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9993942 No.9993942 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the most /lit/ world leader in recent history? Living or dead.

>> No.9993947
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>> No.9993950

Barack Obama

>> No.9993965

>recent history

>> No.9993971

Recent to me.

>> No.9993982


>> No.9993988
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These niglets

>> No.9993996

>the current president proudly states he doesn't read books at all
>/pol/ will defend this

>> No.9994008
File: 92 KB, 980x551, xi jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Xi’s two-hour talk, Guancha reports, the president reminisced about his youth, and how much he loved Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea. On his first visit to Cuba, he specifically visited the locale where Hemingway wrote that novel, and on his second visit, he went to a bar Hemingway frequented and “ordered Hemingway’s favorite drink — rum with mint leaves and ice cubes”. We suspect he may have been referring to a Mojito. The report continued with the the lengthy reading list Xi had disclosed previously:
>“…Krylov, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, Nekrasov, Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Sholokhov, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Sartre, Montaigne, La Fontaine, Molière, Stendhal, Balzac, Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, George Sand, Flaubert, Alexandre Dumas (fils), Maupassant, and Romain Rolland… ‘Not to exaggerate, I read all the classic literary works I could find at that time’.”
>With his stunning litany of high-brow European tastes, Xi also recalled reading The Red and the Black and War and Peace, and confessed that he likes Pushkin’s love poems and Lermontov’s A Hero of Our Time, and preferred Tolstoy over Dostoyevsky. He said he was overwhelmed by Hugo’s Les Misérables and Ninety-Three, and was a fan of Cézanne and Degas.

>> No.9994017

>preferred Tolstoy over Dostoyevsky
>stunning litany of high-brow European tastes
Pick one.

>> No.9994022

did they read anything other than Marx?

>> No.9994127


>> No.9994148
File: 76 KB, 766x511, che-beavouir-sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the most i know but still interesting

>> No.9994150

Tolstoy is the matured, wiser, and more reflective Dosto. He didn't rely on destitute axe murderers or severe social autists to spark interest in his characters.

>> No.9994175

There's a reason Dostoyevsky is one of reddit's favorites. I suggest you go there or kill yourself if you think Tolstoy isn't infinitely better.

>> No.9994181

Stalin read like a book a day or someshit and Lenin was a decent litterary critic

>> No.9994194

Michael D. Higgins.

>> No.9994246

I think Ayatollah Khomeini was partially influenced by Plato's Republic at the time of the founding of the Islamic Republic of Iran, though i'm not sure of how much can an Islamic Theocracy resemble the "ideal state" of Plato.

>> No.9994356


Adolf Hitler

>> No.9994382

why can't it?
Islam is fairly close to the Greek Platonic ideal at its core. and the Islamic Republic is structured around a philosopher elite supported by a military sub-aristocracy.

>> No.9994744


>> No.9994785

Stephen Harper comes to mind. Just wrote a book length manuscript chronicling the moral-psychological dispositions that were passed down intergenerationally through his family (as a sort of cultural capital). I recently defended it as my Master's thesis.

his grandfather disappears amid mysterious circumstances, the town suspects suicide. Leaves three sons behind who become quiet and nebbish men with a hard bend toward glorifying militarism and self-sufficiency. One of whom fathers Stephen Harper who carries on these same traits. Ends up betraying everybody he's ever grown close to (Preston Manning, Tom Flanagan, Brian Mulroney, Patrick Muttart) in the run up to becoming prime minister. Is generally quiet and reticent, with only his wife having ever really gotten close to him. Reads literary fiction and plays piano on his time off. Fought against the postmodern thesis re: moral equivalence, cultural neutrality, etc. throughout his entire career...basically believed in some universal and transcultural truth in the world in the face of relentless public pressure to change course...

>> No.9994854

You're thinking of Kanye West. But yes, I do defend his choice. Kanye is based.

>> No.9994865

Che was a dirty asshole who accomplished nothing worthwhile.

>> No.9994874

Interesting. How does he compare to the living meme that is Trudeau?

>> No.9994875

Not that anon, but read more Plato. The main critique of democracy, implied in the Euthyphro and extrapolated on in the Apology and Crito, is its inability to serve as an adequate source for justice. The idea of a universal "form" of this justice leads Plato not only to dispute democracy as a viable means of government, but any system that allowed for deviance from a normative standard of justice. Concealed within his critique of democracy is his critique if inconsistency and of arbitrary, ephemeral standards. Islam, as we can currently see, has no normative definition of justice; not only do interpretations of morality differ from sect to sect, these disputes are often settled violently. Islam's inconsistency and lack of theological centralization, both in theory and in institutional implementation, make it incompatible with Plato.

>> No.9994876

Go away.

>> No.9994877

Trudeau is all hate and no cattle. He's just a handsome twink and everyone thinks he's cute. That's about as far as he goes.

>> No.9994881

>all hate and no cattle
Is this a regularly used expression in Leaf-Land?

>> No.9995001

Nixon, easily

>> No.9996407


>> No.9996425
File: 39 KB, 467x350, m.7514_vaclav-havel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's clearly Vaclav Havel. If you haven't heard of him, isn't that partly the point?

>> No.9996485
File: 21 KB, 335x499, 41AQnX4SWLL._SX333_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the king of Liechtenstein

>> No.9996520
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>Hegel, Machiavelli, Molière...
>wanted to be novelist

I don't know everything that he's read, but clearly he's a bookworm.

>> No.9996535

also why does Milos Zeman look like a bum compared to him?

>> No.9997011

>Tolstoy is the matured, wiser, and more reflective Dosto
Tolstoy was always a guilty pleasure for Europeans because they couldn't able to comrehend the deep nature of Dostoevsky's novels. They still don't as this thread obviously shows it.

>> No.9997038
File: 679 KB, 993x1153, fidel-castro-ruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off my lawn, Tricky Dick!

>> No.9997052

He's a prince, tho.

>> No.9997080
File: 386 KB, 758x914, Rómulo_Gallegos_1940s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rómulo Gallegos was a very respected venezuelan writer who became the first elected president of the 20th century, though only or 9 months.
He's namesake of the Rómulo Gallegos Prize, one of the most important prizes of the spanish language, perhaps second to the Cervantes Prize.

On a sidenote Mario Vargas Llosa ran for president in Perú, losing against Alberto Fujimori. One was awarded the Nobel Prize and the other is imprisoned, a situation a find very funny.

>> No.9997083

books are boring and for nerds. I don't need some nerd faggot being my president.

>> No.9997111

not even his own?

>> No.9997196


is Klaus a /pol/ack then?

>> No.9997210

commies are the most lit, there is no dispute

lenin, stalin, mao, deng, xi, etc

>> No.9997229

he's also /mu/ tier

>> No.9997246
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>> No.9997295
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He's sick, physically as well as mentally. I would bet schizophrenia. I hope he gets reelected and dies in the office.

>> No.9997296

No, he didn't write them either.

>> No.9997543

Sperg.. easy on the elitism..

>> No.9997818

>prefers to die standing rather than living on his knees
>once he's captured he says he's worth more alive than dead

typical communist schizophrenia

>> No.9997898
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>> No.9997923

lol no Sean

>> No.9997926
File: 169 KB, 900x591, Xxjiwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought his book but I've just read a few pages, I need to go on with it, I just hope it's not too propagandistic

>> No.9997972

i think only brainlets like Xi try to show off how much they've read, I can't imagine an actual injtellectual speaking like that...so who knows the correct answer

>> No.9997979

found the insecure pseud brainlet

>> No.9998243

Pick any Conservative PM, they all have the best educations on the planet all the way up to the best degrees from the best universities.

>> No.9998258
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>> No.9998264
File: 76 KB, 676x960, gJJ26lZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i prefer to die standing than living on my knees
is a quote by Emiliano Zapata
low iq

>> No.9998265

I think he's just trying to signal 'look how into your culture I am' but didn't take into account contemporary Western anti-intellectualism.

>> No.9998273

tbf to the guy, reading the classix does put you a notch above even the privileged set in moderfn western societies, so in a relativistic way i suppose he is intellectual

>> No.9998280

I think even Mein Kampf looks more objective than that one.

>> No.9998329

Damn, shitpost is real. Go back to /pol/ if you want to create a thread like this.

>> No.9998376
File: 104 KB, 830x553, General Tito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we NOT talking about Josip Broz Tito? Say what you want about communism (I have my own thoughts against it), but he was very good. The Slavs liked him a lot, and Yugoslavia turned to shit after he died.

>> No.9998387

What's any of that got to do with /lit/?

Is it possible most posters here have given this no actual thought?

>> No.9999203


>> No.10000220

explain anon

>> No.10000251

It's sad that, after reading the very best Western classics, he still went on to create an authoritarian, soulless machine of a country

>> No.10000255


So, how does it feel knowing I baited you all into coming to this board to discuss fucking books, then left never to return? lol keep following the piper guys I'll be somewhere else next

>> No.10001264


>> No.10001308


>> No.10001576


>Chinese Propaganda


I don't know why you would expect anything else with that fucking cover

>> No.10001584

>he doesn't know anything about Shiism or Wilayat al-Faqih
>he think he's qualified to discuss Iranian political philosophy

>> No.10001668

He fucked his high-school lit teacher, of course he's read some books, but don't compare him to >>9996425 or >>9993988

The dude is in the pure tradition of french intellectual posers

>> No.10001731

Lenin spent like at least a year reading a ton of Hegel. Trotsky and Lunacharsky were pretty /lit/ too