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/lit/ - Literature

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9996222 No.9996222 [Reply] [Original]

What book did you read at

9-10 years old

12 yrs old

14 yrs old

16 yrs old

18 yrs old

20 yrs old


>> No.9996231

i didn't like to read books when i was a kid

>> No.9996284

>9-10 years old
The Lord of The Rings

>12 years old

>14 years old
Darren Shan novels.

>16 years old
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>18 years old
Labyrinths by Borges

>20 years old
Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola.

>> No.9997114

10 years old - A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, Eragon

12 years old - The Pendragon Adventure, Cirque du Freak, The Last Apprentice

14 years old - Worm, Freakonomics, Malcolm Gladwell books

16 years old - Game of Thrones, Dresden Files, House of Leaves

18 years old - /lit/ memes

20 years old - im 19

>> No.9997861

>9-10 years old
Harry Potter
>12 yrs old
>14 yrs old
didn't read much at the time
>16 yrs old
Don Quijote
>18 yrs old
Moby Dick
>20 yrs old
nothing - I'm 19

>> No.9997878

>9-10 years old
The Bible.
>12 yrs old
Infinite Jest.
>14 yrs old
Gravity's Rainbow.
>16 yrs old
>18 yrs old
Finnegans Wake
>20 yrs old
The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald

>> No.9997988
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>> No.9998029

Some series with kid private investigators that had something to do with Alfred Hitchcock

Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, Poe's spoopier stories
Stephen King, Arthur Clarke, Bradbury, Asimov
Camus, Clockwork Orange, Cuckoo's Nest
Demian, Crime and Punushment
Moby Dick, Anna Karenina, Glass Bead Game, Karamazov
The Recognitions, Ulysses, V

>> No.9998037
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>9-10 years old
Sherlock Holmes stories, Redwall

>12 yrs old
Kidnapped and Treasure Island by Stevenson, some Asimov stuff

>14 years old
The Maltese Falcon and Big Sleep, Tolkien

>16 years old
Dracula, Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde

>18 years old
Bulfinch's Mythology, Lovecraft, China Mieville

>20 years old
Inherent Vice, Blake poems, Kropotkin

>> No.9998055

>9-10 years old
>12 yrs old
>14 yrs old
>16 yrs old
Poe and Martin
>18 yrs old
Wolfe and dostoevsky
>20 yrs old
More Wolfe and dostoevksy

>> No.9998085

>9-10 years old
Fairy tales (Grimm brothers, Bible, Japanese stuff) and science books (mostly about space). Also Dickens, Twain and Ballsack.

>12 years old
Same as above plus some Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Melville and a tiny bit Dumas.

>14 years old
Harry Potter.

>16 years old
The Hobbit, LotR, more Freddy, Nabokov, Das Kapital, Goethe and some Kant.

>18 year old
Joyce, Nietzsche, GRRMartin, Cervantes, Wilde and some books about writing (How Not to Write a Novel is pretty fun). Oh and fell for memes like Coelho or DFW.

>20 years old
Was too busy writing and studying movies.

>22 years old
Same as above but managed to squeeze in Hugo and popular stuff like Larsson.

>24 years old
Ain't got no time for reading anymore.

>> No.9998086

The Three Investigators was the Alfred Hitchcock connected kids books. I was into the Hardy Boys too

>> No.9998183
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3: read Dr. Seuss aloud to mom. Family has audiotapes of this I think.
9-10: Hobbit, LOTR (lots of the language flew over my head but I understood the basic beats of the adventure story, they're traveling east and getting in trouble, yep)
12-13: Absolutely everything by John Bellairs I could get my hands on. The Edward Gorey covers enticed me. Great alternative to the Goosebumps meme.
14: Our Dumb Century (still the funniest book I've ever read)
15: You Are Worthless per the above, edgy kid phase, still a funny book though.
16: dunno lol, started liking math/science "again" at this age like I did when I was a little kid (the people around me mostly hated math) Also a shit ton of manga trash but Gun Smith Cats is legit good pulp fiction
17: Thurber Carnival for a class project.
18: Crime and Punishment, of my own volition, for HS lit capstone project (long essay I banged out mostly the night before, still got a good mark). Brothers Karamazov in summer before college on personal time, must have read Notes from Underground in here somewhere.
18-23: undergrad-tier instruction in math (major), history and philosophy (minors). Don't actually read that much philosophy but I become acquainted with the basic memes, history and thought experiments.
24-30-ish: work long wagecuck hours and completely fall off. Go years without completing a book I think I read the Postmodern Condition somwhere in the midste of this just to say I'd completed a book. Start picking it back up around age 30 when I went elevated NEET for a while and rediscovered what I like.

Over the past few years I've read Wittgenstein's PI and Tractatus, large art books on the Book of Kells, Bayeux Tapestry and Mark Rothko (in their entirety), the two Invisible Committee books because short+easy+memes, Society of the Spectacle, the whole Space Odyssey series (light fiction), a Cioran book of aphorisms (reminds me of the above You Are Worthless tbqh) and other bits and bobs related to math. I've also been on a tear of buying or receiving as gifts way more books than I've read. Eventually it got so I realized I had pile related and I had not read a single bit of it. The sight disgusted me so at least I've read PI and I'm a good bit through the Federalist at the moment - kinda want to do Meme Kampf despite its being a chore due to the recent Wittgenstein reading and /lit/ memes on same.

I had occasion to look up a quotation in Aristotle recently in connection with reading some Euclid. Feels good to "use the books together" in this way, even if only as reference at this point.

>> No.9999188

The bible,
The Mahabharata
Finnagins wake
Spot the dog

>> No.9999210

>Percy Jackson
>The Hobbit
>Stopped reading
>The Master and Margarita
>The Divine Comedy
>Beckett's Trilogy
>J R

More of a list of my favorite books at their respective times in my life. I have yet to read Ulysses and Proust and Infinite Jest, so who knows

>> No.9999363

Bible, Connecticut Yankee, David Macaulay illustrated books, Choose your own adventure, Goosebumps, Captain Underpants
Harry Potter, Terry Goodkind, Piers Anthony, Michael Crichton
Didn't read.
Confederacy of Dunces, Murakami, Don Quixote, Dark Tower, Divine Comedy
Didn't read.
H-Doujin, World War Z

>> No.9999376

9-10: 4.Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying (#4)
12: Marvel Zombies
14: 2010: Odyssey Two (Never read the other one.)
16: William Gibson's Idoru.
18: Infinite Jest
20: Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things (Lafcadio Hearn)

Pretty accurate, I'd say.

>> No.9999407

9-10: Whatever garbage i was given, but i had for some reason a native aversion to anything of any merit
12: lord of the rings, comic books, random garbage
14: Wheel of Time, Malazan
16: Hemingway, Virgil, James, Dumas, Shakes
18: Faulkner, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Whitman
20: Mann, Goethe, Wilde, Proust

Do you major in some humanities? I'm thinking phil or polsci
Hard to tell how patrician you are but maybe you are
You must feel really fuckin special
Sad to see really, you're not going anywhere
Please tell me that Hyperion belongs to Holderlin
You must be a real pleb
Who is gonna read all that shit make it simple no offense but nobody's as interested in your life as you want them to be
How did you get here
Respecatble gains, read Proust and Joyce pls

>> No.9999533


You clearly gleaned it, and replied accordingly, thus validating me in spite of your wish to invalidate me. Above all, the most important person in the whole world is supremely interested in what I think, and that's what really counts.

But there's a third point that really needs to be made. Reading 2-3000 characters is no hardship as long as it is decently constructed, which is true of the above. Thus, for the real /lit/ user, the "tl;dr" complaint vanishes unless you can somehow banish me as a total bore, which is irrelevant at this point in your case since you totally read my whole thing and you'll never get those seconds back. :^)))

>> No.9999538

>criticize a guy for writing too much
>responds by writing too much again
man i just try to help a guy but he doesn't seem to learn. Disappointing. Idk if lit changed, or I did

>> No.9999732

-The Five Ancestors series
-Harry Potter

-Un Lun Dun by China Mieville
-The Ender series

didn't like reading at this point

-The Things They Carried
-Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
-Rum Punch by Elmore Leonard
-the works of Hunter S. Thompson

-The Dune series oddly enough
- On the Road and Dharma Bums
-comic books

-William Burroughs
-Henry James
-Michel Foucault & general critical theory
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

>22 i.e. present day
-books of educational strategies
-The works of Don Delillo, Thomas Pynchon, and Joan Didion.
-A lot of detective fiction mostly on the crime element like Dashiell Hammett.
-Vietnam War lit like Dispatches or Going after Cacciatto.
-Creative/pop Non-fiction like Freakonomics

>> No.9999754

His Dark Materials
The Fault in Our Stars, Catch-22, 1984
Great Expectations, Frankenstein, Mice and Men
Good Omens, Anna Karenina, Brave New World, Catcher in the Rye, Grapes of Wrath
The Stranger, Old Man and the Sea, Invisible Man

>> No.9999781


Where the Red Fern Grows
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Harry Potter
Stephen King

>> No.9999814

9-10 years old
Time Life series on airplanes and pilots

12 yrs old
Stephen King's IT, The Stand, Cujo, Tommyknockers, The Gunslinger, The Talisman, etc etc

14 yrs old
More King. The Regulators, Eye of the Dragon, Insomnia, etc. Aleister Crowley's Magick Without Tears, lots of other Llewellyn new age bullshit

16 yrs old
Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Larry Niven, Frank Herbert, random forgettable bad fantasy and scifi

18 yrs old
Dhammapada, The Bible, Carlos Castaneda, random spiritual books

20 yrs old
nothing, too busy working until mid-20s when I started reading again with Homer (and the Greeks more generally) and GRRM's ASoIaF.

now: mid-30s, power level is disguised.

>> No.9999824

oh forgot to mention The Phantom Tollbooth scared the shit out of me as a kid

>> No.9999839

>reads genre-fiction
you are like a baby

>> No.9999849

9-10 years old: Goosebumps, Superfudge
12 yrs old: The Shining, Lord of the Rings
14 yrs old: The Sun Also Rises, Rabbit Run
16 yrs old: Of Human Bondage, My diary
18 yrs old: The Dhammapada
20 yrs old: Suicide note (rough draft)

>> No.9999877

9: encyclopedias and dictionaries
12-14: conspiracy theories, occultism, alchemy
16-18: writings of and about serial killers, rapists, pedophiles
20: sea literature like Moby Dick, Odyssey, The Tidewater Tales

I was a really edgy kid, even started coming here around 12, and I was obsessed with shock sites.

>> No.9999878

Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl
Airport literature and mystery novels
Stopped reading and started doing drugs
Became semi-sober and started reading again, Slaughter House Five got me back into reading and I've been reading a mix of cannon, 20th century lit and philosophy since then, reading has become my favorite hobby.

>> No.9999892
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>9-10 years old
Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Dragonlance Legends,

>12 years old

>14 years old
Silmarillion, everything Tolkien

>16 years old
Nothing, at least no books.

>18 years old
Same as above

75% of Ulysses

>20 years old
Nothing, neetlife

>21 years old, now
No books first 7 months
Past 2 months I've read From Dawn to Decadence, To the Lighthouse, As I lay Dying, Politically Impossible?, first 2 Witcher books, Thomas Sowell Basic Economics. Listened to 6 hours of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, but had no fucking idea wtf he was talking about, A Priori this A Posteriori that TRANSCENDENCE! (I do understand his terms now), I doubt I'll continue it anytime soon anyway, I don't think you really need the source material to grasp philosophical concepts, unless you're retarded.
And a driver's license book

Now I have Pic Related+++ to contend with, tell me I'm a good boy!

>> No.9999913

>9-10 years old
Nothing, I either played with friends outside or played video games with my brother

>12 yrs old
The Spooks Apprentice, then the four books after it, from there on just fantasy schlock that I didn't really understand at the time but still found entertaining (Malazan, Riftwar Saga, etc)

>14 yrs old
Historical fiction, sorta started this trend with a series of very racy/adult aged books from authors like Jack Whyte, the sex scenes in them were something else, definitely affected me seeing as I was going through mid-stage puberty

>16 yrs old
Started trying classical literature along with the plethora of historical/fantasy pulp I read, but I wasn't mature enough to read them properly. I distinctly remember reading all through A Tale of Two Cities, finishing the book, and having no idea what it was I read

>18 yrs old
Getting more into Science-fiction than fantasy, I enjoyed the more empathetic premises and themes from PKD's work or books like The Time Machine. History and fantasy were still my 'fun' books though.

>20 yrs old
Really made the effort to dive in classical literature, paid off though because I've really started enjoying what I've read. Anything really, from English to Slovene to Chinese

Reading the Bible right now and it's very enjoyable

>> No.9999982

I read a decent amount (more than most of my friends anyway) but most of it was pretty insignificant
My faves from each time are below
Hatchet, Hitchhikers Guide

The Stand, The Time Machine
The Mysterious Island, Jurassic Park

The Art of War, The Hunt for Red October, Hunger Games

every ADnD rules book I could get my hands on

Just finished 1984, Brave New World, and quite a bit of Lovecraft

What should I read next?

>> No.10000055
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Fuck off with your data mining!

>> No.10000099

Yo lemme see that >>10000000 get

>> No.10000113

Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, whatever books they sold at the book fair
Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Animal Farm
1984, Brave New World, To Kill a Mockingbird, whatever was assigned in my HS English class
Fountainhead, Catch-22, I got about halfway through Crime and Punishment
Blood Meridian, rereading Crime and Punishment, Inferno

I'm currently 18

>> No.10000183

>9-10 years old
Gordon Korman's Island trilogy were my fucking jam, The Hobbit and the rest of LOTR followed after
>12 yrs old
Really into Warhammer 40k and Fantasy at this age so read a lot of the Black Library novels. I fondly remember one called Dead Sky, Black Sun as well as the Gaunt's Ghost series.
>14 yrs old
Poe, Lovecraft, Howard.
>16 yrs old
Lovecraft and Poe still favourites, got more into English Literature, specifically Byron and Coleridge. Started getting into theatre so began reading a lot more classic European plays, Strindberg and Goldoni being favourites at the time. Brave New World blew my mind in my grade 12 English Class.
>18 yrs old
The Oresteia, Antigone, Oedipus Rex, a bunch of Aristophanes,also the Noh plays Hagoromo and Matsukaze. The Master and Margarita, Camus, Kafka, Borges, Calvino (Just started studying Theatre/English in University, read a lot)
>20 yrs old
Really big on colonial/post-colonial stuff, Conrad, Coetzee were my favourites. Also big into Alan Moore when I was 20. Started to get into critical theory and philosophy. Still read some plays but more from Western Europe, Goethe's Faust, Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, Byron's Manfred and The Crucible by Arthur Miller were among my favourites.
>22 yrs old
Junichiro Tanizaki, Su Tong's short stories,This Earth of Mankind by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Siddhartha by Hesse stand out. I got really into reading Epics around this time too. The Shahnameh, Gilgamesh and Journey to the West were my favourites at this time.
>25 yrs old [present]
Yukio Mishima, Murakami and general modern and post-modern Japanese lit., Dostoevsky, a lot of Asian poetry, philosophy, and critical literary theory are too. Going to be reading some Proust and Patrick White this semester which I am quite looking forward to.

>> No.10000235

9-10 years old
Phenomena books

12 yrs old
didn't read

14 yrs old
8th grade was a waste of valuable time

16 yrs old
was busy being depressed

18 yrs old
The Prose Edda

>> No.10000328

>house of leaves


>> No.10000833

>9-10 years old

>12 yrs old

>14 yrs old
the holy bible

>16 yrs old

>18 yrs old

>> No.10000859

9-10: Every book in the library about dinosaurs and space

12: Enders Game, Issac Asimov, etc

14-16: Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance type stuff

18: I had a girlfriend and played sports and video games

20: Started reading greek and latin lit

24: English narrative histories like churchill and hume and gibbon

28: Meme tier literature

34: what I find interesting and contrarian to established literary fads

>> No.10000945

sounds like you are fulfilled. Are u?

>> No.10000952

as far as my reading. It is a search for pleasure and fulfillment and to a degree uniqueness. Reading off a canon does not do it for me.

Being fulfilled in life is more complex, I would say I am 75% so.

>> No.10001004

This, pretty much exactly, except except Discworld instead of Game of Thrones.
20 I was busy with shit, and I only read Against the Day that year.

>> No.10001008

>9-10 years old
Little Nicholas
Clockwork Orange
The Witcher Novels,Felix Castor Series
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Brave New World,Lolita,Infinite jest,The Hobbit,Slaughterhouse 5,Solaris

>> No.10001075

The Bible, Greek Mythology, Keats, Goosebumps, Comics (Asterix and Obelix, Hergé)
Treasure Island, Frankenstein
Shakespeare, Mice and Men
'arry Potter
Dorian Gray
Nietzsche, Spengler, Evola, Schopenhauer

Since: history, philosophy, poetry, classic prose fiction

>> No.10001112


All sorts of garbage. Harry Potter and Eragon and Shit.
Not a lot.
My dad made me read The Old Man and the Sea. For which I will be forever thankful.
The Stranger/Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Naked Lunch/Metamorphosis/Great Gatsby
Got really into Bukowski and returned to Hem.

>> No.10001147

>6 to 12 years.
National war literature.
>12 to 15 years
Garbage young adult crap, wasted so much time.
>20 years+
Western Canon.

>> No.10001191

>9-10 years old
Was into those magic tree house and goosebumps
>12 yrs old
Part of the Cirque du Freak series. Never finished it.
>14 yrs old
>16 yrs old
>18 yrs old
>20 yrs old

I haven't read a book in at least 6 years. This is my first post on /lit/.

>> No.10001394

Holy shit stop reading Americans