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File: 272 KB, 2393x1346, twin-peaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9981055 No.9981055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the Twin Peaks: The Return of literature?

>> No.9981065

the collected screenplays of twin peaks the return

>> No.9981220

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Naked Lunch
>The plays of Sam Shepard (would be very surprised if Shepard wasn't a Lynch fan or vice versa)
>The lyrics of Highway 61 Revisited

>> No.9981240

Finnegans Wake : The Return :: Ulysses : Original Twin Peaks
Like Twin Peaks, Ulysses was a big hit and everyone was excited to read Joyce's next book because of it, and like with the Return, everyone discovered with Finnegans Wake that what was really in store for them was an incomprehensible mindfuck.

>> No.9981257

>>Naked Lunch

>> No.9981265
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literally what did he mean by this

>> No.9981273

you got kafka'd and lynch'd at the same time
time to kill yourself famalam

>> No.9981292

House of Leaves

>> No.9981319


The Return had copious amounts of fanservice before the mindfuck, though. Finnegans Wake is 600 pages of episode 18.

>> No.9981364

Don't forget Part 8.

>> No.9981376
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>marathon s1 2 and 3 of twin peaks
>go for a walk reflecting on the childlike humblety and courege of agent Dale Cooper, his passion for justice and fellowship with agent Gordon Cole
>appreciate Lynch's approach towards the rural side of the american lifestyle, and the sense of community and trust between simple people who are facing horrible events, without idealising said characters
>feel sad about the Fact that Lynch is going to die soon, but even more because I can't get out of my mind that everyone involved with Hollywood are making money for disgusting yuppies, since making the experience of enjoying and connecting with a movie or show without guilt for falling for the capitalist pirotecnia
>actually realizing film has the most sincere attitude and discurse about the money involved in it, while other mediums insecure about it. Film is conscious about the "it is all about the money!" anxiety
>be listening to aphex twin during all of the walk
>buy a cake in my way home
>read Swans' way for an hour and a half
>take a shower
>visit /lit/ for my dose of shitposting, memes and the rare literary discussion
>see twin peaks related thread
>remember that there are several people who also enjoy the show
>feel how my categorial-always-judging-linear-way-of-thinking needed for functioning in the modern world disolves in a dyonissian flash of absolute empathic ecstacy, allowing me to gaze into that that goes beyond knowledge and emotion, giving a one-second-lasting infinite multi perspective leaking all kind of interpretation and transmutation of what is and what is not

>> No.9981388

Finnegans Wake has as many types of fan service as non-pleb-readers

>> No.9981389
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>> No.9981401
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>> No.9981440
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>> No.9981443
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>> No.9981446
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>> No.9981482

>no eating in the conference room, Chad

>> No.9981491

I would keep that portrait too, Kafka is a very handsome guy

>> No.9981931


Inconsequential garbage that sucks.

>> No.9981944

That show sucked. It just didn't come together right.

>> No.9982092

they literally destroyed them, anon

the actors got the part of the scripts that was relevant to their roles and then they were destroyed afterwards

we all got David Lyncho'd

>> No.9982094

> not keeping a portrait of Kafka in the office of an immensely bureaucratic system

I think Kafka would both love and hate this.

>> No.9982099

> a literal fucking CHAD
> he's a douchebag

Is Lynch one of us

>> No.9982374

I fucking hate the age of nostalgia we're living

>They cancelled the show in the second season
>fans asked for a conclusion
>producers throw money into Lynch
>Fire Walks With Me
>Booed in Cannes, hated by everyone
>On the Air, Hotel Room, nobody cared
>Lynch: fuck it, I just wanna make my movies
>Lost Highway, The Straight Story and Mulholland Drive, more financial problems, lack of investors
>Inland Empire. Apocalypse
>Lynch: that's it, nobody gives a fuck about me
>Years pass, semiretired David Lynch


>Fans: we want more Twin Peaks
>Lynch: what about new movies?
>Fans: nah, just more of that show
>Lynch: but you hated 2nd season an FWWM
>Fans: oh, just give us more
>Enter The Television Producers
>Lynch: Ok, but ON MY RULES
>Exit The Television Producers
>Fans: NOoOOoOOoOOOo
>Television Producers: OK
>Lynch: OK
>Fans: OK

>Lynch: I'm gonna lynch you all motherfuckers, I'm gonna be laughing at you, making jokes about these characters, confuse you and throw your expectatives on the ground and kick them so fucking had, and you are not even gonna be aware of it

>> No.9982380

>Naked Lunch
Not at all. Not even close.

>> No.9982439

> What about new movies
> nah

Said nobody ever. People who are obsessed with Twin Peaks are obsessed with Lynch as a whole.

I get the nostalgia-wave bullshit, it's why most indie game devs get crowd funding, because they know nostalgia is powerful. It's why a lot of movies are remakes and why there's a lot of cinematic universe shit too.

But season 3 of Twin Peaks is classic Lynch and is likely to be respected in the same vein as Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet. Get your head out of your ass, anon.

>> No.9982476

shut up bitch

>> No.9982544
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>> No.9982579

> tfw she doesn't actually say what happened

Partly I want to find out more but partly I also want to say "heh nothin personnel kid but they did make your career for you"

>> No.9982653
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>tfw she doesn't actually say what happened
we already know, anon

>> No.9982661

What? Please elaborate

>> No.9982687

The dwarf accused Lynch of molesting his own daughter and then making a show about it

>> No.9982705
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, twin.peaks.s03e16.1080p.web.h264-strife.mkv_snapshot_55.44_[2017.08.29_13.14.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in all seriousness, apparently Lynch and one of the executive producers were cunts to Cruise on set and she was pissed that she turned out to have so little screentime. That and I hear she's not the most stable person, mentally.

Michael J. Anderson (pic in previous post) has held a similar grudge against Lynch for the longest time, going so far as claiming Lynch raped his own daughter and sends death threats to people who want to expose him. He also shitposts on facebook about how the jews run Hollywood and how that's why he can't get work anymore.

Apparently Sherilyn Fenn was a bit fucked in the head as well, a few years back at least. Long ramblings about nothing on her blog and twitter. She shaved her head at one point.

In other words, some folks got LYNCHED.

>> No.9982706

what does that have to do with Julee Cruise

why would Lynch's daughter let Lynch produce her films for her then

I think there's the smell of bullshit about it

>> No.9982730

That was just bullshit

Julee was mad because she thought she would get a full performance like the rest of the music cast

Honestly, I don't know if it was to piss her or to piss fans. Lynch always pranks his own fans, he kind of despise us, that's it, I don't know how the fuck people who consider themselves fans watched third season and don't get it
Maybe it's because I'm such an oldfag I've been following Lynch since Lost Highway and I know how he enjoy this kind of practical jokes.

Also >>9982439 you don't know shit, learn your Lynch facts about the past 20 fucking years and then come back

>> No.9982748

That's kinda sad about Cruise not being mentally stable. I don't believe Lynch would be a cunt to her on set though from how Laura Dern talks about him. My impression from dealing with mentally unstable people is that she may have misinterpreted something as an insult.

Pretty shitty about Mr Anderson being like that too. Any reason why his grudge started? Having a pop at Jewish people in Hollywood seems like it would hurt your career even more.

Sherilyn Fenn was Audrey, right? That's sad about her being messed up.

I suppose this isn't too unlikely when you pick unknown actors, some from the fringe of their craft.

Thanks anon for elaborating.

>> No.9982751

What "lynch facts"?

>> No.9982755

> audrey dance cut-off by a brutal fight
> she starts screaming and disappears into a white room with the mirror

What was that all about? I've been hearing suggestions like Twin Peaks is all in her head(which might make a little sense when Coop says "we all live in a dream" in the next episode)

>> No.9982851
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What are some books with an ending as bleak and gut-wrenching as that of The Return so I can avoid them?

>> No.9982990
File: 140 KB, 1920x1080, Twin.Peaks.S03E18.The.Return.Part.18.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb.mkv_snapshot_54.31_[2017.09.04_21.41.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Farewell to Arms was teenage heartbreak compared to this desu

>> No.9983102

her career existed thanks to Twin Peaks

>> No.9983109

I think that scene was like my favourite in the season. Just so unsettling. I don't think of it in relation to the rest of the show to try to 'explain' it I just enjoy it for its tragedy - the idea that Audrey is dreaming about being young and beautiful again and getting all the attention of the boys. It's some Blanche DuBois shit.

>> No.9983138

She is in a coma from that bank explosion or whatever that happened, can't remember it anymore.

>> No.9983142

There's also the conversation between Audrey and Charlie
Charlie: Or do I need to end your story as well?
Audrey: What story is that Charlie? The one about the little girl who lived down the lane? is it?

And in episode 17 that line of Audrey's is repeated by the arm

>> No.9983157

Episode 18 actually

>> No.9983529

who /tpg/ here

>> No.9983543
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Reminder that Lynch only wrote the Gordon Cole character so he could kiss best girl in her prime
Whats the literature equivalent to this?

>> No.9983555

>believing this is actually Julee Cruise and not just a random fake account

>> No.9983602

This show attracted 16 year old pseuds like flies to shit. It's ridiculous, I've never seen anything like it

>> No.9983612 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9983614

that guy was too butthurt

>> No.9983618

>18 parts
>described as Coop's "Odyssey"

I haven't done an extensive look through yet but you can at least say that the focus on Laura for the last episode draws parallels to Penelope. Also Coop's "return" being in part 16.

I honestly think Ulysses had the most influence on this.

>> No.9983623

Laura's texas town was called "odessa" or something like that
Makes me think

>> No.9983669

Yeah considering the focus Lynch puts on little things like that I'm pretty sure it was supposed to a feminine spelling of the word odyssey, that's the only actual reason I can think of for her being in Texas and not some other random place.

>> No.9983748

/tpg/ regular here! Have you read my b- I mean The Secret History yet? It's damn good and well worth your hard-earned dollars. :)

>> No.9983770

Odessa is a real city in Texas. What you're saying is still interesting though.

>> No.9983778

Of course Mark Frost is here
Are you stupid?

>> No.9983783



>> No.9983791
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it's really her


>> No.9983792

Is Twin Peaks really worth watching?

A friend of mine tried to get me into. The only thing i tried to watch by now was the movie and i sucked so hard i had to turn off after 30 minutes. I like some movies by him, but the series seems way overrated and just like over the top postmodern bullshit. any opinions?

>> No.9983798

Watch the Pilot and decide for yourself, if you don't like it you won't like the rest of it.

>> No.9983805


>> No.9983822

t b h, the Pilot is a bit slow compared to the rest of the show, and some people can be taken aback by that. I'd say watch up to episode 3.

>> No.9983844

Not for you, mate.
Not for you.

>> No.9983855

>The only thing i tried to watch by now was the movie
Now why would you go and do a thing like that?

>> No.9983860
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, Twin.Peaks.S03E12.The.Return.Part.12.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb.mkv_snapshot_39.11_[2017.08.02_12.04.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching the movie before the series
you Lynched yourself

>> No.9983906

When she woke up she had a surprise lol

>> No.9983912

>That small moment where Laura recognizes Cooper in 1989.


>> No.9983917
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and then the music starts playing and I'm just fucking done emotionally

>> No.9983925

The first season is the best that has ever come out of american television.
The second season starts of great, then has some ups and downs, becomes really tedious for a few episodes but finishes off with a finale that redeems everything.

The movie is very different from the show but an interesting new view on things we knew but only heard about before.
Worth watching for the acting alone, in my opinion.

The third season is again very different from the series and movie but worth watching if you like Lynch's later works.

If you don't like quirky characters, ambiguous stories and surrealism, it's just not for you.

>> No.9983931

>that moment when it goes from monochrome to color while Laura's theme plays

>> No.9983932

Could somebody explain to me the finale?
I'm fucking lost guys

>> No.9983946
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normalCooper gets realLauraPalmer back.
Judy places her brainwashed into Odessa to fuck with her (Judy can't kill Laura, she tries to stab her picture but her image stays without damage). Cooper finds her, again. Brings her back to Sarah's house. Inhabited by Judy's tricks, again. Laura wakes up and remembers all of it. Battle of good and evil is never over. Trauma can't be undone by happy go feels of episode 17.

>> No.9983965

But what year is it?
Is Alice Tremont married to the grandson of Mrs. Tremond?
Is that even the real world or are they trapped in a "dream?"
Who is the dreamer?

>> No.9983983

>buy a cake in my way home
>not a pie

>> No.9983998

>But what year is it?
Never determined.
>Is Alice Tremont married to the grandson of Mrs. Tremond?
>Is that even the real world or are they trapped in a "dream?"
>Who is the dreamer?
Laura is the one.

>> No.9984031

the scene where Laura Palmer's Theme plays in episode 17 is exactly what Lynch described to Angelo when they were composing the song? They're in the dark woods, and then Laura comes into the light at the emotional height of the song, only to disappear. The ultimate pottery.

>> No.9984036

>She shaved her head at one point
Lynch literally put her in the THX-1138 white void so that seems appropriate.

>> No.9984040

Why did twin peaks become lost highway? I read it as Cooper and Laura both uncertain of their identities and whether what is based on dreams. That's a really bleak ending

>> No.9984156

Lynch really is the master of fucking with us. It's all so integrated that I can't help but feel like it all means something but I can't even begin to comprehend what. I really should let the images wash over me but I find that easier the second time round.

>> No.9984166

I love that scene, always makes me smile. Norma, Shelly and Audrey are also qts

>> No.9984173

Nah m8 you just sound like a whiny cunt because lynch is in the limelight again

>> No.9984179

based eddie vedder poster

>> No.9984191

Is this guy just short or does he have like dwarfism

Also no disrespect to him, he and Audrey were great

>> No.9984201

I know, I only say interesting things

>> No.9984202

I was wondering how they did that. Was it old footage? Were the actors in good make up to make them look younger?

Tfw those few seconds of Leo

>> No.9984208


>> No.9984210

Just watch Fire Walks With Me for fuck's sake.

>> No.9984226

Very dissapointed at the deus ex machina with Freddie "fist of the northern star" Sykes.
So the one guy who finally defeats BOB is some random english guy we never heard of?

Lynch pranked us hard.

>> No.9984229

She doesn't look like Laura lynch you fucking fag

>> No.9984233

It was Laura's actor in dark lighting, make-up and with a little bit of CGI.

>> No.9984235

In the end Windham's face is on the Lincoln memorial's statue.

>> No.9984238

That was Sheryl Lee though. Like the old hag Lee.

>> No.9984239

Literal deus ex since the Giant sent him there.

>> No.9984243

It wasn't de though? It was stated very early on that he had a destiny and op powers and his route to the point of knocking out chad and bob was logical

>> No.9984250

It needs redistributing in the UK

>> No.9984260

Are you for fucking real?

>> No.9984265

that was only midway through episode 17 though
the point was that 'ending' was cheesy and unsatisfying and then the show started exploring more interesting ideas

>> No.9984270

Childhood disease stunted his growth, here's what wikipedia has to say about it:

>Middleton has had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis since he was 4 years old. He summarized its effects in an interview, "At first it distorted my hands. Then the cortisone I had to take made my cheeks fat. At 8, I lost movement in my neck. When I was 15, my hip snapped. After an operation, I had to be on crutches and later, after I broke my leg falling over my dog, on canes". He remains at a height of 5 ft 4 in (163 cm).[1]

Poor fucking guy. At least he's still taller than Audrey.

>> No.9984271

It was fucking hilarious. Don't take things so seriously, man, much less Twin Peaks.

>> No.9984272

Actors now serious dude you ready for this one

actors get old what a surprise wow cool bit o trivia you fuckin mook

>> No.9984284

>very early on
Are you dumb? We fucking met the guy in S03E14 out of the blue telling that stupid story.

I think you're on point, the whole season was cheesy as fuck, in retrospective that could explain the progressive cheesiness of season 2 aswell.

>> No.9984290

fuck off with your reddit theory

>> No.9984294

He was in Episode 2 you dumbshit

>> No.9984298

Please, explain to us your 4chan theory

>> No.9984303

Considering everybody is going fucking nuts with dream theories, that scene in particular would make me gravitate towards the idea that at least some aspects of what we're seeing are through the mind of Laura Palmer. What would an adolescent girl being raped by her father want more than for someone to come in and literally punch her tormentor out of existence?

>> No.9984311

>it was all a dream
that would make the entire twin peaks franchise a pile of shit

>> No.9984310

That Twin Peaks will end very ambiguously.

>> No.9984317

Do you actually watched the show? He just gets like two fucking sentences on episode 2 "cool bar, I'd take a beer", we saw him standing with James and that's all.

>> No.9984318

i don't see why this is necessarily the case

>> No.9984321

Do you think Mulholland Drive is a pile of shit?

>> No.9984323

Did you miss Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, the incessant reiteration of references to dreaming with the series itself? It doesn't have to be something as literal as "it was all a dream" but dream logic and the sometimes ambiguous divide between dream and reality is something that pervades much of his work.

>> No.9984328

Lynch said he has no plans for making any new films.

>> No.9984333

Uhm sweeite, I'm not a part of this argument. All I said was that he was present in Episode 2.

>> No.9984344

He was introduced early on. Early on he was introduced to have superpowers. His path to the cell and to the sheriff's office makes sense and isn't internally illogical.

It's not like the Fireman made a one second save. Who is actual God.

>> No.9984377

Just saying, Lynch wanted to make Mulholland Drive as a series.
One we only learn that it was all a dream in the very last episode where we discover the ugly, harsh reality behind it all.
Execs tell him to fuck off after watching the pilot and luckily Canal+ financed the completion of the movie itself.

>> No.9984389

if MD were to have been made into a series it would suffer from the same glaring flaws that The Return does

The Return would've worked much better as a movie or two. Or at the very least, a 12 episode series as was originally intended.

>> No.9984415

First, it wasn't DEM because the character was clearly set up beforehand, in at least two episodes I believe. Second, it was an obvious parody of good vs. evil storytelling. Everything from his accent (which is probably a parody of what Americans think English accents sound like) to his "special power" being a fucking rubber glove to conveniently walking into the room just as the Big Bad shows up.

It actually reminded me of the Hobbit how Smaug is killed not by Bilbo or any of the other main characters we've been following but by some fucking guy from Laketown who happens to have the exact weapon for Smaug's weakness.

>> No.9984558

What does /lit/ think of Ronnie Rocket?
