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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.44 MB, 2160x1215, 20180612_163850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11312524 No.11312524 [Reply] [Original]

All right boys, post your recent stack/perchases, then get called a fag and psued

This cost me $8.25

>> No.11312576

Are those Pound's essays good?

>> No.11312710

I just bought them so I don't know, they were a quarter and I liked pound when I read him in high school.

>> No.11312729
File: 2.07 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180612_161906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Patton biography is pretty good, the writing style is kind of dry, but it paints a very nuanced picture of the old Blood and Guts. I was just reading it myself.

>> No.11312858
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>Decline of the West

>> No.11312908

>An Abridged Version

>> No.11312912
File: 542 KB, 807x1500, Palmistrybook1893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's nifty $1 library bookstore find: a slender little pocket guide to palmistry from 1893!

>> No.11313093

>purchasing books
Why? You can just download of mozt of them from the internet for free.
>inb4 some tumblr-tier nonsense about how physical books have a special feel to them

>> No.11313099

*most of them

>> No.11313107

i get easily distracted with devices to be desu

>> No.11313131

When the bombs hit and your faggot ass gets blasted back to the stone age you'd wish you had all your shit physical.

>> No.11313154

that's a lot to pay for all the strewn booger grease streaked both obviously and inconspicuously among them pages. anon i hope you wear gloves while reading those.

>> No.11314330


>> No.11314408
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reposting a classic

>> No.11314409
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>> No.11314412
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>> No.11314463

>download of mozt of them from the internet for free.
Where? Libgen is lacking

>> No.11314508

>Nuclear war
>Thinks physical books won't be burnt to cinders

>> No.11314511
File: 261 KB, 1039x559, 1523996039842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet for free
yes let me just download an ethics book for free, without paying for it.

>> No.11314512

>Libgen is lacking

This. It almost never has what I'm looking for.

>> No.11314513
File: 3.68 MB, 3508x2480, books purchased 29th may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11314515

>t. another Spinoza victim

>> No.11314519
File: 3.37 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180613_151224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get back into reading. Been 5 years since my last novel. Got pic related today.

>> No.11314524

been 5 years since you dusted that shelf too

>> No.11314526

What shelf? That's my table.

>> No.11314528 [DELETED] 
File: 3.38 MB, 3120x4160, muhshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the picture you posted previously

>> No.11314539
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1517478837986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please delete that picture.

>> No.11314542
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>> No.11314791

>bomb drops
>the blast is far enough away that you miraculously survive
>99.99% of your shit doesnt though
>only one thing remains
>you push aside the rubble, to take a closer look at what the universe decided would be the wisdom you need to survive the new world
>"Infinite Jest"
>you use the sacred book to teach the dishevelled survivors the wisdom of our holy prophet, David Foster Wallace
>humanity learns to appreciate the Infinite, and the necessity of jest
>a new era dawns
>the Holy Church of Jestians stands proud, the guiding light in the technology-less world of tomorrow

>> No.11314834

List of overrated books:
Infinite Jest.

>> No.11315392

desu mate if the blast doesn't get I'll quietly burn it myself.

>> No.11315433
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>> No.11315898

The blast isn't going to get you unless you're in a capital or highly densely populated area. What the blast is for certain going to get, is power plants. So good luck reading your kindle with no power dipshit.

>> No.11316739
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, 20180613_125929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer reading. I finished 9 stories last night and it was excellent. You can definitely tell the influence he took from sherwood anderson in stories like de daumier smiths blue period.

>> No.11316948

jesus christ

>> No.11316965
File: 43 KB, 504x275, recent purchase 6-13-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these two, and one more

>> No.11316971
File: 21 KB, 424x158, don quijote purchase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this too, since I'm a Spaniard

>> No.11316972
File: 2.80 MB, 2697x1907, books purchased 13th jun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11316979

I plan on living in the sticks son, and when electricity dies out, books will do what my PC and Playstations did for me

>> No.11317123
File: 3.82 MB, 4032x3024, 20180613_230817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely excited

>> No.11317183

>Heart of Darkness
>Count of Monte Cristo
>War and Peace
>Confederacy of Dunces
>Picture of Dorian Gray
>The Tunnel
>The Magic Mountain
>Urth of The New Sun
>Tales of a Dying Earth

>> No.11317289

mmmmm v nice

>> No.11317391

>getting distracted on a device that's literally made for reading books and nothing else

>> No.11317414

ty man

>> No.11317569

Nigga are those muscle relaxers? How do you read when you're on that?

>> No.11318236

They came with the book

>> No.11318266

G4u getting the original moncrieff. iirc that version is the unrevised text?

>> No.11318273

you read pound in high school? based

>> No.11318283

That's some nice font/spacing. Who published that?

>> No.11318842

>made for reading books and nothing else
It was made to put a corporate barrier between you and the information you seek. The day will come soon when certain books are locked out and deemed unacceptable.

>> No.11318945
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x1836, 20180613_224317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally >$500 worth of books
>free with a five-finger discount
Wish I had gotten more.

>> No.11318986
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>> No.11319047
File: 153 KB, 1280x1011, corty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, good eye! Got it for 1 dollar in a little library store by the Orange Circle where old ladies complain of management and rude customers and call me handsome when I'm not. The Borges was purchased there as well for the same price. It's from a guy who owned it in the 80's and he left a note in there with an address in Massachusetts. I wonder if he's still alive.

>> No.11319070
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I wanted to mock you OP, but I think your stack is actually pretty nice. This may even be the first time I've seen an anon start a stack thread with a non-meme stack.

>> No.11319299
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The goal is to finish in a Month. Probably can't make it though

>> No.11319342
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, 7D1586E3-8660-43FA-86C7-B966DCA718AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I’m reading. It’s like Stirner is talking about Settembrini.

>> No.11319344

That looks like a miserable month. Except the Tocqueville

>> No.11319481

Can't trust a guy who can't even understand Faulkner
Generally sound
>john Adams
Not the American sphinx

>> No.11319496

>Peter Gay
That just sums it up doesn't it?

>> No.11319591

I believe in you Anon, especially since you have the abridged On War.

>> No.11319844


the dude ordered Hearts of Darkness and they sent him a 30 page kindle printout

>> No.11319868

spanish is such a trash language

>> No.11320306

No és mal

... Motherfucker

>> No.11320380

sut en fed pik

>> No.11320408

lol ok

>> No.11320436
File: 19 KB, 300x450, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosa mi hai detto, piccola stronza?

>> No.11320518

du kommer bare ud bag lejepladsen kl 15, så kan vi se hvad er hvad

>> No.11320525


>> No.11320526

Faccia di minchia

>> No.11320570


>> No.11320571

Allegro pizzicato con sord il Ducce

>> No.11320583
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20180614_142332415_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rereading Denisovich first and then onto Shalamov.

>> No.11320588

Spanish is a beautiful lenguage

>> No.11320596

Real question if any of you are actually Italian, how easy is it to pick up if I have a little knowledge of French? In particular reading, the rest I'm not so focused on

>> No.11320612

>Ivan denisovich
I get that it was highlighting how routine the suffering in the gulags was, but god damn that book was boring

>> No.11320640

Ordered :

>The Camp of The Saints (Raspail)
>Submission (Houellebecq)
>The life of Saint Louis (Joinville)
>Les Décombres (Rebatet)
>Planetarian Hopes (Ryssen)
>Trifle for a Massacre (Céline)
>Les racines du mal (Dantec)
>Babylon Babies (Dantec)
>La Crise du Monde Moderne (Guénon)
>Mein Kampf (Hitler)
>Considerations about France (De Maistres)

Rate my summer readings.

>> No.11320727
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Recent readings

>> No.11321111
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>> No.11321200
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>> No.11321235

well, you can contribute as well
i only couldn't find some meme-tier books like Asatru by Stephen McNallen (still looking for it) and Anarcho-Fascism by Jonas Nilsson (bought it on Amazon and refunded).
the rest i found without any difficulties.

>> No.11321237


> Mein Kampf

bait? everyone knows he was a shit author, just rambling on about his delusions

>> No.11321243

where do you people obtain these books dirt cheap?
like, every book in my country is like 10€ at least.

>> No.11321257

Can anyone send me a copy of Kharms’s Today I Wrote Nothing? Amazon cannot send it to my country. Am in Iran.

>> No.11321264

five-finger discount

>can conceal infinite jest

>> No.11321328


buy used

>> No.11321355

Why a bait ? It's one of the most influential book of the 20th. Also I wanted a non french book that doesn't lose in translation. I read Marx, I can read Mein Kampf, it can't be worse anyway.

>> No.11321472
File: 2.99 MB, 1733x1135, Stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am a recovering /pol/ refugee. Still right wing though. reccomendations for more recovery please lads.

>> No.11321488

I've got the same Arabian Nights. Surprisingly high quality especially for that fucking price

>> No.11321489


you're a faggot

>> No.11321516

90% of pol is trash desu. If you can't tell from the stack I'm still right wing just leaning more traditionalist than alt-right autism

>> No.11321531

cute Schopenhauer cover

>> No.11321577

OP here, I got my stack from the Tempe Library book store. Most library book sales have books between .12 - 2 pounds/dollars/euros

>> No.11321593

Btfo with that com law shit. You ain't even reading that.

>> No.11321596

>recovering from the truth
Sorry bud, you can't. Read The Power Broker by Caro to put your knowledge to good use desu

>> No.11321603

You'd think, but that Blake compendium was the worst. But even so, the thievery was fairly easy since I worked in a book distribution warehouse for a dying national book chain.

>> No.11321846

>Am a recovering /pol/ refugee. Still right wing though.
Same here breh. Good stack

>> No.11321930
File: 1.72 MB, 2124x1594, 20180614_143937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done with Dubliners and Company from Nohow On.

>> No.11321939


>> No.11321950

anon... easy on the irish lit

>> No.11322002

>Yo native speakers, how easy is it to learn your language?
I wouldn't know, man. Grammar is pretty similar, I'd say.

>> No.11322319
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should be through these in about a month

>> No.11322371
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The complete works consists of 17 volume, the Franklin edition has about 650 pages approx each, this book is just collection of handpicked stories tho.

>> No.11322466
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im a psued i know

>> No.11322478

90% of nu-/pol/ is /b/ refugees retard.

>> No.11322536


>> No.11322816


>> No.11322832
File: 18 KB, 450x600, Brain-Hat-Man_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11322846

i agree, easily the worst of the romance

>> No.11322854

thats a myth. The book is actually really interesting, but people will take every chance the get to shit on him (rightfully or wrongfully).

>> No.11323324

Behead All Satans
The Tainted Turd
How to BOMB the U.S. Gov't
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs
Faster Than the Speed of Love
Wish It, Want It, Do It
Start with the Greeks: For Dummies

>> No.11323417

Qué tal son esas obras completas de Borges? He visto a un tipo que vende los 4 tomos en Facebook pero son costosas. Valen la pena? Traen notas, introducción, etc? El encuadernado es cosido o con hot melt?

>> No.11323689

No tienen notas ni introducción. El encuadernado está muy bien. En mi caso, al momento de comprarlo, sólo me interesaba tener las obras, pues ya contaba con bastante bibliografía crítica. Si te cuestan demasiado, no los compraría; me quedaría con las opciones más baratas.

>> No.11323756
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>> No.11323758

Los vende en 3800 pesos mexicanos (~182 USD), con posibilidad de negociar el precio. Todos son nuevos y 3 de los 4 tomos están retractilados (con plástico protector). Yo ya tengo los cuentos y poesía completa en las ediciones de DeBolsillo, además de varios otros libros de ensayo en otras ediciones. Me interesan esos libros principalmente por qué es difícil encontrar un Borges en pasta dura cosido por acá, pero me interesaría ver los índices de los 4 volúmenes para ver si me animo por fin.

>> No.11323780

Tiene todas las obras en orden cronológico, sin importar el género. Yo creo que, si tenés gran parte de la obra, no vale la pena. En mi opinión, os ensayos son lo mejor de Borges, por lo que tener toda la obra me facilitó bastante la tarea de juntar los libros; pero, en tu caso, no los compraría. Saludos.

>> No.11323795
File: 1.98 MB, 255x265, go back to china bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meyamo no habla engles senior essay

>> No.11323806

>Reads English translations

>> No.11323809

Supongo que si los comprara sería más que nada por el fetiche. De todos modos ahora mismo no tengo el presupuesto para gastar casi 4000 pesos en libros. Gracias por las respuestas, saludos.

>> No.11324135

Recomiendo mucho la Edición crítica de Emecé en tres tomos pasta blanda en estuche. yo la tengo y me costó como 60 USD. Es muy buena y tiene lo más importante de Borges en una muy buena edición.

>> No.11324182 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11324210

this is funny anon. you are funny. i giggled at this.

>> No.11324226
File: 25 KB, 536x960, 35269605_285756395299509_8796241653846245376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this arrived 10 minutes ago. my entire book collection is still small so im starting with the obvious classics (and what truly interests me so i know what to branch out into)

>> No.11324250

how the hell does aristotle interest you lol

>> No.11324252

>rate my semester's curricular
wrong type of books bucko

>> No.11324260

anyone who is interested in philosophy would be naturally interested in aristotle i assume.

>> No.11324265

not true. many people interested in philosophy considered him a real drag and a pain to read.

>> No.11324285

sucks to be them i suppose.

>> No.11324294

not really. aristotle's "works" are a mess of notes. there is a reason people don't like to read him. good luck bro. you will see.

>> No.11324306

is it such an impossible concept that someone enjoys something you don't? take your insecurities elsewhere and let people enjoy what they enjoy.

>> No.11324344

How could an ideology like this exist? I don’t know anything about those 2 sides that works well with eachother

>> No.11324348

Is it really possible to wrongfully shit on Hitler?

>> No.11324373

>From Dawn to Decadence
My nigga, I see you. That book gave me a spiritual connection to Martin Luther.

>> No.11324425

why do people try so hard to make people on 4chan like them

>> No.11324429

read the communist manifesto you worthless piece of shit

>> No.11324478
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>brainlet who can't even under stand the starting point of modern philosophy
I'm guessing the Philosophy of Batman and reddit are more your speed

>> No.11324493

There is nothing wrong with having /pol/-like sympathies, as long as you can defend why you hold those thoughts. Cringiness from forcing yourself to change aside, your stack can be more well-rounded.

>Decline of the West
>Das Kapital
>The Technological Society
>Propaganda (Ellul again)
>Simulacra & Simulation
>The Society of the Spectacle
>From Dawn to Decadence
>Culture of Narcissism

>> No.11324495
File: 2.30 MB, 2039x2076, 20180614_223951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This edition also contained The Condition of the Working Class in England and Socialism: Utopian and Scientific and all three were retarded

>> No.11324547

that cover lmao

>> No.11324870

I've read it. Absolute trash desu. At least Capital has some good critique of capitalism and an interesting historiography. There are more interesting critiques of capitalism from the right though. Dugin and Evola for example. You should give them a read anon.

>> No.11324907

I didn't like reading Dantec and the Camp of Saint is a bit too much caricatural if you ask me, De Maistre, Joinville, Celine and Rebatet are top tier though. Wish I could find an edition of les deux etendards that doesn't cost a fuckload of money

>> No.11324960
File: 85 KB, 400x381, C659262B-E9DA-4C8B-8D57-26CAE5B9C2C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to read something a bit more esoteric. Rate my stack

>> No.11325022

I just puked in my mouth a bit

>> No.11325046
File: 66 KB, 554x400, 1474513368299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Culture of Critique
>The Bell Curve
>Industrial Society and Its Future
>The Fourth Political Theory
>The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.11325055

only good haul in the thread

>> No.11325058
File: 154 KB, 1280x960, gatari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love free shipping.
I wonder what it says about humanity when weebshit turns out to be a thousand times better than anything recommended on /sffg/. Fucking Sandersonfags have destroyed that place.

>> No.11325070

And those people are retarded. What is your point? Aristotle remains the greatest philosopher the West has ever produced. The only other that comes close might be Heraclitus.
You could unironically send a kid down a decent path in life if you just make him read Plato and Aristotle

>> No.11325083

Based FUCKING nisiobro

>> No.11325092
File: 11 KB, 218x231, down with laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading something that was written by butthurt commies

>> No.11325136

you've crafted something beautiful with this picture.

>> No.11325138

of course you disagree with it, you're obviously part of the elite ruling class and you want it to stay that way. not for long bucko

>> No.11325156

both are enforceable through private property norms

>> No.11325162

Good stuff OP.

>> No.11325237

Might be cause I'm German but I disagree, or rather, yes it's interesting from a psychological perspective, but I just downloaded it and read the first 10 pages, and it's not the least well-written thing I've ever read or anything, but it's so self-indulgent and all this talk about Deutschtum (German-dom?) is just nauseating. He probably wasn't stupid but he was a fucking idiot.

>> No.11325250

Where'd you get the free shipping?

>> No.11325346

The whole 10 first page ? That's more reading than 95% of /lit/.

>> No.11325352

Oh, and you're nauseating at mein kampf ? Not enough rapes by immigrants for your tastes ? Va bien te faire enculer espèce de fils de pute.

>> No.11325412

Stellar post

>> No.11325579
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, 9A41B052-3B78-4713-98FA-A9D50E701BDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which should I start tonight?

>> No.11325789

Great for me, since I live in eastern Europe.

>> No.11325879
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>> No.11325888
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>> No.11325889

It's an ok book, I don't get the hate.

>> No.11325927

Its because your pic was posted sideways

>> No.11325929

Not my pic. It was my first post ITT.

>> No.11326079
File: 450 KB, 602x1812, a3e77ba79ce4bb41603f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current basket. Should I pull the trigger?

>> No.11326088

Jesus, do all you people just obsess over the same shit? Ever heard of reading something that isn't from your own fucking time period?

>> No.11326101

>own fucking time period
What constitutes a time period?

>> No.11326114

Magic Mountain

>> No.11326130

I wasn't even born when those books were written.

>> No.11326140
File: 2.06 MB, 3402x3621, IMG_20180615_164126777~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not at my flat right now.

>> No.11326153
File: 102 KB, 960x720, 35376821_2013619392044376_267066963455377408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for shit pic, it's a shit phone

>> No.11326196

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.11326202

what makes you assume I haven't?

>> No.11326226

>stealing all that
patrish af

>> No.11326240

Literally $50 worth of books if you buy them used.

Who the fuck is autistic enough to steal physical books? I bet you don't even read.

>> No.11326304

Noice meme my dood.

>> No.11326346

Not my point. Most of them deal with the same shit. Why not sneak in a book in there on Elysian myths? Roman Hispania? The Mayas? The Slavic middle-ages. The Han dynasty. The history of Singapore. FUCKING ANYTHING. JUST DIVERSIFY.
From what I can tell, apart from that Thirty Years War book (which still deals with European things from the past 500 years), all your reading has to do with the 19th and 20th centuries.

>> No.11326450
File: 45 KB, 833x460, new-testament_833_460_80_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should read this one as it looks like you need it.

>> No.11326473

I've already gone through all other time periods. I go chronologically.

>> No.11326514

"I've read comprehensively on 95% of human history"


>> No.11326558

Yeah, I bet you've read all of ancient Greek and Roman texts,all the Chinese/Japanese/English/Spanish/German/(insert whatever) classics, and the full works of Scholasticism and the Enlightenment.

>> No.11326561

Then you'll win big.

>> No.11326804

Certainly better to have a grasp of the world from different perspectives than becoming a muppet with a warped world-view that only spouts crap about fascism and socialism, yes.

>> No.11326816

You're certainly inferring a whole lot on the basis of a shopping basket with eight books in it.

>> No.11326856


>> No.11326867

It doesn't seem like you've given much consideration to what you're writing.

>Ever heard of reading something that isn't from your own fucking time period?

What on earth makes you think that the person hasn't?

>> No.11326915

If we're speaking about history, you should probably start with the Crustaceans.