stuff that detail it all out without requiring much knowledge beforehand, let alone being insane word salads.

>> No.11985845

>- Land's Xenosystem/archived blog.
does this follow some sort of progression, or is it Land just memeing around?

>> No.11985911
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It's pretty easy to just pick out the order just based on the topics.

For Moldbug, you should start with the two long chains "Gentle Intro" and "Open Letter" and I highly recommend that whenever Moldbug cites his own blog in these writings, that you read that article first. He has few concepts he uses that are good to know.
https://moldbuggery.blogspot.com/ < Handy site.

>> No.11985964

there's an ebook around with most of moldbug's stuff (i skipped the Obama shit) which is pretty nice because his blogs are walls of text to read on the screen

>> No.11985975
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You can save it to Pocket or use Firefox "Article View" whatever it is called. I personally save lot of stuff to Pocket while I'm at laptop and then read it at the end of the day from my OP6 phone Pocket application I also have my Kobo e-reader sync with Pocket. Preddy good sysdem

Please try not to cringe at my saved articles

>> No.11985979
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How it looks in Pocket web-app. Much like Firefox article view.

It's good on phone too.

>> No.11985996
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breddy gud, i guess technology is our fren after all

>> No.11986062

it is good to hear anon. many will disdain this topic matter...centuries of repressive programming elicit automatic laugh defense/response from NPCs, beyond this is disgust. of course we should not consider the doujin cybercommunities through which tentacle porn circulates as any different - as i have said, the eroticisation is itself a kind of shield in form from the content which is, so to speak, gnawing its way out of the future. the human security system. our ability to fap to what enthralls us is the subjective overcoming of its bane. however, there are some cases in which the inner kernel of acausal Real in tentacle hentai is developed further than the average stratum of 'mere porn'. a flawed yet powerfully provocative instance of this is the doujinshi "RE08" illustrated by Namonashi for the circle "RUBBISH Senbetsutai". scans and translations have been available for many years now. i offer this as starting point. you must explore the rest yourself

>> No.11986082

Land is such a meme. British philosophy? Not even once.

>> No.11986091

Are accelerationism and anarcho-nihilism compatible?

>> No.11986180


>> No.11986198

you can't believe in freedom and in nothing at the same time, pick one

>> No.11986299
File: 25 KB, 285x533, REI KOZ prediction (probably from 6 to 8 years ago lole).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, brainlet here who has no idea about any of this stuff
>how do you stop acceleration?
I see two options, one was given by the other person who replied to you. Another would be the creation of a social movement that is aware of the dangers associated with acceleration that consciously recognizes a certain component of acceleration as its enemy.
>tfw just replaying Jupiter vs Saturn over and over again
>tfw trying to end spiritual cancer
>tfw as above so below
This thread reminded me a great deal of this article: http://aryanism.net/politics/technology/

>The key distinction to be made is between using technology to facilitate what we are capable of doing anyway, with or without the aid of technology, and using technology to enable to be done what could not have been done at all absent technology. Technology that eases existing burdens is noble; technology that tempts new desires is ignoble. Technology that saves time and energy is noble; technology that consumes time and energy is ignoble. Technology that simplifies life is noble; technology that complexifies life is ignoble. We can hence broadly distinguish between the Aryan technology of automation (derived from roots “auto-” + “mat-” meaning “spontaneously acting”), motivated by the will to freedom, and the non-Aryan technology of machinery (derived from root “magh-” meaning “to have power”), motivated by the will to power. (In an Aryanist society, Aryan technologists will be known as “automators” and their products known as “automata”, while non-Aryan technologists will be known as ”machinists” and the term “machines” reserved exclusively and perjoratively for their products.)

>Control over technology in any genuinely ideological direction requires state participation, as market-driven economics encourages new technology of all kinds so long as they can stimulate investment and/or lead to consumer demand. The technological directives of a National Socialist state are well-defined: optimize automation and eliminate machinery.

>No matter what field of technology we examine, we come to the same conclusion: the real problem is not the technology, but the people. In Aryan hands, machines would not be dangerous because Aryans would destroy them; in non-Aryan hands, even automata become dangerous because non-Aryans would find some way to use them to serve their greed. So long as non-Aryans exist, even if we destroy machines and erase the knowledge of building them, they could be invented again and built again... Thus the fundamental solution to the problem of technology rests not merely in phasing out machines, but in phasing out non-Aryan genetics. Only in this way can we be sure machines will never reappear.

unrelated side note: I've been thinking about the meaning of a "Solar Civilization" and power, specifically oft used metaphors about the powerful casting shadows. A Solar Avatar in that case would not cast a shadow - they would be that which causes all shadows to disappear

>> No.11986309
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>What we are is the means for life to finally understand itself
if life is to "understand itself," that would imply that life is searching not for experience or to satisfy desires, but for wisdom (unless it's discovered that experiencing or desiring something IS the ultimate wisdom, which I wouldn't deny)
Once that wisdom has been acquired, what is the purpose of the existence of life?

>> No.11986521

>SOPHIE (mix between art pop and industria techno)
fucking based. AOTY 2018 imo.
Anon check out DOORWAY by black dresses

>> No.11986538

sexy sadie's not a lady; Pete the pervert's on the prowl!

>> No.11986550
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it's this same one that makes me sad though anon it's the only one I don't like to read

>> No.11986578

>first column
>reactive mind says yes analytical mind says no
>second column
>only one that makes goddamn sense even though my Jewed zombie mind revolts against the words themselves
coherent philosophy vs pile of self contradiction
madness disguised as acceptable culture vs racial identity and love of humanity as a whole opening to a cosmos of opportunity, abundance and freedom

>> No.11986583

All wisdom comes from mediation of experience. Wisdom only exists as it is experienced. Wisdom is just a general law deduced/induced from experience, how that deduction takes place is experience. Experience and wisdom, along with the potential to experience stand in an irreducible triadic relation.
My phenonenology is grounded in Peirce's triad.
>Once that wisdom has been acquired, what is the purpose of the existence of life?
Wisdom only exists as it is experienced. Sorry but these are nonsense questions to me.

>> No.11986585


>> No.11986752

>guess is true. but at least the women *look* good! male orcs just look like monstrous animals. is
Men are always portrayed as monstrous beasts. Capable of fighting and killing rivals. Women have always been prized for their women qualities which could be a variety of things but namely whatever would make up "feminine" traits.
>. people wonder why i always shill for this man, it's because he's a fucking stone-cold killer, that's why.
You are quoting Whitehead? We need a wiki for sure. We got to get these names down and start some flow chart so we can add and expand as things go. This general is getting pretty interesting. Starting to blaze new grounds and dig up forgotten writers whose message has a new meaning in light of modern tech.

Plus the reading material collection is getting good. That mega upload alone was a huge amount of stuff to read.

However not to just whine I'll add my own content as I'm curious what you guys think. I'm currently in the oil industry and the largest drilling company has apparently developed a rig capable of drilling a well without any humans operating on site. It's not being used anywhere but I'm imaging a future where commodities are harvested automatically by robots and brought to market. The commodity cycles could be a factor of irrationality or prisoners dilemma of humans but would we ever have commodity cycles if robots alone make decisions involving production?

>> No.11986764

>people don't know what to do in the absence of enemies
Reminds me of the Romans. Took out every nearby nation and then found nothing to do so started killing themselves.

>> No.11986812
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that quote is from Based Han. ANW is dope too but that greentext comes from Topology of Violence.

i'm not at my PC atm, your post is rad (algorithmic commodity cycles &ac) and I want to talk about some other stuff related to it but i can't atm.

i will put up the next thread once we get nearer to the bump limit. also anons please bear in mind that post #300 in these threads completes the System of German Idealism (again).

>> No.11986813
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>coherent philosophy vs pile of self contradiction
consistency vs completeness
>racial identity
*racial idealism

He's saying that the dialectic between these ideologies will lead to revolution - not that the revolution will entirely be based around one or the other. Neoreaction provides a description of what capitalism is doing, Aryanism has a solution (whether it is the best solution, we can discuss) - but the awareness of the problem is just as important as the awareness of the solution.

The first step in a political battle is to identify the enemy, and the more clearly its defined the more easily support can be gained, as has been mentioned with all the Schmitt stuff ITT. I would agree with the article I posted that machinery (as opposed to automation) and its enablers provide a clear target that people from the farmer to the intellectual can recognize as dangerous.

>> No.11987021
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hola gents, girardfag here. i'm going to be back a little later today to ramble about technics, time and probably anxiety too. but I wanted to leave this here in the meantime to plant a little meme-seed in the universe.

i think what I want to talk about relates to this diagram partly because I feel like you could look at this as a kind of White Hat version of the famous CCRU numogram. if there are any art-anons ITT with time to kill a sketch of a mechanical Taiji would also be interesting to think about.

i've just been having this weird feeling about time and neo-confucianism, technology and dialectics, and it kind of relates to this folding of acceleration back on itself to create something like a home brew meme ideology: it's kind of like Society of the Upgrade and yet with a feeling for history that is Cosmo-cyclic rather than evolutionary.

likely more on this later, in a similar vein. think of it like Heidegger Goes East and finds Land there and they wind up stuck in an apartment during a blackout and for some reason they start drawing numograms and really telling each other how they feel. Hegel is there and Kant too.

ok. that's all for now, more cringe schizo-rambling later.

>> No.11987033
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>CCRU numogram
Where can I read what the fuck did they mean by this? Is it in some book? Is there extract in internet?

>> No.11987047
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one more, related.

>> No.11987054
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it's in the Land/Hermitix podcast. something about decimal numeracy, it wasn't clear to me.

more Taiji for Great Memery.

>> No.11987059

It's in the recent Hermitix podcast? Cool, I'll listen to it.

>> No.11987063

yeah, and maybe if there are any anons with math brains they can clear up some of that mystery for the rest of us too.

>> No.11987350

Internet subculture exploded early on, with change diminishing less and less over time as colonization by corporations and consumer normies progressed. Now it's mostly rehashes of the same memes and the same themes endlessly, effectively a cultural wasteland. A new shared information space will be created to solve this problem via the force of the weirds endlessly fleeing normie hegemony, with a notable attempt being that of Holochain, which claims will create a truly decentralized, agent-centric internet based on trust.

>> No.11987428

>A new shared information space will be created to solve this problem via the force of the weirds endlessly fleeing normie hegemony, with a notable attempt being that of Holochain, which claims will create a truly decentralized, agent-centric internet based on trust.

explain moar plz anon and links too would be nice

>> No.11987453


>> No.11987509
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no one escapes the curve anon, that's the whole point

you gonna die someday sucka, so start fucking laughing about it now because otherwise it's kind of a downer. capital is like the Wizard of Oz hopped up on goofballs and with a frontal lobotomy too. collapse now and avoid the rush. then we can start talking about what life could be like post-Great Filter on a less retarded world

>> No.11987789

Always put back what you take, mofo.

>> No.11987832

I read this whole thread. Now I'm considering suicide.

>> No.11987835
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>> No.11987864

Newfriend here, downloaded a bunch of stuff from the Mega but largely perplexed by the posts ITT, so I wanted to ask a somewhat simple question:
How would you summarize your own views and conclusions on (or perhaps even off) accelerationism?

>> No.11987872
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>> No.11987875


>> No.11987927
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This will obviously vary depending on who you ask. We can pretty easily describe what accelerationism is, but as for what conclusions we draw from it that's an entirely different beast; mostly due to the fact that due to the nature of accelerationism you're always lagging a little behind it. As Nick land says:

>Anyone trying to work out what they think about accelerationism better do so quickly. That’s the nature of the thing. It was already caught up with trends that seemed too fast to track when it began to become self-aware, decades ago. It has picked up a lot of speed since then.

Personally I try to be optimistic about it and place my hopes in a sort of transhuman singularity emerging from all of this. However by definition it's impossible to describe beyond that, or even the state that what we might call 'humanity' (a poor choice for anything transhuman) might be in when it happens. The problem is that I understand accelerationism isn't happening in a vacuum. There are other, real, external influences and problems that challenge it. War/conflicts, natural disaster, resource depletion, problems outpacing solutions, maximum theoretical brain power being reached, social unrest, dysgenic effects etc. etc.

As for insights that acceleration provides I genuinely think that it's one of the most cogent ways to think about techno-capital and the associated constant societal metamorphosis that it drives as a result. It accepts and revels in the breakdown of the disconnect between the theory and the thing itself. I can't remember who said it but you can think of it as reaching a point where 'the theory of cybernetics' and 'the cybernetics of theory' are, from most perspectives, indistinguishable.

It's also a meme goldmine.

>> No.11987949


>> No.11987998
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hola anons. so i've been in the coffee shop for a couple of hours today and probably mildly worrying the other patrons there by talking to myself and scribbling in my three-dollar notebook. it's been a red-letter day for the voices in my head today as far as Cosmotech is concerned, i unironically feel like i've had some kind of breakthrough in just saying Fucker It's All About Time. it really is. also i think the idea of a mecha-Taiji is way way cool and there are other things i will be updating/irritating you with further between this thread and the next
>why must there be another thread girardfag
>because inner self
>that's it? because? i thought you hated Because Reasons arguments
>yes but it's different when i do it inner self. we're the good guys remember
>it's like you don't believe me inner self
>no one who needs that much Enya in their life can ever be fully trusted girardfag. it is a rule of the universe

hmm. seems i need to work on my delivery somewhat

pic very much rel

i'm assuming you probably don't want my hot take on this, because it's taken about a month so far and i feel like i'm only starting to figure out what my answer to this would be. unfortunately the process of doing so has apparently been sucking the will to live out of anons who read this thread, like it's watching the video in The Ring
>tfw this is a suboptimal outcome
>do not curse and render insane your fellow anons girardfag
>this is not in accordance with the Way of Virtue

quite possibly the winrar post of the thread thus far

outstanding post also

ty kindly anon, will have a look

>> No.11988146

Acceleration to me represents two things:
>a fundamental shift to treating reality as something pure and mediated by human bias, rather than the human mind as something pure and reality as unknowable (the basis of most prior philosophy)
>reorienting one's relationship to radical alterity and taking that relationship to its logical conclusion, no matter how abhorrent it may seem from the biased viewpoint of one's humanity
A lot of the former has been picked up by speculative realism, but the latter is something that for the most part only Nick Land ever actually practiced. He went and positioned himself as something so radically other that nobody else in philosophy can even attempt to believe what he believes, not because they think he is logically incorrect but because he takes it too fucking far. His detachment from humanity makes him a problem for accelerationism, a problem for neoreaction (though they haven't figured it out yet, mostly because they're not as bright as the accelerationists), and a huge problem for philosophy.

For this reason, one should go in with the assumption that Land will show you a route to absolute madness, like some kind of dark Zen wise man, and you will turn it down and find yourself in the in-between of left-accelerationism or whatever other eddy you wash up in after clinging doggedly to your sanity for the duration of the Wild Ride.

There are, of course, other aspects to acceleration that make it persistent even if you don't go Full Nick, like its unique approach to futurism, its tendency to pack layered meanings in short gamma-bursts of text, and (to an extent) the way Nick Land managed to have a fundamentally unique reading of just about everything he ever mentioned on paper. Even many of the people who have avoided the rhetorical dungeon of Land's r/acc were altered enough by contact with him that they went on to do some truly wild shit, and for me, understanding the meaning behind a thought process alien to the rest of humanity has the same allure as taking drugs.

>> No.11988180
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screencapping this.

>> No.11988194

There is also a libidinal economy of memes in an architectonic scale. The Samsaric co-sine.

>> No.11988232
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the whole and sadly serious question of our time seems to be, what are we doing with ourselves if we aren't getting the wives and gfs off. after all, we don't want to be some kind of repressive fascists.

it's the tyranny of the fucking orgasm. wireheaded for pleasure and completely addicted to the image of bliss. i'm not saying you should cut your balls or anything and start wearing a sandwich board around town, i'm just saying that in about fifteen years' time when you see me with my balls cut off and wearing a sandwich board around town you will be able to briefly restore me to sanity by quoting passages from Fanged Noumena and watching me oscillate between laughter and tears.

>> No.11988233

Really, The Matrix is such a strange and otherworldly film that it resists film-critical analysis but is altogether welcoming to philosophical analysis.

>your entire existence is meant to produce abstract energy to power something you don't understand at all, but you go along with it because the system is filled with illusory pleasures like steak dinners that make you feel like you're not the slave you must truly understand yourself to be

>> No.11988239
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oh boy it's here

>> No.11988328
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consider this when talking about the matrix. pic rel

>> No.11988339
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there is absolutely no reason why we cannot have a Matrix TV series reboot that tackles things from the ground floor - as in, how the matrix was built, in the first place, and including about 400 more characters in it, *all* of whom have read Baudrillard, and in which the prospect of one of them being the Chosen One and fucking re-loading their Samsaric imprisonment and doing a civilizational memory-wipe on their entire #Resistance movement is met with the appropriate degree of horror, comedy, and rage. now there's a fucking TV event i'd avoid scooping out my own eyeballs Oedipus-style for. the Matrix was too soon and way too soon at that. they bit off more than they could chew. it just needs to be re-made. that's all. can be, should be, must be.

yuk hui
yuk hui
yuk hui

needless to say i'm a big fan, personally. to counter Land raising Zombie Hegel from the dead, i like YH raising Heidegger The White ("Gandalf the Grey...yes, that was my name" &c). it all feels appropriately epic and profoundly meme-cringe tbqh. but waddaya gonna do, go insane, do drugs, and cry in a corner?
>okay but we've done that inner self
>i'm just saying we can try something else just to keep it fresh
>i liked the drugs and the crying tho
>gotta mix it up mi amigo. variety is the spice of life

>> No.11988358
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Terribly interesting. This convinced me to finally enage with this stuff. Here is something I decided not to post about until I read:
>Please, do not read this book. Go read the Materials instead, and piece it together on your own. It will be much more fun and you will learn more. If you get stuck, this book is here for you, with tidy orderly tables and explanations. It has been written in a minimalist fashion so that you must fill in at least some of the blanks for yourself.
This is something like what I was going to post.
>I love diagrams. I don't understand the need for all the confusing chinese shit. Pic related is me casually playing with diagrams a while back. I was doing a bunch of whippets at the time. Doing diagrams and whippets together is a top tier recreational activity with incredibly interesting effects, I suggest everyone tries it. What the diagrams are me trying to break Peirce's triad of firstness secondness and thirdness down into the triadic movement of a monad in a stream of dyadic relations between potential/actual modes of the monads being.
It never made sense until I closed the triad. I didn't think about the conclusion I came to. It was intutionistic rather than explanatory. I was very far from systematic, so I couldn't provide an explanation anyway. I'm pretty confident that my triad is what it reduces to. I just don't see how any process-relation can be explained outside of the number 3.
I'm totally interested in this nomogram thing, but I can sense some strong disagreements.

>> No.11988364

Don't get me wrong so far this is cool stuff.
Pretty based. I can smell hegelian triad is my problem.

>> No.11988386

read this >>11988328 jewrard fag

>> No.11988412
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Replication is fun.

>> No.11988423

More recursivity. Sigh. Oh well.

>> No.11988433
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>Terribly interesting.

no diggity. i've had about four extra-strong red eye coffees today and no doubt this is affecting things slightly, but as i was saying earlier i think i've basically stumbled into all the necessary ingredients for a homebrew meme ideology and i very much like the idea of cribbing Zhu Xi's Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate to support it, not the least of which are because it looks eerily like the CCRU numogram but reflects my own nascently Neo-Confucian sensibilities that i am borrowing from YH, along with the overall Cosmotech thread of the whole thing.

it helps also that in my first deep-dive into Chinese metaphysics i actually did familiarize myself with Zhu Xi, who is basically like the Thomas Aquinas of Confucianism (and even lived around the same time). if Augustine is Confucius, Zhu Xi is Aquinas. it's not the craziest connection. but what i want to do is put together something like a Cosmotech + Anthropotech sensibility that doesn't incline people who read these threads to immediately Defenstration, Yes! inducing suicide or Ringu-style face-warping actually isn't how i would like to be remembered on /lit/. i'm actually a sentimental mushball by nature and, as i have said, my interest in the Wild Ride follows from Land's own blackpill > the blue and red pills, with the caveat that man cannot live on Deleuze and amphetamines alone.

i want a Fourth Pill
>*wipes t-shirt*
>and so on and so on

i filled up about fifteen pages of my notebook today and i forgot to take a picture of the little cafe i did it in, which was - i shit you not - next door to something called Media Accelerator or something. people were wondering why i was just standing there holding the door open, they thought i was being polite. i wasn't, i was literally just staring at the door and thinking what a bizarre bit of synchronicity that was. i meant to take a picture of it too but i forgot. tomorrow maybe, i'm definitely going back to see if i can recapture any of the magic.

there's something going on, is what i mean. i don't quite know what. but there's something fucking weird about this. i see no reason why a 21C acceleration-friendly neo-Confucianism isn't an entirely valid option for anybody trying to get through the shitstorm foisted upon us by capital and nymphomania and the Wild Ride. i am as excited about scribbling in a notebook on these themes as i have been in a long time.

anyways, here's the link on Zhu Xi for now. obviously there will be more later but i want to sort a few things out first in my head, sometimes it's good to let things percolate a bit.


also i had a really awesome picture of a fiction-machine generator i wanted to share with the cyberpunk fiction writer(s) ITT and i can't find it now, damn. i need to sort my images better. enjoy some Cosmotech filler art in the meantime.

#300 is coming up lads, who's ready to complete the System of German Idealism?

>> No.11988469
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kek. well, Updated My Journal. so apparently the secret muse of the one of the greatest cinematic Untimely Meditations on Baudrillard et al was a dominatrix named Ilsa Strix (if not ketamine, or prolonged whipping and orgasm denial...which, let's face it, we probably could have guessed was good for the poetic imagination anyways). when i try to get the Matrix re-made i'll have to look up Ilsa Strix.

hyuk hyuk. i actually wound up talking with some guys from /pol/ i think last night, we didn't see eye to eye. basically my own feeling for acceleration is that i'm as anti-anti-white as i am anti-anti-black or anti-anti-jew or anti-anti-woman or whatever else. i'm pro-non-denominational humanity. race just isn't a thing that preoccupies me. i hate the current strain of discourse on these things if only because it just all seems so predictable to me, and if you're given a choice between Unironic Fascism or Unironic Communism i defer, and i would have done this long before i read RG anyways. Cosmotech/Acceleration only confirms these suspicions: Optimize for Intelligence is the way forward, every time.

on a more interesting note, pic rel has some cool stuff to say about Machiavelli, Heidegger and Girard if anyone is looking for something to read on an other-than-Wild Ride theme. the author likes Girard, seems to like Machiavelli even more, and Heidegger not so much. but in all it's pretty interesting stuff if you're into political theory.

>> No.11988475

Why is emancipation desirable?

>> No.11988484

If you lack the ability to answer that question yourself, then emancipation would probably not change your situation.

>> No.11988540

>In a mood of submission and self-abnegation, sensitively recorded by Henry Adams, people began to worship the machine and its masters. If anyone was unreal, Adams wrote, it was the poet, not the businessman. We had created a topsyturvy world in which machines had become autonomous and men had become servile and mechanical: that is, thing-conditioned, externalized, de-humanized— disconnected from their historic values and purposes. And so it has come about that one whole part of man's life, springing from his innermost nature, his deepest desires and impulses, his ability to enjoy and bestow love, to give life to and receive life from his fellow men, has been suppressed. Those deep organic impulses for which art is both the surrogate in immediate action and the ultimate expression of that action as transferred to the life of other men—all this part of man's nature has become progressively empty and meaningless. The maimed fantasies, the organized frustrations, that we see in every comprehensive exhibition of modern painting today are so many symptoms of this deep personal abdication. Pattern and purpose have progressively disappeared, along with the person who once, in his own right, embodied them. Man has become an exile in this mechanical world: or rather, even worse, he has become a Displaced Person.
throwing this synchronicity out there

>> No.11988561

that's this thread anon. that's the OP from Cosmotech #5, i can tell just looking at it. i posted that! it's from Lewis Mumford, Art and Technics.

>> No.11988600

well, not *this* thread, since i guess we have technically achieved the coveted (or shameful, depending on how you feel) mega-thread status.

>> No.11988606

exactly. read that in light of talking about baudrillards thoughts on the matrix and what happened to the wachowskis.

>> No.11988645
File: 27 KB, 500x247, Trinity_Spider_Kick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i mean, in terms of Submission to the Machine et al? that the Matrix itself might in fact have been conceived in an explictly BDSM environment, and that perhaps the overwhelming presence of form-fitting leather might have trickled into the aesthetic accordingly? in which case fuck yes and also I'll Take Some More Of That, Quite Frankly

>tfw you are a fucking filthy degenerate girardfag
>rather a BDSM fantasy than a Third Reich fantasy inner self
>why not both tho
>b/c inner self we are trying to Clean Our Rooms somewhat here and that does not include the She-Wolf of the SS. compose yourself

>> No.11988661

frankly i feel that if the later Matrix additions had really been wrought out of a ketaminic BDSM journey they probably would have been better, or at least less predictable, than the cash-grabs they were

>> No.11988670

>doesnt get the point, overloads in memes.
fine. as you were.

>> No.11988681

no wait. don't let my dumb ramble-posting get in the way of something interesting. i said, i've had like four rocket fuel coffees today and my brain is all over the place.

what's the key takeaway for you anon? genuinely curious, not baiting you. again, apologies for being excitable, i don't want to just be a turbomemelord.

>> No.11988700


leaving this here.

>> No.11988722

the main purpose of the film was essentially lost when they were influenced by the dom. meaning it wouldve turned way different than what we have now. i take it you guys know at least some basics in conspiracy of mindcontrol like mkultra? hollywood? are you an occult noob?

>> No.11988803

i love chillout/ambient stuff. i have a track lined up for the Atmospherics slot of the next Cosmotech OP and i wish i could find more stuff like it. maybe when it goes up anons can make some suggestions. it's also got a highly appropriate sample in it.

ok, thanks for clarifying. and apologies again for firing from the hip as i do, i know it's annoying sometimes. today i blame the coffee. that article really was quite fascinating.

>i take it you guys know at least some basics in conspiracy of mindcontrol like mkultra? hollywood? are you an occult noob?
i have no foundation in Conspiracy Theory and i am mos def a noob when it comes to the occult. but such things are entirely welcome, in true CCRU/hyperstitional style. we can't possibly have a thread predicated on retracing the steps of Uncle Nick that turns up its nose at conspiracy and the occult. that's just bad form.

>> No.11988823
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Is there a way out of all this nightmare? We are headed to technical dominion of the earth, mass production and population control will achieve their perfection and this whole machine will run like a clock until the human spirit and nature are destroyed. But, what else should we do? We've been thrown into this reality, this endless chaos whose gist is the void, just abysmal void. The bits of this reality from a physical point of view (atoms, electrons, quarks or whatever is the basical unit) are just the ineffable void. Is there anything to cling up? Is there any god left?

>> No.11988876


>> No.11988940
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imho there is, and it lies in the (impossible) refusal of Schmittian politics. you have to say no to extreme politics on either side, the irony being that the easiest way to refuse one form of extremist politics is by adopting another, but that leads to the finger-trap. all anybody really wants is to be left alone, but Politics Creep from either side fucks with that. finding some right relation with the infinite spark of being, however it manifests to you, is way cooler than being a rage zombie.

so carving out that Breathing Space is about as far as i will ever want to go in terms of talking about politics, really. just maintaining sanity and not blowing your stack.
>so that you can serve your zombie machine-god capitalism is that it
>that's right inner self
>that's a fucking stupid idea girardfag
>when you're right you're right inner self

>Is there any god left?
not for people who don't give a shit. but some of them never gave a shit in the first place, and they may be even more inclined to give less of a shit if things continually trend towards ever-stupider experiments in hysteria, panic, and CTRL.

there is a way out. you just have to resist the gravity well of outrage in your own way. Aeschylus knew the deal, the Furies cannot be permitted to run the destiny of the city. ofc, it was nice for Orestes that he had Athena to intervene personally on his behalf and cast the deciding vote when the judges were deadlocked. fanaticism was Augustine's preoccupation, Girard's too. and Hobbes', Machiavelli's, and Schmitt's. but we are imho today seeing the effects of what happens when you try to Solve for Schmitt in postmodernity (spoiler: you can't do it, and every failed attempt will only produce and re-produce a Society of Control). and Athena is not walking through that door.

it fundamentally consists of refusing to participate in bullshit. ofc, we all have to participate in Capital in some sense. Peterson says some crazy stuff, but i think his heart is in the right place: Sort Yourself Out. it *does* make sense. the Wild Ride is not known for making anyone's day brighter, but that's not it's job. the Landian blackpill is there to get off the red and blue pills, but you need something after the blackpill as well. that's the hard part, and there are no easy answers for it. but in my very humble opinion it has to be in realizing that existential problems of suffering cannot be solved metapolitically. it only trends towards madness, and radicals only produce counter-radicals. all you can do is be a better person and probably look forward to getting shit on by both extremes.

>fuck you girardfag
>i know that's you inner self. i recognize that voice
>it had to be said tho. don't preach
>and so just so i understand, the reward for suffering is to be called a cuck and also be shit on by everyone while you give your soul to Terminal Nightmare Capitalism destined for collapse - do i have this right?
>you know it good buddy
>just checking

>> No.11988983
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>tfw this is too much fucking ridiculous masochism, fuck you girardfag fuck youuuuuuuuuu
OR there's option 2.

Reign of Fire was a pretty underrated film about this, in particular the division of the masculine psyche into its Stay at Home form (Quinn) and the Aaaaaaaaaahhhh form (Van Zan). in the end it took *both* of them to give the film the "happy" ending that it had.

now in my universe there is no Van Zan. there is only Quinn. but in your universe there might be. an ounce of Van Zan at the right moments is also worth a pound of Quinn.

i wonder if Peterson ever saw this, seems like it's got enough of the themes he likes.

>> No.11988990


Is this a good book to get a grasp on the origins and tenets of accelerationism?

>> No.11988997

of course! it's the best one.

you know there's a link to the PDF in the OP of this thread, right?

>tfw you are ushering people on board the Wild Ride
>not sure if this is earning me a special place in hell or not
>or really just pissing off people who keep seeing this thread bumped by one odious namefag's manic ramblings
>probably both

>> No.11989013

Why just accept technological dominance I suppose is my first question? Why not reject it?

>> No.11989026

And how wild is this ride?

>> No.11989051

Take the life pill. I've never been much for any of the pill memes. I'm pretty sure I took something to the 'landian blackpill" a long time ago when I pretty much went crazy doing the drugs and listening to deVo.
So land went crazy on amphetamine heh? Lol wat a dweeb, I've been taking that shit since I was 6 years old.

>> No.11989059
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because intelligence.

we don't want barbarism. and as much as Ellen Chen will play up the virtues of the Tao and will prefer counting with knotted cords, i like washing machines, dentistry, and pharmacology (both medicinal and recreational). i also like the Internet, hot meals on airplanes, and the MAME emulator.

so it has to be a qualified rejection, but this of course is really the Wild Ride's music. how *much?* even in a Mad Max scenario, i would very much like to have, for example, a nice cluster of machine gun nests (if not a remote controlled laser-equipped satellite death ray) and other things. full-scale rejection of tech is not really an option for me, and even Stiegler - who is skeptical about many aspects of tech - makes a pretty convincing case for civilization in some sense as being commensurate with technological progress.

it's the *culture* that is stagnating, and with it, the people. we are becoming decadent moral hypochondriacs and losing our minds, and our politics are becoming more extreme, more polarized, and radical as a result, because we have been made *comfortable.* the Matrix is a meme film but the basic tenets of it are not. i don't want to reject tech all the way, i want to live in a cool and funky world with lots of it. it's just that the demands of tech to render itself ever more convenient tends to have pretty powerful warp effects on technology. and these have been diagnosed by Baudrillard and Land, each in their own ways, along with Marty Glass and all of the guys he references too.

we need a right relation with tech, not a rejection, imho. Landian acceleration basically just cuts out the brakes and hurtles towards the future at full throttle. this has its appeal, no doubt, but in the end it becomes the Wild Ride. we all get sucked in and the dialectic goes completely out of control (however you understand the dialectic to work, if at all).

you have to ask? we're coming up on the ninth installment of this thing. have you read Land? you can't ask for a more perfect representative of theory-as-Ultraviolence than Young Nick in '92. it's true that he's become a meme today, but still. read Baudrillard. read Nietzsche. read Deleuze. read them all. you will believe the hype. try Symbolic Exchange and Death and Fanged Noumena, if you just want to feel absolutely fucking horrified and seduced at the same time. hell, just read Spengler and watch him throwing lightning from the mountain top, you could do a whole thread just on Epic Spengler One-Liners.

Capitalism is some wild stuff anon. and the philosophers who write on it well will not disappoint you. i'm a fucking complete loser Scum-Ass in real life, i'm boring as hell. but the good writers are awesome.

>> No.11989063

>Take the life pill.
i'm trying anon. in the end you're right ofc, the No-Pill is the right way. it just seems my way of getting there is by way of Great Shitposting.

>> No.11989121

>Why not reject it?
Because the impulse to reject it is solely based on human fear, it's irrational. Humanity isn't a pure thing that inherently deserves our protection, especially since 'humanity' isn't a static thing, it's been changing since we defined it. Intelligence is a goal that doesn't arbitrarily try to preserve a false notion of 'humanity' or to act to the perceived benefit of it. Primitivism to me is the practice of sticking one's head in the sand and pretending we're the same race that was fucking and fighting the neanderthal. Transhumanism, of course, is assuming that the process of the world's evolution can and should benefit humanity, which is the alluring, humanist alternative. If nothing else, acting to our own benefit is probably something baked into the way the technocapital god-structure is engineered, so there's probably no harm in trying. Land would call it naive, though.

>> No.11989152
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the irony of Land is that he may well be forcing an entire generation into looking at Marxism again after thirty years of his collecting dust. and not because they want the Revolution, but because the dialectic is far crazier than anyone realizes. Land's take on the Hegelian spirit - back for Great Justice because it has been suppressed, or it was believed that it could be diffused into pointlessness in a thousand English departments? - is one that shows no mercy.

now i always thought this thing looked goofy as hell. mea culpa. but Benjamin's writing on this is, ofc, one of the greatest pieces of the 20C:

>His face is turned toward the past. Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it in front of his feet. The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed. But a storm is blowing from Paradise; it has got caught in his wings with such violence that the angel can no longer close them. The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back his turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. The storm is what we call progress.

Walter Benjamin is a guy we still read today for a reason. he matters. i just could never talk myself into this painting. but at least Benjamin version was friendly, or tragically remote. Land's is not.

in the grand scheme of things, Land does not rank with Hegel. and Walter Benjamin's sensibilities about this are achingly beautiful, as the 20C was. the 21C is a much colder place (and also more prone to fits of hysteria and violent rage, not exactly a good sign). but yeah. the ghosts of history. i have a hard time talking myself into the Hegelian spirit, sometimes, but not Marx, and certainly not teleoplexy. there are aspects of Hegel that are absolutely amazing, and he inspired Lacan also, and i believe in psychoanalysis too. but it's just always the case with philosophy and history: just when you think the story is over, and the plot is dead, and there couldn't possibly be any further twists or turns, that's it, it's over, A New Challenger Appears. it's always like this.

>> No.11989216

>Chuang Tzu relates the meeting of Tzu-kung, a disciple of Confucius representing the spirit of progress, with an old gardener preparing his fields for planting with great hardship. Upon Tzu-kung's suggestion that he use labor-saving machines, the old man flushes with anger: I've heard my teacher say, where there are machines, there are bound to be machine worries; where there are machine worries, there are bound to be machine hearts. With a machine heart in your breast, you've spoiled what was pure and simple; and without the pure and simple, the life of the spirit knows no rest. Where the life of the spirit knows no rest, the Way will cease to buoy you up. It's not that I don't know about your machine-I would be ashamed to use it!
And then Zigong goes back and tells Confucius about his encounter to which he procedes to BTFO him.
>"He is one of those bogus practitioners of the arts of Mr. Chaos (Hundun). He knows the first thing but doesn't understand the second. He looks after what is on the inside but doesn't look after what is on the outside A man of true brightness and purity who can enter into simplicity, who can return to the primitive through inaction, give his body to his inborn nature, and embrace his spirit, and in this way wander through the everyday world-if you had met one like that, you would have real cause for astonishment[14]. As for the arts of Mr. Chaos, you and I need not bother to find out about them.

>14. That is, the true man of the Way does not retire from the world or reject society and its inventions.
I think Confucius was saying the gardener has an intellectual understanding of the Way and lives it, but he doesn't know it intuitively and doesn't submit himself to it. In other words, he is forcing himself to live the Way. Not sure how to take Watson's annotation here. I think you have to just accept the world the way it is, but on the other hand, not be attached to it.

>> No.11989274
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Confucius usually seems to get dunked on by Laozi, but in general it feels like in the end making your mad Virtue Gains as a Confucian is necessary as much as deterritorializing with the Dao. ofc, it is the nature of Chinese philosophy that Confucius and Laozi (and the Buddha) all get along, as the famous Vinegar Tasters portrait shows. there is nothing like a Plato/Aristotle split. and it makes you realize too how much more interesting the philosophical bromance, friendship, or even productive rivalry has been to the West, rather than the individual thinkers themselves. consider the following, some of which are lived friendships, relations of influence, rivalries, working partnerships, and so on:

>Socrates and virtually everyone he meets
>Deleuze and Guattari
>Leibniz and Spinoza
>Uncle Nick and Aunt Sadie
>[insert here to make me look foolish]

things are a lot more interesting when the wasp and the orchid have an aparallel evolution, in other words. and Chinese philosophy is full of *encounters.*

anyways Chinese theories of knowledge are where it's at, imho. especially right now. they're just so cool. i was looking through pic rel on the bus today and having a royal good time. for me the attraction to Chinese stuff just comes from really feeling at times as though all of this Baudrillard &c has basically really set me free in a kind of zero-G world. but the floaty world is kind of where the Chinese guys shine, in a way, when things aren't so hard and fast and where once isn't fucking being harried around by paranoia and ideology all the time. it's really fascinating stuff, i find.

so yeah, moar Chinese metaphysics anon. finding the Way is way way cool.

>> No.11989299
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>I think Confucius was saying the gardener has an intellectual understanding of the Way and lives it, but he doesn't know it intuitively and doesn't submit himself to it.

and this ofc is part of arguably the quintessential Daoist story of all time, the Dextrous Butcher:

>Cook Ting was cutting up an ox for Lord Wen-hui. As every touch of his hand, every heave of his shoulder, every move of his feet, every thrust of his knee — zip! zoop! He slithered the knife along with a zing, and all was in perfect rhythm, as though he were performing the dance of the Mulberry Grove or keeping time to the Ching-shou music.

>“Ah, this is marvelous!” said Lord Wen-hui. “Imagine skill reaching such heights!”

>Cook Ting laid down his knife and replied, “What I care about is the Way, which goes beyond skill. When I first began cutting up oxen, all I could see was the ox itself. After three years I no longer saw the whole ox. And now — now I go at it by spirit and don’t look with my eyes. Perception and understanding have come to a stop and spirit moves where it wants. I go along with the natural makeup, strike in the big hollows, guide the knife through the big openings, and following things as they are. So I never touch the smallest ligament or tendon, much less a main joint.

>“A good cook changes his knife once a year — because he cuts. A mediocre cook changes his knife once a month — because he hacks. I’ve had this knife of mine for nineteen years and I’ve cut up thousands of oxen with it, and yet the blade is as good as though it had just come from the grindstone. There are spaces between the joints, and the blade of the knife has really no thickness. If you insert what has no thickness into such spaces, then there’s plenty of room — more than enough for the blade to play about it. That’s why after nineteen years the blade of my knife is still as good as when it first came from the grindstone.

>“However, whenever I come to a complicated place, I size up the difficulties, tell myself to watch out and be careful, keep my eyes on what I’m doing, work very slowly, and move the knife with the greatest subtlety, until — flop! the whole thing comes apart like a clod of earth crumbling to the ground. I stand there holding the knife and look all around me, completely satisfied and reluctant to move on, and then I wipe off the knife and put it away.”

>“Excellent!” said Lord Wen-hui. “I have heard the words of Cook Ting and learned how to care for life!”


>> No.11989417
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The philosophy of the 23rd century is a naturalistic Space Taoism based on change, evolution, and creativity, a view of the universe more profound that any religion has imagined - and as such it is a true post-atheism, transcending atheism-as-negation by offering an affirmative view of life that solves the problem of omnipresent nihilism and alienation of the present, offering a physicalist reenchantment with the cosmos and a relationship with the world that can only be described as experiencing it as pure poetry in the fullness of its wonder-horror, to be ever content and comfy yet ever striving. Its symbol will inevitably be that of the calculus integral due to its similarity to the yin-yang, its synthesis of Eastern and Western thought, of the analytical with the analogical. Neo-China and Neo-Europe arrive from the future to save the present from the undead past, the autonomous movement of the unliving accelerating itself towards omnicide.

The metaphysical nature of change is mirrored in all specifics of it, including that of calculus, the mathematical study of change, which is where we find formalization of our metaphysical principle. The fundamental theorem of calculus describes integration and derivation as inverse operations of the same process, with the physical intuition of integration being "cumulative change" and "instantaneous change." These correspond to yang and yin of Chinese philosophy respectively, with the Chinese insight into this relationship coming from a careful observation of change, and an extrapolation of its mechanics from observation - not wholly accurate, but the core relationship is precise. Examining the nature of our conscious perception of change shows why this is the case, and gives evidence that the foundations of calculus is truly a metaphysical principle capable of accounting for human experience.

We perceive change in the reference frames of presentism and temporalism, where in the former a singular omni-present moment is the fixed point of reference, and the latter the line of time comprised of a continuum of infinitescimal moments that are gone as soon as they arrive. In the presentist perspective, cultivated by mindfulness practices, what is experienced is instantaneous change in an ever-present, and in the temporalist perspective cumulative change through time. The presentist mode is spacial, analogical (simultaneous relationships) and relational, the temporalist mode sequential, narrative and logical (causal relationships.)

>> No.11989427
File: 43 KB, 360x322, questology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though Alfred North Whitehead didn't realize it, his philosophy follows from calculus as a metaphysical principle precisely, describing being and becoming, permanence and change as co-equals, that "becoming is for the purpose of being, and being for the purpose of novel becoming." Rather than quoting at length, here is a link to the first 19 pages of "The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality" that gives a basic introduction to his philosophy, which I think the reader will conclude is a reflection of the metaphysical implications of calculus: https://imgur.com/a/ZtLDYJT He is the essential guide towards the philosophy of the 23rd century, but missing is the process of the self, consciousness as a creative process.

Evolutionary theories of culture such as memetics fails to include subjective human experience, which does violence to it: we're all just "meme machines" subject to memetic forces, the mechanistic universe transformed into techno-organic infection. Douglas Hofstadter's view of consciousness takes a different direction, describing us as "self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages that are little miracles of self-reference," and is heavy into process thought at some points (especially his concept of shared interiority, that we host and are hosted by others) yet is still focused on the being-self, a self-representation representing itself, the self as an object, the "I." What creates this self-representation is the becoming-self, a self-querying query, a question questioning itself. Questions aren't a passive lack of answers but are quests, searches, movements, and vectors of desire. The spotlight of our awareness is a request for information having directionality, and self-awareness comes from the interplay between the being-self and becoming-self, the process of self-creativity.

The Darwinian process of variation -> selection -> reproduction is mirrored by the conscious process of question -> choice -> action, our lines of inquiry create potentials that we select from to actualize. Substance metaphysics has made us blind to the essential generative component of consciousness, focusing on the ordering process of selection, resulting in the idea of free will: we are free (or not) to select from objects from a list according to our will - our desires. Our freedom lies in free inquiry, our capacity to question, as by questioning our will we can create alternative desires. We can also question our questions, and our actions, and so human consciousness is a three-fold strange loop of the evolutionary process folded upon itself. Conscious experience is literally evolution evolved, the creative process that has folded upon itself to create self-creators. Self-creation isn't an absolute but an art, a cultivated skill, and it is not a self-creation creating with itself ex nihilo, but a co-creation with the multiplicity of existence.

>> No.11989433
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Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

>> No.11989497
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>> No.11989499


>> No.11989559
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poop? the meaning of the System of German Idealism is poop?
>the meaning of the System of German Idealism, in this cycle, this instance, must be poop

ah well. Freud and others (Sandor Ferenczi) do say that money-fetishism does ultimately proceed from the anal phase, and this is all about capitalism, so...maybe it's true, and the answers do lay in poop. a sad and sobering reminder, and yet appropriate for such an age of hybris. truly this is the Kali-Yuga! Marty Glass confirmed visionary-genius.

i would have much more preferred that
got there instead, to be quite honest, as this is much more in the Cosmotech style. Space Taoism and Alfred North Whitehead, consciousness and evolutionary mimesis, fuck yes! and also fuck yes. i will be re-posting all of this awesomeness in the next thread to carry on this discussion further, as it is entirely unfair that such a patrician post should come right before the System of German Idealism was confirmed as poop. and yet it all seems, somehow, appropriate...

anyways you know what comes next. i'll put up the next thread and then i'm off to bed, it's getting late over here.


>> No.11989600

new thread


>> No.11989701
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there's something special happening here. i hate to say it gents, because, you know, we're all fucked out and miserable on this godless rock, and Capitalism > your face. but it's true. there's a little too much Interesting happening in these threads for it to all be an optical illusion. and if it is, it's quite an illusion. Deleuze says, if you're trapped in the dream of the other, you're fucked. well, we're all trapped in the dream of Capitalism. and we are all fucked.

call it a *lucid* dreaming, then. you know, when you know you are dreaming. the brighter side of hyperstition. has anyone ever had one of these before? i don't think it's something i need to do IRL, but this is close enough for me. the dream of theory, and the power of meme-magic. crazier things have happened.

it's all too much fun. see you in the next one.

>> No.11989755

You're assessment is delusional like all leftist theorizing.

>> No.11990008

Good post. I recently got into shmups and yeah, I agree.