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/lit/ - Literature

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9987014 No.9987014 [Reply] [Original]

I've lost all connection to my former ideas and worldview
I have no presuppositions or beliefs anymore
My mind is now effectively a blank slate

Which philosophy would /lit/ recommend to start my rebirth with?

>> No.9987022

Philosophical Investigations. I'm not kidding either, he'll return you to the essence of your thoughts and remind you of what is important. Don't get caught up in academic interpretations, let him stimulate your own thoughts.

>> No.9987023

Plato is the best place to start.

>> No.9987028
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You are now an occultist.

>> No.9987047
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the greeks

>> No.9987069

Taoism and stoicism build on this feeling

>> No.9987073

Don't start your rebirth; you've made it.

>> No.9987093

Sextus empiricus

>> No.9987097

No, they're just garbage ideologies.

>> No.9987099


>On Learned Ignorance, Nicholas of Cusa
>Praise of Folly, Desiderius Erasmus
>Complete Works, Plato
>Enneads, Plotinus


>The Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundation of Taoist Mysticism, Harold Roth
>Huainanzi, Harold Roth et al.
>Instructions for Practical Living, Wang Yangming

>> No.9987101

cyber-nihilism :^)

>> No.9987102

Philosophy is just total rubbish.
Why do any of you read it aside from wanting to appear smarter?
None of you live your philosophy, you just read about it, you're posers.
So why? Honestly just why, apart from inflating your own ego?

>> No.9987234
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Choose them all, and return to ephoche. You are calm, you are tranquil.

>> No.9987255

No such thing as a blank slate. You've now embraced your ~human nature~; you'll find yourself wanting to procreate often and operate sweatshops in Bangladesh.

>> No.9987304


>> No.9987470
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And this >>9987028

>> No.9987493

A blank slate lacks the equipment to identify itself as such.

>> No.9987500


Well put

It's just a phase OP

>> No.9987508
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>> No.9987596

>I have no presuppositions or beliefs anymore

>> No.9987644
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>> No.9987734
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>> No.9987765

Marx then Nietzsche then Freud then Foucalt

>> No.9987780

>human nature
Doesn't exist

>> No.9987788

Do yourself a favor and read Leibniz. Discourse on Metaphysics is a beautiful read

>> No.9987797

if you're goal is to become mentally ill sure

>> No.9987806

Hume can be a good way to get a footing.

>> No.9987815
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>> No.9987937

>Philosophical Investigations
best translation?

>> No.9988051

>unironically questioning a Jordan Peterson talking point

>> No.9988106

>basing value on authority

>> No.9988109


>> No.9988146


>> No.9988169


>> No.9988184

I went through a solipsism phase as a kid but never read into it, who would you recommend?

>> No.9988198

I don't need literature. Just don't need it. I can entertain myself. I can form ethical value systems myself. I can humour myself. I can lie in bed by myself and imagine things which are intriguing and profound. What are the use of books to someone like me? I'm seriously curious. I can literally live the rest of my life in silence, consuming vegetables, fruit, bread and water and spending my time exercising or simply contemplating both the internal and external world. Why should I "strive" for more? Why should I introduce unnecessary confusion and frustration into my psyche when I am already living a flawlessly virtuous life which is sufficiently fulfilling for me? Why should I seek relationships when my own company provides me with the intimacy and gratification I would otherwise be without? Why should I utter a single word when I can simply get by without saying anything to anyone, as I am strongly inclined to do? I don't get it /lit/. So much of the life advertises to me as worthwhile and definitive of success involves far more nuisance, noise, needless hardship and superfluous expense of energy. Have I simply reached peak wisdom? Is this what the final manifestation of the Black Pill entails? Are there any books on this issue? Thanks for reading.

>> No.9988218

is this what solipsists on /lit/ actually believe?

>> No.9988225

Is anybody else here well on their way to inhabiting a totally solipsistic universe in which only their own value judgments are of any concern? I am. And here's how. For the longest time I thought I wanted to be a writer, and I tried writing novel after novel hoping for validation from people I really don't care all that much about, including editors (known for their preference of marketability over talent) and the reading public (mostly comprised of naive, feelgood, ideologically submissive dilettantes). Then it struck me. What was the actual purpose of "achieving" external validation? It was merely a means of allowing my own internal validatory function approve my existence and feel secure in the notion that I am in fact a genius. But if I could simply convince my internal validatory function to do this without having to first appeal to external other people, then what's stopping me? Surely enough, I wrote my debut six-part memoir comprising some 780,000 words, the work in part and in whole meting the very strict and very high standards I inflict on myself at all times. And what happened next? I assured myself of my genius. Any lingering desires, both of the brutish and impulsive kind and of the socially inculcated, diminished over the course of only a few weeks. I became a one-mind ecosystem, a producer and consumer of my own intellectual commodities, my moral values became entirely my own, my thoughts pure of any external influence (corruption). At the present point of writing this post I can write as confidently and as lucidly as I do, articulating my internal phenomena as well as I currently am, due to the fact that I am living a life of pure and genuine expression, unmarred by external considerations. I am the source of all my thoughts. I am the master of my craft. I am the God and the believer. My craft is my expression. My will is my fate.

>> No.9988547

Vedic philosophy

>> No.9988555

>implying I don't live my philosophy

>> No.9988590

curtis yarvin aka mencius moldbug

>inb4 some ideologue calls me out on 'ideology'
it's literally the opposite

>> No.9988980


>> No.9989004


>> No.9989018

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth

>> No.9989019

>Boring, blatantly obvious observations while calling it a redpill wrapped in barbed wire with white hot sodium core