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9983763 No.9983763 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I've been interested in Cormac McCarthy for a while, where would i start?

>> No.9983772

His best work is The Orchard Keeper.

>> No.9983777

start with...hehe...the greeks

>> No.9983790

If you're very interested and would like to commit, you should start with the Orchard Keeper and go in chronological order, so you also see how he develops. If you're not sure that you want to read everything yet, maybe try something like the Road? Or the Border Trilogy? Maybe wait for another anon for a better starting point.

>> No.9983813

Literally just read BM, Child of God and Suttree, no necessary order but thats how I did them and I would certainly recommend BM first, and Suttree being perhaps the comfiest book of all time it makes a good finisher.

Don't ever fucking ascribe to the thing of "better read the author's earlier/simpler work so that I can build up to their masterpiece". You'll just read a lesser work and the visceral aesthetic impact of the mature work will be lessened as a result of your familiarization.

Oh, and if you like those three then the next best things imo are Outer Dark followed by the border trilogy, but I am of the unusual opinion that, like Faulkner, McCarthy's quality divebombed into self-parody almost immediately after BM.

>> No.9983818

note, there are exceptions to

>Don't ever fucking ascribe to the thing of "better read the author's earlier/simpler work so that I can build up to their masterpiece

but they're rare, top of my head I only think of Joyce.

>> No.9983831

bad opinion is bad

>> No.9984190

no country for old men or the road for entry level mccarthy (for shorter and focused stories)

>> No.9984289

can't get into blood meridian
like half way through and i can't pick it back up

>> No.9984364

Than read All the pretty horses, no country for old men, child of god, and than start Blood meridian again

>> No.9984383

>Suttree being perhaps the comfiest book of all time

>> No.9984387


>> No.9984396
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Suttree is his best book.

It starts with a guy getting shot in the ass for fucking a watermelon, forchirsakes.

>Suttree being perhaps the comfiest book of all time

this man deserves a blow job and a pack of doritos

>> No.9985837
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>> No.9985881

All the Pretty Horses may be more accessible. If you don't care about that, start with Orchard Keeper and just work your way through in any order.

>> No.9985900

He looks like a conservative. ew

>> No.9985913


The Fenian Cycle.

>> No.9987786 [DELETED] 


>> No.9987792

Go back to redddit.

>> No.9987987

I haven't finished it yet, but if you remember a part in Blood Meridian where they seek shelter from rain in some place (there's that snake bitten horse with a swollen head) there's a halfbreed boy there, and in the morning when they leave he's dead with a broken neck.
Who killed him and why?

>> No.9987995
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>> No.9989300

With his corncob pipe and his button nose obviously.

>> No.9989324

i gave up on BM at the halfway point, came back a year or two later, read the first half slowly again and then suddenly was able to zoom through the second half. one of my fave books now

>> No.9989334

why wpuld anyone read a booik when you can browse ht e meme s

>> No.9989348

it was the Judge

>> No.9989383

Just read The Road. It's the accessible one and probably the most famous one.

>> No.9989760

Always searching for more books with the amount of gratuitous violence BM has.