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10857981 No.10857981 [Reply] [Original]

what is some good "racist fiction"? I don't necessarily consider myself a racist, per se (perhaps more of a racialist) but I'm interested in reading something that exemplifies and argues in favor of the "racist" school of thought.

>> No.10857998

Mein Kampf is the classic one everyone knows about

>> No.10858006

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race
Between the World and Me by Ta Nehisi Coates

>> No.10858012

Anything by Céline

>> No.10858261 [DELETED] 

Just admit you're a racist. It'll save everyone some time

>> No.10858266

The Turner Diaries

>> No.10858337 [DELETED] 

>(perhaps more of a racialist)
Alright so a racist pseud

>> No.10858351 [DELETED] 

breh... u read Siege?

>> No.10858359 [DELETED] 

it's such a fucking stupid word. It's just accepting reality. Is there a word for thinking that humans can't reproduce with kittens and other cute animals, even though some white women wish that furbabies were real? Same idea.

>> No.10858365

You sound like a wonderful person

>> No.10858370 [DELETED] 

>You want to read something that I don't like so you are a bad person :(((

>> No.10858378 [DELETED] 

There is no easier way of showing yourself to be a pseud than taking on the position of basically every 115-125iq "I have a bachelors but grad school wasn't for me" dumbass in existence.

>> No.10858401
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>> No.10858407 [DELETED] 
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Here we go again
Seriously though, elucidate me on something.
I don't know that races are necessarily different in terms of intelligence, but it does seem possible.
The point is, given that these differences are an average among many people, what do you expect to do from there?
There is no guarantee a white or asian will be intelligent, or that a black person will be stupid, even if you were to conclude that to be true on average.
Even if we were to conclude that one race is "inferior" it makes no sense to dismiss every individual belonging to it. And if we were to go full eugenics about it, it wouldn't be based on race, but genetics. Intelligence and skin color might be completely unrelated. Maybe you should be sterilized because despite being white, your particular genes do no predispose anyone towards intelligence, while your black neighbor's do.
There is absolutely nothing determining that politically you have to align yourself with people of the same skin color as you either, that's a spook even bigger than country or culture.

>> No.10858430 [DELETED] 

people operate based on visible heuristics. This affects everyone within a race, even the ones on the top end of the bellcurve. Race is not just biological, it's bio + culture shared between people who are visibly similar. That's why even though you're very likely to come across a 120iq black person at some point, they are still affected by their blackness in that they know that on average blacks are dumber, so they try to distance themselves from that perception by way of crass materialism/gauche snobbery. You will, for example, never see a 130IQ black person dress like a hobo, whereas this is not necessarily uncommon in the white population.

>> No.10858431 [DELETED] 

The most mystifying thing is that these people often hate Jews, which are more intelligent by average. If we were being consistent then probably asians and jews should genocide the whites and blacks.

>> No.10858439 [DELETED] 

also you seem to have no concept of "regression to the mean"

>> No.10858451 [DELETED] 

jews clearly have a superior verbal IQ, but I've never seen anyone convincingly argue that they are even anywhere close to whites in terms of visual-spatial intelligence or capacity for scientific/artistic achievement beyond self promotion ala einstein.

>> No.10858459 [DELETED] 

the entire point of racial politics isn't that whites are superior or blacks inferior, it's that mixing of races/cultures (they're the same) is a horrible idea for obvious reasons. This is especially true at the lowest levels. Poor whites + poor blacks/muslims = bad outcome.

>> No.10858465 [DELETED] 


people such as yourself, whom I'm assuming are comfortably upper middle class, have no experience with other cultures beyond the universal global capitalist/bourgoise culture. They have no idea what true multi-culturalism/race mixing means.

>> No.10858487

Proust and Kafka, bitch.

>> No.10858498

Le camp des saints
The Turner Diaries

>> No.10858503 [DELETED] 

The most beautiful irony in the world is that people who advocate for the control of others based on some metric always fail to meet the metric they propose.

>> No.10858504

LOL angsty teen writers.

>> No.10858507

Who are some of the greats for you, then?

>> No.10858509 [DELETED] 

>live laugh love tier cliche

>> No.10858512 [DELETED] 

>the entire point of racial politics isn't that whites are superior or blacks inferior
This position is a new development and not actually reflective of what was historically the position of whites who engaged in racial politics.

>> No.10858517 [DELETED] 

That's nonsense. Humans don't need to identify with others visually to form a sense of belonging and community. Historically, humans have killed each other for all sorts of abstract concepts, but visual likeness is not a top one.
That's not really relevant here.
>is a horrible idea for obvious reasons
Yes, that's why everyone opposes race-mixing... No, it's obviously not obvious.
I'm Brazilian, which is some ways a post-multicultural society. Nothing special happens after the pot melts. A multi-cultural society just turns into a single culture again after enough time.
Now i'm sure someone with your world view would try to attribute all problems in my country to race mixing, but given that many latin american countries that are quite racially homogeneous have exactly the same problems i would be skeptical of that.

>> No.10858519 [DELETED] 

Jews hate non-jews. Their entire culture is based around that, their religious books based around genociding them. That's the source of the problem and the people who hate them back are merely those who realize this and see how it manifests in their actions.

True. And that most important for IQ is group mean. Individuals and outliers don't matter.

>> No.10858521 [DELETED] 

I'd say that the political position that blacks or jews should occupy an inferior position within a white system isn't the same as claiming that they are inferior existentially. It's simply denying them the opportunity to modify white systems for their own benefit instead of creating their own.

>> No.10858528 [DELETED] 
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>That's nonsense. Humans don't need to identify with others visually to form a sense of belonging and community. Historically, humans have killed each other for all sorts of abstract concepts, but visual likeness is not a top one.
Yes they did. Humans are Tribal. Whites naturally stay with whites in nature, the Suebians with their Suebian knot stayed together and idenitifed each other with it. gtfo

>> No.10858535 [DELETED] 

what would you say the ethnic composition of your countries political class is as opposed to your average favela dweller, just out of curiosity?

>> No.10858537 [DELETED] 

Writers who tackle adult subjects and don't indulge in their own juvenile memories and weird fantasies.

>> No.10858539 [DELETED] 

So naive.

>> No.10858543


>> No.10858550 [DELETED] 

>I'm Brazilian, which is some ways a post-multicultural society. Nothing special happens after the pot melts. A multi-cultural society just turns into a single culture again after enough time.

One where all the white people participate by hiding from the pardo hordes in the south?

>> No.10858564 [DELETED] 

This desu
>live in an overwhelmingly white Christian country
>everyone hates neighbouring white Christian foreigners
Wow it's almost like these are historical disputes that have nothing to do with race.

>> No.10858565


>> No.10858584 [DELETED] 

>Yes they did. Humans are Tribal
You see though, any connection between tribal society and skin color is a coincidence. An outsider to your tribe is still an outsider even if he has green eyes and black hair like everyone else in your tribe, just like a black outsider would be.
Suebians didn't look too different from their neighbors but still "stayed together and identified each other" as you said.

The political class is overwhelmingly white in appearance.
Favela dwellers would be equally usually black or mixed and rarely white. You'd have an easier time finding a white favela dweller than a black politician though.

>> No.10858592 [DELETED] 

>There are disputes other than race therefore race is meaningless

>> No.10858595 [DELETED] 

Everything is about race. You should actually name your country if you want anyone to take your example seriously though.

>> No.10858599 [DELETED] 

Absolutely false.
It's even so obviously false that it fails the most basic tests of common sense. If people manage to get into a position of power over so many others that they are able to enforce a policy of control, they are almost always going to have some intellectual ability above average at least. Yes politicians have an easy time getting into these positions through the art of weaseling. That doesn't change the fact that they are almost always better performing intellectually than the average, even if only slightly. The Nuremberg trials found the Nazi heads to almost all have significantly above average IQ, for example.
It's a kind of bullshit answer that says "see, if you were smart you'd believe what I do, so we can disregard your opinion on the basis that you disagree with me and therefore must be an idiot." When the reality is that almost all major thinkers of the last century and the one before that were pro-eugenics and the only thing that's really changed is how socially unacceptable such an opinion is.
But bozos like you will always confuse intelligence with intellectual popularity.

>> No.10858601

Not anything, his first two books arent really racist.

>> No.10858626 [DELETED] 

Now fuck off back to /pol/, I hope you get killed by communists.

>> No.10858652 [DELETED] 

So a self-loathing Serbian or Croatian who this many years later still takes the wrong side. You were never known as the cream of Europe and most of the best of your men died last century so you're par for the course I suppose.

>> No.10858700 [DELETED] 

>their religious books based around genociding them
True, but there's a lot of secular Jews today, especially in the US. Muslims also outnumber Jews and the Quran is just as violent if not worse.

I still don't get why /pol/ rages about Jews as much as it does when Muslims seem so much more the threat to Western civilization right now.

>> No.10858709 [DELETED] 

Race is a spook, and it's not even the most popular spook, far from it.

>> No.10858760 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 604x494, Barbara-Lerner-Spectre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That part of jewish culture is interwoven into their being, they've been reinforcing those ideas within their community for thousands of years. Also I'm not from pol but who do you think is letting those muslims in and attacking whites who criticize the policies? Jews. Jews and arabs are also genetic cousins and it was the jews who let them into Spain too, they have a history of doing this. Western NGOs, banks, media, the neocons who promoted these middle east policies in the first place, jews all down the line, though there are plenty of white traitors to blame. Methinks you have some learning to do.

>> No.10858780 [DELETED] 

>That part of jewish culture is interwoven into their being
Sounds like a good excuse to be a cunt to people.

>Jews are letting Muslims into all Western countries right now
>...to destroy the countries they are living in and all the countries even WORTH living in right now
Makes sense.

>Jews and arabs are also genetic cousins
True, which means you should be paying attention to the latter more, because if you really believe it's "interwoven into their being," well, Muslims are literally over a billion more in count than Jews right now in the world.

Also, this doesn't really make much sense. Jews typically hate Muslims and vice versa. Why would the Jews want to let them in to where they are currently living and why would they encourage them to multiply by the hundreds of millions and culturally dominate the world? What's in it for them? Doesn't seem like the brightest conspiracy.

>> No.10858792 [DELETED] 

>What's in it for them? Doesn't seem like the brightest conspiracy.

read about the history of spain, jews preferred spain under muslim rule rather than catholic and there were quite unhappy when catholics drove out the muslims

seems like you might be a novice when it comes to the jq

>> No.10858796 [DELETED] 

>polacks making sense
They literally think Jews are behind communism, liberal capitalism and probably anarchism simultaneously. If you're a rich corporate owner you're a jewish agent, and if you're a Marxist you're following a Jewish ideology, and if you a basic bitch ideology you're cucked by Jews. Literally everything except their special ideology is marked by jewishness.

>> No.10858799 [DELETED] 

basic bitch liberal*

>> No.10858801 [DELETED] 

>read about the history of spain
lol. Why don't you pay attention a little more closely to the world around you? The situation's different. The Muslim population is fucking MASSIVE. Its potential to become a huge, uncontrollable problem is vastly greater than le evil globalist bankers.

>> No.10858802 [DELETED] 

so you're saying they're like jews who also think everything except their special ideology is marked by goyishness, interesting

>> No.10858807 [DELETED] 

this is a dead game

racism might be obvious but it's still bad. the solutions to possible disparities between races is not hostility, this is just all fucked up

>> No.10858809 [DELETED] 

to jews muslims and christians are the same...why would they care which one is the majority? even better for them if they're split evenly and always quarreling

>> No.10858814 [DELETED] 

Like, why don't people, like, just, you know, coexist, man??

>> No.10858815 [DELETED] 

Not him but the Muslim problem is basically a traditionalist temper tantrum, I doubt it actually poses any serious threat to liberal democracy. Liberal democracy will have its way, for better or worse.

>> No.10858816

"behead all satans" its literally /pol/ tier hilarity, protagonist is a narcissist who rapes kills and manipulates people, and hates jews,women,blacks, poos,everyone

>> No.10858823 [DELETED] 
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You don't understand how jews think. They do much better in multicultural societies as opposed to homogeneous ones. It is in their interest to promote mass immigration, which is why they are the main promoters of it.

>you should be paying attention to the latter more
Arabs are retarded man. They are not the main threat, the jews lobbying for them, covering for them, and using them against white people are.

>Jews typically hate Muslims and vice versa
Nope. Jews have always fared fine in arab countries, better than Christian ones according to them. Yu're thinking of the Israel stuff, which is more of a modern lover's spat. Again, jews let them into Spain, are closely related to them, and routinely go to bat for them.

You are misinformed. Here's one from the other day.


>> No.10858825 [DELETED] 

>to jews muslims and christians are the same
Not really, because they know Muslims have verses which encourage direct violence against non-Muslims.

You sound like a psychopath, by the way. You're basically talking to yourself rather than responding to the posts.

>> No.10858827 [DELETED] 
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That must be why israelis have an average IQ of 98

>> No.10858830 [DELETED] 

What are adult subjects and why won't those I have mentioned fit there?

>> No.10858832 [DELETED] 

>muslims have verses which encourage violence blah blah

again read the history of spain you entry level brainlet

>> No.10858838 [DELETED] 

Kys stavros

>> No.10858840 [DELETED] 

Muslim ghettos are more visible than Jewish ones. They also get in your face more. And the numbers seem accurate, there really is over a billion more Muslims than Jews right now.

>> No.10858843 [DELETED] 

So you're a fucking Jihad apologist. Not surprised, I suspected most of this "muh JQ" shit was from you dirty fucks.

>> No.10858845 [DELETED] 

You have to be retarded to think slavic countries aren't white lmao.

>> No.10858848 [DELETED] 

It isn't a serious threat but it isn't ideal either.

>> No.10858853 [DELETED] 

hey buddy just got off the boat from the_Donald, eh? yeah, maybe you should shut off fox news and read some books before you spout anymore cucky weakshit

>> No.10858856 [DELETED] 

you realize turkey used to be european? north africa used to be christian and more or less "white"? as the centuries go by muslims are taking more and more of europe, the only reversal was the reconquest of spain, the rest as been all losses

>> No.10858862 [DELETED] 

>visual likeness is not a top one.
gee i wonder why there was no need for racial discrimination when every country was 99% the same race since its creation to about 30 years ago

>> No.10858868 [DELETED] 

>You don't understand how jews think.
I sure do. Doesn't change a single thing that I said in the post you responded to.

>> No.10858873 [DELETED] 
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Jews are the central threat because they have power in our countries. Most muslims are braindead and incompetent. They can be sent back easily, whereas the jewish power structure, with their control over banks, media, our politicians, and their hundreds of NGOs and jewish lobbying groups, are by far the biggest problem we face. That is what has to be dismantled if we're going to dig our way out of this problem.

>> No.10858877 [DELETED] 

Of course it isn't 'ideal,' it fucking sucks. I don't think anything going on in the world right now can be termed 'ideal.' But underneath all the tolerant rhetoric everyone sees Muslims as unenlightened savages, and I don't think there's any question as to which ideological side will come out on top. It's not like neolibs are actually afraid of committing warcrimes or anything anyhow, just so long as the appearance of justice is maintained.

>> No.10858881 [DELETED] 

It negated it, regardless of whether or not you're too stupid or stubborn to realize it.

>> No.10858898 [DELETED] 

It negated shit. The claim that "Jewish thought" is ingrained at the biological level is absolutely an excuse to be a cunt to people, and it still makes no fucking sense to say that the Jews' endgame is to ruin Western countries when they are living in them and have power in them (i.e. have stakes in it). Can't have power when the countries collapse, now can you?

>> No.10858907 [DELETED] 

Not him and I'm certainly not gonna get into the whole "JQ" thing, but it's pretty clear that when he says "ruin" he's just saying "bring about a multicultural society"

>> No.10858924 [DELETED] 

It's not just Jews that do that...

>> No.10858988 [DELETED] 

When your culture centers around you being a victim to outsiders and telling your flock that everyone is evil and out to get you, over millennia, that becomes ingrained in a people and affects their behavior. Such is the case with jews.

You know that jews have nearly complete control over western media, right? You see this? >>10858873

Now rub two thoughts together and try to figure out why others might support those policies as well.

>> No.10859001 [DELETED] 


>> No.10859030 [DELETED] 

Think about what a mistake running the most successful eugenics campaign, ever, on JEWS of all people was.

>> No.10859031 [DELETED] 

>Such is the case with jews.
This shit is psychopathic. So if you see a secular Jewish man, no matter his personality, or profession, you will consider him irredeemable as a person and classify him in your rigid view of the whole "Jewish people"? This is how people with autism treat other people.

>You know that jews have nearly complete control over western media, right?
Great. How did they get into the country in the first place?... oh right, white people let them in. But it's just Jews that promote multiculturalism, right?

>> No.10859054 [DELETED] 

Oh plenty of white people do too, but whoever's promoting it, it's a problem

>> No.10859058 [DELETED] 

You're retarded and have no knowledge of the topic at hand. That you immediately try to bring up some fictitious outlier as your example proves you're just a stupid person who is defending a people you don't understand.

>white people let them in.
Yeah, and we've kicked them out hundreds of times too because of the shit I'm talking about.

>> No.10859069 [DELETED] 

But this is why I laugh at all this shit. Clearly the problem isn't Jews, it's actually just subhumanity across the board. Yet here everyone is campaigning only against Jews. The campaign is based on a flawed measurement, and thus could only result in a flawed result, one that has not learned fucking anything from the past and will inevitably fall for the same tricks generations later.

>> No.10859085 [DELETED] 

>Clearly the problem isn't Jews,
No, the problem is jews, and idiots like yourself who think jews are just like you and share your interests.

>> No.10859093 [DELETED] 

>Yeah, and we've kicked them out hundreds of times too because of the shit I'm talking about.
Maybe you should stop being a fucking brainlet and actually learn where your ancestors failed. See >>10859069

You JQ retards are not thinking big enough with your theorizing. But I know what you're really thinking... about the money like everyone else. Because there is money in selling an antisemitic movement to people, but not an anti-subhuman movement, because the latter is harder to grasp for the general public.

>> No.10859100 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the problem is just Jews, even though whites have let them in only to kick them out again hundreds of times, by your admission. You and all of the antisemites are narrow minded subhumans.

>> No.10859102

Reminder that racism is based on science, history, and theology. It is FINE to be a racist you dont need to unconditionally love and worship every human being on the planet.

>> No.10859111 [DELETED] 

Listen to this guy. You can tell he just stumbled in from reddit and, being a low-information pleb to begin with, had his Pavlovian conditioning activated when he saw negative speak about jews.

This site is for big brain niggas with a bit more awareness about the world than you seem to have, kid, I recommend going back out the way you came until you're more mature and in a better position to speak about topics you outside your realm of comfort.

>> No.10859119 [DELETED] 

You just have no understanding of jewish behavior and you're embarrassing yourself continuing to pretend otherwise. You should leave.

>> No.10859153 [DELETED] 

>You can tell he just stumbled in from reddit
Resorting to the absolute lowest form of argumentation now, as expected from subhuman filth.

You don't know a fucking thing about me, dude. But I thank you for basically telling me that I'm hitting the nail right on the head, considering you're completely bailing out of the argument right now.

This thread didn't wake me up to anything, and there is no fucking way in hell I will accept you talking like you had anything to do with giving me any insights. My background is in philosophy, not politics. I get all my training from philosophers. Not asshats like you.

>> No.10859169 [DELETED] 

>no understanding of jewish behavior
I have a solid understanding. A close relative was invited into a synagogue once, decades ago, during a very dark assembly that involves all sorts of racism and elitism, which frightened her. I am fully aware that this type of behavior exists. But I am not retarded enough to dedicate my life to petty movements of organized hysteria, which is all your business is essentially about.

>> No.10859179 [DELETED] 

>You don't know a fucking thing about me, dude.
Given that you write like an 8th grader or a nigger, exude reactionary anger in every post, and are prone to wade into conversations pretending to know about subjects you clearly don't know the first thing about, I think it's fair to say you ain't too difficult a gent to figure out.

>> No.10859180

Don Quijote
Das kapital

>> No.10859188 [DELETED] 

So juvenile, it's unbelievable. But I won't stop telling you to fuck off because it's your ilk who is slowly destroying this board and many others.

>> No.10859200 [DELETED] 

Here's a tip: when feigning knowledge about topics don't use anecdotal experiences as evidence for your claims. That is not an accurate reflection of the world and we're talking about macro phenomena with the jewish problem; individual outliers and anecdotes mean literally nothing and thinking otherwise makes you look like an amateur.

>> No.10859203 [DELETED] 

>Here's a tip
Shove it up your ass.

>> No.10859236 [DELETED] 

Stubborn and stupid is a bad combination, but I have confidence that you will one day be able to grasp that jews hate you, and realize the days when you defended them out of Pavlovian habit on the internet were not your wisest. We all sail at different speeds, bonne chance, my man.

>> No.10859676 [DELETED] 


>> No.10859804 [DELETED] 

Actually this isn't ad implausible as you might think. Wall Street funded both the Nazis and Stalin, and communist groups elsewhere despite them being ideologically opposed.

>> No.10859819 [DELETED] 

Exactly, it's perfectly fine to genocide whites in south africa

>> No.10859826 [DELETED] 

>races/cultures (they're the same)

Only americans would think something like this

>> No.10859840 [DELETED] 

You're repeating frequently misunderstood information, and it's foolish to think of "Wall Street" over the period of time in question as being ideologically driven beyond its ethnic composition. Jewish financeers associated with Wall Street like Jacob Schiff funded the bolshevik revolution but there was no playing both sides since jews had entrenched their power within America by the time the next war came along. Anyone who spoke against jewish interests in attacking Germany, like Charles Lindberg, were destroyed in the jewish media. >>10859804

>> No.10859855 [DELETED] 

Like the other bloke said, racial hierarchy is not the issue, other factors are.
Other races are not of my people, and if I wish to both preserve and promote my people in my country I would approve of discrimination on the grounds of race. One of our own should not see a foreigner employed instead of himself and foreigners should not be allowed the priveleges of the people in order to preserve the racial, cultural and societal order of the nation. This was and in some places still is the normal and natural view. You might also read what Evola has to say on it, who disapproves of scientific racism specifically.

>> No.10859856 [DELETED] 

congratulations on having such good english but i feel the need to inform you that a melting pot is a crucible for mixing its contents, it doesnt actually become melted itself

>> No.10859882 [DELETED] 

whoa dude like
*wakes up at 10am after missing early classes*
fucking hang on
*checks frat group chat and communist meme fbpage in bed*
are you actually for real right now
*rests first joint of the day on Keith Haring ashtray*
because i'm genuinely fucking horrified
*scrolls through tinder absentmindedly*
that you're talking like an actual pissbaby racist
*plays 90s fem-rave jungle track in background*
because i'm just genuinely confused???
*reblogs vietnam-era women's rights zine cover illustration*
that you'd out yourself as an insecure manchild like this?
*plays vidya lying in USSR flag pattern hammock*
Like if actual fucking fascism is the hill you want to die on
*forgets about BLM*
you could just admit that you're sexually frustrated

>> No.10859993 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 640x1136, 33093DAA-42B1-4B85-B7D5-D708C29E038B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> multiculturism is fine
> black people are fine
> Never visits Detroit or Chicago
> Never went to a 90% black school
> never went to a black neighbourhood
> thinks living as a white minority would be fine and would enjoy the same rights as a black minority

Let’s see how that turned out

> South Africa 2018

To the whites arguing with these idiots, don’t even try, they’d rather eat black dick and see their whole family killed before realising anything

>> No.10859998 [DELETED] 

>I still don't get why /pol/ rages about Jews
sour grapes
Jews a segregationist culture that does their best to remain racially pure. Jews have done so well they got their own country. /pol still hasn't conquered the top step of their basement.

>> No.10860156 [DELETED] 


seriously, go there and never return. your comment proves you don't read anyways, so why stay?

>> No.10860245 [DELETED] 

>the rest as been all losses
The Battle of Vienna, though.

>> No.10860271 [DELETED] 

Oh please. I take comfort sometimes in the fact that once whites are gone, jews will either off themselves or be genocided, and the whites of old will be looked upon as gods to be worshiped to save the mixed race denizens of 23rd century earth from their own living hell.

>> No.10860281

>I don't necessarily consider myself a racist, per se (perhaps more of a racialist)

*tips fedora*

>> No.10860292 [DELETED] 

If anything this just further proves to me that /lit is made up of upper middle class NEET's who've never seen the world or interacted with other cultures outside of their college/NEETnest bubble. They're all just fine since the only one's they've met are domesticated pets. That plus the need to differentiate themselves from the white lower class, whom mommy and daddy have always painted as "muh evil racist". They wouldn't want to be confused for white trash.

Also explains why you see so many "I'm depressed pls help fel lke killin myself" threads here, since upper middle class scum have no idea of struggle.

>> No.10860300 [DELETED] 

Even if he doesn't read, you have no counter-argument against that. There are no successful black majority countries where you could live without walling yourself off in an enclave. Exactly because blacks did not evolve to meet white standards of livable. It's not hatred it's just reality, and that reality is that for the benefit of us both we cannot co-exist in the same spaces.

>> No.10860306 [DELETED] 

Guess what you ignorant loser, the entirety of history is not over yet. In fact, we are at very early stages of human history. Who's to say that africa doesn't become developed in this century? a 100 years ago China was a shithole place, but now it is the backbone of the world. 200 years ago, germany was newly industrialising, but now it is an economic superpower. Get your bullshit out of here.

>> No.10860308 [DELETED] 

That's the dumbest possible argument you could've made for your position. At least make it between Dobermans and Golden Retrievers if you want to have a point.

>> No.10860310 [DELETED] 

Also, I would gladly live in Botswana over a shithole like Latvia or Serbia.

>> No.10860314 [DELETED] 

kek, I'm just curious how you've framed me in your mind. Am I some poor white? I really want to see how that matches up to reality

>> No.10860318 [DELETED] 

>stereotyping slavs and eastern europe
I can smell the panera bread and whole foods from here, Alex

>> No.10860319 [DELETED] 

Sure you do, burger.

>> No.10860322 [DELETED] 

ok, would you rather live in Botswana, a country which is growing quickly and has the economic potential to cross 50,000 usd in per capita in the next 30 years or live in serbia where you will be killed by a goon or work a job in a shit economy?

>> No.10860323 [DELETED] 

I hope for your sake, you're under 18.

>> No.10860325 [DELETED] 

I haven't framed you as anything in my mind because im not a shallow and small minded person like you

>> No.10860340 [DELETED] 


>> No.10860346 [DELETED] 

Maybe you do. The people their defintely wont lmfao.

>> No.10860392 [DELETED] 

>Never visits Detroit or Chicago

Be honest here, have you?

Chicago is a massive city and it seems to me you're just as sheltered as the people you're trying to mock here

>> No.10860432 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 640x1136, 122A8C59-FD68-4B98-8799-2F29A426C41B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An absolute abhorrent place, why would I waste my time there while I could visit places that are much better?

>> No.10860461

>he thinks Hitler is real

>> No.10860544 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 680x788, e61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race is real but that doesn't mean we should discriminate
>Instead we should band together and unlock mankind's true potential

>> No.10860582 [DELETED] 

yeah anon was retarded with that post. Chicago is a great city with nice architecture, but you know what he was referring to. I doubt any of the tolerant anons here would visit west Washington park

>> No.10860589
File: 71 KB, 316x494, Flashy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Flashman series is very racist according to modern sensibilities, on top of being very funny.
Best part is that it's the old-fashioned 19th century type racism, where literally everyone who is not a Briton is bad in some way.

>> No.10861099
File: 264 KB, 850x1376, 19-04-05-Grade-structure-of-the-ORC-2.0-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being racist AD 2018
>not embracing the global miscegenation plan proposed by the real racists in order to create a type 3 civilization on this earth by ensuring absolute control over all inferior specimen and thereby ensuring another thousand year rule over the planet as Gods above men
Fuck fiction OP. Read some real works and you will ascend above the red pill into intellectual dark enlightenment and thus finally be free from your chains of constant hate-mongering and pawning in the false dichotomy constructed for you. The Real is another Matrix.

>> No.10861139

Not as much but they still contain certain parts

>> No.10861555 [DELETED] 


>> No.10862849

this anon is evolved

>> No.10862909

Hogg has some pretty great bits about beating niggers and how certain whites aren't as good as other kinds of whites.

>> No.10862933
File: 35 KB, 300x173, 1422247005612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't necessarily consider myself a racist, per se (perhaps more of a racialist)
are yall really just gonna let this little number slide

>> No.10862956
File: 115 KB, 914x596, leftopia-excerpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna leave this here..

>> No.10862987

excellent. I've always found british racism superior to the more common racisms you see, for example in the states.

>> No.10863609

there is literally nothing wrong with racialism.

>> No.10863641

does anyone have screencaps of that guy's writing who used nigger like 100 times a page or whatever it was.

>> No.10863711

Gass’ The Tunnel if you want to hoist the swinging gut of modern bigotry and peer at its underbelly. Not racist so much as a brutal and simultaneously beautiful excorciation of the cretinous, cowardly impulse known as racism. Whittles it to its essence, with a thoroughly biggotted narrator. One of my faves

>> No.10863771

>the cretinous, cowardly impulse known as racism.
You mean the biological, group protective mechanism misrepresented and used as a moral shaming device against whites known as racism. That dumb fucks like you will never wish or will out of existence no matter how delusional you allow yourselves to become.

>> No.10863809

10/10 thread

>> No.10863827

Reality is your best friend

>> No.10863829 [DELETED] 

everything we do is biological, you nigger. racism and antiracism are both biological. the internet and diesel engienes are biological. if you don't understand this, tell me where you live so i can peacefully euthanize you.

>> No.10863908 [DELETED] 
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1519263465482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me understand the picture

>> No.10863938 [DELETED] 


>> No.10863944 [DELETED] 

>racism and antiracism are both biological.
"Racism" describes a natural, biological process; "antiracism" is a new age media term. The first term was introduced by Russian jews as a way to morally shame whites, who are the only people it ever applies to. The latter is a made up term jews also use to attack whites, the whites who refuse to be morally shamed by the first word.

See, instead of just buying into this stuff and repeating fake words verbatim, you should try to understand their origin and the purpose they serve. It's never what it seems on the surface, people use these terms and slander people with them because it advances their interests and are means of control.

>> No.10864322
File: 188 KB, 1280x854, t3_35ys2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you see is the hierarchy of the Martinist order. One of the most influential masonic lodges this world has ever seen. It is a red lodge which bases its practices on the illuminist enlightenment ideology (selenspionage) and twin tactics of personal and political control via manipulation of desire. They are responsible for the development of a globalist ideology which at best can be described as the middle path between the left and right, something akin to inverted totalitarianism. They also envisioned a federalist europe governed by a global security council which would eventually spread throughout the world.

They are gnostics who fell in love with Gobineau's idea of the ruler race*.

*By this he never ment white people in general, Hitler took his ideas and applied them to Europeans. Gobineau was talking about noble blood.

>> No.10865159

Lovecraft, you filthy nigger.

>> No.10866321

The Inequality of the Human Races by Gobineau

>> No.10866387 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 643x396, James_Mason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact: being a racist is the last real form of rebellion in a permissive advanced capitalist society. I just hate this world, and see no way out except the total transvaluation of its values, the neo-nazi extremist is the closest thing cosmopolitan neoliberal society has to satan. Since neoliberal cosmopolitan society is godless and based on the denial of God, it's negation(alt right) is the closest we can get to true holiness. Everything else just feels fake.

>> No.10866435

my diary desu

>> No.10866730

Lovecraft believed that the farther away you were from being a classical brit the more likely you were to be a devil worshiper who wanted nothing more than to kill every other human on earth.

>> No.10866755
File: 307 KB, 902x1294, 81uahOZdyNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been shilling this book for a long time on here, but no one ever comments. This books is excellent. It was released quite some time ago, and has a less than politically correct understanding of Kenya pre-independence. It's great. The main character is pure stoic masculinity. The setting is enchanting. The niggers act like total niggers. Tis great.

>> No.10866756

Second Camp of the Saints. You can find that online for free. It isn't terribly intellectual but it is compelling in a way.

Turner Diaries is skinhead masturbation power fantasy for people who are already full blown tinfoilers with a basement full of guns.