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/lit/ - Literature

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9987179 No.9987179 [Reply] [Original]

Name one good book that's come out in the last 20 years. Can't do it? Thought so...

>> No.9987180
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>> No.9987191


>> No.9987194
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>> No.9987244

I'll go ahead and give you two

>mason and dixon
>against the day

>> No.9987251
File: 15 KB, 249x388, 9782080674722_w250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9987424

The Wind-up bird chronicle.

>> No.9987446
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>> No.9987450

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.9987452

My Twisted World by Elliot Rogers will be held up as a classic in the distant future.

It is a real, true-to-life firsthand account of a crazed gunman.

If it hadn't been written by an actual crazed gunman, it would probably already be held up as a masterwork.

I mean, I know it's shit, but it's real, and that's what literature is supposed to be: an expression of real true humanity. And My Twisted World is that, utterly untainted by corporate influence or profit motives.

>> No.9987458
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I'm posting this with my coolest face

>> No.9987468

Dublinesque, by Enrique Vila-Matas

>> No.9987471
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21 years, but whatever

>> No.9987478

What happened, lads? It's like literature died with the passing of the 20th century. I guarantee you, should humanity exist in that time, nobody in 100 years would pick up a 21st century book and hold in anywhere near in high regards as we do with the 19/20th century ones.

>> No.9987480
File: 723 KB, 1552x2126, Amazon-Memoirs-of-a-Geisha-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9987481

>but whatever
No, 20 and 21 are not the same, anon. He asked for a good book in the last 20 years, not 21, not 22, not 23, not 20-30, the last 20 years. Disqualified.

>> No.9987489
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>> No.9987499

10:04, by Ben Lerner. Excellent, highly formally creative novel.

>> No.9987506

Simic has also published a couple good poetry books

>> No.9987512
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>> No.9987516

Min Kamp
Book of Night Women
We the Drowned
Wizard of the Crow
Sandalwood Death
The Feast of the Goat
Brief History of Seven Killings
The Buried Giant
the Book of Numbers
Dying Grass
The Sellout
The Vegetarian
On the Edge
A Little Life
Age of Iron
The Moor's Account
The Dream of the Celt
Brief History of Seven Killings
The Neapolitan Novels
We the Drowned
Wolf Hall
>>9987480 (middlebrow as fuck but good)

etc etc

One of my least favorite trends on this board is the 20-something in college who is reading what his professors tell him he should read, and then saying nothing good is published now.

>> No.9987519
File: 93 KB, 1400x2170, 9781449474256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one.

>> No.9987521

The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters.

>> No.9987529

Hillbilly Elegy and His Bloody Project look good too, they just came out.

Plenty of /lit/ liked Lincoln in the Bardo, while some loathed it.

>> No.9987532

it's almost as if you're all a bunch of retarded american twentysomethings who don't posses the knowledge and the acumen to distinguish a good work of literature from a bad one and are unable to form a coherent thought

>> No.9987537

This, 90% of the people who actually read on this board (not counting newfags reading 1983 and shitposters) are complete cowards who read what they are told and who cant see that the most popular literature of the great 19th century was fucking Walter Scott and flipsy flopsy women's novels.

>> No.9987641

According to today's intellectuals, if it's not written by a POC, nonbinary, or otherwise oppressed group, it's not literature. So that narrows the field somewhat.

>> No.9987694
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>> No.9987774

All the more reason to read in the London Review and New Criterion, or keep your ear to the ground in non-sjw prizes like the Cervantes or something.

>> No.9987846
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What is this book about and is it any good? The Cover and title perk my interests. Also I have not read enough modern Chinese authors.

>> No.9987903

And M&D

>> No.9988001
File: 32 KB, 259x400, pygmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then

>> No.9988003


> Turtles all the way down

It's not even out yet. Checkmate, atheists

>> No.9988031

>op says last 20 years
>names a book that came out 23 years ago

Kill yourself retard

>> No.9988272

War and war -laszlo krasznahorkai

>> No.9988361
File: 55 KB, 324x499, 51oEjGD+juL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually nothing good has happened in the last twenty years

>> No.9988379

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

>> No.9988381

Sorry, did I unleash your autism by chance?