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9990778 No.9990778 [Reply] [Original]

Did I go full meme with my philosophy starter kit /lit/?

>> No.9990790

You should have bought some original works my dude. Many of Plato's dialogues you can read without any background in this and they're way better than pic related

>> No.9990805

In my experience, you'll be bored of overviews by the time you finish Kenny (assuming you read him before Russell and Scruton, as you should), and will probably want to see at least some primary material or philosopher-specific secondary material before reading one of the other historical perspectives.
Why didn't you just buy one at a time?

>> No.9990806

Why would you buy three history books?

>> No.9990813

Nah, Russell and Scruton are alright. Too many people start with something like Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil" or think they have to read the whole canon of Greek philosophy. It's more important to get a general picture of what has been going on in the Western philosophy for the last 2500 years.

>> No.9990837

this is pretty great

>> No.9990853


Pretty memey. I mean, even after Quine completely annihilated logical positivism, Russell basically was one until he died.

>> No.9990891

I was planning on reading them all, and I bought them as I saw them in bookstores (which was a rare occurrence desu), they all just came on my path individually.

To get a proper overview before I start with the primary texts.

>> No.9990915

Bumpelton Postskin

>> No.9991535

Scruton is great.

>> No.9991569

Read Kenny first, then the Greek book. After that, you can read Scruton if you like, but you could also move on to the primary sources.

>> No.9991721

Really? The order I was going for was: Ancient Greece, Mythology, Kenny, Russel and finally Scruton. Any other opinions?

>> No.9991724

Also, any other essentials to add to the list?

>> No.9991825
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much better now.. learn how to rotate ur img u stupid negger

>> No.9992360

Into the bin it goes.

>> No.9992774

Not much 'Philosophy* but a very good selection of foundational literatur. Kenny's books is good and Scruton has the best name in philosophy.
I'd recommend getting any easy book of actual philosophy so you can read and easily follow along with the argument. Something like Mill's On liberty.

>> No.9992784

reading russell out of his historical context is pretty dumb.

Seems like you're more interested in building an edifice of white people to admire than in actual ideas.

>Quine completely annihilated logical positivism


>> No.9992804


starter kit :

Spinoza : Ethics
Kirkegaard : Fear and Trembling
Homer : The Odyssey

>> No.9992813

just read Outlines of Skepticism and forget about anything else.

>> No.9992909

>Russell's history
Oh no

Oh no oh no oh no

>> No.9992961

>Mythology and Ancient Greece History but no Homer, Herodotus, poets or playwrights

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9993107
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>Seems like you're more interested in building an edifice of white people to admire than in actual ideas.
Oh do fuck off. No one brought up race until you reared your head.


>> No.9993129
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>> No.9993164


>File: sjw_by_neetsfagging322297(...).jpg (191

Looks like I was right. Enjoy your pathetic quest for a "white" intellectual legacy.

>> No.9993172


Five books do not make an edifice, my melanin enriched friend.

>> No.9993186

They sure don't, but I'm sure he'll work on it after he's done "learning the history of philosophy".

>> No.9993199


What would you have him read instead? Should he include more "diversity" in his reading list?

>> No.9993208

I don't give a shit, it was just obvious from his book selections what he thought philosophy was/should be about and why he's interested in it.

>> No.9993251


I've noticed that minorities tend to have a lot of anger but no actual solutions to the "problems" they see in the world. You see a few books by white people and then immediately go into attack mode, it's rather silly to be honest. Maybe you should practice some African peace chanting and calm down a little bit.

>> No.9993266

lmao that book is called scrotum

>> No.9993273

I've noticed that white people are really racist and that their socioeconomic position often enables it to go without consequence. I've also noticed that racism is a projection of a profoundly destroyed and perpetually fragile sense of self-worth, and that the possibility of an anti-racist perspective coming from a non "minority" is psychologically difficult for them to conceive because it would require confronting what racism is employed to cope with. I guess we both notice things. We're a lot alike.

>> No.9993678

What's wrong with Russell's history? Serious question.

>> No.9993841

Lol, I haven't replied to my thread in ages but you guys really managed to shit it up. First ten post were good, thanks guys.

>> No.9993983
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Pic related
Always good to have a holistic understanding of history, religion and culture.

>> No.9993987

He's extremely brief.

>> No.9994021

I've read somewhere that Mythology by Edith Hamilton references The Illiad and The Odyssey, is that true?

>> No.9994345

It references way more than that, outright summarizing some plays from Aeschylus. In all honesty you don't need it to read The Iliad or the Odyssey

>> No.9994355

No suggestions yet again.
It must be hard to be perpetually angry.
God-forsaken nazis are so hateful that the only realistic solution you've got is spending hours typing half-cooked passive-aggressive remarks.
Good enough for you I guess.
Everything you can add to the conversation meanwhile are your impotent cries of rage.
Retard, you and your ilk.

>> No.9994363

>any history (meme trash)

>> No.9994366

Why? reddit sed it?

>> No.9994370

>Seems like you're more interested in building an edifice of white people to admire than in actual ideas.
don't you have somewhere on reddit you should be tending to

>> No.9994373

Kenny made me want to quit philosophy
Copleston brought me back to life.

>> No.9994391
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Add in some Crowley and you're Golden (Dawn).

>> No.9994430

OP, you are falling into the pit of endless preparatory reading. It's good to give yourself a general introduction to the field and its development, but spending too much time at this stage before actually interacting with primary texts in any way is likely going to stunt your learning.

>> No.9995574

Alright thanks, but I assume I need some knowledge about Greek gods in order to read The Iliad or the Odyssey, what do you recommend to read in order to gain that knowledge then (unless I don't need that knowledge)

>> No.9995638

you'd think big whitey in his socio-economic position you describe would have a high sense of self worth

are you sure that you're not projecting your own 'profoundly destroyed and perpetually fragile sense of self-worth'?

>> No.9995675

Hesiod's Theogony

>> No.9995684

You sounds so full of resentment.

>> No.9995692

>getting this wound up
The vast majority of writers in the Western canon happen to be white. A novice, such as OP, has picked a few random books to get started and the authors happen to be white. Big whoop.

>> No.9995973

>that the possibility of an anti-racist perspective coming from a non "minority" is psychologically difficult for them to conceive because it would require confronting what racism is employed to cope with.
It's just that those who adopt such perspectives tend to be insecure creeps who lash out over nothing via armchair psychoanalysis in order to protect their fragile egos.

>> No.9995998
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op holy fuck your thread made me grab the book you psychologically brainfucked me into this

>> No.9996001


and this

I'd recommend reading The Iliad and the Odyssey with Apollodorus' 'library' to the side.

Also, don't forget you can re-read books.....
Too often people make things unnecessarily difficult by trying to figure out the 'perfect' reading order.

Having read all three works (Iliad, Odyssey, Theogony), I think you'd gain more and more easily by starting with either the Iliad or the Odyssey straight away.

>> No.9996016

I don't think there's much rush to reading the original works if you aren't interested in heroic tales or epics in themselves.

If you are intersted in their influence, politics and philosophy, context then secondary sources are great, and better than the original works.

>> No.9996026

Perfectly fair points, but I was responding specifically to

>I assume I need some knowledge about Greek gods in order to read The Iliad or the Odyssey

>> No.9996302

You didn't even manage to meme.

You are the meme of a meme, dreaming of being a meme.

>> No.9996794
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Not OP, but what are the primary texts? I keep hearing about people dissuading others from using secondary texts, but what primary texts are you talking about?

>> No.9996862

>I assume I need some knowledge about Greek gods in order to read The Iliad or the Odyssey
what's the problem with this? please explain (I'm the one who wrote this, genuinely interested)

>> No.9996886

not the guy, but most of the gods you are probably already familiar with (athene, zeus, hera, poseidon, aphrodite, apollo,...) and in case you encounter one you've never heard of before, just go to wickerpedia and look him up.

>> No.9996923

Alright thanks, I guess I'll just go ahead and read it without reading anything beforehand

>> No.9997612

Primary texts are the works itself such as The Republic, Iliad. Secondary texts often paraphrase and give background, explanations, etc. of the primary texts they're about.

>> No.9998184

Why would you jump right into Spinoza or Kierkegaard?

>> No.9999198

No, but you should have.

>> No.9999422

>all this filler
Just read the sourcetexts as you hear about them. Start with Plato, then work your way towards Nietzsche.

>> No.9999427

That's not philosophy.

>> No.9999437

That's true. Who's your favorite West African philosopher?

>> No.9999743

i dont think reddit would like it much
pretty harsh portrayal of cultural decline

>> No.10000784

Not that anon, but I actually liked the first sections of his book pretty good, the ones where he talks about the pre-Socratics and so on, I think it's a nice enough overview of classic/ancient philosophy that doesn't overstep its bounds insofar as he purports to write 'history' of Western philosophy. It's when he reaches modern/contemporary philosophy that he becomes too opinionated, it felt like his treatment of philosophers like Hegel and Marx just boils down to 'lol they were wrong'. Regarding this specific example, if I remember correctly, he barely even tries to connect the latter with the former as a secular reiteration of Hegelian dialectics, but focuses mostly on Marx as a theorist of economics. Then there's also the bit on Nietzsche which has become notorious for its refusal to meet the philosopher on his own premises (and yes, it is also largely an attack on Nietzsche's private person, not his writings).

>> No.10001042

And that would be?

>> No.10001063
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>be racist and see nothing but skin color everywhere
>intrude on an intelligent discussion in order to declare your myopic perspective
>call other people racist when you are the one who brought up race

absolutely fucking pathetic

>> No.10001765

>first letter of each sentence

>> No.10001895

I think it depends on the book and its length. Reading all of Copleston without any primary texts would be insane, but Durant's extremely short Story of Philosophy got me really interested in and excited about a huge range of philosophers and eras of thought.

>> No.10001969

Was this anon not trying to be satirical of the simplistic nature of the "minorities tend to have a lot of anger but no actual solutions" post?

>> No.10001981

I've noticed black people smell funny. I dunno maybe it's their cooking

>> No.10002010

I'm Irish and I asked Americans this question about the whole "black people smell bad" thing, and apparently it is solely because of their skin being more prone to drying out and so they use coconut oil to keep themselves lubricated.
Fucking barbarians.

>> No.10002288

The poor ones probably use gutter oil then.

>> No.10003705


>> No.10004496


>a projection of a profoundly destroyed and perpetually fragile sense of self-worth

To be completely honest, I'm seeing more than a little evidence of that in your own posts.