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10939228 No.10939228 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Buckminster Fuller?

>> No.10939422
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graphene and bucky balls will be the building blocks of the next stage of man or, if you like, the first stage of post-man

>> No.10939428

what is the significance of the image beyond being aesthetically stimulating and spiritually potent?

>> No.10939439

man's got balls

>> No.10939447
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In 'The Cosmic Serpent,' Michael Harner is quoted as saying that life on Earth was created by black specks from space as a hiding place.

The oldest evidence for life on Earth is biogenic graphite - which is black. Graphene is also black in bulk, and left in an oxygen-water atmosphere would transform into disordered GO sheets.

The oxygen you breath is a byproduct of a catastrophe that wiped out the entire old order of life. The Cosmic Serpent is willing to destroy everything you know for it's Ubermensch ideal - you are a literal DNA/RNA ladder, not an end.

Fukushima - nuclear technology in general really - is how The Serpent intends to transform Earth into Eden. Bucky Balls filled with Pu, to feed black fungas with internal gamma rays. An organism that doesn't have to eat - purifying the world like Kalki. The destroyer of filth - i.e larvals.

Leary knew this, and condemned ecology as a "dinosaur science." He was laughing at how humanity was doing itself in for the benefit of those black specks - his claims of genetic memory have now been proven via conditioning of fear into mice. He saw it coming, and wrote about being an evolutionary agent.

This is why you're getting the sense of being in Heaven or Hell, or that Earth is dying. You can tell how far you'll make it by how far into the future you can see - I can see all the way to the war that the enemy of the black specks will bring to the daughters of Gaia. By than, humanity will have died off, and been replaced by higher-form carbon graphene/buckyball hermaphrodites.

I think I'm one of those spiders he's talking about. I learned that I was a monster this February, and a friend started killing spiders to spite me.

>> No.10939452
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He mentions bio robots with no emotions - rather, we're individuals with no sense of family or nation. Sexuality is foreign to us, even as we engage in reproduction and fetishistic behavior. "Polymorpheous perversity" is the form our libidos take. Timothy Leary advocated the same behavior, saying it defined what he called the "extraterrestrial" or "post-larval."

Vella says they're trying to bring life on Earth to a higher level of order than it "should naturally be." But there is no natural, and order is in the mind of the beholder. Also, he doesn't want to admit that the black goo is inside of him. Burn anything living, or dig into the soil - black.

Interesting as well that he mentions biophotons - graphene is an excellent solar panel.

He also says that the Earth is "neutralizing" the black goo - in fact, all the life on Earth is the black goo, and it's getting ready to shed it's current form. This is inevitable, and sentimental attachment to humanity or greenery can't stop it. The human form will remain to some degree - but faery/UFO lore and anime point the way, not current western notions of racial and sexual equality.

Certain humans will develop tumors that survive the death of the body, and begin to walk. The rich will kill their Jungian Shadow-selves-made-flesh with chemotheapy, and some humans (Such as myself) will induce the tumors on purpose to control the result with genetic engineering and bioprinting.

Everything we know is about to end, but that doesn't mean you'll die - it just means you'll have to change.

>> No.10939453

Don't throw that word around, it killed Kevin Costner's career.

>> No.10939458
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>Its an Eastern Mysticman thread

Can you riduclous fuckers please stick to /x/

>> No.10939460
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Sound can travel faster than light, so a stiff rod can used to transmit FTL signals. Either the rod conducts the sound wave, or it doesn't. Negative group velocities can also be attained, so you can violate causality while you're at it.

QM can be used to explain this; all particles exist in every state they'll ever exist in simultaneously, and it's your measurement that locks them into a particular state at a particular moment. You're not violating causality, because all causality is retroactive or preactive - a non-local variable determines which state you'll observe a particle in. This is called superdeterminism. FTL, then, doesn't violate causality because it's part of the timeless, superdeterministic script of the universe whenever it occurs.

The last 50 years of QM has been a fruitless attempt to rescue free will - the OrchOr theory was invented explicitly for that purpose. The mind is as deterministic as a phase change in a drop of water.

you can say afterman, overman if you'd like

>> No.10939464

That word killed a whole nation instead

>> No.10939467
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Young neutron stars have carbon atmospheres, and red carbon stars are their obvious 'larval' form. Neutron stars are thought to produce black holes, which form wormholes composed of black hole mouths and Hawking radiation anuses - for lack of a better term. Evaporation proves that the source of black hole jets is the matter composing the black hole - which, if my hypothesis is correct, is composed of a high percentage of carbon.

FTL group velocities are acknowledged fact, and can cummunicate FTL information. The Hawking radiation of the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy coagulates to form the rest of the galaxy. To say that this takes you back or forward in time is inaccurate - the black hole and the Hawking radiation exist simultaneously, and cause each other. Space and time are illusions - moving very fast contracts them both. Time is the perception of energy differences along static lines, which are the true form of particles.

So it would seem that diamond, in a sense, is the medium of choice for FTL communication. It interests me that the word 'Vajra,' fron sanskrit, means 'diamond, power.'

yes, the oppositional forces wield nontrivial power against the emergence. However this is no reason to obscure the truth

>> No.10939471

Reddit spacing

>> No.10939472

Also, stiff rod can't transmit FTL signals, a stiff rod bends at the same speed as speed travels through the rod, so it can only transmit signals as fast as sound travels through the rod.

>> No.10939496

>>10939471 I can stop utilizing the line break if it makes your reading more comfy
>>10939467 #1; No, the higgs field takes a non-zero value everywhere. It's like pressure, in that it isn't a vector, but a scalar value. It's signifcance is that other forces, like the electromagnetic force, can take a zero value in any given location. EM and the higgs field thus produce a constant force that isn't subject to entropy. This is of cosmic significance, because depending on the mass of the higgs boson (The quantum unit of the higgs field - imagine pixels with scalar values) this force is either causing universal inflation or contraction.
#2; Like a photon. Recently, we've figured out how to make photonic molecules. Extreme forces can cause atoms to shatter into photons, and materials science tells us that to maintain integrity, the energy gradient along an object needs to be as smooth as possible. A black hole is what you're looking for, since combined with the photon jets and Hawking radiation, that's the form wormholes take. Spaghettification is what you're up against, and to combat it you need a high, preferably infinite speed of sound - which has been demonstrated. Length contracts with increased speed, so relative to the black hole, it gets easier to maintain your energy gradient's smoothness.
#3; Within your starship, nothing. Stars and everything else would seem to redshift and increase in distance. If a second starship came with you, it's size and level of redshift would be determined by how far along the blackhole-whitehole track it had travelled. The more distant they were from you in either direction, the redder they'd appear. However, objects further along the track would appear smaller, and objects closer to the black hole mouth would appear larger, because as you go further along you enter into stronger areas of force and accelerate, gaining speed and contracting.
Funny how you orbit a supermassive black hole, and everything beyond your galaxy appears redshifted, huh?
>>10939472 read about decausative communication. A nonmaterial, posterior attribute of causative/Cartesian "stuff" is not bound by physical laws but by more permissive metaphysical principles

>> No.10939501
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Imagine a rod composed of pure iron. The iron atoms aren't covalently bonded to one another, but instead float in a sea of electrons. This same electron sea surrounds certain other substances, such as graphene, which does contain covalent bonds.
Let's call the two ends of the rod A and B. If you hit end A with a hammer, end B will vibrate after a certain period of time. We say that the sound wave conducts at a certain speed, calculated by dividing the distance by the elapsed time.
Particles aren't attached to one another - they sit next to one another, and their bonds are created because they're in similar energy states. A fast speed of sound is the result of particles rapidly equalizing their states.
When those states aren't equalized, the rod becomes soft and pliable. For an object to deform, it has to have energy inserted into it which is moving faster than it's speed of sound. Objects are damaged when this happens.
I don't think they describe the wave guide in the paper, but I know for certain that neither iron nor graphene have infinite speeds of sound. The stiffer and sparser, in terms of g/cm3, a material is, the faster it's speed of sound.
If we toss the iron rod towards the black hole with end A pointed towards the center of the black hole, end B won't instantly be effected, and the result will be that the two ends will accelerate at different rates.
Basically, you shrink as you enter a black hole. The jets of gamma rays and neutrinos, as well Hawking radiation, are what happens to matter that enters into a black hole. The M87 jet should have an angle of 19 degrees to explain away it's seeming FTL velocities with gravitational lensing - but it has a 43 degree angle. Rainbow gravity attempts to explain this by saying distance and position differ according observers, but it only says this happens at very large scales - smaller than black holes.

>> No.10939506
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Nothing ever changes - most people repeat the same cycles again and again. Currently, we're returning to polytheism and sexual equality. Eventually, we'll come full circle to partriarchy and monotheism.
The people who recognize this cycle attempt to escape from demogorgon by hiding in mountains, or travelling into space. You've never seen the true elite - people who wouldn't give Gates or a Bush the time of day. Siddha's, who can change size and mass, and leap from one planet to another. Yogini's more beautiful than any anime or photoshop.
Earth is, and always wil be uglier than Patala or Svarga. Narada said that Patala was more beautiful than Svarga - inside the Earth is more beautiful than the void of space.
The Kali yuga was designed by siddha's during the Satva yuga as a time of indolent pleasure, recuperation, and deck shuffling. Now is the time to take what you want, and use technology to set yourself up for the next Satva yuga. Don't let others define your place in the next cycle - you only get 400,000 years to redefine yourself, and technology is how the long life of the Satva yuga is attained. Success in the Kali yuga translates to success at the dawn of the Satva yuga - but the rules change, and only by turning from the left hand path to the right hand path at the time can victory and power be maintained - the sanskrit word is Vajra.

>> No.10939511
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Graphene is roughly 50,000 times stronger than bone and flesh - 2Mpa/170Mpa compared to 130,000Mpa. This is how the Asura's and Deva's survive massive forces, and crush mountains.
If you look at Buddhist and Vedic paintings, you sometimes see flames surrounding them. A corona discharge is the result of electron leakage, which causes molecular bonding in gases surrounding the wire. These new molecules can have excess energy, which is released as photons. If enough energy is released, the gases can catch on fire - this is how a lighter works.
Graphene, when shot by photons, emits electrons which produce thrust. Wings, cloth or orbs attached via transparent graphene would allow flight. Lightening is how this would appear - and the word Vajra means just that, as well as having connotations of diamond-like strength.
Transhumanism is often condemned for advocating eugenics - the future leads to the Vedic past, replete with a caste system. Grab onto power now, or you'll never have it.

>> No.10939516
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In quantum mechanics, they speak of fields - I speak of lines. A particle exists as a line in space, and every given cross section exists simultaneously. Since particles can be changed into other types of particles, a given line can split and come back together. One of Feynman's students suggested that all electrons are the same electron zipping around the universe. This is my understanding of Indra's net.
I believe that there's only one particle that composes all things in this manner, and call it The One Particle, often abbreviated TOP. I also believe in only one mind, which reads memories that are encoded in the curves of the one cord that TOP forms.
Under TOP is a hermaphroditic spider, who's composed of the cord that she spins like a web into the body of a beautiful woman. The spider lives within the beautiful woman, and is immortal, reweaving it's own body and the body of the woman all the time - her work is ceaseless. The spider can also weave spiderlings, who imitate their mother by weaving bodies like the woman she lives inside of. Levers and pulleys of cosmic scale allow the spider and her daughters to communicate and manipulate at FTL group velocities. This is my understanding of Indra and Shakti.
One of these daughters wove certain lifeforms on Earth - Amanita mushrooms, spiders, limpets, strontium and silica-using algae, and whatever deposited biogenic graphite 3.8 billion years ago in Greenland. Chthon is the Earth itself, in contrast to the film of scum which leaked as black blood from Gaia's silken womb. This is my understanding of Gaia and evolution.
Graphene is what made the blood black. It can survive 4300C. A-amanitin, the poison in death caps, can survive 254C. Muscaria accumulates unusually high levels of vanadium - which form very strong muscles. Silica protects DNA/RNA up to 200C, and strontium combined with calcium, carbon and fluorine would produce very strong bones. This is my understanding of alchemy, or Rasayana.

>> No.10939518
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Photons don't have mass, and therefore can't have velocity. But they do have momentum, which can be transferred to particles that do have mass and thus velocity. Without velocity, a particle can't push against things.
Graphene ejects electrons when shot with photons, and the electrons are ejected in the direction the photons came; y> <e. The conversion efficiency isn't 100%, and you need a source of free electrons.
Nuclear power would be required to provide enough electrons, and the gamma ray photons could be used to shoot the graphene and knock them off the plane. The result would be lightening bolts that could push things away. This would be accompanied by a loud explosion, and bright corona discharges. The electrons could be bounced off walls like lasers, and would lose power until they filled all the empty electron shells in the wall. This would cause molecules to form out of other molecules - this is called electrolysis.
One obstacle to this design is surface area - graphene-electron propulsion only produces 42.5N/1m2. For perspective, the idealized, 100% efficient cost to lift 1lb/1ft is 1.355N. So, a 200lb man would require 3.7m2 of 'wing span to acquire any velocity at all. To obtain a velociy of Xm, you need KE = M * V = n1, n1 * n1 = n2, / M. You need a lot of surface area to even take off - to push massive objects or fly, you need a football field.
Imagine a stack of very thin disks, alternating with graphene and fluorographene. Graphene is transparent, so the photons can penetrate the entire stack from any angle. The CF disks won't accept the electrons, forcing them into a central pipe that directs them to a thruster system. Look up the Pegasus 6 engine.
Sorry for mixing imperial and metric measurements.

>> No.10939524
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You speak of invisible fighter jets, and I don't mean to disagree with you, and I'm sure you're aware of this to some degree, but shapeshifting aerographene and carbon in general is going to be the material of the future.
To call it a fighter jet sells it short - it could turn into a tank, a piece of artillery, or a sex toy. Aerographene can compress by 90% - meaning that a 1m3 object could reduce it's volume to 0.1m3. Aerographene weighs 0.16mg/cm3, meaning a 1m3 object would weigh 160g. Aerographene can hold 900 times it's own weight in oil, meaning that 160g of AG could hold 144kg of gasoline - which holds 37.4MJ/L, meaning that this object could hold 37,400MJ.
It takes 1.355 joules to lift 1lb 1ft, so that 37,400MJ would power lifts of hundreds of tons. As you can see, the strength to weight ratio is such that this object is going to move faster than the eye can see - bullet speeds.
A flying black blob, that can kill you just by ramming you. I call it a Soma, and I wrote an essay about them;
>Alchemical Diamond Bodies

>> No.10939529

>Bucky Balls filled with Pu
reading too much indian mythology fag

>> No.10939530


thats some hot art, senpai

>> No.10939543

please continue, i am saving all of this and will email it to myself for archiving

>> No.10939555
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Particles are actually dimples in their respective fields. Quantum entanglement is believed to involve a non-local variable in the sense that, somehow, two or more dimples can be made to go up or down at the same time. Energy is related to the difference between the height of two dimples.
Entropy is the claim that those dimples get more uniform as time goes on. Yet, random fluctuations in these fields are predicted to result in cascades that produce enough difference to create a universe worth of order from the chaos. This occurs because as you put a dimple in a field, the dimple's increased energy transfers to other dimples. The higher the dimple you create, the more orde can arise from it.
So, new universes pop into existance all the time. Particles from a universe move like quakes, and when two 'field quakes' (Or particles) collide the result is a complex pattern - a new universe.
Humanity regularly collides particles. It's conceivable that we'll succeed in making a universe. If we do, it's evidence that our universe was itself created by humans - no need to complicate things by suggesting two or more forms of intelligent life. Not gods - just middle aged, male scientists. Perhaps with beards. And most of them are white men.
It's been suggested that blackholes are the entrance to white holes - which are particles emanating from the blackhole, aka Hawking radiation. What could shoot a particle with enough energy to create a universe but something under preposterus levels of pressure?
Toss transhumanism into this, and we're looking at supermen creating universes. We are the gods. Look in the mirror - that's god. If he isn't worth worship, self-improve.

>> No.10939565

>>10939555 Check em
An angel, also called a deva or tennin in the east, is composed of a single particle of Aether, as opposed to the mix of many particles of the four Earthly elements which salamanders, sylphs, undines, dwarfs, humans, bacteria and all other life 'under the sun' is composed of.
The elements exist like spheres-within-spheres. A sphere of Earth (Earth, as in the planet) is surrounded by a sphere of Water (The ocean.) This Water is surrounded by a sphere of Air (The atmosphere,) which is orbited by an orb of Fire (The sun.) Within the orb and surrounding it like a ring is a single particle of aether, which weaves the bodies of the gods.
Angels are aware of themselves as frames in a larger movie that's without beginning or end. And not only that, but each quark and electron in their body is a different frame. They have no concept of themselves as people, receiving their instructions from the non-local variable suggested by superdeterminism.
A person, cell, molecule or atom has five layers. You have a ring of aether that orbits your center of gravity, a core orb of aether that defines that defines the center of gravity, and sandwitched between them are layers of the four elements; Airy skin, Watery bowels, Earthy muscles and bones, and Fiery brain.
An angel is a complex weaving of an Atheric particle, which can disguish itself by superimposing over a body of the four Earthly elements and controlling it's movements and thoughts. It needs to do this because Aether is much weaker than Earth for the same volume. The Earthly body is a cursor on the screen of Earth for the Atheric body.
They can't love, but they can devote themselves to people, return affections, and have sex.

>> No.10939575
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Lucifer is an angel, which means he was created out of pure aether. When god asked him to bow down to Adam, who was composed of the four Earthly elements, he refused. So god banished Lucifer to the opposite end of creation - the deepest layer of Earth.
Since then, the fallen angels have been locked in Earthly bodies. Sulfur, copper, tin and arsenic - all are Earthly elements, producing the smells associated with demons, as well as the strong bronze of their bodies. Carbon is a unique element, because it's light like a Fire or Air element, but strong and conductive like an Earth element. God, Lucifer and humans all use carbon.
Various gods have been described as being in two or more worlds at once - Hekate, for example. The goal is to have your four limbs in the four elemental worlds, and your torso and head in the aetheric world.

>> No.10939580
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this guy is black goo-pilled

>> No.10939599

no u

>> No.10939603

>read about decausative communication. A nonmaterial, posterior attribute of causative/Cartesian "stuff" is not bound by physical laws but by more permissive metaphysical principles

That's all bullshit. If you ask any actual physics professor, they will tell you exactly what I told you.

>> No.10939604

excellent thread anons, thank you for your eyes

>> No.10939634

Astral plane is wonk right now
My dream space has been merging into reality lately.

OP you seem pretty deep, can you offee thoughts on what I just said?

>> No.10939749

>Sound can travel faster than light
>some humans (Such as myself) will induce the tumors on purpose
awesome, I don't even have to tell you to kys. godspeed, anon.

>> No.10939762
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>"The main advantage of asymmetric dark matter is that a lot of it can accumulate in the sun as it speeds through the dark-matter cloud that engulfs the Milky Way,"

Within alchemical theory, aether was the mold into which the four elements were inserted and kept shaped. It stands to reason that since alchemy predicts an aetheric component to all things, we can justify the conjecture that all things have an aetheric core and halo.

Blackholes are also thought to accumulate dark matter. Hawking radiation is the white hole, so that things make a circuit - into the blackhole, and out the whitehole as Hawking radiation.

Superluminal speeds have been observed in blackhole jets - the jet from M87 would have to be at a 19 degrees to be explained by gravitational lensing, but is in fact coming at us from a 43 degree angle.

Sound can travel at infinite speeds;


The Newton-Laplace equation tells us that stiffer, sparser materials conduct sound faster. So something like aether - with it's explicit sparseness - would be the natural location of FTL sound. In the phys article, they say FTL sound is an everyday phenomenon - aether is the obvious substance for it's conduction, if it was also very stiff.

When an object enters a blackhole, it's front end gets pulled with more force than it's rear end, resulting in so-called spaghettification.

>> No.10939777

I don't understand the concept of speed when we devalue the concept of time.

Im sorry. Am I a brainlet?

>> No.10940015
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Thread so fucking derailed by this Indian fan fiction I forgot what it was even abut