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9993007 No.9993007 [Reply] [Original]

So I started reading the Name of the Wind and couldn't past the part where he fucks a fairy or wtv. Shit books.

But I now craving for a really good fantasy books.

So /lit/, besides LotR and aSoIaF are there some really good fantasy books?

pic unrelated

>> No.9993016

Gormenghast. Haven't read it because fantasy is not my thing but apparently it's amazing.

>really good
You're gonna have a bad time on this board.

>> No.9993026

Who the fuck says that they are not good?

>> No.9993032

So you read until nearly finishing book 2.

At least we accept GRRM enough to loathe it, Rothfuss a shit

>> No.9993039

Last time I checked, /lit/ hated GRRM and GRRMposting was a huge meme. Guess times have changed, huh.

>> No.9993044

I was having some fun with it, not because I tough it was good.

>> No.9993048

I really don't get it how you can find those books bad. The only thing that I hate is the fact that he might never release WoW and finish the series

>> No.9993053

Refer to the /sffg/ containment thread

>> No.9993057

It didn't that much, there was a recent ASOIAF thread not two days ago. It's just more subdued, memeposting is now Wolfeposting

Fair enough.

>> No.9993067

His writing style and descriptions are objectively bad. His plot is good I guess, but you have to admit that he's no Tolkien.

>> No.9993070

Thank you I did now know about this

>> No.9993078

Yeah I agree to some extent.
For me is a lot more about the story and world and character building. And in that regard I think the books are great

>> No.9993373
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>> No.9993474

Bas-Lag trilogy

>> No.9993810

I'm just say it once, then i'm back to grrm shitposting. Song of Ice and Fire's first novel is great, one of the best fantasy books ever written. Second novel is continuation, a tinny bit worse. Third is still good, but showing cracks. After that it seriously goes down, and it goes down bad. I mean, it's obvious he's got writers block, and it shows in his work. It's a shame really, but what can you do.

That is fairly accepted view, but we shitpost him for shitposting prosperity.

>> No.9994026

What other fantasy books are on par with Game of Thrones?

>> No.9994135

Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb. Beautiful memories reading that.

>> No.9994154

Robert E Howard's Conan stories and Book of the New Sun are much better.

>> No.9994163

The Chronicles of the Black Company

>> No.9994172

Reading it now, really good.

Can you actually give any reasons why you didn't like Name of the Wind?
Besides what you said, because the whole sex shit with the god is retarded, and pretty much everything after that in Book 2 is shit too so i don't blame you.

>> No.9994408

>objectively bad
When will this meme end? It's an opinion, not a fact

>> No.9994416

No, it's a fact.

>> No.9994439

The Dark Eidolon and Other Stories

>> No.9994444

I didn't like the main character and I found the story very hard to take seriously. Scenes like the one where he makes grown man cry with his Lute at the Eolian. The fact that he is OP and that there was no real sense of danger.

I was entertained by the books up to a point. I found the beginning of the first book not that bad actually.

I am on the phone so I don't feel like typing much more than this but I think you can get my point

>> No.9994452

Btw guys thanks for the fantasy books you recommended I will start reading them after I finish the one I just started :D

>> No.9994534

Broken empire trilogy is a bit flawed but does several things absolutely amazing.

>> No.9995786

>Shit books

Thata boy!