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10143407 No.10143407 [Reply] [Original]

blues run the game, said mr frank. his sad eye, the one he had left
looked like a fish in a bowl, held the guitar low

if i could be that guy instead of me, sang a certain mr e
if i could be anyone else i would but we're all stuck
don't knock on my door anymore
i may not be there
out instead

to become whatever one should
i'm nothing much i know it's true
it's the one thing i'll push on you
my possessions are so few

what is there to do besides all the hurdle
all the caring and being there
the everyday routine of traffic cones and madelines
they burst on the cement of cracked skull bones
these thoughts are all i have
want to go out somewhere, a nice italian restaurant
where mobster exchange diamonds inside garbage trucks

there's one thing i will miss from this
and it's the assurance of a future open wide
someday the wheels won't cart no more
and the tracks will be beaten down so low

you just gotta let it go

the eyes so blue i dreamed about
they're somewhere else, i can't see them around
it's not the first time and sure won't be the last
a sweet remembrance of summer days gone past

take a boat to europe baby, maybe to france
join the french army baby, learn how to dance
spill your blood on foreign lands and
have a go at romance and
see it's all the same

everything that once was there, won't be no more
drift with the surf away from shore to shore
there will be no port of call
home is nowhere

sing praise to jesus saviour and savour the grapes
the wine flows freely and the fresh feeling fades
nero smiles and hands you the keys to
the streets that you once walked along

towers of white marble against the watercolour blue
the drapes dancing shadows cast forever on these walls
a stranger's look, a maiden's song
the alleys with the clotheslines and the foreign looking cats
let it all sink in
man's true desire to release his very soul
death itself is freedom forevermore

stones piling up to the sky
signal stories sealed off by time
stars swimming up drom the eastern sky
as the sands slide from far and wide
ruins of man stand with dignity
king of kings
oh release me
from mortality

>> No.10143444

The sidewalk was made of dark polished cobblestones. When it rained it became a trap, but it was also very beautiful. The gentle grey of the clouds reflected on the smooth surface of the rocks. The whole street shimmered like water. Trees planted in regular interval were full of new leaves. The light green was also reflected by the cobblestones. No one else was walking because of the drizzle. Cars were constantly passing by, heading into the city center, without making much noise. The air was not very cold, just enough to make people put their hands into their pockets. Now and then a gust of wind made the raindrops caught in the canopies drop down, like those rain clouds following cartoon characters. You'd try not to be under a tree when the wind came. The whole situation, the sound of tires on wet asphalt, the shimmering sidewalk, the leafz ceiling, the blossoms with raindrops inside almost hidden gardens, the old ornate iron gates, the small residential buildings, it was all very cozy. Sometimes you'd hear a seagull, though it might have been just in my head. Still, the seagulls would fit nicely. All that was missing was the sea.