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/lit/ - Literature

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9986133 No.9986133 [Reply] [Original]

Why are books so expensive? I can’t make brain gains if I can’t afford to stock my shelves.

>> No.9986135

You didn't even finish reading your shelf though.

>> No.9986140

Delete this.

>> No.9986141

go to the library
torrent that shit
read what you already own
ask to borrow a recommendation from a friend
steal from barnes and noble
make no excuses

>> No.9986144


>> No.9986151

Do odd jobs for homeless people like cutting their grass so you can make money and do moral good.

>> No.9986161

You can't even spend 30 bucks a month on books? If you buy second hand that's way more books than you could possibly read in a month.

>> No.9986203

or COMBINE his ideas:
>steal from library
>read them
>sell them online
>buy more books

>> No.9986207

Libaries are a thing, kiddo

>> No.9986210


Use a VPN, just in case.

>> No.9986360


>> No.9986422
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> books
> expensive

> implying books aren't cheaper than ever
> not buying books online
> not buying books from thrift shops or library book sales
> not taking the unwanted books from your library
> not finishing what's already on your shelf
> implying you even read

No sympathy for the wicked, OP.

>> No.9986428

>Why are books so expensive?
Books have always been expensive. Go to yard sales. BRAINLETS CAN'T EVEN GET THEIR FIX

>> No.9986554

I only buy books that I've already read and actually want.

>> No.9986568

Buy used dude.
So cheap.
I buy all austen, tolstoy, dickens, etc modern penguin $1 each.

>> No.9988183

>jobs for homeless people like cutting their grass
the irony

>> No.9988190

gutenberg.org and a sub-$100 ereader off ebay

>> No.9988224

>modern penguin $1 each
Used bookstores usually charge more than $1 for big name editions that people collect like modern penguin

>> No.9988232

What exactly are you buying? It's extremely cheap to get a massive collection you will never be able to read. Start reading what you have and when you have nothing else you can complain. Alternatively get a damn Kindle Paperwhite. You can pirate books or get them for much cheaper from Amazon.

>> No.9988238
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I'll gladly give you mine if you pay the shipping

>> No.9988263

you can always get a free bible

>> No.9989785

$11/mo is approximately 3 books from Thriftbooks you broke dick nigga.

>> No.9989794

But a Kindle/Kobo literary any e-reader and then use Library Genesis (gen.lib.rus.ec) to download anything you want.

>> No.9989805

maybe if you go to trash places like the strand or something

>> No.9989813

>the strand

awful tourist trap for pseuds