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/lit/ - Literature

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9990564 No.9990564 [Reply] [Original]

>"UK publishing industry remains 90% white, survey finds"

>"Research indicates diversity has improved in recent years, but a generational change is needed to balance the book trade, according to researchers"

>“I think publishers have been very proactive in trying to encourage diversity” said bookcareers.com’s Suzanne Collier. “But it is going to take a long time for this to take hold, and until that figure is reduced to about 60/40 we have not got true diversity.”"


Why the FUCK is Britain so racist?

90% of people working in publishing are white!!?!?

When only 87% of the British population is white!?!?!


>> No.9990570

Europeans will always be more racist. They are just figuring out that implicit bias exists, for example. This is also the same country that's cool with being horribly racist to Poles because you can't be racist against white people.

>> No.9990578

I bet it's way more jewish than white. Fuck this anti-white bullshit though. They really think they can flood our nations with foreigners and get away with calling us names if we disapprove of our own displacement? Whites need to start destroying this system and sending the hordes back home before we're wiped out by these savages.

>> No.9990579

Reported for hate speech.

>> No.9990582
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>> No.9990586
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>It's another "quantity over quality because we have to prove how not racist we are" episode

>> No.9990587

No matter how much you say "hurr durr it's books"
this is clearly not a literature thread
sage in all fields

>> No.9990589

>UK publishing

It's book-related dumbo.

>> No.9990605

But it's not literature.

>> No.9990608

What do publishing houses do? What is their function? Do you think they may, perhaps, have some role in the publishing of the literature you read? Think for a sec, and prepare for your mind to be blown!

>> No.9990609

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.9990614

oi, bin that thought m8 or it's off to the gulags with you where 15 Salafists will shiv you into a state of pure tolerance

>> No.9990617

>specifically books

There you go.

>> No.9990626 [DELETED] 

report non-literature threads

>> No.9990640

Brits are just as bad as Swedes

>> No.9990646

Fuck it, I'm an anti-semite, the evidence is too strong

>> No.9990651

Discussions about the state of the publishing industry is definately /lit/ friend, more than a lot of other threads that are never questioned
Just because a topic makes you uncomfortable doesn't make it off-topic

>> No.9990674
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You are a counter-semite. Remember, there's nothing unnatural about opposing jewish hatred of white people. It's normal and healthy. Welcome to resistance though, friend.

>> No.9990677

*Wrong picture attached by accident.

>> No.9990679

Its probably better than your originally planned one

>> No.9990684



>> No.9990715 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9990720 [DELETED] 
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yeah,"white" people suck

>> No.9990738

False, it's /biz/

>> No.9990742

We're not talking about books in this thread

>> No.9990744

Lol, are you honestly this triggered dude? Do you have a dog in this fight or something?

>> No.9990750


>> No.9990751


Maybe you aren't, which is unfortunate, but I for one am talking about books.


Wow, what a shocking statistic! More needs to be done to replace white people with ethnic minorities in the publishing industry. I hope this will lead to more authors of colour being published!

>> No.9990753

A schnoz in it most likely.

>> No.9990754 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9990757 [DELETED] 


>> No.9990761

Dumbass the 'publishing industry' isn't just published authors. Are we talking about administrators and booksellers here too? Fuck off.

>> No.9990764 [DELETED] 


>> No.9990767

There is no logical, rational reason for you to be so emotionally invested in trying to get this thread censored considering the current state of the catalog. Very suspicious behavior my man.

>> No.9990771


>> No.9990772 [DELETED] 


>> No.9990775

There's no logical reason you would post it in the first place is what I'm saying. Politics and aesthetics are separate unless you're a postmodernist.

>> No.9990777

I posted it to make you bookfags kill yourselves, praise keg and burn books

>> No.9990781

Not me.

The publishing industry is relevant to /lit/

If you can't appreciate that, it's your problem.

>> No.9990785

You really hate off-topic threads don't you?

>> No.9990788

kill yourself bookcuck

>> No.9990792

You know what's more relevant to /lit/? Discussing actual books instead of reading articles about industries related to books. You know what you are doing here faggot.

>> No.9990796

/lit/ isn't for bookshit anymore tard, this is now a twitter screenie subchan and bookfags tie the noose

>> No.9990803
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Then go do that in another thread.

Pic related are some of the fine, relevant threads you can go join right now!

>> No.9990807

he's right, tho
even in america almost all publishers are white

>> No.9990809

too much book faggotry on this board still

>> No.9990812

Sure if you join a relevant board like /biz/

>> No.9990817

Nah, I'll think I'll stay right here and continue posting about literature-related topics on the literature board. Thanks!

>> No.9990821

/lit/ is for the discussion of books not businesses.

>> No.9990822

you'd be pretty redpilled if you stopped paying lip service to the bookcucks and just starting posting anti-book threads but as it is your a fag

>> No.9990826

The topic of this thread is the publishing industry.

The publishing industry, if you didn't know, is involved with publishing books (i.e. literature)

>> No.9990830

No, they're jewish.

>> No.9990836

So talk about the books they publish. If you want to discuss the publishing business, go to /biz/. If the politics of the publishing business interests you, go to /pol/.

>> No.9990840

books are not important
I am here to save future generations from wasting another second on reading

>> No.9990841

Your whining is becoming rather boring I'm afraid.

>> No.9990842

identity politics is a cancer that must be cleansed

>> No.9990844


>> No.9990845

>The vast majority of respondents – 84.6% - were female,
>“I think publishers have been very proactive in trying to encourage diversity … in their companies,”


>> No.9990846
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ayy ayay so hol up, hol up, * smacks lips*. So yo saying yo won't publish my 101 welfare collecting tips. SHHEEEII nigga yo be racis, yo just wanna keep a brother down and help whitey out. * Drinks mult liquer*

Just cauz the white man make computing difficult n' sheiit so we cantz get dose good jobs, u know what I'm sayin? * breaths through teeth*

yuz justz be jelous that we wuz KANGZ!!!!

>> No.9990854

You've run out of things to say for a reason other than finding the conversation boring. I would say I'll see you around in another thread but I don't think you're the type to discuss literature.

>> No.9990862

I'll be here every day that a bookfag still draws breathe

>> No.9991027
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cuz blacks dindu nuffin

>> No.9991049

Fuck, is the UK really only 87% white? What a rapid demographic change. How insane do you have to be to let that happen.

>> No.9991055

That's why you can't let jews into your country, man. It's probably much lower than that among younger cohorts.

>> No.9991068

London's ethnic population:

2001 - 60% white British

2011 - 44% white British

2021 - 33% white British (projected)

>> No.9991079
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>> No.9991090


>> No.9991107

>industries related to books

Nigga its publishing not paper manufacturing

>> No.9991111

>So talk about the books they publish

We are, specifically in relation to their authors
Unless you think there should be a separate board for talking about writers too cucklord

>> No.9991129

holy shit, (they) pay attention to everything, nothing can escape to the eternal diversity propaganda. I would have never even thought about that, but they go and they find that the % of races is not what they like and they make an article about it, just incredible, nothing escapes to them

>> No.9991135

“But it is going to take a long time for this to take hold, and until that figure is reduced to about 60/40 we have not got true diversity.”"

Man... /pol/ was right. Diversity really is all about reducing whites.

>> No.9991146

Britain is around 85% White.

British publishing is around 90% White

The Jewish researcher who authored the study and is quoted in the article (in the publication edited by a Jew) feels things won't be equal until only 60% of those working in publishing at most are White.

>> No.9991152

yeah but dude how can you even be racist to white people lmao to be honest family

>> No.9991170

Don't send him there, /out/ is a good board.

>> No.9991177 [DELETED] 

Le slowepowk xD

>> No.9991183 [DELETED] 


>> No.9991186

>REEEEEEEEEEEEE stop talking about THIS
>Publishing and Authors has nothing to do with books!
>*Thinly disguised false flag Alt-Right shitposting*

I want /leftypol/ to go

>> No.9991193 [DELETED] 

Risking it all

>> No.9991272


>> No.9991286

What >>9990830 said is absolutely correct. Jews are disproportionately represented in the publishing industry.

>> No.9991423 [DELETED] 


>> No.9991436

What is supposed to be subtle about this, why even try?

>> No.9991454

I know, the Jews are really reaching on this one

>> No.9991588 [DELETED] 


>> No.9991671
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>thinly veiled pol thread
>people taking the bait

>> No.9991823

Authors aren't books. And this thread isn't talking about specific authors and their work , it's a thinly veiled politics thread that talks about the statistics of authors as a group

>> No.9991845

bumping a woke thread

>> No.9991857


>> No.9991868


>> No.9991874

Still not off topic tho

>> No.9991888 [DELETED] 

>literally not a thread about literature, as has been demonstrated to you multiple times as literature is books and the contents within, and the statistics of a group of people is not books
>not off topic
Go back to /pol/
Sage goes in all fields

>> No.9991891

this; europeans might be more "lefty" than americans, but its all labor-centric. americans have been dealing with racial issues for faaarr longer. Europe was all white until they imported guest workers after wwii, and it shows in their politics. Anti-racism over there is mostly just social posturing derived from watching/listening to Americans. They stand against "hate" because they hate to ever feel awkward or uncomfortable. They don't care what happens politically as long as their leaders and country have good optics (currently muh tolerance) and can go about their pointless and comfortable lives.

>> No.9992015

literally not a thread about literature, as has been demonstrated to you multiple times as literature is books and the contents within, and the statistics of a group of people is not books
>not off topic
Go back to /pol/
Sage does not go in all fields, because it is illegal. Do not take it to mean I am not sageing your thread. Do not take it to mean I am not bumping your thread to the moon either though

>> No.9992025

Except its not just optics, several major countries in Europe are seriously contemplating a short distance future where whites become a minority

>> No.9992042
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>> No.9992052

why are dogs so fucking stupid?

>> No.9992062 [DELETED] 


>> No.9992105
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What is their endgame? They really want to see the world burn, don't they?

And don't say it's just jews being jews, because it's not.

>> No.9992150

They're looking out for their own. Because why wouldn't you when you're God's chosen people

>> No.9992165

>“I think publishers have been very proactive in trying to encourage diversity” said bookcareers.com’s Suzanne Collier. “But it is going to take a long time for this to take hold
>still trying to strawman the article as "WTF PUBLISHING COMPANIES ARE RACIST I HATE WHITE PEOPLE"
Please try to contribute a higher quality of post in the future.

>> No.9992326

The reason they're bitching about this can be explained with one word: London. Publishing belongs to London, is mostly full of middle class pseudo-intellectuals who believe London is the center of human civilization and The City must *always* be represented, that's why they're saying 60/40 diversity even though the UK is 87% white, because 60/40 is the London ethnic ratio.

I've always despised London, but its quickly becoming an actual thorn in Britain's side. They can take their 1/3rd GDP blood money and their yuppie culture and sink beneath the Thames for all I care. Its basically a UN colony anyway.

>> No.9992346
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Heres a thought. Does it really matter that one industry is predominantly white? I mean, for a lot of Asians, publishing isn't strictly a successful career which a lot of Asian parents aspire their kids for. They want them in STEM or business etc, publishing and writing are very competitive and takes time to get recognised. So when upper-class white folks who have been educated and pursued the field for a while, for their parents most likely encouraged them, why the fuss?

There are fair amount of Asian/Black/Latin writers, who have been published and are successful, but for a majority of immigrants and their children, publishing is too much of a risk, so they are disuaded.

>> No.9992368
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>ywn never turn the m25 into a quarantine wall and contain London before it turns all everything around it to more soulless commuter towns

>> No.9992398


>> No.9992415

Fairly straightfoward. If she thinks Jamal and Mohamed have great literature, she should publish them and even out those numbers.

>> No.9992435

You realise that London is one of the few bits that make UK somewhat relevant, right? Even if they are going to lose most of their business if UK leaves the single market, things will still be much better than around the country due tourism.

Now that's an interesting point. Although it doesn't seem the case with other risky things like music or painting/performance art. Besides, while writing itself is a silly career, being an editor or working for a publishing house is a very solid job.

>> No.9992463

Ashkenazis aren't semitic though.

>> No.9992472

>>still trying to strawman the article as "WTF PUBLISHING COMPANIES ARE RACIST I HATE WHITE PEOPLE"

Thats unironically what the article is

>> No.9992473


>You realise that London is one of the few bits that make UK somewhat relevant, right?

After being relevant, you realize it means nothing. I don't care about the UK's relevancy. If it means turning your city in a hollow corporate shell, relevancy can get fucked. I mean, what is London known for? The London Eye, banking and various tourist spots. "Ohh, I'm so jealous, plebs all over the world think you're amazing because you have a fucking ferris wheel", and the London Eye isn't even aesthetic, its just a white wheel, the Wonder Wheel is far more aesthetic. Meanwhile my home city, Manchester, isn't as well known, but what it is known for is music. We don't have any big landmarks, we don't have a banking sector and we're not nearly as big, but what we do have is soul, even if the music we're known for isn't to my liking.

As for its "relevancy", see what it brought the actual people living there. Massive inflation, wealth inequality, overcrowding and crime. London is a playground for foreign people with far too much money and an even bigger opinion of themselves. The place can get fucked.

>Even if they are going to lose most of their business if UK leaves the single market, things will still be much better than around the country due tourism.

Don't care about "GDP" or wealth. Its not our economy that will fail, its theirs, those born into wealth and power who can't do without it.

>> No.9992483

>Manchester, isn't as well known, but what it is known for is music
lol maybe 40 years ago.

>> No.9992504

Imagine being such a parochial backend loser that you have this much invested in the status of the shithole city you come from.
Not even British you're just pathetic

>> No.9992509


Not really, Oasis was formed in 1991. Although you are right, its stopped producing internationally popular musical talent.


I'm not invested in it. I don't like Manchester much, I'm contrasting it with London. I aim to move to Cumbria.

>> No.9992513

>87% White population
>90% White authors
>"They must all be racist!"
You don't know what real racism is, you SJW cunt.

>> No.9992514

Woah, remember to keep me posted on your blog faggot

>> No.9992525

>London is a playground for foreign people with far too much money and an even bigger opinion of themselves.
Who throw so much money away, even plebs profit from it. Your economy depends on London, so if theirs will fail, so will yours, just you'll get hit harder because you're already doing worse.

Also who's the last big artist coming from Manchester? You got United, a cute town hall, some old warehouses and a semi famous university. Oh, and the history of being an industrial shithole. How is that better than London, a city that was one of the most important ones in the world and background of so many famous novels not too long ago?

>> No.9992528

Manchester in a shit hole. I visited there last summer for a day and I honestly did not feel safe at all pretty much the entire time. If you head from the train station into the city centre you're surrounded by mobs of non-whites, and if you head down towards the university instead most of the housing is occupied by asians or blacks and most of the whites there look like they'd cut you to pieces for a five pound note. On my way back to the train station I hurt my foot and had to limp pretty badly. And suddenly out of the blue two "scallies" i.e. white kids in their early teens followed me on their bikes obviously looking to rob me. Luckily I was walking along a main road so they fucked off after a while. It's literally a disgusting city. So many closed down buildings and boarded up homes within walking distance of the city center. Not to mention the mulatto half-breed mongrels roaming around in gangs.

>> No.9992549

>Your economy depends on London
Who gives a shit about the economy. This corporate economy of ours has already sucked the soul out of western civilization and replaced it with one big gay discotheque where everybody's on pills and no one knows their neighbors.

>> No.9992561

This is some neo-lovecraftian shit.

>Who gives a shit about the economy.
People who need nutrition to survive for example.

>> No.9992569
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Didn't know Morrissey posted on /lit/

>> No.9992571

>People who need nutrition to survive for example
People had food before our great leaders at Facebook, Goldman Sachs, and Lockheed Martin delivered us into the promised land of rap music and Coca-Cola.

>> No.9992575

Lovecraft was right about literally everything

>> No.9992591

Cheap food, cola and some rap in the background is preferably to starving because the economy is dead, anon.

>> No.9992608

I'd rather be dead than live another day in this pride parade of a civilization

>> No.9992630

No one is stopping you from fulfilling that wish.

>> No.9992652

Pure coincidence.

>> No.9992660

There's nothing to do it with. Government won't even let me buy a set of plastic cutlery from Tesco without a permit, gun ownership is punishable by death, and my eco-friendly cuckcar doesn't produce enough poison for me to end it all in my garage

>> No.9992667

I think it's safe to say that the UK should just be nuked at this point.
Even if it doesn't end up being overrun by pakis and nigs it's not looking good.
Early industrialization+overpopulation+dysgenics=white Brits.
Although if you don't have harsh freezing winters you're not really white anyway.

>> No.9992674
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>> No.9992692

>my eco-friendly cuckcar doesn't produce enough poison for me to end it all in my garage
Kek. Perhaps it's worth looking into more traditional methods, the country invented railroads after all and even privatised trains do arrive on time.

They basically nuked themselves either way.

>> No.9992710

UK is a benificiary of inward 'investment' in terms of the tax receipt, but it comes at a huge cost; inflation of property prices is a major problem, especially for young ppl. Also its quite overrated how well we do from billionaires buying mansions, its essentially money laundering - thats why they do it, its just like buying a Rembrandt but slightly more stable. Not who you arguing with btw but that another anon is saying what most ppl across the political spectrum think, theres just not much can be done about it, we're essentially a floating bank. If you can make yourself useful to a financial institution you can do ok here but most of us feel the UK should have more to it than that

>> No.9992721

I like Manchester but I can half believe this - medium sized UK cities (Manc, Lpool, Sheffield, Leeds, Glasgow etc) are nice and gentrified IF you have a guide and/or know where youre going - youre always a couple of wrong turns away from being in a fucking warxone

>> No.9992726

>he doesn't listen to the fall

>> No.9992732
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>this is a 10/10 in Bongistan

>> No.9992738

The thing is I did find some nice streets near Kings Road in Manchester where people were mostly white and obviously took care of their homes. But two streets away all I found were mongrel half-breeds throwing litter and talking about drugs. Such a shame considering that was the area where shy little Morrissey spent his childhood walking about alone. If he was born today he'd be in his room posting on 4chan probably rather than walking about with shitniggers breathing down his neck.

Where abouts in Manchester are you?

I walked down near the railway arches near the train station and it just looked like a ton of money had been handed to the council to make it "pretty" but the poverty and general run-down depression of the place was tangible despite the modern fittings.

Have you read anything by Joe Stretch?

>> No.9992742

The Fall are garbage, tryhard pseudcore

>> No.9992753
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Can white people just stop!?

Seriously guys, you've had your turn. It's time to put down your pens, close your mouths and *listen*

>> No.9992768

>Don't care about "GDP" or wealth. Its not our economy that will fail, its theirs, those born into wealth and power who can't do without it.
With all these obvious attempts to economically blackmail the public I've seen these recent referendums, I'm really starting to come round to this opinion

>> No.9992771

I work in publishing. Would you like to have a discussion of medical journals?

>> No.9992798

>its essentially money laundering
Bit of that, plus some tax evasion for good measure, and extra security for them if something goes wrong in the country they've been looting. Just in the end it's still massive investment into your country, that goes from one rich guy to the other and mostly skips the normal people, because the inequality and legalised corruption is almost on US level ... just London itself isn't too blame for it. The city made the best of the new reality that was obvious decades ago.

>theres just not much can be done about it
Investing some of the money gained into social housing, maybe?

>but most of us feel the UK should have more to it than that
Obviously, but "should have more to it" isn't much of a goal. Finance, IPs, services and education are your best bets and luddite approach of "bring muh manufacturing back" is beyond unrealistic.

>> No.9992808

But it is just jews being jews.

>> No.9992815

Wait, so your point is that muh white race is a complete failure? Do you suggest to sterilise whites or send them into camps right away?

>> No.9992837


>that fucking 'info'-graph

How, exactly, is the 'top 25 list' lousy established, eh? Doubt it's subscribers. Don't see either the NYRB NOR the LARB, which are THE TWO BIGGEST LITERARY MAGAZINES IN THE COUNTRY, but there's fucking Zyzzyva and Ploughshares and all sorts of miscellany on there for ((((REASONS)))) that certainly have NOTHING AT ALL to do with presenting a certain narrative of the industry.

>> No.9992845

t. got kicked out of the band

>> No.9992868

>unknown ethnicity
Goddamn /pol/aks can't even be assed with a minimum of research. Way to gain trust in your data.

>> No.9992882


It took quite a bit of research to confirm / deny many of those writers. The few whose ethnicity is unknown lack a photo or any biographical detail. For example, a Hispanic-sounding name may be Spanish in origin, not Mexican or Puerto Rican etc.

>> No.9992888

< luddite approach of "bring muh manufacturing back" is beyond unrealistic.>

Strawman, literally nobody thinks that. Its not unrealistic to notice that theres another option between the Caymen islands and China. For example...little country called Germany that seems to be doing OK without being a 'dynamic! Innovative! Services' national bank

>> No.9992969

Germany got (relatively) a lot nationalisation going on, can't sell that to the Anglos, Corbyn tried. Besides they are bit of an exception due the strong manufacturing that is pretty much part of their identity. France is more similar to UK and don't suffer the same inequality or lack of productivity. Though both have much stronger unions, which don't look likely to return in UK.

Besides, it's not like banking is an issue, once you leave EU, Dublin Paris and Frankfurt will be happy to take the big ones and wouldn't have any downsides from it since the overall system is better.

>> No.9992980

Brits are too fat, lazy and stupid to do what Germany does

>> No.9992991

now we're back on 4chan :D


>> No.9993027

I'm just being realistic, Japan isn't going to dominate in Basketball anytime soon. Britain isn't going to be able to compete with efficient and highly technical manufacturing nations
I mean Christ remember British Leyland

>> No.9993052

It's not like it's about an innate ability, Brits simply never needed to bother with it since they could pillage the world during the time of the empire which turned into economical domination with muh banks. Germany had conditions that made that harder, so they were forced to do things on their own territory and train skilled workers.

>> No.9993063

Great b8

>> No.9993069

>le guns germs and steel

Whatever you want to think Jamal

>> No.9993074

>denying basic facts
No surprises there, Cletus.

>> No.9993084

>10% of brit authors is shitskin
>10% of brit population is shitskin
What's the problem? They (the nogs) are more or less equally represented when considering theres less of them in total in the country. Are britfag publishers pushing for overrepresentation of nogs?

>> No.9993102

Yeah sure, all those Chavs you have laying around are just waiting to build a second Volkswagen
Britain's problem is its a caste like society like India stuck in a post-Feudal age

>> No.9993106

It's unironically the Jews, read the thread

>> No.9993114


If there's no problem they'll invent one, they thrive off of resentment and anger.

>> No.9993176

They are the way the are because of the current system allowing them to be. Compare Germany's "Ausbildung" system with the shit going on in UK. If Brits would reform the crap, they would have a decent workforce in a generation or two. Though from the look of it, they are going the Caynmen way.

>> No.9993212

Yeah I'm sure but what's the point? There'll be more nogs and pakis publishing shit books and then what?

>> No.9993232

The market is filled with nothing but inane garbage reproducing the same pro-Jew line and whites are less likely to wake up and chase the rats out
Same as it ever was

>> No.9993441

Is there a country in the world more cucked than the UK?
Serious question.

>> No.9993463

The 'publishing industry' isn't authors

>> No.9993464

Those other groups are much easier to remove, and jews use them as a shield. If we can take care of the jewish problem and regain control of the narrative the others can be dealt with easily.

>> No.9993479

>Looking out for their own by importing a bunch of low-quality third worlders when jews have prospered the most in white-led institutions

You wonder why you don't control finance and the media it's with busted thinking like that

>> No.9993485

Settle down

>> No.9993513

Wow look at all this relevant discussion about literature and not the /bant/ shitfest it actually is

>> No.9993543

Jews have never been known for their ability in long term survival

>> No.9993590

What? In-group selection is their long-term survival strategy. If in-group selection destroys the host society in a way that harms the jew they wouldn't be here today, and it wouldn't be in their interests

>> No.9993619

>If in-group selection destroys the host society in a way that harms the jew they wouldn't be here today

I've a list of like 47 civilizations that didn't survive the Jew plague for you. The only difference is this time they won't have anywhere left to run

>> No.9993626

You'll find even more civilizations that collapsed without jews

>> No.9993628

Different anon, list please

>> No.9993629

They think it insulates them. Jews stick out in homogeneous societies but are able to blend in more and as third party arbiters in multicultural societies make others, in particular whites, the enemy of all parties.

I agree that jews lack self-awareness of when to let off the gas which is why they've been kicked out of so many places so many times, but I disagree about the long-term survival statement. The in-group strategy of jews has kept them cohesive as a diaspora for thousands of years. It is effective. I think the issue is that since jews have never built anything on their own or maintained power over anything for very long, they try to rule with a murderous lizard brain slaver mentality once they obtain power and don't understand nuance so they just end up destroying everything.

>> No.9993658


>90% white
That's not how you spells Jewish

>> No.9993661

The Jews are an ancient race who have existed for millennia. Long-term survival is one of their defining traits

>> No.9993665

Name one (1)

>> No.9993676

>Jews stick out in homogeneous societies but are able to blend in more and as third party arbiters in multicultural societies

In the eyes of hateful dark-skinned people, jews are whites. It's why we write down the ethnicity next to peoples names in infographs because you can't really tell otherwise

>> No.9993677

Nearly every race is an ancient race. The Jews are just one of the few who have to worry about being wiped out every fifty years

>> No.9993680

I agree, but it's a very unique type. Jews are fit to survive as wandering parasites that blend in to a host culture then make it rot from the inside. This aspect of their nature in turn means they are not particularly fit to run their own societies, as Israel shows us.

>> No.9993682

Indus Valley

>> No.9993686

>Jews stick out in homogeneous societies but are able to blend in more and as third party arbiters in multicultural societies
>Jews are fit to survive as wandering parasites that blend in to a host culture


>> No.9993690

Jews are whatever the host culture is. Jews run the media in Mexico and other non-white nations and blend in as hispanics or whomever. Most non-whites aren't smart enough to get this whereas whites eventually catch on, so it doesn't really matter if jews are viewed as white by non-whites.

>> No.9993695

It does when non-whites flood the countries leading to anti-white sentiment because its the jews too who would be targeted. Blending in in this case has a major drawback

>> No.9993701


>> No.9993709

Because of Matrilineal descent they can cuck themselves into blending in with the host culture but it seems no matter how much their genes get adapted the nose knows

>> No.9993710

They don't care. They have an escape plan and don't do what they do to ensure their long-term survival in location X; they do it to implode location X then move on to the next place. That's how they're wired. They aren't destroying anything they see as their own.

>> No.9993716
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They're already preparing the next big move

>> No.9993748

It's how they roll. I sometimes wonder what China-tailored Marxist, self-hating liberal scheme they will employ to eat their way to the top in the east. China is so corrupt, I'm not sure if they'll be able to protect themselves against the jew. But maybe they'll finish the job and humanity will finally have peace from this human plague.

>> No.9993765

They don't really have an escape plan. The jews in control now aren't necessarily the ones that are going to make it out alive. They're not moving in a group from place to place and setting themselves up in societies. They move like any other population does since they don't have telekinetic powers or a hivemind. Their nature in these places is based on nepotism which is how they establish, but they're not all communicating and moving as a herd.

Also they don't specifically try to implode different societies, it just happens on the basis of their way of thinking being incompatible with running things. The 'lizard slaver brain'. Destroying is not the point; it's just a side-effect of applying this ancient way of thinking to running a society geared to have a different view of justice. If they owned a society they would see it as their own, yes? Whites see it as a jewish-run society, otherwise one could very well say our multicultural capitalist society is white, runs on white rules, white institutions, white media. Destroying can't be the point of the jewish mind.

>> No.9993769


>> No.9993791
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>> No.9993812

By escape plan I meant a place to escape to when they become unwelcome, that being Israel. I mostly agree with the rest but I do think that they are conditioned to destroy rather than build.

>> No.9993828

Yeah, jews are the merchants of death and destruction. It's amazing how much murder they have had a hand. We can't even quantify it.

>> No.9993946

I don't know about Britain, but in the US Black people are not actually required to read in order to go to College, because it's considered racist. The most popular policy to address plummeting black literacy rates is to lower the acceptable literacy rates for blacks. If its in the US, I imagine there are similar ideas in the UK. If people can't read, how can they get published? I was in a college creative writing course (a mistake), and one girl literally could not write a single coherent sentence. By the rules of social decorum, we had to actually spend time critiqueing her "stories" as though they held a single drop of merit. I don't know that a single sentence was ever able to maintain tense. It's absolutely tragic what the socialists have done to the poor. It is cruel to do something like that to anyone. Did you know how prisons anticipate future capacity needs? They survey kindergarten literacy rates. They correlate so well that private prisons judge how many guards and cells they will need by simply counting how many kids can't read. Makes me want to punch every liberal in the face.

>> No.9994633

woah, lay of the carrots bugs

>> No.9994665

And Asians have "negative" action. Colleges make it too hard for Asians to get into universities because their acceptance rates are much higher than that of whites. Some universities have 75% of students being Asian because they're despite Asians being 1% of the US population.

I think it would be better for everyone if we just accepted race differences and stopped living in a bubble.

>> No.9994994

Why are these leftists so obsessed with diversity? What's the point of forcing a diverse society if that doesn't bring any advantages? Is it just for the sake of political correctness and to show how progressive we are?

>> No.9995033

>in the US Black people are not actually required to read in order to go to College, because it's considered racist
That's not true and either (a.) you know that (b.) you've never been a part of a university.
I'm an instructor & graduate student at a public university in the US. I teach a foundations writing course. We're specifically taught to hold everybody to the same standards. Though my institution is fairly "liberal" in the conventional sense, and they indicate that we should be respectful of people coming in with different dialects & modes of English, we have to teach them all to the same academic standards. You're making up an issue that isn't there.

>It's absolutely tragic what the socialists have done to the poor.
Okay, now I'm confused. Are you still talking about the US? Because there isn't a single openly-socialist political figure in the US government (including the social democrat Bernie Sanders). I'm just going to assume you're a /pol/kid who just calls anything you don't like "pinko socialism."

>> No.9995074

It's almost as if they were trying to destroy our society.

>> No.9995628

F*ck racism!

>> No.9995646

>We're specifically taught to hold everybody to the same standards.
Blacks do get accepted more easily to the universities in the US. That's a known fact, it's not even controversial.
What happens once they're there, I don't know. But I certainly wouldn't be surprised if the racial discrimination continues.
I don't mind it, though, because I'm a racist. Liberals/Democrats, SJWs, BLM... are working hard to raise white consciousness.

>> No.9995732
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purely coincidental although it happens all the time

>> No.9995815

As a resident of Bongistan, I can tell you this isn't true.

It's only true on Saturday nights when the tribe people go out, get drunk and want to fuck the first thing on legs they see.

>> No.9995831

>As a resident of Bongistan,

Stopped reading here

>> No.9996461

>more diverse perspectives from diverse authors
>not an advantage