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File: 24 KB, 480x360, oh_look_evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9984204 No.9984204 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more genuinely evil thinker.

>> No.9984212 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9984496


>> No.9984503

On phone. Who is that?

>> No.9984511

Poor sod, what did he ever do to deserve this treatment?

Herbert Marcuse

>> No.9984527

Me. I'm a coward.

>> No.9984543

How is Marcuse evil?

>> No.9984562
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I think you're over emphasising his influence, especial post the mid 70's. He basically said that students were incapable of generating societal change (revolution) and went out of fashion....structuralism and post-structuralism took hold (which is inconvenient as they weren't marxists)
I also suspect all that you've read about marcuse is cherry-picked by /pol/tards.

good luck with that..

I remember when "cultural marxism" was an obscure conspiracy theory of the early 90's.

J.S. Mill has had more influence on multiculturalism, immigration etc etc than marcuse ever had

>breivik has alot to answer for
>july 2011

>> No.9984576
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>> No.9984579
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>> No.9984582
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>> No.9984592

giv milkies

>> No.9984593
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>> No.9984597

quick rundown on this guy?
>influenced: bob black, hakim bey

>> No.9984599
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>> No.9984603
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no wai

>> No.9984610
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obvious #1

>> No.9984613
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obvious #2

>> No.9984619
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obvious #3

>> No.9984628

he influenced two stupid white anarchists huh
that isn't giving him much cred

>> No.9984632

I disagree with this guy on almost every issue, but I cannot bring myself to hate him. He seems like the guy that genuinely loves his pet rabbit and buys birthday presents for his little sister.

>> No.9984646


>> No.9984656

What happened in July 2011?

>> No.9984661
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This bicycling cuckservative.

>> No.9984663

unless you're a """"refugee"""", forget about it

>> No.9984668

so you're an agnostic radical centrist?

>> No.9984669

Leave Teddy alone

>> No.9984671

no just jewish

>> No.9984674
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that's a spicy meme

>> No.9984697

that wasn't my quick rundown, I was asking for one lol
don't see how a marxist would have influenced black (who I know only through abolition of work)
also are there non-white anarchists?

>> No.9984723

do you need help tying your shoelaces?

anders breivik went on a shooting spree ...after which people became aware of his manifesto which mentioned "cultural marxism" (up until then a marginal, fringe conspiracy theory) along with a load of bullshit about world of warcraft and freemasonry

>> No.9984913

my asshole

>> No.9985543


>> No.9985626
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>> No.9985639

What is evil about Evola? That he is ego-centric? I don't see how he would be any more evil than, say, Stirner or Nietzsche.

>> No.9985708

Ayn rand

>> No.9985717
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>> No.9985736
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>> No.9985758

why would you hate someone for disagreeing with them? you sound like a child.

>> No.9985789

racism and fascism is pretty evil bro...

>> No.9985803
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Step aside plebs, real #1 evil intellectual coming through.
>Such terms and respective devices included a forced-mating device he called the "rape rack", tormenting surrogate-mother devices he called "Iron maidens", and an isolation chamber he called the "pit of despair", developed by him and a graduate student, Stephen Suomi.
>In the last of these devices, alternatively called the "well of despair", baby monkeys were left alone in darkness for up to one year from birth, or repetitively separated from their peers and isolated in the chamber. These procedures quickly produced monkeys that were severely psychologically disturbed, and used as models of human depression.[30]

>> No.9985809

Holy shit, she's deranged

>> No.9986329

damn the man actually made a meaningful contribution never would have thought that

>> No.9986418


>> No.9987108

Literally nothing wrong

>> No.9987114

Is it just me or does he look a bit like Lynch?