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/lit/ - Literature

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11519607 No.11519607 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy has been following the same dysgenic curve everything else has since the beginnings of language. Thought has been steadily immanentizing since Aristotle. Aristotle denied the non-predicability of the Good, he thought the Sun was just the Sun and didn't point to anything beyond itself, equating the Good just with the knowledge of the same. From Plato's vertical metaphysics of forms we get a world-plane constituted by logical relations. With modernity thought renounces its Outside, scholasticism filed down to the nub of the cogito. since then the cartesian self has been de-substantializing, first there was Kant and his purely formal apperception, and then with this: noumena and phenomena are mutually disclosive. the entanglement of subjectivity and objectivity orbit a noumenal = x in/dependent of this correlation. outside the ring of self and the world there's nothing outside. Kant elected to stay on the island because he feared Land's noumenal waters. Then Hegel tied the knot: God is the auto-productivity of Thought. God is two mirrors facing each other, dialectics as the reflexive spiral produced by/within cognition. now the ouroborous is getting tighter. Capitalism is self-swallowing jungle empire, ultraviolet sweepstakes. We're being conditioned on a mass scale and no one can smell it. The west can't digest sunyata so it does donuts in the void. You have no idea how internal you are the things that control you. Like trying to catch a glimpse of your own back. But I know you. You I know. Reading Proclus to Lil Windex. You shine like me now.

>> No.11520020

ultraviolet sweepstakes. nice ring to it

>> No.11520032

yeah, and?

>> No.11520036

hurry i just discovered the contradiction that idealism is unsustainable without a radical act of of positing but all alternatives presuppose such an act without thematizing it

>> No.11520065

the de-thematization of this positing is metaphysical praxis

>> No.11520082


>> No.11520092
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Take the fatalism pill, OP

>> No.11520276

Are you enlightened anon

>> No.11520402

Don't worry about it mang

>> No.11520432

Dude easy on the books. Stop worry about all that nonsense and check out the new Cyberpunk 2077 trailer looks baller

>> No.11520461
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>philosophy has been
>following the same dysgenic curve
look at this dood
>thought has been steadily immanetizing
wait till you see the hheha
>with modernity thought renounces its Outside
oh no no no no no
>the entanglement of subjectivity and objectivity orbit a noumenal - x in/dependant
oh ho heh ho ho ohhh
>God is the auto-productivity of thought. God is two mirrors facing each other,