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/lit/ - Literature

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11774653 No.11774653 [Reply] [Original]

whats books would you suggest to the average /r9k/ user?

>> No.11774657

I've never read it but Whatever seems like a pretty /r9k/ book

>> No.11774681

Notes from Underground
Confederacy of Dunces
The Metamorphasis
The Plague

>> No.11774706

My Twisted World

>> No.11774751

Read in the following order:
Der Einzige und sein Eigentum
Bhagavad Gita
Epictetus' Discourses
The Kingdom of God is Within You

>> No.11774773

Crime and Punishment

>> No.11774861

The Bible. They all need Jesus.

>> No.11774868
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The Book of Disquiet
the metamorphosis (most of kafka)
The Tell‑Tale Heart (most of Poe)
Anna Karenina ( might make you hate women more or less)
Then start on philosophy to correct the poisonous words of r9k which have corroded your mind.
T. Robot (achieved 20 on those robot graphs but slowly getting better)

>> No.11774870

Manual on suicide

>> No.11774874

A book on knots so you can learn how to tie a noose correctly. Or maybe self help books so you stop being edgy cunts? /r9k/ is shit.

>> No.11774877

>still posting frogs
You're never going to make it

>> No.11774882

>make it
Make what exactly?

>> No.11774910
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I'm autistic and I can relate to apu. Unfortunately, I do not have all my apu's on this hard drive.
Also, Large work's of fantasy are quite comfy to lose yourself in and forget about real life.
Neuromancer (for the extra comfy scifi feel).
I also like Brandon Sanderson. Even though. most of lit dislikes him

>> No.11775916

I've seen numerous charts for this,

Journey to the End of the Night
The Pigeon (by Patrick Süßkind)
No Longer Human
The Collector

>> No.11775935

confessions of st. augustine

>> No.11777225

The Metamorphosis

>> No.11777243


>> No.11777258

Industrial Society and its Future
My Twisted World
Behead All Satans
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Some People Who Were Naked
Yurope 2
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

In that exact order.

>> No.11777384

12 rules for life

>> No.11777411

of those, which one did you write?

>> No.11777419

All of them.

>> No.11777423

oh stop it you

>> No.11777424

To all these idiots that recommended the metamorphosis. Please explain to me how some fuckwit who wakes up to think hes a cockroach is going to help someone from r9k.

>> No.11778711

self help

>> No.11778784

Unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.11778802

Desu I used to post on /r9k/ before plague of underage newfags. suffice to say I’ve read these books more often than I’d like to.

>> No.11778823

They'll finally realize they are cockroaches.

>> No.11778826

We already know it mate

>> No.11778977


It's been awhile since I've read it, but I recall that his dissent into insect tastes and desires correlates with the degradation of his self-esteem that he derives from his position as a salesman, his ability to support his family, and his relationship with his sister.

The worse they view him, the worse he becomes and being forced to take in lodgers and hide and cower away with the loss of control is more horrific to him than the actual transformation.

It's been years so forgive me if I've misinterpreted or forgotten a key theme, but the idea is not to let a fall from grace consume you.