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9999531 No.9999531 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest. Have you ever read this from front to back and followed it every step of the way?

>> No.9999534


>> No.9999542

not pseud so i don't do pseud things

>> No.9999551

I've read it methodically twice or thrice. First in 2010 when I studied philosophy and again a couple of years ago.

>> No.9999553

But did you follow it every step of the way?

>> No.9999564
File: 639 KB, 600x908, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest. Have you ever read this from front to back and followed it every step of the way?

>> No.9999569
File: 504 KB, 3282x3120, Tractatus_Logico_Philosophicus_Text_Structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A major point of the text is that its very structure invites it to be read in multiple ways. The material is first-of-all organized in terms of the various sub-comments on the primary bits, and exhausting the sub-comments on that bit before being done with it and moving to the next. The numbers, I believe, as presented, strictly increase as real numbers.

Simply reading the book in its original order could be construed as a "vertical" reading, while a later reading focusing on a different organizational scheme might instead be construed as a "horizontal" scheme, or senses along these lines.

>> No.9999580

Yeah, you can easily play with reading it different ways at http://www.tractatuslogicophilosophicus.com/..

But you didn't answer the question

>> No.9999603


Oh yes, let me do that. The question has two clauses, or parts. I have "read the book front to back", yes, in its English Ogden side at least, and with the other English matter. I don't claim to have followed it "every step of the way", however.

In the course of creating the above graphic, I started to better appreciate how Witty was "sorta-equating" basic terms, at least in translation. Compare 3: "The logical picture of the facts is the thought." to 4: " the thought is the significant proposition." One is tempted to conclude by transitivity that "the logical picture of the facts is the significant proposition". I'm fairly fresh off of PI but I would imagine that these sorts of terse comparisons were part of later Witty was poking holes in about early Witty.

>> No.9999619


also in preparation of the above graphic the other day, I noticed that the old site was down for re-tooling. Now it looks as though a greatly improved version of hte old site is online. great!

This new-to-me version actually incorporates proper notation and graphical devices for the visual-figure elements of the tractatus. These were totally absent in the old version of the website, so it's a very welcome improvement overall.