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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 380 KB, 636x386, ben-shapiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9980478 No.9980478 [Reply] [Original]

Has this guy written any good books?

>> No.9980490

FACTS don't care about YOUR FEELINGS: life as a REBEL against LIBERAL BULLIES

>> No.9980509

I don't know about his own work, but his opinions relating to literature are laughably immature. Just listen to him talk about Lord of the Flies, he sounds like a middle schooler.

>> No.9980517

his role in society is not to be imaginative, creative, or poetic but to act as a voice to keep the idealists among us honest and anchored.

>> No.9980518

No I just wish we'd stopping letting these fuckheads rise to prominence to represent our side of the political spectrum

>> No.9980805

His output is completely mediocre.

>> No.9980813

He's a scold and a bore.

>> No.9980826
File: 325 KB, 423x414, benno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that convenient crop

>> No.9980829

I was thinking about reading Porn Generation, because I find the topic interesting.

Is it worth my time?

>> No.9980881

Can't believe he put this in his novel True Allegiance:

>Five AM. The alarm blared by the bedside table. General Richard Johnson dragged his rippling, toned frame out of his king sized bed. He dropped to the floor and did sixty push ups, as he'd done every day since he entered the armed forces, followed by an intensive routine of calisthenics and stretches. In the morning light his body looked like a statue of apollo.
>He was cooling off his aching muscles in the cold shower, when his girlfriend awoke. She had felt the presence of his huge, warm, comforting body disappear from the bed. Stripping off her underwear, she joined him in the shower, wrapping her arms around him from behind, pressing her tiny breasts against his muscular back.
>"Good morning Jen" said General Johnson, stroking her hands locked on his chest. He finished washing his mane of salt and pepper hair and turned around to face her. At 6'7, he towered over her 5'0 frame. She had black hair in a short pixie cut and distinctive, expressive eyebrows. He stared into her brown eyes and moved his hands down her sides and onto her boxy, boyish hips.
>Her hands slid down his 8-pack of abs, and down to his enormous manhood. She could fit both of her tiny hands onto it, and it was still soft. She began to milk it like a cow's udder, her hands gyrating ever so slightly with each stroke. It was so big, and uncut - something which had always seemed exotic and tittalating to a little jewish girl from California. She could feel it growing hard in her hands, as hard as his vascular biceps, as hard as the iron will he had developed serving his country. He tossed his head back under the jet of water and moaned with pleasure.
>Toby Keith's The Angry American began to play from the shower radio.
>"I'd give so much to fuck you right now," he said, "I'd love to bend you over and take you right here."
>She smirked. "Richard, it won't be too long, only a week, then you can do whatever you want with me," she replied. She observed the gold of the engagement ring, shimmering in the light as she pumped her hand over his shaft. "Until then, I'll just have to use my tongue."
>As his hard rod penetrated her little mouth, she felt a wave of excitement come over her, a vibration of pleasure sweeping through her slim body. One week. One week until the wedding. One week until Ms. Jen Shaffiro became Mrs. Jen Johnson.

>> No.9980884


>> No.9980888

I prefer Andrew Klavan and his show, desu

>> No.9980896


>> No.9980904

Everything except his latest novel is top notch, the problem is that as social commentary they're all pinned to a specific part of american life style.

>> No.9980908


Isn't he just a professional panel person?
His societal role is to put get on the networks, practice little quips that can be turned into soundbites, develop his cult of personality of WHOA ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BTFO, and then travel around giving speeches.
Any books these people write are just an extension of that. It isn't actually literature. It's ideological ephemera. The shit goes straight into the landfill a couple years after being published.

>> No.9980921

>Can't believe he put this in his novel
me either. I literally cannot believe it

>> No.9981051
File: 37 KB, 360x360, loudest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ben went to an ivy league at age 16. He has taken many IQ tests and is a certified genius. He's never lost a single debate. You shrieking lefties are just jealous. Have fun relishing in drugs and pre-marital sex like a degenrate while Ben becomes the most well respected literary, political, and philosophical voice of our generation.

>> No.9981063

Even /pol/ hates Ben Shapiro. Ben didn't even go to Harvard at 16 he attended University of California at 16. Not that getting your credits at 16 is an accomplishment, he literally likely used the internet to get the credits he needed. As for never losing a single debate, it's because the opponents he chooses to debate are retards

>> No.9981073
File: 69 KB, 700x540, 1497170178486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9981087

>lost a debate
Do debates ever end like that? I've never heard someone admit that they're wrong ever.

>> No.9981090

>even /pol/ hates a jew
wow really revs my riding mower

>> No.9981158

>Ben didn't even go to Harvard at 16 he attended University of California at 16
LMAO. I didn't know that. What a loser.

>> No.9981162

Klavan's show is super comfy

>> No.9981169

>boyish hips
uhhh, Ben?

>> No.9981174
File: 47 KB, 503x496, mevsliberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another smear, all appeal to emotion and no substance. Bet you're having fun typing this up in your basement, staying up past 11 like a badass because you don't have a job to go to like us normal hardworking people.

Well if you weren't such a blind sheep you could objectively assess the end result and see that one debatee remained calm and logical while the other was reduced to ad hominim and appeals to emotion or political correctness. Of course nobody will admit they lost but we all know that Ben mopped the floor with them. He could even take on Chomsky if he wasn't such a geriatric coward.

nice ad hominem you mouth breathing neanderthal. He may be 5'9 but the only measurement that matters is IQ and bank balance, and in both of which categories he puts you to shame!

>> No.9981190

I was taking Indiana University classes at that age, as were a bunch of other people I know. I can confirm, getting state school credit young doesn't mean shit

>> No.9981216


I'm not a leftist and I don't have anything against Shapiro, all I said was a description of his job and that he doesn't write literature.
What exactly are you disputing?
He writes literature?
Would love to see you argue that, honestly.

And you're idea that he's "never lost a single debate" is quite telling of where you're coming from.

>> No.9981221

How are people taking this bait
How far has this board fallen

>> No.9981222

The thing about Shapiro is that he is a very smart Jew who can ape American conservative thought very efficiently, but you just know that he doesn't actually believe in anything he says other than his defense of Israel.

He is a Zionist, an Israeli nationalist, and he doesn't care about anything else. Since the only people in America stupid enough to wholeheartedly support Israel are conservatives, Shapiro pretends to be one of them and talk about the Constitution and free markets. If support for Israel came from commies, he would be using his intellectual and rhetorical gifts in the defense of the abolition of the private ownership of the means of production, if it came from black nationalists, he would argue for reparations for slavery and so on.

>> No.9981237

fucking yootoober cancer

>> No.9981285
File: 14 KB, 600x429, DHYdtIuXYAEZUDc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does write literature, he has several published fiction and non-fiction books. His novel was a New York Times bestseller, which I'm sure makes this board green with jealousy! While you sit here posting about cultural marxist post-modern philosophers Ben is out there undoing your damage. More people know about Ben Shapiro then irrelevant pretenders like Meme Chomsky or Foucalt - Ben's thug life videos get more hits then they ever will.

le shylock meme XDDD
But seriously folks anti-semitism is a cancer that is shared by the alt-right AND the equally violent and anti-semitic alt-left. And what do they have in common as well? Identity politics, be it black or white, is all about feelings and not facts.

Wow, I'm sure you have a graduate degree and a big house like Ben does... oh wait! You spend all your time writing comments trying to dismiss those you could not possibly face in the arena of debate, like a true coward

>> No.9981329

Jesus christ

>> No.9981363


>You spend all your time writing comments trying to dismiss those you could not possibly face in the arena of debate, like a true coward

Have these posts all been one elaborate lampoon of overly emotional hyper-partisan rubes or are you honestly the least self-aware person on this board right now? I can't even tell anymore.

>> No.9981374

This is the least self aware thread on the board right now

>> No.9981405

His fiction seems like shit that he thinks will sell to a conservative fanbase. "True Allegiance" is like if a focus group came up with what the perfect novel to sell to flyover dads would be.
His non-fiction books are journalistic basically, and are trying to prove a point. His point in Primtime Propaganda? That there's active discrimination amongst conservatives in hollywood. Does he prove it: yeah. So it does it's job. I like him enough, but he can be a bit of a know it all little shit sometimes. You know he was "that kid" in school.

>> No.9981450
File: 14 KB, 296x649, healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a board for discussion, sorry if I'm interrupting your safe space. I'm trying to have a civil discussion but as it turns out, everyone here is just a fraud, just as I thought. You probably all have liberal arts degrees and think that means you're too smart to challenge your own ideas. Sure, dismiss me, pivot yourself so you can act all aloof, say I'm not "self aware". Maybe if you weren't all hiding behind masks of apathy and irony you'd make something of yourself. You call me less self aware but I think I'm more self-actualized. I'm out here being sincere and nobody dares take me on in debate. It's lonely at the top, I guess.

>You know he was "that kid" in school
Spoken truly like that kid who always told himself he was an underachiever and that those who put in effort and found success were just bookworms, know-it-alls, or a "little shit". You're just jealous because Ben, and others like him, put themselves out there and risk being judged but find themselves with the fame and fortune all the haters and liberal bullies will never have.

>> No.9981457

im not talking about you, im talking about the people taking the bate

>> No.9981462
File: 32 KB, 426x282, PuzzledMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know who Ben Shapiro is, but is there a reason you're both declaring that every single other person here is a piece of shit for a dozen reasons and getting down on your knees slobbering his cock on an anime website? Is he your dad?

>> No.9981467


>You call me less self aware but I think I'm more self-actualized.

Kek. Top shelf parody btw.

>> No.9981506


>> No.9981527
File: 20 KB, 1024x1000, theleftcantmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this website was full of stoners and low-lifes but this just proves it. People are puzzled that I even hold beliefs. I'm not defending Ben, I'm defending the truth. I know that truth is an alien concept to you post-modern lefties and alt-right nihilists. But you only believe that stuff because it's easy. Because it's cool. That's the cardinal sin I'm committing: not that you disagree with me, because disagreeing requires you hold an opposing viewpoint. I can respect those I disagree with. We can meet as noble opponents in debate. But you? The people here on this website? You are empty shells. You're too cool to believe in anything. So you resort to mockery and insults and logical fallacies.

And no, Ben is not "my dad". He is just a man I respect highly who is head and shoulders above this board intellectually even if he is not physically.

Picture is you, you know nothing beyond mockery and memes

>> No.9981555

6/10 bait, too obvious

>> No.9981557

after reading this thread i have to ask, are you 15 years old or something? it really shows how immature you are when almost every post you make is you talking about logical fallacies and making statements like
>More people know about Ben Shapiro then irrelevant pretenders like Meme Chomsky or Foucalt - Ben's thug life videos get more hits then they ever will.
More people know about Mike Tyson, too. Do you think Mike Tyson is more of an influence in academia than gnome or Foucalt?

>> No.9981669


hi ben

>> No.9981673


>> No.9981709


>after reading this thread i have to ask, are you 15 years old or something? it really shows how immature you are when almost every post you make is you talking about logical fallacies

It really shows how reddit you are when you fall for blatant bait as you try to talk about le logical fallacies like a gullible mark.

>> No.9981815

I downloaded one of his books but i found it harsh to read. Not that the content was harsh, it was just hard to stay focused, it was like listening his podcast.

>> No.9982341

>tiny breasts
>boxy, boyish hips
Wow it's a gay manlet fantasy, this can't be real

>> No.9982412

So THIS is the power of american public figures

>> No.9982500

>Toby Keith's The Angry American began to play from the shower radio.
hahahahahahahaha jesus christ

>> No.9982508

ben shapiro is 5'4'' and that's the only fact worth knowing about him

>> No.9983663
File: 5 KB, 251x210, newter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well right off the bat you're committing the Butcher's Daughter fallacy, need I say more?

Also, your point is irrelevant because academia is irrelevant. Your average voter in Iowa doesn't care what your gender studies teacher says about Derrida, they care about someone who can speak to them on there level, who tells them the truth, instead of lecturing them on how there is no such thing as the truth.

Wow maybe if you hadn't eroded your ability to concentrate over years and years of nonstop 4chan and porn you'd have the intellectual capacity to grasp what Ben is talking about.

Classic ad hominem. Ben might not be the tallest man in the world but his intellect dwarfs everyone, especially on this sinful website

>> No.9983711

>your average voter in Iowa
If that's Ben's target audience then you're admitting he's lowest common denominator trash writing for people who think Applebee's is high cuisine

>> No.9983793
File: 5 KB, 251x210, newtrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm sorry you have such disdain for your fellow citizens. Go ahead, keep condescending to them, and they'll keep voting Republican. Everyone thought the hippies owned the future in the 1980s but then they all became Reagan Democrats. It's a good thing the left keeps turning people away because Ben's book sales and youtube hits increase daily.

And what's wrong with Applebee's? I'm sorry, you probably have to go get Pho with your sex buddy or whatever you coastal elites do, I have a beautiful wife and two children and we have a fun time together at Applebees. I know you'll never know what having a real family is all about, good luck burying that alienation and pain in a pile of spicy oriental food and twenty dollar burgers served on a plank.

>> No.9984172

Holy shit lmfao

>> No.9984958

>Jen Shaffiro