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9980028 No.9980028 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about the rat race of modern society? It seems the only jobs I'm qualified to do are fast food or supermarkets which must get hundreds of applicants all who are preferable to me. And that's if you pass the psychological mind games of their online tests.

>> No.9980095

It's one of those topics that is not allowed to be broached.

I worked in a retailcuck job after university and it was humiliating. Now I work in an office and do nothing at work yet get paid more and respected more and so on.

But when publishing is run by homogenous rich whites (now jews) and only publishes the same literary fiction shit by the same types, you're not going to learn about a large slice of "the human condition"

>> No.9980131

>corporate jobs are super simple and mostly down time yet pay way more than jobs that actually require work

this is how startups can succeed against entrenched players, those companies get loaded to the gils with useless paper pushers and diversity hires, and suddenly a crew of tech homies come outta no where and fuck their shit up, god bless capitalism

>> No.9980187

More than anything we need a modern Upton Sinclair, Jack London type of writer who would write a real slice of life from the perspective of working people - I worked in an auto shop for a year to afford school, and it's like a whole different planet from where Jonathan Franzen or whatever flavor-of-the-month award winner lives.

>god bless capitalism
Wash your mouth out.

>> No.9980213

>claims to have worked for a year among the proletariat
>still romanticizes them

what a cool tale u tell

>> No.9980241

Yeah, a lot of people working unskilled labour are just fucked up. How could you not be doing such degrading shit for so little. To a large corporation a measly hourly wage is nothing at all and thats enough to legally enslave a lot of people.

>> No.9980272

no, because all the people who could write about it (ie the ones living the grind) are too busy working to do anything meaningful like writing books.

>> No.9980288
File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-socialism-never-took-root-in-america-because-the-poor-see-themselves-not-as-an-exploited-john-steinbeck-42-89-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets bought out and becomes another bloated corporate corpse loaded to the gills with useless paper pushers diversity hires etc
>bless capitalism
the very term 'start up' is propaganda of sorts

>> No.9980302

yes, he's quite right, socialism never took root in america because we have freedom and no aristocracy, you don't have to be 'steinbeck' to see that, any middle of the road pundit could tell you that

>> No.9980307

You don't need a book for that. As text progresses there's less and less need for workers. We're already at a point where there are more potential workers than potential jobs. Let go of this idea of fulfilling work. Get in, get currency. Find fulfillment elsewhere if that's your thing.

>> No.9980312

>no aristocracy
last I checked the overwhelming majority of wealth in America is inherited

>> No.9980318

Bukowski's Post Office and Factotum seem like the thing to read for you if you want bleak realism about working shit jobs.

>> No.9980320

really where did you check that since the largest fortunes in america are all first generation, durrrr

>> No.9980324

working a shitjob is a lifestyle choice

>> No.9980336

Thank you, glad to finally get a recommendation.

When the alternative is being a NEET in stasis for your entire life you have to start somewhere. And it starts with working a McJob until you lose the will to live.

>> No.9980353

if you can't think of a better way to make money than to work at a mcjob then you deserve to work at a mcjob, what can i say, capitalism has done nothing wrong in this case

>> No.9980358
File: 79 KB, 742x473, America, 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An aristocracy is associated with family wealth but it's not a requirement

After a certain point your behavior, culture, and ancestry are really more important that the amount of money in your wallet

An aristocrat could be financially ruined but will still carry sensibilities and general social excellence that the proles and middle class lack the intelligence and culture to access

America doesn't have an aristocracy because it doesn't have a history, racial identity, or high culture. It has vulgar Jews, technocrats, an upper middle class, and mongrel new money

>> No.9980361

Of all the jobs I've worked I most enjoyed the shit job where I worked alone without a supervisor.

It did require hard, boring work. But it beats working in an office having to listen
to dickheads all day long

>> No.9980366

Yes, so is everything.

>> No.9980379

The that's the point i was trying to make before "but wealth" fag fallacied up the thread, in america all you have to do is make a fuckload of money somehow and you in there like swimwear, there are no dukes, counts, or other dickheads to get snooty at you, sure the ivy league acts like a kind of unofficial caste system, but those guys will all line up to licks the boots of a rich dropout, this the glory and the dream of capitalism, god bless these united stats of america, and happy labor day to u mr wagecuck

>> No.9980382

I don't think he's class-conscious in any way. What I am looking for is both an incisive indictment of modern society, and a withering criticism of the status quo in the vein of Marxist philosophical tradition.

>> No.9980384

wow man edgelord comin through step aside everyone!

>> No.9980393

Do you have anything of substance to say or not?

>> No.9980410

>responding to obvious sarcasm

>> No.9980434


I can't find a job. Everything I apply to is already filled. I don't have the capital to start my own business. I want to kill myself. I'm probably going to do it soon. I hate my life.

>> No.9980441

>murdering oneself over lack of wageslavery
come on bucko

>> No.9980455


I need a job. I need one. I don't want one. I want to do my own thing but I simply can't afford to do it. In shitty capitalism I don't have options anymore. I can't go to school because I don't have money. I can't move because I don't have money. I can't afford insurance or a car because I don't have money. My city (haha) has the worst public transit system that would take me two hours and a trip across it to go ten minutes where walking is treacherous because no one cares about pedestrians and nothing is set up except for cars.

All I have left for now is wageslavery and I can't even become a wageslave. I would even love a third shift job but no one wants to hire, or no one is hiring. I don't have a network. Other people I know are struggling and have nothing for me. It's getting to the point where I want to kill myself because my future is nonexistent.

>> No.9980464

I might kill myself too over not finding work because my parents won't stop bullying me over it.

>> No.9980474

Is there no welfare where you are? Third world or something?

>> No.9980508

>I can't find a job. Everything I apply to is already filled.
m8 I'm 19, a weak manlet with no practical education, living in an eastern European shithole and I have had two jobs at this point (still working one, actually). Any idiot can do some easy work in a warehouse or something similar and banal. If you (an American, I presume) "can't find a job" and just whine and bitch like some robot, I can only feel contempt for you.

>> No.9980524



>> No.9980529


No clue.


You think I haven't applied to warehouses before? You think I haven't considered that option and I'm just whining? Completely wrong. I have applied to multiple warehouses and they haven't even sent me a rejection email.

The majority of warehouses are in the city over and I simply can't get there unless it's third shift and someone can drive me but people just aren't hiring or I'm just not seeing the postings despite scouring every reputable job site within the area. Like I said, I'm limited on what I can do so that makes it difficult. It has nothing to do with being a weak or retarded manlet.

>> No.9980532

This. Im extremely socially autistic and my brain freezes up whenever I'm around people yet I was hired to the second job I applied to (a supermarket) when I was 18. I refuse to believe that an able-bodied American man can not find even a minimum wage job. Clearly you don't actually want a job and act like capitalism is out to get you, much like those women's studies majors who blame the 1% for their lack of financial success.

>> No.9980535

>no clue if your country has welfare

Educate yourself, anon. You may never have to work another day in your life.

>> No.9980548


No, I have a clue if my country has welfare or not because I live in the USA. It's completely minimal and I would rather have a job that gets me more than $200 a month and food stamps.


You got me. I don't actually want a job but I need one. I guess since you lucked out it means everyone will. Congratulations.

>> No.9980562

It always puzzles me how seppos are so proud to accept even the most dehumanising conditions and take pride in doing so desu.

Truly well programmed and well cucked by your elites.

>> No.9980582


Throw in Medical and you got it.

>> No.9980583

>accept even the most dehumanising conditions

For most of us it's either that or be homeless and shamed for not working. America is truly hell on earth.

>> No.9980585

bukowski - post office

>> No.9980615

I'm sorry that your brain has been infected by that destructive mindset. Maybe you lacked a father figure when growing up, maybe you have a chemical imbalance, maybe you just spent too much time on /r9k/. Hopefully one day you will realize that the world owes you absolutely nothing and that you must take what you want because you won't always have your mother paying to put a roof over your head. Hopefully you'll grow up before it's too late. Read Hesiod and good luck Anon.

>> No.9980870

Hesiod wrote to his brother, a member of the landed gentry who could afford to purchase slaves.

>> No.9980873


>the world doesn't owe you anything
>grow up
>lack of [insert person that just accepted whatever]

are you sure this is the board for you seppo brainlet

>> No.9980883
File: 24 KB, 331x334, 1424914737155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world owes you absolutely nothing and that you must take what you want
That's why I take neetbux.

>> No.9981434

Work in a warehouse for a few months, save money, invest in crypto or do matched betting if you live in the UK. There are probably other ways to make money online but the good ones require some capital to start with. I wouldn't rely on them for the rest of my life tho

>> No.9981474

>Now I work in an office and do nothing at work yet get paid more and respected more and so on
Thank god, I was starting to think that all jobs were as uncomfortable as the ones where you actually have to do stuff with your hands and feet all day. The dream of one day getting paid and respected for sitting at a desk doing nothing all day is still alive. Everyone at the supermarket where I work seems to want to die, I need to get out. I need a white collar.

Why is it white-collar faggots also seem so depressed though? It's not like they have to inhale cleaning chemical fumes for four hours a night.

>> No.9981480




>> No.9981499

>work in a warehouse
>he thinks american citizens who speak english can still get those jobs

spotted the babyboomer

>> No.9981511

I took fucking forever to get a job (wasn't employed until 20 years old). Apply to everything and wait, that's all you can do. And by everything I really mean everything, every supermarket, warehouse type thing, fast-food shithole, local business, movie theatres. If you're application is sitting in the pile at every single shit job opening you're bound to get in sooner or later. Might take a long as fuck time though. Are you doing anything else right now (Student?). If not you should emphasize how much time you have on your hand. Soulless businesses love employees who will take shit shifts because they have nothing else going on in their lives.

>> No.9981522

yup, every time you see a help wanted sign walking down the street, go in and tell them you want the job, most of the time it's some ethnic bodega and they laugh at you and tell you they already hired someone, another quarter of the time it's bait for undocumented guys who get $50 a day and they will laugh at you for asking about it, and then maybe the last quarter are legit, and out of those maybe one or two will actually be a fit for you, and you might get one, but what the fuck if someone puts a sign in their window saying "jobs in here" call their bluff and go in there

>> No.9981539

amazon actually hires a lot of us citizens for warehouse work (hype about robots aside) and if you live in a major urban area they hire their own drivers too, a few times now i've gotten deliveries by random dudes in amazon polos, turns out jeff bezos may be creating jobs after all

>> No.9981559

>I took fucking forever to get a job
>(wasn't employed until 20 years old)


>> No.9981576

In my defence I was a student for the entire time up until then. Shameful but I didn't go full NEET-mode.

>> No.9981601

You misinterpreted my post. There are people who go much longer without getting a job. At 20 you're practically an infant.

>> No.9981624

>There are people who go much longer without getting a job
What? I felt retarded for not having a job in high school. What kind of failed state do you live in where it's considered normal to have never been employed over the age of 20?

>> No.9981650

>longer than 20 to get a job

dude i'm like border line gen-x/millenial but back in the 90s when i was teen everyone had a job by 16 and sometimes earlier doing shit like picking tobacco and washing dishes, to be fair undocumenteds do those jobs now so it's harder for young americans to get their first work experience as teens, still you should be able to find something to do, go apply at best buy and sell xboxs or something

>> No.9981677

>Wanted job at 16 to buy shit
>Apply at local market, did the whole meet the manager and shake his hand thing
>Nada, this place had a literal downie working checkout
Kinda got to me at the time desu. Didn't become a wagecuck until 20.

>> No.9981693 [DELETED] 

this sounds awful but networking is the key, once one of your friends gets hired someone get them to bring the whole crew one, that's what my bros did back in the day, one would get hired in the kitchen at some restaurant and with a couple months everybody would be working there lol and the managers dig it because if you call out you can get your homie to cover the shift etc. so it's actually easier for them

>> No.9981699

this sounds awful but networking is the key, once one of your friends gets hired somewhere get them to bring the whole crew on, that's what my bros did back in the day, one would get hired in the kitchen at some restaurant and with a couple months everybody would be working there lol and the managers dig it because if you call out you can get your homie to cover the shift etc. so it's actually easier for them

>> No.9981835

What would you do? There is no alternate way

>> No.9982869
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1497419987679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legally enslave

>> No.9982873

take out a loan, go to uni, get job that interests you and pays well and pay back loans.

>> No.9982894

Getting a minimum wage job/bottom of the barrel job is easy as fuck though. I was NEET for 4 years, and still got shitty jobs when i actually started applying. You must be doing something seriously wrong if you can't get a shitty job.

>> No.9982895

We don't have freedom, we have "freedom", anon.
>No aristocracy
Yes but we have oligarchs which are far worse. I would trade the former for the latter any day.

>> No.9982898

We don't have freedom, we have "freedom", anon.
>No aristocracy
Yes but we have oligarchs which are far worse. I would trade the former for the latter any day.