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File: 198 KB, 750x1000, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9980165 No.9980165 [Reply] [Original]

>Lewis Caroll
>all the Greeks
>Stephen King

why are so many great authors pedophiles?

>> No.9980258

>haha memes
The deepening sense of regret within you will consume your entire being

>> No.9980276

Half of them weren't even pedos. For instance I'm pretty sure Caroll was asexual.

>> No.9980283

Don't forget Salinger ;^)

>> No.9980319


Idk if you are memeing Saling to be a pedophile or a great writer, but he was definitely both. He waited like 4 years until the girl he met at the beach turned legal. So obviously he had some honor unlike you. What do you have going on with your life other than reading a synopsis of IJ and farts fetish?

>> No.9980323


Fun fact: Vlad was inspired to write Lolita from Graham Greene's "review" of a Shirley Temple movie. Look it up

And Pinecone and King don't belong on that list

>> No.9980342

They all weren't necessarily pedophiles, they usually seem to follow a theme more of courtly love rather than purely lustfulness. Think of the work of Mann with Tadzio.

>> No.9980380

Lolis and shotas are essentially living works of art. They're just applying their ability as an artist to their practical lives

>> No.9980385
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I think I may have found what's holding you back from being a great author anon

>> No.9980392


Based on what?

>> No.9980418

How about you learn what words mean before using them.

>> No.9980454

How old is the girl in that pic? Whatever her age, there's distinctly something sexually alluring about her, and the pose is clearly meant to be provocative. The photographer had to have seen or else he wouldn't he have her pose like that. Ditto for the publisher or whoever suggested it and gave to okay to print it. And yet presumably both of these men had in their minds the contradictory thoughts of "attraction to young girls is wrong" and "the young girl on the cover should look sexy".

I remember once seeing an article about the decoy from To Catch a Predator which despite approving of the show described her as the "hot girl decoy". It's not hard to imagine a slightly more ridiculous version of our reality where the men on that show are regarded as subhuman monsters and at the same time the girls literal sex symbols. Given that I've heard a lot of other people joke about the girls on the show, maybe the only thing preventing this is the show's lackluster popularity.

>> No.9980459

Romeo and Juliet obvs...

>> No.9980466

>implying priest-shit comes even close to the work-of-bliss that is lolicon
We are beyond the Greeks, we must surpass them

>> No.9980468

Are you retarded or is this le ebin trolle?

>> No.9980471

The latter

>> No.9981566

I'm sure King just writes pages and pages of details about child orgies because he's into grown women so much.

and if you don't realize pynchon is a pedo you haven't read him.

>> No.9981588

I found this
>the release [of Lolita] was a non-event—until the British novelist and critic Graham Greene selected Lolita as one of the three best books of the year. He wrote Nabokov the following note in January 1957:
>I thought Lolita a superb book + I am now, as a director of a publishing firm in England, trying to arrange its publication. In England, one may go to prison, but there couldn’t be a better cause.

>> No.9981594

The part in Hamlet with the young actor.

>> No.9981595

Thomas Mann was horny for his fucking young son. That's creepy as fuck
Nonetheless, he is still one of favourites

>> No.9981598

>Stephen King
>great author

>> No.9981608

Every father has the right and duty to sexually educate his sons

>> No.9981818

And pretty sure Allen Ginsberg was a member of NAMBLA.

That was another unfortunate surprise.

>> No.9981832

>If you don't realize ___ is a ___ you haven't read___
oh boy here we go again.

>> No.9981850

You guys sure we're not talking about hebephiles? There is a difference.

>> No.9981920

I thought he based it off Chaplin

>> No.9981963

>Thomas Mann
>Oscar Wilde
>Andre Gide
>Allen Ginsberg
>Walt Whitman
>Paul Verlaine
>William S. Burroughs
What's going on here?

>> No.9981980

oh and Proust

If I had money from a boundless mint
and sinew enough in hands, lips, loins,
I’d shun the vanity of politics and print,
and leave—tomorrow? No, tonight!—for lawns
luminous with artificial green
(without the rustic flaws of frost and vermin),
where I’d forever be sleeping with one
warm child or other: François? Firmin?
...For what is manly mockery to me?
Let Sodom’s apples burn, acre by acre,
I’d savor still the sweat of those sweet limbs!
Beneath a solar gold, a lunar nacre,
I’d… languish (an ars moriendi of my own),
deaf to the knell of dreary Decency!

>> No.9981985

There's no conflict at all. It's okay to think about it, but it's not okay to act on those thoughts.

>> No.9982153

>tfw you have a female friend whose favourite book is Lolita and she's short af

>> No.9982217

>why are so many great authors pedophiles?
good taste desu

>> No.9982325
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The pedophilia in Lolita is an artifice, Nakobov himself never had a little sister, daughter or niece and claimed to never have really gotten to know a little girl personally. Furthermore, it's entirely irrelevant whether he was a pedo or not, what you should concern yourself with is what function does the kiddy diddling fulfill in the book. It has to do with the central motif of the entire novel, which is deceit and seductiveness; that places it in a whole tradition of post-modern paranoia and critique of ideology. Nakobov has a lot more to do with Pynchon, Freud and Theodor Adorno than you'd think at first glance.

Sartre, Michel Foucault, Simone de Beauvoir, Althusser and Jacques Derrida signed a petition to abolish age of consent in France in the 70's. Why does no one talk about this? Why is there endless speculation about fiction authors' sexualities but no one acknowledges this misstep in post-structuralist continental philosophy's history?

Carroll photographed naked kids; he was probably a legit molester. Of course, all exclusive pedos present themselves as ''asexual'' or celibate, but I don't even think this was the case with Carroll as he had spicy correspondence with adult women (don't quote me on that tho).

My dude, that's just a normal looking girl in a slightly teasy position. Obviously meant to be provocative, but getting a hard on for a 9yo isn't normal and most people don't consider it. Moreover, as soon as one starts spending time with women they forget about their tinier version, unless you got some developmental issues or unresolved trauma that makes you fixated on them.

There's only a difference in-so-far as there's a difference between chronological 9 year olds and chronological 13 year olds, and those are pretty muddy waters. Apologists will play the hebephilia card as a clever way to make it easier to swallow and distract people from the fact it's still freaking child abuse. It's like calling yourself a ''race realist'' instead of a white supremacist.

>> No.9982479

Wow is that last ever not true. One girl has hit puberty while the other hasn't. Certain sexual changes in her body have begun.

>> No.9982543 [DELETED] 


Coleridge also

'But who that beauteous boy beguil'd,
That beauteous Boy to linger here?
lone, by night, a little child,
In lace so silent and so wild -
Has he no friend, no loving mother near?'

>> No.9982559


Coleridge also

'But who that beauteous Boy beguil'd,
That beauteous Boy to linger here?
alone, by night, a little child,
In place so silent and so wild -
Has he no friend, no loving mother near?'

>> No.9982640

Maybe you're not aware of this, but animals start seeking a mate once they become fertile (ie the beginning of puberty)
Humans function differently but this alone means that hebephilia has a biological justification (whether you agree with it or not is another matter but to say that 9=13 is wrong)

>> No.9982865

>Italian novelist Pia Pera undertook a radical retelling of the story. The conceit ofLo’s Diary,first published in Italian in 1995, was to tell Nabokov’s story not from the perspective of the refined and rapacious Humbert Humbert, but instead from that of the young girl. Pera’s “Lo” is well aware of what’s going on and enjoys a good deal of it. More upsetting to Nabokov’s literary executor—Dmitri Nabokov, the author’s son—than Pera’s ample borrowings fromLolita‘s plot proved her deviations from it, such as a scene where Lolita sodomizes a drugged and sleeping Humbert with a pen. (Reader: symbol!)

>> No.9983127
File: 52 KB, 400x462, IMG_0247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of postmodern tradition

For fuck's sake man

>> No.9983137

it is literally a postmodernist book

>> No.9983820

more info/links about that petition? I'm too lazy to ask jeeves. That's interesting.
If it's true I'm not surprised, especially by Foucault with all his little "limit experiences"

>> No.9983863

There's no need to be so defensive, they're just pedophiles.

>> No.9983920

Don't forget Poe.

>> No.9983930
File: 27 KB, 634x382, letzgo-hunting-losers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>william burroughs
>allan ginsberg
>oscar wilde
>andre gide
>irvine welsh
>milo yiannopoulos

the list is endless

>> No.9983949

>all the Greeks
How did this meme start? Both plato and aristotle, the greatest among greek philosophers, opposed pederasty on moral gorunds

>> No.9983960

Why is everyone leaving out Goethe? Gretchen was 14 in Faust.

>> No.9983972

>if your work includes pedophilia, you must be a pedophile


>> No.9983973

What about Dostoievsky? Or maybe, being the monomainiac he was, it was just an idea for a story that he couldn't stop telling people about, until he finally convinced himself that he did it.

>> No.9984128
File: 85 KB, 501x585, 1500192247465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did this meme start

>> No.9984224

Utter horseshit. Plato didn't oppose it on moral grounds, but because sexuality distracted from philosophical contemplation.

>> No.9984241

>all sexual relation between generations is sexual abuse
When will this housewifey meme end?

>> No.9984244

Your list is decent unlike OP's. Except Milo isn't a pedo, he was simply diddled by pedos as a kid and it rotted his brain and made him think that shit is acceptable.

>> No.9984259

Basically because they are too intelligent to be bound by conventional morality

>> No.9984266
File: 174 KB, 400x594, 01870_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carroll had spicy correspondence with adult women, you're right. But his photography of little girls was something plenty of other Victorian photographers did, and was not considered sexual at all. The mothers of the girls consented to all the photo sessions, and all his "child friends" remember him as a good man. You think that not one of the huge number of girls he was friendly with, or their families, would have come forth about any abuse had it occurred?

>> No.9984514
File: 510 KB, 478x265, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nonce apologist

same difference

fuck it. burn 'em clean

>> No.9984808

We're old women here.

>> No.9985020

Lots of his novels contain pedophile themes, so I think this theory that its all artifice is false. Nabokov himself said he only cared for constructing an aesthetic world, he rejected the need for deep themes a la Dosteovsky and postmodernism. In Ada, or Ardor the main male character imagines child brothels and describes plans to run them in detail. If this is part of his aesthetic world, he's partly pedo. This is just the reality.

>> No.9985091

There's a book called "Lolita: Story of a Cover Girl" that is basically about the challenges of designing appropriate and thematically-accurate covers for the book. You should check it out.

>> No.9985111

Just finished reading Lolita ( first book ), what should i read next?.

>> No.9985125
File: 3.57 MB, 4000x7700, 1464250581358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed a few authors there OP.

>> No.9985129

I think Carroll was more asexual than anything else.

Shakespeare was probably painfully average for a man of his day and he married an older woman, not that that necessarily means anything.

>> No.9985131

whatever you want.

why not try deciding for yourself?
whatever makes you think "ooooooh that sounds interesting"

game of thrones...under the volcano...whatever.

/lit/ is cancer. save yourself. run. hide

>> No.9985192

Good grief. That's a movie tie-in cover, and it's a shot of Dominique Swain as Lolita from the 1997 Adrian Lyne film, from the first time Humbert sees her. She's 15 in the photo, which is hardly a child, even if she is skinny with big eyes. America loves sexualizing teen actresses and singers, in any case, and the moral condemnation just adds to the thrill for them. Why would anyone have found Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Brooke Shields, etc., worthy of being sex symbols in the media if they weren't "forbidden"?

>> No.9985918

That homosexual section needs some work, the chart was clearly made by a hetero.

>> No.9985973
File: 189 KB, 717x880, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism, race-realism, and white supremacy are the same thing
>these """"sins""" are equally as vile as child-molestation, if not worse

>> No.9985979

Fucking pedophiles.

>> No.9985993


A white supremacist is someone who believes whites should rule over other races

A white nationalist believes that there should be a country just for white people

A race realist simply acknowledges that different human populations have different traits

It's pretty obvious that they're not the same thing, although if your name is Hillary they're all equally deplorable.

>> No.9985995

>How did this meme start?

Well, see, (((somebody))) decided he wanted to justify homosexuality in the minds of a (justifiably) disgusted and death-penalty-supporting public, so he flipped through a list of logical fallacies and settled on "appeal to tradition". This (((individual))) then decided to scour the fields of history, archeology, literature, and even biology (thank g*d for dose filthy bonobos! hehehe), anything to give him an example to point at and say "Well what about that, right there, that's a dick-sucking homo! I bet you feel really silly now, for not wanting this thing to teach your kindergarten class."

Essentially, (((their))) argument was "everyone was always gay in all of history, and also all animals are gay all the time, therefore being a fag is natural and normal and always has been so that's why your child needs to start taking his testosterone-blockers and estrogen therapy pills also don't even DARE speculate about what degenerate act we'll try to legitimize next — that's a Slippery Slope :^)"

Unfortunately, as crypto-(and not-so-crypto)Marxist academics began constructing their anti-Western narrative, in part by mythologizing a universally-homosexual Classical Greece (universally acknowledged as one of the load-bearing pillars of Western Civilization) the narratives began to collide.

Gays are Born That Way™ thus they deserve protected status just like blacks and women because they "can't help it"; 3% of the population is just naturally born gay and there's nothing to be done about it so they should be accepted forthwith, also nobody is trying to corrupt your children to "turn them gay" lol nobody can be "turned gay" that's moronic because you're Born That Way™.

Unfortunately, this begs the question: If one is Born That Way™, and there is no country on earth which currently has a gay population over 10% (Brazil at 8% was the highest when last I checked) — how could it be that Greece and Rome were 100% homosexual? How could the "naturally occurring rate" of homosexuality ever be 100%, and further, how could the "natural rate" ever vary significantly between nations/cultures?

Furthermore, the goys started researching genetic cures for homosexuality (since you are Born That Way™ it must, in some way, be dependent upon genetics, right?) and this, in turn, bring up many other uncomfortable genetic-inclination-based questions (about, say, race), so within the past ten years, suddenly (((they))) began to back off the Born That Way™ argument, and have no simply moved to stating that everyone is either purely homosexual or bisexual (but, of course, none of you goys are purely heterosexual) and sexuality is a social construct which is why everyone should just run through the streets naked, bathing in HIV-riddled semen.

>> No.9985998


In reality, of course, all homosexuals are pedophiles and all pedophiles were turned into pedophiles by being raped by other pedophiles as children, so it actually is possible that 100% of the Greeks were gay, if they actually did exist as a pedophilic rape-based society, as the (((learned))) profess. If every single Greek boy was raped by a gay pedophile as child, then he would grow into a gay pedophile as an adult, and then continue the cycle.

This train of thought, of course, would have really cut the legs out from under the (((gay acceptance movement))) twenty or so years ago, particularly deflating the "lol we're not trying to convert your children you can't turn someone gay lmao" argument, but nowadays castrating and raping prepubescent boys is no longer reprehensible, it's simply a hip new trend, so even if any were to follow their own ideology to its logical conclusion, they would merely shrug it off as "progress"

>> No.9986004

No good evidence most of those people were/are pedos.

>> No.9986006

>In reality, of course, all homosexuals are pedophiles
Are you retarded?

>> No.9986015


I know it's painful to be exposed like this, I'm sorry but you're going to have to face yourself in the mirror eventually, my homosexual """friend"""

>> No.9986038


Was like one book out of 50 where that happened.

True readers know that King has a secret piss fetish.

>> No.9986292
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>considering yourself a true King reader

>> No.9986297

t. russian

>> No.9986384


Considering that in my impetuous youth I voraciously read anything I got my hands on and many times it was whatever the school library had available, I have read a good portion of King's material.

I'm American, you'll have to excuse my youthful ignorance of the proper literature to read as public education failed me in so many ways.