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/lit/ - Literature

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9987710 No.9987710 [Reply] [Original]

Been a minute since we've had one of these and lots of anons are returning to school.

Post what you've got and judge others

>> No.9987800
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>no fear shakespeare
They were free

>> No.9988208

>tfw you've got a load of unread books on your shelf but don't feel like reading them
should i just force my way through them even though i've got more interesting things to read at the moment or just donate them?

>> No.9988210

>James Jones
> James
> Jones
Is he chinese?

>> No.9988454
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>> No.9988480

reddit shelf

>> No.9988481

Why not just save them for later?

Good but also mostly standard /lit/ stuff

Big ups on the Kybalion

Pure bait

>> No.9988794

I know that this is bait, but that Lovecraft is actually pretty great. Only good thing on that shelf.

>> No.9988884
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Nah, just very American

>> No.9988909


But that's Wayne Rooney

>> No.9989105

Everyone says this is a bait pic and they're likely right but I think all those spines look quite beautiful.

>> No.9989510

>The Routledge Queer Studies Reader.

Consider suicide, friend.

>> No.9989612

jesus, that edition of a portrait must have tons of notes to be that fat

>> No.9989629
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>> No.9989639
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>> No.9989833

>that fucking huge poe collection
>pleb pls leave

>> No.9989837

is that the Mandelbaum divine comedy? end your life friend.

>> No.9989838

prolly for a class

>> No.9989869

If you've accidentally wandered into any 101 american lit course you'd know Poe is huge and not just 15 year old girls reblogging shit about the Raven. Please read a book for once.

>> No.9989876

it's true but at the same time i feel like taking poe seriously is like taking rap music seriously, i mean i guess one can, but it still seems slightly farcical

>> No.9989877

>rating any good included in an american lit 101 course as good
don't tell me: your top three consists of huckleberry finn x3

>> No.9989897

If you like Melville, Borges, Baudelaire, Kafka, Dostoevsky, Calvino, James, and countless other massively important figures, let alone others in philosophy and psychology, yes Poe is someone who needs to be taken seriously.

>> No.9989934

So tell me all about alchemy, anon.

>> No.9989936

poe is literally a gimmick. he happened to be at the right place at the right time, which is why he's so influential, but his writing could never be compared to any of the figures you mention. he's no better at prose than is any other horror writer (lookin' at you Lovecraft" and his poetry is pure formulaic shit.

>> No.9989994

Jesus fucking Christ anon there was nobody writing what he was writing when he was writing it, he single-handedly proved the artistic capabilities of the short story, and he had such a wide experimental breadth to everything he wrote, taking up new genres at the drop of a hat, inventing other genres, producing a massive oeuvre over the course of only seventeen years. Don't get me wrong I don't think he shat gold or didn't miss here and there, but how under-read are you to say something as completely stupid as "he's a gimmick"? He's not even in my top 10 and yet I know the landscape of 20th century literature would be unrecognizable if Poe wasn't there. I don't want to insult you anon, I just want you to read instead of spouting ill informed nonsense with the conceit that you know better than someone else.


>> No.9990021

hohoho you gotta quit getting buttmad just because nobody likes the literary equivalent to Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers as much as you

>> No.9990039

I'm fully aware you're just shitposting but even in this insencere i r o n i c mode it's clear you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and have really no basis at all for denigrating people for reading Poe. If you read anything in your life you'd never say Poe is just some horror writer. Figuratively, as in his literary qualities exceed the general standard for horror, and literally as in he literally wrote horror maybe half of the time, if even that much. Please read. Don't shitpost.

>> No.9990551

It was

A gift but also don't fall for the meme. It is important literature, even if not essential for your growth.

Yeah, imo Norton can go a bit overboard with their end and footnotes. That said, the critical writings they publish alongside the novel are all top quality. Their editions of Mrs. Dalloway and Howards End are also excellent.

>> No.9990622

Solid collections, except maybe for the lack of Greeks. Buy some Loebs and get on with it, anons.

>> No.9990632
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The brown books on the bottom are Will Durant's Story of Civilization.

>> No.9990675

>The Bob's Burgers Burger Book

>The Art of War

>The Holy Quran

>Pop! Vinyl

>Many books on Christ, someone who didn't even exist

>> No.9990678

Process and Reality, nice! I hope you understand it better than I do.

>> No.9990729

I probably don't! But he is certainly very unique as far as modern philosophers go. I hear he is becoming fairly popular in China of late.

>> No.9990784

That copy of Augustine is T H I C C.

>> No.9990918
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>> No.9990940


normie consumers get the f* ouot

>> No.9990943


>> No.9990945



>> No.9990958

Sexy collection dude

>> No.9990981


ereaders are for numales

>> No.9990983

Good luck reading good translation of Nausea on e-reader.

>> No.9991003

Lots of edgy stuff there ("Catcher", "Clockwork Orange", "Naked Lunch" etc) ... maybe you need to spend less time on /lit/.

"As I Lay Dying" and "Sons and Lovers" suggest there's hope for you in the wider world!

>> No.9991011

>Catcher in the Rye is "edgy"

>> No.9991022

those barnes and noble volumes are really nice I can't lie, but the autism required to buy them all is terrifying to contemplate

>> No.9991029
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Cannot unsee.

>> No.9991031
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>That Quran hiding among the Christian theology books

>> No.9991035

> The Bob's Burgers Burger Book

>> No.9991039

>New Age slush and pop politics.
So how many dreamcatchers do you own?

>> No.9991071

not a shelf

>> No.9991094

get a better shelving unit, friend

>> No.9991097

how is the bob's burgers burger book, anon

i-i'm askin for a friend

>> No.9991103

>the routledge queer studies reader

>> No.9991105

To each their own but I find most of them quite garish.

Still, if it motivates people to pick up a classic book then it must be doing something right

>> No.9991110

is that zatoichi i see

man, i'm jealous, we don't have that collection in the UK even though we now have Criterion here

I am dying for that set

>> No.9991118

hey dude

not bad

>> No.9991123
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how do you protect books from being eaten by bugs and shit?

>> No.9991144

step one) don't live in a mud hut

>> No.9991225

How meta-edgy of you. Have a >>9991011

>> No.9991496
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This is all I have with me at college, excluding more textbooks.

>> No.9991517

They are cool on their own, but as a collection they look awful.

I think the worst part about the shelf is imagining this faggot at b&n buying all these books at once at $30 per with some smug look on his face about how his selections are somehow better than everyone elses

>> No.9991522

I like this because the shelf shows someone with an interest rather than someone aspiring to be well-read.

>> No.9991599
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my apartment shelf

>> No.9991633

>jon krakauer

>> No.9991653

anon... easy on the meme books

>> No.9991693

>Jonathan Franzen

>> No.9991768
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The stacked books on the two bottom shelves were given to me recently by a friend who moved to a new country.

I have many more in another state, which I'll have to go get soon. I feel excited thinking about how many I have, I feel anxious thinking about how many I have. I have no fucking money, all my possessions are books, excepting this dying, cracked computer and clothing. I sit. I write. I masturbate. I work. I don't even own a car. I can't.

Looking at fully funded MFAs in creative writing so I can gain a skill towards something I'm good at and something I want to do. After, maybe I'll get a PhD. If I can make enough to sustain myself outside academia through writing, that's what I'll do.

>> No.9991943

Very nice.

>> No.9992017

It's a real recipe book for fake burgers. It's fantastic

>> No.9992067

Interested in your career/academic goals more than anything, but could you pick your shelves up? It seems they have fallen down. At first I thought it was just the shelf setup.

>> No.9992073

Med Student?

>> No.9992109

Not yet, but I hope to be soon.

>> No.9992145
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I don't know. I want to be published so I can study as I will and create as I will. This year began with a personal study in poetics and philosophy. I graduated with a degree in Political Science, decided nothing I could get with that degree was something I wanted, and fell in with the idea of self-publication. I've written about 100 poems in the last year, 3 essays, and a short story which I've compiled into pamphlet format and sell at a local book store. This is all for personal experience; I've no intention of submitting most of this to any publisher or competition in the future, and it's all published under a nom de plume.

I want to become adept at comprehension of the world through words, and the composition of narratives that blend reality and real themes with my intentions, and the development and expression of dense concepts in readily comprehensible language or formatting. I don't know how I want to ultimately achieve this, however I feel entering a writing program or English program that is fully paid will further my apprehension of the language, granting me a useful skill I can apply to further learning and creation.

Fucking, anyone else read Canetti? Just btw. Fucker is brilliant. Discovered Crowds and Power in a Lapham's. It's an important text. I got that "this is a book of black-fucking-magic" feel when I opened it and started reading it first.

>> No.9992167

Canetti is brilliant. His novels (like Die Blendung) and his autobiography reflect the ideas he stated philosophically in Crowds and Power.

>> No.9992239

>the lost world ACD
my dude

>> No.9992305

One of the better philosophy collections I've seen, pretty nice. Good to see some commentaries, too; I feel like lit always skimps out on them.

Really hate that printing of Copleston's history of philosophy though.

>> No.9992345

All those books but not the skills to take a sharp picture.

>> No.9992362

That version of Aeneid looks very aesthetic, much better than my $0.99 Half Price Books copy. Where did you get it and what is it called?

>> No.9992530

>Exegesis of PKD
I want that.

>> No.9992634

>I want to become adept at comprehension of the world through words
please don't write

>> No.9992791


You can't stop me.

>> No.9993325
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I also thought they were hideous when I first started buying them. They grew on me though, and now I find I actually prefer them to the modern covers.

>> No.9993381

It's the Oxford World Classic Edition, translated by Frederick Ahl. I picked it up at a used bookstore for about 10 bucks. It's amazing.

The Aeneid (Oxford World's Classics) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0192832069/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_PpBSzbVTZ1PQK

>> No.9993391

Every fucking thread

>> No.9993421 [DELETED] 
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About half of my shit.

>> No.9993620

Those books are full of the authors shitty opinions anyway

>> No.9993627
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>how do you protect books from being eaten by bugs and shit?

>> No.9993734

Begin with simple and direct language.
>understanding instead of comprehension
>wish instead of want
>make away with half the sentences
>I AM BECOME adept of the world through words, I create narratives that blend reality and my themes (unsure what you mean), I try to express complex ideas in a coherent language.
>I wish to become versed of the world through words (or just "well versed", to create narratives that blend reality and fiction, and to express complex ideas in a coherent language.
Or maybe just ...
>I dream of becoming well versed and skilled in the art of literature.

Less is more.

>> No.9993757
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No h8 pls

>> No.9993762


>> No.9993792

diatomaceous earth and spraying your house periodically? Make sure you check used books for bugs before you add then to your collection.

>> No.9993805
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>> No.9993905


Hah, half of my struggle is in cutting and revision. I assume in the future it'll grow to 90% of the struggle. Cutting, cutting, and cutting is my main focus right now. Hammering out words on the forum isn't the object of my obsession, though. So I just tosssd out words in the morning while undercaffeinated and underexpressibg. Every attempt at articulating is another attempt to get at the core of understanding what I'm saying.

Anyhow, quality edits. I need an editor.

>> No.9994556


Not bad at all... lots of Plato, Copleston's history of phylosophy... only ones that got me down were some on the shelf above Durant's ones (Kerouac, Asimov and Fitzgerald).

>> No.9994728

I went through a Kerouac phase in high school. I'll stand by Asimov though.

>> No.9994895
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R8 H8 Communic8

>> No.9994905

The only book we have in common is Dharma Bums. Did you enjoy it?

>> No.9994907

>All of that American shit.
>Almost exclusively pomo.
>A Frolic Of His Of His Own
>No Russians.

How I imagine every American. 3/10.

>> No.9994912
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>> No.9994914


>> No.9994916
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>> No.9994917

Decently healthy philo section, my man.

>> No.9994927


>> No.9994928
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>> No.9994934
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>> No.9995299

Why do you stack your books sideways like that?

>> No.9995326

>tfw you do all your reading on a paperwhite and don't have a shelf to post

>> No.9995609

Haha. I have the same philosophy dictionary and brown book covers.

>> No.9996002

Not him but that's one of the most respected translations friend.

>> No.9996033
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Got some good stuff in there, it's okay. A little too many paper backs for my snobbish tastes but that's fine.

Have you read the divine comedy?
Because if you have I could forgive Infinite Mess, lol.
Meme-tier bookcase
Looks like you have some interesting reads there, you big into biographies? I have to start reading more. Do you have any favorites?
Cute, really nothing special for me. Good for some summer reading.
Into the wild was so annoying to me. Like, it's supposed to be some amazing, deep, harrowing tale, but its really just a reminder to bring more than a sandwich to the Alaskan wilderness >>9992145
Really like Kipling, gotta put that on my shelf.

>my shelves.
Probably forty books missing from them now, traveling around with other people or waiting for delivery. Mostly Greeks. Waiting on a few Hippocrates' and some ancient Indian works.

>> No.9996043

le fish in the percolator man

>> No.9996045

looks boring

>> No.9996047
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Also like this one, just finishing up my judgments. How is Asminov's science? I've not read any of his work yet, to tell the truth.
Got a lot I don't mind. Could flesh it out more, good philosophy gen.
Your bookcase reminds me of when I lived above a bookstore and read hip modern fic. I enjoyed never let me go more than I thought I would. >>9993757
Would hang with probably, are you a musician or do you just have an interest in music?

>> No.9996051

What's the painting middle shelf near the bottom?

>> No.9996053

I'm sorry to bore you, mostly it is for my own interests and my partners. I'm sure we could find something you'd enjoy.

>> No.9996057

One of my faves, it's called "Peas Bringing Back Abundance" from 1780, I think. Not sure. I want a big copy of it one day.

>> No.9996060

why do you have a tiny Latin dictionary on display like that

>> No.9996062

Peace. Not peas, lol.

>> No.9996065

Beautiful hardbacks but I can't tell what any of them are

>> No.9996066

I put it down there just cause; it's not on display on purpose. A year ago I was trying to enhance my piss poor Latin skills. Haven't touched it since, lol. Been busy. I need a new shelf.

>> No.9996067

That's pretty kinky

>> No.9996073
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Glad you like, I love hardcovers. Here's a better one you can zoom in on if you'd like. I just had to edit the first pic so it would stand up straight. 1/

>> No.9996079
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Ya they are thicc, I'll post a better pic of them

>> No.9996084
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Last two

>> No.9996088
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Here you go, my man.
I always joked with my sister that it was two honeys coming home from too late a night.

>> No.9996089
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no comment on the thread but this pic is adorable. good kitty.

>> No.9996119
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Eh, on closer inspection they don't interest me that much. Still really good looking books, though. You get them new or used?

>> No.9996127

>all those ruined books, all that disorder, all that untidiness
i'm triggered

>> No.9996174

Not bad desu

>> No.9996179

Ive played the piano for about 6 months, but no, not really a musician, just interested

>> No.9996180

nice dude, you must be very wealthy though

>> No.9996206

New, generally. Some lightly used. Depends on the book.
That's awesome. I love music myself and haven't really explored books to read on the subject, I've just been "studying through listening." What made you pick it up? Good luck! Keep it up.
I'm actually pretty much a poor fag right now as I am in school; I collected these over like 3-7 years, and I live pretty strictly. Spend most of my cash on books and food. Haven't bought new clothes in many years, don't have television or vidya. Glad you like. I just love to read.

>> No.9996226

I read N. , schopen, adorno etc. and they all made me really interested in music theory and classical music

>> No.9996241

Kallistos Ware's "The Orthodox Way" has many errors and deviations from correct theology - read a essay/review by Hieromonk Patapios if you are curious. It is easy to find.

>> No.9996288

Insufferable twat detected.

>> No.9996298


>> No.9996316

How is the Genealogy of the Pagan Gods by Boccaccio? I've strongly considered getting it, but I'm not sure if I should just wait for the complete three volumes to be avaliable.

Great shelfes otherwise.

>> No.9996321

Good desu

>> No.9996389

Tidy people are forever triggered because they are unadaptable, oh and less creative

>> No.9996440
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I'm really enjoying it, but I just started it. It's one of my newer books. Only on page 20 in the preface, lol. It seems to be an amazing work though, if your interests are as mine. Here is the first quote I stickied:

"You added in addition that I should explain the meaning wise men had hidden under outer layers of these inane fables, suggesting that the illustrious king thought it nonsensical for men who were learned in nearly every doctrine to spend time and effort simply telling fables unrelated to the truth and lacking a deeper meaning."

I have been reading the mythos and ancient literature for some time now keeping one eye open to astronomical allegories and other potential hidden gems of truth, it's very interesting.

I would say go for it! The opus is so long you might as well get started.

>> No.9996514

haha yes

>> No.9996753

Not that anon, but I think the ending of The Dharma Bums is the most uplifting thing I've ever read.

>> No.9997017
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>> No.9997037
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Cool. Glad to see Boccaccio referencing his sources. If you find the allegorical interpretation of mythology fascinating, On the Gods and the Universe by Sallustius should be right up your alley.

Anyhow, here's my modest collection.


>> No.9997046
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>> No.9997051
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>> No.9997308
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I actually got the Kipling for free. Passing through a flea market, I came by one stall three times with no money in hand. I'd already bought the Nine Stories by Salinger and took to idly wandering around, and couldn't but admire this one book in an old man's stall. He'd a collection of mostly shit, much of it published in the 20s-40s, and saw how much I appreciated this book in particular. After a brief conversation he let me have the fucker for nothing.

Nothing but a musty blowie. You understand.

I'd honestly read very little poetry before this year. I found much of it distasteful, full of itself, unwilling to present itself fully, or else overwrought expressions of trite shit. I started the year with Eliot, Bukowski, and Ginsberg, and have since moved through a smattering of literary reviews and classic poets. I'm not engaged in any unified or serious study presently, however simple writing and exposure proved enlightening.

This complete works of Wilde I got for $2. The complete essays of Montaigne, $7. And still books drain my pockets more than anything but food.

>> No.9997417

This is a real nice setup. I'm jelly.

>> No.9998976
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>> No.9998990
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>> No.9998996
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>> No.9999745

What do you use to clean your books?

>> No.10000345

>has an empty jar on his bookshelf
overall I agree with this sentiment but you're just a messy fuck tbqh

>> No.10000351

Is C.J. Cherryh any good?

>> No.10000388

I've only read Cyteen, but yes.

>> No.10000428

Nice shelves. What are those red and greens? They look like Loebs from an alternate reality.

>> No.10000825
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a bit of fiction

>> No.10000838
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a bit of non fiction and fiction at the back

>> No.10001114

Really like this setup.
Btw, what are those books with the interesting colors to the left on the 3rd and 5th shelves? I see them a lot and Im not sure wtf they are.

>> No.10001152


>> No.10001278

What's that phat MEAT book about?

>> No.10001347

How's closing time? I really love catch 22 but I have heard bad things about closing time and havn't dared to read it.

>> No.10001663

Its the Panache series by Albert Bonnier förlag. They release mostly experimental stuff from around the world in Swedish.

>> No.10001893

Whatever you do don't self publish.

>> No.10001898

Took the MCATs yet?

>> No.10002792


Why not?

I'm doing all this in an extremely limited fashion, the product being extended zines. the first was about 72 pages, second 12, third 38, fourth 45. I don't think I'm doing myself any harm through the limited release model. I'm anticipating compiling some of this later and submitting it to smaller publishers just to see. 4 or 6 'zines of material with about 150 or 200 pages of work seems reasonable.

Not like I'm doing this for much profit yet, anyways. This is mostly an act of experimentalism. I'm throwing my gmail on each as well as a patreon to coordinate an identity, and doing the whole thing under a nom de plume. It's fun. I've sold everything I've put out so far. That being said, I've made almost no profit, everything is lost in reinvesting in the hobby.

>> No.10002817

Please don't. I read it half as long ago as I read C22 and I remember every page of the latter and none of Closing time.

>> No.10003047
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All the books I have atm until I get off my ass and go get them from my godfather's garage.

>> No.10003064

Omensetter's Luck, good choice

>> No.10003126
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>> No.10003207

well, why are orangutans orange?

>> No.10003232

To blend in. The water in peat-swamp forests where they often live tends to be muddy orange, and sunlight reflected off that water gives the forest an orange cast.

>> No.10003240

oh cool

>> No.10003551

All those expensive editions and you buy the Alma Classics for The Master and Margarita lmao

>> No.10003603
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, 20170909_204335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently reshelved and reorganized based on some new research I've done, I think this shelving makes more thematic sense + it's now grouped by literary significance.

>> No.10003621

nice furioso. i have a prose translation somewhere, not a huge fan of translated poetry.

>> No.10004071
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x2268, 20170909_204059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aside, just reorganized my shelves. Running out of space again and had to makes some compromises/suboptimal arrangement decisions.

>> No.10004075
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>> No.10004082
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>> No.10004096
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>> No.10004101
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>> No.10004107
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>> No.10004112

All these unread books. Will you ship them to me?

>> No.10004117

>being an oafish brute who bends his books the wrong way and completely fucks the spine

>> No.10004118
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>> No.10004120
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>> No.10004122
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>> No.10004262

hey dude those t s eliot books are good? i mean the notes and the letter size

>> No.10004302

pages are just a hair too thin but more than acceptable, font size is perfectly fine

notes are largely for allusions and primary sourecs, not so much on explication/anslysis - for me that's good but for people who want more "guidance " through eliot this is obviously not intended for absolute novices.

>> No.10004323

would you please take a pic to the first page The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock? it'd be highly appreciated

>> No.10004357
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1440, 20170904_233858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea give me a few minute. here's page 1 i got more coming

>> No.10004361
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lmao wrong pic

>> No.10004366
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>> No.10004375
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x2268, 20170910_012229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note these are end notes not foot notes

pic related is end of the notes for pervigilium

>> No.10004380
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x2268, 20170910_012242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of prufrock notes. 26 pages total

>> No.10004454

holy shit dude, im going to get those ones
thanks man

>> No.10004465

yea theyre like the gold stand of eliot right now, really good editions

>> No.10004574

Fuck that's a lot of Loeb's. Jelly af.

>> No.10004600

>complete Thomas Taylor translation of Plato and Proclus

fuaaaaaark that must've been expensive.

>> No.10004606


Why is it so long? Does it have a fuckton of notes and commentary?

>> No.10004663

Might be a facsimile of the original text, which means the text and sizing will be rather big.

But Proclus' works themselves are commentaries on Plato, which makes them very long.

>> No.10005229
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The translation came highly recommended, so I couldn't care less about the fancy wrappings. I'm a native Russian speaker as well, but I forgot how to read. I could pick it up fairly quickly again, and I might for Pushkin, Gogol and Chekhov, but I'm still flirting around with the Europeans.

The works of Plato are large as they contain much commentary from the Platonists. There are plenty of notes by Taylor as well, but due to the lowercase size, nothing too overwhelming. They aren't fascimiles either.

You can find the full contents here:

>> No.10005241

Wasting so much money on a bad edition of Shakespeare?

>> No.10005396

Very nice m8. I'm interested in Thomas Mann, which would you suggest out of Buddenbrooks or The Magic Mountain?

>> No.10005818

Good shit man. Really like what you got here.
And I'm not sure what I would do with that many books. I'd have no place to put them.

>> No.10006213

i wanred individual plays and I wanted hardcover. they're fine.

magic mountain

>> No.10006259

ready player one

>> No.10006326
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>> No.10006329
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>> No.10006335
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>> No.10006367

>Haunting of Hill House
>Primo Levi
>Walker Percy
>all those Calvinos
Nice m8
How did you like I, Claudius by Robert Graves and the Ray Bradbury stuff?

>> No.10006413
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4/3 because I wanted to share my signed copy of Naming and Necessity!

>> No.10006479

that math m8, i like you

>> No.10006539

i, claudius was nice, good enough for me to add claudius the god to my reading list at some point in any case.

i really like ray bradbury personally, and i think something wicked this way comes is an underrated/overlooked part of his output. it's a really good novel that's worth reading at least twice - once as like a 13 - 14 year old and again when you're a few years older, maybe 20ish, and maybe even beyond. it captures the transition from childhood to adulthood relaly well and offers the perspective both of the child and the father. also really cozy small town americana aesthetic if you'er into that kind of stuff. i don't even usually like those settings and i still found it touching.

>> No.10007234

you sounds upset

>> No.10008109

go murder krpke so your book's value appreciates

>> No.10008299

it is bait, but originally this picture must've been taken by a proud owner. Really makes you think

>> No.10008319
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>the only thing that isn't stem is atheist shit

>> No.10008353

I have that lamp. I really like your setup anon.

>> No.10008369

how many of these have you read?

>> No.10008683

All of them

>> No.10008710

ayy im just about to start reading godement. how do you rate it compared to herstien/maclane/artin/jacobson

>> No.10008829

It's good. Very classical and filled with wonderful linear algebra. Both are very good traits for a math book to have.

>> No.10008898

good to know. gl with studies

>> No.10009091

dang, that's good, anon

>> No.10009110
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I don't have a shelf. most of of my books are in PC(eBooks) or on tables in my house.

>> No.10009116

that's a nice little raincloud you're sharing your bed with

would get comfy with (if you're a qt grill or a qt dude)

>> No.10009125

so you like to watch stupid shit on MTV and read books?!

>> No.10009153

AudioEngine A5 Speakers? Nice anon.

>> No.10009332

> that paper art unicorn tapestry


i unironically love a good unicorn

>> No.10009387

Is the second volume of those Eliot books worth getting? Or is it better to just go first volume + complete poems & plays?

>> No.10009392

stop memeing this gay shelf

>> No.10009396

easily the best shelf. this and op's

>> No.10009399


>> No.10009481

It's my weed jar lol

>> No.10009521


>> No.10010801


>> No.10011644

>how many
nice anon, you must've been working on this for awhile? how many books would you say are there?

>> No.10012533
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The other two shelves (and my second, smaller bookcase) are full of graphic novels, mostly Vertigo stuff.

>> No.10012566

is this bait i cant even tell anymore

>> No.10012568


>> No.10012591

Why do almost all numales own multiple Haruki Murakami novels?

>> No.10012628

Why don't you ask the recommended threads? He's cropped up in those multiple times.

>> No.10012669
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I have 2 smaller shelves as well. I have read about 75% of pic related.

>> No.10012671

Nice doggo.

Can't you be arsed to make sure your pictures don't upload sideways? Also
Most overrated comic book ever.

>stephen king
Pleb tier horror

People gotta get their "I read foreign literature" points somehow.

>> No.10012677

God damn I'm jealous
>The Elements of Euclid
Its nice to finally see I'm not the only one who owns the book. Cheers.

>> No.10013001 [DELETED] 
File: 3.45 MB, 4128x3096, 20170912_094524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only just started down the lit path so I don't have too many patrician fiction books, but here is my general history shelf.

>> No.10013017
File: 1017 KB, 3096x4128, TfInNhS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only just started down the lit path so I don't have too many patrician fiction books, but here is my general history shelf.

>> No.10013072

I don't understand the hate for Murakami. He's unironically a good writer.

>> No.10013078

nice collection you got there

>> No.10013129

Beats me, man. The first time I even heard about him was about a year ago on a recommended thread here. Most people here just hate anything that was written earlier than the 1950s.

>> No.10013279

I would mock, a lot of those books are either shit or they are shitty editions, but it is true that Chie is best girl and Sailor Moon is pretty cool too so idk

>> No.10013285

that looks like a qt matchbox

also my mum has the same copy of gone with the wind

clearly a very good bookshelf, those little ornaments are neat

>> No.10013288

if i came to visit i would have to organise your bookshelf for you, either by size or alphabetically

>> No.10013292
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> Most people here just hate anything that was written earlier than the 1950s.

>> No.10013430


They are ordered chronologically :^ (except the second from the bottom shelf which is a few stragglers I had no room for elsewhere).

>> No.10013437

Oh that makes a lot of sense actually
I wouldn't have thought of ordering them chronologically

>> No.10013526

What research and what results? I'm currently looking for a good way to organize my shelves.

>> No.10013671

What's up with that book collection on the bottom shelf? Is it supposed to be a organized to look like a full picture? The way you have it setup it looks like a giant mess. Nice collection though. Love reading history books also.

>> No.10013815

you two need to go back to r/books

>> No.10014767
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Thanks, it's the TimeLife WW2 collection. Annoyingly, it doesn't form a picture. Good books to open and skim through, but awkwardly sized and bound.

Pic related is my second shelf by category but chronological within that. Very satisfying to organise.

>> No.10014863

What are you favorites? I'd like to check some out. Doesn't really matter what particular time period.

>> No.10014864
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the shadow on the bottom two shelf but I think you can make it out. I have another shelf but its mostly just hardbacks that wouldn't fit into this one.


solid shelf.


I see that history shelf at the bottom.

Can't see shit captain.

>also reading THE GREEKS

Professor/10, can't really read the actual titles to rate though.

>that Nippon shelf
>you even have a money frog

Would browse

>Andrew Marr
Uh oh bad start

>all that Max Hastings

Decent military history but try I'd advice you to try and read a little more operational history, ie James Holland

>> No.10014912
File: 1.77 MB, 2560x1440, 20170912_224558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got rid of some stuff today and did a bit a tidying up.

>> No.10014974
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This is all I have in my dorm. I know that seems like a lot of comics but each one only takes like an hour to read and they're a guilty pleasure.

>> No.10014981

Thanks, I have one James Holland. I have been looking to diversify my books past the more pop history recently.

The Coming of the Third Reich is a quite good book (and I presume the one that comes after it, but I haven't seen it). In the same vein Speer's Inside the Third Reich is fascinating.
Denying the Holocaust I find personally very interesting, not sure if it's for everyone but it gives a good insight into Holocaust denial (there's another similar book that I can't remember which is also very thorough).
I'm not that into memoir-style writing but Patrick Leigh Fermor's Abducting a General I found a great read.

>> No.10015011

where the fuck is Finnegans you absolute pleb

>> No.10015026

nice memes

>> No.10015040

>Ulysses fatter than Infinite Jest
do you really need all that useless introduction and annotation

>> No.10015047


>implying I'm ever gonna read it

>> No.10015095

So you just have it for show

>> No.10015136


>> No.10015302

So is String Theory literally just about tennis? Would somebody who likes DFW but couldn't give less of a shit about tennis enjoy it?

>> No.10015941


I can't fucking stand DFW waxing philosophical on tennis.

>> No.10016188
File: 288 KB, 1024x768, image1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just reorganized

>> No.10016491


>> No.10016720

>Native Russian speaker.
>Can't and doesn't read Russian literature in Russian.

Nigger, why?

>> No.10016737


Lads. I've tried reading Ayn Rand numerous times, and find her writing atrocious, so never finish.

Do you really get something out of her? Is it really revelatory to you? Should I stick it out?

I understand some beneficial aspects of selfishness, but don't really need to see why 1,000+ page poor novel will help me understand further.

>> No.10016802

Lol I never say this but you are a fucking pleb

>> No.10017592


>> No.10019027

Stick it out