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/lit/ - Literature

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9990474 No.9990474 [Reply] [Original]

Is he going to win it this year boys? I really think he deserves it, he captures the deconstructed and globalized world we live in and the advent of the post-imperial Empire better than any other author. Sure, his best work is behind him but Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The Wind-up Bird Chronicle are masterpieces. If you disagree, who do you think will/should win this year?

>> No.9990476

Oops, typo in the header, I meant to say Nobel Prize.

>> No.9990508

James Hetfield

>> No.9990510

Kazuo Ishiguro has aged well. Must be all the jogging.

>> No.9990774

The Nobel has always been politized BS but it always still had some credibility, although it just picked authors with the fashionable politics.

However, since Bob Dylan got picked, who gives a fuck. I mean, really. Turned the prize into a complete and utter sham

>> No.9990820
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>First Japanese NP winner since 1994
>Great-tier writing
>Won almost every prize in her country
>Not very long novels, which has been a trend since Alice Munro - Modiano - Alexevitsh - Dylan (lol)

>> No.9990824

They should pick a video game script writer so we can all stop paying attention for good

>> No.9990825

hm well maybe
i could see it happening

>> No.9990833
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>> No.9990843

Some illiterate instagram blogger will probably win this year.

>> No.9990952
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Nobel always outs his fans like a clockwork, what are you even doing here instead of r/books?

>> No.9990964


protip: caring about this shit at all is equally /r/books.

>> No.9990972

>Not very long novels, which has been a trend

So Cărtărescu doesn't stand a chance to ever win a Nobel?

>> No.9990991

People don't read very much so Nobel Academy aims shorter forms, I think.
Cărtărescu is still young

>> No.9991021

If he hasn't won by now, I doubt he will ever win.

>> No.9991122

There is far more nuance than that. I would be perfectly happy to be introduced to another Svetlana Alexievich or Mo Yan.

But if the nobel committee is just going to be edgy and and scramble for pop appeal and relevance by picking lyricists then the prize will be worth nothing.

>> No.9991205

> Thomas Pynchon was literally cheated out of a Pulitzer Prize because of muh poo-poo negro dick moment in Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9991231


It's going to be Bruce Springsteen

>> No.9991343

Have you read her? What's your favorite novel by her?

What about Fumiko Enchi? Do you know how to get her works translated into english? I've only read masks, but apparently there english translations of some other works of hers.

>> No.9991401

Jon Fosse will get it, if not this year then another.

>> No.9991914


>> No.9992106

Never ever. He's never going to win a Nobel

>> No.9993964

My money is on my diary desu.

>> No.9993978

Novelists who will never win the Nobel:
>Thomas Pynchon
>Philip Roth
>Cormac McCarthy
>Don DeLillo

>> No.9994077
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If Murakami wins the Nobel prize it is as dead as possible. That is magnitudes worse than bob dylan winning.

>> No.9994640

The fact that retarded people completely misunderstand what he writes doesn't make the chink a bad author. Like OP said, Hardboiled and Wind-Up Bird are genuinely great books, and the guy's by far the most important contemporary Japanese writer along with maybe Hideo Levy. /lit/ is so fucking scared of liking an author that teenage girls misread.

I don't think he deserves it as much as Krasznahorkai, Pynchon, or DeLillo, but I would be pleased if he won.

>> No.9994650

They should continue their unconventional picking and pick Harold Bloom. /lit/ would explode

>> No.9994677

Give it to Cormac already he is elder god tier
>muh merica
Why are Swedes so jealous?

>> No.9994679


>> No.9994803

OP here, by /lit/ and 4chan being naturally contrarian they miss out on a lot of great stuff that's popular among normies. Murakami is crypto-patrician, he can be appreciated on many levels, I honestly think that the project that he attempts in his fiction is very laudable, I have tons of respect for people like him who are able to write entertaining stories that are able to appeal to the middle-brow public and also have tons of depth and can be appreciated on a more esoteric level. People who say that there's nothing philosophical behind Murakami's symbols and narratives or who don't think he's working in an established artistic tradition are just outing themselves as people who've never done an actual close reading of his work. It helps if you can read him in Japanese like I can though. I like Hideo Levy but I definitely don't think he's the most important contemporary Japanese writer, neither is Yoko Ogawa like another anon posted. Murakami is by far the most important and influential, though whether he is the best is up to your own taste. I don't care for Oe personally, and I haven't keeping up with Japanese literary magazines but there are a lot of young voices who haven't been translated into English that are much better than him. It's too bad Kenji Nakagami died young and only a few of his stories have been translated, he was the Faulkner of Japan.

>> No.9994816

Ogawa is absolutely great. I read a short story (maybe novella?) by her about a pregnant woman and her sister, very very good and perturbing, but I also read The Housekeeper and the Professor and it was extremely sweet without being ridiculous, great characters and gave me lots of feels. If she wins, she deserves it.

>> No.9994841

Apart from McCarthy I genuinely think the others don't deserve it. Pynchon is literally an American meme, no matter how you try to spin it. DeLillo is good but not Nobel-worthy and Roth has a good oeuvre, but he isn't a meme writer.

>> No.9995036

Bolaño (I'll cry myself to sleep).

>> No.9995045

go to bed ruggles, you don't deserve it and never will. You're a second rate Vollman

>> No.9995060

Only living writer worthy of it is McCarthy imo

>> No.9995067


Half of the winners of the Nobel Prize in literature are literally whos.

>Bjornsterne Bjornson
>Henryk Sienkiewicz
>Romain Rolland
>V.S. Naipal
>Svetlana Alexievich

and then fucking Bob Dylan

>> No.9995076
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Who was the least controversial Nobel Prize winner of all time?

My vote is Marquez. Or Hemingway, but I didn't have a picture of him saved on my computer.

>> No.9995081

This. Reminder how Borges got nominated more than once but never won because he sympathised with right wing groups and had accepted honours from Pinochet.

>> No.9995083

Marquez was the fuckin GOAT.

>> No.9995217

Yeats, Mann, Faulkner, and Beckett are the only ones who ever deserved it. The Nobel has been worthless at least since Toni Morrison won

>> No.9995311

>literally whos
>Henryk Sienkiewicz

c'mon now. Not even pollack and I know of his ouevre. Part of it has been put to screen.

>Svetlana Alexievich
The funny thing is, translations of her works have appeared as a consequence of her winning the Nobel. I've only read "War doesn't have the face of a Woman" and it was pretty good.

>> No.9995385

Still whos.

>> No.9995392

they don't give posthumous awards even though him and Salinger deserve it

>> No.9995397
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>Deserved a Noble
Pick one

>> No.9995407

The idea of the Nobel in Literature is so fucking pretentious to begin with. Sartre had it right.

>> No.9995411

He deserves it as much as Joyce or Twain. Literally the voice of post WW2 adolescence.

>> No.9995421

>Voice of adolescence
>Deserving of a major literary award
You sound like an adolescent voice yourself there.

>> No.9995426

You do realize there is literature besides the anglosphere, right?

>> No.9995433

>If he doesn't recognise whos then he must only be familiar with literature from the anglosphere
Hah good one. Nice putting the words "There is no literature besides the anglosphere" into my mouth.

>> No.9995437

>being proud of being illiterate

>> No.9995448

well yeah, but you got to admit that it is a normal reaction since most of this ignorance comes from the anglosphere

>> No.9995477


>> No.9995603

She's not that good, I've read The Housekeeper amd the Professor and some of her short stories. She's just more obscure in America and is a contrarian pick, just like people who go on about Ryu Murakami. Neither of them have written anything as good as Haruki's Trilogy of the Rat or Hard-Boiled Wonderland

>> No.9995621

Hey mr Haruki

>> No.9995626

Hi Haruki, stop trying, the moment you decided to write IQ84 was the moment you decided you don't want to be taken seriously as a writer.

>> No.9995637

fuck off, Haruki

>> No.9995651

He's a mediocre writer at best, so yeah he'll probably get it soon.

>> No.9995652



>> No.9995653

Ogawa > Murakami

>> No.9995656

I am the Japan
I have seen Murakami in maid cafe serving beer in frilly dress in Akiba
Very much the disgusting appearances
His book read like cheeseburger

>> No.9995663

*unsheathes beyblade*

Ummm, you *may* want to reconsider that statement.

*gets ready to let 'er rip*

>> No.9995669

IQ84 is Chekhovian, and in it Murakami continues his project of inventing a new type of narratology for the biopolitical world we live in, and rearticulates the very nature of psychogeographic space. How does it feel to know that teen girls are less of a pleb than you are?

>> No.9995699

At the time, T. S. Eliot, the pope of Russell Square.

>> No.9995701

>writes and asks if he can still get the money

>> No.9995706
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>> No.9995708

V.S. Naipaul is not a literally who, you idiot. You could at least have mentioned Sully Prudhomme, Dario Fo, Erik Axel Karlfeldt, or Odysseas Elytis.

>> No.9995753

who gives a shit about prizes, if your favourite author hasn't won one, he's better off for it.

>> No.9995777

Prizes are stupid cash is fucking helpful when you do something that no one wants to pay you for

>> No.9995824

Aussie, there are emus in the Academy

>> No.9997893

So who won?

>> No.9997897

Underrated post desu.

>> No.9997900
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Don't mind me, just posting a pic of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature Laureate

>> No.9997907
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*blocks your path*

>> No.9997915

Scanning the scene in the city tonight
Looking for you to start up a fight

Fucking beautiful

>> No.9997920
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>mfw to obscure too be found on google

>> No.9997935

Tao Lin in an upset.

>> No.9997944

for his father and for Mira
tiny weenie

>> No.9998145
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>it's almost time for the nobel to be given out again

What the hell, it feels like it was only yesterday that Dylan got it

>> No.9998207
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What's murakami best books ?

I read Norwegian Wood, liked it, read Sputnik Sweetheart and didn't really like it that much compared to NW

>> No.9998241
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>stefan molyneux

>> No.9998352

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Hardboiled Wonderland and The End of the World, and Underground are my personal faves. Kafka on the Shore and his short story collections (particularly The Elephant Vanishes and after the quake) are also pretty damn solid.

Although if you prefer NW, just go with Wind-Up Bird. They have a similar feel, but the latter is filled with Murakami's semiotics.

>> No.9998405

I'm not sure they'll pick such a well-known figure two years in a row. I'd guess they'll go for someone like Olga Tokarczuk or finally give it to Ngũgĩ, Oz, Magri, Marias or Adonis.

>> No.9998412

Or Ogawa
The best choice

>> No.9998416

They'll give it to Stephen King because he's pretty anti-Drumpf. I'm 100% sure that anti-Drumpfness is going to be the major deciding factor this year

>> No.9998685

Now that its been given to a songwriter the entire field is open. Which is why I think Murakami isnt that unlikely of a pick. Though if they are to continue like the previous years and just ignore Dylan then I think Thiong'o is the most likely, or maybe Fosse or some Korean poet.

>> No.9998940

Svetlana Alexievich wants him to win. That must have some weight, right? Wouldn't be surprised if they just gave Murakami the Nobel already.

>> No.9999007

>rejects legitimacy of the award
>still wants the cash

Pick one. The cash is a perk of the award. If you don't want the award, expect no cash.

>> No.9999200

I wish jellyfish :(

>> No.9999313

I mean. The Nobel, since its inception, as a matter of its founding principles, is predicated on certain liberal attitudes which are antithetical to Trump's rhetoric.

What this has to do with Stephen King, I'm not sure, but, yeah, you can expect the winner to be at least moderately to the left of Trump in terms of their thematic concepts and general outlook.

>> No.9999387


>The cash is a perk of the award.

It's not so much a perk as it is payment for helping to keep the brand legitimized by associating your name and work with it. This shit is all branding at the end of the day -- these days at least..

>> No.9999393

>The Nobel, since its inception, as a matter of its founding principles, is predicated on certain liberal attitudes which are antithetical to Trump's rhetoric.
Yeah - Kipling sure was a BLM activist.

>> No.9999417

Time and context bud. As Western society has become more liberal, the "ideal" direction for which works are supposed to tend toward for recognition by the nobel has likewise become more broadly liberal.

If you think that's inappropriate, that's fine, but it has been a guiding principle of the committee since its inception.

>> No.10001197


>> No.10001365


>> No.10002620

This. The Noble used to have a bit of merit to it.

>> No.10002644
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imagine getting mad about bob dylan winning the prize just because you're too much of a low iq brainlet pseud to understand his work and why he was clearly the most deserving

>> No.10004288


>> No.10004369

Joan Didion?

>> No.10004378

they don't give nobels to pop fags who get marketed to 4chan, if you've been alive more than a decade you should have figured this out

>> No.10004379

Literally who

>> No.10004406

Does anyone else remember the guy on here who was claiming to work in the publishing industry and said that apparently Murakami is a terrible person, and that it will all be revealed to the public soon. I think he must have been pretending, Murakami seems like a nice guy who just keeps to himself, he'll even respond to your emails in english if you send him one.

>> No.10004709

Pretty sure he was bullshitting. Murakami honestly doesn't strike me as a bad person. You get to know him much better in What I Talk About When I Talk About Writing (which hasn't been translated to English, I believe).

>> No.10004769

Literally your horizons need to be bigger and larger.

>> No.10004811
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>Svetlana Alexievich
>Henryk Siennkiewicz
>"Literally who"

>> No.10005080

Fuck it all and no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free
Fuck it all and fucking no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
Medallion noose, I hang myself
Saint Anger around my neck

Truely poetic.

>> No.10006073

truely not true